TIPTON ADVOCATE (Friday, July 26, 1895, page 1, vol. XVII, number 48)
Last Sunday, Enoch Goodwin, father of Lee Goodwin, died at the home of his son at the age of 88 years. He was one among the oldest
citizens of Tipton county and was one of her pioneer citizens. He was a prominent and leading man and took an active part in public
affairs until incapacitated by age. He was an earnest and ardent Republican and always voted the Republican ticket. Away
back in 1872, he went to a political speaking, when Dan Waugh made one of his enthusiastic speeches and the old man was so well pleased with it that he wanted to live until Dan Waugh went to Congress. He did live to vote for him twice.
by Jane A. Leavell
(This has nothing to do with Enoch Goodwin, but it was the following article and too cute to pass up:)
Tackles Him From Three Directions
.....Miss Sina Luttrell, who resides near Kempton, is after Wid Reece, a young man, who robbed her of that which should be pure and holy. As a result of his indiscreetness she has filed three suits against him, and he will have a world of trouble of getting out of all of them. One of the suits filed charges him with bardery, another charges him with seduction and the other is a suit for breach of promise. Some time ago he was arrested and lodged in jail but was bailed out by his mother. He don't seem to be much concerned about it now, but his time is a coming.
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