Some trees say John LaVelle, born 1675, is the earliest member of the family, but that makes him only ten when Edward was born! I'm putting John and Edward as brothers, below.
Children of ? LAVELLE are:
2.....i.....JOHN LAVELLE, b. 1675; d. 1740.
3.....ii.....EDWARD LEAVELL, b. 1685; d. July 1749, St. George's Parish, King and Queen County, Virginia, USA.
La Levelle, Jean Jean 1675 born France Came to VA. Oldest son Edward. Will probated in 1750's names sons John, Edward, James (book cites VIRGINIA WILLS AND ADMINISTRATIONS, 1631-1800 here), all Revolutionary soldiers.
John Leavell (1670-1740) was also known as Jean LeaVelle ( Jean LaLAVELLE) when he came to America from France or England in the late 1600's. It is believed that his brother Edward came with him.They were French Huguenots who left France due to being persecutied by France's Catholic King Louis the 13th. Tradition has it they came with English Colonist to Virginia and settled near what is now Orange, Spotsylvania, York, Caroline or Culpeper Counties, perhaps near the Rappahannock River.
The Abridged Compendium of American Genealogy, Vol. I, p. 681, states that a John LaVelle (1675-1740) did not arrive in Virginia until 1715, and that he settled probably in York County. It is possible that this John LaValle was also known as Jean LeaVelle (Jean LaVelle, also spelled Jean LeVillian) when he came to America from France, via England, on the ship Peter and Anthony, arriving September 20, 1700. Daniel Perreau was Captain of the Peter and Anthony, arriving weeks before the Mary Ann, with George Hawed as Captain. The Mary Ann arrived on October 1, 1700. These two ships carried French refugees to America.
"The Huguenot" magazine # 25, 1971-3, pp. 164-167 and 223-227 lists the "Manakin Founders", with wives' maiden names where known, and a list of "Virginia Huguenots Outside Manakin". Louis and Thomas Amis are on the latter list. Then there is a discussion of a lot of these latter names, without much documentation, listing where many of them seem to have come from. They say that they accept about eight of these names as Huguenot, want more research on on ten more, and simply say that "Amiss, Basye Caperton, Estes, Leavell, Moncure, Pemberton, Rucker, Shackleford, Taliaferro, and Valentine seem in no way to qualify as Huguenots." The Amiss and Bayse lines went to Amissville VA, and this is the line, apparently, that most/all the previous people who applied for membership in the Huguenot Society came from. ) The article says that the Amisses "seem to have a long history as English in Essex, east of London".
The book MORROW COUSINS says John Leavell, a Huguenot, was born in 1675 and came to America in 1715, settling in Virginia, possibly York County. He died in 1740.
An Internet family tree says John came to America about 1715 and settled in Va, probably in York, Co. Morrow Cousins shows only two children Robert, John 1720 . Came to America about 1715 and settled possibly in Essex Co, Va
The book HENRY HARDIN SALLEE BOLTON says Jean La Levelle, born in France in 1675, went to England and then to America, settling in either Caroline County, Virginia 1692 or Culpeper Co. Virginia in 1715. He died in 1740. It states that the children, based on James Leavell's will of 17 October 1775 in Spotsylvania Co. VA, included Edward, who married Cornelius Vaughn's daughter Elizabeth and had three Revolutionary War sons (Edward, John, and James). This second Edward married Elizabeth Hawkins, moved to North Carolina and then to Garrard County, Kentucky, and some of his sons went to Montgomery County, Missouri. Another son of Jean was John, born 1720, died 1783, whose son John (1757-1826) was the father of Robert Leavell of Wayne County, Indiana.
The book BIOGRAPHICAL AND GENEALOGICAL HISTORY OF CASS, MIAMI, HOWARD, & TIPTON COUNTIES says John Leavell, a native of the Old Dominion of Virginia, served in the Revolution, and the line goes back a hundred years before that, to France. He and his family went to Kentucky about 1794.
At, James Steel (jsteed at declares that Jean Peter LeVillain was the ancestor of the family who came over on the PETER AND ANTHONY, and his son John Peter Leavell is the John Leavell who married Milly Walden.
Nobody knows anything for sure about this man or what children he may have had.
16 June 1999 Huguenot Mailing List
Would like some help. How does one go about finding information on a ancestor, ie:, my 6th. ggf, Jean ( John ) LaLeaVell / Levell a Huguenot who supposingly left France for England with his brothers Edward, Benjamin & James in the mid 1600's during the reign of King Louis XIV of that country? Around 1670-80 Jean & Edward came to America, Virginia. Would there be a surname list of Huguenots who was in and or left England for America in the mid 1600 hundreds ? Have cheched ship passenger lists, etc., no luck. Any internet sites that may be helpful? Thanks, Everett Levell
Other sources include lucindaw at
Children of JOHN LAVELLE and SARAH ? are:
.....i.....JOHN W. LEAVELL, b. Abt. 1720, Spotsylvania County, Virginia, USA; d. Abt. 1782, Greenbrier County, West Virginia, USA.
Notes for JOHN W. LEAVELL:
Per J. Everett Leavell, John ( 1720-1880 ) was in the Rev.War under Col. Burwell. He left Va. for Ky. but died in Greenbrier Co., West Va. befor reaching Ky. and is buried there. His family continued to Ky. then to Ohio and onto Indiana. He married 1-Milley Walden & 2-Mary Smith. This seems to be a confusion of two John Leavells! What data goes with which John? The husband of Milley Walden is the son of Edward Leavell, in my version of the family tree. We need lots more work here!
.....ii.....WILLIAM LEAVELL, b. Abt. 1722, Virginia, USA. Notes for WILLIAM LEAVELL: William is mentioned in will of James.
.....iii.....JAMES LEAVELL, b. Abt. 1725; d. October 17, 1775.
James Leavell died October 17, 1775 Kentucky. He was never married. He went to Kentucky, Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois. His Will was recorded in Spotsylvania County, VA on Aug. 21, 1783 and also recorded in Garrard County, Kentucky on July 27, 1813. (Huh? Why?] James was a slave holder and served in the Revolutionary War.
Database: Spotsylvania, Virginia County Records, 1721-1800
Virginia County Records SPOTSYLVANIA COUNTY 1721-1800
WILL BOOK E 1772-1798
page 39
LEAVELL, JAMES, Spotsylvania Co., d. Oct. 17, 1775. Executors Bond dated Sept. 18, 1783. Wit. Henry Pemberton. Ex. William Pember-ton. Leg. my mother; sister Nancy Pemberton; brother John Leavell; and his children, and Edward Leavell; brother William Leavell. (Page 545)
Surname Given Name(s) Maiden Name Birth Date Birth Place Biographical Info Reference
LEAVELL James 174? Virginia Historical reg. Of Virginians in the Rev., soldiers, saliors and marines, 1775-1783. Ed. By John H. Gwathmey. Richmond, Va. 1938. (13, 872p.):464
Database: Spotsylvania, Virginia County Records, 1721-1800
Combined Matches: 3
Virginia County Records SPOTSYLVANIA COUNTY 1721-1800
WILL BOOK E 1772-1798
page 39
LEAVELL, JAMES, Spotsylvania Co., d. Oct. 17, 1775. Executors Bond dated Sept. 18, 1783. Wit. Henry Pemberton. Ex. William Pember-ton. Leg. my mother; sister Nancy Pemberton; brother John Leavell; and his children, and Edward Leavell; brother William Leavell. (Page 545)
Virginia County Records SPOTSYLVANIA COUNTY 1721-1800
DEED BOOK E 1751-1761
page 220
March 15, 1761. Benjamin Davis of St. Mark's Par., Culp. Co., to Benjamin Martin, Junr., of Spts. Co. £60 curr. 101 a. in St. Geo. Par., Spts. Co. Chs. Linch, John Leavell, James Davis. April 7, 1761.
Virginia County Records SPOTSYLVANIA COUNTY 1721-1800
DEED BOOK J 1774-1782
page 423
Augt. 7, 1788. Wm. Riardon and Ann, his wife, of Spts. Co. to Thomas Haydon of same county. £30 curr. 100 a. in Spts. Co., etc. G. Bell, L. Branham, Thos. Whiting, Jno. McWhirt, Danl. Branham, Edwd. Leavell, James Lewis, Thomas Strachan. Jany. 6, 1789.
Deaths Taken From “The Daily Picayune“ Newspaper, New Orleans, Orleans Parish, LA.
Mrs. James (Ellen) LEAVELL, died 6 Aug 1851
Database: Revolutionary War Muster Rolls, 1775-83
Combined Matches: 1
Surname Given Name Middle Initial Rank - Induction Rank - Discharge Notes Roll Box Roll Exct Roll Rec
Leavell James...Corporal...48... 0... 246
Database: Civil War Pension Index
James C. Leavell
Image: 2127 State Filed: Illinois
Widow: Mary Leavell Relative:
Minor: Comments:
Database: Civil War Muster Rolls
Surname Given Name Middle Initial Company Unit Rank - Induction Rank - Discharge Notes Box # Extraction # Record # Allegiance
Leavell James B 36 Alabama Infantry. Private Private Leavell, Joseph M. 221 221 221 Confederate
Leavell James C. C 3 Illinois Cavalry. Private Private Levell, James C. 1241 1241 1241 Union
Leavell James C. H 3 Illinois Cavalry. Private Private Leavill, James C. 1242 1242 1242 Union
Leavell James D. I 33 Missouri Infantry. Private Private 2610 2610 2610 Union
Leavell James M. E 20 Indiana Infantry. Private Private Levell, James M. 2526 2526 2526 Union
Leavell James W. A 63 Illinois Infantry. Private Private 1243 1243 1243 Union
Level James D. I 33 Mo. Inf. Private Private Leavell James D. 16 16 16 Union
Database: American Civil War Soldiers
Name State Served Enlist Date Enlist Rank Enlist Age Enlist Place Army
James W Leavell ...Illinois... 01 December 1861 ...Priv ...Union
Name Birth Date Birth Place Death Date Death Place Marriage Date Marriage Place Spouse Father Mother
Ann W Leavell ...29 December 1841... Todd, , KY ...19 March 1929 , , , 29 December 1858 , , James Leavell ...Martha Battle Dortch
Basheba Leavell December 1878 Woodbury, Meriweather, GA 1897 , , , , , James Riley Leavell Sallie Pearl Sarah Brown
Charles Calvin Leavell ...6 August 1875 ...Woodbury, Meriweather, GA ...12 August 1946 , , , 19 March 1908... Atlanta, Fulton, GA Rena George James Riley Leavell ...Sallie Pearl ...Sarah Brown
George Washington Leavell ...29 June 1844... Cherry Creek, Pontotoc, MS 7 September 1905 Oxford, Lafayette, MO, 14 May 1872 Cherry Creek, Pontotoc, MS ...Corra Alice Berry ...James Leavell ...Emily Worthington
George M Leavell... 12 August 1867... Woodbury, Meriweather, GA , , , , , James Riley Leavell ...Sallie Pearl Sarah... Brown
James Preston Leavell ...11 March 1854... Keysterville, Chariton, MO...1936 , , , 16 March 1882... Grundy, , Jane Martner Elkins ...Anderson Leavell ...Lucinda Lou Finnell
James Robert Leavell ...24 March 1866 ...Woodbury, Meriweather, GA ...22 February 1932 , , , 8 April 1888... Montgomery, Montgomery, Louisa Clementine Bishop... James Riley Leavell ...Sallie Pearl Sarah Brown
James Barry Leavell...1 March 1880...Oxford, Lafayette, MS...December 1933 , , , 29 May 1906... Louisville, , KY... Lula Freeland Bryan ...George Washington Leavell ...Corra Alice Berry
James George Leavell... 3 September 1875 ...Jackson, , MS , , , , , Ella Norrell... William Hayne Leavell ...Mary George
Richard Henry Leavell ...December 1870 ...Woodbury, Meriweather, GA , , , , , James Riley Leavell ...Sallie Pearl Sarah Brown
Name Birth Date Birth Place Death Date Death Place Marriage Date Marriage Place Spouse Father Mother
William Jackson Leavell...4 January 1869 ...Woodbury, Meriweather, GA , , , 1895 , , Mariam Garrard ...James Riley Leavell ...Sallie Pearl Sarah Brown
Annie P Radford ...26 June 1869 , ...Christian, KY... 17 September 1887 , Christian, KY, 28 October 1886 , , Charles James Radford ...Ann W Leavell
Benjamin Franklin Leavell...1840... Cherry Creek, Pontotoc, MS...1913 , , , 1865...Cherry Creek, Pontotoc, MS ...Sallie Gambrell James Leavell...Emily Worthington
Captain James Leavell ...1801 , , SC...1873... Cherry Creek, , MS, , , James Leavell ...Betsy Reader
James Leavell 1780 Bush River Comm, Newberry, SC 1810 , , , , , Richard Leavell Taylor
James Leavell 1804 , Fayette, KY 1862 New Lancs, Tipton, IN, 1824 , , Elizabeth Cooper ...Robert Leavell ...Sarah
James Leavell...1804 Lexington, , KY...1862 Tipton Co, , IN, ...18 September 1823 ...Wayne Co, , IN ...Mary Elizabeth Cooper... Robert Leavell... Sarah
James M Leavell...1815 ...Garrard, , KY , , , , , James Leavell ...Rebecca Stimpson
James Griffin Leavell ...1827 , , AL ...20 September 1863 , , , 24 November 1850 , , Richard Leavell... Frances Neal
James Griffin Leavell...1827... Ralph, Tuscaloosa, AL , , , 21 November 1850 Knoxville, Greene, AL ...Tirza Ann Steward ...Richard Leavell Frances Neal Neil
James Alexander Leavell 1851 Luther Island, Montgomery, AL 1926 , , , , , Benjamin Franklin Leavell Sarah Louise Nunnally
James Norrell Leavell 1907 Houston, Harris, TX , , , , , James Leavell Grace Norrell
James Leavell Sims 1822 Hopkinsville, Todd, KY 1855 , , , , , William Delaney Sims Mildred Hayden Sims
Surname: LEAVELL
Given Name: James
Sex: Male
Day of Birth: 16
Month of Birth: August
Year of Birth: 06
Day of Death: 14
Month of Death: 06
Year of Death: 83
City of Residence: Detroit
County of Residence: Wayne
State of Residence: Michigan
City of Death: Detroit
County of Death: Wayne
State of Death: Michigan
Death Certificate No.: 31759
Database: Missouri Newspaper Death Index
Name Age/DOB Death Date Date Reported Newspaper
James Leavell Coxhead ...Abt 6... 29 Dec 1908...Callaway Weekly Gazette
James A. Leavell ...Abt 75...24 Nov 1926...Fulton Telegraph (Callaway Co.)
James A. Leavell ...9 Oct 1851... 24 Nov 1926... 2 Dec 1926... Fulton Telegraph, Callaway Weekly Gazette
James D. Leavell ...Abt 75... 1 Dec 1926...Montgomery City Standard
Year Surname Given Name (s) County State Page Township or Other Info Record Type Database ID#
1830 LEAVELL JAMES Newberry County SC 139 Newberry District Federal Population Schedule SC 1830 Federal Census Index SC559163637
3. EDWARD LEAVELL (? LAVELLE) was born Abt. 1685, and died February 23, 1741/42 in St. George's Parish, King and Queen County, Virginia, USA. He married MARY NIX Abt. 1704.
Many genealogies list Edward as the son of John, but a few suggest they're brothers, which makes more sense, given that they're only ten years apart in estimated age! He's also born too far in advance of his other alleged brothers.
Per Everett Leavell, this Edward Leavell was a brother to immigrant ancestor (Jean LaVelle ) John Leavelle. He & John came to America from England or France in the latter part of the 1600's. E. Jay Levell says Edward La LaVelle was born about 1675 in Normandy, France and died February 23, 1742/43, probably in King and Queen County, VA; his wife was Mary Nix. They had two children, Joseph Leavell (born 1732 in King & Queen Co. VA, died 1775 in Culpeper or Faquier Co. VA, spouse Sarah Canady) and Benjamin, who married Mildred Louise Haydon. Edward Leavell was in King & Queen Co. Va in 1838 in the Parish of Drysdale. He then goes to St. George's Parish in Spotsylvania Co.,Va also in 1838. He m. Mary Nix; her parents were Susanna & George Nix. If this is correct, then half the kids we have attributed to this Edward aren't his! Are they children of John LaVelle???
CAVALIERS AND PIONEERS, volume two, by Nell Marion Nugent, lists a "_____ Levall" in 28 September 1681 as a person imported into Virginia by Thomas Fenwick.
Edward owned land in King and Queen County Va. In addition he purchased 200 acres in Spo;tsylvania in 1738, moved there and died. 200 Acres were purchased 6 Apr 1738 form Thomas Benson, it was on the branches of the Massaponnox Creek
In 1740 Edward and Mary were witness to George Nix will and Edward was made ex with William McWilliams .
Leavil, Edward,,,8-1-1749...will executed...VA, Spotsylvania Co. ...WILL BOOK A (1722-1749) Edward of St. George's Parish died Feb. 23, 1742/3, probated this date. Wit. George Nix, Martin True, William Woolbank. Ex. wife Mary Leavil. Leg. wife Mary, sons Joseph and Benjamin Leavil, 200 acres of land, my son Joseph having the manor plantation. (page 484)
See a transcription of the will at
Children of EDWARD LEAVELL and MARY NIX are:
4.....i.....ELIZABETH FRANCES LEAVELL, b. Abt. 1705; d. November 14, 1775, Spotsylvania County, Virginia.
5.....ii.....EDWARD LEAVELL, b. Abt. 1710; d. 1755, Spotsylvania County, Virginia, USA.
6.....iii.....JOHN LEAVELL, b. Abt. 1715, Virginia; d. 1783, Greenbrier County, Virginia, USA.
7.....v.....ROBERT LEAVELL, b. September 15, 1718, Culpeper County, Virginia, USA; d. June 28, 1797, Newberry County, South Carolina, USA.
.....v.....BENJAMIN LEAVELL, b. Abt. 1720. LEAVELL, b. Abt. 1732, St. George Parish, King and Queen County, Virginia; d. Abt. 1775, Virginia.
4. ELIZABETH FRANCES LEAVELL (EDWARD, ? LAVELLE) was born Abt. 1705, and died November 14, 1775 in Spotsylvania County, Virginia. She married CORNELIUS VAUGHN 1722 in King and Queen County, Virginia. He was born Abt. 1695 in Wales, and died November 1736 in Drysdale Parish, King and Queens County, Virginia.
Virginia County Records SPOTSYLVANIA COUNTY 1721-1800 WILLS
WILL BOOK E 1772-1798, page 33
VAUGHAN, ELIZABETH, Spotsylvania Co. d. Nov. 14, 1775, Executors Bond dated Nov. 19, 1778. Wit. Nathan Hawkins, Edward Leavell. Ex. William Pemberton. Leg. my four children which are now alive, and my son Martin Vaughan's four children, his part to be equally divided amongst them, Cornelius Vaughan, Bridget Broadas, Elizabeth Pember-ton, Margaret Geter. (Page 251)
According to Mary Hazelett at, Elizabeth was born Jul 1709 in Baldock, Herford, England
Deb Koplen (Data from Deb Koplen 814 Danish Dr. Grand Prairie, TX 75050) insists that this Elizabeth is not the daughter of Edward Leavell, but his widow. If she's right, none of these descendants are Leavells. On the other hand, Edward could have married an Elizabeth Vaughn while Elizabeth Leavell married Cornelius Vaughn. Caveat emptor, folks. This needs more work!
. Leavell, Edward before 11-14-1775 witnessed will of Vaughan, Elizabeth of VA, Spotsylvania Co.
The will of Cornelius Vaughan was found in a chancery court case and published in THE MAGAZINE OF VIRGINIA GENEALOGY, Vol. 37, No. 3, August 1999. He didn't mention a son named Martin, but did mention an unborn child. Since Cornelius' widow, Elizabeth, in her own will, mentioned her son Martin, it seems reasonable to think that that unborn child was Martin. In Caroline County, Virginia, on April 12, 1751, one Martin Vaughn bound himself as apprentice to Thomas Montague. I believe he would have been at least 14 in order to bind himself, and probably was not yet 21, therefore, born between 1730 and 1737. If he was the posthumous son of Cornelius Vaughan, he was probably born between November 1735 and May 1736.
And you're right about William Jeter having all those children. Poor Margaret!
But - I thought that Martin Vaughan married Eleanor LEA. What is your source for "BROADDUS"? Let me state my evidence and you see what you think. Francis Lea's will is dated July 14, 1766, and is recorded in Louisa County, Virginia, WB 1, p. 82. He mentions his daughter "Eleanor Relict of Martin Vaun". Both "Martin Vaun" and "Eleanor" are sufficiently unusual names for that place and time to lead me to believe that Martin, son of Cornelius and Elizabeth Vaughan, married Eleanor, daughter of Francis Lea. Eleanor (Lea) Vaughan married as her second husband, Joseph Edwards of Caroline County, Virginia; they lived in Amherst County, Virginia, and Woodford County, Kentucky.
5 June 2004
5. EDWARD LEAVELL (EDWARD, ? LAVELLE) was born Abt. 1710, and died 1755 in Spotsylvania County, Virginia, USA. He married ELIZABETH VAUGHN, daughter of CORNELIUS VAUGHN. She died 1795 in Virginia, USA.
Order Book 1746-54, part 1, p. 69: He produced a certificate from George Hoomes Gent. for taking up a runaway Negro belonging to Henry Willis Gent. of Spotsylvania county.
Caroline County, VA--14 Aug 1755 -- Order Book, pg. 91: The last will and testament of Edward Leavel was presented in Court by Eliza. Leavel, executrix, and Thomas Berry and Corns. Vaughn, executors therein named, and proved by David Snodgrass, Richard Broaddus and Bridget Broaddus, witnesses thereto.
Son Edward had John Leavell as guardian 1771; son James Leavell had William Pemberton, per Campbell, T.E., COLONIAL CAROLINE (Dietz Press, VA), p. 49. Order Book 1756/58, Part Two, p. 92. William Pemberton returned an account against the orphans of Edward Leavel.
STYLE : Leavell vs Ballard &c
Leavell, Edward before 11-14-1775 witnessed will Vaughan, Elizabeth VA, Spotsylvania Co. Elizabeth Vaughan died 14 November 1775
Database: Spotsylvania, Virginia County Records, 1721-1800
6. JOHN LEAVELL (EDWARD, ? LAVELLE) was born Abt. 1715 in Virginia, and died 1783 in Greenbrier County, West Virginia, USA. He married MILLEY WALDEN. She was born Abt. 1724 in Virginia, and died Abt. 1787.
James Steed in his World Tree at claims this is "John Peter Leavell," born abt. 1735: "The 12th December, 1735, was born Jean Villain, son of Jean Vilain, the younger, and of Philipe, his wife; had for godfather, Jean Vilain, his grandfather; for godmother, Charlote Chastain. - Jean Chastain." He adds "Father: John (Jean) Peter LE VILLAIN b: Abt 1662 in Jessy,Lower Normandy,France
Given comparative birthdates, is it likely that Burwell is the son of this couple?
7. ROBERT LEAVELL (EDWARD, ? LAVELLE) was born September 15, 1718 in Culpeper County, Virginia, USA, and died June 28, 1797 in Newberry County, South Carolina, USA. He married SARAH COLE Abt. 1740. She was born 22 Feb 1719, Middlesex County, Virginia, USA per, and died 1795. For both, burial: Bush River Baptist Church Cemetery, Newberry County, SC. Christ Church Parish, Virginia Births, 1653-1812 has him born 16 May 1719 in Middlesex, Virginia, and baptized 14 Jun 1719.
Robert Leavell was buried June 30, 1797 in Bush River Baptist Church Cemetery, located 10 miles northwest of Newberry, South Carolina. Robert's descendents hold a reunion in Spotsylvania Cunty, Virginia, near Cloverdale, the old ancestral homestead and cemetery.
Posted by Leavie C. Bell on February 07, 1999 at 14:52:43:
Will, dated 6 October 1787, appears in Will Book 1, p. 21, Newberry Co. SC. COPY OF WILL OF ROBERT LEAVELL Recorded in Will Book "A" pages 97-98 in the office of the Probate Judge of Newberry, Newberry County, South Carolina, copied by Blanche C. Davidson for A. Y. Satterfield. SOUTH CAROLINA: -- In the Name of God, Amen, Newberry County, I, Robert Leavell, being weak of body but perfect and sound in memory and calling to mind the certainty of death and the Uncertainty of life in this world, constitute and Ordain this my Last Will and Testament, in the first place, I Give up my immortal soul to Almighty God, who gave it to me, and my body to the grave to be decently buried at the discretion of my Executors hereafter named, and as for my worldly goods that God has been pleased to bestow upon me I dispose of them in the form and manner following: (First)---In premises; I lend to my beloved wife, SARAH LEAVELL, all my household furniture, working tools of all kinds and stock of all kinds also as much of my land plantation as is enclosed in my lines joining Bush River up to a Black Corner Tree of Charles Crows near the upper corner of my plantation from thence strait across to the Spanish Oak tree corner of John Coles by my spring branch to have and to hold the same and every of them during the whole of her natural life or widowhood: ITEM: I give to my son EDWARD LEAVELL the above land and plantation not crossing the river being the part that I lent to his mother and what of my land that lies on the South side of the River, I give to my son JOHN LEAVELL also one hundred acres where he now lives; ITEM: I firm and Bequeath to my son RICHARD LEAVELL, one hundred acres of land joining his plantation where he now lives, the quantities mentioned being the whole of what land I had: I give my Beds to my daughters to divide them as equal as they can. I also give her mother's equal part Frances Ryal deceased, my eldest Daughter, to her daughter, BETTY RYAL. As for the remainder of my estate to be equally divided amongst all my children then living or to their heirs. I constitute and appoint my wife SARAH LEAVELL and my son-in-law, ELIJAH TEAGUE, EXECUTORS to see to the execution of my last Will and Testament, Setting Void all my other wills as Witnessed my hand and Seal this sixth day of October in the Year of our Lord, one Thousand Seven Hundred and Eighty-seven.
Notes for SARAH COLE:
Children of ROBERT LEAVELL and SARAH COLE are:
8. JOSEPH LEAVELL (EDWARD, ? LAVELLE) was born Abt. 1732 in St. George Parish, King and Queen County, Virginia, and died Abt. 1775 in Virginia. He married SARAH CANADAY.
BUT see #14 below. We seem to have two confused Joseph Leavell lines.
Per Ginger Jamerson, Sarah was born Sarah Waite on September 09, 1737 in Middlesex County, Virginia, and married Leroy Canaday after the death of Joseph Leaville, her first husband. See elsewhere on this site.
9. BRIDGET VAUGHN (ELIZABETH FRANCES LEAVELL, EDWARD, ? LAVELLE) was born Abt. 1721 in King and Queen County, Virginia, and died Bet. 1789 - 1794 in Madison County, Virginia. She married RICHARD BROADDUS Abt. 1739 in King and Queen County, Virginia.
10. ELIZABETH VAUGHN (ELIZABETH FRANCES LEAVELL, EDWARD, ? LAVELLE) was born Abt. 1722 in King and Queen County, Virginia, and died Abt. 1786. She married WILLIAM HENRY PEMBERTON. He was born January 30, 1748/49 in Spotsylvania County, Virginia, and died October 16, 1785 in Spotsylvania County, Virginia.
STYLE : Leavell vs. Ballard &c
William Pemberton was guardian to James Leavell (d. 17 Oct 1775) and James left a legacy to William's daughter Nancy Pemberton COLEMAN whom he called "my sister.
11. MARGARET VAUGHN (ELIZABETH FRANCES LEAVELL, EDWARD, ? LAVELLE) was born Abt. 1724 in King and Queen County, Virginia, and died Bet. 1793 - 1797 in Edgefield County, South Carolina. She married WILLIAM JETER Abt. 1741 in Lunenburg County, Virginia, son of JOHN JETER and ELIZABETH VAUGHN. He was born Abt. 1720 in Amelia County, Virginia, and died Abt. 1797 in Edgefield County, South Carolina.
Re: Cornelius Vaughn ?c1697 ?VA
I, William Jeter, being aged and feeble of body but of perfect mind + memory. I lend to my wife Margaret Jeter the whole estate both real + personal her life time or widowhood. I give unto Margaret one feather bed + furniture being the bed we now lie on with one bay mare, one cow + calf, + three sheep. John William Jeter 400 acres of land. one negro man named Ned + one feather bed + furniture now in his possession. I give to my dtr. Partheny Vaughn 100 acres of land, one feather bed + furniture, one mare, saddle + bridle. I give to my dtr Ancridge Howlet the goods + chattles that I lend her also the debt of L21 2s 8p + half penny Virginia currency now due to me by Cradock Vaughn also 100 acres of land I gave unto my grandson Seth Howlet lying between Mire branch + the Red Lick branch. I give unto my dtr Calpharna Baker one track of land of 60 acres, two mares, a saddle + bridle + other household furniture which I have already given her. I give to my son Hal Jeter a waggon + horse which I lent him + all the land lying from the back line to the old road formerly running by Samuel Hill on both sides of Gunnell Creek. I give to my son Joseph Jeter one negro girl named Edy. I give to my son Cornelius Jeter one mullatto boy called Bason, one cow + calf now in his possession. I give to my son James Jeter two negroes named Jack + Hanna 100 acres of land on which he now lives on with a negro boy named Phill, the land + boy now in his possission. I give to my son Argacy?? Jeter one negro boy named Isaac, one stallion which he now has. I give to my son Eliazer Jeter the land whereon I now live up Gunnels Creek to the raod dividing between Hall Jeter heretofore mentioned, one negro boy named Sam, one cow + calf, one black stallion coly, three head of sfeep, one feather bed + furniture. I give to my dtr Elizabeth Cruze one negro girl named Jude + one negro boy I give my grandson William Cruze named Cob. I give to my dtr Sarah Crossby one negro girl named Edy which she now has. I give to my dtr Nancy Moselly during her life time 100 acres of land adjoining Jno. Kilcrease + Henry Key land granted to me + at her death I give unto my grandson George Moselly son of Nancy Moselly + L15 sterling after the death of my wife. I give to my dtr Delilah Garret one feather bed which she now has. I give to my dtr Priscilla Mosely one cow + calf to my grand dtr Sally Mosely, dtr of Priscilla Mosely 120 acres of land lying on the upper side of Red Lick Branch waters of Grunnels Creek. I lend to my dtr Peggy Kilcrease one negro girl named Tamer, one feather bed which she now has, one bay stallion colt, I give unto my dtr Peggy Kilcrease one negro girl named Tamer, one feather bed which she now has, one bay stallion colt, I give unto my dtr Peggy Kilcrease 150 acres of land whereon she now lives, provided there should not be a charge made of a certain sorrel horse by Minor Kilcrease husband of my dtr Peggy against my estate. I leve all of my estatethat remains to be divided in the following manner (viz) One sixth part to Hal Jeter. One sixth part to Cornelius Jeter. One sixth part to Eliazer Jeter. One sixth part to George Mosey son of my dtr Nancy Mosely. One sixth part to Sally Mosely dtr of my dtr Priscilla Mosely and one sixth part to my dtr Peggy Kilcrease. I appoint my wife Margaret Jeter + friend John Martin + my son Hal Jeteras executors.. Wit; Edmund Holleman, Merry Man X Cook + Eleanor Cook.Signed, Wm Jeter.. Proved in open Court by the oath of Edmund Holleman March Term 1797 + ordered to be recorded R. Tuck, clk.
12. MARTIN VAUGHN (ELIZABETH FRANCES LEAVELL, EDWARD, ? LAVELLE) was born Abt. 1726 in King and Queen County, Virginia, and died 1764 in Caroline County, Virginia. He married ELINOR BROADDUS Abt. 1755 in King and Queen County, Virginia, daughter of EDWARD BROADDUS and DOLLY GWYNN. She was born Abt. 1721 in King and Queen County, Virginia.
13. CORNELIUS VAUGHN (ELIZABETH FRANCES LEAVELL, EDWARD, ? LAVELLE) was born April 18, 1729 in King and Queen County, Virginia, and died February 12, 1785 in Spotsylvania Co., Virginia. He married (1) ELIZABETH ?. He married (2) FRANCES SPENCER June 05, 1750 in Caroline County, Virginia.
14. JOSEPH LEAVELL (EDWARD, EDWARD, ? LAVELLE) He married SARAH ?. Per Ginger Jamerson: "Sarah (Sally) Waite...was born 9/9/1737 in Middlesex County, VA (Per Christ Church records). Her first marriage was to Joseph Leaville and marriage #2 was in 1782 to Leroy Canaday. Her parents were Richard and Sarah (Blake) Waite of Middlesex County. She died sometime after 1793--the last record I find of her--involved in an indenture with her siblings." But there's another Joseph Leavell on this site married to a Sarah Canaday (#8 above). I think we have some confusion here that needs to be worked out.
A Joseph Leavell died in 1775. VIRGINIA WILLS index says he died intestate in Fauquier Co. VA. Inventory says worth 242 pounds 4 shillings 6 pence. Adm. by Charles Garner, Paul Williams, Thomas Helms. Per Gott, John K. ABSTRACTS OF FAUQUIER CO. VA (1972), p. 272-3.
Dorman, John F. CULPEPER WILL BOOK A (1749-1770. Probated 19 May 1783, handwritten will of Edward Leavell left entire estate to mother, Sarah Leavell. The court ordered that Robert Leavell uncle and heir-at-law be summoned to contest the will. Administration of the estate given to LeRoy Canaday,. Book C, p. 18. Inventory of estate is on p. 20; total estate was L 241.14.1. Included negroes, desk, tools, gun, animals, saddle bags, tea kettle, a linen wheel, etc. C-21 dated 10 June 1783 stated that the slaves and personal estate descended to Edward from his father Joseph Leavell deceased and is subject to the dower of Sarah Canaday, mother of Edward Leavill deceased, former wife of Joseph. Dorman, Written 2 June 1781, he left his whole estate to mother Sarah Leavell. Will was produced by LeRoy Candaday with oaths of Charles Garner, William Watson, and George Cordell who stated it was a handwritten will. Ordered that Robert Leavell, uncle and heir-at-law be summoned. Administration of estate given to Canaday. (Book C, p. 18). Inventory of estate begins on page 20, and estate was 241 pounds, 14 shillings, 1 pence. Several interesting items including Negroes, tools, gun, animals, saddle bags, tea kettle, linen wheel, etc.
Sarah was married to Leroy Canaday by Baptist minister George Eve, per MARRIAGES OF CULPEPER CO. 1718-1815 by Catherine Lindsay Knorr
Posted by Kay Winter on Thu, 23 Apr 1998
--1783. Culpeper Co. Book M, p. 58. Robert Leavell of Berkley Co. in the District of 96 (SC) owed a debt to Canaday and conveys land in Culpeper, 164 ½ acres to settle the debt.
Child of JOSEPH LEAVELL and SARAH ? is:
15. BENJAMIN LEAVELL (EDWARD, EDWARD, ? LAVELLE) was born Abt. 1735 in Virginia, USA, and died September 02, 1819 in Hopkinsville, Christian County, Kentucky, USA. He married MILDRED LOUISE HAYDON Bef. September 22, 1764 in St. Georges Parish, Spotsylvania County, Virginia, USA, daughter of THOMAS HAYDON and SARAH ?. She was born September 1739 in Spotsylvania County, Virginia, USA, and died Aft. 1819 in Christian County, Kentucky, USA.
Shown as owner of 9 slaves in 1783 in Spotsylvania Co, Virginia.
Father Edward left Benjamin 200 acres of land (Probated 1 Aug 1749).
Leavell, Benjamin
Leavell, Benjamin
1782 personal property tax list shows him and son Benjamin owning horses in Spotsylvania, and he's an ansentee land/property owner, although Junior's presence is shown by a notation in the first column of the tax list.
On 7 Mar 1785 Benjamin witness to mortgage of 33 slaves for L2000 .
The 1787 Spotsylvania Co personal property tax shows charged with taxes on 1 white male above 16 and under 21, 3 black males above 16, 8 blacks under 16, 7 horses or mules and 18 cattle.
Leavill, Benjamin...1794...grant from...Sims, John...VA, Culpeper Co. ...CULPEPER DEEDS, GRANTEE INDEX, Book S, p. 110
Had moved to Culpeper Co. before Oct. 16, 1797 when Jas Sims bought 200 acres there "to corner of Benjamin Leavells" from Daniel Field and wife Anna (Culpeper Co. Va DB T-pg. 223).
Benjamin Leavell was a witness to a will of William Sim's father James Sims on February 18, 1802.
Madison Co. VA DB 4, p. 335, dated April 22, 1807 has William & Mary Sims selling to Benj. Leavel of Culpeper for $1000 128 acres in Madison, witnesses Daniel James, Daniel Field, and Edward Leavell.
Leavell, Benjamin Benjamin
Leavell, Benjamin In 1807 grantee from Sims, Wm. in VA, Madison Co. (formerly Culpeper) per MADISON CO. VA DEEDS (1793-1949) GRANTEES. 4-36
In 1809, Benjamin and sons Ben and Lewis moved to Christian County (now Todd County), Kentucky. Ben named his home "Oak Grove" after his old place in Virginia. He and his sons founded the town of Trenton, Kentucky.
The 1810 Census Culpeper Co, Va showed Benjamin Leavell 1-m 45+ and 1 M & 1 F 16-26.
His will is dated 4 July 1818 at Hopkinsville, Christian County, Kentucky. The inventory and sales of his estate are quite large. He does name his wife Mildred, and the following children:
Purchasers at the sale of the estate:
Five slaves and 200 acres of land were left to Mildred Leavell, 100 acres to son Benj. Monies from the sale were left to the other children, except for Mary who was deceased, and her children were to recieve $100 each as they reached adulthood.
Prewitt, Lela W. ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS OF THOMAS SIMS OF CULPEPPER CO. VA: William Mason was a Baptist minister of Culpeper Co. VA. His daughter Anna born 19 March 1771 m. James Sims. Benjamin Leavell moved to Culpeper after he sold his inheritance of his father Edward, who died 1749 Spotsylvania Co. He sold land in Culpeper Co. VA 5-1-1764. Benjamin's wife was Mildred, daughter of Thomas Haydon. They were in Culpeper before 1797. Daughter Mary married William Sims.
Re: Benjamin Leavell and Mildred Haydon
DEED BOOK E (1772-1798), p. 482. HAYDON, THOMAS, St. George's Parish, Spotsylvania Co. d. June 1782. Wit. Richard Young, John Chew, Charles Proctor. Ex. son, J. Haydon and Ezekiel Haydon. Leg. son Jervey Haydon, tract of land, also part of land bought of William Fitzhugh, Esqr.; grandson Abner Haydon, son of Jervey Haydon, one negro boy Sam, but if he died without heirs, then I give the said negro to Jessey Haydon. My brother; son Jessey Haydon; son James Haydon; son Ezekiel Haydon; daughter Mary Haydon; grandson Ezekiel Haydon, son of John and Mary Haydon; daughter Grace Proctor; son John Haydon; son William Haydon; daughter Sarah Ann Millican; daughter Elizabeth Nelson; daughter Mildred Leavell.
16. JOHN L. LEAVELL (EDWARD, EDWARD, ? LAVELLE) was born Abt. 1742 in Virginia, USA, and died Abt. 1783 in Kentucky, USA. (But this makes him NOT the father of Edward Leavell, his alleged youngest child, below.) He married MILLEY TABOR. She died Abt. 1787. The Sandison Family tree at says her name was Milley Walden and she was born 1724 in Virginia. But I have Milley Walden married to a different John L. Leavell, born 1715.
Notes for JOHN L. LEAVELL:
Children of JOHN LEAVELL and MILLEY TABOR are:
17. EDWARD LEAVELL (EDWARD, EDWARD, ? LAVELLE) was born Abt. 1755 in Virginia, USA, and died May 17, 1824 in Garrard County, Kentucky, USA. He married ELIZABETH HAWKINS in North Carolina, USA, daughter of NATHAN HAWKINS and CATHERINE HAYDON. She was born Abt. 1752, and died August 02, 1826 in Garrard County, Kentucky, USA.
A HISTORY OF THE PIONEER FAMILIES OF MISSOURI, William S. Bryan & Robert Rose, 1876, says: LEAVELL Edward Leavell, of Virginia, married Elizabeth Hawkins, and settled in North Carolina. They afterward removed to Garrard Co. KY, where they both died. Their children were: Benjamin, Joseph, James, John, Edward, Nathan, Mary, Nancy, Elizabeth, Catharine, Sally, and Mildred. Benjamin, Joseph, and John lived in Kentucky. Nathan died in North Carolina. James married Rebecca Stinson, who cut the throat of a mad wolf, that had bitten her father, while he held it. Their children were-Margaret, Elizabeth, Jane, Julia A., William H., James M., Benjamin F., and Edward. Margaret married John Stevens. Elizabeth married Randolph Boone. Jane married Mr. Carnifix. Julia A. married M.B. Snethen. William H. was married three times. James M. died single. Benjamin F. married Sarah Nunnelly, and they had one child, James. Edward married Rhoda Sallee. Mildred, daughter of Edward Leavell Sr., married Nicholas Stephenson, of Kentucky, and is now a widow in her 86th year. Mr. Stephenson and his family started to Missouri in 1813 on horseback but after crossing the Ohio River they purchased a wagon and travelled in that some distance, when the roads became so bad that they could use it no longer. They then sold the wagon and performed the rest of the journey on horseback, arriving in St. Charles co., in 1814, having been on the road one year. Mr. Stephenson settled first in Howell's Prairie, where he built a tanyard, and in 1818 he removed to Montgomery co. He had 2 children, James and Mildred A. THOMAS D. STEPHENSON, a brother of Nicholas, settled in Howell's Prairie, St. Charles co., in 1812, where he married MARY PITMAN. In 1844 he removed to Warren co., where he died. He was county judge and justice of the peace for some time, and was an influential citizen.
REVOLUTIONARY WAR PENSIONS (from, which requires money)
18. JOHN LEAVELL (JOHN, EDWARD, ? LAVELLE) was born abt. 1750 in Virginia, USA, and died May 04, 1821. Burial: Bush River Baptist Church, Newberry District, South Carolina, USA. He married MARGARET JONES. Beware--there are two John Leavells born in the mid-1700's who married a Margaret Jones and died in South Carolina in the same decade, this one and the son of Robert Leavell and Sarah Cole. Telling them apart will be a nightmare.
16 April 1796 deed, Ebenezer Potter attorney of the estate of the late Dr Benj Farrow formerly of the state to John Abernathy and John Leavel 150A in the fork between Broad and Saluda on the branch of the Saluda called Bush River or Creek, bounded SE by Isaac Williams and Robt Leavel all other sides vacant, orig granted to Henry Demonge 1772 conved to Simeon Ellis 1774, to Benj Farrow 1777 wit: Saml kelly Sr, Saml Kelly Jr, Richd Leavel.
Name: John Levull
Birth Date: 1750
Birthplace: South Carolina
Volume: 103
Page Number: 252
Reference: Heads of Fams. at the first U.S. census. SC. By U.S. Bureau of the Census. Washington, 1908. (150p.):76
19. JAMES LEAVELL (JOHN, EDWARD, ? LAVELLE) was born March 22, 1749/50 in Spotsylvania County, Virginia, and died 1837 in Barren County, Kentucky, USA. He married (1) SARAH WAIT June 15, 1775, daughter of JOHN WAITE and KEZIA SMITH. She was born December 18, 1755, and died March 07, 1799. He married (2) DOROTHY COLLINS August 03, 1801 in Warren County, Kentucky, USA. She was born 1762, and died in Kentucky, USA.
A Jas Level appears in 1810 Barren Co. KY census. James Levell is in the 1820 Barren Co. KY census (as is James Lovell).
The late Everett Jay Leavell Jr. says he was a private in Revolutionary War from Virginia. 1783). In his book LEVEL-LEVELL-LEAVELL (2000): "James was a Mariner (sailor) on the Colonies (American) ship Black Prince, captured by the British on July 1779 and committed to the Old Mill prison in England. Have not been able to find when he was released and returned to America, no doubt at the wars end."
Benjamin Levell was born March 18th 1791.
Larie W. Hoffman was born July 21st 1849.
Kitty A. Huffman departed this life Aug. 4th 1863.
John Levell son of James Levell and Sarah his wife was born 17th day April 1783.
Nancy daughter of James Levell and Dorothy his wife was born July 9th in the year of our Lord 1802.
Obediah Levell son of James and Sarah his wife was born Feb. the 16th 1789.
James Levell and Sarah his wife was marraied 15th day of June 1775.
Notes for SARAH WAIT:
Children of JAMES LEAVELL and SARAH WAIT are:
I am not exactly sure who the parents of your James W. are, but I have a copy of a Scrivner bible page that shows his marriage to "Margaret Williams, formerly Margaret Level then Margaret Matthews wes married" Oct. 1st, 1857. James was probably either the son of John Hamilton or Thomas Scrivner.--Bob Winn, Scrivener board, January 27, 2002
Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Barren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_354; Page: 0; Image: 496.
1886-1887 "KY, a History of the State" 3rd Edition (Volume), by Perrin, Battle & Kniffin (FHL book 976.9 D3wt; and Evelyn Sigler 1982 and Denzil Mauldin 3/1984)
Margarett Levill married James W. Scrivner on 1 October 1857 in Barren County, Kentucky, per the LDS IGI. OneWorldTree at says Margaret G. Leavell was the child of Dorothy Collins and James Leavell. Birth: 22 Sep 1805 - KY, USA. Death: 8 Dec 1862 - Barren, KY, USA. Marriage: 1 Oct 1857 - Barren, KY, USA . She also married Spencer J. Williams (15 Jan 1846) and Thomas J. Matthews (18 Aug 1824), all in Barren Co. KY.
20. BURWELL L. LEAVELL (JOHN, EDWARD, ? LAVELLE) was born April 11, 1775 in Spotsylvania County, VA, USA, and died December 28, 1847 in Cloverdale, Spotsylvania County, VA, USA. He married (1) MARY PURVIS December 25, 1794 in Fredericksburg, Spotsylvania Co., Virginia, USA, daughter of JAMES PURVIS and CASSANDRA ?. She was born Abt. 1775 in Virginia, USA, and died September 10, 1801 in Spotsylvania Co., Virginia. He married (2) ANNA GOULDER SPINDLE December 01, 1803 in Spotsylvania County, Virginia, USA, daughter of WILLIAM SPINDLE and LETITIA PULLER. She was born July 30, 1785 in Spotsylvania Co., Virginia, USA, and died July 09, 1849 in Spotsylvania Co., Virginia, USA.
N. Wayne Cosby, P.O. Box 372, Watson, Louisiana 70786 (1994)
Also shown as Burrell. Served on a jury approx Apr 1801. Acknowledged Fredericksburg and recorded by Ky court of Appeals.
See a note written by him in 1820, and read the transcription of it at
William Spindle Estate Account
...In Obedience to two decreetal orders of Spotsylvania county court made in a suit in Chancery, between Thomas and William Spindle plffs, and John Spindle, and others, defts - the first order made at November term 1826, and the second at January term 1827. The commissioners therein named, report that three of them, proceeded under the first order, to divide certain slaves given up by Mrs. Letitia Spindle, for that purpose, (being all the property that she did give up,) amongst those entitled thereto. But after the second order was made, we settled with the plffs, their administration account, upon the estate of William Spindle decd, - as will appear by the above statement. And after deducting as much from the value of the slaves, as will balance the above acct, we divided the residue of the said value, together with the amount of advancements made by the said William Spindle decd, in his lifetime, to his children, amongst the plffs, and defts, as will also appear, by the accounts herewith returned.
The Estate Of William Spindle Dec'd In Account With Thomas And William Spindle, Exrs.
To A. L. Luck & wife, one share 187 85 5/7 By amount of advancements made by the dec'd in his lifetime, to the different legatees £394.10.0 1315 --
To this sum deducted from the value of the slaves, and credited in the Admon acct 504 03 By amount of value of slaves, given up by Mrs. Spindle 2855 --
33 By your share of advancements
Bal. Due from you
32 6/7
18 4/7
To advancements made you £86.10.0
Bal. Due from you 187
32 6/7
$ 775
32 6/7
99 6/7
85 4/7
32 6/7
To advancements made you £30
$ 545
Bal. Due from you
32 6/7
To advancements made to your father £20
32 6/7
GENFORUM message 6/6/02 from Doug Brasse (ID *****9389) in Allen forum in response to a message about a Burwell Allen:
BURWELL LEAVELL 7/24/1814--8/17/1814 He served as a militiaman with the rank of corporal in Capt Thornton's Co of 16th Regt. Wife Mary Purvis dies 10 SEP 1801 in Spotsylvania Co. VA, daughter of James Purvis and wife Cassandra. Mary had four children.
Letters to Dr. James Carmichael and his son, Dr. Edward Carmichael, of Fredericksburg, Virginia, care of
Dr Sir
Dr. Sir
E-mail message From: "Linda Noggle"
January 17, 2013 from alynne romo
Notes for MARY PURVIS: E. Jay Levell says married April 13, 1795 VA
1860 Fredericksburg and Spotsylvania census, VA, p. 66
1870 Spotsylvania Co. VA census has Leavell, Littleton, on page 66 as a carpenter.
"At the intersection of 639 and 208, Edmund Leavell and his wife, Harriet, operated a blacksmith shop and post office. To this day, Rt. 630 is known as "Leavell Shop Road." Letter from Spotsylvania Historical Assoc. Inc. dated 12-8-1983. That's in Virginia, of course. See picture of tombstone and scanned obit at page for Capt. Edmund S. Leavell.
Harriet A.
To the memory of Edmund S. Leavell, Esquire
21. SUSANNAH LEAVELL (ROBERT, EDWARD, ? LAVELLE) was born Abt. 1745, and died February 11, 1809 in Laurens District, Newberry County, South Carolina, USA. Burial: Bush River Baptist Church in Newberry, South Carolina. She married WILLIAM L. BELTON Abt. 1759, son of JOHN BELTON and REBECCA ANSTEAD. He was born Bef. 1750 in Ireland, and died July 05, 1830 in Laurens County, South Carolina, USA.
William Belton died without a will and his estate was administered in Laurens County May 30, 1830 by Daniel Johnston.
This page allegedly has information on Rebecca's descendants:
22. FRANCES LEAVELL (ROBERT, EDWARD, ? LAVELLE) was born Abt. 1748. She married ? RYAL. claims Frances was born VA 1760 and died 1780.
Child of FRANCES LEAVELL and ? RYAL is:
23. ALICE LEAVELL (ROBERT, EDWARD, ? LAVELLE) was born Abt. 1753, and died Bef. 1787. She married ELIJAH TEAGUE Abt. 1745 in Maryland, son of JOSHUA TEAGUE and DOROTHY GAUNTT. He was born May 01, 1726 in North Sassafras Parish, Cecil, Maryland, and died in Newberry District, South Carolina. For both: Burial: Bush River Baptist Church in Newberry, South Carolina
Some trees say Elijah married her sister, given as Elizabeth, or Susan Elizabeth, or even Eleanor Leavell. Peter Gaunt 1610-1810 and Some of His Decendants, pg 504 re: Elijah Teague: "...was born in 1759 and died in 1826. He married Elizabeth Leavell, daughter of Robert Leavell of Newberry, SC. They lived their lives in Laurens Co, SC."
Peter Gaunt 1610-1810 and Some of His Decendants, pg 504 re: Elijah Teague: "...was born in 1759 abd died in 1826. He married Elizabeth Leavell, daughter of Robert Leavell of Newberry, SC. They lived their lives in Laurens Co, SC." This book would place Elijah as the son of Joshua Teague and Dorothy Gauntt. Joshua was born in Cecil Co, MD in 1732, the grandson of Edward and Susan Teague. Edward and Susan moved to Frederick Co, VA in 1737/38 and to NC in 1751 and SC in 1771. Joshua died in 1808...Joshua Teague, son of William Teague and Isabella (Loftin?)...Dorothy and Joshua were married in Rowan Co, NC ca. 1757 and left NC in 1771 to avoid jailing by the British for activities in the 'Regulator Movement,' and went to SC, where they lived the rest of their lives."
Still another suggestion:
Per Judi Schrag, e-mail on 4/10/03:
24. EDWARD FRANKLIN LEAVELL (ROBERT, EDWARD, ? LAVELLE) was born July 10, 1757 in Newberry County, South Carolina, USA, and died January 16, 1832 in DeKalb County, Georgia, USA. He married (1) MARY GRIFFIN Abt. 1770, daughter of JAMES GRIFFEN and FRANCES ?. She died November 10, 1774 in Bush River, Newberry District, South Carolina. He married (2) RACHEL WILLIAMS April 26, 1795 in DeKalb County, Georgia, USA, daughter of JAMES WILLIAMS and RUTH ?. She was born January 20, 1775 in Fairmont, Gordon County, Georgia, USA, and died January 25, 1857 in DeKalb County, Georgia, USA. For Edward and Rachel, burial: Fellowship Cemetery there, Lot # 186 - 18 th. district, DeKalb Co., GA. At memorial page 57836611 on someone has posted a photo of a fairly recent tombstone claiming an Edward Levell, grandson of Jean Leavelle, was born Jul. 16, 1756 SC and died Jan. 16, 1832. This tombstone is in Fellowship Cemetery, Tucker, Decatur, Georgia. They posted this biography: "Patriot Levell was the first of the Revolutionary veterans to settle in the DeKalb Co. GA area, arriving in 1825. Born on July 16, 1756 in Newberry, South Carolina, he was the grandson of Jean LeVelle who came to Virginia from France in about 1715. Patriot Levell's service record has been lost in time. He died on January 16, 1832 at age 75. "
Another family tree has him born Culpeper Co. VA, died in Franklin Co. GA--same dates.
Moved to Dekalb County, Georgia, about 1821.
He was buried in Old Fellowship Cemetery, Lot 186, 18th District, DeKalb Co. GA. Carved in Old Field stone was "E.L. 1757-1832." Information also taken from old family Bible of Edward Leavell, copied by Lucille S. Beem, 446 W. Whitman Apt. 318, Pocatello, Idaho 83201 (1988). A birthdate of 10 Jul 1757 comes from Robert Suddath at:
Page 65 of 1830 DeKalb Co. GA census has Edward Level
Posted by: John Leavell Date: August 25, 1999 at 17:16:52
Burial: January 18, 1832, Fellowship Cemetary, Decalb Co., Georgia
4 Revolutionary War Veterans graves in Tucker, GA
Sources include Kami Olsson-Tapp's database at's WorldConnect. E-mail addy as of 2005: kami at tappfamily.usa
Re: Tapp family of northwest GA before 1850
Posted by: Robert D. Lawrence Date: January 31, 1999 at 06:58:58
30 Nov. 2002
25. JOHN LEAVELL (ROBERT, EDWARD, ? LAVELLE) was born 1758 in Virginia, USA, and died May 04, 1826 in Newberry County, South Carolina, USA. He married (1) MARGARET JONES Abt. 1782 in Newberry County, South Carolina. She was born Abt. 1758, and died November 04, 1804. He married (2) FRANCES WILLIAMS Abt. 1807 in South Carolina, USA, daughter of DANIEL WILLIAMS and CASSANDRA PRATHER. She was born 1780, and died January 15, 1857 in Bush River, Newberry, South Carolina, USA.
Um, how likely is it that this man had TWO sons named James Teague Leavell, one by each wife? Was the second named for his older dying/dead brother? Otherwise, we have big problems here.
August 10, 2006
Cemetery records say Margaret J. died aged 42.
26. RICHARD C. LEAVELL (ROBERT, EDWARD, ? LAVELLE) was born Abt. 1759 in Virginia, and died 1813 in Georgia, USA. He married (1) MARY FRANCES GRIFFIN, daughter of JAMES GRIFFING and FRANCES ?. She died Abt. 1805. He married (2) ELEANOR TAYLOR Abt. 1772, daughter of JONATHAN TAYLOR and MARY MARCHANT. She was born May 12, 1757 in Frederick County, Virginia.
Jonathan's will dated 9 October 1793, proved 18 May 1795, names wife Mary and son-in-law Richard Leavell as executors. Richard's wife died between 1800 and 1810, judging by census records. Some family trees assume Mary Griffin is Jonathan's daughter. Surely it was Eleanor Taylor?
Posted by Amy Bishop on October 05, 1997 at 11:23:22:
27. SUSAN ELIZABETH LEAVELL (ROBERT, EDWARD, ? LAVELLE) was born Abt. 1762, and died Abt. 1806. She married ELIJAH TEAGUE. He was born January 1759 in Rowan County, North Carolina, and died Abt. 1826 in Anderson County, South Carolina, USA.
I found your research on the web concerning Cornelius Vaughan.
I am interested in a couple of items I have found relating to him as being a Solicitor or Councellor to the King of England. Have you ever heard or seen this? Do you know of any official reference which might say this. I hope to use Cornelius on an application for the Society of Colonial Wars.
If I can find a reference, this might qualify as service.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Jessie Hagan
Louisville KY
9.....i.....BRIDGET VAUGHN, b. Abt. 1721, King and Queen County, Virginia; d. Bet. 1789 - 1794, Madison County, Virginia.
10.....ii.....ELIZABETH VAUGHN, b. Abt. 1722, King and Queen County, Virginia; d. Abt. 1786.
11.....iii.....MARGARET VAUGHN, b. Abt. 1724, King and Queen County, Virginia; d. Bet. 1793 - 1797, Edgefield County, South Carolina.
12.....iv.....MARTIN VAUGHN, b. Abt. 1726, King and Queen County, Virginia; d. 1764, Caroline County, Virginia.
13.....v.....CORNELIUS VAUGHN, b. April 18, 1729, King and Queen County, Virginia; d. February 12, 1785, Spotsylvania Co., Virginia.
See CAROLINE CO. ORDER BOOK 1755/56, p. 35; also p. 36 for wife Elizabeth (or Saran) Vaughan.
PLAINTIFF(s) : John Leavell
DEFENDANT(s) : James Ballard; Charles Ballard; Charles Lewis; Henry
DEPONENT(s) : John Minor; Clement Montague (46); Mary Hutcherson (53)
PLACES MENTIONED : KY (Woodford Co.); Spotsylvania
REMARK(s) : Family of Elizabeth Vaughan
Marriage ref. - Edward Leavell -mr- Elizabeth, dau. of Elizabeth Vaughan
Marriage ref. - William Pemberton -mr- Elizabeth Leavell, widow of Edwd.
Slave - Ank - property of John Leavell
CITATION : Leavell vs Ballard &c / 1807? / CR-DC-L / 571-61
.....i.....JAMES LEAVELL, b. Virginia; d. Abt. 1783, Spotsylvania County, Virginia.
14.....ii.....JOSEPH LEAVELL.
James Leavell's will was probated 18 Sep 1783 in Spotsylvania Co., VA. Will Book B, page 204. Mentions mother; sister, Nancy Pemberton; brother John Leavell; John Leavell's children; brother William Leavell; and Edward Leavell. Written October 17, 1773. Witness Henry Pemberton. Certified as his will in Spotsylvania Co. court on July 27, 1813.
Kentucky Pioneer and Court Records. Mrs. Harry Kennett McAdams. (1929).
Virginia County Records SPOTSYLVANIA COUNTY 1721-1800
WILL BOOK E 1772-1798
page 39
LEAVELL, JAMES, Spotsylvania Co., d. Oct. 17, 1775. Executors Bond dated Sept. 18, 1783. Wit. Henry Pemberton. Ex. William Pemberton. Leg. my mother; sister Nancy Pemberton; brother John Leavell; and his children, and Edward Leavell; brother William Leavell. (Page 545)
William Pemberton was guardian to James Leavell and James left a legacy to William's daughter Nancy Pemberton COLEMAN whom he called "my sister."
.....iii.....WILLIAM LEAVELL.
15.....iv.....BENJAMIN LEAVELL, b. Abt. 1735, Virginia, USA; d. September 02, 1819, Hopkinsville, Christian, Kentucky, USA.
16.....v.....JOHN L. LEAVELL, b. Abt. 1742, Virginia, USA; d. Abt. 1783, Kentucky, USA. LEAVELL, b. Abt. 1755, Virginia, USA; d. May 17, 1824, Garrard County, Kentucky, USA.
In Book N, p. 97 John and wife Milley to James Leavell for 1 negroe girl, 158 1/3 acres in Brumfield Parish, Culpeper, on E. side of Muddy Run Mt. Deed rec. 1785
Culpeper County, Virginia Deeds, Vol. I 1749-1755
pages 112-115. 20 June 1754. Christopher Yowell and Margaret his wife of Brumfield Parish, Culpeper County, to Michael Glore of same. For 80 pounds current money. 400 acres in Brumfield an old field corner to Jas. Yowell...on Coplands Run...corner to Michael Oneal...corner to Peter Glore...corner to Michael Glore's...corner to Nicholas Crigler...
Christopher (C) Yowell
Margaret (X) Yowell
Wit: Richard Pollard, John Leavell
20 June 1754. Acknowledged by Christopher Yowell and Margaret his wife.
Per Everett Leavell, John ( 1720-1880 ) was in the Rev.War under Col. Burwell. He left Va. for Ky. but died in Greenbrier County, Virginia, before reaching Ky. and is buried there. His family continued to Ky. then to Ohio and onto Indiana. He married 1-Milley Walden & 2-Mary Smith. But J. Everett Leavell has him as the son of Jean Levelle, not Edward.
Mother: Philipe DUPUY b: Abt 1700."
18.....ii.....JOHN LEAVELL, b. 1750, Virginia, USA; d. May 04, 1821.
19.....iii.....JAMES LEAVELL, b. March 22, 1749/50, Spotsylvania County, Virginia; d. 1837, Barren County, Kentucky, USA.
.....iv.....EDWARD VAUGHN LEAVELL, b. Abt. 1752.
.....v.....SARAH LEAVELL, b. Abt. 1754; m. BENJAMIN GIVINS, April 13, 1795, Spotsylvania County, Virginia, USA.
Notes for SARAH LEAVELL: L. LEAVELL, b. April 11, 1775, Spotsylvania County, VA, USA; d. December 28, 1847, Cloverdale, Spotsylvania County, VA, USA.
page 86
John Spindle and Lucy Sale, April 13, 1795, Thomas Marston.
Burrell Leavell and Mary Purvis, April 13, 1795, Thomas Marston.
William Smith and Judith Farish, April 13, 1795, Thomas Marston.
Benjn. Givin and Sarah Leavell, April 13, 1795, Thomas Marston.
VIRGINIA INTERNATIONAL GENEALOGICAL INDEX (I.G.I.) However, it's also listed there as 12 April, marrying Benjm. Gwin in Pittsylvania Co.!
Robert was the progenitor of the Leavell's in South Carolina, Mississippi, and Texas. Robert left Virginia in 1769. On January 12, 1769, Robert Levil was granted 300 acres on Bush River in Berkley (now Newberry County), South Carolina, found in Vol 18, page 153 in Sec of State, Columbia, South Carolina. Robert sold provisions for militia. He lived in The Bush River Community of Newberry County, South Carolina, in the 1770's. Records show he was given a tract of land in Newberry Cunty, South Carolina, by George II. This is recorded in deed book UP 59, Newberry South Carolina. Robert is mentioned in his brother's will of October 17, 1775. Leavell book says Robert still alive in 1790. Heads of Family South Carolina census 1790, Newberry County, South Carolina, shows a Robert Leavell. However, Joseph Johnson was ordained deacon of Bush River Baptist Church in Newberry Co. SC in April, 1798, to succeed Robert Leavell, deceased.
In Reply to: Re: Jean La Valle and the Revolutionary War Leavells posted by Jane Leavell on December 28, 1998 at 16:52:13:
.....Please let me add to the confusion. William Belton married Susannah Leavell, who according to my info was a daughter of Robert Leavell, son of John Leavell. Robert was born 1718, Culpepper Co. Va. Died June 28, 1797 in Newberry Co. S.C. and married Sarah Coles. Susannah is not mentioned in Robert's will, but William Belton-her husband witnessed the will. Will recorded will book A pages 97,98 Newberry Co., S.C.
.....My info says that John Leavell(Jean Lea Velle) immigrated between 1625 and 1675 and did in 1740 in Va. Please straighten me out or add to my information. I will share. My e-mail address is rcclark at Thanks
Witnesses present:
William Belton
James Cole
A true record of the original will this 28th of July 1797.
ATTEST: Fred Nance, Clerk Newberry County.
"At a court begun and held for Newberry County at the Court House the Twenty Eighth day of July in the year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred Ninety Seven and of all Independence of the United States of America, the Twenty Second, the Last Will and Testament of Robert Leavell, dec'd, was dully Executed in open court by the oath of James Cole one of the subscribing Witnesses thereto and was ordered to be recorded.
The foregoing will of ROBERT LEAVELL is a true copy as found in Will Book "A" pp 97-98, and is all the date on said will and estate recorded in the will book "A" as referred to above. The original will is not on record, and there is no other record regarding same. (The Index does not show that the original will of Robert Leavell was not in file of Probate Judge. Blanche C. Davidson. )b b b
Address: 10405 Red Mtn W, Littleton, CO 80127 United States
Phone/Email: 303-973-9559 rasuddath at
Sarah's last name is variously given as Cole, Griffin, or Marshall. Since one of the witnesses to Robert's will is James Cole, I lean toward a maiden name of Cole.
21.....i.....SUSANNAH LEAVELL, b. Abt. 1745; d. February 11, 1809, Laurens District, Newberry County, South Carolina, USA.
22.....ii.....FRANCES LEAVELL, b. Abt. 1748.
23.....iii.....ALICE LEAVELL, b. Abt. 1753; d. Bef. 1787.
24.....iv.....EDWARD FRANKLIN LEAVELL, b. July 10, 1757, Newberry County, South Carolina, USA; d. January 16, 1832, DeKalb County, Georgia, USA.
25.....v.....JOHN LEAVELL, b. 1758, Virginia, USA; d. May 04, 1826, Newberry County, South Carolina, USA. C. LEAVELL, b. Abt. 1759, Virginia; d. 1813, Georgia, USA.
.....vii.....FRANCES LEAVELL, b. Abt. 1760; d. Abt. 1780.
27.....viii.....SUSAN ELIZABETH LEAVELL, b. Abt. 1762; d. Abt. 1806.
SOURCE: Laurent Family Master Tree at (
.....i.....EDWARD LEAVELL, d. June 02, 1781; m. PATSY WHARTON, Spotsylvania County, Virginia.>GENERATION NO. 4
28.....ii.....SARAH BROADDUS, b. 1730, Essex County, Virginia; d. Albemarle County, Virginia.
.....iii.....EDWARD BROADDUS, b. Abt. 1750, Orange County, North Carolina; d. August 1826, Madison County, Kentucky; m. MARY PRICHETT, Abt. 1770, Fauquier County, Virginia.
.....iv.....WILLIAM BROADDUS, b. Abt. 1750, Virginia; d. November 1799, Madison County, Kentucky; m. MILDRED COLLINS. Notes for WILLIAM BROADDUS: 9 children.
Allegedly her children were Nancy, 1773; Elizabeth, 1774; Mary, 1776; Sarah, 1777; Margaret, 1779, Henry (9 May 1780 Albemarle Co. VA to 3 August 1843, Johnson Co. Missouri); and Larkin, 1782. But that's impossible, given that Elizabeth was born ca. 1721!
PLAINTIFF(s) : John Leavell
DEFENDANT(s) : James Ballard; Charles Ballard; Charles Lewis; Henry Robinson
DEPONENT(s) : John Minor; Clement Montague (46); Mary Hutcherson (53)
PLACES MENTIONED : KY (Woodford Co.); Spotsylvania
REMARK(s) : Family of Elizabeth Vaughan
Marriage ref. - Edward Leavell -mr- Elizabeth, dau. of Elizabeth Vaughan
Marriage ref. - William Pemberton -mr- Elizabeth Leavell, widow of Edwd.
Slave - Ank - property of John Leavell
CITATION : Leavell vs. Ballard &c / 1807? /
One William Pemberton born January 30, 1748/49, died Abt. 1817
.....i.....NANCY PEMBERTON, b. 1773; d. September 11, 1811, Allen County, Kentucky, USA; m. THOMAS COLMAN, December 03, 1780; b. Abt. 1765. Notes for NANCY PEMBERTON: William Pemberton was guardian to James Leavell (d. 17 Oct 1775) and James left a legacy to William's daughter Nancy Pemberton COLEMAN whom he called "my sister.
.....ii.....ELIZABETH PEMBERTON, b. 1774.
.....iii.....MARY PEMBERTON, b. 1776.
.....iv.....SARAH PEMBERTON, b. 1777.
.....v.....MARGARET PEMBERTON, b. 1779. PEMBERTON, b. May 09, 1780, Virginia; d. August 03, 1843, Johnson, Missouri.
.....vii.....LARKIN PEMBERTON, b. 1782.
born before 1711 in Essex Co. VA. His will was probated in Edgefield Co. SC Nar 1797
Posted by: Michael Cavanaugh Date: June 26, 2000 at 04:58:07
In Reply to: Cornelius Vaughn ?c1697 ?VA by Polly Gregory-Hussey of 2239
Polly, I am descended from Martin Vaughn through his grandson W. Joseph Jeter, another child of William and Margaret. I have a note that William and Margaret married about 1741 in Spotsylvania County VA rather than Caroline County. I got my information from a book named "The Jeter Mosaic" which I found in the South Carolina State Library, p. 235.
Thanks; would love to know more about Cornelius and Elinor
Michael Cavanaugh
.....i.....WILLIAM JETER, b. Abt. 1743, Lunenberg County, Virginia; d. December 12, 1780, Virginia.
.....ii. PARTHENIA JETER, b. Abt. 1745, Lunenberg County, Virginia; m. CRADDOCK VAUGHN, Abt. 1769.
.....iii.....ANCRIDGE JETER, b. Abt. 1749, Lunenberg County, Virginia; m. ? HOWLETT.
29.....iv.....CALIFORNIA JETER, b. Abt. 1749, Lunenberg County, Virginia.
.....v. .....HAL JETER, b. Abt. 1751, Lunenberg County, Virginia. JETER, b. Abt. 1753, Lunenberg County, Virginia.
.....vii.....CORNELIUS JETER, b. Abt. 1756, Lunenberg County, Virginia.
30.....viii.....JAMES JETER, b. January 15, 1759, Lunenberg County, Virginia; d. March 16, 1840, Union County, South Carolina.
.....ix.....ARGULUS JETER, b. Abt. 1760, Lunenberg County, Virginia.
31.....x.....ELEAZER JETER, b. Abt. 1763, Lunenberg County, Virginia; d. 1818, Montgomery, Lee County, Alabama.
.....xi.....ELIZABETH JETER, b. Abt. 1765, Lunenberg County, Virginia.
32.....xii.....SARAH JETER, b. Abt. 1767, Lunenberg County, Virginia; d. Abt. 1840, Monroe County, Mississippi, USA.
.....xiii.....NANCY JETER, b. Abt. 1769, Lunenberg County, Virginia.
.....xiv.....DELILAH JETER, b. Abt. 1771, Lunenberg County, Virginia.
33.....xv.....PRISCILLA JETER, b. Abt. 1773, Lunenberg County, Virginia; d. September 1849.
34.....xvi.....MARGARET JETER, b. Abt. 1775, Lunenberg County, Virginia.
Deed Book E of the Spotsylvania County, Virginia records has a Deed from him to John Bullock, dated April 6, 1761.
35…..i….MARY VAUGHN.
….ii…..JOHN VAUGHN, b. January 24, 1760, Virginia, USA; d. November 12, 1821, Woodford County, Kentucky, USA; m. ELIZABETH LOONEY, August 16, 1783, Amherst County, Virginia.
36…..iii……CORNELIUS VAUGHN, b. March 19, 1759, Caroline County, Virginia.
37……iv……NANCY ANN VAUGHN, b. June 30, 1761; d. October 19, 1838, Jefferson County, Indiana.
In Deed Book D of the Spotslyvania County, Virginia records is a Deed to William Darnaby dated June 5, 1750, from Cornelius and his wife Frances.
…..iii…..LYDIA VAUGHN.
DEED BOOK F (1761-1766), Joseph Leavell and Sarah, his wife, of St. Geo. Par., Spts., and Wm. Darnaby of same Par. and Co. L20.100 a. in spts. Co. Witnesses Joseph Herndon, Laurence Campbell. June 7, 1762.
We know that MEREDITH CANNADY came to Culpeper County after the Revolutionary War and was there until about 1795. He may have married SALLY SMOOTE. Meredith's brother LEROY CANNADY was in Culpeper County, also. He may have married SARAH LEAVELL. The CANNADY name is sometimes spelled, Canaday, Canada, Kanaday, and eventually Kennedy. I do not know the parents of Meredith and LeRoy. Can anyone help? I am willing to share what I know.
.....i.....EDWARD LEAVELL.
Allegedly, before Mildred, Benjamin married a Sally White and had these children:
Lewis Livingston Leavell
Benjamin Leavell
Elizabeth Leavell (who married Ben Ford)
Mary Leavell who married William Simms
James Leavell, born 1780, married M. Turner
Virginia Leavell
But we have his son Edward L. Leavell as the spouse of Sally Waite/White and father of these kids.
Virginia County Records SPOTSYLVANIA COUNTY 1721-1800 DEEDS
DEED BOOK F 1761-1766
page 234
Septr. 6, 1763. Benjamin Leavell of Spts. Co. and Mildred, his wife, to James Redd of same Co. £20 curr. 100 a. in Spts. Co., one-half or mostly of a tract purchased by Edwd. Leavell from Thomas Benson, etc. Witnesses, John Bulock, Thos. x Haydon, Mary x Ballard, Sarah x Haydon. May 7, 1764.
bef. 9-22-1764
married Haydon, Mildred in VA, Spotsylvania Co.
daughter of Thomas, whose deed of gift of that date proves marriage
deed of gift
Haydon, Mildred
VA, Spotsylvania Co.
per DEED BOOK F (1761-1766) Septr. 22, 1764 Thomas X Haydon of Spts. Co., "for and in consideration of the natural love and affection I have and doth bear unto Benjamin and Mildred Leavell," etc. Deed of Gift. A Negro Girl. Witnesses, Wm. Nelson, Wm. Haydon. March 4, 1765.
In 1807 was grantor to Sims, Mary in VA, Madison Co. (formerly Culpeper)
MADISON CO. VA DEEDS (1793-1942) GRANTORS. Madison Co. formed from Culpeper in 1792/3. Book 4, p. 337
Daughter Mildred Stewart
son Edward W.
son Lewis
son Benjamin
daughter Elizabeth F. Ford
daughter Fanny Wiatt
and deceased daughter Mary's 10 children.(not named) This would be the Mary who married William Simms.
Benjamin Leavel
Bedford Smith
Col. Thomas Jefferies
William G. Wiatt
Ransom Tinsley
William Tinsley
Jenkins Murphy
Ambrose Madison
Newton Fox
Shadrack Minns
John Jarrard
John P. Hill
Francis Tate
William Parham
Benj. Henderson
William Dudley
Thomas Baker
Elliott Vawter
Richard Durrett
Frederick Harmon
Lewis Leavell
Neal Murphy
William Tinsley
Morgan Moore
Thomas Kimbrough
John Wilcox
John Dikes
William Taylor
Robert Ellis
John Cross
Col. B. Stubblefield
Edward Tucker
Edward Leavell
Mildred Stewaart
Ambrose Dudley
True account of the sale of the estate of Benj. Leavell was held this 8th and 9th days of Nov 1819. Thomas Lewis, Executor
Benjamin Leavell, Executor
Posted by: Jan Kremer Date: January 03, 1999 at 14:43:11
In Reply to: Re: Benjamin Leavell and Mildred Haydon by Jane Leavell
Re Eward Leavell (wife Mary) there is a deed on file in Spotsylvania Co, VA, stating that Edward and Mary purchased land in 1738 moving from King and Queen Co. Edward's will at time of death in 1749 mentions sons Joseph and Benjamin. He left 200 acres and "manner Plantation" to Joseph. Joseph married Sarah Canady and died in 1775 leaving his land to wife and son Edward. Somewhere in this time the land in Spotsylvania was sold and land bought in Fauquier Co. I don't have the date at hand. In Edward's will at date of death of 1783 the inventory and appraisal of estate states "slaves and personal estate escended to Edward Leavell from father Joseph Leavell and is subject to dower of Sarah Canady mother of said Edward Leavell and formerly wife of Joseph."
38.....i.....EDWARD L. LEAVELL, b. Abt. 1765, Virginia, USA; d. December 25, 1846, Pisgah, Gallatin, Illinois, USA.
39.....ii.....MARY HAYDEN LEAVELL, b. Abt. 1770, Culpeper County, Virginia; d. Bef. 1819.
.....iii.....WILLIAM T. LEAVELL, b. 1778, Spotsylvania County, Virginia, USA; d. 1850, Illinois, USA; m. MOLLY ?. William was not in his father's will in Christian County, Kentucky. He moved to Illinois about 1814.
40.....iv.....BENJAMIN LEAVELL, b. 1780, Culpeper County, Virginia, USA; d. 1840, Christian County, Kentucky, USA.
41.....v.....LEWIS LIVINGSTON LEAVELL, b. 1782, Virginia, USA; d. December 26, 1835, Todd County, Kentucky, USA. F. LEAVELL, b. Abt. 1785, Virginia, USA; d. May 22, 1823.
43.....vii.....FRANCES W. LEAVELL, b. March 12, 1787, Virginia, USA; d. February 01, 1864, near Caledonia, Washington, Missouri, USA.
.....viii.....MILDRED LEAVELL, b. Abt. 1789, Virginia, USA; m. ? STEWART, 1807, Spotsylvania County, Virginia, USA.
HISTORY OF FAYETTE CO., by R. S. Dills (1881), p. 922:
.....John Leavell was born in Virginia, and served seven years in the Resolutionary War. In 1786 he started, with his family, from Culpeper County to remove to Kentucky, but stopped in Greenbrier County, where, in the winter of 1786/87, he died, and his widow, in the spring of 1787, came on to Morrison's Station, Kentucky, where her boys erected a log cabin, into which they removed. Shoftly after this, the unfortunate lady was watching her elder son cutting down a tree, and imagining it would reach the cabin, in her excitement, ran under the tree, and was killed.
.....There were eleven children: Gabriel, Ezekial, John, Robert, Benjamin, Elizabeth, Hannah, Malinda, Sallie, Nancy, and another whose name we have been unable to obtain, who scattered at the death of their mother and began caring for themselves. Gabriel was killed at the defeat of St. Clair, in 1791, and Ezekiel and Robert settled in Henry County, Indiana.
.....John, our subject, was born in Culpepper County, Virginia, December 27, 1774, and came from Kentucky to Ross County, Ohio, and squatted on congress land, on the east side of the Scioto, at the mouth of Scioto Creek, a short distance above Chillicothe, where he had expected to purchase congress land, but, in the interest of speculators, these lands were offered for sale in such large lots only, that he was unable to buy, and he only remained one year, coming then to near Willisport, Pickaway County, stopping with Moses Clavin, whose house he made his home for twenty-one years, in the meantime, dealing in stock, bought on Green River, Kentucky, and which he grazed in the forest of Pickaway, and the northeastern part of Fayette Counties. He also served as tax collector of Ross, from 1816 to 1820. In 1816, he purchases about one hundred acres of land of Jesse McKay, on Duff's Fork, on which his son, Benjamin, now resides. In 1822, he married Cynthia, daughter of Joshua Hedges and Mary Vincewhellar, of Pickaway County, by whom he had nine children. At his death, which occurred in August, 1854, he owned about one thousand acres of land. His wife died in July, 1834.
(Or did she die 7 May 1822 in Pickaway Co.?)
.....iii.....MALINDA LEAVELL.
.....iv.....NANCY LEAVELL.
.....v.....SARAH LEAVELL. Could she be the Sarah Leavell who died in 1890 in Marion Co. WVA, where her brother Edward lived? That Sarah was age 82, single, no parents given MARION COUNTY WV DEATHS INDEX 1861-1970. LEAVELL, b. 1770; d. Abt. 1791.
44.....vii.....EZEKIEL CLAY LEAVELL, b. May 05, 1773, New Castle, Mason, Kentucky, USA; d. December 08, 1855, Hagerstown, Henry, Indiana, USA.
[p.5] Kentucky Counties in 1790
page 58
Levell, Gabrael.....Fayette.....2/26/1790
45.....viii.....JOHN P. LEAVELL, b. December 27, 1774, Culpeper County, Virginia, USA; d. August 1854.
46.....ix.....ROBERT LEAVELL, b. 1776.
47.....x.....BENJAMIN LEAVELL, b. July 17, 1781, Culpeper County, Virginia, USA; d. 1860, Miami County, Ohio, USA.
48.....xi.....EDWARD LEAVELL, b. 1804, Winchester, Frederick County, Virginia, USA; d. 1883. How could be possibly be born to this couple when they died around 1787? Some online trees give Edward's parents as George LeVelle and Jane Taylor, but they seem to be following the lead of the infamous Horn Papers fraud, covered elsewhere on this site. While it's theoretically possible that Horn mixed real historical data with his imaginary people, it's not likely. WE DO NOT KNOW THIS MAN'S PARENTAGE.
Edward settled first in NC, then in Garrard County, Kentucky. He was a Revolutionary War soldier.
5th. February 1780
"Between John Gibbs and Judith, his wife, and Edward Leavel. Gibbs selling 164 acre tract in Brumfield Parish to Leavel for 822 pounds, 22 shillings.
JOHN YANCY LEAVELL, 1817-1910. John Y.'s grandfather, Edward Leavell, was a soldier in the Revolutionary War and an early pioneer of Garrard Co. He married Elizabeth Hawkins (daughter of Nathan and Catherine Hawkins) and they raised a family of five sons and four daughters. Their son Benjamin Leavell was born in Virginia in 1772, settled in Garrard County in 1795, and was a farmer and a slave holder. He married Isabella Miller Adams, daughter of Captain William Miller and Nancy Yancy, widow of Alexandria A. Adams. They raised five sons and five daughters. One of their sons, John Yancy Leavell, was born March 21, 1817. John received a liberal education and married Jane Gordon Doty. In his young days he was an old line Whig, but, being a Southern sympathizer, he later became a staunch Democrat. He was both a successful farmer and financier, owning several hundred acres of the best land in upper Garrard. He was also a leading stockman who sent stock South on foot, and was such an extensive dealer that he almost governed the marker in this section.
..... John Y. Leavell, one of the most remarkable men of Garrard County was termed "Garrard's Grand Old Man" because both his mental and physical powers were remarkably well preserved. He was able to talk for hours of the many interesting incidents in his long and active career. He could go back and give platforms of every presidential campaign. From a physical standpoint, Mr. Leavell was clearly a scion of pioneer stock with all its vigor, 6 ½ feet tall and weighing over 200 pounds.
.....John Y. Leavell was one of the organizers of the First National Bank of Lancaster and was its president from 1870 to 1872. He was a commissioner who built the present Garrard County Court House and he was a member that negotiated the extension of the Kentucky Central Railroad (now the Louisville and Nashville) from Rowland to Richmond.
.....He had the unusual privilege of living to see the seventh generation, remembering his great grandfather as he himself was a great grandfather. The Garrardite was the father of ten children: Benjamin F., Elizabeth Gordon, Azariah, John Y., Belle M., Lewis E., Jane Boyle, Emma Walker, and Mary Doty Leavell. He died in 1910 at the age of 93 and is buried in the Lancaster Cemetery.
Smith, Weden
Veteran Surname: Smith
Veteran Given Name: Weden
State: Virginia
Service: Continental Va. Residence
Pension No.: B. L. Wt. 523-100
Pensioner Surname: [BLANK]
Pensioner Given Names:[BLANK]
Additional Names Appearing in This Document:
Weeden Smith
Elizabeth Hawkins
William Miller
Edward Leavell
Anne Burnside Brown
Nathan Hawkins
A D Hiller
W H Miller
.....i.....MARY LEAVELL.
.....ii.....NATHAN LEAVELL, d. North Carolina, USA.
.....iii.....JOHN LEAVELL, b. December 13, 1782, Spotsylvania Co., Virginia, USA; d. February 18, 1846, Garrard County, Kentucky, USA; m. (1) POLLY ARNOLD, Garrard County, Kentucky, USA; m. (2) SALLY BLANTON, September 20, 1811, Garrard County, Kentucky, USA; m. (3) MARGARET SLAVIN, January 14, 1823, Lancaster, Garrard, Kentucky, USA; b. November 15, 1795; d. December 09, 1823. John was buried in Old Paint Lick Cemetery in Paint Lick, Garrard County, Kentucky, on the James and John Slavin lot with wife Margaret; she's listed as Margaret Levell. At see photos of their separate tombstones.
49.....iv.....JOSEPH LEAVELL, b. February 08, 1774, Spotsylvania County, Virginia; d. June 03, 1872.
Leavel, Jno. ...1-14-1823 ...married Slaven, Margaret...KY, Garrard Co. ...Bond: Jas. Slaven, per GARRARD CO. KY MARRIAGES/MARRIAGES BONDS, 1796-1851, by Raymond Ballard Orrell III, p. 37
Marriage Bond is filed in Garrard County, KY on Jan 14, 1823 At #1490. Bond is signed by John Leavell and James Slavin. Judging from the length of marriage, may have died in childbirth.
50.....v.....BENJAMIN LEAVELL, b. Abt. 1776, Spotsylvania Co., Virginia, USA; d. January 20, 1860, Paint Lick Station, Garrard, Kentucky, USA. LEAVELL, b. September 24, 1777, Virginia, USA; d. 1831, Chariton County, Missouri, USA.
52.....vii.....JAMES LEAVELL, b. April 02, 1779, Garrard County, Kentucky, USA; d. October 10, 1856, Loutre, Montgomery, Missouri, USA.
53.....viii.....ELIZABETH LEAVELL, b. January 11, 1783, Tar River, Granville, North Carolina; d. May 01, 1850, Rockfield, Warren, Kentucky, USA.
54.....ix.....CATHERINE LEAVELL, b. November 13, 1784, North Carolina; d. November 24, 1882, Ellis County, Texas.
55.....x.....SARA REBECCA LEAVELL, b. January 01, 1787, Garrard County, Kentucky, USA; d. August 17, 1833, Indiana, USA.
56……xi.....EDWARD M. LEAVELL, b. 1788.
57.....xii.....MILDRED LEAVELL, b. 1790.
29 Oct 1795, Jacob Chandler and Ann his wife, Jonathon Chandler and Rehemah his wife, Israel Chandler and Lydia his wife to John Leavel and John Abernathy of Newberry Co 100A on a branch of the saluda called Bush River. orig granted to Isaac Williams 19 Sep 1770 and conveyed by lease unto Simeon Ellis 1772, wit: Thos Coate, Jos Jones, James Leavel, proved 4 Jul 1796
…..i…..JOHN LEAVELL, b. 1761. (Um, wouldn't his father be 11 at his birth? Problem!)
…..ii…..TABER LEAVELL, b. 1763; d. Abt. 1812, Fort Defiance, Ohio, USA. Taber died in War of 1812.
…..iii……BENJAMIN LEAVELL, b. 1765, Mason County, Kentucky, USA; d. Piqua, Miami, Ohio, USA.
58.....iv.....MALINDA LEAVELL, b. Abt. 1769; d. Abt. 1855, Wayne County, Indiana, USA.
…..v…..SARAH LEAVELL, b. Abt. 1771; m. (1) ? MCKEE, they had 3 girls; m. (2) ? TOWNSEND. LEAVELL, b. December 07, 1776, Culpeper County, Virginia, USA; d. August 23, 1847, Hagerstown, Henry, Indiana, USA.
…..vii……BENJAMIN LEAVELL, b. 1778. (Two Benjamins in one family?)
Leavell, James...2-14-1793 deed Ginn, Lawrence VA, Culpeper James and wife Sarah of Culpeper to Lawrence Ginn, 150 acres in Brumfield Parish
Leavell, James...9-21-1795 deed Fink, John VA, Culpeper James and wife Sarah deed 209 acres on Muddy River
Leavell, James...1781 grant from Leavell, John Jr. VA, Culpeper Co. CULPEPER DEEDS, GRANTEE INDEX, Book N, p. 97. Deed rec. 1785.
Leavell, James...1783 grant from Philips or Phipps, Abner VA, Culpeper Co. CULPEPER DEEDS, GRANTEE INDEX, Book M, p. 92
Leavell, James...1787 tax...VA, Culpeper Co. Leavell, James; self; 0 1 0 1 0 8 Personal Property Tax 1787 List "A"
Leavell, James and wife...1793/5 grant to Ginn, Laurence VA, Culpeper Co....CULPEPER DEEDS, GRANTOR INDEX, Book R, p. 321
From: James Levil
To: Fanny Wheeler
Type: Land near waters of Beaver Creek
Date: 24 Oct 1805
Source: Barren Co KY Deed Book B, p. 79.
Posted by Sandi Gorin on Fri, 15 Jan 1999
Surname: Levell, Drane, Moran, Breashear, Hoffman, Huffman, Leavill, Dodd, Edmunds, Emerson, Scrivner, Gillock NOTE: I have no connection.
January 10th 1822 Benjamin Levell was married to Martha S. Drane.
Decem 15th Robert J. Levell was married to Mary Lisabeth Moran.
Oct. 20th 1863 Edmund Breashear married to Catherine Levell.
Martha S. Levell was born 11th January 1793.
Sarahann Levell was born May 23rd 1824.
William J. Levell was born August 23rd 1825.
Lewis R. Levell was born April 23rd 1825.
Kitty Sophia Levell was born July 28th 1829.
Thomas J. Levell was born Feb. 25th, 1831.
Margaret Levell was born March 15th 1833.
Robert J. Levell was born Dec. 4th 1836.
Martha Cora Brashear was born Sept. 9th 1866.
W. L. Leavill departed this life Nov. 29th 1907.
Kitty S. Brashear departed this life Jan. 14th 1891.
Sarah Levell wife of James Levell she departd this life March 7th 1799.
Peggy Levell daughter of James and Dorothy his wife was born 1804.
Nancy Levell daughter of James and Dorothy Levell departed this life Sept. 1805.
Lucy Dodd was born 25th Sept. 1805.
Richard Edmunds, Pleasant Emerson, Martha Emerson: From Letter: Appointed by Committee by Cedar Grove Church at the death of Benjamin Levell. Dated: 1857. "He was born in State of Virginia, was the youngest child of James and Sarah Levell." /s/ J. W. Scrivner, H. P. Gillock.
Margaret Levell daughter of James Levell and Dorothy his wife was born Sept. 22nd 1805.
James Levell, son of --- and Sarah his wife was born 22 day of March 1750.
Sarah Levell wife of James Levell was born 18th Dec 1755.
Mary Levell daughter of James and Sarah his wife was born 7th day Oct. 1776.
Sarah Levell daughter of James and Sarah his wife was born 20th day April 17--.
James Levell son of James and Sarah his wife was born Jan. 1785.
Priscilla Levell daughter of James and Sarah his wife was born 19th day Feb. 1787.
Obediah Levell son of James and Sarah his wife was born 16th day Feb. 1789.
Benjamin Levell son of James and Sarah his wife was born 18th day March 1791.
Gabriel Levell son of James and Sarah his wife was born 31st Oct 1794 and deparated this life June 23rd 179-.
Per Ginger Jamerson, sugarbutt9 at 4/2003:
" In the Library of VA I found a will for a John Wait who died in 1801 in Madison County, VA. John Wait had a son named Joseph who he mentions in the will. In addition Joseph's middle name is Levell. (Proved by marriage register Madison County, 1798, Joseph Levell Waite married to Hannah Cox).
Another son is named Benjamin and another Edward. John mentions his daughter Sarah, wife of James Levell.
John Wait's wife's name is Kezia and I strongly suspect that she is a sister of Edward, John, Nancy, William and James or else, a sister to Benjamin and Joseph (sons of Edward). I lean more towards this last option due to the names of her sons but so far I cannot find any proof--only strong guesswork.
I also feel fairly sure that Sarah? married to James is Sarah WAIT--except__________Sarah apparently was still alive at the time of her father's will in 1801. John mentions 2 sons, Edward and George, who are deceased, so if Sarah was not alive I believe he would have mentioned it. Your notes indicate James married Dorothy Collin in August 1801 in KY. Do the records prove this? If so, perhaps Sarah had died earlier the year before or so and John didn't change his will.
Another point that makes me believe that Sarah Wait was married to James levell--their son's names--James, Benjamin, John, and Obediah (all names of her brothers)."
"Dolly Leavell," 88, born VA, is living with Spencer J. Williams and Margaret (Leavell) Williams in 1850 Barren Co. KY census.
.....i.....MARY LEAVELL, b. October 07, 1776, Virginia, USA.
.....ii.....SARAH L. LEAVELL, b. April 20, 1778, Virginia, USA.
60.....iii.....JOHN LEAVELL, b. April 17, 1783, Virginia, USA; d. September 1833, Boone County, Missouri, USA.
.....iv.....JAMES LEAVELL, b. January 28, 1785, Virginia, USA. Did he marry a Matilda someone and end up in the 1860 census for Monroe, Randolph, Indiana at the age of 69?
.....v.....PRISCILLA LEAVELL, b. February 19, 1787, Virginia, USA. LEAVELL, b. February 16, 1789, Virginia, USA. He was in the War of 1812.
61.....vii.....BENJAMIN LEAVELL, b. March 18, 1791, Virginia, USA; d. November 05, 1857, Barren County, Kentucky, USA.
.....viii.....GABRIEL LEAVELL, b. October 31, 1794, Virginia, USA; d. June 23, 1795, Virginia, USA.
.....ix.....NANCY LEAVELL, b. July 09, 1802; d. September 1805.
.....x.....MARGARET G. LEAVELL, b. September 22, 1805, Kentucky; d. December 08, 1862, Barren County, Kentucky, USA; m. (1) THOMAS J. MATTHEWS, August 18, 1824, Barren County, Kentucky; m. (2) SPENCER J. WILLIAMS, January 15, 1846, Barren County, Kentucky; b. June 30, 1808, Wythe County, Virginia; d. June 02, 1853, Barren County, Kentucky; m. (3) JAMES W. SCRIVENER, October 01, 1857, Barren County, Kentucky, USA.
.....xi.....LUCY DODD LEAVELL, b. December 25, 1805, Kentucky.
REFERENCE: Enumerated on the 26th day of August 1850 by H. Eubanks
4...615 633 Williams...... Spencer J.... 41...M.........Farmer.........700...... Va
5...615 633 Williams...... Margaret...... 43...F................................. Ky
6...615 633 Leavell...... Dolly......... 88...F................................. Va
7...616 634 Landrum...... Elizabeth......65...F........................800...... Va
8...617 635 Leavell...... Benja..........59...M.........Farmer.........1,200... Va
9...617 635 Leavell...... Martha.........59...F................................. Maryland
10 617 635 Leavell...... Sarah A....... 26...F................................. Ky
11 617 635 Leavell...... William J.... 24...M.........Farmer.................. Ky
12 617 635 Leavell...... Lewis R....... 22...M.........Farmer.................. Ky
13 617 635 Leavell...... Kitty S....... 20...F................................. Ky
14 617 635 Leavell...... Thomas J.......19...M.........Farmer.................. Ky
15 617 635 Leavell...... Margaret S.... 16...F................................. Ky
16 617 635 Leavell...... Robert J.......13...M................................. Ky
Jas W Scrivener...59...KY...$6500 real estate...$11,000 personal...farmer
Margt Scrivener...55...KY
Esher Scrivener...18...KY
Jno T Scrivener...15...KY
Thos Scrivener...85...NC
Esther Scrivener...85...NC
Pg.96 (pg.1027), Hart Co. JOSEPH LEWIS SMITH, born April 3, 1826, the eldest of a family of five sons and four daughters born to William L. and Lucinda M. (Duncan) Smith, he a native of Barren Co. and she of Clark Co. KY. William L. Smith, the son of William and Rachel (Latimore) Smith, both natives of NC, born Dec. 25, 1799 in Barren Co. KY. ... J. Lewis Smith married in 1848 Miss Martha A. Owen, ....
Pg.205-6 (pg.924), Warren Co. JAMES W. SCRIVNER was born Nov. 15, 1829, near Glasgow, and is a son of John H. and Nancy (Duncan) Scrivner, who had born to them 4 sons, our subject the second. John H. Scrivner was born in Estill Co. KY and was a blacksmith and farmer; in 1818, when age 16, he settled in Barren Co. KY; in Jan. 1866, he moved to Warren Co.; he was the son of Thomas Scrivner and Esther Hamilton, both born NC and among first pioneers of Estill Co. Thomas Scrivner was a Baptist minister, whose father came from Ireland. The mother of our subject was born in Clark Co. KY, and was a dau. of Joseph Duncan who married a Miss Brooks, both of whom were born in KY, and were among the first pioneers of Clark Co. Mr. Duncan was a farmer; his father was born in England. James W. Scrivner was reared on a farm; Jan. 12, 1854, he married Miss Elizabeth Dodd of Barren Co., the dau. of James and Emily (Bell) Dodd. ... (MAD: mar. 1826 Barren Co. KY)
Barren Co. KY Will Book 3, page 224 has his will written 18 July 1842, probated August Term 1844. To: William Levell--sons? Wife: Yes, not named. Slaves: John, Daniel, and Suck. Other names cited: John Matthews, J.W. Matthews, James Matthews, decd., Allen Matthews. Witnesses: J. L. Glazebrook, Austin Glazebrook
Posted by Sandi Gorin on Sat, 27 May 2000
Surname: Williams, Levell, Williams, Menefee, Drane, Davis, Curd
NOTE: I have no connection and no further information.
Name: Spencer Williams
Date Written: 2 May 1853
Date Probated: July Term 1853
Source: Barren Co KY Will Bok 3, page 377.
Slaves: Old Ed, girl Delpha
Mother still living
Wife: Margaret G. Williams
Named: William J.Levell - son of my brother-in-law, Benjamin Levell, James A. Williams, David Spencer Williams and Sarah Jane Menefee
Executor: Friend H P Curd and wife the executrix.
Witnesses: Judson S. Dane, Benjamin Levell, Edmund Davis.
15 January 1846 Barren Co. KY is given as marriage date in Mormon IGI
Burrell 4-13-1795 married Purvis, Mary VA, Spotsylvania Co. Thomas Marston. Per COUNTY COURT MARRIAGE REGISTER 1795-1800
THE HOLLOWAY-AMISS-LEAVELL FAMILY, written in 1952, says he eloped on horseback with her. It says her father, Captain James Purviss, was in the Revolutionary War with Burwell's father, and when he discovered the elopement he announced to his wife, "Mary has eloped with that d---- Frenchman." Still, he left Mary the family estate, Rosemont, in his will.
page 86
John Spindle and Lucy Sale, April 13, 1795, Thomas Marston.
Burrell Leavell and Mary Purvis, April 13, 1795, Thomas Marston.
William Smith and Judith Farish, April 13, 1795, Thomas Marston.
Benjn. Givin and Sarah Leavell, April 13, 1795, Thomas Marston.
Burwell Leavell has 9 whites and 15 slaves in his household.
Burwell Leavell: 3 males 0-10, one 26-45; one female 10-16, one female 26-45, 6 male slaves 0-14, one male slave 10-26, 4 female slaves 0-14, two female slaves 10-26, six 26-45, two over 45.
The Estate Of William Spindle Dec'd In Account With
Thomas And William Spindle, Exrs.
Dr. Cr.
To balance due per report of Comrs., of the 22 Sep 1814 £14.19.11 1/2 49 99
To commission due, per same report £52.18.4 1/2 176 39
To Interest on $49.99 from the 3 July 1813 to the 7th day of June 1827 40 74
To interest on $176.39 from 22 of Sep 1814 to the same time 134 49
Decr. 7 To paid John Hopkins, as cryer, 2 days 1 50
Jany. 5 To Burwell Leavell, for the support of old Aggy, The balance of her life 49 00
To attorneys fee, for drawing a bill and answers, etc 10 00
To Clerks fees in the suit & recording the Accounts of admon & division 10 00
To paid Cryer, for selling a negro boy 50
To paid Com'rs. For settling the accts 11
483 61
To Commission on $82 4 92
488 53
To expences [sic] of bringing negroes from Culpepper, including wagon hire 15 50
$ 504 03
...The two first charges in this admon acct are taken from a report of the Commissioners, who settled with the said Thomas, and William, executors of William Spindle decd on the 22 of September 1814. The said executors say, that they have not had any assetts [sic] in their hands, since that day, and they therefore claim interest on the amount due them at that time. And as we think their claim reasonable, we have allowed it. We have calculated interest on the first charge in this acct, from the 3d of July 1813,(the date of the last charge in the former acct,) to the 7 of June next, and on the 2nd charge from the 22 of Sepr. 1814, (the day of settlement,) to the same day.
...Our reason for allowing interest to the 7 of June next, is, because we were told, the legatees had agreed amongst themselves, that whoever should fall in debt at the division were to give their notes, payable on that day. The other charges in the acct, are known by some of the Comrs to be correct, except the one for an attorney's fee, and that is believed to be the customary charge in similar cases, and the one for clerks fees, which was made upon a guess of what might probably be the fees in this suit.
...The advancements made to his children, by Wm Spindle decd, in his lifetime, and which we are directed to report to the court, will be seen by a refference [sic] to the accts against the different legatees, herewith returned. And by the said accounts, it will be seen, what each one will have to pay, or to receive. The plffs requested us to leave the said accounts, in their present state, saying it would be most agreeable to them to do so, and they expected it would be so to the others interested and added that if left so, they thought the parties could settle the balances amongst themselves, more to their own satisfaction, than could be done by any others.
...We have omitted to take a bond, as directed, from Mrs. Vaughan, for the sum she will receive, because it being small, we think it probable, that had the court have been apprised of this, and other circumstances, they would not have required a bond from her.
/s/ Benj. Alsop
/s/ Jno. M. Herndon
/s/ R. Frazer
Dr. Cr.
To John Spindle, do 187 85 5/7
To Thomas Spindle, do 187 85 5/7
To Wm Spindle, do 187 85 5/7
To Sarah Vaughan, do 187 85 5/7
To B. Leavell & wife, do 187 85 5/7
To Wm. E & Jas. A. Spindle, do 187 85 5/7
$ 1315 -----
To A. L. Luck & wife, one share of the balance 346 32 6/7
To John Spindle, do 346 32 6/7
To Thos. Spindle, do 346 32 6/7
To Wm. Spindle, do, being £22 or $73.33 less Than either of the other shares 272 99 6/7
To Sarah Vaughan, one share 346 32 6/7
To B. Leavell & wife do 346 32 6/7
To W.E. & J.A. Spindle do 346 32 6/7
$ 2855 ------
Austin L. Luck & Lucy his wife, In acct. with the
Estate of Wm. Spindle decd.
Dr. Cr.
Jan 5 To advancements, made by the decd £71.10.0
To slave Richard 238
$ 538 33
By do of slaves divided
85 5/7
14 3/7
John Spindle In acct. with the Estate of Wm. Spindle decd.
Dr. Cr.
To negro Armistead 288
$ 688
33 By your share of advancements
By do of slaves
$ 688
85 5/7
18 4/7
14 3/7
Thomas Spindle In acct. with the Estate of Wm. Spindle decd.
Dr. Cr.
To advancements made you £60
To Milley & child 280 Nelson 120
To purchase of boy William 200
By your share of advancements
By do of slaves
Bal. Due from you
$ 775
85 5/7
18 4/7
81 3/7
William Spindle In acct. with the Estate of Wm. Spindle decd.
Dr. Cr.
Jan 5 To Advancements made you £90.10.0
To Negro Joe 321
By your share of advancements
By do. of slaves, being £22 or $73.33, less than each of the other shares
Bal due from you
$ 621
85 5/7
81 3/7
Sarah Vaughan In acct. with the Estate of Wm. Spindle decd.
Dr. Cr.
To advancements made you £300
To negro Wilson
Bal. Due to you
$ 534
18 4/7
18 4/7
By your share of advancements
By do of slaves
$ 534
85 5/7
18 4/7
Burwell Leavell & Nancy G. his wife In acct. with the
Estate of Wm. Spindle decd.
Dr. Cr.
To Sarah & Rice 320 Ben 125
By your share of advancements
By do of slaves
85 5/7
18 4/7
81 3/7
Wm. E. & James A. Spindle In acct. with the Estate of Wm. Spindle decd.
Dr. Cr.
To Zachary 280 Tom 180
Bal. Due to you
$ 534
51 4/7
18 4/7
By your share of advancements
By do of slaves 187
85 5/7
18 4/7
Recorded [liber L folio 487]
Spindle vs Spindle
Fredericksburg Circuit Court
Spotsylvania Superior Court of Chancery
1837 Leavells of Cloverdale
..... "A people which takes no pride in the noble achievements of remote ancestors, will never achieve anything worthy to be remembered by remote descendants." --McCauley
....."And so, as through a vista of long years,/I see again the forms of those I knew,/An hear again their voices, strong and true,/I can but wish that I had words to tell of/Many other things and make you see/The rhythm of those quiet lives, so real to ME."
.....During the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries France was torn by bitter controversies and persecutions. The French Protestants were called Huguenots, which means "Confederates." Thousands of the Huguenots were massacred on Saint Bartholomew's Day, August 24, 1572.
After this bloody massacre the Huguenots began their flight from France, which reached its peak about 1685.
.....In 1598 the Huguenots were granted civil and religious freedom by the Edict of Nantes, the persecutions, however, were carried on in spite of the Edict, which was revoked in 1685, and caused the greatest exodus from France.
.....Many Huguenots fled to Switzerland, Holland, Germany, Africa, England, and America.
.....Between 1599 and 1753 there were 28 French Huguenot Churches in London.
.....Through all the persecutions and turmoil in France lived in the Leavell family, braving many ills, but when the Edict of Nantes was revoked, they, too, fled to England.
.....Tradition tells us that there were four Leavells, brothers, who escaped to England with others of their family. These Leavells lived in England for some years, then came to Virginia with English colonists, and settled on the Rappahannock River.
.....Tradition tells us that the four brothers who fled from France were John, Edward, Benajamie, and James. Tradition, however, has failed to tell us whether all four reached Virginia. As there was a period of at least 25 years between the time they left France and the time they reached Virginia, it may be that all did not come to Virginia. It is thought that John and Edward certainly reached Virginia.
.....Reverend William Thomas Leavell stated in his notes that the Leavelle family arrived in Virginia when Alexander Spotswood was Governor of the colony. This would place the date of their arrival between 1710 and 1725. Reverend Mr. Leavell though the family obtained grants of land from Governor Spotswood. This, however, has not been proven.
.....The first land owned by Leavelles in Virginia, of which we have definite record, was that of Edward Leavell in King and Queen County. He made his will in 1742; it was probated in 1749, and mentions his wife and sons Joseph and Benjamine.
.....In addition to land in King and Queen County, Edward Leavell purchased 200 acres of land in Spotsylvania County in 1738, moved to Spotsylvania, and died there. In his will he left the 200 acres to his son Benjamine, and the "Manor plantation" to his son Joseph.
.....The 200 acres were purchased April 6, 1738, from Thomas Benson and were on the "branches of the Massaponnox Creek."
.....It may well be that this land on the Massaponnox Creek is the same land on which we are assembled today. Stranger things have happened.
.....Reverend Leavell also wrote, "My father's father settled in Spotsylvania County, on the place 'Cloverdale' where I was born, or part of it as my father, Burwell Leavell, built that house about half a mile from the site of the old house, and called by us the 'Old Place,' and where the cemetery is still kept up by our family."
.....John Leavell and John Leavell, Jr., served in the Revolutionary War from Spotsylvania County. John Leavell, Sr., served under Colonel Burwell and John Leavell, Jr., tho' a mere boy, served under Gen. Green, thru the Carolinas. These two Johns were father and older brother of Burwell Leavell, who was born on April 11, 1775.
.....In his notes Rev. Mr. Leavell says that the chimneys of the original "Cloverdale" mansion were still standing when he was a boy, and that he and his sisters and brothers played hide and seek around the ruins of the burned house, which was near the Leavell Cemetery. This was about 1820.
.....The "Cloverdale" house, which he remembered and lived in, was built by his father, Burwell Leavell. This house was a long, story and a half, colonial type house, with many dormer windows.
.....After Burwell Leavell's death the "Cloverdale" place passed to his daughter, Evelina Letitia Frances Leavell McGhee, who with her family resided there for a time, then moved to Texas, when the place passed into the possession of the Alsop family.
.....Another fire destroyed the house built by Burwell Leavell and a much smaller one was built in its place.
.....In recent years "Cloverdale" has come back into our family and is now owned by Elwood Gayle, a great grandson of Burwell Leavell.
.....Burwell Leavell married twice, the first time when he was 19 years old. He eloped on horseback with Mary Purviss and they were married in Fredericksburg on Christmas Day, 1794.
.....Mary Purviss lived at "Rosemont," the plantation adjoining "Cloverdale." Her father was Captain James Purviss who served in the Revolutionary War with John Leavell, Burwell's father.
.....Again tradition informs us that Capt. Purviss had not approved Burwell Leavell's attention to his daughter, and that when he discovered the elopement, he rushed to his wife announcing, "Mary has eloped with that d--- Frenchman."
.....Capt. And Mrs. Purviss were buried at "Rosemont" in unmarked graves in the garden. The Captain must have forgiven Mary, however, as when he died he left her the plantation and "Rosemont," which home has continued in the Leavell family thru the years and is now owned and occupied by Elwood Gayle.
.....Mrs. Mary Purviss Leavell had four children and died when the fourth child was born. This child was also Mary Purviss Leavell, who later married Capt. John Alsop. At the time of their marriage the Alsop family built for them the handsome brick mansion, which was called "La Vue." It is still owned and occupied by descendants of Mary Purviss Leavell and Capt. John Alsop. It is delightfully situated and beautifully kept up.
.....Several years after Mary's death Burwell Leavell married again. This time the bride was Anne Goulder Spindle, young daughter of William and Letitia Puller Spindle, and granddaughter of John Spindle, who was the first person to record land in Essex County when that county was formed.
.....Anne Goulder and Burwell Leavell had a large family (13 children), in addition to the four of the former marriage, so we can picture "Cloverdale" as the scene of every kind of activity. From the notes of Rev. Mr. Leavell we know that Mrs. Letitia Spindle lived with her daughter at "Cloverdale," after her husband's death. Mr. Leavell refers to her as his dear grandmother who taught the children to sing hymns and gave them other religious instruction. He also refers in affectionate terms to his parents, sisters and brothers, so we gather that "Cloverdale" was the usual happy Virginia home, where births, marriages, and deaths occurred, where friends and relatives came and went and where music and cheer were enjoyed.
.....Among the furnishings at "Cloverdale" there was a card table said to have been brought to Virginia by John Leavell, and used by him to play cards on during the tedious voyage from England to Virginia. This table was the property of Mrs. Mary Leavell Durret of Oak Grove for many years and her children still cherish it.
.....Another treasured piece of furniture is Burwell Leavell's secretary. This secretary passed to his younger son, John Minor Leavell, who passed it on to his younger son, Byrd Leavell, who plans to pass it on to his only son, Dr. Byrd Leavell. The secretary contains several secret drawers and is really a museum piece. Some of Burwell Leavell's papers are still in the capacious drawers.
.....A silver soup ladle, marked B. & A. G. L. (Burwell and Anne Goulder Leavell) also is preserved, as well as the old Leavell family Bible, which lists the births, marriages, and deaths of many members of the Leavell family.
.....Also thru the years, several very lovely gold pencils have come to us. These pencils are very similar and probably each of Burwell Leavell's sons had one. It would be interesting, indeed to know their history. Each pencil is embellished with either a large amethyst or topaz in the end.
.....Another relic from "Cloverdale" remaining in the family is a pistol case owned by John Thomas Leavell, son of Benjamin Leavell of Oak Grove. John T. Leavell was named for his Revolutionary great grandfather and was given the pistol case for that reason. The case originally contained two pistols and a place for ammunition. The pistols were stolen a few years ago, so only the case remains, showing the date and initials.
.....Knowing as we do the hasty departure from a chaotic France, the various voyages, moves, fires, etc., we can understand why no papers or documents survive to tell us the many things which we would so dearly love to know.
.....Rev. Mr. Leavell has left a few priceless notes about the family. He tells us that the name has undergone many changes in pronunciation and spelling. In France it was probably LaVille or Leaville. As late as 1850 the family living in Gloucester County, Virginia, spelled the name Leaville, and it may still be found in the land records of that period.
.....The branch of the family living in Spotsylvania and Culpeper Americanized the name and it has been Leavell for many years with and occasional Leavelle.
Elizabeth J. Daniel
Read at the Reunion, Oak Grover, Aug. 2, 1942.
excerpted from The Holloway-Amiss-Leavell Family, 1952.
Tid bit of of info.
In 1840 Burwell Leavell sold 10 acres to Molly Allen in Virginia. She died 1843 will the property to Jery Allen which was to be sold and was back to Burwell Leavell by the extr. My aunt said her husband Cletus Pannel was desended from the Burwell Leavell line. In her will she listed four Goldman/Gouldman grandkids.
I also find it very interesting I can't find any information on Nathanial Allen and little info on couple of brothers Oliver and Daniel from the Jeremiah and Eunice Gardner Allen line. Ties were cut around Molly's family including the Striblings.
Email: bj at
I wish you to come out & see one of my
men amediately as he appears to be consider
ble pain & cannot Rest well if you can not
come on the Riciet of this send the Bearer to Dot
tor browne & get him to Come
I am yours & c
Burwell Leavell
18 of July 1820
the girl Dyid Last night a little after
10 oclock So I Send you the phials with
my thanks for your attention I am Respectfuly
Burwell Leavell
26 Sept 1825
I think you had better come out this
evening or as soon after as you can if you
want to kill pigeons. The sausafras Berry is
nearly gone & there is plenty of game Come in
the Evening & stay [unclear] night & I think you can
get a plenty you must get shot N.1 - & good
powder as they are hard to kill. I am yours
Burwell Leavell
17 Sept 1827
Date: Tue, 8 Oct 2002 21:47:50 -0400
ALSO I saw that you are working on Leavells from Virginia. You may have this information already but I just moved to Fredericksburg, Virginia and I live in Spotsylvania County in a 600 home development called Fox Point. The area was previously a farm and the owner was a Leavell. There is a family cemetery located within our housing project. It is small - the size of lot. I went over today and copied the headstones in this graveyard.
Burwell Leavell - born 4/11/1775 - died 12/28/1847 ( there is an old headstone - broken and also a newer one with the same information)
Anne G. consort of Burwell Leavell died 7/9/1849 - aged 64 years (old broken headstone and a newer one with same information)
Mary consort of Burwell Levell died 9/10/ - cannot read the year - stone is broken
Byrd C. Leavell died 1/23/1855 aged 45 years
Mary C. wife of Byrd C. Leavell died 1/14/1892 aged 80 years
Benjamin L. Leavell born 2/14/182x ( either 1820, 1826 or 1828) died 4/10/1886
Charlotte Elizabeth Leavell wife of Josiah Pitt Gayle 4/27/1850 - 3/8/1938
Fannie Golder Leavell wife of William T. Leavell 8/1/1854 - 5/25/1906
Bertie Low daughter of W.T. & F.G. Leavell - died 9/1878 - aged 16 days
Fannie Cooke Leavell 1/4/1861 - 7/24/1936
Roberta E. Leavell 5/13/1830 - 12/21/1925
Aurelia F. Heislop born 1841 - died 1908
Mary L. Durrett 4/20/1857 - 3/13/1938
Roberta Durrette Tennent 1881-1947
Anne Durrette Jamison 2/28/1888 - 8/1/1945
Bettie Duerson 11/28/1831 - 5/9/1903
Tho's L. Duerson born 1/5/1829 - 10/5/1895
Thomas B. Gildea 6/19/1842 born England died 7/17/1895 Virginia U.S.A.
Hello Jane,
...I'm sending you information showing Lovell/Leavell newspaper notices in Fredericksburg, VA for 1787-1832 which, when combined with the Brown and Buck Bible records (see below), aid the case put forward by Terrel in “Memorials of a Virginia Family” and, in my opinion, they suggest a lineage for Burwell.
......To be honest, I have doubts about the story attributed to Purvis about Burwell being "a Frenchman"--80 years arrival of Jean or Edward at which Burwell would have been, at best, part French.
...The story makes more sense in a generation that had French-English encounters, for example: Mary Wooldridge ran off with Jacob Trabue, upsetting her father quite a bit. This family lived near Manakin at the right time. It seems like Wooldridge descendents (Mary started a trend--three of her siblings also married French) went to Missouri and were connected to the Sallee family.
...Since your website notes that some Leavells claim an English origin, I have to wonder if the Wooldridge-Trabue story got attributed to the wrong generation via Missouri and if this would have been further complicated by the Montague Leavell fiction in the Horn Papers.
...There is another possible explanation in the Leavell/Nix history. I'll send it in a separate message so this won't get too long. Okay, back to Fredericksburg. Here is a partial listing of the ad notices that appeared in the Herald:
1787--Charles Urquhart legal notice
1788--Wlm Lovell dissolve partnership w/ Charles Yates
1790--William Lovell, coucilman
1790--Maury Fontaine, councilman
1790--Maury Fontaine, commissioner for Yates
1792--Lovell & Urquhart 2 ads for lottery
1793--Lovell & Price rental properties
1793--Lovell & Urquhart merchant
1794--William Lovell, lottery agent
1797--Yates & Lovell, former merchants
1789--William Lovell--ship agent
1800--William Lovell--teacher wanted at Germanna
1802--Janet Irvine Lovell died, wife of William
1803--William Lovell, Germanna saw mill at Fox Neck
1807--Charles Urquhart & son open store at Germanna
1816--Finella, wife of Charles Urquhart died
1816--William L. Lovell, sale
1816--Fanny Lovell court case
1816--John Lovell court case
1816--William L. Lovell, sale
1816--Burwell Leavell, legal notice
1822--Alice M. Lovell estate sale
1823--James S. Leavell, legal notice
1825--Charles Urquhart died, estate settlement
1825--Burrell Leavell, land for sale
1825--Uriel Terrill, estate settlement
1825--Uriel Terrill, trustee for William Lovell
1826--June: William Lovell died
1826--Sept: Robert Lovell, estate sale
1826--Nov: Charles U. Lovell, estate sale
1830--Mary Ann & Livingston L. Leavell, court case
1830--Burwell Leavell, rental property
1831--Charles U. Lovell, Germanna Bridge Plans
1832--Burwell Leavell, land for sale
...The Terrel story combines with the Bible records/other researchers as follows:
William Lovell was the son of John or Jacob Lovell born around 1730 (*1) (per Lovell researchers) Terrel says that William was orphaned and raised by an aunt, Mrs. Price. I haven't found the Prices, but it is interesting that the 1793 newspaper ad is for the business of Lovell & Price.
...William Lovell, born 1758, married Jannette Irvine/Ervin Urquhart in 1788, daughter of John Urquhart. They died at their plantation, “Fox Neck”.(*2) Bible records name them as the parents of Charles U. Lovell. (Note: Bible records show a 16-year age gap between William and Jannette, enough time for him to have had a previous marriage.
...Charles U. Lovell married Mary Evans Long in 1814. She was the daughter of Nimrod (*3) and Eleanor Long. Charles and Mary were the parents of Janet Urquhart Lovell. (per Bible records)
...Janet Urquhart Lovell, b 1815, married Uriel Terrell. (Jane’s brother was John Terrill Lovell) (per Bible records) Uriel was related to Mary Terrell, grandmother of Sam. R. McGehee (*4) who married Evelyn Leavell, daughter of Burwell. (per various researchers)
....Julia Lovell, daughter of William Lovell, married John Yates who was the nephew of her father’s business partner, Charles Yates.(*5) Julia and John Yates lived for several years at “Fox Neck”. (per various researchers)
...(*1) Lovell researchers believe Jacob and John were sons of Ann Martin, first wife of Robert Lovell of Prince George Co. (adjacent to Fredericksburg.) John's second wife was Ann Weedon, not the only Weedon-Lovell marriage. George Weedon served on the Fredricksburg Council with William Lovell.
(*2) Fox Neck, originally owned by Spotswood, is a spur of land along the bank of the Rapidan River, upstream from Germanna Bridge. Larkin and Mary Willis sold it to Charles Urquhart Lovell in 1831.
...(*3) Burwell named a son Benjamin Long Leavell. Benjamin Long was the uncle of Nimrod Long, the latter being the father of Charles U. Lovell’s wife. Both Nimrod and his wife descended from Harrisons--a family that married Lovells of King George Co. The name Burwell figures in to these lines along with lots of French ancestors who were in what was then Westmoreland Co. long before the Manakin settlement (per various researchers)
...(*4) McGehee was the maiden name of the mother-in-law of Nancy Leavelle (#51 on your chart), Nancy (McGehee) Gooch. A McGehee processioned with George Lovell in 1711 in New Kent. (see next message.)
...(...*5) Charles Yates came to America in 1748 and established himself in Fredricksburg in 1752. He is said to be son of Rev. Francis Yates of Yorkshire. Charles was the godfather to George Lewis, son of Fielding Lewis and Betty Washington. There is also a letter written by Col. Lewis Willis which mentions Charles Yates and seems to imply that the two are related. According to the National Register of Historic Places, Charles Yates, from England, purchased 1000 acres in what is now Jefferson Co., WV. Part of the land was inherited Ann Yates, from her father John. She married Reverend William T. Leavell (#65 on your chart.)
...On your website, you havie Rev. William Leavell as saying that the family name has undergone many changes in pronunciation and spelling. I have no trouble believing Lovell was an earlier incarnation and find that it is more plausible that Burwell descends from William Lovell than John Leavell and Milly Walden whose kids were born 20 years earlier.
...Who are Mary Ann & Livingston L. Leavell in the 1830 ad?
.....i.....JAMES LEAVELL, b. September 25, 1795, Spotsylvania County, Virginia, USA; d. 1814.
.....ii.....SARAH D. LEAVELL, b. September 25, 1797, Spotsylvania County, Virginia; m. THOMAS STUART, September 01, 1817.
.....iii.....LITTLETON LEAVELL, b. March 02, 1799, Spotsylvania County, Virginia; d. September 07, 1868.
62.....iv.....MARY PURVISS LEAVELL, b. September 10, 1801, Spotsylvania County, Virginia, USA; d. October 18, 1863, Spotsylvania County, Virginia, USA.
1850 census
Source Citation: Year: 1850; Census Place: , Rappahannock, Virginia; Roll: M432_972; Page: 106; Image: 210.
Amiss, Elijah, 38, farmer, $12000, b. VA
Ann E., 44, b. VA
John B., 16, b. VA, student
Thomas B., 11, born VA
?, female, 7, b. VA
Amanda, 7, b. VA
Joseph M., 6, b. VA
Edmund L., 5, b. VA
Eliza S., 4, b. VA
Fannie E., 3, b. VA
Leavel, Littleton, 52, b. VA, overseer
Mcguire, Georganna, 17
Mcquire, Sarah, 26
Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: St Georges Parish, Spotsylvania, Virginia; Roll: M653_1380; Page: 352; Image: 354
Cason, Benjamin L. ...40...VA...farmer...$8000 real estate...$21000 personal
Leavell, Littleton, age 62...VA...carpenter
.....v.....EDMUND S. LEAVELL, b. October 20, 1804, Spotsylvania County, Virginia, USA; d. November 17, 1856, Spotsylvania County, Virginia, USA; m. HARRIET ALSOP SPINDLE, September 07, 1836, Spotsylvania Co., Virginia, USA; b. April 02, 1806, Spotsylvania County, Virginia, USA; d. April 12, 1860, St. George's Parish, Spotsylvania County, Virginia, USA.
Notes for EDMUND S. LEAVELL: ELIZABETH LEAVELL, b. May 08, 1806, Spotsylvania Co., Virginia, USA; d. July 1852.
Source Citation: Year: 1850; Census Place: Eastern District, Spotsylvania, Virginia; Roll M432_977; Page: 413A; Image: 345.
Edward Leavel...45...VA...farmer
Harriett A Leavel...40...VA
Virginia Sprindle...10...VA
Note: The spelling of the name Leavell in two different ways is on the tombstones, not a typist error.)
Cemetery Location: 2 miles south of Spotsylvania, Virginia. Entrance north side of Route #1. Go .1 mile and turn south for .2 mile and walk about 100 yards. It is right in the woods and hard to find without a guide. There is evidence of a wooden fence around the cemetery but is has fallen now. There was also a moat-like ditch around the enclosure but this has nearly filled now. The ground is covered with periwinkle and trees are now growing in the cemetery. (1936--Research made by Mildred Barnum)
wife of Edmund S. Levell
and daughter of Colonel William and Elizabeth Spandle
born April 7th, 1806
Died April 17th, 1860
who died November 17th, 1858
aged 54 years
Name: Harriet Leavell
Gender: Female
Marital Status: Widowed
Place of Birth: Virginia
Estimated birth year: abt 1808
Age: 52
Month of Death: Apr
Cause Of Death: Pneumonia
Census Year: 1860
Census Location: (City, County, State)
Sh Georges Parish, Spotsylvania, Virginia
Page: 584
Line: 26
Roll: T1132_5
.....vii.....WILLIAM S. LEAVELL, b. September 07, 1807, Spotsylvania Co., Virginia, USA; d. April 29, 1813, Spotsylvania Co., Virginia, USA.
64.....viii.....BYRD CARTER LEAVELL, b. September 09, 1810, Spotsylvania Co., Virginia, USA; d. January 02, 1853, Spotsylvania Co., Virginia, USA.
65.....ix.....REV. WILLIAM THOMAS LEAVELL, b. September 11, 1814, Cloverdale, Spotsylvania, Virginia, USA; d. August 25, 1899, Hedgesville, Berkeley, West Virginia, USA.
66.....x.....ANDREW JACKSON LEAVELL, b. June 11, 1816, Spotsylvania Co., Virginia, USA; d. April 10, 1886, Spotsylvania County, Virginia, USA.
.....xi.....MARGARET E. LEAVELL, b. April 20, 1818, Spotsylvania Co., Virginia, USA; d. September 05, 1829, Virginia, USA.
67.....xii.....HUGH CURRAN LEAVELL, b. July 13, 1820, Spotsylvania County, Virginia, USA; d. April 08, 1862, Spotsylvania County, Virginia, USA.
68.....xiii.....EVELYNA L. F. LEAVELL, b. April 24, 1822, Spotsylvania Co., Virginia, USA; d. January 02, 1890, Texas, USA.
69.....xiv.....JOHN MINOR LEAVELL, b. March 28, 1824, Culpeper County, Virginia, USA; d. June 13, 1894, Spotslyvania County, Virginia, USA.
70.....xv.....BENJAMIN LONG LEAVELL, b. February 14, 1826, Spotsylvania Co., Virginia, USA; d. April 10, 1886, Spotsylvania Co., Virginia, USA.
.....xvi.....LUCY MAURY LEAVELL, b. January 15, 1828, Spotsylvania Co., Virginia, USA; d. June 27, 1828, Spotsylvania Co., Virginia, USA.
.....xvii.....CAROLINE MATILDA LEAVELL, b. June 02, 1829, Spotsylvania Co., Virginia, USA; d. July 18, 1829, Spotsylvania Co., Virginia, USA.
William Belton resided in Newberry-Laurens Co. South Carolina. He and his wife Susannah are listed as members of the Bush River Quaker Church and later the Bush River Baptist Church. He came to Bush River area from the Kershaw-Sumter area. He came to the Quaker neighborhood before the Revolution.
3. His lands were mainly in Newberry County and he lived along the Laurens Co. line. He died without a will and his estate was administered in Laurens Co., S. C. 5 July 1830 by Daniel Johnston whose bond was signed by James Smith and Isaac Teague. The citation to administer was read 26 June 1830. The men listed to appraise the estate were: John Belton Pitts, Mrs, Nancy Pitts, Hiram Pitts, Mrs. Hannah Pitts, Joshua Pitts. Accounts [aid to or accounts owing to estate by these Pitts: John B. Pitts, Hiram Pitts, Mrs, Hannah Pitts, Reuben Pitts and Carey Pitts. Heirs and their Portions Paid in full". Robert Ritchie signed for his wife; James Moorhead for his wife; Jesse Belton; Mrs. Nancy Pitts; Mrs. Martha Collier; Mrs. Hannah Pitts; William Belton Jr.(grandson).
71.....i.....JOHN BELTON, b. Abt. 1760, Laurens District, Newberry, South Carolina.
.....ii.....JESSE BELTON, b. Abt. 1762, South Carolina; m. ELIZABETH ?; b. Abt. 1766, Laurens County, South Carolina. Notes for JESSE BELTON: He and his wife sold land in 1807 in Newberry Co., S.C.
.....iii.....ANN BELTON, b. 1764, South Carolina; m. JAMES MOORHEAD.
.....iv.....MARTHA BELTON, b. Abt. 1766, South Carolina; m. ? COLLIER.
72.....v.....REBECCA BELTON, b. Abt. 1768, Laurens County, South Carolina; d. Abt. 1850, Douglas County, Nebraska. BELTON, b. Abt. 1770, South Carolina. William Belton Jr. died during the War of 1812. His estate was administered 9 Oct. 1815 by Nancy Belton and Benjamin Thomas. He died in service in Charleston, South Carolina. Nancy Belton and Abigail Thomas were principal heirs.
73.....vii.....NANCY BELTON, b. Abt. 1772; d. Abt. 1830.
74.....viii.....HANNAH BELTON, b. Abt. 1775, Craven County, South Carolina; d. Aft. 1870, Anderson County, South Carolina.
.....i.....BETTY RYAL.
These children appear to be an attempt to paste on the children of Elijah Teague and Alice or Alcy MORGAN. That means these aren't the right kids, and this Leavell girl's name isn't Alice. Oh, well.
ELIJAH TEAGUE was born January 1759 in Rowan Co. North Carolina, the son of Joshua Teague & Dorothy Gaunt and died 1824 in Laurens Co. South Carolina. Married: Elijah married Susan Elizabeth LEAVELL. Susan was born 1760. She died 1806 .
Elijah Teague left a will in Laurens County, S.C. dated Oct 2, 1824. This was proven in the Court of Ordinary on April 18,1825. In this will the following children were mentioned: Elizabeth Hipps, Sarah McAdams, Mary Wilson, Catherine McAdams, Rebekah Teague, Robert Teague, Abner Teague, and the Heirs of his son Joshua Teague, deceased.
JOSHUA TEAGUE born 1789 and died 1822
ELIZABETH TEAGUE, born 1794. Elizabeth married Joseph HIPPS.
SARAH TEAGUE, Sarah married Thomas S. MC ADAMS.
MARY TEAGUE, was born 1796. Mary married Thomas WILSON.
CATHERINE TEAGUE,born 1804. She died 1863; m. MCADAMS.
ROBERT TEAGUE, born 1800. Robert married Martha. Martha was born 1802. She died 1850.
ABNER TEAGUE, born 1802.
This wife of Elijah Teague has been shown with several names, don't know if anyone really knows which one is correct. She was born 1762, died February 17, 1829, daughter of Robert Leavell and Sarah Cole(s). Child Joshua Teague married Hannah, not Eleanor. Had different dates of birth on following children you have listed:
Sarah Teague, born 1783 (not 1795); Mary Teague, born 1806 (not 1796); Abner Teague, born abt 1794 (not 1802).
.....i.....JOSHUA TEAGUE, b. Abt. 1750, Laurens County, South Carolina; d. Abt. 1816, Newberry County, South Carolina; m. HANNAH ?. Notes for JOSHUA TEAGUE: Some put death as 1822 in Shelby County, Alabama.
.....ii.....JOHN TEAGUE, b. Abt. 1750.
.....iii.....SAMUEL TEAGUE, b. March 02, 1759, Bush River, Montgomery County, OH; d. February 26, 1841, Union, Montgomery, OH; m. REBECCA FURNAS, 1783.
75.....iv.....SUSANNA TEAGUE, b. Abt. 1761, Rowan County, North Carolina; d. October 07, 1829, Prosperity, South Carolina.
76.....v.....CHARITY TEAGUE, b. Abt. 1763, Laurens District, Newberry County, South Carolina; d. 1853. TEAGUE, b. September 02, 1767, Orange County, North Carolina; d. February 11, 1842, Benton County, Alabama, USA.
78.....vii.....JAMES TEAGUE, b. Abt. 1776; d. April 24, 1816, Newberry County, South Carolina.
79.....viii.....SAMUEL TEAGUE, b. April 22, 1784, Newberry County, South Carolina; d. December 24, 1860, Benton County, Alabama, USA.
The history of the 9 Leavell brothers of Mississippi reports of Edward Franklin Leavell that "He was a Revolutionary Soldier, and was wounded by a minnie ball."
Address: 10405 Red Mtn W, Littleton, CO 80127 United States
rasuddath at
In Reply to: Joseph Leavell & Sarah Presnell-SC>MS by Linda
I have a Joseph Leavell born abt. 1786, son of Edward Franklin Leavell & Mary Griffin. He had 10 half brothers & sisters born in SC & GA. Edward, son of RobertLeavell & Sarah Coles, born in Culpeper Co VA. Robert was son of John (Jean) Leavelle born in Normandy Province, France.
Military service: 1781, Continental Army, Culpepper Co., Virginia
Author: Kathy Powell Date: 14 May 2001
Board: Boards > Topics > Military > American Revolution > General
The Tucker Civic Association has recently added the Tucker Historical & Preservation Committee as an ad hoc committee. We have 4 veterans from the Revolutionary War buried in the old Fellowship Primitive Baptist Church Cemetery. We want to honor these soldiers with placing flags on their graves sites on Memorial Day, Independence Day and Veterans Day. We talked about using the old style(besty ross)flags to decorate the sites, where can we find the small flags proper to decorate graves? The veterans are: Sergt. Daniel Fones 1 R.I. Regt. Born about 1764 & inlisted on 4/5/1777, a proper monument was shipped from Wash,DC and carried by wagon to the cemetery; Edward Levell born 7/16 1751 Newberry SC and died 1/16 1832, decendents still live in the Atlanta area, crude field stone marker(E.L.) in cemetery; Graner Whitley, nothing is known about him according to the DeKalb County Historical Society history book 1822-1900; Peter Cash born 2/21/1759 in Amherst or Albemarle County, VA, served as a Minute Man in Amherst County, listed in the 1830 DeKalb County census and he applied for a pension in 1832, Ann Holiday was his wife, he died 11/15/1832 and has an unmarked grave at this cemetery. We appreciate any and all help!
Posted by Doris Mayer Reece on January 14, 1998 at 12:23:37:
According to my grandmother Edward and Rachels daughter Apeacha/ Apeeche/Apuchey was cherokee. Rachel was born in a place and time that was Cherokee territory. Any information would be appreciated.
Husband: Edward Franklin Leavell Born: 16 JUL 1756 in: Newberry South Carolina
Wife: Rachel Williams Born: 1789? in: Fairmont, Gordon Co, Georgia
Father: James Williams
Mother: Ruth L (Williams)
F Child 1 Peggy A Leavell Born: 1796 in: Georgia
F Child 2 Rhoda Ann Leavell Born: 1798 in: Georgia
F Child 3 Apeacha W Leavell Born: 06 OCT 1800 in: Georgia Spouse: Vincent A.Johnson
F Child 4 Elizabeth N Leavell Born: 1802 in: Georgia
M Child 5 William W Leavell Born: 1807 in: Georgia
M Child 6 Richard B Leavell Born: 1809 in: Georgia
M Child 7 Edward Franklin Leavell Born: 1812 in: Georgia
F Child 8 Rachel M Leavell Born: 1814 in: Georgia
I'm doing my English paper on williams family
Rachel william B 20 june 1775 p Virginia D 25 jan. 1857 P Dekalb GA
She Married Edward Leavell B 10 july 1757 p South Carolina D 16 jan.1832 Dekalb Ga
her mom and dad is james williams b Abt 1730 p maryland he married Ruth L? B 1730 p marlyand
I need help.
Can someone to fill in the blanks for me.
E_mail at langel103_2000 at
80.....i.....JOSEPH LEAVELL, b. January 27, 1784, South Carolina, USA; d. May 31, 1854, Mississippi, USA.
.....ii.....MARGARET F. LEAVELL, b. January 16, 1796, South Carolina, USA; d. Abt. 1860; m. (1) ALLEN SAVAGE, September 02, 1817; b. Abt. 1792, South Carolina, USA; d. Abt. 1834; m. (2) WILLIAM TAPP, Abt. 1827, Hall County, Georgia, USA; b. Abt. 1796, Georgia, USA; d. Abt. 1882.
81.....iii.....RHODA ANN LEAVELL, b. October 29, 1798, Georgia, USA; d. July 12, 1880, Clay County, Alabama, USA.
William Tapp's sister-in-law, Appeacha Leavell Johnson, cared for Leonard Tapp's youngest child after his wife died. William was married to Margaret Leavell. How Leonard relates to the Tapp family is unknown.
32-Tapp, Wm. 54m S.C., Peggy P. 54f S.C., LEVELL, Elizabeth 13f, M M A. llf.
Posted by: Robert D. Lawrence Date: January 12, 1999 at 08:41:24
In Reply to: Re: Tapp family of northwest GA before 1850 by Jodi West of 448
.....I believe that your William Tapp c1796-1878 probably is connected to this family. William was married four times. I don't know who his first wife was but their children that I know of were: Rebecca Tapp, Robert L. Tapp, and Dr. William C. Tapp. William Tapp c1796-1878 was married second to Margaret Leavell Savage but there were no children born to that marriage. William was married third and had sons John Wiley Tapp and George Washington Tapp. William was married fourth to Sarah Carter and had Martha Ann Tapp, Melisa Spicer Tapp, Perry Luther Tapp, and William Lloyd Tapp. I now believe that Dulcena Delcimore "Saena" Tapp was also a daughter by William's first marriage baised on the following circimstancial evidence:
...(1) Both the 1830 and 1840 U.S. census records show that William Tapp had two daughters. One would have been Rebecca and the other is the right age to have been Dulcena.
...(2) Williiam Tapp is the only Tapp on census records of Chattooga Co., GA in 1840 who was the right age to have been Dulcena's father.
...(3) Dulcena was married to John W. Lawrence in Chatttooga Co., GA in 1842. Robert L. Tapp was married in that same county in 1845 and Dr. William C. Tapp was also married there in 1848. As stated above, I believe Robert and William were Dulcena's brothers.
...(4) William Tapp c1796-1878, along with the families of both sons Robert and William AND Dulcena's Lawrece family, all moved from northwest Georgia to Mountain View, AR c1851.
In Reply to: George Washington Tapp 1865 Ark> OK by Sandra A. Sheldon of 448
.....I believe your George Washington Tapp, b. 1865, was a son of William Tapp, b. c1796 and d. 24 Jun 1877 at Mountain View, AR., by his third wife, whose name is unknown. The only thing that doesn't seem to match is that William's son, George Washington Tapp, is said to have married Sarah Elizabeth DEMPSEY. William Tapp's first wife is unknown but they had ch. Robert L., William C., Rebecca, and probably Dulcena Dulcemore. William married his second wife, Margaret "Peggy" Leavell Savage on 26 Aug 1827 in Hall Co., GA but the aparently didn't have any children. Margaret died c1860. The name of William's third wife is unknown but they had sons John Wiley and George Washington. William was married fourth on 22 May 1872 in Van Buren Co., AR to Sarah Carter who was 50 years younger than he. They had ch. Martha Ann, Melisa Spicer, Perry Luther, and William Lloyd.
"Alvin Byrd"
...I was browsing your site. William Tapp that married Elizabeth Levell Savage is my greatgrandfather.
...The notes by Richard Lawerence are with out merit, he has time and time again tried to create a lineage to suit his needs.
...Based on Williams war records and the birth date of my Grandmother,( Williams daughter,) Martha Tapp and other information; he may, repeat, may have had three wives but not four. The gentleman is hung upon this scenario that is posted on your site. Just thought you would like to know.
...The 1850 Federal Census Chattoga Ga has William and Peggy both listed as 54
and with two children listed with them; Elizabeth E Levell 13 b Ga and MMA Levell 11 b Ga. If I remember correctly one of Williams daughters married a Levell so it's most likely their grandchildren. In the 1860 census William and Maragret is in Arkansas, listed as 64 and by themselves. There were several of Williams cousins and two of his sons Robert L. Tapp and WC Tapp there with them.
82.....iv.....APEACHEA LEAVELL, b. October 06, 1800, Georgia, USA; d. Aft. 1870.
83.....v.....ELIZABETH N. LEAVELL, b. September 28, 1802, Franklin County, Georgia, USA; d. Abt. 1860, St. Clair County, Alabama, USA. WILBURN LEAVELL, b. November 04, 1804, Franklin County, Georgia, USA; d. April 05, 1865, DeKalb County, Georgia, USA.
85.....vii.....WILLIAM WASHINGTON LEAVELL, b. March 03, 1807, Franklin County, Georgia, USA; d. June 07, 1893.
86.....viii.....RICHARD B. LEAVELL, b. May 13, 1809, Franklin County, Georgia, USA; d. November 17, 1838.
87.....ix.....EDWARD FRANKLIN LEAVELL, b. January 15, 1812, DeKalb County, Georgia, USA; d. June 30, 1864, DeKalb County, Georgia, USA.
88.....x.....RACHEL M. LEAVELL, b. July 21, 1814, Franklin County, Georgia, USA; d. January 25, 1859.
.....xi.....REUBEN T. LEAVELL, b. July 05, 1817, Franklin County, Georgia, USA; d. July 08, 1822. says he died 25 January 1859, age 41.
MORROW COUSINS says he was a Baptist, under General Greene in the Revolutionary War, married to Margaret Jones, son of Sarah Cole, died 4 May 1821. THE 9 LEAVELL BROTHERS says his parents moved to SC when he was 12. "He was about nineteen years old when the Revolution broke out, and he went back to Virginia to enlist, and served under General Green. After the Revolution was over, he returned to South Carolina and lived on the farm his father, Robert Leavell, gave him in his will dated 1780."
...I was looking at your Leavell Family tree and noticed you have Daniel Williams and Cassandra Prather Williams's daughter, Frances Williams marrying John Leavell.
...Daniel Williams and Cassandra Prather Williams are my GGGG Grandparents. A Williams researcher that I am working with indicated that Daniel may have been married before he married Cassandra to a Frances Griffin.
...I see that you have Frances Griffin listed as Daniel and Cassandra's daughter (maybe this was a daughter with his first wife, Frances Griffin).
...I also notice that Frances and John Leavell named one of their children ROBERT GRIFFIN LEAVELL, b. February 07, 1818, Newberry County, South Carolina; d. 1900, Texas.
...Do you happend to have anymore information on Daniel Williams and Cassandra Prather Williams, or a wife Frances Griffin for Daniel?
Tina Williams Swyers
Tina/Bill Swyers
Leavell, Addie...11/11/1808--11/6/1843
Leavell, Bettie...3/19/1861--10/24/1862 ...d/o J. R. & E. J. Leavell
Leavell, Elizabeth J. ...2/14/1823--7/25/1885...w/o John R. Leavell
Leavell, Elizabeth J. ...2/6/1783, d. 51y
Leavell, Frances ...d. 1/15/1857, 77y ...w/o John Leavell Esqr.
Leavell, James Teague ...8/31/1851--8/6/1852...s/o J. R. & E. J. Leavell
Leavell, James, Teague...d. 1/1/1894, 78y
Leavell, John vd. 5/1826, 69y
Leavell, John Roland...11/24/1820--2/6/1900 ... bio
Leavell, Judson Beasley...6/17/1856--7/26/1857...s/o J. R. & E. J. Leavell
Leavell, Margaret J. 9/15/1813--8/20/1869 ...d/o John & Frances Leavell
Leavell, Margaret J. ...d. 11/4/1805, 42y ...w/o John Leavell Esqr.
Leavell, Margaret J. /915/1813--8/20/1869...d/o John & Frances Leavell
Leavell, Mary...d. 6/6/ 91852, abt 65 yr...consort of William Leavell of L. D.
Leavell, Mary...7/27/1788, d. 39y
Leavell, Mayer Cannon...11/2/1859--1/8/1873...s/o J. R. & E. J. Leavell
Leavell, Rhoda...d/. 6/5. (1841?), 8y
Leavell, Richard A. ...12/8/1842--11/30/1863...first born of J. R. & E. J. Leavell, fell at Knoxville, TN.
Leavell, Sarah Cecilia...12/5/1866--11/18/1868...d/o J. R. & E. J. Leavell
Leavell, William...d. 7/12/1857, 72y
89.....i.....JAMES TEAGUE LEAVELL, b. 1783, Newberry County, South Carolina, USA; d. June 1817, Newberry County, South Carolina, USA.
.....ii.....BETSY LEAVELL, b. February 06, 1783, Newberry County, South Carolina; d. Abt. 1834.
90.....iii.....WILLIAM P. LEAVELL, b. Abt. 1785; d. July 12, 1857, Newberry County, South Carolina, USA.
91.....iv.....CATHERINE LEAVELL, b. 1786, Newberry County, South Carolina, USA; d. February 15, 1860, Newberry County, South Carolina, USA.
.....v.....MARY LEAVELL, b. July 27, 1788, Newberry County, South Carolina; d. 1849. At memorial 37211696 is a photo of a broken tombstone for a Mary Leavell born 27 July 1788 died "in the 39th year of her age." This is in Bush River Baptist Church Cemetery, Newberry, Newberry, South Carolina, USA. LEAVELL, b. Abt. 1790, Newberry County, South Carolina; m. WILLIAM PAGE.
.....vii.....RICHARD LEAVELL, b. March 12, 1791, Newberry County, South Carolina, USA; d. September 25, 1849; m. MARTHA HERBERT, Abt. 1827; b. August 29, 1791, Newberry District, South Carolina, USA; d. April 19, 1849, Coweta County, Georgia, USA.
.....viii.....RHODA LEAVELL, b. 1792, Newberry County, South Carolina.
Richard and Martha were charter members of Tranquil Methodist Church. He built a home in Coweta County, Georgia, about 1830 and willed it to his stepson, Dr. G. H. Page.
Date: 7/3/1849
Stepson: George H. Page.
Bro: Charles Leavell.
Sis: Catharine Clark.
Nieces and nephews: Thomas L. Clark, Richard P. Clark, Sarah Wilson, George P. Neel's ch.
Exrs: Charles Leavell, George H. Page.
Witness: William B. Shell, John Williams, William H. Elder.
issue of Nov. 30, 1849:
Richard Leavel died September 25, 1849, in the 59th year of his age. His step-son, Dr. Page, his physician...born in Newberry district, South Carolina, March 12, 1791, married Mrs. Martha Page in 1827.
The widow Martha H. Page married Richard Leavell after her husband's death.
Died on the 19th of April, in Coweta county, Georgia, Sister Martha Leavell...born in Newberry District, South Carolina, August 29, 1791, daughter of George and Elizabeth Herbert...Left a husband and only child...She became the consort of Pendleton Page, in her 18th year, and after his death, she married Richard Leavell...
.....ix.....EDNA LEAVELL, b. 1794, Newberry County, South Carolina.
92.....x.....CHARLES LEAVELL, b. August 20, 1802, Newberry County, South Carolina, USA; d. September 25, 1879, Coweta County, Georgia, USA.
.....xi.....POLLY LEAVELL.
93.....xii.....MARTHA LEAVELL, b. February 23, 1809, Newberry County, South Carolina, USA; d. September 24, 1849, Newberry County, South Carolina, USA.
.....xiii.....GEORGE WASHINGTON LEAVELL, b. 1811, Newberry County, South Carolina, USA.
.....xiv.....DANIEL LEAVELL, b. 1812, Newberry County, South Carolina, USA. Daniel Leavell died young.
.....xv.....MARGARET JANE LEAVELL, b. September 15, 1813; d. August 20, 1869, Newberry County, South Carolina, USA. Margaret Leavell died unmarried. Burial: Bush River Baptist Cemetery, Newberry County, SC
94.....xvi.....JAMES TEAGUE LEAVELL, b. Abt. 1816, Newberry County, South Carolina, USA; d. January 01, 1894, Newberry County, South Carolina, USA.
95.....xvii.....ROBERT GRIFFIN LEAVELL, b. February 07, 1818, Newberry County, South Carolina, USA; d. 1900, Texas, USA.
96.....xviii.....JOHN W. ROWLAND LEAVELL, b. November 24, 1820, Newberry County, South Carolina, USA; d. February 06, 1900, Newberry County, South Carolina, USA.
97.....xix.....WILLIAM PAGE LEAVELL, b. July 17, 1823, Newberry County, South Carolina, USA; d. March 17, 1902, Texas, USA.
See box 20, pkg. 43 Newberry Co. SC.
William W NEEL, b 15 Dec 1769 Ninety-Sixth Dist, SC; d 23 Sept 1846 Tuscaloosa Co, AL was married to Amelia LEAVELL abt 1790 SC.
Children were: William R, b bet 1805-1810 SC (m Nancy K SNIDER), Charles W, b ca 1791 (m Savilla ____), Rebecca, b ca 1793, Elizabeth/Susan, b ca 1798, Francis, b 1800, Thomas L, b 1801 SC (m Gilly SNIDER), Edith?, b 1803 and Nancy, b 2 Jan 1810. My line is through William R and Nancy Snider - they moved to Ashley Co, AR ca 1870. Collateral lines include HONEYCUTT, HILL, MONTGOMERY, DOLES and TARRANT.
Looking for the parents of William W. Neel/Neal, born Dec 16, 1769 in Ninety Six Dist. of South Carolina. Married Amelia Leavell abt 1790. He died in Tuscaloosa Co., Ala. Sept 23, 1846. It is also possible that his father's surname may have been O'Neal.
Some researchers say Mary Taylor Griffin was Mary Francis Griffin and she died November 10, 1774.
98.....i.....AMELIA LEAVELL, b. 1776, Newberry District, South Carolina, USA; d. February 10, 1846, Tuscaloosa County, Alabama, USA.
99.....ii.....ISAAC LEAVELL, b. 1778, Bush River, Newberry County, South Carolina, USA; d. 1815.
100.....iii.....ROBERT LEAVELL, b. October 22, 1780; d. October 11, 1867, Covington, Miami, Ohio, USA.
.....iv.....? LEAVELL, b. 1782.
.....v.....WILLIAM LEAVELL, b. 1785, Bush River Community, Newberry, South Carolina, USA; d. July 12, 1857; m. MARY LEAVELL; b. Abt. 1787, South Carolina, USA; d. June 06, 1852. For both, burial: Bush River Baptist Cemetery, Newberry County, SC. At see photos of their tombstones.
Notes for WILLIAM LEAVELL: LEAVELL, b. 1788.
In the 1850 census for Laurens County, South Carolina, on page 207:
LEAVEL, William, 64, a farmer worth $5000
Leavel, Mary, 63
.....vii.....? LEAVELL, b. 1791.
101.....viii.....RICHARD LEAVELL, b. 1794, Newberry County, South Carolina, USA; d. May 15, 1850, Ralph, Tuscaloosa, Alabama, USA.
From Will Book F page 20, Laurens SC, recorded October 02, 1824 and proved April 18, 1828. There is also a source that says this Elijah died 1843 in Benton, Alabama and was married to Sarah Morgan in 1785 in Laurens. I find this information contradictory. I think he would have been too old to have moved to Alabama at that time, and I do not think he lived until 1843. This assumption is based on will recording and probate. Laurens Co. Deed Book H #82: William Cason of Edgefield Co. conveyed to Elijah Teague for $325 327 acres on BUSH RIVER, bounded on property of John Miller, James Tinsley and Katherine Tinsley, part of an original grant of 300 acres to Andrew Rodgers on 2/22/1771. NOTE: Since Abner also had a son named Elijah, it is very likely that this refers to him.--From Richard Fowler's "Connections, 2009" (124,00 related individuals)
rwaynefowler at
.....i.....ABNER TEAGUE, b. Abt. 1780; d. Abt. 1828.
.....ii.....MARY TEAGUE, b. Abt. 1782; m. THOMAS WILSON.
.....iii.....RACHEL TEAGUE, b. Abt. 1784.
.....iv.....JOSHUA TEAGUE, b. Abt. 1788; d. Abt. 1822, Laurens County, South Carolina, USA.
.....v.....SARAH TEAGUE, b. Abt. 1795. TEAGUE, b. Abt. 1797, Laurens County, South Carolina, USA; d. Abt. 1863, Tennessee, USA.
.....vii.....CATHERINE TEAGUE, b. Abt. 1804, Laurens County, South Carolina, USA; d. June 02, 1863, Alabama, USA.
.....viii.....REBEKAH TEAGUE, b. Abt. 1806.
.....ix.....ELIZABETH TEAGUE, b. Abt. 1810.
This way to the next generation.
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