353....i.....SARAH B. BREEDLOVE, b. 1788, Albemarle County, Virginia; d. October 05, 1855, Kentucky, USA.
103. STERLING C. BAKER (CALIFORNIA JETER, MARGARET VAUGHN, ELIZABETH FRANCES LEAVELL, EDWARD, ? LAVELLE) was born Abt. 1781 in Union County, South Carolina, and died Abt. 1863 in Shelby County, Alabama. He married (1) AILSEY COOK 1810. He married (2) NANCY HALE ELLIOTT April 23, 1846. Nancy's father worked for Sterling's father on the plantation.
Sterling was born Union Co. SC ca 1781. Died intestate Shelby Co., Ala. before 1 Dec 1863.
m/1 Union Co., SC 1810 Ailsey Cook. M/2 on 23 Apr 1846 Nancy Hale Elliott.
.....i.....LEONARD JETER BAKER, b. Abt. 1831, Shelby County, Alabama; m. RACHEL ELIZABETH TEAGUE, Abt. 1853, Shelby County, Alabama. They moved to Texas.
Children of ELEAZAR JETER are:
.....i.....FRANK JETER.
.....ii.....WILLIAM JETER.
105. ELIZABETH CREWS JETER (JAMES, MARGARET VAUGHN, ELIZABETH FRANCES LEAVELL, EDWARD, ? LAVELLE) was born January 02, 1790 in Union County, South Carolina, and died May 18, 1851 in Union County, South Carolina. She married BENJAMIN J. GREGORY June 11, 1811 in Union County, South Carolina. He was born December 12, 1786 in Union County, South Carolina, and died June 07, 1853 in Union County, South Carolina.
Tombstone of Elizabeth C. Jeter
In Memory
Elizabeth C. Jeter
Eldest daughter of
Mary and James Jeter, Sr.
Born Jany 2nd, 1790
Married B.J. Gregory
of Union District
June 11, 1811
And departed this life
May 18th, 1851
Aged 61 years, 4 months, 16 days
She was a member of the Baptist
Church for many years and
died in hope of Eternal Glory,
leaving a husband, eight sons -
one daughter and many relations
and friends to mourn her loss.
Well we know thy living faith
Had the power to conquer death
As a living rose may bloom
By the border of the tomb.
Tombstone of Benjamin J. Gregory:
In Memory
B.J. Gregory, Esq.
December 12th, 1786
June 7, 1853
Leaving eight sons and one daughter
To mourn their irreparable loss
He was a respectable citizen
kind to the old and
afflicted. A good father
and loving husband.
For many years prior to his death
A worthy and exemplary member
of the Baptist Church.
Note: A four line verse is completely illegible because the stone is broken.
BENJAMIN J. GREGORY (12 December 1786-7 June 1853), son of Gerard and Freelove Gregory, married Elizabeth Crosby Jeter (2 January 1794-18 May 1851), daughter of James and Mary Crosby Jeter, on 11 June 1811. Both Elizabeth and Benjamin were lifelong residents of Union County.18 July 2002:
.....It should be noted that Benjamin married well. Elizabeth's father was a Revolutionary War hero and a prosperous Union County planter. Benjamin gained much in land and personal estate upon his marriage. Of course, the property became Benjamin's in right of his wife. There were few laws to protect the rights of women at that time.
.....Benjamin was a prosperous planter and real estate trader in his own right. He also served as Magistrate and Justice of the Peace in Union County at various times. He was in the money lending business in his younger years.
.....The first documents of record on Benjamin in Union County were for four chattel mortgages held by him. The first for $25, executed 17 March 1810 and recorded 18 May of that year (Deed Book K, p. 138).
.....The second (Deed Book K, pp. 301-2) was for $44.92. The mortgagee, Thomas Bell, promised to pay by 25 December 1810. The collateral on this loan was Bell's corn and cotton crop, two beds, a mare and services. Benjamin apparently did not believe in taking chances!
.....The third mortgage (Deed Book K, pp. 300-1) was more explicit in regard to services: Thomas Sandage agreed to indent himself to Benjamin for two years, along with the mortgage of his cows, horses, etc. -all this for a loan of $60. The fourth chattel mortage, for $62, was pretty much the same. Benjamin must have been very shrewd indeed to take advantage of these opportunities!
.....He bought, traded and sold several thousand acres of land during his lifetime. He reported ownership of 1160 acres in the 1850 Census of Agriculture. He valued his "farm" at $11,600. He also reported ownership of 8 horses, 4 asses/mules, 12 milch cows, 2 bulls, 4 working oxen, 6 sheep and 63 pigs. He valued his livestock at $1,461.
.....Little is known of his and Elizabeth's early religious life, but records of Cane Creek Baptist Church (now known as Salem) indicate that Benjamin, Elizabeth, William Harrison, Aswin Starks, James Thompson and Benjamin Franklin joined that congregation in 1835.
.....Transcripts of their tombstone inscriptions are recorded on the following pages because they poetically express the love of their family for them. Note that Benjamin's tombstone records nine living children. He and Elizabeth were the parents of ten known children. A son, Argulass, preceded them in death.
.....Beniamin's will (which is presented in full on the pages following) is an interesting document in many ways. He willed 1547 acres of land specifically and made reference to other acreage. There is evidence of his having bought 1262 acres during his life and having sold 808.5 acres, plus his share of the 100 acres of his parent's estate.
.....The explanation for this is fairly simple. Very often, in the early years of our country, deeds were not even recorded until the buyer was ready to dispose of the land. Inherited land was quite often not recorded.
.....David Sims Jeter, Elizabeth's unmarried brother, remembered his Gregory nephews in his will and also set aside land for the Jeter Family Cemetery. He went a step farther and provided funds for tombstones for his family members. It is ironic that his is one of the smaller stones in the cemetery.
.....Benjamin and Elizabeth were the parents of ten known children - nine sons and one daughter. They were: William Harrison; Aswin Starks; James Thompson; Benjamin Franklin; John J.E.; Andrew Jackson; Argulass; Sarah Elvira; Berry J. Adolphus; and Pickens Butler.Will of Benjamin J. Gregory
The State of South Carolina
.....I, Benjamin J. Gregory of Union District in the State aforesaid, being of sound and disposing mind, memory and understanding, and taking into consideration the uncertainty of human life, do constitute and ordain this my last Will and Testament.
.....It is my will and desire that all of my just debts should be paid and for this purpose I authorize my executors, hereinafter named, to make sale of such cotton or other produce as may be on hand at the time of my death, the proceeds o which, together with my cash on hand, I set apart for the payment of my debts and funeral expenses.
.....To William Harrison Gregory, my eldest son, I will and bequeath all that tract of land whereon he now lives containing two hundred and sixty-one acres more or less, being one-half of the DeGraffenreidt tract bounded by A.S. Gregory, James Jeter and others; valued to him at Seven dollars ($7.00) per acre, together with all and singular: the rights, hereditaments thereto belonging or in any use incident or appertaining, in fee simple. I also will and bequeath to the said William Harrison Gregory, one Negro man slave named Buck and one Negro woman slave named Hariet, together with the issue and increase of the said slave Hariet; which said slaves I have valued to him at the sum of thirteen hundred dollars ($1300). I also will and bequeath to the said William Harrison Gregory, one horse, saddle and bridle with various articles of household furniture and other things which are named and valued in my Book of Accounts against my children.
.....To my second son, A. Starks Gregory, I will and bequeath all that piece, parcel and tract of land containing two hundred and sixty-one acres, being the remaining half of the DeGraffenreidt tract above referred to; valued to him at seven dollars ($7.00) per acre, together with all and singular: rights, members, hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging or in any use incident to appertaining, in fee simple. I also will and bequeath to the said A. Starks Gregory, two Negro men slaves named Harper and Gaines; which said slaves I have valued to him at the sum of one thousand, three hundred dollars ($1300). I also will and bequeath to the said A. Starks Gregory, one horse, saddle and bridle, together with various other things which are charged in my Book of Accounts against my children.
.....To my third son, J. Thompson Gregory, I will and bequeath one tract or parcel of land lying, being and situated in - County in the State Of Arkansas, containing one hundred and sixty acres, purchased from Samuel Pearson; valued to him at seven hundred, sixty-eight dollars ($768), together with all and singular: the rights, members and hereditaments, and appurtenances thereto belonging or in any wise incident or appertaining, in fee simple. I also will and bequeath to the said J. Thompson Gregory, the four following named Negro slaves, to wit: Charles, a Negro man valued at seven hundred dollars ($700); one Negro woman, Lucy, valued at six hundred, nine dollars ($609); one Negro woman, Hannah, valued at six hundred, fifty dollars ($650); and one Negro girl child valued at three hundred dollars ($300); together with the issue and increase of the aforesaid female slaves. I also will and bequeath to the said J. Thompson Gregory, one horse, saddle and bridle with other articles named and charged in my Book of Accounts against my children.
.....To my fourth son, B. Franklin Gregory, I will and bequeath one tract of land containing one hundred, nineteen (119) acres bounded by Harper Farr, Widow Paulk and myself, valued at seven hundred dollars ($700); also, one other tract of land containing one hundred, twenty-three (123) acres, bought of Rochester, adjoining the first named tract, valued at six hundred, fifteen dollars ($615); together with all and singular: the rights, members, hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging or in any wise incident or appertaining to the said B. Franklin Gregory, his heirs and assigns, in fee simple. I also will and bequeath to the said B. Franklin Gregory, the two following named Negro slaves, to wit: Phil, a man, and Violet, a woman, together with the issue and increase of the said Negro woman, Violet; which said slaves I have valued at the sum of thirteen hundred dollars ($1300).
.....To my fifth son, John J.E. Gregory, I will and bequeath one tract or parcel of land containing three hundred, ninety-four (394) acres, known as the Ashby Land, valued at __ dollars; together with all and singular: the rights, members, hereditaments and appurtenances to the same belonging or in any wise incident or appertaining to the said John J.E. Gregory, his heirs and assigns, in fee simple. I also will and bequeath to the said John J.E. Gregory, the three following named slaves, to wit: Cato, a Negro man slave, valued at seven hundred dollars ($700); and one Negro woman slave, called Farr, and child, valued at seven hundred dollars ($700); together with the issue and increase of said slaves. I also will and bequeath to the said John J.E. Gregory, one horse, saddle and bridle with other things charged on my Book of Accounts against my children.
.....To my sixth son, Andrew J. Gregory, I will and bequeath all that parcel or tract of land whereon he now lives which has been already conveyed to him by John Mann, I having paid the money therefor, containing two hundred, thirty-one and a half (2311/2) acres more or less, known as the "John Mann Place," valued at the sum of fourteen hundred, twenty-eight dollars ($1428); together with all and singular: the rights, members and hereditaments and appurtenances to the said premises belonging or in any wise incident or appertaining. I also will and bequeath to the said Andrew J. Gregory, two Negro slaves: one named Isaac, a man, valued at seven hundred dollars ($700); one woman slave, named Dicey, valued at six hundred dollars ($600); one horse, saddle and bridle with various other articles charged on my Book of Accounts against my children.
.....To my seventh son, B.J. Adolphus Gregory, I will and bequeath the following named Negro slaves, six in number: George, a male, valued at seven hundred dollars ($700); Horace, a male, valued at three hundred dollars ($300); Henry, a male, valued at four hundred dollars ($400); Catherine, a female, valued at six hundred dollars ($600); Juliana, a female, valued at five hundred dollars ($500); and Josephine, a female, valued at two hundred, fifty dollars ($250); together with the future issue and increase of the said female slaves to B.J. Adolphus Gregory and his lawful heirs. The above named slaves are not to be liable for the debts or subject to the contracts of the said B.J. Adolphus Gregory, he is merely to have the use of them during his natural life; and, at his death, the said slaves, together with their issue and increase, are to go into possession of the legal heirs of him the said B.J. Adolphus; and, in case the said B.J. Adolphus should die without lawful heirs, then the said Negroes, together with their issue and increase, are to revert to my estate and be disposed of in the same manner as the residue of my property not herein specially devised. In case any of the above named Negroes should die before I put them in possession of the said B.J. Adolphus Gregory, it is not to be his loss, but such loss shall fall upon my estate. I also will and bequeath to my said son, B.J. Adolphus Gregory, one horse, saddle and bridle valued at one hundred dollars ($100) which I have delivered to him.
.....To my eighth son, Pickens Butler Gregory, I will and bequeath the six following named slaves, to wit: Gilbert, valued at seven hundred dollars ($700); Prince, valued at five hundred dollars ($500); Jo, valued at four hundred dollars ($400); Manerva, valued at six hundred dollars ($600); Mariah, valued at three hundred dollars ($300); and Charlotte valued at four hundred dollars ($400); together with the future issue and increase of the said female slaves. The said last named slaves, together with their issue and increase, are to be subject to precisely the same conditions and restriction as those slaves herein before bequeathed to B.J. Adolphus Gregory.
.....To my daughter, Sarah Elvira Gregory, I will and bequeath one bed and furniture, one gold watch, one bureau (marble top), and one hundred dollars ($100) in cash to be paid to her as soon as practicable after my death. My said daughter has already received about four hundred dollars more than any other of my children by way of tuition and she has married contrary to my will. I desire that she shall be excluded from any portion of my estate except such articles as are devised to her.
.....To my son, B. Franklin Gregory, I also will and bequeath one horse, saddle and bridle with various other articles charged to my Book of Accounts against my children.
.....The residue of my estate, both real and personal, I wish valued by three disinterested persons, to be chosen by my executors, and to be divided into lots and apportioned amongst my eight sons herein before named. If, however, my said executors should think it best for the interest to be sold, they may, after giving the usual notice, put it up at auction and sell it to the highest bidder, dividing the proceeds as herein directed; and I hereby authorize and empower my said executors to make, execute and deliver titles to my said lands, the whole or any portion thereof, to such person or persons as may comply with the terms of the sale.
.....The property herein before devised to my six first named sons has been put into their possession by me and, in the settlement of my estate, is to be received by them at the prices charged in this, my last Will and Testament, in my Book of Accounts against them without interest.
.....I will and desire that my eight sons above named receive an equal share of my whole estate and, to this end, I direct that the residue of my estate be divided in such a way as to accomplish this object.
.....I further will and desire that the residue of my Negro property and other personal property not herein specially disposed should be held by my said sons for their use and benefit during their lives. It is not to be subject to their debts or contracts, but is to descend to their lawful heirs in the manner as is prescribed for the Negroes of B.J. Adolphus, and Pickens Butler Gregory herein specially devised.
.....I will and desire that my sons Wm. Harrison Gregory and J. Thompson Gregory act as my executors to this, my last Will and Testament.
.....In witness whereof I have hereinto subscribed my name and affixed my seal, this Fifth day of December in the Year of our Lord, One thousand, eight hundred and fifty-one; and in the Seventy-fifth Year of the Sovereignty and Independence of the United States of America.
B.J. GregorySigned and Sealed, Published and Declared by the said Benjamin J. Gregory as his last Will and Testament in the presence of each other and in the presence of the said B.J. Gregory have hereinto subscribed our names as witnesses.
W.J. Kennan
J.T.E. Brandon
J.W. McLureThe State of South Carolina
Union District
.....I, Benjamin J. Gregory, of the District and State aforesaid, do hereby make this the following codicil to my last Will and Testament which is to be taken for a part and parcel of the same, to wit:
.....To my daughter, Sarah Elvira Gregory, I will and bequeath the six slaves more particularly described in a Deed of Gift made by me to the said Sarah Elvira, subject to the conditions and reversions mentioned in said deed.
.....I will and bequeath to the said Sarah Elvira Gregory, an equal proportion of my whole estate, both real and personal, which is to be distributed after my death as is herein before prescribed. She is to be charged in the said distribution to the six slaves named in the said Deed of Gift at the prices named in my Book of Accounts against my children. It is my desire that the said Sarah Elvira shall not be charged with any advancements whatever that have been heretofore made with the exception of the six slaves aforesaid.
.....It is further my will and desire that such property, either real or personal, as my said daughter may be entitled to receive by virtue of this codicil may be delivered by my executors to my sons, J. Thompson Gregory and William Harrison Gregory, who are hereby requested to receive the same on the same condition and trusts as is named in the Deeds of Gift herein before referred to, and to form a portion of the trust estate confided to them. I hereby revoke so much of my last Well and Testament as makes a special bequest of one hundred dollars in cash to my said daughter, Sarah Elvira Gregory.
.....In witness whereof I have herewith subscribed my name and affixed my seal, this Thirty-first day of January, Anno Domini One thousand, eight hundred, fifty-two, and in the Seventy-sixth Year of the Sovereignty and Independence of the United States of America.
B.J. GregorySigned, sealed and delivered by the said B.J. Gregory in the presence of us who have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses at the request of the testator, and in his presence and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names the day and year aforesaid. "To receive" interlined before signed.
J.K. Brandon
W.M. Kennan
J.W. McLure
William C. Brown
P.O. Box 133
Urbana, IL 61801
w-brown2 at
.....i.....WILLIAM HARRISON GREGORY, b. Union County, South Carolina; d. March 17, 1874, Chickasaw County, Mississippi.
Notes for WILLIAM HARRISON GREGORY:354.....ii.....ASWIN STARKS GREGORY, b. Union County, South Carolina; d. 1862.
.....William Harrison Gregory (ca. 1813-17 March 1874), eldest son of Benjamin J. and Elizabeth C. Jeter Gregory, was born in Union County, South Carolina and died in Chickasaw County, Mississippi, where he had moved after his father's death. He was thrice married.
.....His first wife, Sarah -?- (12 March 1818-21 June 1842), died apparently in or as a result of childbirth (tombstone inscription follows). She is buried in the Gregory Family Cemetery on a hill behind the A. Starks Gregory house near Santuc. Nothing further is known about the child referred to.In memory of
Sarah Gregory wife of W.H. Gregory
who died June 21, 1842
aged 24 years, 3 months and 9 days.
"Amiable through life, she had the love of
all who knew her, and at her death had the
comfortable assurance of the love of God in Christ,
which the world can neither give nor take awayShe left a husband and an infant child to
mourn her early departure."'Alone, dear husband, here I sleep,
Though you must never, never weep
Take care of our sweet little babe
Whilst I am here in death's dark shade.'.....His second wife was Emily -?-. She appears with him on the 1850 census of Union County, aged 22 years. She, too, must have died because William married his third wife in 1856.
.....The third wife, Margaret Wilson Bedel (19 November 1829-3 July 1872), was the widow of B.G. Bedell. They were married 18 November 1856 at the home of Austin Wilson in Union County. Margaret was the daughter of Clinton Wilson. It is within his estate packet in Union County (Box 43, Pkg. 29, filed in 1860) that her first husband is mentioned. Margaret rests with William at Friendship Church Cemetery in Van Vleet, Chickasaw County. As with the two previous marriages, no issue is known.
.....Andrew Jackson Gregory, brother of William Harrison, allowed his brother and his brother's wife, Margaret, to care for - as their own daughter - his child, Sarah E. Gregory (17 June 1862-28 August 1868). It was apparently a custom of the era to give a child to a childless relative as a token of love and family bond. Sarah is buried with William and Margaret.
.....Another estate located in Union County (Box 65, Pkg. 10) filed in 1877 with Charles Bolt as administrator, references the residence of the late W. Harrison Gregory. The record refers to an undivided interest in the estate of Clinton Wilson.
106. JAMES RANDOLPH JETER (JAMES, MARGARET VAUGHN, ELIZABETH FRANCES LEAVELL, EDWARD, ? LAVELLE) was born January 1792, and died January 28, 1867. He married ELIZABETH HOBSON. She died November 01, 1873.
357.....i.....ANTOINETTE JETER, b. September 02, 1828; d. November 08, 1901.
358.....ii.....GILLIAM HOBSON JETER, b. January 07, 1830; d. April 23, 1903.
.....iii.....MARTHA NOVELS JETER, b. August 14, 1831.
.....iv.....MARY ANN ELIZABETH JETER, b. May 21, 1834.
359.....v.....JAMES RANDOLPH JETER, b. December 01, 1836; d. October 15, 1891, Union County, South Carolina, USA. SARAH JANE JETER, b. May 17, 1841; d. July 13, 1911.
.....vii.....SUSANNAH REGINA FRANCES JETER, b. April 25, 1845, Santuck Township, Union, South Carolina.
107. LITTLEBERRY JETER (JAMES, MARGARET VAUGHN, ELIZABETH FRANCES LEAVELL, EDWARD, ? LAVELLE) was born February 01, 1793, and died January 19, 1874. He married SARAH HOBSON. She was born November 27, 1797.
Note: Page 97 of "The Bulletin," Sep 96, Chester District Genealogical Society, article by Robert J. Stevens and Linda Stevens Crissinger, says that he is buried in Jeter Cemetery, Union Co., SC. Page 160 of "Union County Heritage - South Carolina 1981" says that he was the sixth son, and lived near Broad River in Union Co., SC, on land inherited from his father.
.....iv.....CICELY JETER.
361.....v.....JAMES THOMAS JETER, b. November 28, 1821; d. February 1893. JANE JETER, b. January 12, 1832.
108. RICHARD CROSBY JETER (JAMES, MARGARET VAUGHN, ELIZABETH FRANCES LEAVELL, EDWARD, ? LAVELLE) was born March 03, 1799 in South Carolina, and died January 10, 1900. He married AUGUSTA ANN JOHNSON. She was born Abt. 1802 in Hanover County, VA.
Birth: 15 AUG 1812 in South Carolina
Death: 10 JAN 1900
Burial: Dumas Cemetery
Occupation: Methodist Minister
Richard Crosby Jeter Jr b: ABT 1845 in South Carolina
William D. Jeter b: ABT 1847 in South Carolina
Tempy C. Jeter b: ABT 1849 in Mississippi
Matilda Jeter b: ABT 1851 in Mississippi
Lucinda May Jeter b: ABT 1853 in Mississippi
James Jeter b: ABT 1858 in Mississippi
R. C. D. F. ??? Jeter b: ABT 1865 in Mississippi
More About RICHARD CROSBY JETER: Burial: Dumas Cemetery
.....ii.....REV. RICHARD CROSBY JETER, b. August 15, 1812, South Carolina; d. January 10, 1900, Tippah County, Mississippi; m. SARAH S. GREGORY.
109. GEORGE WASHINGTON JETER (ELEAZER, MARGARET VAUGHN, ELIZABETH FRANCES LEAVELL, EDWARD, ? LAVELLE) was born November 10, 1797 in Edgefield County, South Carolina, and died 1866 in Midyett, Panola, Texas. He married (1) ? BOLEY Abt. 1820. She was born Abt. 1802 in Edgefield County, South Carolina. He married (2) MARY OATS March 26, 1849 in Carthage, Panola, Texas. She was born 1818 in Alabama.
Children of GEORGE JETER and ? BOLEY are:
.....i.....ELEAZER JETER, b. Abt. 1823, Georgia.
.....ii.....WILLIAM JETER, b. Abt. 1825, Georgia.
.....iii.....MARY JETER, b. Abt. 1828, Alabama.
.....iv.....GEORGE SHACKLEFORD JETER, b. Abt. 1831, Alabama.
.....v.....JOHN B. JETER, b. Abt. 1837. JETER, b. Abt. 1839.
.....vii.....CHARLOTTE JETER, b. Abt. 1840.
.....viii.....FRANK S. JETER, b. Abt. 1843.
.....ix.....SARAH JETER, b. Abt. 1846.
Children of GEORGE JETER and MARY OATS are:
.....x.....GEORGE WASHINGTON JETER, b. May 22, 1853, Panola County, Texas, USA, died Feb. 4, 1937. Wife: Lou J. Fortson. Buried in Carter Cemetery, Panola County, Texas. Eleven children.
.....xi.....ORA JETER, b. 1854, Panola County, Texas.
.....xii.....ARGULUS JETER, b. 1857, Panola County, Texas.
110. REV. MELVILLE JETER (ELEAZER, MARGARET VAUGHN, ELIZABETH FRANCES LEAVELL, EDWARD, ? LAVELLE) was born November 12, 1804 in South Carolina. He married MARY ANN ARMSTRONG October 26, 1822 in Montgomery County, Alabama.
Melville was born in Ga. 12 Nov. 1804; d. Panola Co. Tx. 1870-80; m. Montgomery Co. Ala. 26 Oct. 1822 Mary Ann Armstrong b. Ga. ca 1806; d. Panola Co. after 1880. In 1860 they were in Upshur Co. Tx and in 1870 they were in Smith Co. Tx., where Simeon Jerter and his family were in their household. In 1880 Mary Ann was in home of son Edmond and his family in Gregg Co., Tx.
363.....i.....EDMUND JETER.
111. WILLIAM JETER (ELEAZER, MARGARET VAUGHN, ELIZABETH FRANCES LEAVELL, EDWARD, ? LAVELLE) was born 1810 in Lunenberg County, Virginia. He married (2) MARY PHILLPOT Abt. 1834. She was born Abt. 1812.
Child of WILLIAM JETER is:
.....i.....ELIJAH JETER, b. Aft. 1835, Lunenberg County, Virginia.
364.....ii.....DAVID HARRISON JETER, b. December 01, 1839, Lee, Montgomery, Alabama; d. April 25, 1912, Argyle, Denton, Texas.
.....iii.....QUEENIE JETER, b. Abt. 1841, Montgomery, Lee, Alabama.
Children of JESSE JETER and CORNELIA COOK are:
.....i.....JESSE JETER, b. Abt. 1840.
.....ii.....ANDERSON HATLEE JETER, b. July 28, 1845.
365.....iii.....THOMAS JETER, b. February 1847; d. May 20, 1913, Montaque County, Texas.
.....iv.....MARY ANN JETER, b. Abt. 1860.
113. LEONARD CROSBY (SARAH JETER, MARGARET VAUGHN, ELIZABETH FRANCES LEAVELL, EDWARD, ? LAVELLE) was born Abt. 1783 in Chester County, South Carolina, and died November 07, 1844. He married SARAH PURCELL March 16, 1814 in Chester County, South Carolina. She was born Abt. 1787.
366.....i.....JESTER CROSBY.
114. JOHN JETER CROSBY (SARAH JETER, MARGARET VAUGHN, ELIZABETH FRANCES LEAVELL, EDWARD, ? LAVELLE) was born 1785 in Camden, Chester County, South Carolina, and died August 19, 1840 in Monroe County, Mississippi. He married ELIZABETH GLENN COLEMAN January 1808 in Monroe County, Mississippi. She was born March 12, 1785 in Cumberland County, Virginia.
116. DANIEL MINOR GILCREASE (MARGARET JETER, MARGARET VAUGHN, ELIZABETH FRANCES LEAVELL, EDWARD, ? LAVELLE) was born Bet. 1811 - 1815 in Alabama, and died March 01, 1871 in Clarke County, Alabama, USA. He married (1) MARY MCMULLEN August 20, 1835 in Clarke County, Alabama, USA. She was born Abt. 1818 in Georgia, USA, and died Bef. 1861. He married (2) EPSEY E. ? December 19, 1861 in Lauderdale County, Mississippi. She was born Abt. 1829 in Georgia.
Civil War, 11th Battalion LA Infantry - DeSoto & Various Parishes,
118. MARTHA GILCREASE (MARGARET JETER, MARGARET VAUGHN, ELIZABETH FRANCES LEAVELL, EDWARD, ? LAVELLE) was born 1796 in South Carolina. She married THOMAS GILCREASE. He was born Abt. 1804 in South Carolina.
119. PERMELIA GILCREASE (MARGARET JETER, MARGARET VAUGHN, ELIZABETH FRANCES LEAVELL, EDWARD, ? LAVELLE) was born 1798 in South Carolina, and died Abt. 1853 in Black Bluff Dist, Sumter, Alabama, USA. She married JOHN GILCREASE. He was born 1790 in South Carolina, and died Abt. 1860 in Winn Parish, Louisiana, USA.
120. WILLIAM GILCREASE (MARGARET JETER, MARGARET VAUGHN, ELIZABETH FRANCES LEAVELL, EDWARD, ? LAVELLE) was born 1800 in South Carolina. He married LUCINDA ?. She was born Abt. 1816 in Georgia.
Children of WILLIAM GILCREASE and LUCINDA ? are:
121. BARTLETT G. GILCREASE (MARGARET JETER, MARGARET VAUGHN, ELIZABETH FRANCES LEAVELL, EDWARD, ? LAVELLE) was born 1805 in South Carolina, USA, and died Abt. 1885. He married SARAH SOPHRONIA ALEXANDER, daughter of JOHN ALEXANDER and LEVICIA ROEBUCK. She was born Abt. 1815 in Wayne County, Mississippi, USA, and died Abt. 1860 in Texas, USA. In Winn Parish, Louisiana, by 1860
122. HENRY H. GILCREASE (MARGARET JETER, MARGARET VAUGHN, ELIZABETH FRANCES LEAVELL, EDWARD, ? LAVELLE) was born Abt. 1810 in South Carolina, USA. He married (1) MARIA ?. She was born Abt. 1812 in South Carolina. He married (2) HARRIET ALEXANDER February 15, 1842 in Lauderdale County, Mississippi, USA, daughter of JONATHAN ALEXANDER and BREEDA JORDAN. She was born 1823 in Wayne County, Mississippi, USA, and died October 10, 1842 in Lauderdale County, Mississippi, USA.
Children of HENRY GILCREASE and MARIA ? are:
123. NANCY GILCREASE (MARGARET JETER, MARGARET VAUGHN, ELIZABETH FRANCES LEAVELL, EDWARD, ? LAVELLE) was born 1815 in Alabama, and died August 22, 1887 in Lauderdale County, Mississippi, USA. She married (1) JOSEPH PARSONS. She married (2) JOSEPH MCCARTNEY February 18, 1838 in Alabama. He was born Abt. 1800 in South Carolina, and died Abt. 1870 in Butler, Alabama, USA. They lived in Lowndes County, Alabama in 1830.
124. EDMOND MISSEN GILCREASE (MARGARET JETER, MARGARET VAUGHN, ELIZABETH FRANCES LEAVELL, EDWARD, ? LAVELLE) was born 1818 in South Carolina, USA. He married MARY INGET March 22, 1840 in Clarke County, Alabama, USA. She was born 1825 in Alabama, USA.
125. ROENA JETER GILCREASE (MARGARET JETER, MARGARET VAUGHN, ELIZABETH FRANCES LEAVELL, EDWARD, ? LAVELLE) was born Abt. 1827 in Alabama, USA, and died October 03, 1892 in Texas, USA. She married WESLEY ALEXANDER October 01, 1844 in Lauderdale County, Mississippi, USA, son of JONATHAN ALEXANDER and BREEDA JORDAN. He was born Abt. 1825 in Mississippi, USA, and died Abt. 1863 in Texas, USA.
126. JOHN SANDIDGE (MARY VAUGHN, MARTIN, ELIZABETH FRANCES LEAVELL, EDWARD, ? LAVELLE) was born Abt. 1781 in Mercer County, Virginia, and died March 27, 1863 in Lincoln County, Kentucky. He married PATIENCE ?. She was born Abt. 1784 in Mercer County, Virginia, and died in Lincoln County, Kentucky.
Children of JOHN SANDIDGE and PATIENCE ? are:
127. JAMES LEAVEL (EDWARD L. LEAVELL, BENJAMIN, EDWARD, EDWARD, ? LAVELLE) was born 1781 in Virginia, USA, and died 1839 in Kentucky, USA. He married MILDRED TURNER September 11, 1806 in Madison County, Kentucky, USA, daughter of THOMAS TURNER and CATHERINE PATTERSON. She was born February 10, 1791 in Kentucky, USA.
Thomas Turner's will names Squire Leavell and Martin Turner as guardians for his daughter. It was probated December 4, 1848 in Madison County, Kentucky.
Is this the family? His birthdate and place are wrong, but they're connected to a Standiford. HELP!
6 May 1865 Kansas State census
Source Citation: Year: 1870; Census Place: Oskaloosa, Jefferson, Kansas; Roll: M593_435; Page: 434A; Image: 345; Family History Library Film: 545934. Kansas State Census Collection, 1855-1925 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2009.
Census Date: 1 Mar 1875
128. THOMAS HOLLAND LEAVELL (EDWARD L., BENJAMIN, EDWARD, EDWARD, ? LAVELLE) was born September 29, 1797 in Virginia, USA, and died November 10, 1841 in Gallatin County, Illinois, USA. He married ELIZABETH CORBETT. She was born Abt. 1810 in Mississippi, USA.
At the 1833 trustee election Timothy Guard and Thomas H. Leavell were elected replacing Caldwell and White. Taxes were set at ¼% and collect-or was allowed 7 1/4% for collecting.
April 20, 1835: Trustee election held, elected were Willis Hargrave, Thomas H. Leavell, Daniel Curtin, Tyler D. & William F. Hewitt.
July 14, 1835: Supervisors were appointed to work same area of streets as in earlier years. William Siddall on Jackson St. with these hands; Willis, Leonard and Samuel Hargrave, Edward Jones, Thomas H. Leavell, T. D. Hewitt, A. Maltby, W. D. T. McCool, W. J. Gatewood, S. Finn, ? Finn, William Hewitt, John Bailey, John Cook & Martin Jorden. George Clements on Clinton St. with these hands; A. F. Grant, Joseph Hirst, Leonard White, D. M. Lyles, W. L. Hiter, Wiley Pate, J. C. & Henry Yost, J. L. Reynolds, Nathan Pike and William Horton.
At meeting on July 2, 1838 street and road supervisors were again named along with hands to work said roads. On road leading from courthouse square (intersection of Jackson & Calhoun Sts.) to bridge on North Fork. R. T. Hopper named sup. with hands Viz. L. W. Hargrave, S. S. Scudder, E. Jones, A. B. Dake Jr., Thomas H. Leavell, J. J. Lindsay?, Samuel Johnson, M. D. Gillette, William F. Hewitt, J. E. Watkins, Granville S. & G. Y. Taylor and James Vangorder.
Thomas H. Leavell appointed general superintendent of market house and in charge of 10 dollars voted for its repair. Ordered that no person shall occupy more room in said market house, to prejudice of anyone else, than is necessary to their convenience and comfort.
June 4, 1840: Thomas H. Leavell be supervisor on street from courthouse passing the graveyard. All hands on both sides of said street allotted to him for work.
April 20, 1835: Trustee election held, elected were Willis Hargrave, Thomas H. Leavell, Daniel Curtin, Tyler D. & William F. Hewitt. George Turner reappointed as town constable. Ordinance on hogs running at large in town passed. Ordered that clerk advertise to let out the grubbing of the graveyard in Equality, containing 5 acres to lowest bidder. Set and later rescinded were market hours of from sunup to 11 AM and stall owners prohibited from selling meat higher than 2 1/2 & 3 cents per pound.
July 2, 1939: Thomas H. Leavell appointed general superintendent of market house and in charge of 10 dollars voted for its repair. Ordered that no person shall occupy more room in said market house, to prejudice of anyone else, than is necessary to their convenience and comfort.
"Jon Musgrave"
Thomas H. Leavell. 1840s. Probate records. Gallatin County Circuit Clerk's Office. Leavell's widely scattered probate records includes entries for Charles Adams, known simply as "Crenshaws Charles."
Levi Mock married Elizabeth Level in Franklin Parish, Louisiana, on 12 Sep 1849. Was this the widow of Thomas Holland Leavell? Her children at the time included Alfred and John Level.
1850 Western District, Franklin, LA
My guess is that she's the widow of Thomas Holland Leavell, who was born September 29, 1797 in Virginia and died Nov 10, 1841 in Gallatin County, Illinois. Thomas had businesses in Louisiana, too. His wife was Elizabeth Corbett. (But that would make Alfred W. Level illegitimate....) And how come she shows up in the next census records as a Leavell?
1860 census Township 9 Range 8 E, Gallatin, IL
1870 - Township 10 Range 8, Gallatin, Illinois
Louis Levell/Leavell (1802 - ] Worked as overseer for James Ford at Flynn's Fery beginning April 12, 1829. Testified in the Hiram slave case to the fact that the slave suffered from a hernia or "busen" as big as a fist and could not work. Not known if active in any of Ford's criminal enterprises.
Gallatin Co. marriages lists him as Lewis Leavell. LEAVELL, LEWIS... ARNOLD, NANCY... GALLATIN... 08/02/1835...vol 001/page 0061
Could he be the fellow in the 1850 census for Gallatin Co. IL?
Is she this one?
130. MARY FISCHER LEAVELL (EDWARD L., BENJAMIN, EDWARD, EDWARD, ? LAVELLE) was born January 28, 1807 in Virginia, USA, and died 1882 in Gallatin County, Illinois, USA. She married (1) ROSS JONES. She married (2) WILLIAM W. BALDWIN June 07, 1826 in Gallatin County, Illinois, USA, son of ISAAC BALDWIN. He was born 1801 in Virginia, USA, and died December 11, 1853 in Gallatin County, Illinois, USA. Mary and William were buried in Leavellhilll Cem.
November 25, 2003
1830 census for Gallatin Co. IL. William Baldwin of Eagle Creek — Page 265, Line 429 (pg0264.txt) He's listed in Equality Township, two households away from Edward Leavell, his father-in-law and three households up from John Dorsey. This puts him south of the Lower Lick just where he should be as he later bought land along the Ford's Ferry Road.
1840 census for Gallatin Co. IL--William Baldwin — (Page 20, Line 14) --- William's household includes two boys 10 to 15 and one male in his 50s. The women include one girl under 5, three between five and 10, one between 10 and 15, plus the wife in her 40s. Neighboring households include father-in-law Edward Leavell (12), John Black (14), Prior Jarold (15) and Valentina Tite (17).
Pisgah Cumberland Presbyterian Church in Gallatin Co. IL
1850 census for Gallatin Co. IL--William Baldwin...(396A Household 9) — William is listed as 48, a farmer with $1,000 worth of real estate and a native of Virginia. His wife Mary is listed as 42 and also a Virginia native. Children included Martha 15, Hannah 12, and Sarah 7. John Howington, 16, a laborer also lived in the household. John and the girls all were born in Illinois and attended school.
131. WILLIAM G. LEAVELL (EDWARD L., BENJAMIN, EDWARD, EDWARD, ? LAVELLE) was born November 11, 1812 in Virginia, USA, and died December 11, 1852 in Gallatin County, Illinois, USA. He married CHARLOTTE T. HARGRAVES August 17, 1837 in Gallatin County, Illinois, USA. She was born October 05, 1819 in Illinois, USA, and died July 17, 1878 in Eagle Creek Precinct, Gallatin County, IL, USA.
June 19th, 1842
March 19th 1843
On March 8 or 9, 1848, The Gallatin County Commissioners Court appointed William G. Leavell to take the place of William Baldwin from the year before on the next stretch from Frazier’s to the middle of Eagle Creek Bridge on the Ford's Ferry Road. Also William G. Leavell in place of William Baldwin from the year before on the stretch from the Forks of Ford’s Ferry Road at Frazier’s Old Place to Island Ripple. Leavell is Baldwin's brother-in-law. [Source: Gallatin County Commissioner court Minutes.]
1850 GALLATIN, IL taken 13 Sept 1850, Eagle Precinct
William G. Leavell, developed pneumonia and died while working at US Salines Salt Mines at Equality .
1870 census Township 10 Range 8, Gallatin, IL
Sources include tree at for Norman Fuhr (nfurhl at
More About WILLIAM G. LEAVELL: Burial: Leavell Hill Cemetery, Gallatin County, Illinois, USA
132. MARTHANN T. LEAVELL (EDWARD L., BENJAMIN, EDWARD, EDWARD, ? LAVELLE) was born March 15, 1816. She married (1) LEONARD W. HARGRAVE May 11, 1837 in Gallatin County, Illinois. .
133. EDWARD DAVID LEAVELL (EDWARD L., BENJAMIN, EDWARD, EDWARD, ? LAVELLE) was born April 17, 1818 in Todd County, Kentucky, USA, and died November 1876 in Illinois, USA. He married (1) MARY EMMELINE VIRGIN June 13, 1842 in Pisgah, Gallatin, Illinois, USA. She was born Abt. 1824. He married (2) NANCY M. SULLIVAN, born about 1835 Illinois, previously married to Chalon Towle.
1850 Gallatin Co. IL census--is this him? If so, is the Edward Leavell who married Lena Winterberger and Eliza Kent the infant?:
1860 census for Township 10 Range 8 E, Gallatin, IL
Name: Chalon A Towle
Source Citation: Year: 1870; Census Place: Township 9 Range 9, Gallatin, Illinois; Roll: M593_224; Page: 416A; Image: 173; Family History Library Film: 545723.
1880 Census Place...Shawneetown, Gallatin, Illinois
134. ELIZABETH S. SIMS (MARY HAYDEN LEAVELL, BENJAMIN, EDWARD, EDWARD, ? LAVELLE) was born Abt. 1794 in Madison County, Virginia, USA, and died November 16, 1880 in Boone County, Missouri, USA. Burial: Tucker Cemetery, Boone County, MO. She married EDWARD SHERROD TUCKER December 20, 1811 in Madison County, Virginia, USA. He was born April 28, 1777 in near Appomatox Courthouse, VA, and died April 07, 1855 in Boone County, Missouri, USA. Burial: Tucker Cemetery, Boone County, MO.
Found Elizabeth living with Nancy and her husband and children in the 1860 census in Boone Co. Missouri Rockyfork Twnsp p.42 also living with them was Paulina at age 17.
Boone County Cemeteries by Ruth Minner page 75 Tucker Cemetery
From page 101 of List A of Boone County Marriages between 1820-1841 -On 03 December 1833, "William W. TUCKER" married "Mary B. WOODRUFF." The ceremony was presided over by James Barnes, Minister of the Gospel (MG), Baptist.
Will and Administrations from Boone Co., p 57
p 58
p 69
Posted by Pauline Phelps
Major source on Tucker lines: Lisa Velez's tree at, Roberts1366. Contact: llv1366 at
135. MILDRED HAYDON SIMS (MARY HAYDEN LEAVELL, BENJAMIN, EDWARD, EDWARD, ? LAVELLE) was born December 11, 1794 in Culpeper County, Virginia, USA, and died February 03, 1870 in Santa Fe, Monroe, Missouri, USA. She married WILLIAM DELANEY SIMS December 19, 1809 in Madison County, Virginia, USA, son of GEORGE SIMS and SUSANNAH DULANEY. He was born December 05, 1786 in Culpeper County, Virginia, USA, and died March 24, 1825 in Hopkinsville, Todd, Kentucky, USA. More About MILDRED HAYDON SIMS: Personality/Intrst: Lived in Missouri
Children of MILDRED SIMS and WILLIAM SIMS are:
136. SALLY JONES SIMS (MARY HAYDEN LEAVELL, BENJAMIN, EDWARD, EDWARD, ? LAVELLE) was born Abt. 1796 in Virginia, USA. She married DANIEL WILSON TALLEY May 08, 1828 in Boone County, Missouri, USA. He was born November 21, 1801 in Virginia, USA, and died March 21, 1879.
Children of SALLY SIMS and DANIEL TALLEY are:
137. JULIA SIMMS (MARY HAYDEN LEAVELL, BENJAMIN, EDWARD, EDWARD, ? LAVELLE) was born July 16, 1799 in Virginia, USA, and died March 22, 1879 in Todd County, Kentucky, USA. She married (1) JOEL FOX September 27, 1821 in Todd County, Kentucky, USA. He was born Abt. 1797 in Virginia, USA, and died Abt. 1829 in Todd County, Kentucky, USA. She married (2) THOMAS ALLENDER December 24, 1837 in Todd County, Kentucky. He was born Abt. 1773 in Maryland, and died Abt. 1850 in Elkton, Todd, Kentucky.
Children of JULIA SIMMS and JOEL FOX are:
138. ROY LEAVELL SIMMS (MARY HAYDEN LEAVELL, BENJAMIN, EDWARD, EDWARD, ? LAVELLE) was born Abt. 1802 in Virginia, and died Abt. 1881 in Culpeper County, Virginia. He married EVA LOUISE REYNOLDS Abt. 1828 in Kentucky. She was born February 18, 1808 in Virginia, and died July 07, 1882.
Children of ROY SIMMS and EVA REYNOLDS are:
139. FRANCES SIMS (MARY HAYDEN LEAVELL, BENJAMIN, EDWARD, EDWARD, ? LAVELLE) was born November 02, 1803 in Culpeper County, Virginia, USA, and died July 22, 1881 in Boone County, Missouri, USA. She married REYNARD A. PIGG July 24, 1823 in Boone County, Missouri, USA. He was born June 06, 1793 in Virginia, USA, and died January 24, 1873 in Boone County, Missouri, USA.
Notes for REYNARD A. PIGG:
Children of FRANCES SIMS and REYNARD PIGG are:
140. WILLIAM A. LEAVELL (BENJAMIN, BENJAMIN, EDWARD, EDWARD, ? LAVELLE) was born August 29, 1814 in Todd County, Kentucky, USA, and died January 1888 in Ballard County, Kentucky, USA. He married SARAH ANN MOORE. She was born April 07, 1819 in Kentucky, USA, and died Abt. 1870 in Ballard County, Kentucky, USA.
1860 - McCuistians District, Ballard, Kentucky (28 Aug 1860)
Census 1880 Borth Humphries, Ballard, Kentucky
Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: , Christian, Kentucky; Roll: M653_362; Page: 717; Image: 215; Family History Library Film: 803362.
Source Citation: Year: 1910; Census Place: Gordonfield, Christian, Kentucky; Roll: T624_470; Page: 17B; Enumeration District: 15; Image: 1004.
Name: Henry Foster Moore
next door:
1860 - Christian, Kentucky
Source Citation: Year: 1880; Census Place: Garretsburg, Christian, Kentucky; Roll: 409; Family History Film: 1254409; Page: 311B; Enumeration District: 016; Image: 0624.
143. ROBERT WILLIAM LEAVELL (BENJAMIN, BENJAMIN, EDWARD, EDWARD, ? LAVELLE) was born Abt. 1820 in Todd County, Kentucky, USA, and died in Texas, USA. He married SARAH ANN SMITH March 17, 1839 in Christian County, Kentucky, USA. She was born Abt. 1823 in Kentucky, USA.
1860 Hopkinsville, Christian Co. Kentucky
1870 - District 4, Christian, Kentucky
1880 Census Place...San Marcos, Hays, Texas
He died single, a retired agent. More About ROBERT W. LEAVELL: Burial: February 11, 1929, San Marcos, Hays County, Texas
144. COL. HENRY CORTEZ LEAVELL (BENJAMIN, BENJAMIN, EDWARD, EDWARD, ? LAVELLE) was born February 23, 1824 in Todd County, Kentucky, USA, and died August 26, 1862 in Chattanooga, Walker, Georgia, USA. He married SARAH ANN CLARDY November 15, 1853 in Christian County, Kentucky, USA, daughter of JOHN CLARDY and ELIZABETH CAYCE. She was born May 27, 1836 in Christian County, Kentucky, USA, and died April 21, 1901 in Fort Campbell, Kentucky, USA.
1860 - Christian, Kentucky
Henry was killed in Civil War. Another surname's history has a man enlisting in "Company H, First Kentucky Cavalry, under Capt. H. C. Leavell" at Pembroke in 1861. An H. C. Leavell in Hopkinsville, Christian County, KY enlisted as captain in Company H, 1st Regiment Cavalry, Kentucky Volunteers (Confederate) and was promoted to Lieutenant-Colonel on June 30, 1862. He died 27 September 1862 in battle at Chattanooga.
"The universal testimony of the comrades in arms and the acquaintences and neighbors of Col. Leavell, is to the effect that he was a brave and gallant soldier, an officer of more than ordinary ability, a thorough gentleman and a Christian. His early death was greatly lamented, and his memory is still cherished in this community with a reverence that is but seldom attained by those who have lived long and useful lives. Seldom has the pall of death cast so heavy a shadow over the community, as did the death of Col. Leavell, over this; he lived and died in communion with the Salem Baptist Church, in Christian County, Ky." (From County of Christian, Kentucky: Historical & Biographical, p. 481
Sally was a Baptist.
145. BENJAMIN SAMUEL LEAVELL or BENJAMIN LEWIS LEAVELL (BENJAMIN, BENJAMIN, EDWARD, EDWARD, ? LAVELLE), b. March 15, 1830 (or 23 August 1829), Kentucky, USA; d. July 30, 1871, Texas, USA (or maybe 01 Jun 1888, which makes sense since he's in the 1880 census); m. ELIZABETH MOORE (maybe), married EMMA C. BEAUMONT in Montgomery County, Tennessee, on 3 Dec 1852. THIS LINE NEEDS LOTS OF WORK!
I have no proof there's an Elizabeth Moore, or that a Benjamin Samuel Leavell died 30 Jul 1871 in Texas.
Benjamin Lavill
1850 District 2, Christian, Kentucky
Source Information:
Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: , Trigg, Kentucky; Roll: M653_397; Page: 92; Image: 92; Family History Library Film: 803397.
Is this he?
24 July 1870, 4th Civil District, P.O. Hopkinsville, Christian County, Kentucky, page 455:
1880 Census Place Salubria, Christian, Kentucky
Emma's burial:'Broken gravestone.
Oak Cliff Cemetery (Dallas) tombstones:
Posted by: Sue Eggins Date: June 21, 1999
Posted by Sue Eggins
439.....i.....BEAUMONT LEAVELL, b. 12 Nov 1853 Christian County, Kentucky; m. MARY STEELE; d. 03 May 1934 Amarillo, Potter, Texas, USA.
146. CORTEZ LEAVELL (BENJAMIN, BENJAMIN, EDWARD, EDWARD, ? LAVELLE) was born September 11, 1831 in Todd County, Kentucky, USA, and died in Illinois, USA. He married (1) SUSAN O. METCALF May 01, 1862 in Christian County, Kentucky, USA. She was born Abt. 1833, and died March 1877. He married (2) ANNA B. KAY October 1881, daughter of WILLIAM KAY and SARAH BAILEY. She was born July 26, 1842 in Tennessee, USA, and died May 26, 1916 in East Cleveland, Cuyahoga County, Ohio, USA.
Name: Katy Leavell
Name: Ada Leavell
1860 - Christian, Kentucky
1880 census for Garretsburg, Christian County, Kentucky:
Notes for ANNA B. KAY:
From: "Patricia Morano"
More About ANNA B. KAY: Burial: May 27, 1916, Louisville, KY
Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2003 11:12:52 -0800 (PST)
1910 - Cleveland Ward 24, Cuyahoga, Ohio
1920 - Cleveland Ward 20, Cuyahoga, Ohio
148. ST. CLAIR JAMES LEAVELL (LEWIS LIVINGSTON, BENJAMIN, EDWARD, EDWARD, ? LAVELLE) was born December 24, 1805 in Todd County, Kentucky, USA, and died October 01, 1894 in near Trenton, Todd, Kentucky, USA. He married (1) MARTHA BATTLE DORTCH, daughter of ISAAC DORTCH and MARTHA NORFLEET. She was born 1812 in Robertson County, Tennessee, USA, and died Abt. 1844. He married (2) SARAH PRICE BUCK January 02, 1844 in Woodford County, Kentucky, USA, daughter of PETER BUCK and MIRIAM PRICE. She was born February 22, 1822 in Versailles, Woodford, Kentucky, USA, and died in Todd County, Kentucky, USA.
John Thomas Buck was married to Hadenia Leavell BROWN before 1869. John Thomas BUCK and Hadenia Leavell BROWN (1847--1930) had the following children: William Jasper BUCK. Check Jackson, Tennessee --
Okay, William and Sarah Brown were the parents of Hadenia Leavell Brown, who was born in Hinds County, Mississippi. See the 1850 census.
1850 - District 1, Todd, Kentucky
Could that Edmund Leavell in the 1850 census be the Edwin T. or Edwin F. Leavell who went to Mississippi during the war, then ended up in Florida? Both were born about 1835 in Kentucky.
1870 (4 Aug 1870) Trenton, Todd, KY
He practiced medicine in Todd and Christian Counties, often walking and leading his horse while attending his patients.
Children of ST. LEAVELL and MARTHA DORTCH are:
Children of ST. LEAVELL and SARAH BUCK are:
149. LIVINGSTON LEWIS LEAVELL (LEWIS LIVINGSTON, BENJAMIN, EDWARD, EDWARD, ? LAVELLE) was born August 24, 1807 in Todd County, Kentucky, USA, and died November 23, 1860 in Hopkinsville, Christian, Kentucky, USA. He married MARY ANN BUCKNER May 26, 1829 in Christian County, Kentucky, USA, daughter of GEORGE BUCKNER and ANN SAUNDERS. She was born December 02, 1812 in Virginia, USA, and died January 03, 1894.
Memorial Record of Western Kentucky, Volume I and Volume II, Lewis Publishing Company, 1904, pp. 83-85. Christian Co.
1860 census Christian Co. pub. by Hopkins Co. Gen. Soc. 1978
1880 census Census Place E.D. 2, Hopkinsville, Christian, Kentucky
1880 Census Place E.D. 14, Caskys, Christian, Kentucky
1900 census for Hopkinsville, Christian Co. KY
Susan Susan, head...43...KY
The National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution Volume 64
Name: St. Clair Leavell
Posted by Betty
meacham's HISTORY OF CHRISTIAN COUNTY KENTUCKY by charles m. meacham
Source Citation: Year: 1900; Census Place: Hopkinsville, Christian, Kentucky; Roll: T623 515; Page: 8B; Enumeration District: 6.
Memorial Record of Western Kentucky, Volume I and Volume II, Lewis Publishing Company, 1904, pp. 83-85. Christian Co.
Source Citation: Year: 1920;Census Place: Hopkinsville, Christian, Kentucky; Roll: T625_565; Page: 1B; Enumeration District: 27; Image: 1203.
Source Citation: Year: 1930; Census Place: South Hopkinsville, Christian, Kentucky; Roll: 739; Page: 15A; Enumeration District: 3; Image: 955.0.
Buckner Leavell
Kentuckyy New Era, Thursday July 25, 1940, pg. #1
150. ALFRED R. LEAVELL (LEWIS LIVINGSTON, BENJAMIN, EDWARD, EDWARD, ? LAVELLE) was born January 05, 1813 in Todd County, Kentucky, USA, and died Bef. 1851 in Probably Kentucky, USA. He married PHOEBE O. WILLIAMS April 22, 1839 in Caswell County, North Carolina, USA. She was born Abt. 1823, and died September 1859 in Christian County, Kentucky, USA.
1840 Census, Christian County, Kentucky, roll 107, page 214:
Kentucky Marriages 1851-1900
William Torian (1804-1866) m (1) Julia Burbridge (2) 4 Mar 1858, Christian Co., Pheobe O. Oliver at P.D. Olivers. [Gary's Marriages; Should this have said P.O. Oliver?]
Phebe O. Torian, 35, farmer's wife, d Sep [1859], typhoid fever. Parents not given. (Chrisitan Co., KY Vital Statistics)
Probate Record
Appraisal S:535, sale Q:538
S:433-436. Est of Phebe O. Torian late Phebe O. Oliver & before that Phebe O. Leavell, 20 Jan 1864.
More About ALFRED R. LEAVELL: Burial: Gracey, Kentucky
151. NAPOLEON KIRTLEY LEAVELL (LEWIS LIVINGSTON, BENJAMIN, EDWARD, EDWARD, ? LAVELLE) was born December 16, 1814 in Todd County, Kentucky, USA, and died March 25, 1872 in Friar's Point, Coahoma, Mississippi, USA. He married (1) ELIZA JANE WARNER HOPSON, daughter of GEORGE HOPSON and ELIZA WARNER. She was born Abt. 1815 in Tennessee, USA, and died April 08, 1867 in Clarksville, Montgomery, Tennessee, USA. He married (2) CYNTHIA DICK. (Or was it Christina Dick? See census records.)
1860 census for North and East of Cumberland River, Montgomery, TN (18 Oct)
Applications for pardon:
1880 Census Place...Clarksville, Montgomery, Tennessee
1900 census Clarksville, Montgomery, Tennessee
In his will, Eliza's father left her "my Negro woman Hannah and her five youngest children."
Sources include:
More About NAPOLEON KIRTLEY LEAVELL: Burial: Clarksville City Cemetery, Clarksville, Montgomery, Tennessee, USA
152. LEONIDAS WORT LEAVELL (LEWIS LIVINGSTON, BENJAMIN, EDWARD, EDWARD, ? LAVELLE) was born December 21, 1821 in Princeton, Todd, Kentucky, USA, and died November 04, 1899 in Kearney, Clay, Missouri, USA. He married HARRIETT DANIEL WINN December 27, 1838 in Christian County, Kentucky, USA, daughter of GEORGE WINN and EMILY ?. She was born October 15, 1822 in Charlottesville, Albemarle, Virginia, USA, and died March 13, 1892 in Kearney, Clay, Missouri, USA.
1850 Montgomery County, Tennessee (Nov. 23, 1850)
1860 census for Washington Twp., Clay County, MO
1870 census for Washington Twp., Clay County, MO
1880 Census Place Kearney, Clay, Missouri
File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Ronald J. Reid rreid21 at February 24, 2008, 12:46 pm
Per troutmaneg at ( "Uncle Lon also visited. He was Leonidas Leavell Cave, the sheriff, and was named after Leonidas Leavell of Clay Co., but why I don't yet know why. Regards, Ed Troutman."
Nancy Thomas (nancywt at posted Leonidus Leavell as migrating from Todd County to Clay County, Missouri. has photo of tombstone for Harriet D. Leavell (Winn) from Mount Olivet Cemetery, Kearney, Clay, Missouri, USA. Both are buried there.
More About FRANCES LEWIS LEAVELL: Burial: Old Baptist Cemetery, Kearney, Clay, Missouri
On the other hand, L.C. Bell has a daughter, Lona, marrying a Robert Ernest Lee. A Todd County, KY family history says he was married twice, but only names Georgia Hill.
1900 census for Kearney, Clay, Missouri
The Evening Bee, Sacramento, Cal., Wednesday, June 20, 1906, page 7
1910 census for Roseville Ward 3, Placer, California
Plot: Sec. A Lot 77 Gr 7 of Odd Fellows Lawn Cemetery and Mausoleum, Sacramento, Sacramento, California. See picture of her tombstone at page for Georgia Ann (Hill) Leavell
1920 Sacramento Assembly District 15, Sacramento, California
1930 census for Sacramento Assembly District 15, Sacramento, California
The Fotheringham Family Tree at has Robert E. Lee Leavell, son of Harriet Winn, marrying Lilly Brown around 1892 and dying in Mills, Texas, in 1935. They seem to have mixed him up with Lee Levell, a different man:
Source Citation: Year: 1870; Census Place: District 4, Christian, Kentucky; Roll M593_455; Page: 469; Image: 346.
1880 census for Lafayette, Christian County, Kentucky
meacham's HISTORY OF CHRISTIAN COUNTY KENTUCKY by charles m. meacham
154. MARIA FORD (ELIZABETH F. LEAVELL, BENJAMIN, EDWARD, EDWARD, ? LAVELLE) was born 1804, and died 1847. She married JOHN JACKSON FORD. He was born Abt. 1792.
Children of MARIA FORD and JOHN FORD are:
155. CARTER BEVERLY FORD (ELIZABETH F. LEAVELL, BENJAMIN, EDWARD, EDWARD, ? LAVELLE) was born 1805. He married JUDITH TAYLOR March 09, 1833 in Madison County, Virginia.
156. MILDRED FORD (ELIZABETH F. LEAVELL, BENJAMIN, EDWARD, EDWARD, ? LAVELLE) was born 1811. She married ELI COOK February 27, 1832 in Madison County, Virginia. He was born 1807 in Madison County, Virginia.
Child of MILDRED FORD and ELI COOK is:
157. BENJAMIN J. WALKER FORD (ELIZABETH F. LEAVELL, BENJAMIN, EDWARD, EDWARD, ? LAVELLE) was born 1815. He married JANE P. CLORE October 05, 1839 in Madison County, Virginia, daughter of MOSES CLORE and JUDITH YAGER. She was born Abt. 1818 in Madison County, Virginia. Notes for BENJAMIN J. WALKER FORD: See
Children of BENJAMIN FORD and JANE CLORE are:
158. ELIZABETH FORD (ELIZABETH F. LEAVELL, BENJAMIN, EDWARD, EDWARD, ? LAVELLE) was born 1818. She married GATESBY AYLOR October 24, 1834 in Madison County, Virginia, USA, son of JOHN AYLOR and JUDITH TERRILL. He was born Abt. 1815.
Dodd, Jordan R., et al.. Early American Marriages: Virginia to 1850. Bountiful, UT, USA: Precision Indexing Publishers.
Source Citation: Year: 1850; Census Place: , Madison, Virginia; Roll: M432_958; Page: 75A; Image: 153.
Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: , Madison, Virginia; Roll: M653_1360; Page: 43; Image: 49; Family History Library Film: 805360.
Source Citation: Year: 1870; Census Place: Robertson, Madison, Virginia; Roll: M593_1662; Page: 95A; Image: 193; Family History Library Film: 553161
159. MARY ELIZABETH WIATT (FRANCES W. LEAVELL, BENJAMIN, EDWARD, EDWARD, ? LAVELLE) was born June 06, 1816 in Christian County, Kentucky, and died August 27, 1860 in Caledonia, Washington, Missouri, USA. She married ALEXANDER NEELY SLOAN November 04, 1841 in Washington County, Missouri, son of THOMAS SLOAN and CATHERINE NEELY. He was born August 03, 1822 in Belleview, Washington, Missouri, and died November 27, 1899 in Ellington, Reynolds , Missouri, USA.
More About MARY ELIZABETH WIATT: Burial: Bellevue Presb. Cem. Caledonia, Washington, MO
160. WILLIAM S. WIATT (FRANCES W. LEAVELL, BENJAMIN, EDWARD, EDWARD, ? LAVELLE) was born December 23, 1818 in Christian County, Kentucky, USA, and died July 28, 1906 in Missouri, USA. Burial: Bellevue Presb. Cem. Caledonia, Washington, Missouri, USA. He married MARIAH JANE IMBODEN December 18, 1851 in Washington County, Missouri, USA, daughter of JOHN IMBODEN and SARAH GOLLADAY. She was born February 18, 1831 in Bellevue Valley, Washington, Missouri, USA, and died October 26, 1910 in Caledonia, Washington, Missouri, USA.
Year: 1870; Census Place: Township 35 Range 2 East, Iron, Missouri; Roll: M593_780; Page: 528B; Image: 592; Family History Library Film: 552279
Year: 1880; Census Place: Iron, Iron, Missouri; Roll: 691; Family History Film: 1254691; Page: 498B; Enumeration District: 050; Image: 0383
Year: 1900; Census Place: Iron, Iron, Missouri; Roll: 859; Page: 12B; Enumeration District: 0044; FHL microfilm: 1240859
161. MINERVA JANE WIATT (FRANCES W. LEAVELL, BENJAMIN, EDWARD, EDWARD, ? LAVELLE) was born September 12, 1822 in Todd County, Kentucky, and died March 31, 1914 in Caledonia, Washington, Missouri. She married WILLIAM NEELY SLOAN October 07, 1851, son of THOMAS SLOAN and CATHERINE NEELY. He was born April 21, 1817, and died July 03, 1883 in Caledonia, Washington, Missouri, USA.
Notes for MINERVA JANE WIATT: Burials: Presb. Cem. Caledonia, MO
162. JOHN WASHINGTON LEAVELL (EZEKIEL LEAVELL, JOHN L., EDWARD, EDWARD, ? LAVELLE) was born May 26, 1809 in Kentucky, USA, and died 1882 in Cadiz, Henry, Indiana, USA. He married SARAH ? Abt. 1836. She was born Abt. 1809 in Ohio, USA. John was a carpenter. He was buried in Hess Cem., Henry Co. IN.
1860 Harrison, Henry, Indiana
1870 - Harrison, Henry, Indiana
1880 Census Place Harrison, Henry, Indiana
Children of JOHN LEAVELL and SARAH ? are:
The Religious Telescope - 1862 Obits By Location--Dayton, Montgomery Co. OH
More About BENJAMIN D. LEAVELL: Burial: Hess Cem., Henry Co. IN
1880 census:
163. JAMES MONROE LEAVELL (EZEKIEL, JOHN L., EDWARD, EDWARD, ? LAVELLE) was born December 10, 1810 in Kentucky, USA, and died December 02, 1863 in Randolph County, Indiana, USA. He married (1) RUTH CORWINE July 12, 1834 in Henry County, Indiana, USA, daughter of GEORGE CORWINE and NANCY THORNTON. She was born 1818 in Kentucky, USA, and died 1854. He married (2) MATILDA H. JONES April 01, 1855 in Delaware County, Indiana, USA, daughter of JACOB JONES and BURSHEBA HAYMOND. She was born October 03, 1833 in Monongalia County, West Virginia, USA, and died 1910.
Moved to Randolph Co. 1848, just north of Parker.
16 September 1850 census for Monroe Township, Randolph Co. IN
Delaware County, Indiana Index to Marriage Record 1827 - 1920 Inclusive Volume II G to M
1860 Monroe Township, Randolph Co. IN
1880 District 185, Liberty Twp., Delaware County, Indiana
1900 Liberty, Delaware, Indiana
Indiana, Delaware County - MT. PLEASANT CHURCH CEMETERY- PART 3
The National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution Volume 105
1634. SUSANNAH LEAVELL (EZEKIEL, JOHN L., EDWARD, EDWARD, ? LAVELLE) was born July 10, 1812 in Wayne County, Indiana, USA, and died April 11, 1882 in Henry County, Indiana, USA. She married WASHINGTON WORL May 13, 1838 in Henry County, Indiana, USA, son of JOSEPH WORRELL and NANCY BELL. He was born November 14, 1814 in Ohio, USA, and died May 11, 1861 in Wayne County, Indiana, USA.
Source Citation: Year: 1870; Census Place: Jefferson, Wayne, Indiana; Roll: M593_370; Page: 448; Image: 418
Name Relation Marital Status Gender Race Age Birthplace Occupation Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace
Washington was 46 yrs., 11 months, and 27 days old at time of death.
Susannah lived in Wayne County, Indiana. She died age 69 years 9 months 1 day.
More About WASHINGTON WORL: Burial: Jacksonburg Cemetery, Wayne County, Indiana
165. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN WOOD LEAVELL (EZEKIEL, JOHN L., EDWARD, EDWARD, ? LAVELLE) was born December 29, 1814 in Wayne County, Indiana, USA, and died November 21, 1867 in Appanoose County, Iowa, USA. He married SUSANNA A. WHISLER October 21, 1841 in Wayne County, Indiana, USA, daughter of JOHN WHISLER and ANNA SPITLER. She was born January 16, 1821 in Rockbridge County, Virginia, USA, and died April 27, 1903 in Nampa, Canyon, Idaho, USA.
Notes for BENJAMIN FRANKLIN WOOD LEAVELL: Benjamin moved to Appanoose Co. Iowa.
Feb. 1869 page 62 Gospel Visitor
Also In the same place, Nov. 11, 1868, SAMUEL M LEAVEL, son of Benjamin W. and Susan Leavel, aged 16 y, 5 m, 20 ds. Funeral services by the brethren from Is. 38: 1. Joseph Zook
1880 Census Place Udell, Appanoose, Iowa
1895 state census for Appanoose, Iowa, United States
Source Citation: Year: 1900; Census Place: Hackberry, Polk, Nebraska; Roll: 937; Page: 11A; Enumeration District: 96; FHL microfilm: 1240937.
The History of Idaho, The Gem of the Mountains, Vol. II
More About BENJAMIN FRANKLIN WOOD LEAVELL: Burial: Fairview Cemetery, Unionville, Appanoose, IA
Name: David J. Leavell
March 1863 page 96 Gospel Visitor
166. ANNA AMANDA LEAVELL (EZEKIEL, JOHN L., EDWARD, EDWARD, ? LAVELLE) was born January 14, 1815 in Indiana, USA, and died October 1869 in Springfield, Lane, Oregon, USA. She married ABRAHAM LANDES August 01, 1835 in Henry County, Indiana, USA, son of JACOB LANDES and FANNY ?. He was born April 14, 1809 in Hardy County, West Virginia, USA, and died February 28, 1899 in Eugene, Lane, Oregon, USA.
Posted by Allan Campbell
The estate of Abraham LANDES, born April 14, 1809 in Hardy Co, WV, died on or about February 28, 1899, was filed in Lane County, Oregon. The following Petition for Letters of Administration was filed August 2, 1900 and names his surviving heirs.
STEWARD AND ROBERTS GENEALOGY at says he married Amanda "8 Jan 1835 in , Henry, IN".
167. WILLIAM L. LEAVELL (EZEKIEL, JOHN L., EDWARD, EDWARD, ? LAVELLE) was born May 19, 1819 in Wayne County, Indiana, USA. He married MARY ANN BEESON 1844, daughter of JAMES BEESON and SARAH LITTLE. She was born January 1825 in Indiana, USA. William died 10 Dec 1862 in Nashville, Davidson, Tennessee per The Velarde Family Tree at
IGI lists Cynthia A. (1848), Martha (1848), Francis (1849), and Sarah as the only children, all born Liberty, Jefferson County, Iowa
1856 Iowa State Census---Jefferson, Liberty, Iowa
Year: 1860; Census Place: Cadiz, Henry, Indiana; Roll: M653_266; Page: 412; Image: 414
Name: William L Leavell
National Park Service. U.S. Civil War Soldiers, 1861-1865 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2007.
National Cemetery Administration. U.S. Veterans Gravesites, ca.1775-2006 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2006.
Name: Alexander Craig
1880 Census Place....Windfall, Tipton, Indiana
Year: 1900; Census Place: Wildcat, Tipton, Indiana; Roll: T623 406; Page: 9A; Enumeration District: 132. NOTE: Her sons: James B. Leavell and family and Charles Craig are on the same census ledger.
OneWorldTree at lists William S. Level married to a Harriet S. and father of Cynthia E., born 9 Aug 1847 Missouri, married Matt Edmonds 1864 in Whitecloud, [county], Kansas, USA. Matt was Born: 9 Aug 1840 in Chepstow, Monmouthshire, [county], England and died: 11 Nov 1915 in Mclouth, Jefferson, Kansas, USA. Cynthia died: 1 Jan 1926 Valley Falls, Jefferson, Kansas, USA . Cynthia's siblings seem to match the children we have listed for William. Her father William was born 14 May 1819 in Bullitt, KY, and died 23 Aug 1872 Barr, Daviess, Indiana, USA. Kids listed:
The Reyes Family Tree at says William died August 23, 1872 in Barr, Daviess, Indiana, but his wife remarried before that, so he would have to have divorced her. No source is given. This tree also has him born in Bullitt, Kentucky, but his father was living in Henry County, Indiana, before his birth, so this, too, seems wrong.
168. MARIAH LEAVELL (EZEKIEL, JOHN L., EDWARD, EDWARD, ? LAVELLE) was born June 19, 1821 in Ohio, USA; d. September 1850 in Clark City, Atchison, Missouri. She married JOSEPH WORL August 15, 1839 in Henry County, Indiana, USA. He was born Abt. 1823 in Indiana, USA.
Joseph appears in the 1880 census for Clark, Atchison, MO p 474. He was an attorney in Henry County, Indiana.
169. MARTHA LEAVELL (EZEKIEL, JOHN L., EDWARD, EDWARD, ? LAVELLE) was born April 08, 1823, and died November 21, 1855 in Union Township, Delaware, Indiana. She's buried in Union Cemetery, Eaton, Delaware County, Indiana, USA. (Row 7 Mississinewa German Baptist Church Cemetery now Union Cemetery). She married GEORGE STUDEBAKER November 01, 1849 in Henry County, Indiana, son of JOHN STUDEBAKER and HANNAH ULERY. He was born March 02, 1818 in Bedford County, Pennsylvania, and died July 22, 1905 in Wilson County, Kansas.
170. EZEKIEL CLAY LEAVELL (EZEKIEL, JOHN L., EDWARD, EDWARD, ? LAVELLE) was born March 12, 1825 in Henry County, Indiana, USA, and died April 02, 1892 in Castle Rock, Cowlitz, Washington, USA. Ezekiel died of heart disease. He married ESTER WHISLER June 05, 1848 in Wayne County, Indiana, USA, daughter of JOHN WHISLER and ANNA SPITLER. She was born May 20, 1827 in Rockbridge, Virginia, USA, and died November 06, 1902 in Castle Rock, Cowlitz, Washington, USA.
1880 Census Place Bruno, Butler, Kansas
Smith-Tucker Cemetery
E. C. Leavell, 67, farmer, married, d. April 21, 1892 Castle Rock, Wa
171. MIRANDA LEAVELL (EZEKIEL, JOHN L., EDWARD, EDWARD, ? LAVELLE) was born July 07, 1827 in Hagerstown, Henry County, Indiana, USA, and died February 21, 1896 in Unionville, Appanoose, Iowa, USA. Burial: Fairview cemetery, Unionville, Appanoose, IA. She married SAMUEL WHISLER September 22, 1846 in Henry County, Indiana, USA, son of JOHN WHISLER and ANNA SPITLER. He was born November 17, 1823 in Patentsburg, Rockbridge, Virginia, USA, and died October 21, 1870 in Udell, Appanoose, Iowa, USA.
Feb. 1871 page 64 Gospel Visitor
For both: Burial: Fairview cemetery, Unionville, Appanoose, IA
172. CORNELIUS GAINES LEAVELL (JOHN P., JOHN L., EDWARD, EDWARD, ? LAVELLE) was born November 07, 1825 in Madison Township, Fayette, Ohio, USA, and died April 12, 1892 in Yankeetown, Madison Township, Fayette, Ohio, USA. He married EMMA HARR PHILLIPS April 17, 1849 in Ross County, Ohio, USA, daughter of JAMES PHILLIPS and MARY HARR. She was born May 23, 1829 in Chillicothe, Ross, Ohio, USA, and died July 30, 1907 in Waterloo, Ohio, USA. Cornelius and Emma were buried in Pleasant Cemetery, Mt. Sterling, Madison, Ohio.
Marriage source: Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah, Film #: 0281637-0281639.
Census Report: September 23, 1850, Madison Township, Fayette County, Ohio, page 46B:
Census Report: July 1860, Madison Township, Fayette County, Ohio, page 395A:
Census Report: June 8, 1870, Madison Township, Fayette County, Ohio, page 494B:
1880 ...Census Place...Madison, Fayette, Ohio
Census Record: 12 June 1900 Madison township, Fayette County, Ohio, page 77
Source: Portrait and Biographical History of Fayette, Pickaway and Madison Counties, Ohio. Publ. Chicago: Chapman Bros. - 1892 - Page 682
Pickaway Co. Probate Court abstracts from Order Book 1 (1852-58)
Levell, Cornelius, died April 13, 1892, Yankeetown, age 66 years, cause of death blood poisoning, L-5, row 47, space 7.
Levell, Emma H., died July 30, 1907, Waterloo, age 78, L-5 row 47, space 8, Pleasant Cemetery, Mount Sterling, Madison County, Ohio.
173. JOHN BOLIVAR LEAVELL (JOHN P., JOHN L., EDWARD, EDWARD, ? LAVELLE) was born April 12, 1827, and died October 1855. He married ELIZABETH JANE TIMMONS January 30, 1854 in Fayette County, Ohio, USA. She was born April 05, 1835 in Fayette County, Ohio, USA.
Source Citation: Year: 1870; Census Place: Madison, Fayette, Ohio; Roll: M593_1199; Page: 494; Image: 191
More About JOHN BOLIVAR LEAVELL: Burial: old Leavell cemetery on Post Rd. in Madison Twp., Fayette Co., OH
Early Ohio Settlers Purchasers of Land in Southwestern Ohio, 1800 - 1840, page 202:
Could these be siblings?
Accession/Serial#: OH0590__.239 (More)
1850 census Greene, Grant, IN
1860 census Liberty, Grant, IN
1870 Grant Co. IN census:
They moved to Traverse City, Grand Traverse County, Michigan, with their son John; they died there; and they were buried near Walton Junction. Later the Grand Rapids and Indiana Railroad relocated the graves in their newly-acquired right-of-way. Robert and Hannah, with 11 others outside the right-of-way, remained, but sparks from passing trains burned the wooden crosses down.
175. JOSEPH ALPHONSO LEAVELL (BENJAMIN, JOHN L., EDWARD, EDWARD, ? LAVELLE) was born Abt. 1810 in Piqua, Miami, Ohio, USA, and died October 16, 1889 in Clarke County, Iowa, USA. He married HARRIET C. BEANS, daughter of WILLIAM BEANS and ELIZABETH BEANS. She was born Abt. 1816 in Virginia, USA, and died March 23, 1859 in Jackson Township, Clarke, Iowa, USA. For both, burial: Ottawa Cemetery, Clarke, Iowa, USA
Rebecca LEAVEL - daughter of Harriet & Joseph Lee LEAVEL
Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: Jackson, Clarke, Iowa; Roll: M653_314; Page: 142; Image: 483.
Source Citation: Year: 1870; Census Place: Piqua Ward 3, Miami, Ohio; Roll: M593_1244; Page: 520; Image: 592.
1880 Census Place Allerton, Wayne, Iowa
Joseph was living in Knox Co, OH 1840. Monroe Co, IA 1852. He was age 76y 3m 29d at his death. Contact: Lslycord at
At death, Harriet was aged 43y 9m 8d.
Cemeteries in Clarke County Vol. 3, Page: 291
THE NEW ERA (Humeston, Wayne, Iowa)
Gravestone Records of three cemeteries in Lucas County, Iowa
More About MARTHA A. LEAVEL: Burial: Last Chance Cem., Iowa
from reprint of Clarke County Historical and Biographical Record by Lewis Publishing, 1886. p. 64.
Source Information:
Grave Records of Allamakee, Johnson, Howard and Lucas Counties, Adair, Gothrie, Madison, Marion
1880 Census Place Franklin, Clarke, Iowa, page 6
Gravestone Records of three cemeteries in Lucas County, Iowa
176. BENJAMIN WARD LEAVELL (BENJAMIN, JOHN L., EDWARD, EDWARD, ? LAVELLE) was born Abt. 1823 in Piqua, Miami County, Ohio, USA, and died August 26, 1907 in Tempe, Maricopa, Arizona, USA. He married SOPHIA DILL June 15, 1853 in Piqua, Miami, Ohio, USA, daughter of WILLIAM DILLS and NANCY ?. She was born Abt. 1832 in Ohio, USA. Were they divorced? Did he die young?
1870 - Piqua Ward 4, Miami, Ohio
1880 Piqua, Miami Co. OH census:
.....i.....MARY BELLE LEAVELL, b. 06 Apr 1854, d. 17 Oct 1855, both Miami County, Ohio, USA. Forest Hill Cemetery, Piqua, Miami, OH.
177. ROBERT LEAVELL (EDWARD, JOHN L., EDWARD, EDWARD, ? LAVELLE) was born Abt. 1828 in Pennsylvania, USA, and died 11 June 1879 Fairmont, Marion, West Virginia. Robert was rejected from Army for physical disability. He's buried in Maple Grove Cemetery, Fairmont, Marion, West Virginia. He married SARAH GANTZ. She was born Abt. 1835 in Pennsylvania, USA, and died 10 Dec 1876 Marion County, West Virginia.
Lavell, Robert 1860 census for WVA, Greenbriar Co. (then VA) p. 525, Robert is 32, miner, born PA, $80 personal; Sarah, 25, PA; John E., 8/12, VA
Levell, Robert 7-1-1865 deed WVA, Marion Co. Book 15, pg. 161. Robert Levell and Sarah his wife, and Jeremiah and Maria S. his wife, and Edward in town of Palantine. Signed by Robert, Sarah, Jerry, Maria S. GRANTEE INDEX DEED 1842-1920 MARION COUNTY, WV
Levelle, Robert WVA, Marion Co. GRANTEE INDEX DEED 1842-1920 MARION COUNTY, WV says vol. 28, pg. 167
Levelle, Robert 4-11-1870 bought land in WVA, Marion Co. GRANTEE INDEX DEED 1842-1920 MARION COUNTY, WV says vol. 20, pg. 244
Levell, Robert 7-19-1875 bought lot in WVA, Marion Co. He and wife Sarah GRANTEE INDEX DEED 1842-1920 MARION COUNTY, WV. Book 25, pg. 294
Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Marion, Virginia; Roll: M653_1361; Page: 525; Image: 85; Family History Library Film: 805361. June 29, 1860
Source Citation: Year: 1870; Census Place: Palatine, Marion, West Virginia; Roll: M593_1693; Page: 425A; Image: 405; Family History Library Film: 553192.
Jackson, Ron V., Accelerated Indexing Systems, comp.. U.S. Federal Census Mortality Schedules Index [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 1999.
1880 Census Place Palatine, Marion, West Virginia
Children of ROBERT LEAVELL and SARAH ? are:
Levell, John E. 10-3-1889 married Gaskill, Emma B. WVA, Marion Co. Both 30, born Marion
Levelle, John E. 4-27-1898 probate WVA, Marion Co. MARION CO. WILL INDEX 1842-1970 says vol. 3 pg. 245
Dodd, Jordan, comp.. West Virginia Marriage Records, 1863-1900 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2000.
Source Citation: Year: 1900; Census Place: Lincoln, Marion, West Virginia; Roll: T623; Page: 12A; Enumeration District: 57.
Source Citation: Year: 1910; Census Place: Lakeland, Polk, Florida; Roll: T624_167; Page: 27B; Enumeration District: 0144; Image: 345; FHL Number: 1374180.
Source Citation: Year: 1920; Census Place: St Petersburg, Pinellas, Florida; Roll: T625_229; Page: 16B; Enumeration District: 140; Image: 937.
Source Citation: Year: 1930; Census Place: Houston, Harris, Texas; Roll: 4547970; Page: 29A; Image: 129.0; Family History Library Film: 2342081.
Is this she in the 1880 census?
178. ELIZABETH LEAVELL (EDWARD, JOHN L., EDWARD, EDWARD, ? LAVELLE) was born July 09, 1832 in Pennsylvania, and died October 1895 in West Virginia. She married EZEKIEL COX JENKINS January 1855 in Monongalia County, West Virginia, son of BARTHOLOMEW JENKINS and NANCY BAKER. He was born August 16, 1830 in Monongalia County, Virginia, and died April 27, 1901 in Marion County, West Virginia.
179. JOHN QUINCY ADAMS LEVELL (EDWARD, JOHN L., EDWARD, EDWARD, ? LAVELLE) was born August 22, 1835 in Springhill Township, Fayette, Pennsylvania, USA. He married IVA HINDMAN January 27, 1868 in Marion County, West Virginia, USA, daughter of WILSON HINDMAN and MARY JENNINGS. She was born Abt. 1849 in Virginia, USA, and died February 02, 1896. Notes for IVA HINDMAN: She had a millinery shop in Palatine, Marion, WV 1855/60 Burial: Maple Grove Cemetery, Marion Co. WVA, USA. Ivy Levell died of heart disease per her death record, age 52. He married IDA MAY HIGGINBOTHAM 30 Sep 1897 in Marion County, WVA.
Levell, John on 1-7-1868 married Hindman, Sarah L. in WVA, Marion Co. He 33, a miner, born to Ed and Anna in PA, she born in Wood to Wm. and Mary A. Her father, Rev. W.L. Hindman, performed the ceremony . Book C, page 39, Marion County Courthouse, Fairmont, WV.
Levell, John Q. ...10-30-1897 married Higginbotham, Ida May in WVA, Marion Co. He 55, born Fayette Co. PA, she 36, born Marion Co.
Levelle, John Q. 3-9-1883 WVA, Marion Co. GRANTEE INDEX DEED 1842-1920 MARION COUNTY, WV says vol. 34, p. 433
Levelle, John Q. WVA, Marion Co. GRANTEE INDEX DEED 1842-1920 MARION COUNTY, WV says vol. 25, pg. 293
Source Citation: Year: 1900; Census Place: Fairmont Ward 1, Marion, West Virginia; Roll T623_1764; Page: 4A; Enumeration District: 51.
Children of JOHN LEVELL and IVA HINDMAN are:
Source Citation: Year: 1910; Census Place: Mannington, Marion, West Virginia; Roll T624_1687; Page: 16B; Enumeration District: 68; Image: 853.
Source Citation: Year: 1920;Census Place: Buffalo, Brooke, West Virginia; Roll T625_1950; Page: 18A; Enumeration District: 1; Image: 40.
Source Citation: Year: 1930; Census Place: Buffalo, Noble, Ohio; Roll 1859; Page: 6A; Enumeration District: 4; Image: 888.0.
Levell, Edward...12-31-1868...married Cook, Carrie E. ...WVA, Marion Co. He 30, born Fayette Co. PA to Ed and Anna; she 19, born Ohio Co. VA to Thomas and Elizabeth. Book C, page 41, Marion Co. Courthouse, Fairmount, WV.
Leavell, Edward 2-2-1899 died Blacksmith, died at Piedmont, Marion Co. WV of LaGrippe, buried at Palatine, WV. pg. 938, Book 2 MARION COUNTY WV DEATHS INDEX 1861-1970.
1880 Census Place Palatine, Marion, West Virginia
1900 Piedmont, Mineral, West Virginia
Source Citation: Year: 1920;Census Place: Cumberland Ward 4, Allegany, Maryland; Roll T625_652; Page: 2A; Enumeration District: 12; Image: 269.
Source Citation: Year: 1930; Census Place: Cumberland, Allegany, Maryland; Roll 843; Page: 1A; Enumeration District: 14; Image: 371.0.
181. MORGAN THOMAS LEVELLE (EDWARD, JOHN L., EDWARD, EDWARD, ? LAVELLE) was born March 1839 in Fayette County, Pennsylvania, USA. He married (1) MARGARET S. T. FITZHUGH March 28, 1867 in Harrison County, West Virginia, USA, daughter of T. FITZHUGH and SARA ?. She was born Abt. 1843, and died August 09, 1869. He married (2) VIRGINIA RACHEL MAY January 16, 1873 in Fairmount, Maion, West Virginia, USA. She was born August 1846 in Virginia, USA, and died Abt. 1928.
Levelle, Morgan T. .....WVA, Marion Co. .....GRANTEE INDEX DEED 1842-1920 MARION COUNTY, WV says vol. 23, p. 510.
Levelle, Morgan T. .....WVA, Marion Co. .....GRANTEE INDEX DEED 1842-1920 MARION COUNTY, WV says vol. 17, p. 455.
Levell, Morgan T. .....bought land in Palantine, WVA, Marion Co. .....GRANTEE INDEX DEED 1842-1920 MARION COUNTY, WV says book 25, pg. 293.
Marriage is in Book C, page 53, Marion County Courthouse, Fairmont, WVA.
Source Citation: Year: 1880; Census Place: Flemington, Taylor, West Virginia; Roll: T9_1414; Family History Film: 1255414; Page: 233.1000; Enumeration District: 77;
Source Citation: Year: 1900; Census Place: Fairmont Ward 1, Marion, West Virginia; Roll: T623 1764; Page: 10B; .
Morgan T. Levelle died of heart failure 12/14/1903 in Marion Co. WVA, age 64, retired, born PA, buried Maple Grove Cemetery by E. Musgrave & Son
Source Citation: Year: 1910; Census Place: Fairmont Ward 1, Marion, West Virginia; Roll T624_1687; Page: 5B; Enumeration District: 58; Image: 320.
Morgan's son wrote a letter dated Feb. 18, 1941 in Fairmont, Virginia to his children Morgan, Francis, and Martha, signing it "Your Pop." It was an informative letter re: the Levelle name.heritage; he said he spoke with a W. F. Horn of Topeka, Kansas, who was compiling the history and turning it into two volumes of 450 pages each. At that time, Mr. Horn was 79 years old. [See my page on the infamous Horn genealogy fraud.]
Sources include , which claims Morgan married a Rachel May.
More About MARGARET S. T. FITZHUGH: Burial: Maple Grove Cemetry, Fairmont, Marion, West Virginia, USA
182. WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON LEVELLE (EDWARD, JOHN L., EDWARD, EDWARD, ? LAVELLE) was born November 11, 1840 in Fairchance, Fayette, Pennsylvania, and died May 01, 1906 in Marion County, West Virginia. He married (1) SARAH MARTHA DODD December 22, 1864 in Marion County, West Virginia, daughter of ELZY DODD and LUCINDA DODD. She was born Abt. 1843 in Marion County, West Virginia, and died August 20, 1881 in Doddrige County, West Virginia of typhoid fever. He married (2) LIZZIE H. ROSS December 18, 1881 in Marion County, West Virginia. She was born 20 Apr 1858 in Marion County, Virginia and died 15 Mar 1945 Fairmont, Marion, WVA. William H. Levell, blacksmith, died 5/1/06 of tuberculosis, age 64, born Fayette Co. PA, also spelled William H. H. Levelle. William and Elizabeth Ann Ross are buried in Maple Grove Cemetery, Fairmont, Marion County, West Virginia, in Section E (him, as Levell) and F (her, as Levelle). At see photos of tombstones.
Level, Wm. H. Wm. H. 12-22-1864 married Dodd, Sarah M. WVA, Marion Co. He 23, born Fayette Co. PA to Edward and Annie; she 21, born Marion to Elzey and Rosa. Rev. Stansberry performed the ceremony. William was a miner. MP Church. See Book C, page 26, in Marion Co. Courthouse, Fairmont, West Virginia.
Leavell, William H. 12-22-1864 married Dodd, Sarah M. WVA, Marion Co. He was 23 born Fayette Co. PA, she 21, born Marion, per Cochran, Wes, MARION CO. WVA MARRIAGES 1842-1899
Source Citation: Year: 1870; Census Place: Palatine, Marion, West Virginia; Roll: M593_1693; Page: 425B; Image: 406; Family History Library Film: 553192.
William H Levell...26...PA...coal miner...$400
Martha Levell...26...VA
Fannie Levell...2...WVA
Wayman Levell...1...WVA
next door to family of John Dodd, 27, VA
1880 Census Place Central, Doddridge, West Virginia
Levell, William H. on 12-18-1881 married Ross, Lizzie H. in WVA, Marion Co. He 36 born Fayette Co. PA, she 25, born Marion.
Source Citation: Year: 1900; Census Place: Fairmont Ward 5, Marion, West Virginia; Roll T623_1764; Page: 4A; Enumeration District: 53.
Levelle, William H. WVA, Marion Co. GRANTEE INDEX DEED 1842-1920 MARION COUNTY, WV says vol. 26, pg.411
Levelle, William H. WVA, Marion Co. GRANTEE INDEX DEED 1842-1920 MARION COUNTY, WV says vol. 23, pg. 131
Levelle, William H. WVA, Marion Co. GRANTEE INDEX DEED 1842-1920 MARION COUNTY, WV says vol. 19, pg. 351
Levelle, William H. 5-26-1906 probate WVA, Marion Co. Book 4, pg. 204 per MARION CO. WILL INDEX 1842-1970
FHL 0,834,448 - West Virginia, Marion County, Wills, vol. 4,204, 205, 206 - Will of William H Levelle dated 20 Feb 1906: 1) my son, Wayman, Fannie Fleming, Elz, Lucy McGraw - $5 each. 2) my wife, Elizabeth A Levelle - balance of my estate, both real and personal. 3) exectrix - my wife Elizabeth A Levelle. Signed William H Levelle; Witnesses P M Hoge and Aubrey W Meredith. Probated 26 Mar 1906
Source Citation: Year: 1910; Census Place: Fairmont Ward 5, Marion, West Virginia; Roll: T624_1687; Page: 8A; Enumeration District: 0062; Image: 497; FHL Number: 1375700.
Source Citation: Year: 1920; Census Place: Fairmont Ward 2, Marion, West Virginia; Roll: T625_1961; Page: 5A; Enumeration District: 18; Image: 700.
Source Citation: Year: 1930; Census Place: Grant, Marion, West Virginia; Roll: 2542; Page: 15B; Image: 683.0; Family History Library Film: 2342276
West Virginia State Death Certificate no. 2891 (1945) - Elizabeth A Levelle, female, widow, died 15 Mar 1945 at 86y 10m 25 of 1023 Carrelton St, Fairmont, Marion County, West Virginia; residence 1023 Carrelton St, Fairmont, Marion, WV; born 20 Arp 1858 Marion County, WV; spouse Wm H Levell dec; father Henry M Ross b. Marion Co, WV; mother Caroline Armsey b. Marion Co, WV; informant Chas E Jenkins of Morgantown, WV; buried 18 MAr 1945 Maple Grove, Fairmont, WV; filed 3-23-1945.
GRANTEE INDEX DEED 1842-1920 MARION COUNTY, WV. Heirs pg. 266-269 Vol. 42 James O. Watson to heirs of Sarah M. Leavell: Fanny L. Fleming,Ellzy Levell, Wayman Levell, Lucy, last three minor ch. Of Sarah dec'd and Wm. H. Leavell real estate situated near Central Station Doddridge County, WV. Wm. H. is guardian of the minor children.
At Zana's birth, he was listed as a miner.
A Wayman Levell and Clara Morris Levell are parents of male, Carel Levell, born Oct 15, 1904 in Fairmount, Marion County, WVA. Wayman is a streetcar conductor.
Source Citation: Year: 1910; Census Place: Fairmont, Marion, West Virginia; Roll T624_1687; Page: 12A; Enumeration District: 57; Image: 293.
Source Citation: Year: 1920;Census Place: Paw Paw, Marion, West Virginia; Roll T625_1962; Page: 2A; Enumeration District: 39; Image: 471.
Source Citation: Year: 1930; Census Place: Paw Paw, Marion, West Virginia; Roll 2541; Page: 11A; Enumeration District: 35; Image: 911.0.
Levell, Lucy Lucy 11-9-1898 married McGraw, John J. WVA, Marion Co. He 23, she 21, both born Marion
Source Citation: Year: 1900; Census Place: Braddock Ward 1, Allegheny, Pennsylvania; Roll T623_1365; Page: 21B; Enumeration District: 345.
Source Citation: Year: 1910; Census Place: Fairmont, Marion, West Virginia; Roll T624_1687; Page: 25B; Enumeration District: 56; Image: 264. West Virginia, Deaths Index, 1853-1973 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2011.
Source Citation: Year: 1920; Census Place: Fairmont Ward 8, Marion, West Virginia; Roll: T625_1961; Page: 6A; Enumeration District: 27; Image: 1002.
Source Citation: Year: 1930; Census Place: Grant, Marion, West Virginia; Roll: 2542; Page: 15B; Image: 683.0; Family History Library Film: 2342276.
Ohio, Deaths, 1908-1953
Source Citation: Year: 1920; Census Place: Wichita Ward 4, Sedgwick, Kansas; Roll: T625_550; Page: 10B; Enumeration District: 146; Image: 211
1925 Kansas State Census
Source Citation: Year: 1930; Census Place: Wichita, Sedgwick, Kansas; Roll: 720; Page: 19B; Enumeration District: 43; Image: 143.0.
Source Citation: Year: 1920; Census Place: Geary, Roane, West Virginia; Roll: T625_1971; Page: 1A; Enumeration District: 119; Image: 233.
Is this she? Did she remarry? says in "West Virginia Marriages 1853-1970" that Caroline Lena Levelle married William J. Stone in 1942 in Marion County, WVA, citing "Film Number: 835646, Digital Folder Number: 4231414, Image Number: 00055, Source: County Records "
Source Citation: Year: 1930; Census Place: Fairmont, Marion, West Virginia; Roll: 2542; Page: 7B; Enumeration District: 13; Image: 472.0; FHL microfilm: 2342276.
Judy Taylor
.....i.....THOMAS CROSBY, b. 1806, Knox County, Indiana.
367.....ii.....WILLIAM CROSBY, b. September 19, 1808, Knox County, Indiana; d. October 05, 1880, Kanab, Kane, Utah, USA.
.....iii.....ANN CROSBY, b. December 23, 1812, Knox County, Indiana.
.....iv.....SUSAN CROSBY, b. July 15, 1815, Monroe County, Mississippi.
.....v.....SYNTHA CROSBY, b. November 27, 1817, Knox, Knox, Indiana, USA. CROSBY, b. December 21, 1822, Monroe County, Mississippi; d. February 24, 1906, Pleasant Grove, Utah, Utah, USA.
.....vii.....NANCY COLEMAN CROSBY, b. October 14, 1825, Butterhachee, Monroe, Mississippi, USA.
.....i.....EMILY F. GILCREASE, b. Abt. 1839.
.....ii.....WILLIAM P. GILCREASE, b. Abt. 1844.
.....iii.....MILTON A. GILCREASE, m. MARY A. E. MILES, November 10, 1867, Lauderdale County, Mississippi; b. Abt. 1853.
.....iv.....GEORGE W. GILCREASE.
.....v.....DAVID A. GILCREASE, b. Abt. 1855. E. GILCREASE, b. Abt. 1858.
Email: cmfoshee at and sackettdaxx at
The 11th Battalion Louisiana Infantry was consolidated on Nov. 3, 1863 with the 16th Battalion (also known as the Confederate Guards Response Battalion) and the original Crescent Regiment Louisiana Infantry (also known as the 24th Regiment) to form the Consolidated Crescent Regiment Louisiana
Most of the men who survived and were captured on board Queen of the West were paroled about a month later below Port Hudson, LA.
--CALVIN GILCREASE, Pvt., Co. C, enlisted 7 May 1862 at Natchitoches, LA, born Natchitoches Parish, LA, age 19, blue eyes, light hair, dark complexion, occupation farmer & 5’ 6” tall.
--ELIJAH GILCREASE, Pvt., Co. C, enlisted 7 May 1862 at Natchitoches, LA, born LA, age 21, blue eyes, light hair, fair complexion, occupation wagoner & was 5’ 7” tall.
--LEWIS GILCREASE, Pvt., Co. C, enlisted 7 May 1862 at Natchitoches, LA, born LA, age 22, blue eyes, sandy hair, fair complexion, occupation farmer & was 5’ 8 ½” tall. Died 11 Oct 1862.
--LIHU GILCREASE, Pvt., Co. C, enlisted 7 May 1862 at Natchitoches, LA, born LA, age 20, blue eyes, light hair, fair complexion, occupation planter & 5’ 8” tall. Died 22 Sep 1862.
--MALCOLM GILCREASE, Pvt., Co. G, enlisted 6 May 1862 at Natchitoches, LA, born Butler Co. AL, age 25, hazel eyes, dark hair, fair complexion, occupation farmer & was 5’ 8” tall.
--STINSON GILCREASE, Pvt., Co. C, enlisted 7 May 1862 at Natchitoches, LA, born AL, age 34, blue eyes, light hair, fair complexion, occupation farmer & was 5’ 5 ¾” tall.
.....i.....HULDA GILCREASE, b. Abt. 1832.
369.....ii.....AVARILLA GILCREASE, b. Bet. 1832 - 1835.
.....iii.....MALCOMB GILCREASE, b. Bet. 1836 - 1837, Butler County, Alabama; d. June 06, 1864, Eagan Hospital, Keatchie, DeSoto, Louisiana; m. NANCY ?.
.....iv.....HETTY GILCREASE, b. Abt. 1837.
.....v.....LEWIS GILCREASE, b. Bet. 1839 - 1840, Alabama; d. October 11, 1862. GILCREASE, b. Bet. 1842 - 1843, Alabama; d. September 22, 1862.
.....i.....ROWENA GILCREASE, b. Abt. 1840.
370.....i.....THOMAS PERCY GILCREASE, b. South Carolina.
371.....ii.....JOHN A. GILCREASE, b. 1837, Lowndes, Alabama, USA; d. Bef. 1889, Jackson, Clarke, Alabama, USA.
372.....iii.....KATHERINE GILCREASE, b. Abt. 1824, Alabama, USA.
.....iv.....MINOR GILCREASE, b. Bet. 1826 - 1830; m. SARAH M. ?; b. Bet. 1835 - 1841, Alabama.
373.....v.....HENRY Q. GILCREASE, b. Bet. 1831 - 1832, Alabama. A. GILCREASE, b. Bet. 1832 - 1833.
375.....vii.....BARTLEY MERIDEATH GILCREASE, b. Bet. 1832 - 1836; d. Bet. 1880 - 1901, Alabama.
376.....viii.....ROENA A. GILCREASE, b. Bet. 1830 - 1841, Lauderdale County, Mississippi, USA; d. Abt. 1896.
.....ix.....CYER WINN GILCREASE, b. Abt. 1842, Lauderdale County, Mississippi, USA.
377.....x.....BARBARY D. GILCREASE, b. Abt. 1847, Lauderdale County, Mississippi, USA; d. March 10, 1929, Vowells Mill, Natchitoches Parish, Louisiana, USA.
.....i.....MARY GILCREASE, b. Abt. 1833, Alabama.
.....ii.....JANE GILCREASE, b. Abt. 1836, Alabama.
.....iii.....BELILAH GILCREASE, b. Abt. 1840, Alabama.
.....iv.....WILLIAM GILCREASE, b. Abt. 1841, Alabama.
378.....i.....ABEL H. GILCREASE, b. Abt. 1839, Lauderdale County, Mississippi; d. May 09, 1862, Madison County, Wisconsin, USA.
.....ii.....ROENA GILCREASE, b. Abt. 1840, Lauderdale County, Mississippi, USA.
379.....iii.....ELI J. GILCREASE, b. January 28, 1842, Lauderdale County, Mississippi, USA; d. June 17, 1917, Joyce, Winn, Louisiana, USA.
380.....iv.....BARTLETT ENOS GILCREASE, b. 1844, Lauderdale County, Mississippi, USA; d. September 20, 1930, Elkhart, Anderson County, Texas, USA.
.....v.....LEVI J. GILCREASE, b. 1848, Lauderdale County, Mississippi, USA. E. GILCREASE, b. 1851, Lauderdale County, Mississippi, USA.
.....vii.....MARY E. GILCREASE, b. 1853, Lauderdale County, Mississippi, USA.
.....i.....MARGARET GILCREASE, b. Abt. 1846, Alabama.
.....ii.....HARRIET GILCREASE, b. Abt. 1847, Alabama.
.....i.....FRANKLIN MCCARTNEY, b. Abt. 1836.
381.....ii.....JOSEPH ANDREW MCCARTNEY, b. January 10, 1837, Alabama, USA; d. July 13, 1924, Urania, LaSalle, Louisiana, USA.
382.....iii.....GEORGE WASHINGTON MCCARTNEY, b. December 1839, Alabama.
.....iv.....HENRY PINKNEY MCCARTNEY, b. Abt. 1840.
383.....v.....MARY FRANCES MCCARTNEY, b. August 13, 1846, Lauderdale County, Mississippi, USA; d. December 24, 1902, LaSalle Parish, Louisiana, USA. S. MCCARTNEY, b. 1848, Alabama.
.....vii.....CHARLES MARYDE MCCARTNEY, b. October 31, 1850, Lauderdale County, Mississippi, USA; d. 1934.
.....i.....LEVI R. GILCREASE, b. Abt. 1840.
.....ii.....JESSE M. GILCREASE, b. Abt. 1844.
384.....iii.....NANCY A. GILCREASE, b. Abt. 1845, Clarke County, Alabama, USA; d. 1920, Clarke County, Alabama, USA.
.....iv.....FRANCES E. GILCREASE, b. Abt. 1846.
.....i.....ISAAC PINKNEY ALEXANDER, b. December 15, 1844.
.....ii.....JAMES W. ALEXANDER, b. September 12, 1846.
.....iii.....IRA BYRD ALEXANDER, b. 1849.
.....iv.....MATTHEW HOUSTON ALEXANDER, b. Abt. 1854.
.....v.....MARGARET ELIZABETH ALEXANDER, b. May 05, 1856. ALEXANDER, b. Abt. 1858.
.....vii.....JOHN WESLEY ALEXANDER, b. March 14, 1861, Titus County, Texas; d. February 23, 1920, Franklin County, Texas; m. IRENE REBECCA JACOBS, January 15, 1893, Franklin County, Texas.
.....viii.....LAURAN ALEXANDER, b. May 03, 1863, Franklin County, Texas; d. May 03, 1943, Scroggins, Franklin, Texas; m. JERRY P. SAFFORD, May 03, 1886, Franklin, Texas.
.....i.....DANIEL SANDIDGE, b. February 23, 1804, Spotsylvania County, Virginia; d. August 08, 1882, Schuyler County, Illinois. More About DANIEL SANDIDGE: Burial: Salem Graveyard, Mcdonough, Illi
.....ii.....PULLIAM SANDIDGE, b. Abt. 1806, Lincoln County, Kentucky; d. September 25, 1872, Grundy County, Missouri.
.....iii.....JOSUAH SANDIDGE, b. Abt. 1812.
.....iv.....JAMES SANDIDGE, b. Abt. 1813, Lincoln County, Kentucky.
.....v.....LARKIN SANDIDGE, b. Abt. 1814, Lincoln County, Kentucky. SANDIDGE, b. Abt. 1816.
.....vii.....JOHN SANDIDGE, b. Abt. 1817, Lincoln County, Kentucky.
.....viii.....MADISON SANDIDGE, b. December 24, 1823, Lincoln County, Kentucky; d. December 02, 1898, Lincoln County, Kentucky. Burial: Sandidge Cemetery, Lincoln Co., KY
.....ix.....AMANDA SANDIDGE, b. Abt. 1824.
.....x.....WYATT SANDIDGE, b. Abt. 1830.
.....xi.....PATIENCE SANDIDGE, b. Abt. 1831, Illinois.
Turner, Milly.....Woodyard, Waller.....60.....Jan.....26.....1805
Turner, Milly.....Leavel, James.....02.....Sep.....11.....1806
385.....i.....THOMAS TURNER LEAVEL, b. June 06, 1807, Madison County, Kentucky, USA.
386.....ii.....SQUIRE TURNER LEAVEL, b. November 29, 1808, Kentucky, USA; d. September 13, 1869.
387.....iii.....CATHERINE TURNER LEAVEL, b. February 26, 1810, Stanford, Lincoln, Kentucky, USA; d. May 20, 1842, Kentucky, USA.
388.....iv.....HAYDEN LEAVEL, b. May 1812, Stanford, Lincoln, Kentucky, USA; d. September 12, 1847, Vicksburg, Warren, Mississippi, USA.
389.....v.....ZERELDA CATHERINE LEAVELL, b. November 16, 1814; d. January 29, 1848, Fairfax, Virginia, USA. R. LEAVEL, b. Abt. 1815, Kentucky, USA; m. ELIZA A. STANDIFORD; b. Abt. 1841, Missouri, USA.
Notes for JAMES R. LEAVEL:
390.....vii.....JOHN TURNER LEAVELL, b. April 05, 1820, Bryantsville, Garrard, Kentucky, USA; d. July 14, 1889, Lancaster, Garrard, Kentucky, USA.
Sources include:
The Dodson (Dotson) Family of North Farnham Parish, Richmond County, Virginia A History and Genealogy of Their Descendants Volume Two, page 1082.
See for Eliza's ancestry, but there's nothing there on her descendants.
Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: Oskaloosa, Jefferson, Kansas Territory; Roll: M653_349; Page: 427; Image: 427; Family History Library Film: 803349. July 26, 1860
James Leavell...24...OH...stone mason...$220 real...$75 personal
Eliza Leavell...18...MO
Sarah Leavell...11/12...Kansas
J P Level...29...OH...married...stone mason...$400
E A Level...22...MO
N Stanaford...16...MO...female
N Level...1...KS...female
S E Level...6...KS...female
James Leavell...35...OH
Eliza Ann Leavell...29...MO
Sarah E Leavell...10...KS
Residence County: Jefferson
Residence State: Kansas
Locality: Oskaloosa
Roll: ks1875_9
line 3 and 4
J. R. Leavell...39...OH
S. E. Leavell...15...KS...schoolgirl
391.....viii.....ARCHIBALD TURNER LEAVEL, b. November 21, 1822, Madison County, Kentucky, USA; d. March 01, 1875, New Market, Platte, Missouri, USA.
392.....ix.....CHRISTOPHER T. LEAVEL, b. Abt. 1824, Bryantville, Garrard, Kentucky, USA; d. Bef. 1880.
393.....x.....SALLY WAITE LEAVEL, b. Abt. 1828, Kentucky, USA; d. February 06, 1865, Louisville, Jefferson, Kentucky, USA.
Giles Y. Taylor was appointed supervisor to work Jackson St. one mile on the Carmi road until it intersects the St. Louis Road. The following hands are allotted him to work said road; Willis Hargrave, Francis McCardle, William Robinson, Edward Jones, Samuel, Bob & Carter Hargrave, Alexis Maltby, Robert Olford, James Mulhereen, William Siddall, William J. Gatewood, Lewis Reed, Stephen Huls, Tyler D. Hewitt, Thomas H. and Roy Leavell and Lewis West.
At the 1833 trustee election in Gallatin County, Illinois, Timothy Guard and Thomas H. Leavell were elected replacing Caldwell and White. Taxes were set at ¼% and collector was allowed 7 1/4% for collecting.
Pg Line Last Name First Name Filename
20... 11... Leavell... Edward... pg00020.txt
17... 21... Leavell... Thomas H. ... pg00014.txt Equality, Gallatin Co. IL
2 males under 5...1 male between 5 and 10...2 males between 20 and 30...1 male between 30 and 40...1 female under 5...1 female between 5 and 10...1 female between 10 and 15...1 female 30-40...1 free female colored person under 10...1 free female colored person 10-24
20... 29... Leavell... William... pg00020.txt
Date: Fri, 22 Mar 2002
Equality grocery store owner Thomas H. Leavell (one of my great-something uncles) not only owned the store in Equality during the 1830s, but is also found in Natchez and paying taxes on a slave in Concordia Parish, Louisiana, which is right across the river from Natchez. I've also found someone with the same name down in Louisiana in the 1820s that's probably him as well.
see also: Benjamin L. Leavell and Mary Ann Dorsey.
Levi Mock...30...Miss...planter
Elizabeth Mock...40...Miss
Level, John Level...10...IL
Alfred W. Level...4...LA
Alonzo Mock...11...LA
Cassandra Mock...8...LA
James Levell...20...Illinois...farmer...personal estate of $30
Leona Levell...20...Tennessee
John T. Levell...7...IL
Sarah E. Levell...3...IL
Elizabeth Levell...50...Mississippi
Alfred Levell...12...Louisiana
Elizabeth Leavell...63...housekeeping...Louisiana
Alfred Leavell...22...laborer...Louisiana
next door to
Ben Leavell...42...Louisiana?...$100
Mary A. Leavell...40...IL
Thomas B. Leavell...22...IL
Benj. B. Leavell...15...IL
Alexander Leavell...13...IL
Caroline Leavell...10...IL
Emma Leavell...2...IL
Burroughs, George...22...IL
Pheribe Burroughs...19...IL
.....ii.....JOHN LEAVELL, b. Abt. 1840, Illinois, USA.
394.....iii.....ALFRED W. LEAVELL, b. February 18, 1849, Louisiana, USA; d. August 04, 1919.
129. BENJAMIN JAMES LEWIS LEAVELL (EDWARD L., BENJAMIN, EDWARD, EDWARD, ? LAVELLE) was born December 03, 1802 in Virginia, USA. He married (1) NANCY ARNOLD August 02, 1835 in Gallatin County, Illinois, USA.
A BLJ Leavell bought land in Eagle Creek District, Gallatin County, Illinois, in 1836, a Lewis Leavell did the same in 1854.
Relatives: Edward Leavell, father; Thomas H.(olland), Roy, William, brothers; Nancy Arnold, wife (m. Aug. 2, 1835).
Sources: W.D. Snively Jr and Louanna Furbee. 1968. Satan's Ferryman: A True Tale of the Old Frontier. New York: Frederick Ungar Publishing Co. 146.; Robert A. Scherrer. Aug. 6, 1999. "Edward Leavell & Rosamond Wiatt/Wyatt." Leavell Family Genealogy Forum,; Illinois Statewide Marriage Index. mentions him in an article on outlaws of southeastern Illinois and western Kentucky
REFERENCE: enumerated, on the 14th day of September 1850, Benj F. White
24 76 76 Hollingsworth, Ann......... 64..........................................NC
25 76...76 Leavell...... Lewis......... 50...M.........Laborer............ Va
26 76...76 Leavell...... Roseann...... 11...F................................. Ill
27 76...76 Leavell...... William...... 5... M....................................Ill
Is she the Nancy Leavell, Adult, Baptised by sprinklg on the 4th Sunday Nov 1835 in Pisgah Church, Gallatin Co. IL?
Session Business
The session of Pisgah Church met on the 26th of October 1837, where as it appeared that Nancy Laval, a member of this church had been guilty of unchristian conduct. Brother James Crawford was ordered to converse with her on the subject which he accordingly did, and reported that she would not attend, but withes the session to publish her no more a member of this church and she was consequently published as having left the church in disorder.
By order of session. James S. Alexander Clk
.....i.....ROSANNA LEAVELL, b. Abt. 1839, Kentucky, USA; m. ALFRED THORNSBERRY, January 26, 1860, Shawneetown, Gallatin County, Illinois, USA.
.....ii.....WILLIAM LEAVELL, b. Abt. 1845, Gallatin County, Illinois, USA.
Helen Ann Sibley, born Abt. 1818 in Union, Kentucky; died 1852 in Union, Kentucky; married Peter Jones November 17, 1836 in Union, Kentucky. A sale bill of the personal estate of Mrs. Helen Jones, Dec'd:
Matilda JONES 1 bed + stead $20.00
do. 1 side saddle 10.00
Nancy JONES 1 bed + bedding 10.00
Malinda JONES 1 bed + bedding 10.00
Austin Owen 1 lot old iron .15
Gus Rawley 1 pr streachers .20
Jas. A. Mitchell 2 augers .05
A. Thornberry saw + draw knife .10
R.S. Edwards 1 pr streachers .30
no bid 1 pr harness --
H. Butts 1 peacock plough .40
A. Thornberry 1 diamond plough 2.00
Jas. Mitchell 1 lot single trees [plows] 1.10
A. Thornberry 1 pr gear + backban 1.05
A. Thornberry 1 new collar .85
Jas. H. Rudy 1 large chest .35
I.V.M. JONES 1 Kettle .50
A.G.S. Calmes 1 wheel + reel .05
Wm. McDaniel 3 hoes .50
no bid 1 barrel or cask --
I.V.M. JONES 1 tea kettle .30
do. 1 skillet + pot .25
do. 1 lot oven .50
Thos. McMurray 1 stew kettle .66
R.S. Edwards 1 oven .30
Peter Taylor 1 large kettle 1.50
I.V.M. JONES 1 lard stand .70
Lorenzo McDaniel 1 box + barrel 1.25
I.V.M. JONES 1 lot jars .20
Jas. M. Mitchell 1 large jar .45
I.V.M. JONES 1 smoothing iron .37
I.V.M. JONES 1 small stand .85
Jas. M. Mitchell 1 large box .10
I.V.M. JONES 1 table etc .45
Wm Smith 1 table .15
Dan'l Hill 1 big wheel 1.05
James A. Mitchell 1 large table 2.00
James A. Mitchell 1 press 4.00
Wm Smith 1 cupboard 3.25
I.V.M. JONES 1 bureau 1.00
F. JONES 1 looking glass .85
James Benson 1 razor ?hone .50
David Lash 1 tea board .40
I.V.M. JONES 3 small waiters .05
Jas. Curry 2 picture frames .25
D.V.M. SIBLEY 1 large dictionary .85
Gus Rawley 3 books .45
D. Cash 1 book .15
Jas. A. Mitchell 1 lot books .88
J.W. Anderson 1 map .10
Carter 2 candle sticks .10
no bid 3 old bells --
A. W. HARRIS 1 loom + gear 3.25
I.V.M. JONES 1 set knives + forks 1.00
" " 5 glasses .50
" " 2 dishes .75
" " 1 set plates .78
" " 1 set tea cups etc .37
" " 3 saucers + bowl .12
" " pepper box + salt stand .38
" " tea pot + sugar bowl .40
David Lash 2 ------ dishes .50
I.V.M. JONES 1 large dish .10
" " 1 set chairs 2.58
Jas. A. Mitchell 2 axes + hatchets .45
I.V.M. JONES 7 geese 1.40
" " 1 lot of chickens 1.50
" " 2 Buckets .40
David Lash 1 grd iron .55
I.V.M. JONES 1 pot ?tramble .85
Carter 1 jug .15
Abe 2 bee stands 1.50
F.JONES 2 hogs 4.75
Wm. McDaniel 1 hog 2.05
I.V.M. JONES 16 hogs 22.50
Jas. A. Mitchell 1 red cow 10.30
F. JONES 1 bull, cow + calf 11.00
I.V.M. JONES 1 red cow 8.00
Gus Rawley 1 red cow + calf 12.70
A.W. HARRIS 1 bull calf 4.25
I.V.M. JONES 1 heifer calf 4.21
E.J. Nicholson 1 sorrel horse 57.50
Jas. A. Mitchell 1 roan mare 20.00
---- Owen 1 grey mare + calf 23.25
F. JONES 1 black mare 36.00
" " 1 red cow 11.00
" " 1 waggon 25.00
" " 300 bu corn @ .25 / bu 75.00
F. JONES Administrator
At a county court held for Union County at the Courthouse Morganfield on the 7th day of Dec. 1863 this list of Sales of the Estate of Helen JONES dec'd was returned into court and was by the court ordered to be recorded which was done accordingly ATT: H.W. Waggoner Clk. By Jm. Waggoner Deputy Clerk."
Bullitt Co. KY Will Book B p. 185
In the name of God Amen I SAMUEL THORNBERRY of Bullitt County and State of Kentucky in perfect mind and memory thanks be given unto God calling to mind the mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die do make and ordain this my last will and testament that is to say
principally and first of all I give and recommend my soul unto the hands of Almighty God that gave it and my Body I recommend to the Earth to be buried in decent Christian burial at the descression of my Executors not doubting but at the judgment resurrection I shall receive it again by the mighty power of God and by these presents I revoke all former Wills and as touching such worldly Estate wherewith God has blest me with in this life I give desire and dispose of in the following manner and form
.....First of all I wish all my just debts to be paid .
.....Secondly I leave and bequeath my wife MOLLY THORNBERRY a reasonable support during her natural life, I do also leave and bequeath to my son JAMES THORNBERRY five dollars.
.....I also leave and bequeath to my daughter BETSY BEELERS two children JORDEN BEELER and CHARLES BEELER five dollars each
.....I do also leave and bequeath to my daughter SALLY HORNBECK five dollars
.....I also leave to my daughter POLLY GALBREATH five dollars
.....I also leave and bequeath to my son SAMUEL THORNBERRY five dollars
.....I also leave and bequeath to my son WILLIAM THORNBERRY five dollars
.....I also leave and bequeath to my daughter PEGGY MITCHELL five dollars
.....I also leave and bequeath to my daughter CATY THORNBERRY my Negro girl named QUEEN together with all her Increase
.....I also leave and bequeath to my sons SETH B. THORNBERRY and ALFRED THORNBERRY the balance of my Estate real and personal and it is also to be understood that my son ALFRED THORNBERRY is to have five hundred dollars and the balance is to be equally divided between SETH B. THORNBERRY and ALFRED THORNBERRY is further to be understood that I do appoint DANIEL THORNBERRY, SETH B. THORNBERRY and ARTHUR QUINN to be my Executors to this my last will and testament. In witness whereof I have set my hand and seal this 7 October 1822
(signed )
In the presence of
JOSEPH (?) SMITH (very dark and difficult to read)
Recorded 15 April 1828 Bullitt Co. KY Court
395.....iii.....BENJAMIN L. LEAVELL, b. Abt. 1828, Louisiana, USA. Or is he? McCalley Family Tree at says his parents are Thomas Leavell and Elizabeth Corbett, and his grandparents were Edward Leavell and Rosamund Wiatt. I see no evidence either way so far.
On June 8, 1826, William T. Baldwin married Mary Level in Ga llatin County according to the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index. Mary was the daughter of Edward Leavell.
.....As a descendant of William Baldwin, an early Gallatin County resident who married into the Leavell family and lived in the lower Eagle Creek Valley during the 1830s, I've often wondered at the identity of William's parents. Some of my cousins have suggested that Isaac Baldwin fit the bill since he was the earliest Baldwin in the area. I've supported that theory, but last week I found an old query that suggests otherwise.
.....It's from Miss Mary Pl Fletcher of 521 Cumberland, Little Rock, Arkansas and is found in the William and Mary Quarterly, 2nd series. 20:1. 147. (I think this is from the 1940s or so).
.....Baldwin.---Isaac Baldwin married Susannah Bridges in Barren County, Kentucky, in 1806, and left soon after for Gallatin County, Illinois. Children: Elizabeth, born 1807; Pamelia, born 1809; Blanton, born 1810; Urben B., born 1812; Nancy, born 1815, Simon Buford, born 1819; and Elbert Haney, born 1821. They lived in Illinois between Saline Tavern and Ohio River. Isaac Baldwin manufactured medicine for backwood neighbors. I want the parents of this couple and their family connections.
.....I did some checking online. A site for Barren County, Kentucky, Early Marriages ( showed Isaac's marriage on May 18, 1806. I also found some surveys in the Blue Springs area of Barren County in 1808, 1809, era that mention Baldwin.
.....As my William was supposedly born in 1801 in Virginia, he could only be Isaac's son by an earlier marriage. Does anybody have any more information on these individuals.
Jon Musgrave
Infant Baptisms
Caleb Baldwin, son of William Baldwin 1
Thomas Baldwin " 2
Francis Baldwin daughter " 3
Rosanna Baldwin " " 4
Martha Jane Baldwin " " 5
Mary Elizabeth Baldwin " 6
Hannah Ezabel Baldwin "
On March 8 or 9, 1848, The Gallatin County Commissioners Court appointed William G. Leavell to take the place of William Baldwin from the year before on the next stretch from Frazier’s to the middle of Eagle Creek Bridge on the Ford's Ferry Road. Also William G. Leavell in place of William Baldwin from the year before on the stretch from the Forks of Ford’s Ferry Road at Frazier’s Old Place to Island Ripple.Leavell is Baldwin's brother-in-law. [Source: Gallatin County Commissioner court Minutes.]
.....i.....CALEB E. BALDWIN, b. July 1827, Illinois; d. January 23, 1863, KIA Memphis, Tennessee; m. ELIZABETH J. PEEBELS, October 14, 1847, Illinois; b. Abt. 1826. Notes for CALEB E. BALDWIN: Military Unknown Bet 1861 and 1863 81st Infantry Regt, Illinois
.....ii.....THOMAS W. L. BALDWIN, b. 1828, Illinois; d. 1893, Illinois; m. HARRIET TITE, August 09, 1849; b. June 20, 1829; d. November 20, 1863. Notes for THOMAS W. L. BALDWIN: Military Unknown Bet 1862 and 1865 Civil War; Co. D, 120th Ill Infantry Regt
.....iii.....FRANCES ANN BALDWIN, b. February 26, 1830; m. WILLIAM W. PEEBELS, December 21, 1848; b. Abt. 1826.
.....iv.....ROSANNAH BALDWIN, b. August 26, 1831, Illinois, USA; d. May 06, 1842, Illinois, USA. Rosanna Baldwin baptized June 1842 Pisgah Cumberland Presbyterian Church, Gallatin County, Illinois. Same church has "Rosannah Baldwin departed this life 23, 1843."
396.....v.....MARTHA JANE BALDWIN, b. January 10, 1834, Gallatin County, Illinois; d. March 04, 1890, Gallatin County, Illinois. G. BALDWIN, b. January 18, 1836, Illinois, USA; d. May 06, 1842, Gallatin County, Illinois, USA. Notes for MARY G. BALDWIN: In 1842, Pisgah Cumberland Presbyterian Church has death "May 6, Mary E. Baldwin, daughter of William Baldwin."
.....vii.....MARGARET BALDWIN, b. 1839; d. 1905.
.....viii.....HANNAH J. BALDWIN, b. November 07, 1839, Illinois; m. WILEY SMART, February 22, 1859; b. Abt. 1835.
.....ix.....SARAH BALDWIN, b. 1843, Illinois.
Hargrove, Charlotte married Leavell, William G. on 17 Aug 1837 in Gallatin County, Illinois
Pg Line Last Name First Name Filename
20.....11.....Leavell.....Edward .....pg00020.txt
17.....21..... Leavell..... Thomas H. .....pg00014.txt
20.....29..... Leavell .....William.....pg00020.txt
At Pisgah Cumberland Presbyterian Church Records in Gallatin Co. KY ca. 1841, there's:
Aug 21
William G. Leavell Sprinkling50
Sharlotte Leavell do 51
Sept 3, 1842
Edwin, son of William and Shallot Laval
Samuel son of William and Shallot Laval 31
Mary Jane, day of " 32
The session met at Pisgah meeting house. Where as publick fame has declared Sister Magdelane Thompson guilty of some unchristian conduct in getting angry at a neighbour and useing unchristian language resolved that J. S. Alexander and Robert S. Donaldson be appointed a committy to convers with said Sister and report to the session next Thirsday night. Thirsday night the session met at Br. Wm. Baldwin's and received Wm. Laval by experience after which the committy appointed by the last session reported that they had performed the duty assigned them and that they left the Sister humble and submissive. The session resolved to continue the case until the next meeting.
The session held her seventh quarterly meting constituted by prayer, members present James D. Alexander, John H. Black, William Baldwin, and Robert S. Donaldson. On inquiry it was assertained that the members of this church are in full fellowship and no difficulty exists with the exception of the difficulty of Thomas Scroggins and a difficulty existing with Wm. Laval and also with Martha Laval and James Oxford. Ordered that John Black, William Baldwin and Robert S. Donaldson convers with those members and report to the session as soon as possible.
9.15.15..Leavell...William G. ...37...M...Farmer...400....Va
10..15.15..Leavell...Charlotte T. ...28...F......Ill
11..15.15..Leavell...Edward...12...M......Ill.... X
12..15.15..Leavell...Samuel...10...M......Ill.... X
13..15.15..Leavell...Mary J. ...7...F......Ill.... X
Charlott Leavell...48...Housekeeping...$200 personal...IL
John Leavell...36...farming...IL
Willis Leavell...18...IL
Alice Leavell...4...IL
397.....i.....EDWARD LEAVELL, b. November 09, 1837, Illinois, USA; d. 1914.
398.....ii.....SAMUEL LEAVELL, b. August 27, 1839, Illinois, USA; d. March 29, 1904, Mount Vernon, Posey, Indiana, USA.
399.....iii.....MARY JANE LEAVELL, b. November 02, 1841, Gallatin County, Illinois, USA; d. August 06, 1930, Ledford, Saline, Illinois, USA.
viv.....WILLIAM LEONARD LEAVELL, b. Abt. 4 March 1844, Illinois, USA. Per McCalley tree at he married Nancy Jane Smith. In the 1880 census, he's single, 35, living with brother-in-law Nicholas Dorsey.
400.....v.....MARTHA ANN LEAVELL, b. April 06, 1846, Illinois, USA; d. Bef. January 1878, Gallatin County, Illinois, USA. W. LEAVELL, b. January 26, 1850, Illinois, USA.
402.....vii.....WILLIS W. LEAVELL, b. January 26, 1850, Illinois, USA.
Cathy Handford
Sun 6/7/2020 1:37 PM
Hi Jane,
Forgot to add this to my last email:
Martha Ann Leavell, daughter of Edward Leavell and Rosanna Wiatt, m1 Leonard M. Hargrave 11 May 1837, m2 John Smith, 9 June 1846, m3 John C. Cummins Dec 1849. In 1850 she is living in Gallatin County Illinois with her husband, John C. Cummins age 31 and the following family members. It would be reasonable to assume that some of the Cummins children listed are John C. Cummins' children from a previous marriage. Probate records for Edw. Leavell mention that Martha Ann Cummins died about 1858 and also refer to Charlotte Smith as heir to the estate. This is the household in 1850:
John C. Cummins 31
Martha A. Cummins 32
Wm. Cummins 8
Thos. Cummins 6
Barbara Cummins 5
Nancy Cummins 1
Geo. Hargrave 9
Charlotte Smith 4
Andrew McCaslin 21
James Leavell 21
Mima Tilman 32
Peter Tilman 8
Rachel Tilman 0
Thanks again
Catherine Handford
Baptized by sprinkling in September of 1841 in Pisgah Cumberland Church in Gallatin Co., as were Jane and Elizabeth Dorsey.
Married there 13.June, Edward Laval to Emaline Virgin
Pg Line Last Name First Name Filename
20... 11... Edward Leavell... pg00020.txt
17... 21... Thomas H. Leavell... pg00014.txt
20... 29 ... William Leavell... pg00020.txt
28..6..6.Edward Leavell.. 32..M.. Farmer.....Ky
29..6..6.Mary Leavell...22..F........Ky
30..6..6.John T. Leavell...5..M........Ill
31..6..6.James L. Leavell..2..M........Ill
32..6..6.Edward Leavell.. 4/12 ..M........Ill
33..6..6.George Cortney.. 10..M........Tenn
Edward Levell...40...farmer...$600 personal...KY
Mary E. Levell...35...KY
Lafayette Levell...12...IL
Edward Levell...10...IL
James Levell...6...IL
Charles W. Levell...1...IL
John Cummins...7...IL
William Levell...15...IL
Gender: Male
Spouse Name: Nancy M Sullivan
Marriage Date: 9 Aug 1857
Marriage County: Saline
Comments: This record can be found at the County Court Records, Film # 0965056 - 0965061.
Name: Mrs. Nancy N. Towle
Gender: Female
Spouse Name: Edward Level
Marriage Date: Dec 16, 1869
Marriage County: Saline
Comments: This record can be found at the County Court Records, Film # 0965056 - 0965061.
Edward Levall...52...KY...farmer...$1600
Nancy Levall...35...IL...housekeeping
James Levall...21...IL...laborer
Edward D. Levall...20...IL
Jane Levall...16...IL
Charles W. Levall...12...IL
Almond Towle...12...IL
John Cummons...17...IL...laborer
Name ...Relation...Marital Status...Gender...Race...Age...Birthplace...Occupation...Father's Birthplace...Mother's Birthplace
Nancy Levell... Self ... W ... Female ... W ... 47 ... TN ... Keeping House ... TN ... TN
Almon Levell... Son ... S ... Male ... W ... 22 ... IL ... Works On Farm ... IL ... TN
Nannie Levell... Dau ... S ... Female ... W ... 21 ... IL ... Border ... IL ... TN
Minnie Levell... Dau ... S ... Female ... W ... 3M ... IL ... ... IL ... TN
MILLER, CHARLES..... LEVELL, EMMA..... GALLATIN..... 06/10/1886 00D/0396
LEAVEL, SAMUEL..... CHRISTIAN, MIRAM..... GALLATIN..... 11/22/1864 A/ 363
LEAVELL, ALEXANDER..... PEEPLES, MARY JANE (MRS)..... GALLATIN..... 11/02/1882 00D/0050
LEAVELL, ALFRED ..... BURROUGHS, MARTHA E ..... GALLATIN..... 11/05/1879 00C/0388
LEAVELL, CHARLES W ..... ADAMS, LOTTIE..... GALLATIN..... 12/21/1879 00C/0400
LEAVELL, EDWARD..... BARNETT, JERUSHA..... GALLATIN..... 10/10/1860 A/ 100
LEAVELL, EDWARD..... BURROUGHS, MARTHA..... GALLATIN..... 10/17/1865 A/ 429
LEAVELL, EDWARD D ..... KENT, ELIZA ANN..... GALLATIN..... 07/07/1872 00B/0454
LEAVELL, EDWARD S ..... COLBERT, HARRIET ..... GALLATIN..... 08/22/1894 00F/0208
LEAVELL, JAMES C ..... EVANS, MARY..... GALLATIN ..... 01/18/1891 00E/0383
LEAVELL, JAMES C ..... BROWN, LUCRETIA (MRS)..... GALLATIN..... 06/11/1872 00B/0446
LEAVELL, JAMES L ..... AWALT, NISA JANE..... GALLATIN..... 04/01/1875 00C/0070
LEAVELL, JOHN ..... DORSEY, MANERVA..... GALLATIN..... 03/17/1871 B/ 334
LEAVELL, JOHN..... JENNINGS, ADA A..... GALLATIN..... 09/23/1877 00C/0233
LEAVELL, JOHN..... VINYARD, MOLLIE..... GALLATIN..... 08/17/1884 00D/0222
LEAVELL, LEWIS..... ARNOLD, NANCY..... GALLATIN..... 08/02/1835 001/0061
LEAVELL, THOMAS..... LANGLEY, NANCY C ..... GALLATIN..... 12/23/1874 00C/0049
LEAVELL, WILLIAM G ..... HARGROVE, CHARLOTTE..... GALLATIN..... 08/17/1837 001/0115
LEAVELL, WILLIS ..... UNKNOWN, ..... GALLATIN..... 03/16/1876 00C/0137
LEAVILL, WILLIAM ..... WILLIAMS, LOUISA JANE (MRS)..... GALLATIN..... 01/04/1882 00C/0547
LEVEL, CHARLES..... BURRIS, ELLA..... GALLATIN..... 07/09/1895 00F/0295
LEVELL, BENJAMIN..... WILLIAMS, MARY..... GALLATIN..... 05/30/1883 00D/0394
LEVELL, JAMES C ..... KING, LEONA..... GALLATIN..... 06/28/1851 002/0122
LEVILL, BENJAMIN L ..... DORSEY, MARY ANN..... GALLATIN..... 09/03/1846 002/0018
Levell, Edward
Applied for 24 Sept 1881
D 120 Illinois Infantry
application #429946
certif. #356769
403.....i.....JAMES LAFAYETTE LEAVELL, b. May 1848, Illinois, USA; d. April 02, 1925, Junction, Gallatin County, Illinois, USA.
404.....ii.....EDWARD DAVID LEAVELL, b. May 1850, Illinois, USA; d. Abt. 1894, Junction City, Gallatin County, Illinois, USA.
Migrated to Kentucky between 1812-13. To Boone Co. MO between 1821-1833.
An old family cemetery on top of a hill above the lake of Peabody Coal Co about 1 1/2 miles south of Friendship Church which is about 2 or 2 1/2 miles west of Hallsville, Boone Co., Mo. More graves but only the following 2 stones were left to be found.
Tucker, Edward 28 Apr 1777-7 Apr 1855
Tucker, Elizabeth L d. 16 Nov 1880 age 86 years wife of Edward Tucker
Edward Tucker as a landowner in 1833. Edward owned a sugar orchard. His father allegedly came from England. Edward's will written April 14, 1855.
SIMMS, James L. - No. 1276 - Adm. Wm. W. Tucker, Admr. Gr. Oct. 25, 1854.
F.S. May 3, 1859. Heirs - George Ann Sims wid.; Wm. Henry, James Washington
and Mary Mildred Sims.
TUCKER, EDWARD - No. 1320 - Adm. Wm. W. Tucker, Admr. Apr. 14, 1855. F.S.
June 8, 1859. Heirs - Wm. W., James B., Arthur S., & John M. Tucker; Varinda H. Turner w. John Turner; Parthena F. Pigg, w. Wm. Pigg; Paulina S. Goslin w. Wm. Goslin; Lomira J. Tucker; Nancy E. Schooler w. Alex. Schooler all of Boone Co, Mo.
CASTLEMAN, ELBRIDGE - No. 1623 - Adm. William W. Tucker, Admr. Gr. Feb. 24,
1859. F.S. July 6, 1863. Heirs - Elvira Castleman, wid.; Frances A. Laforce w. of Preston Laforce; John A. Castleman, Richard G. Castleman, Thomas B. Castleman, Lucy J. Castleman**, Elbridge G. Castleman, Peyton S. Castleman, Benjamin F. Castleman, George C. Castleman, all of Boone Co. Mo.
Surname: Tucker, Simms, Woodruff, Turner, Schooler, Pigg, Goslin, White, Palmer, Leavell
.....The Missouri Pioneers of Boone County Missouri book in the archives shows Edward Tucker as a landowner in 1833. Edward and Elizabeth m 19 Dec 1811 in Madison KY. Edward was the owner of a sugar orchard. William B. Woodruff was son of David Woodruff and Martha Blackwell. He married Hannah B. Turner. Wm B. Woodruff b 25 Apr 1788 d 9 Mar 1879 in Mariposa CA.
.....Boone County was created from Howard County and some of that land now extended into Audrain and Calloway Counties.
.....Edward Tucker came to Missouri in 1820 and settled in Rocky Fork, 10 miles North of Columbia in Boone County Missouri. He died of pneumonia in 1855 at the age of 75. Edward was born in Culpepper Co., Virginia about 1777. By the birth places of some of his children it is believed that he went to Kentucky before going to Missouri in 1820. He married Elizabeth [Betsy] Simms, December 19, 1811 in Madison VA. Edward b; 28 Apr, 1777 d; 7 Apr, 1855. He was born near Appomattox Court house, VA. He m; Elizabeth "Betsy" Sims 19 Dec, 1811 in Madison, VA. [1795-1880] She was the daughter of William & Mary [Leavell] Sims. Edward died in Boone Co, MO and was originally buried in the Tucker Family Cemetery. The other Tuckers were moved to Red Top Cem. outside Hallsville, MO so he might have too when the cemetery was destroyed.
.....They had 9 children:
see also:
405.....i.....WILLIAM WARREN TUCKER, b. September 02, 1812, Culpeper County, Virginia, USA; d. April 02, 1892, Boone County, Missouri, USA.
406.....ii.....JAMES B. TUCKER, b. 1816, Christian County, Kentucky; d. Abt. 1860, Boone County, Missouri.
407.....iii.....ARTHUR SHERROD TUCKER, b. 1818, Christian County, Kentucky; d. November 12, 1856, Boone County, Missouri.
408.....iv.....VARINDA HADEN TUCKER, b. November 28, 1822, Boone County, Missouri; d. February 04, 1901, Sturgeon, Boone, Missouri.
409.....v.....PARTHENA FRANCES TUCKER, b. May 20, 1825, Boone County, Missouri; d. March 05, 1904, Boone County, Missouri. LEVEL TUCKER, b. December 24, 1827, Boone County, Missouri; d. March 12, 1906, Boone County, Missouri.
411.....vii.....LAMIRA J. TUCKER, b. December 24, 1827, Boone County, Missouri; d. Bef. 1866.
412.....viii.....JOHN M. TUCKER, b. 1833, Boone County, Missouri; d. August 13, 1898, Boone County, Missouri.
413.....ix.....NANCY ELIZABETH TUCKER, b. March 29, 1836, Boone County, Missouri; d. November 20, 1881, Boone County, Missouri.
.....i.....ELIZA MILDRED SIMS, b. January 11, 1811, Culpeper County, Virginia, USA; d. 1868, Boone, Audrain, Missouri, USA; m. WILLIAM HARGROVE, 1829.
414.....ii.....MARTHA HAYDEN SIMS, b. August 08, 1813, Culpeper County, Virginia; d. November 30, 1858, Vernon County, Missouri.
415.....iii.....SUSAN JANE SIMS, b. 1816; d. February 06, 1855, Paris, Monroe, Missouri, USA.
416.....iv.....CLEMENTINA DELANEY SIMS, b. July 08, 1818, Hopkinsville, Christian, Kentucky, USA; d. February 02, 1905, Audrain County, Missouri, USA.
.....v.....WILLIAM HENRY SIMS, b. 1820, Christian County, Kentucky, USA; d. 1839, Chihuahua, Mexico; m. UNMARRIED. LEAVELL SIMS, b. 1822, Hopkinsville, Christian, Kentucky, USA; d. October 25, 1854, Boone County, Missouri, USA.
418.....i.....DANIEL WOODFORD TALLEY, b. May 06, 1829, Boone County, Missouri, USA; d. July 15, 1885, Audrain County, Missouri, USA.
419.....ii.....PAULINE J. TALLEY, b. Abt. 1830, Missouri, USA.
420.....iii.....JUDITH FRANCES TALLEY, b. Abt. 1833, Missouri, USA.
421.....iv.....MARY HAYDON TALLEY, b. May 18, 1840, Missouri, USA; d. March 03, 1918, Vernon County, Missouri, USA.
422.....i.....WILLIAM FRANCIS FOX, b. August 07, 1822, Todd County, Kentucky, USA; d. November 10, 1910, Cumberland County, Illinois, USA.
423.....ii.....CYNTHIA R. FOX, b. 1824; d. 1864.
424.....iii.....THOMAS JEFFERSON FOX, b. October 10, 1827, Todd County, Kentucky, USA; d. March 29, 1899, Todd County, Kentucky, USA.
.....iv.....NANCY BARBARA FOX, b. 1828, Todd County, Kentucky; d. 1907, Todd County, Kentucky; m. WOODSON KEELING, June 08, 1841.
.....v.....HARRIET ELIZABETH ALLENDER, b. 1843; m. (1) WILLAM ANDERSON MILLER; m. (2) W. F. KEELING, October 07, 1875. MARION ALLENDER, b. 1841.
425.....vii.....LUTICIA FRANCES ALLENDER, b. September 12, 1838; d. January 24, 1913.
.....viii.....MARGARET LEWIS ALLENDER, b. Abt. 1849; d. Abt. 1851.
.....ix.....NELSON E. ALLENDER, b. 1843.
According to the 1850 Monroe Co., Missouri Federal Census, Roy Level Sims was born about 1802 in Virginia. He was a minor when his grandfather died (1815) and is listed as Leroy Sims in the guardianship papers in Christian Co., Kentucky. His wife Eva (Eve) Louise Reynolds was born 18 Feb 1808 also in Virginia. She died 7 Jul 1882 and is supposed to be buried in Audrain Co., Missouri.
Also, Washington Sims was a minor under the age of 14 when his grandfather died in 1815. He is also listed in the guardianship papers in Christian Co., Kentucky and could not have been born in 1784. He was born between 1805 and 1810 according to the guardianship papers.
More About EVA LOUISE REYNOLDS: Burial: Audrain County, Missouri?
.....i.....MARTHA ANN SIMS, b. May 20, 1829; m. DUNCAN BLUE.
.....ii.....LOUMIRA JANE SIMS, b. 1834, Kentucky; d. January 01, 1907; m. THOMAS JEFFERSON CANTERBURY, September 08, 1858, Audrain County, Missouri; b. Abt. 1831, Kentucky.
.....iii.....HENRY CLAY SIMS, b. 1835; m. MARGARET JANE COTHARINE, May 20, 1866, Audrain County, Missouri.
.....iv.....GEORGEANNA SIMS, b. October 03, 1837, Kentucky; d. June 27, 1908, Missouri; m. BILLY WEAVER.
.....v.....SARAH ELIZABETH SIMS, b. 1839, Missouri; m. JAMES HENDRICKS, August 14, 1859, Vernon County, Missouri. M. SIMS, b. 1841; m. NERI KEITHLY.
.....vii.....AMERICA E. SIMS, b. 1844.
Rocky Fork Primitive Baptist Church Cemetery, Hinton, Boone, Missouri
Henry H. Pigg b. 05/23/1840 d. 07/28/1862 "In Defense of His Country"
John A. Pigg b. 09/27/1830 d. 04/11/1862 "In Defense of His Country"
Reynard A. Pigg d. 01/24/1873 age 79 y, 7 m, 18 d
Frances Pigg b. 11/02/1803 d. 07/22/1881
.....i.....ANN E. PIGG, m. FREDERICK BARKWELL, October 09, 1853.
.....iii.....ONEY PIGG, m. CHARLES WASHER, September 20, 1868.
.....iv.....MARY PIGG, m. BENJAMIN P. GOSLIN, February 24, 1859.
426.....v.....WILLIAM JOHN WASHINGTON PIGG, b. April 27, 1824, Boone County, Missouri; d. March 15, 1904. A. PIGG, b. September 27, 1830, Boone County, Missouri; d. April 11, 1862; m. SOPHRONIA BARKWELL, September 11, 1851. Notes for JOHN A. PIGG: Rocky Fork Baptist Church, Boone County, MO
427.....vii.....STEPHEN W. PIGG, b. March 01, 1833, Boone County, Missouri; d. August 31, 1895, Boone County, Missouri.
428.....viii.....HARRIET DICKSON PIGG, b. April 22, 1837, Boone County, Missouri; d. May 07, 1927, Boone County, Missouri.
.....ix.....HENRY H. PIGG, b. May 23, 1840, Boone County, Missouri; d. July 28, 1862. Notes for HENRY H. PIGG: Rocky Fork Baptist Church, Boone County, MO
429.....x.....SARAH FRANCES PIGG, b. June 18, 1842, Boone County, Missouri; d. November 09, 1917, Boone County, Missouri.
.....xi.....BENJAMIN L. PIGG, b. March 15, 1847, Boone County, Missouri; d. January 14, 1909, Boone County, Missouri; m. ARABELLA WEST, August 18, 1867, Boone County, Missouri; b. August 28, 1848, Boone County, Missouri; d. June 22, 1922, Boone County, Missouri. More About BENJAMIN L. PIGG: Burial: Mt Zion Cem, Boone Co, Missouri
William was a slave owner; Ballard County births include one for a Peter, black, 2 Sept 1859, owned by W. A. Leavell
No. Name Age Sex Occupation Birth Est. YOB
Wm. Tucker..... 34..... M..... Laborer..... Ky..... 1816
Sarah Tucker..... 32 F..... Ky..... 1818
Washington Tucker..... 9..... M..... Ky..... 1841
Mellissie Tucker..... 7..... F..... Ky..... 1843
John Tucker..... 3 ..... M ..... Ky ..... 1847
Mildred Tucker..... 1..... F..... Ky..... 1849
W. A. Levell 35 M Farmer Ky 1815
Sarah Levell ..... 30..... F ..... Ky..... 1820
John Levell ..... 11..... M ..... Ky..... 1839
Elizabeth Levell ..... 9..... F..... Ky ..... 1841
Benj. Levell ..... 7..... M ..... Ky..... 1843
Amelia Levell ..... 5..... F ..... Ky..... 1845
Allice Levell ..... 1..... F..... Ky..... 1849
William A Leavell...46...Farmer...$5000 real estate...$5000 personal...KY
Sarah M Leavell...41...KY
John L Leavell...21...KY
Elizabeth Leavell...19...KY
Benjamin Leavell...17...KY
Amelia Leavell ...15...KY
Alice Leavell...12...KY
Lamira Leavell ...10...KY
William H Leavell ...8...KY
Robert C Leavell...6...KY
Eugenia Leavell...4...KY
Emma C Leavell ...2...KY
Luther Leavell ...5/12...KY
William Level...55...farmer...KY
Sarah M. Level...50...housekeeper...$2500 real estate...$500 personal...KY
Anna Level...24...KY
Alice Level...21...KY
Lamina Level...18...KY
William Henry on farm
Robert C. school
Eugenia school
Emma C. school
Luther Level...8...KY
Name Relation Marital Status Gender Race Age Birthplace Occupation Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace
W. A. Leavell...Self...W...Male...W...65...KY...Farmer...VA...VA
Amelia A. Leavell...Dau...S...Female...W...33...KY...At Home...KY...KY
R. C. Leavell...Son...S...Male...W...25...KY...At Home...KY...KY
S. Eugenia Leavell...Dau...S...Female...W...23...KY...At Home...KY...KY
Emma C. Leavell...Dau...S...Female...W...21...KY...At Home...KY...KY
L. W. Leavell...Son...S...Male...W...19...KY...At Home...KY...KY
.....i.....JOHN S. LEAVELL, b. Abt. 1839, Kentucky, USA.
430.....ii.....ELIZABETH E. LEAVELL, b. Abt. 1841, Kentucky, USA.
431.....iii.....BENJAMIN FRANKLIN LEAVELL, b. March 18, 1843, Christian County, Kentucky, USA; d. December 25, 1913, Ballard County, Kentucky, USA.
.....iv.....AMELIA ANN LEAVELL, b. Abt. 1845, Kentucky, USA.
432.....v.....ALICE OLIVIA LEAVELL, b. December 21, 1848, Ballard County, Kentucky, USA; d. April 03, 1928, Ballard County, Kentucky, USA. LEAVELL, b. December 12, 1850, Kentucky, USA; d. November 25, 1923, Ballard County, Kentucky, USA; m. JESSE A. RICH.
.....vii.....WILLIAM HENRY LEAVELL, b. Abt. 1852, Ballard County, Kentucky, USA; d. April 13, 1878, Ballard County, Kentucky, USA. Notes for WILLIAM HENRY LEAVELL: white, single, farmer, murdered by gunshot. Son of W. and Sarah Leavell
Is this Lamina in the 1880 census?
Name Relation Marital Status Gender Race Age Birthplace Occupation Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace
Jessee RICH..Self..M..Male..W..32..KY..Saloon Keeper..---..---
Elmira RICH..Wife..M..Female..W..28..KY..Keeping House..KY..KY
Eugenia RICH..Dau..S..Female..W..2..KY....KY..KY
Maud RICH..Dau..S..Female..W..2M..KY....KY..KY
Source Information:
Census Place Barlow, Ballard, Kentucky
Family History Library Film..1254401
NA Film Number..T9-0401
Page Number..427B
Name: Limira Leavell Rich
[Limira Leavell Leavell]
Death Date: 25 Nov 1923
Death Location: Ballard
Residence Location: Ballard
Age: 72
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: White
Birth Date: 12 Dec 1850
Birth Location: Kentucky
Father's Name: William Leavell
Father's Birth Location: Kentucky
Mother's Name: Sarah Moore
Mother's Birth Location: Kentucky
433.....viii.....ROBERT CURTIS LEAVELL, b. Abt. 1855, Kentucky, USA.
.....ix.....S. EUGENIA LEAVELL, b. Abt. 1857, Kentucky, USA; m. BENJAMIN HALL.
434.....x.....EMMA CORTEZ LEAVELL, b. February 08, 1858, Kentucky, USA; d. March 21, 1934, Bandana, Ballard, Kentucky, USA.
.....xi.....LUTHER WILLIS LEAVELL, b. Abt. 1861, Kentucky, USA; d. March 07, 1944, Ballard County, Kentucky, USA.
141. MARTHA J. LEAVELL (BENJAMIN, BENJAMIN, EDWARD, EDWARD, ? LAVELLE) was born Abt. 1819 in Christian County, Kentucky, USA. She married JEFFERSON MOORE May 05, 1837 in Christian County, Kentucky, USA. He was born Abt. 1804 in Halifax County, Virginia, USA.
Source Citation: Year: 1920;Census Place: Bandana, Ballard, Kentucky; Roll: T625_557; Page: 5B; Enumeration District: 1; Image: 953.
Lew W Leavell...60...KY, KY, KY...owns home...can read and write...general farmer
Luther Leavell...23...KY...nephew
Robert Leavell...19...KY...nephew...
Minni Leavell...16...KY...niece
Name: Luther L Leavell
Death Date: 7 Mar 1944
Death Location: Ballard
Residence Location: Ballard
Age: 84
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: White
Birth Date: 12 Jan 1860
Birth Location: Kentucky
Father's Name: Will Leavell
Father's Birth Location: Kentucky
1850 District 2, Christian, Kentucky
Moore, Jefferson...46...VA
...Martha J. ...31...KY
...Elizabeth L. ...11...KY
..Susan W. ...9...KY
...Thomas J. ...5...KY
...Benjamin F. ...1...KY
Leavell, Benjamin F. ...20...student M...KY
John F Barnes...46...KY...farmer...$43,000 real estate...$20,000 personal
Martha Barnes...42...KY
Susan Moore...19...KY...$10,000 personal
Thomas J Moore...15...KY...$12,000 personal
Henry Moore...8...KY...$11,000 personal
Mary Barnes...6/12...KY
.....i.....ELIZABETH L. MOORE, b. Abt. 1839.
.....ii.....SUSAN W. MOORE, b. Abt. 1841.
435.....iii.....THOMAS JEFFERSON MOORE, b. October 29, 1843, Christian County, Kentucky, USA; d. November 01, 1923, Christian County, Kentucky, USA.
.....iv.....BENJAMIN F. MOORE, b. Abt. 1849, Kentucky; d. November 14, 1852, Christian County, Kentucky, USA.
.....v.....HENRY FOSTER MOORE, b. 20 Aug 1851 Christian County, Kentucky, d. 21 Aug 1917, Christian County, KY.
Name: Benj F Moore
Death Date: 14 Nov 1852
Death Location: Christian
Residence Location: Christian
Age: 4
Gender: Male
Birth Date: abt 1848
Birth Location: Christian
Father's Name: Jefferson Moore
Mother's Name: M J Moore
Source Citation: Year: 1900; Census Place: Longview, Christian, Kentucky; Roll: T623_515; Page: 8A; Enumeration District: 12.
142. LAMINA A. LEAVELL (BENJAMIN, BENJAMIN, EDWARD, EDWARD, ? LAVELLE) was born Abt. 1820 in Kentucky, USA. She married GEORGE W. WILLS October 23, 1840 in Christian County, Kentucky, USA, son of GEORGE WILLS and SUSANNAH KING. He was born abt. 1814 Kentucky.
H F Moore...47...Aug 1852...KY, KY, KY...farmer
Fannie R Moore...46...July 1853...KY, KY, KY
Wilmoth Moore...22...KY, KY, KY
Jefferson Moore...20...KY, KY, KY
Henry F Moore...58...KY, VA, KY...married 37 years...farmer
Fannie R Moore...57...KY, VA, TN...4 children, 3 living
Wilmoth Moore...32...KY, KY, KY...dau
Death Date: 21 Aug 1917
Death Location: Christian
Residence Location: Christian
Age: 66
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: White
Birth Date: 20 Aug 1851
Birth Location: Christian, Kentucky
Father's name: T J Moore
Mother's name: Martha A Leavell
Mother's Birth Location: Todd, Kentucky
1850 - District 2, Christian, Kentucky
Source Citation: Year: 1850; Census Place: District 2, Christian, Kentucky; Roll: M432_196; Page: 377; Image: 184.
George Wills...70...VA...farmer...$8952
Susan Wills...68...VA
George W. Wills...36...KY...farmer
Lamire A. Wills...28...KY
William Wills...19...KY...student
Hardin I. Wills...17...KY
John W. Wills...14...KY
Susan Wills...12...KY
Henry G. Wills...7...KY
Benjamin L. Wills...9...KY
James L. Wills...5...KY
Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: , Christian, Kentucky; Roll: M653_362; Page: 0; Image: 249
George Wills...77...VA...farmer...$27,000 real...$12,600 personal
George W Wills...48...KY
Lamira L Wills...38...KY
Benjn l Wills...18...KY
George H Wills...16...KY
James L Wills...15...KY
Ophelia Wills...8...KY
Gross Wills...4...KY
Walter Taylor...30...VA...wheelwright
Crit Mc Knight...48...KY, SC, KY...widowed...
George W. Mc Knight...2...KY, KY, KY
Lemira Wills...60...VA, VA, VA...widowed...keeps house...mother-in-law
B. L. Wills...40...KY, VA,
.....i.....WILLIAM WILLS, b. Abt. 1831.
.....ii.....HARDIN I. WILLS, b. Abt. 1833.
.....iii.....JOHN W. WILLS, b. Abt. 1836.
.....iv.....SUSAN WILLS, b. Abt. 1838.
.....v.....BENJAMIN I. WILLS, b. Abt. 1842, Kentucky, USA. G. WILLS, b. Abt. 1843.
436.....vii.....GEORGE HENRY WILLS, b. Abt. 1844, Kentucky, USA; d. February 08, 1882, Ft. Campbell, Kentucky.
.....viii.....JAMES L. WILLS, b. Abt. 1845, Kentucky, USA.
437.....ix.....OPHELIA WILLS, b. Abt. 1852, Kentucky, USA; d. August 30, 1879.
.....x.....JOB WILLS, b. Abt. 1856, Kentucky, USA.
or TERRITORY: KY COUNTY: Christian DIVISION: District #2 REEL NO: M432-196 PAGE NO: 360
REFERENCE: Enumerated on August 05, 1850 by John W. Wallace
15 66...68 Leavell...... H. C.......... 26...M.........Farmer.........875...... Kentucky
16 66...68 Leavell...... Lewis A....... 24...M.........Farmer.........875...... Kentucky
17 67...69 Leavell...... Robert W.......30...M.........Farmer.........2,300... Kentucky
18 67...69 Leavell...... S. A.......... 27...F................................. Kentucky
19 67...69 Leavell...... M. A.......... 8... F................................. Kentucky............... X
20 67...69 Leavell...... R. W.......... 3... M................................. Kentucky
21 67...69 Leavell...... S. B.......... 3/12 M................................. Kentucky
Robert W. Leavell...39...farmer...KY...$36000 real estate...$18000 personal
Sarah Leavell...37...KY
Martha Leavell...16...KY
Robt. Leavell..13...KY
Saml. Leavell..10...KY
Maria Leavell...7...KY
Lizzie Leavell...2...KY
(2 doors away from brother Henry Cortez Leavell)
Robt. W. Leavell...50...farmer...KY...$7320 real estate...$4500 personal
Sarah A. Leavell...47...KY
Martha A. Leavell...26...KY
Saml. B. on farm
Annie M. Leavell...17...KY
Lizzie Leavell...11...KY
Name ...Relation...Marital Status...Gender...Race...Age...Birthplace...Occupation...Father's Birthplace...Mother's Birthplace
Robert W. Leavell... Self ... W ... Male ... W ... 60 ... KY ... Farmer ... VA ... VA (This whole line has a line drawn through it)
Robert W. Leavell... Son ... S ... Male ... W ... 30 ... KY ... Clerk In Store ... KY ... KY
Mattie A. Leavell... Dau ... S ... Female ... W ... 32 ... KY ... Keeping House ... KY ... KY
Elizabeth F. Leavell... Dau ... S ... Female ... W ... 21 ... KY ...KY...KY
.....i.....MARY ANN LEAVELL, b. 1842, Kentucky, USA.
.....ii.....ROBERT W. LEAVELL, b. November 20, 1847, Kentucky, USA; d. February 10, 1929, Sabinal, Uvalde County, Texas, USA.
.....iii.....SAMUEL B. LEAVELL, b. May 1850, Kentucky, USA. I can't find him in the 1880 census.
Source Citation: Year: 1910; Census Place: Justice Precinct 2, Uvalde, Texas; Roll: T624_1593; Page: 4B; Enumeration District: 134; Image: 914.
Robert W Leavell...62...KY, KY, KY...single...merchant
Lizzie S Leavell...52...KY, KY, KY...single...sister...merchant
.....iv.....MARIA LEAVELL, b. Abt. 1853.
.....v.....LIZZIE LEAVELL, b. Abt. 1859, Kentucky, USA.
Census for TERRITORY: KY COUNTY: Christian DIVISION: District #2 REEL NO: M432-196 PAGE NO: 360
REFERENCE: Enumerated on August 05, 1850 by John W. Wallace
15 66...68 Leavell...... H. C.......... 26...M.........Farmer.........875...... Kentucky
16 66...68 Leavell...... Lewis A....... 24...M.........Farmer.........875...... Kentucky
[next door to brother Robert W. Leavell]
Name: Henry Leavell
Age: 32
Est. Birth Year: abt 1821
Birth Location: Todd
Residence: Christian
Spouse Name: Saller Ann Clardy
Spouse Age: 19
Est. Spouse Birth Year: abt 1834
Spouse Birth Location: Christian
Spouse Residence: Christian
Marriage Date: 15 Nov 1853
County of Record: Christian
Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: , Christian, Kentucky; Roll: M653_362; Page: 0; Image: 210.
two doors away from Robert Leavell:
Henry C Leavell...35...farmer...$27000 real estate...$22500 personal
Sally A Leavell...24...KY
Joseph D Leavell...3...KY
Elizabeth Leavell...1...KY
Saml R Richeson...20...VA...overseer...$150 personal
Civil War Military Units from Montgomery County, Tennessee
1st (Helm's) Kentucky Cavalry Regiment Companies "A" and "B"
1st Cavalry Regiment was organized during the late summer of 1861 and its companies were mustered into Confederate service in October. It served in the Central Army of Kentucky and the Department of East Tennessee and fought in various engagements in Kentucky and Tennessee. Because of its difficult service in Kentucky during September and October, 1862, it was reduced to a battalion and assigned to the 3rd Kentucky Cavalry. The field officers were Colonel Benjamin H. Helm; Lieutenant Colonels J.W. Griffith, H.C. Leavell, and Thomas G. Woodward; and Majors John W. Caldwell and N.R. Chambliss.
Muster roll of Company H, First Kentucky Cavalry Regiment, Colonel Ben Hardin Helm commanding. Mustered into service C.S.A., October 8, 1862, at Hopkinsville, Kentucky, by General Clarke and ordered to report to Colonel B.H. Helm at Bowling Green, Kentucky, November 1, 1862, and there put into First Kentucky Cavalry, C.S.A., as Company H.
The company was recruited around Fairview and Pembroke:
• H.D. Leavell, Captain
...Company H after the death of their old Captain, Lieutenant Colonel H.C. Leavell, passed under the command of Major J. W. Caldwell.
Historical and Biographical
F.A. BATTEY PUBLISHING CO. , Chicago and Louisville, 1884
The Oak Grove Rangers were organized and mustered into service June 25. 1861, near Camp Boone, Montgomery Co., Tenn., for a period of twelve months. They were officered as follows: Thomas G. Wood-ward, Captain; Darwin Bell, First Lieutenant; Frank Campbell, Second Lieutenant, and J. M. Jones, Brevet Second Lieutenant. They numbered at the time about 130 of the very flower of the youth of Christian County, who had been thoroughly armed and equipped at the expense of the citizens about Oak Grove. Among them were Austin Peay, present State Senator from this district; Frank Buckner, William McGuire; William A. Elliott, afterward Captain of Company A., Second Regiment; B. F. and Henry Clardy, Radford, Bob and Nat Owens, John Blankenship, William and Sim Nichols, William Blakemore, Robert Kelly, W. L. and B. S. Leavell...Thus organized they moved in September, 1861. into Kentucky, in advance of Gen. Buckner's command from Camp Boone, Tennessee. At Bowling Green they went into camp with the rest of the army, and were at once assigned to duty as Companies A and B, First Regiment of Kentucky Cavalry, under Col. Ben Hardin Helm. Company B numbered about one hundred men at the time, and was officered as follows: Captain, J. W. Caldwell ; First Lieutenant, W. A. Elliott ; Second Lieutenant, William Campbell ; Brevet Second Lieutenant, Hazard Baker. Shortly afterward Capt. H. C. Leavell arrived with another company of Christian County troops, numbering about one hundred men rank and file, and was assigned to duty as Company H in the same regiment. It was officered as follows: Captain, H. C. Leavell...We now go back to the time Companies A and B were disbanded at Atlanta, and take up the fortunes of Company H, whose time had not yet expired. They remained under the command of Lieut.-Col. H. C. Leavell, their old Captain, till just before Bragg started on the march to Kentucky, when, Col. Leavell dying, they passed under the command of Maj. J. W. Caldwell.
MRS. SALLIE A, WILLS was born in Christian County, Ky., in 1836, in which she was reared, and made her home to the present time. Her father, Mr. John C. Clardy, was born in North Carolina in 1798, removed to Smith Countv, Tenn., and thence to Christian County, Ky., about 1830, where be died at Wood Lawn, the old Clardy homestead, in 1853, The Clardy family are of old French Huguenot stock, who settled in an early day in Florida and emigrated to North Carolina, many years ago. Her mother, Mrs. Elizabeth (Cacey) Clardy, was born at Cumberland Court House, Virginia, in 1804, and is still living, To John C, Clardy and wife were born : William D., Dr. John D., James M., Benjamin F., Mrs. Sallie A. (Wills), Dr. Thomas F., Henry H. and Mrs. Fannie M. (Burke). Mrs. Wills was first married in 1855 to Col. Henry C. Leavell, who was born in Todd County, Ky,, in 1624, and died in Walker County, Ga., August 26, 1862. The universal testimony of the comrades in arms and the acquaintances and neighbors of Col, Leavell, is to the effect that he was a brave and gallant soldier, an officer of more than ordinary ability, a thorough gentleman and a Christian, His early death was greatly lamented, and his memory is still cherished in this community with a reverence that is but seldom attained by those who have lived long and useful lives. Seldom has the pall of death cast so heavy a shadow over a community, as did the death of Col, Leavell, over this ; he lived and died in communion with the Salem Baptist Church, in Christian County, Ky, To Col. and Mrs, Leavell were born a son, Joseph H., who is now superintending the home farm, with a bright future before him ; and Mrs. Lizzie C,, wife of Philander B. Pendleton, of this county. Mrs. Leavell was next married in 1866, to Mr, George H. Murphey ills, who was born in Christian County, Ky., in 1842, and died in 1682; he was a good and gentlemanly man, and held in high esteem; he, with his wife, was a member of the Baptist Church. To them were born George W. and John C, Wills.
.....i.....JOSEPH HENRY LEAVELL, b. November 21, 1856, Christian County, Kentucky, USA; d. December 24, 1887, Fort Campbell, Kentucky, USA.
438.....ii.....ELIZABETH CLARDY LEAVELL, b. July 22, 1858, Christian County, Kentucky, USA; d. September 02, 1951, Pembroke, Christian, Kentucky, USA.
.....iii.....HENRY CORTEZ LEAVELL, b. August 21, 1860, Christian County, Kentucky, USA; d. September 30, 1862, Fort Campbell, Christian, Kentucky, USA.
Historical and Biographical
F.A. BATTEY PUBLISHING CO. , Chicago and Louisville, 1884
The Oak Grove Rangers were organized and mustered into service June 25. 1861, near Camp Boone, Montgomery Co., Tenn., for a period of twelve months. They were officered as follows: Thomas G. Wood-ward, Captain; Darwin Bell, First Lieutenant; Frank Campbell, Second Lieutenant, and J. M. Jones, Brevet Second Lieutenant. They numbered at the time about 130 of the very flower of the youth of Christian County, who had been thoroughly armed and equipped at the expense of the citizens about Oak Grove. Among them were Austin Peay, present State Senator from this district; Frank Buckner, William McGuire; William A. Elliott, afterward Captain of Company A., Second Regiment; B. F. and Henry Clardy, Radford, Bob and Nat Owens, John Blankenship, William and Sim Nichols, William Blakemore, Robert Kelly, W. L. and B. S. Leavell...
Okay, something's crazy here. This Benjamin Samuel Leavell marries a Moore, and his sister Martha married Jefferson Moore. But in the 1850 Christian Co. census, there's a Benjamin Lewis Leavell the same age living with Jefferson and Martha. A cousin? Is the name Benjamin Samuel Lewis Leavell? Did someone misread a handwritten "L" for "S"?
Benjamin Lewis Leavell was the brother of Martha J. Leavell, born 1819 in Christian Co. KY, m. 5 May 1837 there to Jefferson Moore. They were the children of Benjamin Leavell and Elizabeth Willis. But I had him down as Benjamin Samuel Leavell, husband of Elijzabeth J. Moore, who was born 1839. He's the right age, the right birthplace, the right death area...just the wrong wife (and she's a Moore, the surname mentioned by Sue below). A second wife? A mistake? A coincidence?
Home in 1840 (City, County, State): Christian, Kentucky
Free White Persons - Males - 5 thru 9: 1
Free White Persons - Males - 10 thru 14: 2
Free White Persons - Males - 15 thru 19: 1
Free White Persons - Males - 20 thru 29: 1
Free White Persons - Males - 50 thru 59: 1
Free White Persons - Females - 5 thru 9: 1
Free White Persons - Females - 15 thru 19: 2
Free White Persons - Females - 40 thru 49: 1
Slaves - Males - Under 10: 3
Slaves - Males - 10 thru 23: 7
Slaves - Males - 24 thru 35: 4
Slaves - Males - 36 thru 54: 1
Slaves - Males - 55 thru 99: 3
Slaves - Females - Under 10: 7
Slaves - Females - 10 thru 23: 5
Slaves - Females - 24 thru 35: 3
Slaves - Females - 36 thru 54: 2
Slaves - Females - 55 thru 99: 1
Persons Employed in Agriculture: 19
Free White Persons - Under 20: 7
Free White Persons - 20 thru 49: 2
Total Free White Persons: 10
Total Slaves: 36
Total All Persons - Free White, Free Colored, Slaves: 46
Jefferson Moore...46...VA
Martha J. Moore...31...KY
Elizabeth L. Moore...11...KY
Susan W. Moore...9...KY
Thomas J. Moore...5...KY
Benjamin F. Moore...1...KY
Benjamin F. Leavell...20...student M...KY
Emma C. Beaumont...20...England
Dodd, Jordan R.. Tennessee Marriages, 1851-1900 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2000. Original data: See extended description for original data sources listed by county.
Name: Benjamin S. Leavell
Spouse: Emma C. Beaumont
Marriage Date: 3 Dec 1852
County: Montgomery
State: TN
Middle initial and first letter of surname are identical--resemble an S, but are an L
B L Leavell...31...KY...physician...$4000 real, $3500 personal
Emma C Leavell...30...England
Beaumont Leavell...6...KY
Lewis E Leavell...4...KY
Mary Leavell...1...KY
Historical Data Systems, comp.. American Civil War Soldiers [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 1999.
Name: Benjamin Leavell
Enlistment Date: 15 Sep 1861
Enlistment Place: Mayfield, Kentucky
Side Served: Confederacy
State Served: Kentucky
Service Record:
Enlisted as a Private on 15 September 1861.
Enlisted in Company C, 7th Infantry Regiment Kentucky on 15 Sep 1861.
Discharged from Company C, 7th Infantry Regiment Kentucky on 16 Nov 1862.
Sources: 8
Ben L. Leavell, 41, mw, Physician, 920/500, KY
Emma C. Leavell, 40, fw, England
Beaumont Leavell, 16, mw, works on farm, KY
Louis E. Leavell, 13, mw, works on farm, KY
Mary C. Leavell, 11, fw, KY
Joseph Leavell, 5, mw, KY
Mattie B. Leavell, 1 fw, KY
Name Relation Marital Status Gender Race Age Birthplace Occupation Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace
Benjamin Leavell...Self...M...Male...W...50...KY...Physician...VA...VA
Emma C. Leavell...Wife...M...Female...W...50...ENG...Keeping House...ENG...ENG
Mary Leavell...Dau...S...Female...W...20...KY...At Home...KY...ENG
Joseph N. Leavell...Son...S...Male...W...14...KY...At Home...KY...ENG
Edna Leavell...Dau...S...Female...W...11...KY...At Home...KY...ENG
Leavell, Beaumont...trav slsmn...h...801 Live Oak
Leavell, Joseph N...trav. slsmn...r...801 Live Oak
Leavell, Mary J (wid Geo W)...h...646 Ross
Leveille, Morris...foreman Ford Motor Co, rms 147 S Pearl
Odd Fellows Cemetery
Williamson County
Texas, USA
Plot: Division G.
LOT 105
BARNES, Edna Leavell: 1872-1940 [Strikeover on engraving] [OCCB: 29 July 1940] MARKER
BARNES, John: 1862-1904 MARKER
LETCHWORTH Ernest E., Jr.: 14 Nov 1906-7 Mar 1908 [OCCB: "Kicker"] MARKER
LEAVELL, Mildred Stanley: 10 Aug 1865-2 July 1949 MARKER
LEAVELL, Joseph Norman: 21 Jan 1867-26 Dec 1948 MARKER
LEAVELL, Sue Cooper: 1873-1941 MARKER
LEAVELL, Louis Eugene: 1857-1923 [OCCB: 14 Dec 1923] MARKER
I am looking for information about Dr Benjamin Lewis LEAVELL(E) and his wife, Emma G. Beaumont LEAVELL(E) who were living in Christian County, KY in 1863 with four children including Lewis LEAVELL(E). I think Dr LEAVELL(E)'s sister was married to a MOORE and they had several children. The MOOREs were living in Chrisitan County, KY in 1850 census.
LEAVELL(E) - BEAUMONT. The transcribed 1850 census of Christian County on the Christian County page has the following entries:
19 112 117 Leavell Benjamin L. 20 M Student M Kentucky REMARKS: Census Taker wrote the letter M after Student [presumably it meant "medical student"
20 112 117 Beaumont Emma C. 20 F England (from Clarksville, Montgomery County, TN)
Dr Benjamin L. LEAVELL(E) in 1853 married this Emma Clay? BEAUMONT and they were living in 1863 in Christian County with 4 children. Does anyone know the names of their children (one was Lewis) and of any descendants? SusanE at
.....ii.....LOUIS EUGENE LEAVELL, b. 18 Jun 1856 Trigg County, Kentucky; d. 10 Dec 1923 Dallas, Dallas, Texas, USA. He m. SUE COOPER, b. 09 Jul 1873 Texas, d. 20 Sep 1941 Precinct 1, Dallas, Texas. One daughter, Louise.
.....iii.....MARY LEAVELL, b. abt. 186
440.....iv.....JOSEPH NORMAN LEAVELL, b. 21 Jan 1867 Kentucky, d. 26 Dec 1948 Dallas, Dallas, Texas, USA.
.....v.....EDNA LEAVELL, b. 13 May 1872 Kentucky; d. 27 Jul 1940 Dallas, Dallas, Texas, USA. She married JOHN BARNES 05 Dec 1894 in Lamar County, Texas, per "Texas, Marriages, 1837-1973" at . He was born in May 1862 in North Carolina, USA, and died in 1904. She's buried 29 July 1940 in Old Oak Cliff Cemetery, Dallas, Texas.
Is it likely that one father would have a Henry Cortez and a plain Cortez? A resident of Hokinsville, Kentucky, he maried Annie B. Kay in October of 1881 and had Carrie Bailey Leavell, per book David Williams Sequel to "The Genealogy of the Williams Family" by John Fletcher Williams.
Name: Puss Leavell
Birth Date: 15 Sep 1856
Birth County: Christian
Ethnicity: Black
Gender: Female
Father's name: Cortez Leavell
Birth Date: 27 Jun 1859
Birth County: Christian
Ethnicity: Black
Gender: Female
Father's name: Cortez Leavell
Birth Date: 10 Sep 1856
Birth County: Christian
Ethnicity: Mulatto
Gender: Female
Father's name: Cortez Leavell
Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: , Christian, Kentucky; Roll: M653_362; Page: 0; Image: 246
Elizabeth Leavell...68...VA...farmer...$12500 real estate...$5500 personal
Lewis A Leavell...33...KY...farmer...$10000 real estate...$7500 personal
Cortes Leavell...27...KY...farmer...$13000 real estate...$9000 personal
Cortez LEAVELL...Self...W...Male...W...47...KY...Dry Goods Merchant...VA...VA widowed
Mary L. LEAVELL...Dau...S...Female...W...17...KY...At Home...KY...KY
Benjamin LEAVELL...Son......Male...W...14...KY...At Home...KY...KY
Frances LEAVELL...Dau...S...Female...W...13...KY...At Home...KY...KY
Elizabeth LEAVELL...Dau...S...Female...W...4...KY...At Home...KY...KY
Overton ALLEN...Cousin...S...Male...W...22...TN...Dry Goods Clerk...NC...VA
CORTEZ LEAVELL. The father of this gentleman was Benjamin Leavell, a native of Culpepper County, Va., born in 1780, and was there reared, educated and married. He emigrated to Tennessee, afterward to Todd County, Ky., and subsequently, in 1834 or 1835, to this county, where he remained engaged in farming to the time of his death, which occurred in 1850. He was the owner of 1,200 acres of land ; a man of even temperament, of moral character, a great admirer of Henry Clay, though not an active politician himself. His brother, Lewis Leavell, was the first settler in and founder of Trenton, Ky. Elizabeth (Willis) Leavell, the mother of subject, was born in Louisa County, Va., in 1790, and died in Hopkinsville in 1866. She was the mother of twelve children, of whom four are now living, viz.: William, Benjamin, Ophelia (wife of H. G. Abernathy) and Cortez, our subject. He was born in Todd County, Ky., September 11, 1831, and was reared on a farm and educated in the common schools. At nineteen years of age he began farming at his present place, where he owns 310 acres, called " Forest Home." He is also the owner of a farm of 140 acres located near Garrettsburg. In 1861 he married Miss Susan Metcalf, a native of the county, who died in March, 1877, leaving four children : Louisa, Benjamin (now deceased), Fanny and Bessie. In October, 1881, he married Mrs. Anna Grundy, a native of Paducah, Ky., who has borne him one child-Carrie Bailey Leavell. Mr. and Mrs. Leavell are members of the Baptist Church. Ile is a member of the Masonic fraternity.
Name : Annie K. Leavell
Titles :
Death date : 26 May 1916
Death place : East Cleveland, Cuyahoga County, Ohio
Birth date : 26 Jul 1842
Estimated birth year :
Birth place : Tenn.
Age at death : 73 years 10 months
Gender : Female
Marital status : Widowed
Race or color : Caucasian
Street address :
Occupation :
Residence :
Burial date : 27 May 1916
Burial place : Louisville, Ky.
Cemetery name :
Spouse name :
Father name : William Kay
Father titles :
Father birth place : U. S.
Mother name : Sarah Hall
Mother titles :
Mother birth place : U. S.
GSU film number : 1983650
Digital GS number : 4021405
Image number : 2564
Certificate number : fn 30846
Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
.....We are working various branches of our family tree, my cousins and I...One of these branches is my maternal grandfather Carl August Ruoff, whose mother was Catherine Beatrice Ruoff-daughter of John Fletcher Williams and Catherine Roberts, John Fletcher Williams was the son of Samuel Williams and Margaret Troutner (his second wife), Samuel was the sister of Mary Ann Williams who married William Bailey. They were both the children of William Williams and Margaret Widney.
.....William Bailey and Mary Ann Williams went to Dover, Stewart Co., TN...Sarah Hall Bailey, one their daughters married William Kay and they had three daughters; margaret, May B. and Annie B. Kay whose second husband was Cortez Leavell and their daughter-Carrie Bailey Cortez. You mentioned David Williams Book, Can you tell me more about this family? Are you a direct relation to this part of the family? Would love to talk to you...Thank you for your time. Patricia Park Morano
.....i.....MARY LOUISA LEAVELL, b. Abt. 1863, Kentucky, USA.
.....ii.....BENJAMIN LEAVELL, b. Abt. 1866, Kentucky.
.....iii.....FRANCES LEAVELL, b. Abt. 1867, Kentucky.
.....iv.....ELIZABETH LEAVELL, b. May 02, 1875, Christian County, Kentucky, USA.
Name: Ellis Leavell
Birth Date: 2 May 1875
Birth County: Christian
Ethnicity: White
Gender: Female
Father's Name: Cort Leavell
Mother's Name: Susan O Metcalf
County of Residence: Christian
Source Information: Kentucky Birth Records, 1852-1910 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2007. Original data: Kentucky. Kentucky Birth, Marriage and Death Records – Microfilm (1852-1910). Microfilm rolls #994027-994058. Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives, Frankfort, Kentucky.
.....v.....CARRIE BAILEY LEAVELL, b. December 10, 1882, Christian County, Kentucky, USA; d. May 10, 1958, Ottawa County, Ohio, USA.
147. OPHELIA FRANCES LEAVELL (BENJAMIN, BENJAMIN, EDWARD, EDWARD, ? LAVELLE) was born September 23, 1833 in Christian County, Kentucky, USA, and died May 26, 1887 in Christian County, Kentucky, USA. She married HENRY C. ABERNATHY in Christian County, Kentucky, USA, son of RALEIGH ABERNATHY and MARTHA AVERY. He was born April 30, 1825 in Brunswick County, Virginia, USA, and died August 23, 1888 in Christian County, Kentucky, USA.
Title: David Williams Sequel to "The Genealogy of the Williams Family" by John Fletcher Williams
From: "Patricia Morano"
.....We are working various branches of our family tree, my cousins and I...One of these branches is my maternal grandfather Carl August Ruoff, whose mother was Catherine Beatrice Ruoff-daughter of John Fletcher Williams and Catherine Roberts, John Fletcher Williams was the son of Samuel Williams and Margaret Troutner (his second wife), Samuel was the sister of Mary Ann Williams who married William Bailey. They were both the children of William Williams and Margaret Widney.
.....William Bailey and Mary Ann Williams went to Dover, Stewart Co., TN...Sarah Hall Bailey, one their daughters married William Kay and they had three daughters; margaret, May B. and Annie B. Kay whose second husband was Cortez Leavell and their daughter-Carrie Bailey Cortez. You mentioned David Williams Book, Can you tell me more about this family? Are you a direct relation to this part of the family? Would love to talk to you...Thank you for your time. Patricia Park Morano
Source Citation: Year: 1910; Census Place: Cleveland Ward 24, Cuyahoga, Ohio; Roll: T624_1175; Page: 3B; Enumeration District: 364; Image: 864.
Annie K Leavell...67...widow...4 children, 3 living... TN, VA, OH
Carrie B Leavell...27...single...KY, TN, KY...stenographer, electric company
Source Citation: Year: 1920;Census Place: Cleveland Ward 20, Cuyahoga, Ohio; Roll: T625_1366; Page: 1B; Enumeration District: 395; Image: 728.
Hannah McCullough...46...OH, Wales, Wales...
Hazel McCullough...25...OH, OH, OH...clerk, jewelry store
Carrie Leavell...37...KY, VA, TN...lodger...stenographer, electric company
Nellie King...30...OH, MA, OH...lodger
1930 - Cleveland Heights, Cuyahoga, Ohio
Source Citation: Year: 1930; Census Place: Cleveland Heights, Cuyahoga, Ohio; Roll: 1783; Page: 1A; Enumeration District: 561; Image: 807.0.
Hannah McCullough...57...OH, Wales, Wales...nurse
Hazel McCullough...35...OH, OH, OH...
Carrie Leavell...47...KY, KY, TN...roomer...secretary, General Electric
Clarence Talkington...42...roomer
Certificate Number: 37031 ... Volume Number: 15422
Sex: Female... Race: White
County of Death: Ottawa County...City of Death:...County of Residence: Ottawa County
Date of Death: May 10, 1958...Age of Death: 75 Years...Marital Status: Never Married
County of Christian, Kentucky. Historical and Biographical. Edited by William Henry Perrin. F. A. Battey Publishing Co., 1884, pp. 339-340.
HENRY G. ABERNATHY was born April 30, 1825, in Brunswick County, Va. He is the third of four children born to Raleigh H. and Martha T. Abernathy (nee Avery). Amanda, the eldest, is the widow of Col. Thomas Rowlett, of Petersburg, Va.; John E. died in Ballard County, Ky., and William A. is still a resident of the same county. Their parents died many years past in Virginia, and in 1842 Henry G. removed to Tennessee, locating in Montgomery County, near the State line, where for four years he engaged in farming. In 1846 he again removed, this time settling further north, in the southern portion of Christian County, Ky. Here he devoted himself chiefly to agricultural pursuits, with which he combined mercantile business for some time, as well as engaging for several years in teaching school, in which profession he manifested especial fitness. He came to Hopkinsville in 1869, and that year erected the first tobacco warehouse built in that city. Since that date he has been the pronouced leader in the local tobacco market, and is still actively engaged in the tobacco trade. Mr. Abernathy was married in Christian County to Miss Ophelia F., daughter of Benjamin and Elizabeth Leavell. Mrs. Abernathy is a native of Christian County, descending from one of the oldest as well as most honorable families of Kentucky. They have but one child - a son, named Henry H. Abernathy, junior member of the firm of H. G. Abernathy & Son. Both Mr. and Mrs. Abernathy are members of the Baptist Church of Hopkinsville. A portrait of Mr. Abernathy will be found in a group elsewhere in this volume.Abernathy Avery Leavell Rowlett = Ballard Brunswick-VA Montgomery-TN
441.....i.....HENRY HARWELL ABERNATHY, b. April 06, 1856, Christian County, Kentucky, USA; d. January 12, 1930, Hopkinsville, Christian, Kentucky, USA.
Often listed as "Sinclair Leavell." Per the LDS IGI, Sinclair was born about 1818 and was married 1844 (January 02, 1844, per another site) in Woodford County, Kentucky, to Sarah Price Buck. She was born 22 February 1822 in Versailles, Woodford Co., KY, to Peter Chew Buck and Miriam P. Price. Peter moved from Woodford County, Ky., in about 1830 to a farm in Montgomery County, Tenn. where he and his wife were buried, but his children returned to Kentucky. Another grandson of Peter and Miriam, John Thomas Buck (son of Martha Ann Buck and Samuel Dawson Buck), married a Hadenia Leavell and they had a son, William Jasper Buck.
St. Clair J. Leavell...44...physician & farmer...VA
Sarah Leavell...25...KY
Alfred Leavell...19...KY
Lewis Leavell...17...KY
Edmund Leavell...15...KY
Mary Leavell...13...KY
Sydenham Leavell...11...male...KY
Ann Leavell...9...KY
John Leavell...5...KY
Chalmers Leavell...3...KY
Miriam Leavell...1...KY
Delphinia Leavel...60...b...domestic servant...VA
Helen Christian...60...b...keeping house...KY
Edmund laborer...KY
Anderson laborer...KY
Tucker laborer...KY
Elizabeth Leavel...27...b...keeping house...KY
Balan Leavel...7...b...male...KY
Mildred Leavel...4...b...KY
Annie Leavel...2...b...KY
Ksomething, laborer...VA
Milly Leavel...33...b...keeping house...KY
Hannah Leavel...8...b...KY
Lindsey Leavel...6...b...male...KY
Delphia Leavel...2...b...KY
John Leavel...3/12...b...KY
St. Clair Leavel...65...farmer...VA
John Leavel...24...farmer...KY
Aggie P. Leavel ...17...KY
Chalmers Leavel...22...KY
Willie Leavel...15...KY
Minnie Leavel...13...KY
St. Clair Leavel...18...KY
Mary J. Leavel ...12...b...domestic servant...
.....i.....SYDENHAM LEAVELL, b. Abt. 1830; d. Abt. 1832.
442.....ii.....LEWIS LEAVELL, b. Abt. 1831, Todd County, Kentucky, USA; d. Abt. 1863, Mississippi, USA.
443.....iii.....ALFRED R. LEAVELL, b. Abt. 1833, Todd County, Kentucky, USA; d. October 01, 1870, Chicot County, Arkansas, USA.
444.....iv.....MARY ST. CLAIR LEAVELL, b. May 03, 1837, Todd County, Kentucky, USA; d. May 07, 1922, Henderson, Kentucky, USA.
445.....v.....BAKER SYNDEHAM LEAVELL, b. May 13, 1839, Trenton, Todd County, Kentucky, USA; d. June 14, 1916, Todd County, Kentucky, USA.
446. vi. ANNE WILLIAMS LEAVELL, b. December 29, 1841, Todd County, Kentucky, USA; d. March 19, 1929, Christian County, Kentucky, USA.
447.....vii.....JOHN LEAVELL, b. April 19, 1844; d. July 08, 1923, Louisville, Jefferson County, Kentucky, USA.
448.....viii.....EDWIN FRANCIS LEAVELL, b. March 20, 1835, Todd County, Kentucky, USA; d. May 20, 1903, Hillsborough County, Florida, USA.
.....ix.....CHALMERS LEAVELL, b. December 26, 1847, Kentucky, USA; d. January 20, 1929; m. LILLIE MAYNARD; b. November 15, 1852; d. January 27, 1877. No children.
449.....x.....MIRIAM LEAVELL, b. April 29, 1849, Todd County, Kentucky, USA; d. September 07, 1948, Evansville, Webster, Kentucky, USA.
From: davew (answerman at
Sent: Wed 12/02/09 10:27 AM
Good morning, How are you? I was hunting in Pembrook Ky. this year when I came accrossed a grave sight with 3 graves. One was the wife of Chalmers Leavell, Her name was Lillie I born 11-15-1852, died 1-27-1877. The only thing I could find out about Chalmers is that he attended a church meeting in Oct 1863. I hope this gains your interest. Please reply either way. Thank you Dave Wakefield
.....xi.....FRANCES LIVINGSTON LEAVELL, b. April 01, 1851, Kentucky, USA; d. February 03, 1919, Pembroke, Christian, Kentucky, USA. Known as "Fannie," she was never married.
450.....xii.....ST. CLAIR JAMES LEAVELL, b. October 18, 1859, Kentucky, USA; d. January 17, 1928, Pulaski County, Arkansas, USA.
451.....xiii.....WILLIE LEAVELL, b. January 24, 1853, Kentucky, USA; d. March 31, 1934, California, USA.
452.....xiv.....MINNIE LEAVELL, b. January 24, 1856, Kentucky, USA; d. February 06, 1922, Bell's Chapel, Todd, Kentucky, USA.
.....xv.....PETER BUCK LEAVELL. Peter Buck Leavell died in infancy.
.....xvi.....JIMMIE LEAVELL. Jimmie died in infancy.
Livingston L. Leavell md Mariann M. Buckner Marr. May 26, 1829 By: H. Caldwell, M.G. BUCKNER LEAVELLBuckner Leavell, steward of the Western Kentucky Asylum for Insane, Hopkinsville, Kentucky, is a native of this place and was born June 24, 1852. The Leavells are of French origin. Their emigration to and settlement in this country was previous to the Revolutionary war, and the great-great-grandfather of our subject was a general in that war. In Virginia the Leavell feamily settled and there several generations of them lived and died. Lewis Livingston Leavell, the father of Buckner Leavell, was born in Virginia in 1807, son of Lewis Leavell, a native of that state, who emigrated with his family to Kentucky in the early part of the last century and settled in Todd county. He started the town of Trenton in Todd county, and there he had a large landed estate and was the owner of many slaves. His family comprised six children, the second born being Lewis Livingston. Lewis Livingston Leavell was reared on his father's plantation, where the family settled when he was quite small, and he was educated for a lawyer, in a school in New Orleans. About 1830 he located in Hopkinsville and engaged in the practice of law, which he continued for some time. Farm life, however, had more attraction for him that did the law, and he removed to his country home. He was the largest landowner in Christian county, had a large number of slaves and dealt extensively in tobacco, shipping to Liverpool, England. For many years he took an active interest in politics, and at one time represented his county in the state legislature. He died in November, 1860. He and his wife were the parents of ten children, five sons and five daughters. The mother of this family was before marriage Miss Mary Ann Buckner. She was born in Virginia in 1812 and when a child came to Christian county, Kentucky, where she was reared. She was a daughter of Frank Buckner, a prominent early pioneer of Kentucky, he having come from Virginia to this state, where he became the owner of many broad acres and dusky slaves. She was left an orphan when a child, and was reared by her aunt, Susan Buckner. The Buckners were the oldest family in Christian county, the date of their arrival here being more than a hundred years ago.
28 Sept 1850 census Christian Co., KY, compiled by Thomas H. Jones, Edwardsville, IL, 1968
.....Buckner Leavell is the youngest son in his father's family. He was reared in Hopkinsville. At the early age of seventeen years he commenced farming operations on his own account, and continued thus employed for a period of thirteen years. Then he moved back to Hopkinsville and turned his attention to the real estate and insurance business, still, however, retaining his farm, and superintending its operation up to the present time. For several years he dealt in real estate and wrote insurance, and during that time he served one term as city treasurer. He was elected city judge for a term of four years. This latter office he resigned in order to accept the position he now holds, that of steward at the Western Kentucky Asylum for Insane. Mr. Leavell married Miss Anna Monroe, daughter of Judge James Monroe, of Frankfort, Kentucky. Mrs. Leavell belongs to the same family of Monroes that furnished the United States with a president. Fraternally, Mr. Leavell is identified with a number of organizations, including Knights of Pythias, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Ancient Order of United Workmen, and Woodmen of the World. He is also a member of the Baptist church.
[Dist 1, p. 484?]
#773 Jacob Torian & wf, Keziah [Skillman]
#774 Susan Torian 80 & Mary Boyd 73 [her sister, widow of Abner Boyd]
#775-832 Wm. Buckner 24
Lucy Buckner 19
Juliet N. Jackson 40
#778-835 Livingston L. Leavell... 42...KY
Mary A. Leavell...37...KY
Lewis L. Leavell...19...KY
Geo. G. Leavell...18...KY
Wm. S. Leavell...12...KY
Susan Leavell...10...KY
Mary A. Leavell...8...KY
Cornelia Leavell...3...KY
St. Clair Leavell...4/12 (male)...KY
Cornelia F. Leavell...20 [name appears to be Leavell]...KY
Section II
[p. 656]
John Lander... 66 [Major Jack]
Nancy A. Lander...60 [nee Skillman]
James H. Lander...18
#41 Christopher Lander... 27 [son of Major Jack]
Douglas Lander... 4 (female)
Warren Lander...10/12
Laura Lander...25
#42 Lewis Leavell... 27
Mary E. Leavell ...24 [nee Lander, dau. of Major Jack]
Adolphus S. Leavell...5 ...male [St Clair]
Hannah J. Leavell...2 [Anna J.]
Mattie B. Leavell...3/12
Mary A. Leavell...57...VA...$60,000 real estate...$5000 personal
Sanders Leavell...32...KY
Susan Leavell...26...KY
Mary Ann Leavell...24...KY
St. Clair Leavell...20...KY
Buckner Leavell...18...KY
Belle Leavell...14...KY
Fannie Leavell...12...KY
Lucinda Leavell...60...B...domestic servant...KY
Family History Library Film 1254409 NA Film Number T9-0409 Page Number 23B
Name Relation Marital Status Gender Race Age Birthplace Occupation Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace
Mary A. Leavell...Self...W...Female...W...67...VA...Keeping House...VA...VA
St. Clair Leavell...Son...S...Male...W...30...KY...At Home...KY...VA
Lulu Leavell...Niece...S...Female...W...22...KY...At Home...KY...KY
Mattie Leavell...Niece...S...Female...W...20...KY...At Home...KY...KY
Emma Leavell...Niece...S...Female...W...17...KY...At Home...KY...KY
Family History Library Film...1254409 ... NA Film Number...T9-0409 ... Page Number...263
Name Relation Marital Status Gender Race Age Birthplace Occupation Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace
William GARROTTE...Self...M...Male...W...44...KY...Farmer...VA...VA
Mary GARROTTE...Wife...M...Female...W...43...KY...Keeping House...VA...TN
Pleasant GARROTTE...Son...S...Male...W...18...KY...Farmer...KY...KY
John C. GARROTTE...Son...S...Male...W...16...KY...Works On Farm...KY...KY
Price GARROTTE...Dau...S...Female...W...11...KY...At Home...KY...KY
James GARROTTE...Son...S...Male...W...7...KY......KY...KY
Cornelia GARROTTE...Dau...S...Female...W...5...KY......KY...KY
Fannie Leavell...Other...S...Female...W...16...AR...At Home...KY...KY
St. Clair Leavell...Other...S...Male...W...24...KY...Farmer...KY...KY
Mary BRONAUGH...Other...M...Female...B...28...KY...Servant...KY...KY
Barcus BRONAUGH...Other...M...Male...B...29...KY...Works On Farm...KY...KY
George KENNER...Other...M...Male...B...30...KY...Works On Farm...VA...VA
Hanna KENNER...Other...M...Female...B...30...MO...Servant...VA...VA
Sarah FRUIT...Other...S...Female...B...12...KY...At Home...KY...MO
Buckyear Leavell...47...June 1852...KY
Annie W. Leavell...41...April 1859...KY
H(can't read) Leavell...8...January 1892...KY
St. Clair Leavell, brother...48...KY
Ella Leavell...22...KY
Livingston Leavell, nephew...1897...3...KY
Mary B. (?) Leavell, niece...October 1898...1...KY
Oct. 11, 1819 an exhibition was held at Sylvan Academy and among those performing were Livingston Leavell and Sinclair Leavell.
page 6
Mrs. Frances Cornelia Peay Leavell.
DAR ID Number: 63016
Born in Christian County, Ky.
Wife of G. W. Leavell.
Descendant of Capt. James Upshaw.
Daughter of Austin Peay and Cornelia Leavell, his wife.
Granddaughter of Livingston Leavell and Mary Ann Buckner, his wife.
Gr-granddaughter of George Buckner and Ann Saunders, his wife.
Gr-gr-granddaughter of Francis Buckner and Martha Upshaw, his wife.
See No. 63015.
Death date: 31 Jul 1931
Death place: Middletown, Butler, Ohio
Birth date: 25 Jan 1850
Estimated birth year:
Birthplace: Hopkinsville, Ky.
Age at death: 81 years 6 months 6 days
Gender: Male
Marital status: Married
Race or color: Caucasian
Street address: 306 Monroe St.
Occupation: At Home
Residence: Middletown, Ohio
Burial date: 03 Aug 1931
Burial place: Hopkinsville, Ky.
Cemetery name:
Spouse's name: Ella Leavell
Father's name: L. L Leavell
Father's titles:
Father's birthplace: Unknown, Ky.
Mother's name: Mary Ann Butler
Mother's titles:
Mother's birthplace: Unknown, Ky.
GSU film number: 1992433
Digital GS number: 4000591
Image number: 412
Reference number: fn 40852
Collection: Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
453.....i.....LEWIS L. LEAVELL, b. Abt. 1831, Christian County, Kentucky, USA; d. Bef. 1865.
454.....ii.....GEORGE BUCKNER LEAVELL, b. February 20, 1832, Christian County, Kentucky, USA; d. February 02, 1899, Christian County, Kentucky, USA.
.....iii.....SUSAN LEAVELL, b. November 17, 1839, Hopkins County, Kentucky, USA; d. December 08, 1905; m. JAMES R. HEWLETT, December 24, 1874, Caldwell County, Kentucky, USA; b. December 24, 1833, Hopkins County, Kentucky, USA; d. March 22, 1896, Caldwell County, Kentucky, USA. James's name was also spelled "Hulett." James was an attorney.
Source Citation: Year: 1880; Census Place: Princeton, Caldwell, Kentucky; Roll T9_406; Family History Film: 1254406; Page: 444.1000; Enumeration District: 158; Image: 0411.
.....iv.....MARY ANN LEAVELL, b. 1842, Christian County, Kentucky, USA; m. FRANK WINSTON DABNEY, October 14, 1873, Christian County, Kentucky, USA; b. May 20, 1846.
J. R. Hewlette...46...KY, KY,
Sue Hewlette...40...KY, KY, KY...married
Death of Colonel Hewlett
..... Colonel J.R. Hewlett, one of Princetons leading citizens and prominent lawyer, departed this life at his ome in this city Monday March 23, aged 62 years, three months and eleven days. Funeral services wil be conducted today at 10 o'clock b y Rev. Joseph Lanman.
..... Col. Hewlett was born in Hopkins County, Ky., Dec 11, 1833 and has lived in this sectio of country all his life, receiving his education in this county and was a grauate of the college at this place. He was a teacher in the college for a time. He served a term in the legislature of this state, and at one time was County Superintendent of Schools. Since arriving at the age of manhood he has been prominent in the business circles of the city of Princeton. Col. Hewlett's reputation as a member of the bar was widely recognized and was built on his natural ability for such work. In the death of Col. Hewlett the members of the bar lose a worthy member, his wife a loving husband and the city a leading and influential citizen. Caldwell News. *Colonel Hewlett was a brother in law of Mr. Buckner Leavell, of this city and was well known here. Hopkinsville Kentuckian March 27, 1896
455.....v.....CORNELIA FRANCES LEAVELL, b. June 23, 1846; d. December 11, 1880, Christian County, Kentucky, USA.
There's a shoe and boot merchant named Frank Dabney in the 1880 census for Christian Co. KY who's a widower. He was born about 1848.
FRANK WINSTON DABNEY was born at Princeton, Ky., May 20, 1846. His parents were Cornelius Thomas Dabney and Mary Louise Wylie Dabney. His father came from Louisa Court House, Virginia, and was a direct descendant of the Dabneys who were French Huguenots named D'Aubigne. They left France at the time of St. Bartholomew's Massacre and stayed for a while in England. Having changed the name to Dabney, they came to America and settled in Virginia.
.....Cornelius Thomas Dabney came out from Virginia on horseback and stayed with his uncle, Major Dabney, who lived on Russellville Street in Hopkinsville, and who was the ancestor of the Cadiz families of that name.
.....Cornelius Thomas Dabney settled in Princeton, Ky., and Frank Winston Dabney was his eldest son and came to Hopkinsville in 1869, where he worked in the Christian County Court Clerk's office, later became a shoe merchant, and, when the tobacco market was established, entered the tobacco business. His first wife was Miss Mary Ann Leavell who died, leaving no children. He was married the second time to Miss M. Augusta Scobey on August 18, 1886. This union was blessed by six children: Alise, now Mrs. Oscar G. Westendarp, of Monterey, Mexico; Frank Winston Dabney, Jr.; Robert Cornelius Dabney, of Akron, Ohio; Edward Settle Dabney, of Lexington, Ky.; Elisabeth, now Mrs. George Andre Grobien, of Monterey, Mexico; and Lieut. John Albert Dabney, United States Army, 31st Infantry, Manila, P. I. Frank Winston Dabney, Jr., was living in Kansas City, Mo., when the World War began. He volunteered for servjce and was killed in action in France on September 26, 1918. His body lies in the Romagne Cemetery.
....Frank Winston Dabney the elder had the distinction of being the first mayor of Hopkinsville under the Constitution of 1891 creating that office. He served two full terms of four years each from 1894 to 1902. Ten years later, he was called upon to serve the city again and represented his ward on the Board of Councilmen for two terms. CLAIR LEAVELL, b. January 25, 1850, Christian County, Kentucky, USA; d. July 31, 1931, Middletown, Butler, Ohio, USA.
.....vii.....WILLIAM SANDERS LEAVELL, b. January 25, 1850, Christian County, Kentucky, USA; d. July 31, 1931, unmarried.
.....viii.....BUCKNER LEAVELL, b. June 24, 1852, Hopkinsville, Christian, Kentucky, USA; m. ANN MONROE. Per "Tennessee, Marriages, 1796-1950" at Buckner Leavell m. Annie Munson 4 September 1884 in Montgomery County, Tennessee. Burial for both: Section OC of Riverside Cemetery, Hopkinsville, Christian County, Kentucky, USA
457.....ix.....BELL A. LEAVELL, b. Abt. 1856, Christian County, Kentucky, USA.
1880 census
Name Marital Status Gender Age Birthplace Occupation
Buckner LEAVELL... S... Male...28...KY...Farmer
Census Place Longview, Christian, Kentucky
Family History Library Film 1254409
Page Number 272A
Buckyer Leavell...47...June 1842...KY, KY, VA
Annie M Leavell ...41...April 1849...KY, KY, KY
Hobbs H Leavell...8...Jan 1892...adopted son...KY, KY, KY
Jack P Monroe...44...Jan, KY, VA
Lewis Leavell...21...Feb 1849...nephew...KY, KY, KY
Mattea, TN, TN
.....BUCKNER LEAVELL Buckner Leavell, steward of the Western Kentucky Asylum for Insane, Hopkinsville, Kentucky, is a native of this place and was born June 24,1852. The Leavells are of French origin. Their emigration to and settlement in this country was previous to the Revolutionary war, and the great-great-grandfather of our subject was a general in that war. In Virginia the Leavell feamily settled and there several generations of them lived and died.
.....Lewis Livingston Leavell, the father of Buckner Leavell,was born in Virginia in 1807, son of Lewis Leavell, a native of that state, who emigrated with his family to Kentucky in the early part of the last century and settled in Todd county. He started the town of Trenton in Todd county, and there he had a large landed estate and was the owner of many slaves. His family comprised six children, the second born being Lewis Livingston.
.....Lewis Livingston Leavell was reared on his father's plantation, where the family settled when he was quite small, and he was educated for a lawyer, in a school in New Orleans. About 1830 he located in Hopkinsville and engaged in the practice of law, which he continued for some time. Farmlife, however, had more attraction for him that did the law, and he removed to his country home. He was the largest landowner in Christian county, had a large number of slaves and dealt extensively in tobacco, shipping to Liverpool, England. For many years he took an active interest in politics, and at one time represented his county in the state legislature. He died in November, 1860. He and his wife were the parents of ten children, five sons and five daughters. The mother of this family was before marriage Miss Mary Ann Buckner. She was born in Virginia in 1812 and when a child came to Christian county, Kentucky, where she was reared. She was a daughter of Frank Buckner, a prominent early pioneer of Kentucky, he having come from Virginia to this state, where he became the owner of many broad acres and dusky slaves. She was left an orphan when a child, and was reared by her aunt, Susan Buckner. The Buckners were the oldest family in Christian county, the date of their arrival here being more than a hundred years ago.
.....Buckner Leavell is the youngest son in his father's family. He was reared in Hopkinsville. At the early age of seventeen years he commenced farming operations on his own account, and continued thus employed for a period of thirteen years. Then he moved back to Hopkinsville and turned his attention to the real estate and insurance business, still, however, retaining his farm, and superintending its operation up to the present time. For several years he dealt in real estate and wrote insurance, and during that time he served one term as city treasurer. He was elected city judge for a term of four years. This latter office he resigned in order to accept the position he now holds, that of steward at the Western Kentucky Asylum for Insane. Mr. Leavell married Miss Anna Monroe, daughter of Judge James Monroe, of Frankfort, Kentucky. Mrs. Leavell belongs to the same family of Monroes that furnished the United States with a president. Fraternally, Mr. Leavell is identified with a number of organizations, including Knights of Pythias, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Ancient Order of United Workmen, and Woodmen of the World. He is also a member of the Baptist church. Wife: Ann Monroe.
Annie Monroe Leavel...59...KY, KY, KY...widowed...own home...can read/write
Hallie H Brame...27... KY, KY, KY...can read/write
Allan T Brame...32... TN, KY, TN...son-in-law...manager, retail grocery
Buckner L Brame...6...KY, KY, KY...grandson
(Hallie Henry, born January 23, 1892, was adopted by the Leavells, per A History of the Henry Family, From Its Beginnings in This Country to the Present Time, page 114 )
Allen T Brame...41...KY, TN, TN, own account
Hallie L Brame...38...KY, KY, KY...saleslady, grocery
Buck L Brame...16...KY, KY, KY
Ammie M Brame...10...KY, KY, KY
Annie Leavell...56...KY, KY, KY...mother-in-law
Birth: 1852
Death: 1910
Burial for both: Section OC of Riverside Cemetery, Hopkinsville, Christian County, Kentucky, USA
Mrs. Annie Leavell
Dies At Home Here
.....Mrs. Annie M. Leavell, 80 year old resident of Eighteenth Street, died last night at her home from a sudden heart attack in the early evening.
.....The deceased, who had lived with her son-in-law, Allen Brame, on Eighteenth Street for the past thirty years, was the wife of Judge Buckner Leavell, former city police judge and state asylum steward, who died in 1910.
.....She was born in Frankfort and there married Judge Leavell. Her husband brought her to Hopkinsville after their marriage and entered the drug business here.
.....Mrs. Leavell was a devout member of the Westminster Presbyterian Church and a prominent social worker in this community.
.....Funeral services will be conducted by Rev. Charles I. Stephenson at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning at the Riverside Cemetery.
.....Surviving is one daughter, Mrs. Allen T. Brame of the city, and three nieces, Mrs. Ben Patch of Clarksville, Mrs. Albert Noe, Jr., of Jackson, and Mrs. T. M. Herndon of the city.
.....x.....FANNIE LEAVELL, b. Abt. 1858, Christian County, Kentucky, USA. Is this she? Fannie Leavell, born Sep. 13, 1856, died Dec. 22, 1875, buried in section OC of Riverside Cemetery, Hopkinsville, Christian, Kentucky, USA
An Alfred R. Leavell married Phoebe O. Williams on 22 Apr 1839 in Caswell, NC
Alfred R. Leavell
Male, one aged 15-20
Male, one aged 20-30
Male, one aged 40-50
Female, one aged 15-20
Name: Phoebe O. Leavell
Gender: Female
Spouse: Robert Oliver
Marriage Date: January 28, 1851
County: Todd
More About: This record can be found at the Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah, film #0367186-0367188
[5 child.]
Cornelia Leavell
Lycurgus Leavell
Sarah B. Oliver
Alice V. Oliver
Mary R. Oliver
Q:534-545. Div. of slaves of Phebe O. Torian, dec'd late Oliver 31 Dec 1858. There being 5 child. the share of each amounted to $2020. Gdn. R.S. McReynolds desired exrs. not to alott & divide the portion coming to his wards. We therefore at the request of the other gdns. alloted to Cornelia Leavell the slvs Peggy & Mariah & to Lycurgus Leavell the slvs Dudley & Sally. Lycurgus Leavell, Sarah B. Oliver, Alice V. Oliver, Mary R. Oliver by their guard. McReynolds & Cornelia Leavell by her gdn. L.L. Leavell Sr. petition for div. of slaves of Phebe O. Torian
The rights of Cornelia Leavell & husband filed in settlement 5 Sep 1864. To check rec. of R. McKee on New York being money coming to Mrs. Torian from the estate of her father./
... R.S. McReynolds adm. of R.S. Oliver as per judgement rendered by Christian Co. circuit ct. in the cause of P.O. Oliver agst R.S. McReynolds adms.
In the cause of McReynolds gdn. for Oliver heirs. Adm. charged with parts going to Alice V. Oliver, Mary R. Oliver & S.B. Oliver & Lycurgus Leavell in his settlement as their gdn. made Feb 1864. Sd adm. has pd out to Cornelia Leavell's gdn. & husband A. Leavell. filed 7 Mar. 1864.
458.....i.....LYCURGUS THOMAS LEAVELL, b. February 02, 1841, Christian County, Kentucky, USA; d. March 11, 1927, Pembroke, Christian County, Kentucky, USA.
459.....ii.....CORNELIA FRANCES LEAVELL, b. Abt. 1844, Kentucky, USA; d. October 1925.
He was a Confederate soldier, a Baptist, and a Mason.
CENSUS YR:..1850..TERRITORY:..MS..COUNTY:..Coahoma..REEL NO:..370..PAGE NO:..389
REFERENCE:..16 - 17 September 1850, Saml M. Truly, Ass't Marshal
4.34.34..Leavell...Napolean K. ..36...M..Farmer..7,200..KY
5.34.34..Leavell...Eliza Jane..35...F......TN
6.34.34..Leavell...Napolean S. ..9...M......TN......X
N. K. Leavell...45...$140,000...$72,000...KY
E.J. Leavell...43...TN
E.F. Leavell...female...19...KY
N.L. Leavell...male...18...TN
G.B. Leavell...male...9...Miss
J. Leavell...female...6...TN
L.L. Leavell...female...4...TN
Name: N K Leavell
Event: Amnesty
Event Date: 1865 - 1867
Event Place: Mississippi
NARA Publication Title: Case Files of Applications from Former Confederates for Presidential Pardons ('Amnesty Papers'), 1865-1867
NARA Publication Number: M1003
NARA Roll Number: 33
Land Office: GRENADA
Document Number: 9810
Miscellaneous Document Number:
Title Authority: CASH ENTRY SALE
Signature: Y
Signature Date: 1859/11/19
Land Description Number: 1
Aliquot Parts: 8
Section Number: 26
Image Name: 00014607
Volume ID: 543
Township: 27N
Range: 4W
Block Number:
Base Line: CHOCTAW
Total Acres: 33.7500
Fractional Section: N
Subsurface Rights Reserved: N
Metes and Bounds Description: N
Canceled Document: N
Multiple Patentee(s): N
Multiple Warantee(s): N
Accession Number: MS1830__.298
Name ...Relation...Marital Status...Gender...Race...Age...Birthplace...Occupation...Father's Birthplace...Mother's Birthplace
N K Leavell... Self ... W ... Female ... W ... 45 ... TENN ... Keeps House ... SCOTLAND ... SCOT
Anna Leavell... Dau ... S ... Female ... W ... 8 ... TENN ... At Home ... TENN ... TENN
Lewis DEFFENDOFFOR ... Son ... ... Male ... W ... 19 ... TENN ... At School ... TENN ... TENN
Amand MCCOULEY ... Other ... ... Female ... B ... 40 ... TENN ... Cook ... TENN ... TENN
What's with the "N.K."? Did they hear "Mrs. N. K. Leavell" and write it this way? Napoleon was dead! This should be Cynthia Dick (who apparently was a Christina, not a Cynthia.)
Leavell, Christina D. …head…Aug 1830…PA…Scotland…Scotland
Diffenduffer, Louis A. …son…Feb 1861…Maryland…Maryland…PA
Dick, George S. …bro…May 1834…Tennessee…Scotland…Scotland
.....ii.....FRANK LEAVELL.
460.....iii.....NAPOLEON LEWIS LEAVELL, b. August 10, 1842, Montgomery County, Tennessee, USA; d. 1916, Clarksdale, Coahoma County, Mississippi, USA.
.....iv.....SINCLAIR LEAVELL, b. Abt. 1850, Coahoma County, Mississippi, USA; d. Bef. 1860.
461.....v.....GEORGE R. LEAVELL, b. Abt. 1851; d. Abt. 1892, Mississippi, USA. LEAVELL, b. Abt. 1853; d. August 16, 1869, Clarksville, Montgomery, Tennessee, USA.
462.....vii.....LILLIAN LEAVELL, b. August 1856, Tennessee, USA; d. 1945, Fort Meyers, Lee, Florida, USA.
.....viii.....ANNIE K. LEAVELL, b. abt. 1872 Tennessee, m. RUSSELL AUBREY GARDNER; City Attorney, Clarksville, Montgomery, Tennessee, USA. He was born 14 Dec 1871, d. 27 Dec 1949 Clarksville, Montgomery, Tennessee, USA. Looking at the census records, I doubt they had children.
"History of Clay County" excerpts:
L.W. Leavell: (Farmer, Fine Stock Raiser and Stock-dealer, Post-office, Kearney, MO) Clay County has long had the reputation of being one of the best stock-raising counties in the State. Not only do the farmers here give their principal attention to stock-raising, for which the county is remarkably well adapted, but they are generally a class of men of enterprise and information, who take pride in securing the best stock for breeding purposes to be had. This practice has had a beneficial result in two ways: it has been profitable to the farmers themselves, but has given the county an enviable name as a fine stock county. Prominent among the farmers who have done their full share toward advancing the stock interests of Clay county is the subject of this present sketch, Mr. Leavell, who came here in 1854. He was a well-to-do fine stock raiser in Kentucky, and after coming here bought about 1700 acres of fine land. Having some forty odd or fifty negroes, he improved a large farm, and engaged in farming and stockraising quite extensively. His negro property was soon afterwards taken from him by operation of war, but he was, nevertheless, recognized as one of the leading farmers and stock-raisers of the county. He is a man of high character and superior intelligence and information, and occupies a prominent position in the community. He was born in Todd County, KY, December 21, 1821, and was reared to a farm life, receiving a common-school education as he grew up. In 1838, he was married to Harriet D. Winn, a daughter of George Winn, of Christian county, KY, a prominent and wealthy citizen of that county. Eight children have been the fruits of their union, namely, Frances, now the wife of Reverend G.W. Rogers, of Dallas, TX; Sarah, the wife of Samuel C. Greenfield, of this county; Georgia A., now the wife of Dr. Silas N. Denham, of Clay county, MO; Daniel W., now a resident of Kansas; Eugenia S, wife of William Rust, also a resident of Kansas; Leonidas, W. Llewellyn, Lane and Robert Ernest Lee. Three others are deceased, who, however, lived to mature years. Lycurgus L., their eldest son, who died in California; Harriet L, who died whilst the wife of John J. Eastin, and Montgomery D. Mr and Mrs. Leavell are members of the Baptist Church, and Mr. L. is a Royal Arch Mason. Mr. Leavell's farm contains 860 acres. The balance of his land is divided among his children. He has a handsome homestead, including commodities and tastily built residence, and substantial, neat appearing barns and other outer buildings. He is very comfortably situated in life.
Cause of Death: PARALYSIS
Religion: BAPTIST
Leavell, Leonidas...27...farmer...KY...$6000...
...Frances L. ...female...10...KY
...Lycurgus L. ...male...8...KY
...Harriet L. ...female...6...KY
...George A. ...male...4...TN
...Sarah L. ...female...2...TN
...Daniel W. ...male...6/12...TN
L. W. Leavell...38...farmer...KY...$23445 real estate...$30,700 personal
H. D. Leavell...36...VA
Frances Leavell...female...19...KY
Lycurgus Leavell...male...17...KY
Harriet Leavell...female...15...KY
George A. Leavell...female...13...TN
Sarah S. Leavell...female...11...TN
Daniel W. Leavell...male...9...TN
Leonidas Leavell...male...5...TN
not named Leavell...male...1...MO
Montgomery Leavell...male...3...MO
Source Citation: Year: 1870; Census Place: Washington, Clay, Missouri; Roll: M593_770; Page: 815; Image: 340
Leonidas Leavell...48...farmer...$60,000...$12,000...KY
Harriet B. Leavell...46...VA
Louisa Leavell...23...KY
Sarah Leavell...21...TN
Daniel Leavell...20...TN
Eugenia Leavell...17...TN
Leonard Leavell...15...TN
Montgomery Leavell...13...MO
Llewelyn L. Leavell...10...MO
Lee Leavell...7...MO
Name Relation Marital Status Gender Race Age Birthplace Occupation Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace
Leonadus Lavell...Self...M...Male...W...43...KY...Farmer...VA...VA
Harriet Lavell...Wife...M...Female...W...57...VA...Keeping House...VA...VA
Robert Lavell...Son...S...Male...W...17...MO...At Home...KY...VA
Leonidas EEASTON...GSon...S...Male...W...6...MO...At Home...KY...KY
Roma EEASTON...GDau...S...Female...W...4...MO...At Home...KY...KY
Alice KIETH...Other...S...Female...B...23...MO...Servant...MO...MO
William CAMPBELL...Other...S...Male...W...32...KY...Painter...KY...KY
The following are family connections that appeared in The Liberty Tribune, Liberty, Clay County, Missouri during the year of 1882. The date of publication is shown prior to the listed item(s).
Jun 30, 1882:
Mrs. Fannie Rogers, of Texas, daughter of L.W. Leavell, is visiting the old folks at home.
.....i.....FRANCES LEWIS LEAVELL, b. December 1839, Todd County, Kentucky, USA; d. Dallas County, Texas, USA; m. DR. GEORGE W. ROGERS, July 06, 1860; b. June 19, 1835; d. February 15, 1895, Emporia, Lyon, Kansas, USA.
463.....ii.....LYCURGUS L. LEAVELL, b. 1842, Todd County, Kentucky, USA; d. Placer County, California, USA.
Any connection here?
Source Citation: Year: 1880; Census Place: Marshall, Harrison, Texas; Roll T9_1309; Family History Film: 1255309; Page: 367.4000; Enumeration District: 44; .
George Rogers...44 ...MO, KY, KY...Gospel minister
Fanny L. Rogers...40...KY, VA, VA...housekeeping
Lily B. Rogers...14...MO, MO, KY...dau
Jewel P. Rogers...12...MO, MO, KY...son
Notes for DR. GEORGE W. ROGERS: Reverend. Burial: Mt. Olivet Cemetery, Kearney, Clay, Missouri
464.....iii.....HARRIET LOUISA LEAVELL, b. 1844, Kentucky, USA; d. January 29, 1877.
465.....iv.....GEORGIA A. LEAVELL, b. July 1848, Montgomery County, Tennessee, USA; d. July 07, 1925, Kansas City, Jackson, Missouri, USA.
466.....v.....SARAH SINCLAIR LEAVELL, b. December 27, 1848, Montgomery County, Tennessee, USA; d. April 15, 1925, Kearney, Clay, Missouri, USA. WORT LEAVELL, b. March 08, 1850, Montgomery County, Tennessee, USA; d. November 25, 1937, Kansas, USA.
468.....vii.....EUGENIA S. LEAVELL, b. August 30, 1852, Tennessee, USA; d. April 17, 1890, Agnes City, Lyon, Kansas, USA.
469.....viii.....LEONIDAS WORTH LEAVELL, b. January 18, 1854, Tennessee, USA; d. October 28, 1942.
470.....ix.....MONTGOMERY DAVID LEAVELL, b. March 09, 1856, Clay County, Missouri, USA; d. April 16, 1879, Clay County, Missouri, USA.
471.....x.....LOVE LLEWELLYN LEAVELL, b. April 05, 1859, Clay County, Missouri, USA; d. November 15, 1940, Excelsior Sanitorium, Excelsior Springs, Clay, Missouri, USA.
.....xi.....ROBERT ERNEST LEE LEAVELL, b. May 1863, Missouri, USA; m. GEORGIA HILL, 1882, San Francisco County, California, USA; b. May 1865, California, USA. Plot: Sec. A Lot 77 Gr 7 of Odd Fellows Lawn Cemetery and Mausoleum, Sacramento, Sacramento, California. See picture of her tombstone at page for Georgia Ann (Hill) Leavell
Obituary (Unknown Paper)
153. CORNELIA FRANCES LEAVELL (LEWIS LIVINGSTON, BENJAMIN, EDWARD, EDWARD, ? LAVELLE) was born November 28, 1829 in Todd County, Kentucky, USA, and died November 03, 1900 in Missouri, USA. She married MONTGOMERY DECATUR DAVIE September 12, 1850, son of AMBROSE DAVIE and BETTY WOODSON. He was born August 16, 1827 in Christian County, Kentucky, USA, and died August 08, 1898.
A Robert E. L. Leavell was married in 1882 to Georgia Hill, per San Francisco Call (1884M-2557).
Robert E. Leavell...37...May 1863...MO, KY, VA
Georgia Leavell...35...May 1865...CA, CA, CA
Death of Mrs. E.J. Atkinson; Pioneer ROSEVILLE (Placer Co.), June 20 - Mrs. E.J. ATKINSON, one of the oldest and most highly-esteemed residents of Placer County died here yesterday afternoon of paralysis, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. R.E.L. LEAVELL.
...She was stricken about a year ago, and while she has appeared to improve at times, the state of her health has been very feeble for many months.
...Mrs. ATKINSON was a pioneer woman, she having come to California in 1852 by way of the Isthmus of Panama, landing at San Francisco in September of that year. She was born in Canada, December 23, 1830, but was brought to the United States when a child, and settled in Illinois, coming from that State to California, she being at the time a widow. In 1854 she was married to George HILL, at Sacramento, from which union six children were born. She was again left a widow in 1861, and some years latter married a man by the name of ATKINSON, whose name she bore at the time of her death. She possessed rare executive ability and accumulated a large fortune, at the time of her death being one of the three largest individual taxpayers in the county.
...Four children survive her, they being Mrs. R.E.L. LEAVELL, John A. HILL and Walter FIDDYMENT, of Roseville, and Mrs. Dr. W.N. FINNEY, of Lincoln, besides relatives living at Sacramento, Courtland and Santa Rosa. Funeral arrangements have been made for to-morrow at 2 p.m., and interment will be in the Roseville cemetery.
R. E. Lee Leavell...46...MO, KY, VA...farmer
Georgia A. Leavell...48...CA, IL, unknown
Fectley, William...78...lodger...MO
Fiddymount, Mabel...23...lodger...CA
Obituary (Unknown Paper)
LEAVELL - In San Francisco November 11, 1916, Georgia A, Leavell, wife of Robert E.L. Leavell, daughter of the late Mrs. E.J. Atkinson, sister of Walter F. Fiddyment, John A Hill of Roseville, Mattie Finney of Concord, a native of California aged 55 years, 2 months 24 days. Friends are respectfully invited to attend the funeral from the hoe of Miller & Skelton, 1400 K Street. Interment I.O.O.F. Lawn Cemetery.
She was daughter of George Albert Hill and Elizabeth Jane Crawford Hill Atkinson
Leavell, Robert E. Lee...56...widower...MO, KY, VA...farmer
Leavell, Robert E. Lee ...66...MO...KY...VA...farmer
Source Citation: Year: 1910; Census Place: Justice Precinct 1, Mills, Texas; Roll: T624_1578; Page: 9A; Enumeration District: 0205; Image: 421; FHL Number: 1375591
Lee Levell...50...MO, MO, MO...mail carrier...married 18 years
Lillie Levell...37...TX, SC, SC...5 children, 5 living
Lonnie Levell...17...TX, TX, MO...son
Maud Levell...14...TX, TX, MO
Gurtha Levell...11...TX, TX, MO
Bessie Levell...8...TX, TX, MO
Willie Levell...2...TX, TX, MO...son
Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: North and East of Cumberland River, Montgomery, Tennessee; Roll M653_1266; Page: 363; Image: 77; Family History Library Film: 805266.
M D Davie...32...KY...farmer
E F Davie...28...KY
L L Davie...8...TN
J D Davie...6...TN
Ambrse Davie...4...TN
E A Davie...2...TN
Montgomery Davie...42...KY...$12,000 property...$4500 personal...
Cornelia Davie...39...KY
Louis Davie...18...KY
Irvin Davie...16...KY
Ambrase Davie...14...KY
Sneed Davie...12...KY
Winston Davie...9...KY
Cornelia Davie...7...KY
Iredell P on farm
...Family History Library Film ...1254409; ...NA Film Number ...T9-0409
...Page Number ...336B
Montgomery D. DAVIE ... Self ... M ... Male ... W ... 52 ... KY ... Farmer ... NC ... NC
Cornelia DAVIE ... Wife ... M ... Female ... W ... 49 ... KY ... Keeping House ... VA ... VA
Irvin DAVIE ... Son ... S ... Male ... W ... 26 ... KY ... Farm Laborer ... KY ... KY
Winston DAVIE ... Son ... S ... Male ... W ... 18 ... KY ... At School ... KY ... KY
Cornelia DAVIE ... Dau ... S ... Female ... W ... 15 ... KY ... At School ... KY ... KY
Eugenie DAVIE ... Dau ... S ... Female ... W ... 8 ... KY ... ... KY ... KY
Maud DAVIE ... Dau ... S ... Female ... W ... 6 ... KY ... ... KY ... KY
Mary HALL ... Other ... W ... Female ... W ... 65 ... TN ... Seamstress ... TN ... TN
Perrin's history of Christian Co. KY, Lafayette District:
M. D. DAVIE 1827, was born in this county and precinct on August 16. of Maj. Ambrose and Elizabeth (Woodson) Davie. The father was born in person County, N. C., on December 29, 1785. He was of English descent , his great-grandfather, William Davie. care from England some time : efore the Revolution. This gentleman, as well as his son and grandson. were all soldiers in that war. Maj. Ambrose Davie was a soldier in the war of 1812, and was appointed to the rank of Major by the Governor of -North Carolina. In 1519 he came and ettled in the south part of this county. He lived on that farm until the spring of 1823, and then came to the farm now owned by subject. In his time he was one of the largest planters in this county, and was universally admired by his neighbors. His death occurred on February 22, 1863. He served as Sheriff' of this county from 1832 to 1836. Subject is the younger of two living children ; he attended school in this county until six teen, and then went to Yale College ; he re a ned there only one year. however. and then went to Princeton College. where he grad uated in the class of 1848. Returning to this State, he purchased some large flouring mills near Clarksville, Tenn.; he also, in connection with his brother, Winston J. Davie, embarked in the banking business. Both of these operations he carried on extensively until the breaking out of the war, when he lost an immense amount of capital. He was compelled to come to this county and give his attention to farming ; here he has since resided. Mr. Davie was married, on September 12, 1850, to Miss Cornelia Leavell, a dauglaer of Lewis Leavell, of Trenton, Todd County. Mrs. Davie was born on November 28, 1829. To this union were born eieven children, eight of whom are now living. viz.: Lewis L. (in Arkansas), Irving, Ambrose M. (in Florida), E. Sneed (in Florida), Winston J., Cornelia (wife of I. P. Davie), Eugenia and Maud. Mr. Davie is a member of the Clarksville Commandery. Knights Templar. In 1873 he was elected first Master of the State Grange of Kentucky, and meld that office two terms. During that time he was instrumental in organizing Granges throughout the State. In 1855 he was elected a member of the Tennessee Legislature, and served in that capacity four years. . Irving Davie, the second son of our subject, was born on October. His education was received in the schools of this county, in the University at Lexington and at the Evansville Business College. In 1877 he went West and spent two or three years in travel. He returned home in 1879 , and has since had charge of the old hog, estead-a farm of some 500 acres.
DAVIE FAMILY. William Davie, who married Lady Mary Osburn, of England, was the first of the Davie family to come to America. Both were buried on their estate near Washington, D. C. One of their sons was Ashburn Davie, who in turn had a son named Gabriel. Gabriel’s son William married Peggy Jones, and here starts the known lineage of the Kentucky Davies. Ambrose Davie was born in Person County, North Carolina, December 29, 1787, and settled in Christian County, Kentucky, in 1819, and was married to Betty Ann Woodson in 1823. He was cornmissioned a Major during the War of 1812 by the Governor of North Carolina. He was a large land-owner and slave-owner, and was at one time sheriff of Christian County. He owned stock in the Bank of America, in Clarksville, and in the Southern Bank, in Memphis, Tenn. He died February 22, 1863. He left a son, Montgomery Decatur Davie, who graduated from Princeton University. He married Cornelia Leavell, and became a farmer on a large scale. He was one of the organizers of the Kentucky State Grange, and was Grand Master for some years. He was president of the Bank of America, in Clarksville, and represented Montgomery County in the Tennessee Legislature in 1854, as he lived at that time in Tennessee. His brother, Winston Jones Davie, married Sarah Phillips, and graduated from Yale in 1845. He was president, at one time, of Southern Bank, in Memphis, and represented Christian County in the Legislature of 1854, and was Commissioner of Agriculture under Governor McCreary. Winston J. Davie’s son, Iredell Phillips Davie, married Cornelia Francis. Their daughter, Cornelia Davie, is the wife of C. R. Bouldin, and they have a son, Iredell Davie Bouldin, who represents the ninth generation in America and the fifth in Kentucky of this distinguished family, for more than a hundred years one of the most prominent in the county. Also a daughter, Ritchie Winn Bouldin.
.....i.....LEWIS LEAVELL DAVIE, b. September 20, 1851, Tennessee, USA; m. FLORENCE BLANTON; b. Abt. 1854, Kentucky, USA.
472.....ii.....IRVING DAVIE, b. October 05, 1852, Tennessee, USA; d. October 26, 1937, Christian County, Kentucky, USA.
Source Citation: Year: 1880; Census Place: Troy, Mississippi, Arkansas; Roll T9_51; Family History Film: 1254051; Page: 207.4000; Enumeration District: 199; Image: 0421.
Lewis W. Davie...28...TN, KY, on farm
Florence Davie...25...KY, KY, KY
473.....iii.....AMBROSE M. DAVIE, b. March 05, 1854, Tennessee, USA.
.....iv.....FRANCES KIRTLEY DAVIE, b. August 16, 1856.
474.....v.....EUGENE SNEED DAVIE, b. February 04, 1858, Tennessee, USA; d. September 12, 1918, Palo Pinto County, Texas, USA. JONES DAVIE, b. September 10, 1860, Clarksville, Montgomery, Tennessee, USA; d. December 05, 1928, Wrightsboro, Gonzales, Texas, USA.
.....vii.....CORNELIA DAVIE, b. July 17, 1862, Kentucky; d. November 04, 1938; m. (1) IREDELL P. DAVIS; m. (2) HENRY W. YOUNG; m. (3) ROBERT BAGBY.
.....viii.....EUGENIA ST. CLAIR DAVIE, b. December 10, 1870; m. JAMES MORTIMER GILES.
.....ix.....MAUD LOUISE DAVIE, b. January 31, 1873; m. ROBERT OWSLEY.
.....ii.....RICHARD FORD.
.....iii.....ELIZABETH FORD.
476.....iv.....REBECCA FORD, b. 1831; d. 1873.
.....v.....SARAH ANN FORD. FORD.
.....i.....MARGARET E. FORD, b. 1848, Madison County, Virginia; m. EDWARD POLK ROSSON, December 02, 1869, at home of Carter Ford; b. Abt. 1845, Madison County, Virginia.
477.....i.....ANN HAYDEN COOK, b. 1838, Madison County, Virginia.
.....i.....ELIZABETH FORD.
.....ii.....NUBIE FORD.
.....iii.....JOHN FORD.
.....iv.....MARCELLUS FORD.
Re: Gatesby Aylor, 1815, Madison Co. VA
Posted by: Lila Hardin
Date: February 07, 2001 at 16:31:35
In Reply to: Gatesby Aylor, 1815, Madison Co. VA by Jane Leavell
February 7, 2001
To Jane Leavell; concerning Gatesby Aylor. The answer is yes he had several children. They are listed in the Germanna Record (Aylor, Snyder and Tanner Descendents) Germanna Record number 12. Charles H. Huffman, Editor. This publication can be purchased from the Germanna Memorial Foundation of the Germanna Colonies in Virginia Inc. I'm sorry I don't have an address, but if you have access to the internet you will be able to get the address. just enter Germanna Foundation. If this does not work for you You can write to me and I will supply you with the information you are seeking. This publication is very good it gives and extensive outline of Aylors beginning in the 1600's. Lila Hardin
Name: Galesby Aylor
Gender: Male
Spouse Name: Elizabeth F. Ford
Spouse Gender: Female
Marriage Date: 24 Oct 1836
County: Madison
State: Virginia
Gatesby T Aylor...35...VA...farmer...$450
Elizabeth F Aylor...32...VA
Benj J Aylor...12...VA
Martha J Aylor...10...VA
Sarah A Aylor...9...VA
Edmoni Aylor...6...VA
Winfield S Aylor...4...VA
Gatesby Aylor...45...VA...$1500 real, $300 personal
Elizabeth F Aylor...43..VA
Benj J Aylor...23..VA
Martha J Aylor...18..VA
Sarah F Aylor...16..VA
Edmonia Aylor...14..VA
Wingfield S Aylor...12..VA
Mary W Aylor...8..VA
George M Aylor...6..VA
Gatesby Aylor...54...VA...farmer...$1100 personal, $600 personal
Frances Aylor...46...VA
Edmonia Aylor...25...VA
Mary W Aylor...18...VA
478.....i.....SARAH ALMEDA FRANCES AYLOR, b. 1841.
Iron County Register, 4 Nov. 1880. Alex Sloan's son, of Reynolds County, was kicked in the head by a mule and instantly killed.
479.....i.....FRANCES CATHERINE SLOAN, b. February 09, 1842, Belleview, Washington, Missouri; d. July 29, 1930, Iron County, Missouri.
480.....ii.....GEORGE D. SLOAN, b. May 20, 1844, Belleview, Washington, Missouri; d. August 11, 1929, Reynolds County, Missouri.
.....iii.....MARY LOUISA SLOAN, b. January 01, 1846, Cross Roads, Bellevue Valley, Iron, Missouri; d. January 18, 1889, Black, Reynolds, Missouri; m. JOHN HARVEY GOGGINS, December 10, 1867, Outre Fork, Black River, Iron, Missouri.
.....iv.....WILLIAM THOMAS SLOAN, b. October 17, 1847, Belleview, Washington, Missouri; d. December 23, 1935, Washington County, Missouri.
481.....v.....MARY ELIZABETH SLOAN, b. December 16, 1849, Washington County, Missouri; d. October 10, 1876, Iron County, Missouri. ELENORIA SLOAN, b. December 02, 1851, Belleview, Washington, Missouri; d. January 27, 1935; m. ALEXANDER M. ROBINSON, Abt. 1872, Missouri.
482.....vii.....BENJAMIN ALEXANDER SLOAN, b. May 10, 1853, Belleview, Washington, Missouri; d. October 19, 1925, Bismark, St. Francois, Missouri.
.....viii.....ELIZA DONNELL SLOAN, b. January 02, 1857, Washington County, Missouri; d. June 05, 1858, Washington County, Missouri.
.....ix.....JAMES BURKE SLOAN, b. January 02, 1857, Washington County, Missouri; d. June 02, 1858, Washington County, Missouri.
William S Wyatt ...52...KY...farmer...$2500 real estate...$1350 personal
Maria Jane Wyatt ...39...MO
Mary E Wyatt ...17...MO
Augusta C Wyatt ...15...MO
John H Wyatt ...16...MO
Sarah A Wyatt ...8...MO
Edward A Wyatt ...6...MO
Wm S. Wiatt ...60 ...KY VA, VA...farmer
Mariah Wiatt ...49...MO, VA, VA
Augustus Wiatt ...26 ...MO, KY, MO
John H. Wiatt ...22 ...MO, KY, MO
Sarah Wiatt ...20 ...MO, KY, MO
Andy Wiatt ...16 ...MO, KY, MO
Minnie Wiatt... 8 ...MO, KY, MO
William Wiatt ...83... Dec 1816...KY, VA, VA...married 46 years
Mariah J Wiatt ...68... May 1832...VA, VA, VA...married 46 years...9 children, 4 living
Andrew Wiatt ...35... Feb 1865...MO, KY, laborer
Mollie Merritt ...20... March 1880...MO, MO, VA...servant
483.....i.....MARY E. WIATT, b. October 01, 1852; d. December 24, 1882, Caledonia, Washington, Missouri, USA.
.....ii.....SALLY WIATT, b. Abt. 1854; d. Abt. 1874; m. SAM REYBURN, Abt. 1874, Washington County, Missouri; b. Abt. 1850, Washington County, Missouri; d. Abt. 1874, Washington County, Missouri.
.....iii.....AUGUSTUS G. WIATT, b. October 08, 1854; d. August 22, 1880, Caledonia, Washington, Missouri. Augustus "Bud" Wiatt was buried in Belleview Presbyterian, Caledonia, Washington, MO
.....iv.....JOHN WIATT, b. Abt. 1856.
.....v.....EDWARD ANDREW WIATT, b. 1865; d. 1928, Caledonia, Washington, Missouri. Andy Wiatt was buried in Belleview Pres., Caledonia, Washington County, Missouri, USA B. WIATT, b. June 17, 1872, Caledonia, Washington, Missouri; d. March 23, 1947, Caledonia, Washington, Missouri; m. DABNEY C. SHELTON, Abt. 1892; b. Abt. 1868. Notes for MINNIE B. WIATT: buried Methodist Cem., Washington Co., MO
Farmer, literate
Delinquent tax list Iron County, in Iron County Register 3-9-1871
In Iron County Register for 3-8-1883, died at Belleview of congestion of the brain. (Marker says died 9/21/1817)
484.....i.....THOMAS W. SLOAN, b. September 15, 1852, Missouri; d. June 07, 1926, Iron Township, Iron, Missouri, USA.
485.....ii.....GEORGE W. SLOAN, b. November 28, 1853, Washington County, Missouri; d. Aft. 1900, Winfield Township, Cowley, Kansas, USA.
486.....iii.....SUSAN BELLE SLOAN, b. August 20, 1860, Missouri; d. April 10, 1928.
John Levell...51...farmer...$3600 real...$700 personal...KY
Sarah Levell...52...OH
Benjamin Levell...22...IN...medical student
Anderson Levell...16...IN
Sarah Levell...15...IN
Susan Levell...12...IN
Brown, laborer
Source Citation: Year: 1870; Census Place: Harrison, Henry, Indiana; Roll: M593_323; Page: 101; Image: 203.
John W. Levell...61...KY...carpenter...$7600 real estate...$4356 personal
Sarah Levell...62...OH...keeping house
Susan A. Levell...21...IN
Name Relation Marital Status Gender Race Age Birthplace Occupation Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace
John W. Leavell...Self...M...Male...W...71...KY......VA...KY
Sarah Leavell...Wife...M...Female...W...71...OH...Keeping House...PA...NC
.....i.....BENJAMIN D. LEAVELL, b. Abt. 1837, Henry County, Indiana, USA; d. February 02, 1862, Bardstown, Kentucky, USA.
.....ii.....MARY ELIZABETH LEAVELL, b. 1 Dec 1840, Indiana, USA; d. 29 Nov 1933 Denver, Colorado; married JONATHAN PRESSNELL 11 October 1859 Henry County, Indiana. He was b. there Dec 1834 and died 24 Apr 1908 in Leroy, Blue Earth, Minnesota, USA. Sources include Pressnell Family Tree at (gives details on children, with dates).
Ben served in the Union Army. Living in Cadiz, he enlisted 18 Dec. 1861 as a Corporal in F Co. 57th Inf. Reg. IN, and was killed 2 Feb. 1862.
6-18-1862...Benjamin Leavell...25y...2 Feb1862...KY, Bardstown (home, Henry Co. IN)...lung army...Geo. W. & Sarah Leavell, parents
487.....iii.....ANDERSON S. LEAVELL, b. July 1843, Indiana, USA; d. Aft. 1910.
.....Mary Elizabeth Leavell, of Cadiz, Indiana, was the second wife of Jonathan Presnell, second child of John Presnell and Nancy Cokeran. Jonathan Presnell, died at Eagle Lake, Minnesota, in April 1908 at the age of seventy-four. Mary Leavell Presnell, his wife, died in Denver, Colorado, in November, 1933, at the age of ninety-three. Both are buried at Eagle Lake, Minnesota Their marriage appears in Henry Co. Indiana on 11 October 1859 in CC2, page 310. They were the parents to four children: Alva, Charles, Lynn, and Ada.
…..Alva died at age of twenty-three, not having been married, and is buried at the village of Eagle Lake, Minnesota, by the side of his parents. Alva was an intelligent, Christian young man, honored and respected by all who new him.
…..Charles married Alma Cross in April, 1891, at Lincoln, Nebraska. In May, 1931, they located in Washington D.C., and remained there until November 1935. After visiting relatives in Colorado, they located in Mountain View, California, where they now reside. Galen Presnell, their only son, married Alta Martindale of Broadwater, Nebraska. They have two sons, Elevyn and Harold and now reside in Mountain View, California. Galen Presnell was graduated from the Colorado State University with a degree of Ph.D. He has been a college teacher for several years, but is now employed as head of the laboratory section of the Henry J. Keiser Magnesium plant near San Jose, California.
…..Lynn married Rilla Sheppard of Madison Lake, Minnesota. They became the parents of two children, Clyde and Ethel. Lynn died in December 1926, and is buried at Eagle Lake.
…..Ada married Marshall VanKirk. They made their home in Oklahoma City for several years, also in Denver. They had no children of their own, but had an adopted daughter, Marie, who married Dr. Heatherington of Oklahoma City, where they now reside. Ada VanKirk died in Denver in May 1940, and was buried at Oklahoma City.
Name Relation Marital Status Gender Race Age Birthplace Occupation Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace
Jonathan Pressnall...Self...M...Male...W...45...IN...Farmer...NC...KY
Mary Pressnall...Wife...M...Female...W...39...IN...Keeping House...KY...OH
Alva Pressnall...Son...S...Male...W...19...IN...At Home...IN...IN
Charles Pressnall...Son...S...Male...W...15...IN...At Home...IN...IN
Lineaes Pressnall...Son...S...Male...W...13...MN...At Home...IN...IN
Ada Pressnall...Dau...S...Female...W...11...MN...At Home...IN...IN
Census Place Leroy, Blue Earth, Minnesota
Family History Library Film...1254615
NA Film Number...T9-0615
488....iv.....SARAH AMANDA LEAVELL, b. April 1844, Indiana, USA; d. 1907.
.....v.....SUSAN A. LEAVELL, b. Abt. 1850, Indiana, USA. M. LEAVELL, b. July 08, 1850, Henry County, Indiana, USA; d. October 03, 1853, Henry County, Indiana, USA.
" James moved to Randolph County, Indiana in a very early day where he reared a large family. I know but very little of them, although I have met two of the sons and a daughter. One of the sons, Dick , as he was commonly called, served in the War of 1812 and belonged to the "26" Indiana Volunteers. He was twice elected clerk of Randolph County. He now lives in the west and I think in Seattle, Washington. Thomas J. lives in Winchester, Ind. and F.M. lives in Markle, Indiana. This is as far as I can trace this family." (See the link to this Leavell history written in 1915 in Elwood, Madison, IN.)
James M. Leavel...39...farmer...$1200 real estate...KY
Ruth Leavel...31...KY
John F. Leavel...13...IN
William H. Leavel...10...IN
Richard A. Leavel...8...IN
James M. Leavel...6...IN
Nancy A. Leavel...4...IN
Francis M. Leavel...1...IN
Name: Matilda Jones
Spouse: James Leavell
Marriage Date: 01 Apr 1855
OSPage: 169
County: Delaware
Delaware County, Indiana Index to Marriage Record 1827 - 1920 Inclusive
Volume II G to M
Name: James M Leavell
Spouse: Matilda Jones
Marriage Date: 01 Apr 1855
OSPage: 189
County: Delaware
James Level...69...farmer...$6000 real...$740 personal...KY
Matilda Level...36...VA
William Level...20...IN
Richard Level...18...IN
James Level...16...IN
Nancy A. Level...14...IN
James M. Level...11...IN
Samuel Level...4...IN
Sarah R. Level...2...IN
Thomas J. Level...1...IN
Thomas J. Level...26...IN...KY...VA
Matilda Level...mother...46...VA...VA...VA
Neal C. Asbury Univ. ...IN...KY...VA
Sarah Level...sister...22...IN...KY...VA
Louis on farm...IN...KY...VA
Linnies Level...sister...15...IN...KY...VA
Jones, home...VA...VA...VA
Source Citation: Year: 1900; Census Place: Liberty, Delaware, Indiana; Roll: T623 368; Page: 2B; Enumeration District: 46.
Frank Pogue...37...Feb 1863...IN...OH...VA...married 7 yrs
Susen M Pogue...36...Jan 1864...IN...KY...WVA...2 kids, 1 living
Francis M Pogue...1...July 1898...dau...IN
Matilda Leavell...66...Oct 1833...mother-in-law...WVA...WVA...WVA
Sarrah R Leavell ...42...Sept 1857...sister-in-law...IN...KY...WVA
JAMES M. LEAVELL, the subject of this sketch, is a prosperous farmer of Desoto, Delaware Township, Delaware County, Indiana and a highly respected citizen. He was born in Henry County, Indiana, February 24, 1848, and is the son of James M. and Ruth (Corwin) Leavell. The father was a native of, Kentucky, received a fair education, and when but a child came to Henry county, where he lived until 1844, at which time he went to Randolph county, Indiana, where he resided until his death, December, 1863. His wife died prior to that date in the county of Randolph.
.....They were the parents of ten children, of who five are living, namely: William H., Richard J., James M., Nancy A. and .Francis M. James M: Leavell was a farmer, and he and his wife were members of the Christian church. He was a republican in politics, a very highly respected citizen and a man of enterprise and public spirit, ready to assist in any movement calculated to advance the township or county.
.....James M. Leavell lived at home, and very early in life began to do hard work. At the age of nineteen, he went into the army, enlisting in company K, Nineteenth Indiana infantry. Entering in 1863, he was discharged in June 1865, and had suffered from sunstroke. He participated in nine battles, namely: Wilderness, Spotsylvania C. H., North Anna, Culpeper C. H., Hanover C. H., Cold Harbor, Petersburg, and was sun struck while on the picket in front of Petersburg, on .the day of the explosion of the mine, 1864, which incapacitated him from further service with his regiment.
.....After his return home from the army he attended school for eighteen months at Clare and Portland; after which he farmed for a while and taught, school for two winters. He followed farming until 1881, when he traveled in the western states sight seeing and prospecting. In 1883 he returned home and followed the business of cutting out and constructing hedge fences for two years, after which he retired from work, on account of poor health until 1890, when he accepted a position on the L. E, & W. R. R, as agent at the village of Desoto. He is engaged in buying grain of all kinds, flour, etc., and has five thousand dollars worth of stock in the Desoto Land Company, being secretary of the same. Mr. Leaven was married June 2, 1870, , in this township to Laura Worley, daughter of Isaac Worley, by whom he has had four children, namely: Elmer, Lethia, Lewis and Annie.
.....The mother died in 1880 in the faith in which she had lived, a devoted Methodist. Mr. Leavell was married again at Albany, in March, 1888, to Mattie Gettes, who was born near Peru, Indiana, August 29, 1856, to which union two children have been born, namely: Herschel and Ruth.
This Cemetery and church are located in Liberty Township in Delaware County, Sec. 36. Located at the intersection of 265N & 850E.
Leavell), Sarah R.- b. 1857 d. 1940
(Leavell), Matilda- b. 1833 d. 1910
Leavell, James M.- b. 1813 d. 1863
Leavell, Ruth- b. 1818 d. 1854
Leavell, George E.- b. 1838 d. 1839
Infant Dau of James M. & Ruth Leavell- d. 1854
Leavell, John F.- b. 1837 d. 1866
Leavell, Maria- b. 1836 d. 1883
Mrs. Carrie Leavell Barnes.
DAR ID Number: 104777
Born in Albany, Ind.
Wife of Charles C. Barnes.
Descendant of Edward Haymond, as follows:
1. Thomas J. Leavell (b. 1859) m. 1881 Emma Read (b. 1860).
2. James Leavell (1811-63) m. 1855 Matilda Jones (1833-1910).
3. Jacob Jones (1797-1879) m. 1824 Bursheba Haymond (1806-84).
4. John Haymond (1780-1863) m. 1803 Rebecca Wilson (1785-1823).
5. Edward Haymond m. 1780 Sarah Woodfin (1766-1816).
Edward Haymond (1755-1824) enlisted, 1776, as a private, under Capt. John Wilson, Colonel
Mackey's Pennsylvania regiment; was transferred to Col. Daniel Morgan's Virginia rifle regiment,
and then to Col. Daniel Broadhead's Pennsylvania regiment. He was born in Monongalia County,
Va. (now West Virginia); died in Virginia.
LEAVELL Carrol No Dates UNIO
LEAVELL Cora 10/10/1900 33y STRG
LEAVELL Emma Cougill 1866 1943 UNIO
LEAVELL George E. 1838 1839 s/James M. & Ruth PLEA
LEAVELL Glenn H. 1888 1896 s/Lewis & Emma UNIO
LEAVELL Herschel No Dates UNIO
LEAVELL Inf 1854 d/James M. & Ruth PLEA
LEAVELL James M. 1844 1898 Co. K, 19th Ind. UNIO
LEAVELL James M. 1813 1863 PLEA
LEAVELL James R. d. 04/25/1947 86y STRG
LEAVELL John F. 1837 1866 PLEA
LEAVELL Joseph 12/19/1923 16y STRG
LEAVELL Laura F. 1854 1881 UNIO
LEAVELL Leatha 07/30/1983 90y STRG
LEAVELL Lewis H. 1861 1896 UNIO
LEAVELL Maria 1836 1883 PLEA
LEAVELL Martha A. 1855 1935 UNIO
LEAVELL Matilda 1833 1910 PLEA
LEAVELL Mildred N. d. 04/23/1969 69y STRG
LEAVELL Pearl d. 04/17/1985 75y w/Richard E. STRG
LEAVELL Richard E. d. 02/26/1976 71y STRG
LEAVELL Rose d. 06/22/1931 59y STRG
LEAVELL Ruth 1818 1854 w/James M. PLEA
LEAVELL Sarah R. 1857 d.1940 PLEA
LEAVELL Volney d.04/25/1975 87y STRG
CORWINE, Richard S. - b: 1813 Mason Co, KY
source: 1883 History of Henry Missouri , National Historical Co. - page: 690
residence: Bogard
...Richard S. Corwine, farmer and stock feeder, section 28. was born February 9, 1813, in Mason County, Kentucky, and was the son of George Corwine, a native of New Jersey, who, when only five years old went to Kentucky with his parents, where he was reared and then married Miss Nancy Thornton, a Virginia by birth.
...The subject of this sketch was the third child in the family. His youthful days were spent on his father's farm, his education being received in the subscription schools. When nineteen years old he went to Indianapolis, Indiana, and there worked at house carpentering for two years, when he became engaged in farming in Henry County, Indiana, though following his trade a part of the time. In 1872 he removed to Henry County, Missouri, and has since given his attention to farming.
...His farm contains 160 acres surrounded and subdivided with hedge fence, well improved, etc. January 28, 1835, Mr. C. married Elizabeth B. Thornton, who was born May 21, 1813, in Mason County, Kentucky. They have seven children: George, Mary, Lucindia, William, Richard, Ruth and John. They lost three children: Amanda C., Nancy A. and an infant. Mr. and Mrs. Corwine and all their children are members of the Christian Church.
489.....i.....JOHN F. LEAVELL, b. 1837, Indiana, USA; d. 1866.
.....ii.....GEORGE E. LEAVELL, b. 1838; d. 1839, Delaware County, Indiana, USA. Burial: Mt. Pleasant Church Cemetery, Delaware County, IN
490.....ii.....WILLIAM HARRISON LEAVELL, b. December 11, 1839, Wayne County, Indiana, USA; d. December 25, 1919, Holden, Johnson, Missouri, USA.
491.....iv.....RICHARD AMOS LEAVELL, b. December 20, 1841, Henry County, Indiana, USA; d. July 06, 1926, Seattle, King, Washington, USA.
492.....v.....NANCY A. LEAVELL, b. January 13, 1846, Henry County, Indiana, USA; d. July 15, 1927, Bluffton, Wells, Indiana, USA. M. LEAVELL, b. February 14, 1848, Henry County, Indiana, USA; d. 1898, Delaware County, Indiana, USA.
.....vii.....FRANCIS M. LEAVELL, b. December 26, 1849, Randolph County, Indiana, USA; d. February 1944, Wells County, Indiana, USA; m. (1) MARY SHEETS; d. March 01, 1913; m. (2) ARDELLA PULLEY.
History of Huntington County, Indiana 1914 By Frank S. Bash pg. 817-18
Francis M. Leavell.
.....Numbered among the residents of Huntington county is Francis M. Leavell, prominent among the substantial citizens of Rock Creek township and one of the well-to-do farming men of the township and county. He has been identified with farming activities in this county since 1874, when he came here from his native county of Randolph in Indiana, and Rock Creek township has had the good fortune to claim him as a citizen from the time when he reached his majority to the present day. He has been a potent influence in the matter of furthering the development of the farming centers of the community, and progressive ideas have not been strangers to him in the administration of his affairs.
.....Francis M. Leavell was born in Randolph county, Indiana, December 26, 1849, coming as a belated Christmas gift to his parents and being the seventh in order of birth in a family of eight. Four of the number are now living: William H. is a resident of Missouri; Richard A. is living in Seattle, Washington; Nancy A. is the wife of Jacob A. Hoover, of Bluffton, Indiana; and Francis M. is the subject of this brief family review. He is the son of James M. and Ruth (Corwine) Leavell, the father a native of Kentucky, but reared in Henry county, Indiana, where he met and married Ruth Corwine. After their marriage they moved to Randolph county, where they identified themselves worthily and successfully with the substantial farming activities of their community. They were industrious and sober-minded people, possessing many worthy characteristics that made them valuable in their citizenship, and as members of the Christian church they were known for thorough-going Christian people, active in the work of the church and in the practice of Christian virtues and principles seven days in every week. Both died in Randolph county, the father in 1863 and the mother in 1852.
.....It was on the Randolph county farm that Francis M. Leavell was reared to the age of thirteen. He obtained his education in the common schools of that community, assisting in the work of the farm from his earliest boyhood until the time when he became dependent on his own responsibility. He was nineteen when he made his advent into Huntington county, and he located immediately in Rock Creek township. He worked as a farm hand by the year until he married Mary Sheets, the daughter of John Sheets, his employer. His marriage took place in 1874, and since that time he has been the operator of a farm of his own in this community. His place contains one hundred acres, and is one of the creditable farms of the township.
.....Although Mr. and Mrs. Leavell have had no children of their own they have reared two: Emma Crandall became the wife of Ulysses Coolman, of this county, and a nephew of Mr. Leavell, Martin E. Leavell, was reared in this home from the age of eight years. He is now one of the useful and prosperous citizens of Rock Creek township.
.....The family are members of the Christian church at Buckeye, Indiana. Mr. Leavell is a stockholder in the Farmers and Traders Bank at Markle, Indiana, and is in other ways identified with the best interests of the community of his trading point. Mrs. Leavell died on March 1, 1913, leaving a host of friends who mourn her loss. She was a good wife, and in the community where she was best known she was loved by many who knew her for her many noble attributes of character and personality.
Leavell, Francis M. ...son of James & Ruth, born 26 December 1851...b. 13, p. 46
Last Name: Leavell First Name: Francis Funeral Home: Date Printed: 1944-02-08 Age: 94 Residence: Warren Paper: Bluffton News Banner Page: 3 Column: 4 Maiden/Married/Previous Name/Notes: Mary Sheets / Ardella Pulley Cemetery:
494.....viii.....SAMUEL CORNELIUS LEAVELL, b. January 21, 1856, Delaware County, Indiana, USA.
.....ix.....SARAH REBECCA LEAVELL, b. September 25, 1857, Parker, Randolph County, Indiana, USA.
495.....x.....THOMAS JEFFERSON LEAVELL, b. July 01, 1859, Albany or Parker County, Indiana, USA; d. February 12, 1933, Winchester, Randolph County, Indiana, USA.
The National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution Volume 126, page 249
Miss Sarah Rebeca Leavell.
DAR ID Number: 125782
Born in Parker, Ind.
Descendant of Edward Haymond, as follows:
1. James M. Leavell (1811-63) m. 1855 Matilda Jones (1833-1910).
2. Jacob Jones (1797-1879) m. 1824 Bursheba Haymond (1806-84).
3. John Haymond (1780-1863) m. 1803 Rebecca Wilson (1785-1823).
4. Edward Haymond m. 1780 Sarah Woolfin (1766-1816).
Edward Haymond (1755-1824) enlisted, 1776, as a private under Capt. John Wilson, Colonel Mackey's Pennsylvania regiment; was transferred [p.249] to Col. Daniel Morgan's Virginia rifle regiment, and then to Col. Daniel Broadhead's Pennsylvania regiment. He was born in Monongalia County, Va. (now W. Va.); died in Virginia.
496.....xi.....LEWIS RAYMOND LEAVELL, b. October 10, 1861, Randolph County, Indiana, USA; d. March 26, 1896, Delaware County, Indiana, USA.
497.....xii.....SUSAN MALINDA LEAVELL, b. October 30, 1864; d. Abt. 1939, Delaware County, Indiana, USA.
certificate The United States of America
no. 18613
To all to whom these Presents shall come, Greeting: Whereas Washington Worl of Wayne County Indiana, has deposited in the General Land Office of the United States, a Certificate of the REGISTER OF THE LAND OFFICE at Winamac whereby it appears that full payment has been made by the said Washington Worl according to the provisions of the Act of Congress of the 24th of April, 1820, entitled "An act making further provision for the sale of the Public Lands", for the West half of the Suth East quarter of Section One, in Township Twenty four North of Range Four East of the Second principal meredian in the District of Lands Subject to sale at Winamac, Indiana containing Eighty Acres according to the official plat of the survey of the said Lands, returned to the General Land Office by the SURVEYOR GENERAL, which said tract has been purchased by the said Washington Worl
NOW KNOW YE, That the United States of America, in consideration of teh Premises, and in conformity with the several acts of Congress, in such case made and provided, HAVE GIVEN AND GRANTED, and by these presents DO GIVE AND GRANT unto the said Washington Worl. and to his heirs, the said tract above described: TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same, together with all the rights, privileges, immunities, and appurtenances of whatsoever nature, thereunto belonging, unto the said Washington Worl and to his heirs and assigns forever
IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I Zachary Taylor President of the United States of America, have caused these Letters to be made Patent, and the SEAL of the GENERAL OFFICE to be hereunto affixed.
Given under my hand, at the City of Washington, the tenth day of April in the Year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty nine and of the Independence of the United States the Seventy third BY THE PRESIDENT Z Taylor by Tho Ewing Jr. sec'y
. H. Laughlin Recorder of the General Land Office.
Name: Washington Worle
Spouse Name: Susannah Leavell
Marriage Date: 13 May 1838
Marriage County: Henry
Book: Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT
OS Page: 0874489 item 2
Susan Worl ...56...KY...keeping house
Amanda Worl ...29...IN...$12,800 real estate...$2085 personal
Oliver Worl ...28...IN
Miranda Worl ...25...IN
Joseph Worl ...18...IN
William Worl ...16...IN
Elias Worl ...14...IN
Susanna Worl ...Self...W...Female...W...68...KY...Keeping House...---...---
Amanda Worl ...Dau...S...Female...W...39...IN...House Keeper...OH...KY
William Worl ...Son...S...Male...W...25...IN...Farmer...OH...KY
Elias Worl ...Son...S...Male...W...23...IN...Farmer...OH...KY
William E. LONTZ...Other...S...Male...W...22...IL...Laborer...IN...IN
1880 Census Place Jefferson, Wayne, Indiana
Family History Library Film...1254321...NA Film Number...T9-0321...Page Number...96C
.....i.....AMANDA B. WORL, b. 1841.
498.....ii.....OLIVER WORL, b. January 03, 1842, Indiana, USA; d. February 23, 1897, Miami County, Indiana, USA.
499.....iii.....MIRANDA LEAVELL WORL, b. October 30, 1844, Indiana, USA; d. February 10, 1928, Holden, Johnson, Missouri, USA.
.....iv.....JOSEPH WORL, b. Abt. 1845, Indiana, USA.
Notes for JOSEPH WORL:
.....v.....NANCY WORL, b. September 08, 1846, Wayne County, Indiana, USA; d. August 11, 1855, Wayne County, Indiana, USA.
Name Relation Marital Status Gender Race Age Birthplace Occupation Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace
Joseph Worl ...Self...M...Male...W...35...IN...Farmer...IN...KY
Sallie A. Worl ...Wife...M...Female...W...26...IN...Keeping House...OH...PA
Clara E. Worl ...Dau...S...Female...W...11M...IN......IN...IN
1880 Census Place Jefferson, Wayne, Indiana
Family History Library Film...1254321 NA Film Number...T9-0321 Page Number...95A
Name Relation Marital Status Gender Race Age Birthplace Occupation Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace
Joseph W. Worl ...Self...M...Male...W...32...IN...Attorney At Law...IN...IN
Lizzie B. Worl ...Wife...M...Female...W...36...IN...Keeping House...GERM...IN
Earl M. Worl ...Son...S...Male...W...2...NE...At Home...IN...IN
Benjamin E. MILLER...Other...S...Male...W...21...OH...Laborer...OH...OH
William E. MILLER...Other...S...Male...W...19...OH...Laborer...OH...OH
Anna VANDERBECK...Other......Female...W...16...WI...Servant House Work...HOLLAND...HOLL
Source Information:
Census Place Firth, Lancaster, Nebraska
Family History Library Film...1254752
NA Film Number...T9-0752
Page Number...397C WORL, b. January 22, 1848, Wayne County, Indiana, USA; d. August 08, 1855.
500.....vii.....MARTIN WORL, b. November 03, 1851, Indiana, USA.
.....viii.....WILLIAM WORL, b. July 22, 1853, Wayne County, Indiana, USA; d. October 30, 1919, Jefferson Township, Wayne, Indiana. USA.
.....ix.....JOHN WORL, b. January 09, 1854, Wayne County, Indiana, USA; d. January 09, 1854, Wayne County, Indiana, USA.
.....x......ELIAS WORL, b. Abt. 1856, Indiana, USA; m. MAUDE STOUT; b. Abt. 1861.
Cousin Jane,
Great work on your website! I am the ggg granddaughter of Benjamin Leavelle and Susannah Whisler. I had been given the death date of Susannah as 21 Jun 1898. Unless we had some kind of miracle going on in this family, that date is in error, as I found her in the 1900 census (Nebraska, Polk, Hackberry, ED 96, p 11a, 205/205) listed with her son Oliver. Have you come across her in any death records?
Thanks a bunch,
Arlene "Kat" Davis
Kat Davis
Died in Appanoose county, Iowa, Nov. 22, 1867, our beloved brother BENJAMIN W. LEAVELL, aged 52 years, 10 m, and 33d. He was a minister of the gospel of great influence, and much beloved by all who know him. He was very zealous in the cause of Jesus, but in is zeal showed a Christian spirit. he gave much attention to the poor and needy. We feel our loss very much, but we sorrow hot as others which have no hope, believing our loss to be his great gain. Funeral occasion improved by the brethren from 2 Thess. 4: 13, 14.
(the 33d in Benjamin obit. is what was in the obituary)
Jacob A. Levell...farmer (renter)...IN...$190 personal
Mariah E. Levell...21...PA...keeping house
Susan Levell...40...KY...keeps house...8000 real estate...$1690 personal...
Amanda Levell...17...Indiana
Mary E. Levell...14...Iowa
Benjamin F. Levell...12...Iowa
William H. Levell...8...Iowa
Oliver P. Levell...2...Iowa
Underwood, laborer...Iowa
Knap, James I. laborer...IL
Name Relation Marital Status Gender Race Age Birthplace Occupation Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace
Susan Leavell...Self...W...Female...W...60...VA...Keeping House...VA...VA
Amanda Leavell...Dau...S...Female...W...29...MD...VA...KY
Oliver Leavell...Son...S...Male...W...14... IA ...Farmhand...VA...KY
Annie Whisler...Mother ...W...Female...W...85...VA...VA...PA
Susan Leavell...73...Virginia
Amanda Leavell...45...Indiana
Oliver Leavell...27...Appanoose Co. Iowa
Myrtal Leavell...22...Appanoose Co. Iowa
Benjamin Walton Leavell...1...Appanoose Co. Iowa
Effie Lillian Leavell...12......Appanoose Co. Iowa
William H. Leavell...32...Appanoose Co. Iowa
Anna V. Leavell...30...Wayne, Ohio
Ernest Lester Leavell...4...Appanoose Co. Iowa
William Galen Leavell...1...Appanoose Co. Iowa
Oliver W Leavell...33...Mar 1867...IA, IN, VA...married 7 years...farmer
Myrtie V Leavell...28...Sept 1871...IA, IA, OH...married 7 years...3 children, 3 living
Benjamin W Leavell...7...Apr 1893...IA, IA, school
Mabel W Leavell...5...Oct 1894...IA, IA, school
Stanley Leavell...2...Nov 1897...IA, IA, IA...son
Anna A Leavell...50...Jan 1850...IN, IN, VA...sister
Susana Leavell...79...Jan 1821...VA, VA, VA...10 children, 5 living...widowed...mother
The S. J. Clarke Publishing Company, Chicago, 1920
Pgs 497 and 498
B. F. Leavell
…..The development of Caldwell and of Canyon county is attributable to its real estate men perhaps more than to any other class of its citizens, for active in the real estate field are progressive men who realize the opportunities of this section and are endeavoring to locate in the district families who desire to develop farms and contribute to the upbuilding of the state. In this connection Mr. Leavell has become well known and his labors are far-reaching and resultant.
….. A native of Iowa, Mr. Leavell was born in Appanoose county, May 1, 1858, a son of Benjamin W. and Susannah (Whistler) Leavell, both of whom were of American birth. The father died in 1866. The mother a native of Virginia, long survived him and passed away in Idaho in 1903. One son of the family, Jefferson Leavell, was a soldier of the Civil war and died at Jefferson barracks, near St. Louis, Missouri, while still in the army.
…..The educational opportunities of B. F. Leavell were rather meager, being limited to not more than three terms in the common schools at intermittent periods, as his mother had been left a widow when he was but eight years of age, and as he was the eldest of her children responsibilities in connection with the support of the family devolved upon him when he was still quite young. On attaining his majority he engaged in the restaurant business and also began merchandising at Moulton, Iowa, meeting with substantial success in the conduct of his store. After six months, however, he sold the business owing to ill health, which caused him to leave that section of the country. He removed to eastern Kansas, where he took up the occupation of farming upon rented land and for seventeen years successfully carried on general agricultural pursuits. In 1900 he came to Idaho and purchased a ranch between Caldwell and Boise, south of Star. He afterward disposed of that property and homesteaded two miles south of Wilder, on the Boise-Payette project. He has since rented his farm for a term of years and is now engaged in the real estate business in Caldwell, putting forth every effort to locate families in good homes, where success will attend their efforts and contribute to the development of the country. He possesses both the knowledge and land to accomplish his purpose in this connection and has already succeeded in bringing many families to this section of the state, his labors thereby proving an element in the development of Idaho.
….. In 1881 Mr. Leavell was married to Miss Flora Markley, of Iowa, and they are the parents of eight children: Ray O., who is married and has two children; Grace I., who is married and has one child; Louis I., who is married and has four children; Susie M., who is married and has one son; Frank M., who is married and lost one child; Sylvia, who is married and has one daughter; Oliver M., who enlisted on his twenty-first birthday, in the Sixty-ninth Coast Artillery on September 5, 1918; and Essie, who is attending high school. Mr. Leavell sought the opportunities of the west and has made an attractive home for himself and family, while in the conduct of his business affairs he has met with substantial results.
More About SUSANNA A. WHISLER: Burial: Kohlerlawn Cemetery, Nampa, Canyon, Idaho
501.....i.....JOHN MONROE LEAVELL, b. October 17, 1842, Wayne County, Indiana, USA; d. June 21, 1898, Zion, North Dakota, USA.
.....ii.....DAVID JEFFREY LEAVELL, b. May 25, 1844, Wayne County, Indiana, USA; d. December 27, 1862, St. Louis, St. Louis, Missouri, USA.
.....iii.....JASPER EZEKIEL LEAVELL, b. March 05, 1846, Wayne County, Indiana, USA; d. July 28, 1863, Appanoose County, Iowa, USA.
David Jeffery was a member of Company C, Thirty-sixth Iowa Infantry, from Appanoose County, and died at St. Louis, in December, 1862. Leavell, D. J., enlisted as a private Aug. 20, 1862, died at Benton Barracks, St. Louis, Missouri.
Side: Union
Regiment State/Origin: Iowa
Regiment Name: 36 Iowa Infantry.
Regiment Name Expanded: 36th Regiment, Iowa Infantry
Company: C
Rank In: Private
Rank In Expanded: Private
Rank Out: Private
Rank Out Expanded: Private
Film Number: M541 roll 15
Died in the Hospital at St Louis, December 27, 1862 of pneumonia, DAVID LEAVELL, son of br Benjamin W and sister Susan Leavell, aged 18 years, 7 months and 2 days. The subject of this notice was truly an exemplary youth, beloved in life, and lamented in death by all who knew him. His remains were brought home and interred in the graveyard near hi father's farm. Many people followed his remains to the grave, and many tears were shed in fond sympathy over one whom they dearly loved, not only by his bereaved parents, brothers and sisters, but by nearly all present. Funeral services by the brethren from 1 Pet. 1: 24, 25.
May friends, I bid you all adieu,
I shall on earth no more see you;
But on heaven's flowery plain
I hope to meet you all again.
Oct. 1863 page 320 Gospel Visitor
502.....iv.....JACOB ALONZO LEAVELL, b. January 05, 1847, Wayne County, Indiana, USA; d. July 26, 1932, Simi, Ventura County, California, USA.
Died in the Appanoose county church, Iowa, July 28, to Typhoid Pneumonia, JASPER EZEKIEL LEAVELL, son of br Benjamin and sister Susannah Leavell. He was a loving youth and beloved by all who know him. Age 17 years, 4 months and 23 days. Funeral services by the brethren from Isaiah 45: 5.
Vain were all their kind endeavors
To restore his health again,
Friends, Physicians, none could help him,
why were all their labors vain ?
D. Z
.....v.....ANNA AMANDA LEAVELL, b. January 15, 1850, Wayne County, Indiana, USA; d. 11 January 1942, Yakima County, Washington, USA, aged 91 years 11 months 25 days, buried January 14, 1942. MARION LEAVELL, b. May 21, 1852, Wayne County, Indiana, USA; d. November 10, 1868, Appanoose County, Iowa, USA. Notes for SAMUEL MARION LEAVELL: GOSPEL VISITOR. Nov. 11, 1868, SAMUEL M LEAVEL, son of Benjamin W. and Susan Leavel, aged 16 y, 5 m, 20 ds. Funeral services by the brethren from Is. 38: 1. Joseph Zook
503.....vii.....MARY ELLEN LEAVELL, b. January 17, 1855, Wayne County, Indiana, USA; d. December 30, 1890, Moulton, Appanoose, Iowa, USA.
504.....viii.....BENJAMIN FRANKLIN LEAVELL, b. May 01, 1858, Wayne County, Indiana, USA; d. April 01, 1927, Grangeville, Idaho, Idaho, USA.
505.....ix.....WILLIAM HENRY LEAVELLE, b. August 20, 1862, Udell, Appanoose, Iowa, USA; d. November 03, 1947, Yakima, Yakima, Washington, USA.
506.....x.....OLIVER W. LEAVELL, b. March 29, 1867, Udell Township, Appanoose, Iowa, USA; d. April 19, 1943, Oakland, Alameda, California, USA.
Name: Amanda Leavell
Spouse Name: Abraham Landers
Marriage Date: 8 Jan 1835
Marriage County: Henry
Book: Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT
OS Page: 0874489 item 2
LANDES, Abraham-b. 14 April 1809, Shenandoah Co., Va.; arr. Ore. 1 Sept. 1854; DLC No. 1419, Lane Co., Ore. They were on the 1854 Macy wagon train to Oregon.
Surname: Landis, Landes, Landers, Ebbert, Leavell, Davis, Peek
Abraham Landis was born in 1809 in Hardy county, Wv/Va and died in Springfield, Lane County in 1899. Abraham moved to his family from IOwa in the 1850s to Lane County. His parents are Jacob and Fanny and they had 16 children. He married Amanda Leavell b. 1817 d. 1869 in 1835 in Henry County, In. Abraham and Amanda's children are William b. 1839 Iowa, Elizabeth b. 1840 d. 1933 in Polk County, Or and Married George Washington Ebbert and they had Harriet, Mary Belle, Martin, Sarah, Elizabeth, Idis, Henry, Lulu, and Elbie. Martha Jane b. 1842 d. 1898 and married William Peek in 1856. Sarah Landis b. 1843 d. 1932 Polk County, Or and married Francis Marion Davis in 1856. Also Mary Ann Landis b. 1845 d. 1928, Matilida b. 1846 d. 1936 Eugene, Winfield Scott Landis b. 1847 d. 1926 Salem, Zachary Taylor b. 1848, Catherine b. 1852, and Francis b. 1855.
"In the County Court for Lane County, Oregon
In the Matter of the Estate of Abram LANDES, deceased,
To the Hon. H. R. Kincaid, County Judge for the said Lane County-
Comes now, R. M. Day, your petitioner herein, and respectfully shows and alleges:
That said Abram LANDES died in said Lane County, on or about the 28th day of February 1899, and at the time of his death was a resident and an inhabitant of said county, and was of the age of about 70 (sic) years. That said deceased, at the time of his death, was the owner of real property situate in Eugene, said County and State of the value of about $800.00. That said deceased left no will, but died intestate. That the next of kin and heirs at law of said deceased, so far as now known, are as follows:
Sarah A. LANDES, late wife and widow of deceased, age about 70, residence and post office address, Clear Lake Iowa;
W.H. LANDES, a son, age not known but over 21 years, residence and post office address Murry, Idaho;
Z.T. LANDES, a son, over 21 years of age, residence and post office address, Patagonia, Arizona;
Elizabeth EBBERT, a daughter, over 18 years of age, residence and post office address, Monmouth, Oregon;
Sarah DAVIS, a daughter, over 18 years of age, residence and post office address said Monmouth, Oregon;
Mattie LADOW, a daughter, over 18 years of age, residence and post office address Teako, Wash.;
Catharine MCPHERSON, a daughter, age about 40 years, residence and post office address, Eugene, Oregon;
Allison PEAK, a grandson, over 21 years of age, residence and post office address, Medford, Oregon;
Mrs. S.M. DANIELS, a grand-daughter, over 18 years of age, residence and post office address, Monmouth, Oregon;
George JENNINGS, a grand-son, over 21 years of age, residence and post office address, Irving, Oregon;
Mattie JENNINGS, a grand-daughter, over 18 years of age, residence and post office address, Olex, Oregon.
That your petitioner is a resident of Eugene, Oregon, over 21 years of age and is a creditor of said estate, and is a proper and suitable person to act as administrator thereof, and files this petition as such creditor and at the request of the widow of said deceased. Wherefore, your petitioner prays, for an order appointing him administrator of said estate, and herewith files and presents his bonds as such and asks, that the same be approved by said Court. R.M. Day, Petitioner.
I, R.M. Day, being first duly sworn, say I know the content of the foregoing petition and the same is true as I am informed and verily believe. R. M. Day
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2nd day of August, 1900. L. Bilyew, Notary Public for Oregon"
.....i.....NANCY ANN LANDES, b. March 20, 1836, Jefferson County, Iowa, USA; d. October 24, 1837, Jefferson County, Iowa, USA.
.....ii.....MIRANDA LANDES, b. May 31, 1837, Jefferson County, Iowa, USA; d. September 20, 1837, Jefferson County, Iowa, USA.
.....iii.....WILLIAM HENRY LANDES, b. July 02, 1839, Jefferson County, Iowa, USA; m. MELISSA BRAND.
507.....iv.....ELIZABETH LANDES, b. September 06, 1840, Jefferson County, Iowa, USA; d. November 20, 1933, Monmouth, Polk, Oregon, USA.
508.....v.....MARTHA JANE LANDES, b. January 17, 1842, Jefferson County, Iowa; d. March 06, 1898, Eugene, Lane, Oregon, USA. LANDES, b. August 01, 1843, Jefferson County, Iowa; d. June 21, 1932, Monmouth, Polk, Oregon; m. FRANCIS MARION DAVIS, 1856, Springfield, Lane, Oregon.
.....vii.....MARY ANN LANDES, b. January 11, 1845; d. November 08, 1928, Eugene, Lane, Oregon, USA; m. ROBERT SPENCER.
.....viii.....MALLISA MATILDA LANDES, b. July 20, 1846, Jefferson County, Iowa; d. January 24, 1930, Eugene, Lane, Oregon; m. EDWIN J. POWELL, February 10, 1864, Lane County, Oregon.
.....ix.....WINFIELD SCOTT LANDES, b. October 02, 1847, Jefferson County, Iowa; d. March 31, 1926, Salem, Marion, Oregon; m. LUCY GOODMAN.
.....x.....ZACHARY TAYLOR LANDES, b. May 10, 1849, Jefferson County, Iowa. Zachary was never married.
.....xi.....CATHERINE LANDES, b. September 09, 1852, Jefferson County, Iowa, USA; m. PRESTON J. MCPHERSON.
.....xii.....FRANCES AMANDA LANDES, b. February 10, 1855, Springfield, Lane, Oregon, USA.
.....xiii.....ELMIRA LANDES, b. February 03, 1858, Springfield, Lane, Oregon, USA; d. March 21, 1858, Springfield, Lane, Oregon, USA.
"A Mary Ann Beeson, dau. of James and Sarah Smithe, married [illegible]. William Leavell also died in the army and left a large familyf of (?K) children and two of the daughters now live in Windfall, Indiana, they being Sarah Sanders and Alcy Plummer (m. George Plummer). One son, W.S. Leavell lives in West (?) and James B. Leavell lives in Texas. The rest are all dead unless it would be one daughter, and I do not know where she is." (See
William S. Leavell...27...farmer...IN
Mary A. Leavell...26...IN
Sarah Leavell...11...IN
Martha Leavell...9...IN
Cynthia Leavell...7...IN
Francis M. Leavell...6...IN
Winfield S. Leavell...3...IA
Rebecca Leavell...1...IA
Last Name First Name Age PBirth Occupation
William Leavell...42...Indiana...Farmer
Mary Leavell...36...Indiana
Sarah Leavell...15...Indiana
Martha Leavell...14...Indiana
Cyntha Leavell...12...Indiana
Francis Leavell...10...Indiana
Winfield Leavell...7...Indiana
Rebecca Leavell...5...Indiana
l Elsey Leavell...3...Indiana
John Leavell...3/12...Indiana
Another son in 1860 --- James B. Leavell
Residence: Cadiz, Indiana
Enlistment Date: 18 Dec 1861
Rank at enlistment: Private
State Served: Indiana
Survived the War?: No
Service Record: Enlisted in Company F, Indiana 57th Infantry Regiment on 18 Dec 1861.
Mustered out on 10 Dec 1862 at Nashville, TN.
Sources: Report of the Adjutant General of the State of Indiana
Research by Mark Davis
Name: William L. Leavell
Side: Union
Regiment State/Origin: Indiana
Regiment Name: 57 Indiana Infantry
Regiment Name Expanded: 57th Regiment, Indiana Infantry
Company: F
Rank In: Private
Rank In Expanded: Private
Rank Out: Corporal
Rank Out Expanded: Corporal
Film Number: M540 roll 43
Name: William L Leavall
Service Info.: PRIVATE US Army
Death Date: 13 Dec 1862
Interment Date: 13 Dec 1862
Cemetery: Nashville National Cemetery
Cemetery Address: 1420 Gallatin Road, South Madison , TN 37115
Buried At: Section B Site 6340
William L. Leavell
Wife: Mary A. Leavell
I57 Ind. Inf
application 11,518 filed Jan. 24, 1863
certificate #35,511
Spouse Name: Mary A Lavell
Marriage Date: 26 Dec 1864
Marriage County: Henry
Source Title 1: Henry County, Indiana
Source Title 2: Index to Marriage Record 1850 - 1920 Inclusive Vol
Source Title 3: W. P. A. Original Record Located: County Clerk's O
Book: CC3
OS Page: 219
Year: 1870; Census Place: Tipton, Wildcat Township, Indiana; Roll: 363; Page:582; Image:
Last Name First Name Age PBirth Occupation
Alexander Craig...55...North Carolina...Landlord
Mary A. Craig...45...Indiana
John Craig...5...Indiana
Charles Craig...3...Indiana
William Craig...1...Indiana
Francis Level...18...IN these are children from Mary's first marriage.
Alcy J. Level...15...IN
James Level...14...IN
Rebecca Level...10...IN
Scott Level...7...IN
Name ....Relation....Marital Status....Gender....Race....Age....Birthplace....Occupation....Father's Birthplace....Mother's Birthplace
Mary M. Craig... Self .... D .... Female .... W .... 54 .... IN .... Keeping House .... IN .... IN
John Craig.... Son .... .... Male .... W .... 15 .... IN .... Farm Hand .... IN .... IN
Charley Craig.... Son .... S .... Male .... W .... 13 .... IN .... Farm Hand .... IN ... IN
William Craig.... Son .... S .... Male .... W .... 11 .... IN .... At Home .... IN .... IN
Rebecca Dugherty.... Dau .... W .... Female .... W .... 24 .... IN .... At Home .... IN .... IN
Mary M. Dugherty.... GDau .... S .... Female .... W .... 4 .... IN .... .... IN .... IN
James B. Leavell.... Son .... S .... Male .... W .... 20 .... IN .... Works In Stave Factory .... IN .... IN
Last Name First Name Age Month/year PBirth Occupation
Mary Craig...75...Jan 1825...Indiana...widow,
Ailey Plummer...42...Jun 1857...Indiana, daughter from first marriage.
Children Sex Birth
James B Leavell M
Sarah Leavell F abt 1846 in Liberty, Jefferson, Iowa, USA
Martha E Levalley F abt 1846 in Liberty, Jefferson, Iowa, USA
Cynthia Leavell F abt 1848 in Liberty, Jefferson, Iowa, USA
Francis Leavell F abt 1850 in [city], [county], Indiana, USA
Winfield S Leavell M abt 1853 in [city], [county], Indiana, USA
Rebecca Leavell F abt 1855 in Cass, [county], Indiana, USA
Elsey Leavell F abt 1858 in [city], [county], Indiana, USA
John Leavell M May 1860 in [city], [county], Indiana, USA
I think they've confused two different William Level/Leavell lines and mashed them together
509.....i.....SARAH A. LEAVELL, b. October 1845, Liberty, Jefferson, Iowa, USA.
510.....ii.....MARTHA E. LEAVELL, b. 1846, Liberty, Jefferson, Iowa, USA; d. 1874, Chillicothe, Wapello, Iowa, USA.
.....iii.....CYNTHIA A. LEAVELL, b. 1848, Liberty, Jefferson, Iowa, USA.
.....iv.....FRANCIS M. LEAVELL, b. Jan. 23, 1849, d. Oct. 23, 1870 aged 20y, 11m, ?d. per and is buried in Brookside Cemetery, Windfall, Tipton, Indiana, USA.
511.....v.....WINFIELD SCOTT LEAVELL, b. March 1853, Iowa, USA; d. February 18, 1927, Tipton County, Indiana, USA. LEAVELL, b. 1855, Cass County, Indiana, USA.
513.....vii.....AILEY LEAVELL, b. June 1857, Iowa, USA; d. 1925, Windfall, Tipton, Indiana, USA.
514.....viii.....JAMES B. LEAVELL, b. April 1860, Indiana, USA; d. September 30, 1920, Dalhart, Dallam, Texas, USA.
.....ix.....JOHN LEAVELL, b. May 1860, Indiana, USA.
Source Citation: Year: 1850; Census Place: , Atchison, Missouri; Roll: M432_391; Page: 143A; Image: 292.
Joseph Worl...26...IN...farmer...worth $280
Mary Worl...23...OH
Edward Worl...1...Missouri
Joseph WORL...Self...M...Male...W...57...IN...Farmer...KY...TN
Euphamin WORL...Wife...M...Female...W...46...WV...Keeping House...WV...WV
Jane WORL...Dau...S...Female...W...23...MO......WV...OH
Isaac WORL...Son...S...Male...W...16...MO...Farmer...IN...WV
Harriet E. WORL...Dau...S...Female...W...8...MO......IN...WV
515.....i.....EDWIN D. WORL, b. Abt. 1849, Missouri.
.....ii.....PHOEBE MARGARET WORL, b. 5 Sept. 1850 Clark City, Atchison, Missouri; d. there 18 May 1904; married BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PORTIS 12 December 1870. Nine children.
Some Rootsweb genealogies put "nee Learidnas" on Martha's name, but I haven't found anyone named Learidnas connected in any way to her. Some data taken from THE STUDEBAKER FAMILY IN AMERICA 1736--1976.
.....i.....HANNAH STUDEBAKER, b. August 01, 1850, Union Township, Delaware, Indiana; d. 1951.
.....ii.....NANCY STUDEBAKER, b. October 07, 1851, Union Township, Delaware, Indiana; d. October 07, 1851, Union Township, Delaware, Indiana.
516.....iii.....MARY FRANCES STUDEBAKER, b. March 14, 1852, Delaware County, Indiana; d. June 08, 1914, Parsons, Labette, Kansas, USA.
517.....iv.....MELINDA STUDEBAKER, b. April 27, 1854, Union Township, Delaware, Indiana.
.....v.....BARBARA STUDEBAKER, b. November 16, 1855, Union Township, Delaware, Indiana; d. December 05, 1855, Union Township, Delaware, Indiana. More About BARBARA STUDEBAKER: Burial: Union Cemetery, Eaton Town, Union Township, Delaware, Indiana, USA.
Ezekiel C. Levell...45...farmer...$3600 real estate...$1228 personal...Indiana
Esther Levell...43...Virginia
Victoria M. Levell...17...Iowa
David H. Levell...14...Iowa
John W. Levell...11...Iowa
Nancy M. Levell...7...Iowa
Name ...Relation...Marital Status...Gender...Race...Age...Birthplace...Occupation...Father's Birthplace...Mother's Birthplace
Ezekiel C. Leavell ... Self ... M ... Male ... W ... 55 ... IN ... Farmer ... VA ... KY
Ester Leavell ... Wife ... M ... Female ... W ... 53 ... VA ... Keeping House ... VA ... VA
John W. Leavell ... Son ... S ... Male ... W ... 20 ... IA ... ... IN ... VA
Nancy M. Leavell ... Dau ... S ... Female ... W ... 17 ... IA ... ... IN ... VA
Charles F. Buker... SonL ... M ... Male ... W ... 23 ... OH ... ... OH ... OH
Victoria M. Buker... Dau ... M ... Female ... W ... 26 ... IA ... Keeping House ... IN ... VA
Jessie M. Buker... GSon ... S ... Male ... W ... 1 ... KS ... ... OH ... IA
1880...Census Place...Bruno, Butler, Kansas
...Family History Library Film ...1254375 ...NA Film Number ...T9-0375 ...Page Number ...99C
Cowlitz County, Washington
Pleasant Hill Spur
Castle Rock WA 98611
Phone: 360-274-7921
Leavell, Easter, b. 1827, d. 1902, Lot #5, sp.2
Leavell, Ezekiel C., b. 1825, d. 1902, Lot #5, sp.3
LEAVELL, John W. ...18 Nov 1859...15 Sep 1921
f. E. Leavell b. Virginia
mo. Nancy Wood b. Kentucky
Heart disease.
For a lot of these obituaries I have the full obit. Email me at www.sandi at
[I did. This obit is missing.]
.....i.....ESTHER LEAVELL, b. Abt. 1853, Udell, Appanoose, Iowa.
518.....ii.....VICTORIA M. LEAVELL, b. May 02, 1853, Udell, Appanoose, Iowa, USA; d. February 23, 1947.
519.....iii.....DAVID HARDMAN LEAVELL, b. September 11, 1855, Udell, Appanoose, Iowa, USA; d. September 14, 1882, Hancock, Chaffee, Colorado, USA.
520.....iv.....JOHN WASHINGTON LEAVELL, b. November 18, 1859, Council Bluffs, Wayne, Indiana, USA; d. September 15, 1921, Toutle, Cowlitz, Washington, USA.
521.....v.....NANCY MATHILDA LEAVELL, b. December 20, 1862, Udell, Appanoose, Iowa; d. August 19, 1939, Vancouver, Clark, Washington.
The History of Appanoose County..., Iowa
Chicago: Western Hist. Co., 1878.
Whisler, Miranda (nee Leavell), farm., Sec. 10; P. O. Unionville; born in Henry Co., Ind., in 1827, and there married Samuel Whisler, in 1846; he was born in Rockford Co., Va., in 1822; after they were married they remained in Henry Co. about three years, after which they came to this State, Jefferson Co., where they remained for a year and a half, and, in 1856, came to this county, where he entered a quarter-section of land, but has since added to it until it now contains 206 acres, valued at $30 per acre; Mr. Whisler died in 1870, leaving nine children - William H., Martha E., Mary J., Columbus E., Louis C., Annie C., Sarah A. and Miranda E., Samuel W. Was Republican in politics; members of the German Baptist Church.
Died of typhoid fever, in Fairview congregation, Appanoose county, Iowa, Oct. 21st, 1870, brother SAMUEL WHISLER, aged 47 years, 11 months and 4 days. He had been a consistent member of the church for some 24 years, and for 17 years a deacon, beloved by the church and all who surrounded him. Leaving behind him the undoubted marks of a Christian being one who labored for the peace in the church, in the neighborhood and in his family. At the time of his death his beloved wife (a sister) and two daughters were confined to their beds with the same disease. On that account the funeral was not preached until the first Sunday in December all the family being present. Discourse by Elder Daniel Zook and others, from Rev. 14: 13, to a large and very attentive congregation. May the Lord sustain the bereaved in their affliction believing their loss to be his eternal gain
522.....i.....WILLIAM HENRY WHISLER, b. July 29, 1848, Liberty, Jefferson, Iowa, USA; d. March 09, 1924.
.....ii.....MARTHA ELLEN WHISLER, b. July 20, 1849, Liberty, Jefferson, Iowa; d. June 19, 1919, Udell, Appanoose, Iowa; m. HENRY KINGERY; d. Udell, Appanoose, Iowa, USA.
.....iii.....JOHN HERVEY WHISLER, b. November 24, 1850, Udell, Appanoose, Iowa; d. September 22, 1852, Udell, Appanoose, Iowa, USA.
From: gale honeyman
Sent: Sunday, August 26, 2001 11:33 PM
Subject: Re: [BRE] Re: Kingery/Deardorff
...Thank you for the post on the Kingery's. I have a little to add:
....Henry Kingery and his wife Martha Ellen Whisler [1849-1919] d/o Samuel & Miranda (Leavell), both died in Udell IA and are buried near there in the Fairview Cemetery adjacent to the Fairview Church of the Brethren.
....Henry's sister Catherine Replogle d 1921
....His brother-in-law Henry Epperly's 1st wife was Susan Hardman and his 2nd Barbara Annie d 1908 in the Mud Valley OGBB district of IL and she had m 2nd 1905 Andrew Miller [OGBB Elder] 1829-1916 s/o David & Margaret of York Co PA, whose 1st wife was Eliza Forney 1825-1903. Barbara is buried in the Mud Valley Old German Baptist Brethren Cemetery. Barbara and Christian were the only two of the family to join with their parents in the OGBB church.
523.....iv.....MARY JANE WHISLER, b. May 18, 1852, Unionville, Appanoose, Iowa; d. May 01, 1920, Lockwood, Dade, Missouri, USA.
524.....v.....COLUMBUS EVEN WHISLER, b. October 29, 1853, Udell, Appanoose, Iowa; d. July 20, 1928, Unionville, Appanoose, Iowa, USA. ANN WHISLER, b. February 12, 1855, Udell, Appanoose, Iowa; d. February 17, 1855, Udell, Appanoose, Iowa. Fairview Cem.
525.....vii.....LEWIS CALVERT WHISLER, b. April 06, 1857, Udell, Appanoose, Iowa; d. April 10, 1930.
526.....viii.....ANNA CATHERINE WHISLER, b. August 17, 1859, Udell, Appanoose, Iowa; d. July 11, 1902.
527.....ix.....SARAH ALICE WHISLER, b. November 27, 1860, Udell, Appanoose, Iowa; d. October 11, 1945.
528.....x.....MARINDA EMMA WHISLER, b. June 20, 1863, Udell, Appanoose, Iowa; d. July 06, 1954.
529.....xi.....SAMUEL WALTER WHISLER, b. July 14, 1870, Udell, Appanoose, Iowa; d. March 29, 1942.
Cornelius inherited 140 acres and had 700 at his death. He was a Republican and trustee for township, also township treasurer and clerk.
Ross County, Ohio Marriages 1789-1850: Cornelius G. Leavell - Emma H. Phillips, April 17, 1849.
98/98 C.G. Leavell, 24, male, farmer, Ohio
Emma Leavell, 20, female, Ohio
John Leavell, 2/12, male, Ohio
1146/1151 Corn Leavell, 34, male, farmer, 15,000/1,600, Ohio
Emma Leavell, 3?, female, Ohio
Jno. P. Leavell, 10, male, Ohio
Ben W. Leavell, 4, male, Ohio
Jno. James, ?, male, Apr. farming, Ohio
Ann ?, 18, female, servant, Ohio
Henry Albert, 22, male, laborer, Denmark
James Gared?, 28, male, Ireland
164/164 Leavel, Cornelius G., 44, mw, farmer, 24, 100/5000, Ohio
Leavel, Emma, 41, fw, keeping house, Ohio
Leavel, John P., 20, mw, medicine student, Ohio
Leavel, Ward B., 14, mw, works on farm, Ohio
Brooks, David, 20, mw, farm labor, Ohio
Evans, Edward, 17, mw, farm labor, Ohio
Name ...Relation...Marital Status...Gender...Race...Age...Birthplace...Occupation...Father's Birthplace...Mother's Birthplace
Corneleus Levell... Self ... M ... Male ... W ... 54 ... OH ... Farmer ... VA ... OH
Emma Levell... Wife ... M ... Female ... W ... 51 ... OH ... Keeping House ... MD ... PA
Benjamin W. Levell... Son ... S ... Male ... W ... 24 ... OH ... Farmer ... OH ... OH
Flornce Timmonds... Other ... S ... Female ... W ... 22 ... OH ... Servant ... OH ... OH
191/194 Leavell, Emma H., head, wf, May 1829, 71, widow, Ohio, Maryland, Pennsylvania, oh
Grimes, Flora, servant, wf, July 1873, 26, widow, Ohio, Ohio, Ohio, servant
Grimes, Loella M., servant, wf, August 1896, 3, Ohio, Ohio, Ohio,
CORNELIUS G. LEAVELL was one of the most practical and successful farmers of Fayette County, his farm in Madison Township being one of the finest in that vicinity. His birth occurred November 7, 1825, on the farm where his last days were spent. He was the son of John and Cynthia (Hedges) Leavell, both of whom were natives of Virginia. The father was born in 1774, and when thirteen years of age, started for Kentucky in company with his parents. the Indians being very hostile, the grandmother became alarmed and the party then stopped in Greenbrier County, Va., where the grandfather departed this life. The next year they floated down the Kanawha River, and located near Lexington, Ky., soon after which the mother met her death by a tree falling upon her. The grandfather was a soldier in the Revolutionary army, serving through the entire conflict.
HISTORY OF FAYETTE COUNTY, OHIO (1881), R. S. Dills, page 955:
.....The father of our subject in 1797 came to Ohio, and located either in Ross or Pickaway County. He was married in the last-named county in 1822, soon after which he took up his abode in this county. His estate, which originally comprised ninety-eight acres, was added to from time to time, until at his death Mr. Leavell was the possessor of nine hundred and sixty-eight broad acres.
.....Of the eight children comprising the parental family, our subject was the third in order of birth. He was given a fair education in the district school, and, when reaching his majority, began to battle with life on his own account, farming on property which had been given to him by his father. April 17, 1849, he was married to Miss Emma, a daughter of James and Mary (Harr) Phillips, who was born in Chillicothe May 23, 1829. Mr. Leavell inherited one hundred and forty acres of land from his father and added to that tract until at his death, which occurred April 12, 1892, his estate included seven hundred acres. On this property is located the old log house which was erected in 1816.
.....To Mr. and Mrs. Leavell were granted a family of two children: John P., who was born March 25, 1850, is a graduate of the Ohio Medical College at Cincinnati but did not long follow his profession on account of ill health, and is now farming in Fayette County. He is married, and has two children. Benjamin Ward, who was born May 12, 1856, is also engaged in farming in Madison Township, is married and has three children. He of whom we write in politics was a true-blue Republican, and in township affairs had been Trustee, Clerk and Treasurer, and had represented his party in various county and State conventions.
...Cornelius Gaines Leavell, farmer, was born in this township, November 7, 1825, and is the first son and second child of John and Cynthia (Hedges) Leavell. His parents came to Ohio in 1797, from Virginia. To them were born Mary Ann, Cornelius G., John Bolivar, Benjamin Franklin, Nancy, Melinda, and Hannah Elizabeth.
...Our subject was married, April 17, 1849, to Emma Harr, youngest daughter of James and Mary Harr, of Ross County. She was born in that county, May 23, 1829. Her parents had born to them six children: Elizabeth, James, William, Mary, Martha, and Emma.
...To this union two children have been born: John P., born March 25, 1850, married Frankie Gamble, of this county, June 16, 1878; Benjamin W., born May 12, 1856, married Inez G. Clarridge, October, 1880.
...Our subject has resided in this township all his life, and has given his time and energies to hard work and legitimate trade, accumulating one hundred and thirty-five acres of land in Union, and give hundred and seventy-six acres in this township, and is one of the heaviest tax-payers of the township. He has, in years past, served the township as trustee, treasurer, and cleark, and in his official character was noted for honesty and efficiency. He pays considerable attention to affairs of a public character, is a constant reader, and for twenty years past has taken a daily paper. His politics are of the staunch Republican sort, a fact made prominent in all the later years of his life.
by Dan R. Hearl (December 1992)
14. Cornelius G. Leavell, Exec. Estate of Moses Calvin, dec'd. Account continued 7 June 1852.
15. Cornelius G. Leavell Exec. Moses Calvin Estate. Settlement contested by Adam Spangler attorney in fact for John Spangler and for himself as residuary legatees under will of Moses Calvin. Distribution ordered 18 June 1852.
44. Moses Calvin LW&T Cornelius G. Leavell Exec. final account of Exec. 16 Feb. 1853.
530.....i.....JOHN P. LEAVELL, b. March 25, 1850, Ohio, USA; d. December 04, 1917, Fayette County, Ohio, USA.
531.....ii.....BENJAMIN WARD LEAVELL, b. May 12, 1856, Madison Township, Fayette County, Ohio, USA; d. August 09, 1930, Mt. Sterling, Madison County, Ohio, USA.
Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Fayette, Ohio; Roll: M653_959; Page: 393; Image: 164.
Ed W Clarridge...28...OH...$1050 personal
Elizabeth J Clarridge...26...OH...$9000 real estate
Benj Leavell...6...OH
Sarah Graham...18...OH...servant
Edmond Clarridge...40...farmer...$1500...$1500
Elizabeth Clarridge...34...OH...keeping house
Benjamin on farm
Inez G Clarridge...9...OH
Alta E Clarridge...6...OH
Fayette County, Ohio, Common Pleas Court Record "O", pg. 460, November Term 1861
Elizabeth Jane Leavell vs. Benjamin Leavell
Elizabeth married John Leavell of Fayette Co. on 1 January 1854, who died in October 1855 leaving Benjamin and infant child. Elizabeth is now wife of Edmund W. Clarridge.
LEMUEL H. LOOFBOURROW, who runks among the sucessful and progressive agriculturists of Fayette County, was born in Madison Township, in the house in which he is presently residing January 31, 1861. He is the son of Lemuel P. and Elizabeth (Graham) Loofbourrow who are still living, making their home in Mt. Sterling. Our subject was reared on the home farm and when reaching his majority went to Summer County, Kan., where he remained about three years engaged in farming.
...On his return from the West, our subject married February 9, 1887, to Miss Alta, daughter of Edwin and Elizabeth (Timmons) Clarridge. She is a natibve of this county and township, her birth occurring February 3, 1864. To them has been granted a family of four children, viz. [illegible] E., who was born November 29, 1887; Gergrude, born March 3, 1889; Grace Inez, June 10, 1890; and Ruth October 11, 1891. Mr. Loofbourrow has always resided upon the home farm, which includes two hundred and seventy well-improved acres, with the exception of the time spent in Kansas. He cast his first Presidential vote for Cleveland in 1884, and while in Kansas served as School Director. In social matters, he is a Knight of Pythias and with his wife is highly respected in the county where they make their home.
...Mrs. Loufbourrow's father, who is now deceased, was born in Madison Township, this county, October 9, 1826. He also followed farming for a time, and, having been given an excellent education, taught school for a number of years in Clarksburg, and Waterloo. He was married October 4, 1859, to Elizabeth Timmons, who was also born in this county, April 5, 1835. They became the parents of three children, of whom Mrs. Loufbourrow was the second-born. Her sister Inez is now Mrs. B. W. Leavell, and her brother Howard, who was born September 6, 1873, resides at home. Mr. Clarridge died May 6, 1882, and his wife still resides in Madison Township. Previous to her marriage with the father of Mrs. Loufbourrow, she was the wife of John Leavell, by whom she became the mother of one child, Benjamin, who makes his home in Chicago.
...He was the son of William and Rosana Mace Clarridge. He was born In Maryland October 2, 1789 and in 1798 moved with his father to Ross County, Ohio. His mother died before he left Maryland. His father married Mrs. Mollie Cox, widow.
Edmund at the age of 22, married Eleanor, daughter of John and Eleanor McCafferty of Kentucky. She was born in 1796. In 1814, Edmund enlisted and served through the War of 1812 under Major Dunlap. Shortly before he enlisted in the service of his country he had removed his family to Madison Township to which he returned after the close of the war and spent the remainder of his life.
...He served several terms as justice of the peace and was elected to the office of township treasurer and clerk and the duties devolving on him in his several official capacities were faithfully discharged. At his death, September 14, 1868, he owned 160 acres of highly cultivated land. His wife died November 10, 1860.
...Edmund and Eleanor Clarridge were the parents of sixteen children, nine boys and seven girls whose names were as follows: Elizabeth born May 10, 1813 - William born October 7, 1815 - Mace born April 13, 1817 - John born March 4, 1819 - Ann born December 14, 1820 - Thomas born December 8, 1822 - James born December 2, 1824 - Eleanor born April 9, 1826 - Edmund W. born October 4, 1827 - Rosana born October 20, 1829 - Joseph Hays born June 19, 1831 - Clarinda born November 29, 1832 - David born April 25, 1834 - Christiann born January 5, 1836 and died August 2, 1836 - Sarah Jane born August 28, 1838 and died January 17, 1853 - Anthony born December 27, 1840 and died July 2, 1867. Their mother Eleanor died August 22, 1853.
...(Buried in the Yankeetown Cemetery: daughter Ann B. Clarridge, son William Clarridge, wife Eleanor McCafferty Clarridge and Edmund W. Clarridge himself and son John Clarridge and daughter Eleanor Clarridge.)
...This is the son of the above mentioned Edmund W. Clarridge. He was born in Madison Township, this county, October 4, 1827. His education was somewhat above the ordinary. He availed himself of the advantages of the common schools of his neighborhood and spent one year at Northwood College in Logan County. He taught school for several years in the counties of Fayette, Ross, Madison and Pickaway and in this calling was unusually successful. He was married October 4, 1859 to Mrs. Elizabeth Jane Leavell, nee Timmons, of this county. She was the widow of John B. Leavell by whom she bore one son, Benjamin born September 27, 1854. Mrs. Clarridge was born April 11, 1835. To Mr. and Mrs. Clarridge have been born two daughters and one son: Inez G. born January 11, 1861 and married Benjamin W. Leavell. Alta Errilla born February 3, 1864. Howard Amasa born September 6, 1873.
...In the year 1860 Mr. Clarridge and his wife located on the farm on which they now reside and have ever since given their time and efforts to honest industry. The farm comprises 140 acres and is situated on both sides of the Deer Creek pike. Mr. Clarridge is a man of good judgment and public spirit having, ever since he became a man, stood in the front ranks of enterprise. He is a leading member of the Republican part in the county and though residing in a township largely Democratic, he has for many successive years held the office of township trustee and during previous years was township clerk.
...He and his wife are both members of the Methodist Episcopal church and Mr. Clarridge is superintendent of Sabbath-school at Waterloo.
...(Buried in Yankeetown Cemetery: Edmund W. Clarridge himself and his previously named relatives.)
.....i.....BENJAMIN LEAVELL, b. September 27, 1854.
Is this him?
174. ROBERT LEAVELL (ROBERT, JOHN L., EDWARD, EDWARD, ? LAVELLE) was born Abt. 1798 in Pennsylvania, USA, and died in Grand Traverse County, Michigan, USA. He married HANNAH HERRING October 25, 1821 in Butler County, Ohio, USA, daughter of GEORG JACOB HORING. She was born Abt. 1795 in West Brunswick, Berks, Pennsylvania, USA, and died January 1880 in Paradise, Grand Traverse, Michigan, USA.
Leavell, B. F., d. 1907, age: 53, L-3 row-39 sp#3
Mrs. Marian (Fred) Mott claimed the couple came west to Ohio, then to Rush Co. IN, then to Grant Co. IN. The 1830 census lists them in Rush, then 1840 in Madison County.
Robert Leavele...1807...Sept. 4...Kentucky...05...08...02
Robert Leavell...1814...March 14...Miami...04...08...02
Robt. Leavell...1828...Dec. 12...Miami...04...08...02
Benjamin Leavell...1806...July 10...Montgomery...06...05...29
Accession/Serial#: OH1970__.417 (More)
Patenteee: John Leavell
Title Transfer
Issue Date: 20 July 1822
Land Office: Ohio
Cancelled: No
Mineral Reservations:No
Authority: 10 August 1790 VA Military Warrant Act (1 Stat. 182)
State: Ohio
Acres: 160.0000
Metes/Boundes: Yes
Document Numbers
Document Nr.: 5164
Misc Document Nr.:
Aliquot Parts Sec./Block Township Range Fract. Section Meridian State Survey Nr.
/ Ohio
Patenteee: Benjamin Leavell
Title Transfer
Issue Date: 09 August 1824
Land Office: Piqua
Cancelled: No
Mineral Reservations:No
Authority: 24 April 1820 Sale-Cash Entries (3 Stat. 566)
State: Ohio
Acres: 17.1200
Metes/Boundes: No
Document Numbers
Document Nr.: 232
Misc Document Nr.:
Aliquot Parts Sec./Block Township Range Fract. Section Meridian State Survey Nr.
NENE 29/ 4 N 4 E 1St Principal Ohio
Robert Levall...52...PA...can't read or write
Hannah Levall...48...PA...can't read or write
Henry Levall...26...IN...$400 real estate
Edward Levall...22...IN...$300 real estate
Emeline Levall...17...IN
John Levall...14...IN
Robert H. Levall...10...IN
Robert Level...63...farmer...$100...PA
Hannah Level...62...PA
Robert H. Level...21...IN
Leavel Eliza J., 36, F, W, VA, Liberty Twp
Leavel Hannah 73, F, W, PA, Liberty Twp
Leavel John 34, M, W, IN, Liberty Twp
Leavel Robert, 75, M, W, VA, Liberty Twp
Levall, Elizabeth C to Page, Arthur O, 08 Jan 1881
LEVALL, WILLIAM E...04-16-1948
LEVALL, JOSEPH E ...07-14-1957
LEVALL, EFFIE...09-09-1958
LEVALLEY, WILLIAM H...08-05-1980
LEVALL, WILLIAM H ... 05-23-1981
LEVALL, EDNA P...11-21-1995
LEVALL, EDWARD...WITKOP, EFFIE...1900 ...Liber 3, page 146
LEVALL, JOSEPH E ...MUTH, JUANITA...1924...Liber 4, page 214
LEVALL, JOSEPH E ...BAKER, IRENE...1939...Liber 5, page 082
STANWICK, MAURICE...LEVALL, YVONNE...1946...Liber 5, page 190
Source Information: U.S. Federal Census Mortality Schedules, 1850-1880 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2007. Original data:
Name: Hannah Leavell
Gender: Female
Race: White
Marital Status: Widowed
Place of Birth: Pennsylvania
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1798
Age: 82
Month of Death: Jan
Cause Of Death: Apoplexy & favalyns
Census Year: 1880
Census Location: (City, County, State)
Paradise, Grand Traverse, Michigan
Enumeration District: 86
Line: 1
Roll: T1164_74
532.....i.....HENRY LEAVELL, b. February 08, 1824, Ohio, USA; d. July 13, 1885, Grant Township, Grand Traverse, Michigan, USA.
533.....ii.....ELIZABETH CATHERINE LEAVELL, b. April 10, 1826, Butler County, Ohio, USA; d. March 13, 1907, Grant County, Indiana, USA.
534.....iii.....EDWARD LEAVELL, b. Abt. 1828, Rush County, Indiana, USA; d. October 24, 1862, Milliken's Bend, Madison Parish, Louisiana, USA.
535.....iv.....LAURA JANE LEAVELL, b. Abt. 1833, Ohio or Pennsylvania.
536.....v.....EMELINE LEAVELL, b. Abt. 1835, Ohio, USA. LEAVELL, b. December 02, 1835, Bentonville, Fayette, Indiana, USA; d. February 25, 1915, Echo, Umatilla, Oregon, USA.
538.....vii.....ROBERT HARDIN LEAVELL, b. Abt. 1840, Madison County, Indiana, USA; d. July 14, 1884, Grant County, Indiana, USA.
LEAVEL, Harriet C. & Joseph. b in VA. Harriet b c1816 & Joseph b c1813. Living in Knox Co, OH 1840. Monroe Co, IA 1852. Parents of Rebecca, Robert J., Margaret & Joseph. Both Harriet & Joseph are buried in Clarke Co, IA. Harriet d 1859 & Joseph d 1889. LSlycord at 0198
b. 9/17/1847 in OH
m. 8/27/1865 to William H. JOHNSON in IA
d. 10/23/1933 in New Virginia, IA
She lived most of her adult life in Clarke and Warren Counties in Iowa. I have information about the descendants of Rebecca that I would like to share. Lslycord at
Sex: F
Spouse: Isaac FLEENER
Marriage: 13 Sep 1883
Lucas, Iowa
A grandchild? Joseph's son Robert lived in Lucas, Iowa.
Joseph Level...41...VA...farmer...$1200 real estate...$175 personal
F Level...21...OH...male...farmer
R Level...18...OH...male...farmer
R Level...12...OH...female
M Level...10...OH...female
B Level...8...OH...male
W Level...6...OH...male
William Langarl...58...Maryland...minister
Adda L Langarl...48...OH...keeping house
Joseph Leavell...57...OH...retired stove and fire ware dealer...$1800 real estate...$ 2000 personal
Gustin Wilder...21...Baden...clerk in stove and fire store
Page Number 353A
Name Relation Marital Status Gender Race Age Birthplace Occupation Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace
Joseph LEAVEL...Self...M...Male...W...67...VA...Farmer --- ---
Name: Harriet C. Leavel
Death Date: 23 Mar 1859
Age: 43-9-8
Cemetery: Ottawa
Town: Jackson
Relative: wif of: Joseph
Cemeteries in Clarke County Vol. 3, Page: 291
Name: Joseph Leavel
Death Date: 16 Oct 1889
Age: 76-3-29
Cemetery: Ottawa
Town: Jackson
Relative: hus of: Harriet C.
30 October 1899
.....Joseph Leavel was born June 17, 1812 in Culpeper County, Va and died October 16, 1889 in Humeston, Iowa, being 77 years 4 months and 6 days old. He was married to Harriet Beens in 1833 and in 1852 moved to Monroe county Iowa, where he engaged in the milling business. Subsequently he moved to Clark county. He was the father of thirteen children, of whom only four survive. He was converted and joined the M. E. church in Va., in 1830, and remained ever thereafter a consistent and faithful member. The latter years of his life were passed in suffering and feebleness, but through it all could be discerned the steadfastness of Christian principles. He died at the residence of D. W. Ulm, his son-in-law, of this place where a short service was held by Rev's Chase and Hard. He was buried at Woodburn, Iowa where a funeral discourse was preached by Rev. Mann, the M E Pastor of that place. The aged servant now rests in peace. E. B. H.
539.....i.....MARGARET LEAVEL, b. Abt. 1850, Ohio, USA; d. 1917, Wayne County, Iowa, USA.
.....ii.....MARTHA A. LEAVEL, b. Abt. 1840; d. Abt. 1911.
.....iii.....ROBERT J. LEAVEL, b. March 08, 1840, Knox County, Ohio, USA; d. January 29, 1904, Clarke County, Iowa, USA; m. MARTHA ANN WELLS, July 02, 1868, Lucas County, Iowa, USA; b. April 20, 1840, Marion County, Virginia, USA; d. June 15, 1911, Clarke County, Iowa, USA.
Grave Records of Allamakee, Johnson, Howard and Lucas Counties, Adair, Gothrie, Madison, Marion
Department of Ioma Des Moines
Page: 119
Name: Martha A. Leavel
Birth Date: 1840
Death Date: 1911
Cemetery: Last Chance
Comment: a civil war vet.
Relative: sis: Robt. J.
Belinda -- Pleasant twp., Last Chance -- Union twp., & Walker -- Otter
Records copied from stones by the Grave Registration Project under W. P. A.
Leavel, Martha A......Last Chance.... Union...... 1840..... 1911.....sister of Robt. J. (Civil War vet.)
Leavel, Robert J.......Last Chance.... Union...... 08 Mar 1838....29 Jan 1904.... Co. I 8th Ia. Inf.
540.....iv.....REBECCA LEAVELL, b. September 17, 1847, Ohio; d. October 23, 1933, Woodburn, Clarke, Iowa, USA.
Sources include Jerome E. Nicholson, gedcom file 32412.GED at, 25 March 2000.
ROBERT J. LEAVEL, resides on section 35 of Jackson Township. He was born in Knox County, Ohio, March 8,1840. His parents, Joseph and Harriet C. (Beans) Leavel, were born and reared in Virginia, removing a few years later to Ohio, where his father was engaged in the milling business many years. He also owned a farm which was worked by renters. There were thirteen children only four of whom are now living. They settled in Monroe County, Iowa, in 1852, where Joseph Leavel improved a farm, and also followed milling.
LEVEL, ROBERT J.....Iowa....10 Aug 1861....Private....21....Lived Bridgeport. Promoted to full Corporal 1 May 1864; to Full Sergt. 1 April 1866; 1 Co. 8th Inf. Reg. IA; mustered out 20 April 1866 Selma, AL....Union
.....In 1858 the family came to Clarke County and settled in Jackson township, where they improved a farm. The mother died a month later. The father disposed of his property in 1860, and for a few years engaged in the saw-mill business in Lucas County. He then removed to Wayne County, where he now resides near Humiston, and follows bee-keeping. The names of the children are--Rebecca, wife of William Johnson; Margaret, wife of David Ulm; Joseph and Robert J., the subject of this sketch. Joseph was a babe at the time of his mother's death, and was afterward adopted by John Baldwin.
.....September 12, 1861, Robert enlisted in Company I, Eighth Iowa Volunteers. He was engaged in the battle of Shiloh, in the division of General Prentiss, and with that gallant commander was captured May 6, 1862, and was held prisoner two months and eight days, confined most of the time in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. Having been paroled and exchanged in February, 1863, he rejoined his regiment. He participated in the siege of Vicksburg, and the following winter visited home on veteran furlough. At the time General Forrest raided Memphis, Mr. Leavel again became a prisoner, and thirty-eight days later was exchanged. He was engaged in the siege of Mobile, and his regiment, the gallant Iowa Eighth, was the first to enter Spanish Fort. He was honorably discharged at Selma, Alabama, in April, 1866, and now receives a pension for disability contracted in the army.
.....After returning to Monroe County, he went to Lucas County, and July 2, 1868, married Miss Martha Wells, daughter of Thomas and Mary Wells, who came from Virginia that same year; they now live in the village of Woodburn. Mrs. Leavel was born in Marion County, West Virginia, April 20, 1840. Mr. and Mrs. Leavel lived two years in Jackson Township, Lucas County, then returned to Clarke County, where Mr. Leavel engaged in farming. In 1873 they removed to Hamilton County, Nebraska, where they remained two years, then returned to their old home in Jackson township. They moved to their present home in February, 1881, where they own forty acres of land.
.....They have had one child, that died in infancy. Mr. Leavel is a member of the Grand Army of the Republic, Davenport Post, No. 385, at Woodburn. In politics he is a Republican. Iowa State Census Collection, 1836-1925 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2007. Original data: Microfilm of Iowa State Censuses, 1856, 1885, 1895, 1905, 1915, 1925 as well various special censuses from 1836-1897 obtained from the State Historical Society of Iowa via Heritage Quest.
Robert Leavel...44...OH...farmer
Martha Leavel...44...WV
Department of Ioma Des Moines
Page: 119
Name: Robert J. Leavel
Birth Date: 08 Mar 1838
Death Date: 29 Jan 1904
Cemetery: Last Chance
Comment: Co. I 8th Ia. inf. Promoted to full corporal on 1 May 1864; promoted to full sergeant on 1 April 1866.
Name Relation Marital Status Gender Race Age Birthplace Occupation Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace
Robert Leavel...Self...M...Male...W...40...OH...Farmer...E VA...E VA
Martha Leavel...Other...M...Female...W...40...WV......WV...WV
Belinda -- Pleasant twp., Last Chance -- Union twp., & Walker -- Otter
Records copied from stones by the Grave Registration Project under W. P. A.
Leavel, Martha A......Last Chance.... Union...... 1840..... 1911.....sister of Robt. J. (Civil War vet.)
Leavel, Robert J.......Last Chance.... Union...... 08 Mar 1838....29 Jan 1904.... Co. I 8th Ia. Inf.
541.....v.....JOSEPH LEAVEL, b. March 1858, Monroe County, Iowa, USA.
1860 Piqua, Miami, OH
W C Dills...64...KY...carpenter...$5000 real estate, $1000 personal
Nancy Dills...53...OH
Mary C Dills...22...OH
Julia Dills...19...OH
Mary Griner...19...PA (servant?)
Sophia Levell ...28...OH
(Note that her son Benjamin is living with the G. V. Dorsey family in this census. Why?)
Dills, Nancy W. ...62...keeping house...$6000...$3000...OH
Leavel, Sophia...39...helps mother...$1500 personal...OH
Leavel, Benjamin...13...attending school...$4000 personal...OH
Name Relation Marital Status Gender Race Age Birthplace Occupation Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace
Nancy DILLS.....Self.....W.....Female.....W..72....OH...NJ...PA
Sophia LEAVEL.....Dau...W...Female...W...48...OH...KY...OH
Benjamin F. LEAVEL.....GSon...S...Male...W...23...OH...Lieutenant In Navy...OH..
542.....ii.....BENJAMIN WARD LEAVELL or maybe BENJAMIN F. LEAVELL, b. March 08, 1857, Piqua, Miami, Ohio, USA; d. 1907, Phoenix, Maricopa, Arizona, USA.
.....iii.....GERTRUDE SOPHIA LEAVELL, b. 20 Jan 1859, d. 24 June 1859, both Miami County, Ohio, USA. Forest Hill Cemetery, Piqua, Miami, OH
Levelle, Robert 11-18-1804 bought land in WVA, Marion Co. GRANTEE INDEX DEED 1842-1920 MARION COUNTY, WV says vol. Pg. 96
Robert Lavell...32...PA...miner
Sarah Lavell...25...PA
John E Lavell...8/12...VA
Robert Levell...42...PA...coal miner
Sarah Levell...35...PA...keeping house
John Levell...10...VA
Carrie Levell...9...VA
Maggie Levell...8...VA
Ida Levell...7...WVA
Eva Levell...7...WVA
Willie Levell...2...WVA...
Surname: Robert Levell
Year: 1880
County: Marion Co.
State: WV
Age: 52
Gender: M (Male)
Month of Death: Jun
State of Birth: WV
ID#: MRT197_192122
Occupation: FARM LABORER
Name Relation Marital Status Gender Race Age Birthplace Occupation Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace
John Levell...Self...S...Male...W...20...WV...Miner...WV...WV
Carrie Levell...Sister...S...Female...W...18...WV......WV...WV
Maggie Levell...Sister...S...Female...W...16...WV......WV...WV
Willie Levell...Brother...S...Male...W...12...WV......WV...WV
Chas. Levell...Brother...S...Male...W...8...WV......WV...WV
Robert Levell...Brother...S...Male...W...6...WV......WV...WV
Emma Gaskill...Other...S...Female...W...19...WV...Housekeeper...WV...WV
.....i.....JOHN E. LEAVELL, b. Abt. 1859, Marion County, West Virginia, USA; d. October 10, 1897, Fairmont, Marion, West Virginia, USA; m. EMMA B. GASKILL, October 03, 1889, Marion County, West Virginia, USA; b. Abt. 1859, Marion County, Virginia, USA. Their children never married. Celia died in Pinellas County, FL on 22 Nov 1983; Fay Gaskill Levelle died in Harris County, Texas, on 16 Jan 1956. See for tombstone photo of John E. Levell from Maple Grove Cemetery, Fairmont, Marion, West Virginia, USA.
Notes for JOHN E. LEAVELL:
.....ii.....CARRIE LEAVELL, b. Abt. 1862, and died 25 Aug 1889, both in Marion County, West Virginia.
John died age 38 of catarrh 10 October 1897 Fairmont, West Virginia. Probate vol. 3 p. 245 April 27, 1898. (Or was it acute meningitis? He was a Fairmount farmer, John E. Levell.) (Or was he the John E. Levelle who died of catarrh 10 Oct 1897 Marion Co., son of Robert and Sarah, spouse of Emma, a Fairmount farmer born 16 Oct 1859).
Name: Guy L. Morgan
Spouse: Emma B. Levell
Marriage Date: 24 Sep 1898
County: Marion
State: WV
Lee Morgan...38...Dec 1861...WVA, WVA, WVA...farmer
Emma B Morgan...40...July 1859...WVA, WVA, WVA...married 4 years...3 children, 3 living
Grover L Morgan...7...Dec 1892...WVA, WVA, WVA...son
Fay L Gaskell...5...Mar 1895...WVA, WVA, WVA...stepdau
Celia C Gaskell...4...Feb 1896...WVA, WVA, WVA...stepdau
Emmsa B Morgan...50...WVA, PA, WVA...married 2...3 children, 2 living...dressmaker, at home
Gay G Levell...15...WVA, WVA, WVA...son
Celia K Levell...14...WVA, WVA, WVA...dau
Napoleon B Bowyer...77...WVA, WVA, WVA...widowed...boarder
Carl G Bowyer...28...TX, WVA, WVA...boarder
Emma B Hamilton...60...WVA, WVA, WVA...widowed...dressmaker, at home
Celia Levelle...23...WVA, WVA, WVA...saleslady, rachet store...dau
Fay Levelle...24...WVA, WVA, WVA...carpenter, home...son
Fay G. Levelle...35...WVA, WVA, WVA...single
Celia K. Levelle...34...WVA, WVA, WVA...single
.....iii.....IDA LEAVELL, born 18 Jun 1863, Union District, Marion, West Virginia; died there 27 Oct 1892. Died of consumption 27 Oct 1892 Marion Co., daughter of Robert and Sarah Levell, age 29 y 4m 9days. Buried in Maple Grove Cemetery, Fairmont, Marion, WVA.
Notes for IDA LEAVELL:
.....iv.....MAGGIE LEAVELL, b. Abt. 1864, West Virginia.
Leavell, Ida Ida 1892 died WVA, Marion co. dau. Robert and Sarah. MARION COUNTY WV DEATHS INDEX 1861-1970
Name ....Marital Status....Gender....Age....Birthplace....Occupation
David Carpenter.... M .... Male .... 76 .... WV .... Farmer
Serah Carpenter.... M .... Female .... 72 .... PA .... Keeping House
Allen Reed.... S .... Male .... 20 .... WV ....
Ida Level.... S .... Female .... 14 .... WV .... Housekeeper
....Census Place....Union, Marion, West Virginia
....Family History Library Film ....1255407
....Page Number ....373A
.....v.....WILLIAM LEAVELL, b. 15 May 1868, Marion County, West Virginia, USA. Father Robert Level, a miner; mother Sarah Level; he's William Level in birth record. He died 19 May 1904 Fairmont, Marion, West Virginia. Will names as heir brother, Robert Levelle; 11 Feb 1899 Palatine, Marion, WVA; probated 16 June 1904. Burial: Maple Grove Cemetery, Fairmont, Marion, WV. LEAVELL, b. 10 Sep 1871, Marion County, West Virginia, USA.
.....vii.....ROBERT EDWARD LEAVELL, b. 12 Dec 1875, Marion County, West Virginia, USA; died 23 Jul 1915 Fairmont, Marion County, West Virginia. Levelle, Robert E. 7-28-1915 probate WVA, Marion Co. Book 6, p. 44 per MARION CO. WILL INDEX 1842-1970.(Is this the son of Robert and Sarah?)
Levelle, Elizabeth Elizabeth 7-9-1832 born Levelle, Edward & Freeman, Anne WVA, Marion Co. I.G.I.
543.....i.....EDWARD BARTHOLOMEW JENKINS, b. May 16, 1854, Middletown, Marion, Virginia, USA; d. September 16, 1925, Fairmount, Marion, West Virginia, USA.
.....ii.....JOHN CLARK JENKINS, b. July 11, 1856, Marion County, Virginia.
.....iii.....NANCY ANN JENKINS, b. April 26, 1858, Newburg, Preston, Virginia; d. 1955; m. OREGON N. BAKER, August 07, 1878.
.....iv.....GEORGE M. JENKINS, b. August 15, 1860, Marion County, Virginia; d. August 11, 1876.
.....v.....MARY E. JENKINS, b. April 12, 1866, Marion County, West Virginia. W. JENKINS, b. April 11, 1867, Fairmount, Marion, West Virginia; d. April 12, 1867, Fairmount, Marion, West Virginia.
544.....vii.....WILLIAM RILEY JENKINS, b. February 06, 1868, West Virginia; d. July 02, 1943, Clarksburg, Harrison County, West Virginia.
.....viii.....FREEMAN BAKER JENKINS, b. March 10, 1872, Marion County, West Virginia; d. February 17, 1959; m. GERTRUDE WALKER; b. Abt. 1875.
.....ix.....FREDERICK L. JENKINS, b. May 04, 1879, Marion County, West Virginia; d. September 30, 1935; m. CLARABELLE DRUMMOND.
.....x.....WILLIAM RILEY JENKINS, b. Abt. 1881.
Records of Louisiana Confederate Soldier by Andrew B. Booth Vol. 2,>BR?
Leavell, Jno. Q. A., Sergt. 4th La. Battn. Inf. Co. C. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured at Columbia, Tenn., Dec. 24, 1864. Forwd. to Camp Chase, Ohio. Released on Oath of Allegiance to United States, May 13, 1865.
.....John Q. Levell, veteran of Civil War, son of Edward and Annie Level, born in Springhill twp., Fayette Co., Penns., August 22, 1835. His father, Edward Levell, born near Winchester, Va., in 1804. Came to Marion (West Virginia) 1853. Died in 1883. Edward Levell's wife's name was Anna Freeman, born 1800, died July 2, 1881. Their children were: Benjamin, Robert, Jerre, Elizabeth, wife of E.C. Jenkins; John Q., Edward, Morgan, William, Benjamin, and Sarah, wife of William R. Swearingen.
.....John Q. Levell, union soldier, enlisted in Nov. 1861, 6th W. Va. Infantry, was mustered out in 1865. The wife of John Q. Levell, Iva (Hindman) Levell, daughter of Rev. Wilson L. Hindman and Mary Anne (Jennings) Hindman. Rev. Hindman born in Wirt County, Virginia, 1826; died in Mounsville, March 17, 1877.
.....John Q. Levell and Iva Hindman were married Jan. 27, 1868. Their children were: Alice Priscilla, born Aug. 9, 1869, wife of Chas. B. Knight; Cyde W., born January 23, 1874; and Mary Louisa, born Aug. 4, 1873.
JOHN Q. LEVELL, a coal operator of Palatine, Marion county, and a veteran of the Civil War, is a son of Edward and Annie (Freeman) Levell, and was born near Morris Cross Roads, in Springhill township, Fayette county, Pennsylvania, on August 22, 1835. The ancestors of Mr. Levell were of French nativity. His grandfather on the paternal side of the family was one of a colony that was emigrating from Virginia to Ohio, but on the way was taken sick and was compelled to give up the trip, and finally drifted into southern Fayette county, and located near Springhill Furnace, where he died.
1880 Census Place Palatine, Marion, West Virginia
.....Edward Levell, father, was born near Winchester, Virginia, in 1804, but was reared chiefly in Fayette county, where he followed agriculture as a means of securing a livelihood. In 1853 he came to Marion county, and located in Palatine, where he was afterward engaged in mining, and where he died in 1883. .....His wife's maiden name was Anna Freeman, born near Culpeper Court-house, in 1800, and died in Palatine, this county, on June 2, 1881. To their union were born the following children: Benjamin, who died young; Robert, who volunteered his services in the Civil War, but on account of physical disability was rejected; Jerre, a resident of Palatine, enlisted in the Federal service in 1861, in the Sixth regiment, company "C,", West Virginia infantry, but was discharged on account of disability; Elizabeth, the wife of E. C. Jenkins, a farmer, of Marion county; John Q.; Edward, who lives at Elk Garden, Maryland, served three years in the Civil War, a part of the time in the Sixth West Virginia infantry, and in 1862 was transferred to the Sixth West Virginia battery; Morgan, of Palatine, served in the Seventy-third Illinois, in the army of the Tennesee, until General W. T. Sherman; William, a farmer of Fairmont district, served in the same regiment and company as his brother Edward; Benjamin, died at the age of fourteen years; and Sarah, the wife of Wm. R. Swearingen, a farmer and lumberman of Palatine.
.....John Q. Levell was reared in Fayette county, and the limited education he received was obtained in the common schools of that county. For a number of years he was engaged in teaming, and as a laborer in coal mining. After two years' experience in Palatine as a sewing machine agent he took up the livery and teaming business, which he pursued for a term of ten years. In ____ he began the mining of coal in the vicinity of Fairmont, supplying that town and Palatine with custom coal, and giving employment to from sixteen to twenty hands. He also does considerable along the line of quarrying building stone, and in the handling of coal and oil leases and lands throughout the West Virginia fields. He enlisted in the Federal service of the Civil War in November, 1861, in the Sixth Regiment West Virginia infanty, where he served about one year, when he, with most of his company, volunteered and entered battery "F," Sixth West Virginia infantry, in which he served until he was mustered out of the service in January, 1865. At Martinsburg he was taken prisoner, and held two months in the prisons of Castle Thunder and Belle Isle, and was slightly disabled at Winchester by the fall of a horse.
.....The wife of Mr. Levell, Iva (Hindman) Levall, is a daughter of Rev. Wilson L. Hindman and Mary Ann (Jennings) Hindman. Rev. Hindman was born in Wirt county, Virginia (now West Virginia) in 1826, and died in Moundsville, March 17, 1877. He was ordained as a minister in the Methodist Episcopalian church on October 18, 1840, and preached in the West Virginia conferences until his death. On January 7, 1868, Mr. Levell and Iva Hindman were united in marriage. To this union were born the following children: Alice Priscilla, born August 9, 1869, is the wife of Charles B. Knight, of Palatine; Clyde W., born January 23, 1874, and Mary Louisa, born August 4, 1878.
Name Relation Marital Status Gender Race Age Birthplace Occupation Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace
J. S. Levell...Self...M...Male...W...45...WV......WV...WV
Ivy Levell...Wife...M...Female...W...29...WV......WV...WV
Alice Levell...Dau...S...Female...W...11...WV......WV...WV
Clyde Levell...Son...S...Male...W...6...WV......WV...WV
Mary Levell...Dau...S...Female...W...2...WV......WV...WV
Mathew Cox...Other...S...Male...W...15...WV...Servant...WV...WV
John I Levell...64...Aug 1885...PA, VA, VA...
Ida Levell...38...Nov 1861...WVA, PA, WVA...1 child, 1 living...married 2 years
Mami Levell...22...Aug 1877...WVA, WVA, WVA...dau
545.....i.....ALICE PRISCILLA LEVELL, b. August 09, 1868, West Virginia, USA.
546.....ii.....CLYDE W. LEVELL, b. January 23, 1874, Marion County, West Virginia, USA; d. April 11, 1913, Cooke, Fairmount, Marion County, West Virginia, USA.
.....iii.....MARY LOUISA LEVELL, b. August 04, 1878, West Virginia; m. JAMES R. HELDRETH, July 02, 1896, Marion County, West Virginia; b. Abt. 1874, Harrison, West Virginia. Notes for MARY LOUISA LEAVELL: At the time of the marriage, she 18, born Marion; he 22, born Harrison.
Source Citation: Year: 1900; Census Place: Mannington, Marion, West Virginia; Roll T623_1764; Page: 31B; Enumeration District: 58.
180. EDWARD E. LEVELL (EDWARD, JOHN L., EDWARD, EDWARD, ? LAVELLE) was born Abt. 1838 in Fayette County, Pennsylvania, USA, and died February 02, 1899 in Piedmont, Marion, West Virginia, USA. He married CAROLINE ELIZABETH COOK December 31, 1868 in Marion County, West Virginia, USA, daughter of THOMAS COOK and ELIZABETH WHITE. She was born March 21, 1850 in Ohio County, Virginia, USA, and died June 29, 1937 in Fairmont, Marion, West Virginia, USA. They were both buried in Maple Grove Cemetery, Fairmont, Marion, West Virginia.
James R Hildreth...28...Mar 1872...WVA, WVA, WVA...laborer
Mary C Hildreth...21...July 1878...WVA, WVA, WVA
Wilbert C Hildreth...3...Feb 1897...WVA, WVA, WVA
Stanley Hildreth...1...Oct 1898...WVA, WVA, WVA
James Heldreth...38...WVA, WVA, WVA...gauger, oil
Catherine Heldreth...31...WVA, WVA, WVA
Wilbert Heldreth...13...WVA, WVA, WVA
Stanley Heldreth ...11...WVA, WVA, WVA
Agnes Heldreth...9...WVA, WVA, WVA
James R Heldreth...47...WVA, WVA, WVA...farmer
Mary C Heldreth...43...WVA, WVA, WVA
Agness Heldreth...17...WVA, WVA, WVA...daughter
James R Heldreth...58...WVA, WVA, WVA...farmer, general farm
Mary C Heldreth...52...WVA, WVA, WVA...
Edward lived in Elk Garden, Maryland. He was in 6th WVA Infantry and in 1862 to 6th WVA Battery.
Name Relation Marital Status Gender Race Age Birthplace Occupation Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace
Edward Levell...Self...M...Male...W...45...PA...Blacksmith...PA...PA
Carrie Levell...Wife...M...Female...W...30...OH...Keeping House...VA...VA
Anna Levell...Dau...S...Female...W...10...WV......PA...OH
Thos. Levell...Son...S...Male...W...9...WV......PA...OH
Myrtie Levell...Dau...S...Female...W...7...WV......PA...OH
Bessie Levell...Dau...S...Female...W...5...WV......PA...OH
Carrie Level...50...widow...March 1850...OH...PA...PA...boarding house
A? Level...dau...July 1869...30...WVA...PA...OH
Charles Level...son...July 1871...28
Myrtle Level...dau...June 1873...26...
Della Level...dau...March 1883...17...
Carrie E Lavelle...61...WVA, PA, WVA
Charles B Lavelle...48...WVA, PA, WVA...conductor, B & O RR...son
Adele P Lavelle...30...WVA, PA, WVA...milliner for self...dau
Carrie E Lavelle...80...OH, PA, WVA...widow...$2000
Adele P Butler...40...WVA, PA, OH...widow
.....i.....ANNA LEVELL, b. 25 July 1869, West Virginia.
.....ii.....THOMAS LEVELL, b. Abt. 1871, West Virginia.
.....iii.....CHARLES B. LEVELL, born 15 Aug 1871 Fairmont, Marion, West Virginia, USA.
.....iv.....MYRTLE LEVELL, b. 5 May 1873, Marion County, West Virginia; m. WILLIAM A. JOHNSON, July 25, 1900, Mineral County, West Virginia; b. Abt. 1873.
Source Citation: Year: 1930; Census Place: Cumberland, Allegany, Maryland; Roll: 843; Page: 1A; Enumeration District: 14; Image: 371.0; FHL microfilm: 2340578.
547.....iv.....BESSIE MAY LEVELL, b. May 03, 1875, Elk Garden, Mineral, West Virginia, USA.
William A Johnson...56...MD, MD. PA...clerk, railroad
Myrtle L Johnson...56...WVA, PA, OH...
William E Johnson...20...MD, MD, WVA...drug store
.....v.....ADELLA P. LEVELL, b. March 1883.
Morgan was in 73rd Illinois under General W. T. Sherman with his brother William H.
M. T. Levelle...38...PA, VA, VA...coal miner
Virginia R. Levelle...32...WVA, WVA, WVA
Lillien C. Levelle...11...WVA, WVA, WVA
Florence W. Levelle...6...WVA, WVA, WVA
Olney B. Levelle...1...WVA, WVA, WVA...son
Sofrona Burcher...15...WVA, WVA, WVA...servant, housekeeper
Morgan Levell...61...Mar 1839...PA, PA, PA...married 27
Rachal Levell...53...Aug 1846...WVA, PA, WVA...married 27
Florance Levell...26...Jan 1874...WVA, PA, WVA
Only Levell...21...May 1879...WVA, PA, WVA
Maggie Dowson...1889...colored...11...VA...servant
Olney B Levelle...30...WVA, WVA, WVA ...married 8 years
Edna Levelle...27...WVA, WVA, WVA...2 children, 2 living
Morgan J Levelle...5...WVA, WVA, WVA
Francis R Levelle...2...WVA, WVA, WVA
Rachel Levelle...60...WVA, WVA, WVA...mother
Florence W Levelle...33...WVA, WVA, WVA...sister
.....i.....LILLIAN C. LEVELLE, b. 10 Feb 1868, Fairmount, Marion, West Virginia, USA. She married ISAAC N. KENNEDY 22 Dec 1895 Palatine, Marion, WVA, and died 17 Apr 1907 Monongalia County, West Virginia. Children were Grace V. Kennedy, b. Jun 1899, and Edna Kennedy, born about 1902, both in Monongalia County, West Virginia.
548.....ii.....FLORENCE WILMA LEVELLE, b. 25 Jan 1874, Fairmount, Marion, West Virginia, USA.
549.....iii.....OLNEY BOLTON LEVELLE, b. May 25, 1879, Marion County, West Virginia, USA; d. January 29, 1941, Fairmount, Marion, West Virginia, USA.
William was in 73rd Illinois under General W. T. Sherman with his brother Morgan.
William Levell...Self...M...Male...W...38...PA...Farmer...VA...VA
Sarah M. Levell...Wife...M...Female...W...35...VA...Keeping House...VA...VA
Fanny L. Levell...Dau...S...Female...W...12...WV...At Home...PA...VA
Wayman Levell...Son...S...Male...W...11...WV...At Home...PA...VA
Franklin E. Levell...Son...S...Male...W...7...WV...At Home...PA...VA
Lucy D. Levell...Dau...S...Female...W...2...WV...At Home...PA...VA
Lorenz Mullen...Other...S...Male...W...21...IRE...Works On R. R....IRE...IRE
Edwin Towner...Other...S...Male...W...25...VA...Works On R. R....VA...VA
Wm H Levelle...57...Nov 1842...PA, PA, PA...married 19 years...blacksmith
Elizabeth Levelle...42...April 1858...WVA, WVA, WVA
Wayhanan Levelle...31...Jan 1869...WVA, PA, PA...son
Mary Levelle...17...Jan 1883...WVA, PA, WVA
Kate P Levelle...16...Dec 1883...WVA, PA, WVA
George Levelle...15...Dec 1884...WVA, PA, WVA
Clarence Levelle...14...Apr 1886...WVA, PA, WVA
Carrie Levelle...11...Jan 1889...WVA, PA, WVA
Victor Levelle...7...Dec 1892...WVA, PA, WVA
Bille Shaw...31...Aug 1868...WVA, WVA, WVA...boarder
Elizabeth Lavelle...51...WVA, WVA, WVA...widowed...9 children, 7 living...dressmaker, at home
Carrie Lavelle...21...WVA, PA, WVA...telephone operator
Victor Lavelle...17...WVA, PA, WVA...
Elisabeth Levelle...68...WVA, WVA, WVA...widowed...own home...can read/write...
William King...8...WVA, WVA, WVA...grandson
Caroline L Allen...41...WVA, PA, WVA...waitress, hospital...$3000...married at 18
Elizabeth A Lavelle...71...WVA, WVA, WVA...widowed...mother
living right after the family of Frank (age 50) and Kate M. Carr (age 44)
At her death, Sarah was 35 years old, born Marion Co. WV to Elza and Lucy A. Dodd, husband W. H. Leavell, Book 1, pg. 69 of MARION COUNTY WV DEATHS INDEX 1861-1970
550.....i.....FANNIE LEOTA LEVELLE, b. October 27, 1867, Fairmount, Marion, West Virginia; d. October 03, 1943, Marion County, West Virginia.
.....ii.....WAYMON EDWARD LEVELLE, b. 27 Jan 1869 Fairmount, Marion, West Virginia; d. September 07, 1951 there, buried Arnettsville Cemetery, Arnettsville, Monongalia, WVA. Allegedly by IVA WATSON, he had Zana Marjorie Leavell, b. 19 Apr 1902 in Fairmont, Marion, WVA, died 18 Mar 1968 in Rivesville, Marion, WVA. Zana married Verner Elster Griffith 23 Oct 1926 in Fairmont, Marion, WVA. Waymon married LORA BLANCHE MORRIS on 23 Jun 1901 in Fairmount. (So shouldn't she be the mother of Zana?) She was born 01 Jun 1881 in Monongalia County, WVA and died in Fairmount 17 Feb 1962. Children by Lora include James W. Levelle, b. 15 Oct 1904 Fairmont and died abt. 1966, and Wilbur O. Levelle, b. 02 Jan 1907 Fairmount and died in Watson, Marion County, WVA on 04 Apr 1909. His death certificate says he was a retired coal miner from Consol Coal Company and a blacksmith, living at 719 Spring Street. Cause of death: arteriosclerotic heart disease, generalized arteriosclerosis, advanced age. There was no autopsy. Informant was Blanche M. Levelle.
Name: Wayman E. Levelle
551.....iii.....ELZA FRANKLIN LEAVELL, b. June 1872, Marion County, West Virginia; d. July 03, 1958.
Birth Date: 27 Jan 1869
Birth Place: Fairmount, Marion County, West Virginia
Sex: Male
Mother: Sarah Martha Dodd
Mother's Age:
Mother's Birth Place:
Father: William H. Levelle
Father's Age:
Father's Birth Place:
Maternal Grandmother:
Maternal Grandfather:
Paternal Grandmother:
Paternal Grandfather:
coal miner
Fannie L. Fleming, sister, filed
Wayman Levelle...38...WVA, USA, USA...married 9, coal tipple
Blanche Levelle...28...WVA, WVA, WVA...3 children, 2 living
Zana M Levelle...8...WVA, WVA...dau
Omes W Levelle...5 ...WVA, WVA...son
Wayman E Levelle...50......WVA, WVA, WVA...rents home...blacksmith, coal mine
Blanch Levelle...37...WVA, WVA, WVA...
Zana M Levelle...17...WVA, WVA, WVA...
James W Levelle...15...WVA, WVA, WVA...
Edward R Levelle...8...WVA, WVA, WVA...
Lucille M Levelle...6...WVA, WVA, WVA...
Clyde L Levelle...3...WVA, WVA, WVA...
Patricia B Levelle...[8/12]...WVA, WVA, WVA...
Wayman E Levelle...62...WVA, WVA, WVA...
Laura B Levelle...46...WVA, WVA, WVA...
Edward Levelle...18...WVA, WVA, WVA...
Lucille Levelle...16...WVA, WVA, WVA...
Robert J Levelle...8...WVA, WVA, WVA...
.....iv.....LUCY DAY LEAVELL, b. Abt. 1877, Marion County, West Virginia, USA; d. October 26, 1917; m. JOHN J. MCGRAW, November 09, 1898, Marion County, West Virginia, USA; b. Abt. 1875, Marion County, West Virginia, USA.
Levell, Lucy Lucy 10-12-1887 WVA, Marion Co. GRANTEE INDEX DEED 1842-1920 MARION COUNTY, WV. Heirs pg. 266-269 Vol. 42 James O. Watson to heirs of Sarah M. Leavell: Fanny L. Fleming,Ellzy Levell, Wayman Levell, Lucy, last three minor ch. Of Sarah dec'd and Wm. H. Leavell real estate situated near Central Station Doddridge County, WV. Wm. H. is guardian of the minor children
Rose Mc Gough ...55
Laura Mc Gough... 21
Peter Mc Gough... 18
Magy Mc Gough ...16
Frank Mc Gough ...16
Anna Mc Gough... 15
Lucy Mc Graw...22...Oct 1877...WVA, WVA, East Virginia...boarder...married 5 years, 1 child
John Mc Graw...25...May 1875...Ireland, Ireland, Ireland...boarder...railroader
Frank Mc Graw...2...Aug 1897...WVA, Ireland, WVA
John J Mcgraw...35...West Virginia, Ireland, Ireland...married 14 years...conductor, steam train
Lucy Mcgraw...32...WVA, WVA, WVA...7 children, 4 living
John T Mcgraw...8...WVA, WVA, WVA
William Mcgraw...6...WVA, WVA, WVA
James Mcgraw...4...WVA, WVA, WVA
Ralph Mcgraw...2...WVA, WVA, WVA
Name: Lucy Day McGraw
Birth Date: abt 1877
Death Date: 26 Oct 1917
Death Place: Grant Town, Marion, West Virginia
Death Age: 40
Gender: Female
FHL Film Number: 834817
.....i.....MARY LEVELLE, born Jan 1883 Marion County, West Virginia
.....ii.....KATHERINE P. LEVELLE (or KATHERINE M. LEVELLE), born 01 Dec 1883 Marion County, West Virginia. A Katherine M. "Kate" Levelle married Frank Carr on 28 April 1904; they both died in a car accident 3 July 1948 and both were buried in Woodlawn Cemetery, Fairmont, Marion, WVA, per Shields FamilyTree at, but it also lists the death date as 1938.
Source Citation: Year: 1910; Census Place: Fairmont Ward 5, Marion, West Virginia; Roll: T624_1687; Page: 8A; Enumeration District: 0062; Image: 497; FHL Number: 1375700.
.....iii.....GEORGE H. LEVELLE, born 15 Dec 1884 Marion County, West Virginia. George H. Levell in birth record.
Frank Carr...30...WVA, WVA, WVA...married 6 years...carpenter, house
Kate Carr...26...WVA, WVA, WVA...married 6 years...3 children, 2 living
Doris Carr...8...WVA, WVA, WVA...
George Carr...2/12...WVA, WVA, WVA...
Frank Carr...40...WVA, WVA, WVA...carpenter, house
Kate Carr...36...WVA, PA, WVA...
Doris Carr...13...WVA, WVA, WVA...
(following family of Victor and Opal Levelle)
Frank Carr...50...WVA, WVA, WVA...carpenter, house...$4000...married at 26
Kate M Carr...44...WVA, WVA, WVA...married at 20
Doris L Carr...24...WVA, WVA, WVA...dau
Jack E Carr...9...WVA, WVA, WVA...son
Name: Frank Carr (no middle name)
Birth Date: 6 Feb 1879
Birth Place: Taylor, West Virginia
Residence: 1023 Carlton Street, Fairmont, Marion, West Virginia
Height: 5'11" Weight: 160
Blue eyes, dark brown hair
Wife: Kate Carr, same address
Name: Frank Carr
Titles & Terms:
Event: Death
Event Date: 03 Jul 1948
Event Place:
Street Address:
Gender: Male
Death Age: 69y4m28d
Marital Status:
Race: White
Birth Date: 06 Feb 1879
Birthplace: Bridgeport, W. Va.
Estimated Birth Year: 1879
Spouse: Kate Carr
Spouse's Titles & Terms:
Reference Number: certificate
Film Number: 2246491
Digital Folder Number: 4109099
Image Number: 00019 West Virginia, Deaths Index, 1853-1973 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2011.
.....iv.....CLARENCE WILLIAM LEVELLE, b. 16 Apr 1886 Johnstown, Marion, West Virginia, died 12 Apr 1954 Wichita, Sedgwick, Kansas. He married Mary Delphine Forney on 03 Apr 1907 in Canon City, Fremont, Colorado (born 24 Mar 1885 KS, died 12 July 1921 Topeka, KS), then Peachie Gladys Jones. Listed as Levelle, born to Johnstown miner William H. Levelle and Lizzie Ross. Buried in Wichita Park Cemetery and Mausoleum, Wichita, Sedgewick, Kansas.
Name: Geo. H. Levelle
Birth Date: abt 1885
Death Date: 16 Aug 1910
Death Place: Pleasanton, Cal.
Occupation: Electrician
Race: White
Marital Status: Single
Gender: Male
FHL Film Number: 834816
Source Citation: Year: 1910; Census Place: Wichita Ward 2, Sedgwick, Kansas; Roll: T624_456; Page: 9B; Enumeration District: 0114; Image: 355; FHL microfilm: 1374469
.....v.....CARRIE LEVELLE, born 28 Jan 1889 Marion County, WVA, died about 1986. She married WILLIAM ROSS KING on 18 Jul 1910. He was born about 1882 in Wheeling, WVA.
Clarence W. Levelle...25...WVA, WVA, WVA...pump something, retail hdw
Della Levelle...25...KS, OH, OH
Dorothy V. Levelle...1 7/12...KS, WVA, KS
Clarence W. Levelle...34...WVA, USA, USA...repairman, pumper
Gladys Levelle...28...IL, IL, IL
Dorothy Levelle...11...KS, WVA, USA
Gerald Levelle...9...KS, WVA, USA
George Levelle...5...KS, WVA, USA
Clarence W LeVelle...39...WVA...mechanic, Hays Equipment Co.
Peachie G LeVelle...33...IL
Dorthy LeVelle...16...KS...telephone operator
Gerald LeVelle...14...KS
George LeVelle...10...KS
Betty Lw LeVelle...3...KS
Luanna Jones...59...IL...widowed...mother-in-law
Clarence W Levelle...44...WVA, PA, WVA...sales, electric something...$5000...married at 21
Peachie G Levelle...38...IL, IL, IL...married at 29?
Gerald G Levelle...19...KS, WVA, room helper, electric fixtures
George R Levelle...15...KS, WVA, KS
Betty L Levelle...8...KS, WVA, IL
Family trees on say Carrie and William R. King married in "Stewart, Illinois." Could that be Steward, Lee County, Illinois, founded about 1855? I. LEVELLE, born 13 Nov 1890 Marion County, WVA
William R Cr King...28...WVA, WVA, WVA...own home...can read/write...farmer, general
Linna M King...28...WVA, WVA, WVA...
William R King...6...WVA, WVA, WVA...
Name: Caroline Stone
SSN: 232-05-0905
Last Residence: 26554 Fairmont, Marion, West Virginia, United States of America
Born: 28 Jan 1889
Died: Oct 1986
State (Year) SSN issued: North Carolina or West Virginia (Before 1951)
.....vii.....VICTOR MOORE LEVELLE, born 14 Dec 1892 in Watson, Marion , West Virginia, died 05 Mar 1941 Fairmont, Marion County, West Virginia, married OPAL HOPEWELL on 18 Jun 1919 in Mannington, Marion County, WVA. She was born 25 Oct 1899 in Mannington and died 21 Apr 1977 in Buena Park, Orange, California, USA.
Source Citation: Year: 1920; Census Place: Fairmont Ward 8, Marion, West Virginia; Roll: T625_1961; Page: 6A; Enumeration District: 27; Image: 1002.
183. SARAH CATHERINE LEAVELL (EDWARD, JOHN L., EDWARD, EDWARD, ? LAVELLE) was born August 12, 1845 in Fayette County, Virginia, USA, and died September 12, 1902 in Fairmont, Marion, West Virginia, USA. She married WILLIAM RILEY SWEARINGEN September 21, 1869 in Marion County, West Virginia, USA, son of THORNTON VAN SWEARINGEN and JULIA FLEMING. He was born August 16, 1844 in Fayette County, West Virginia, USA, and died February 04, 1913 in Marion County, West Virginia, USA. Notes for WILLIAM RILEY SWEARINGEN: William was a farmer and lumberman of Palatine, Marion, West Virginia, USA.
Victor Levelle...27...WVA, WVA, maker
Opal Levelle...20...WVA, PA, WVA
Victor Levelle...38...WVA, WVA, WVA...married at 21...foreman, box manufacturing...$7000
Opal Levelle...30...WVA, PA, WVA...married at 19
Mary A Levelle...10...WVA, WVA, WVA...dau
.....i.....ORA LEVELLE SWEARINGEN, b. November 23, 1870, Fairmont, Marion, West Virginia, USA; d. March 27, 1913, Hazelton, Barber County, Kansas, USA; m. WILLIAM HOWARD GARLOW, April 28, 1892, Fairmont, Marion, West Virginia, USA; b. October 06, 1867, Marion County, West Virginia, USA.
.....ii.....EDWARD VAN SWEARINGEN, b. August 11, 1872, Fairmont, Marion, West Virginia, USA; d. January 09, 1931, Fairmont, Marion, West Virginia, USA; m. MARTHA BENNETT, August 28, 1898, Fairmont, Marion, West Virginia, USA.
552.....iii.....ANNA JULIA SWEARINGEN, b. September 06, 1874, Fairmont, Marion, West Virginia, USA.
553.....iv.....IVA ELIZABETH SWEARINGEN, b. June 12, 1877, Fairmont, Marion, West Virginia, USA; d. February 27, 1945, Fairmont, Marion, West Virginia, USA. This way to the next third of this generation.
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