PLEASE, if you copy more than birth/death dates, POST A LINK TO THIS PAGE, with my name--Jane Leavell. Let me leave a legacy when I'm gone, okay? I see my paragraphs posted word-for-word, with no credit, and it hurts.
Contact littlecalamity at for details from my FamilyTreeMaker. My snail mail address is 247 Georgia Avenue, Elyria, OH 44035. You'll have more success getting a response from me by e-mail. I'm absent-minded, and I'm going to join the Procrastinators' Hall of Fame as soon as I get around to it. You're more likely to hear from me if you give specific details in your query--approximate years involved, county name, state name, and so on, remembering there are 88 counties in Ohio alone, so most other people don't know what state your county is in--and remember that it's only polite to freely share your data with me as I am sharing with you. If I haven't posted it, I probably need it.
And remember, these are just clues--NEVER take what's posted on home pages as gospel. (Especially on the tangled, confusing Leavell lines.) Do the research to verify what you've read!
Words of warning:
2. Virtually every family in America--including the Leavells--claims to have an Indian princess in the line somewhere, even though AmerIndians don't HAVE princesses. Don't believe the family legend unless/until you can find documentation, such as a listing on the Dawes Rolls. (Notice how it's never a big AmerIndian buck who married a blonde white ancestress of yours? Almost always an AmerIndian princess...real AmerIndians are understandably offended.)
3. You are NOT entitled to a generic coat of arms being sold all over the Web just because you share the surname of someone who DOES have a coat of arms. The coat of arms is bestowed on a specific man and his direct descendants, not everyone with a similar name, so unless your family tree goes back directly to a proven honoree (and none of the families on this website do), you don't HAVE a coat of arms.
4. Please remember that amateur genealogists are "paid" with more information. Tell me a family story. Fill me in on some stray relatives I've overlooked. (Tell me what county AND state you're talking about, and at least a rough estimate of the timeframe.) Give me the data to prove I've jumped to the wrong conclusion--don't just say, "You're wrong." DON'T ask me to spend hours and lots of money printing hundreds of pages of this genealogy for you--I've given you my data for free on the Internet, and you can print it. Share with me, okay?
5. Finally, if any of your family history came from the infamous Horn papers--that nice old gentleman who wrote about Montague Lavelle/Leavell's family, including Loquestia Moselle and George Levelle and Jane Taylor--read this.
Use quotes and a full name if known; "James Earl Jones" will get more accurate hits than typing James Earl Jones, which will give you anyone named James, anyone named Earl, anyone named Jones.... BEWARE: The search engine may have attached a pop-up that warns you your computer may be infected. It isn't. It may warn you that you require a media player update. It's a lie. Keep closing the ad until you can put a checkmark in the line about not posting any more pages; this time when you close it, the ad will vanish and you can use the search engine. Free web pages and free search engines aren't totally free; they run on ads, and some of them are scams.How Many Ancestors Do You Have?
1)............1 YOU
2)............2 parents
3)............4 grandparents
4)............8 great grandparents
5)...........16 gg grandparents
6)...........32 ggg grandparents
7)...........64 gggg grandparents
8)..........128 ggggg grandparents
9)..........256 gggggg grandparents
10..........512 ggggggg grandparents
11).......1,024 gggggggg grandparents
12).......2,048 ggggggggg grandparents
13).......4,096 gggggggggg grandparents
14).......8,192 ggggggggggg grandparents
15)......16,184 gggggggggggg grandparents
16)......32,768 ggggggggggggg grandparents
17)......65,536 gggggggggggggg grandparents
18).....131,072 ggggggggggggggg grandparents
19).....262,144 gggggggggggggggg grandparents
20).....524,288 ggggggggggggggggg grandparents
21)...1,048,576 gggggggggggggggggg grandparents
22)...2,097,152 ggggggggggggggggggg grandparents
Well, okay, if you're from one of the families on this page, chances are you have some ancestral families that intermarried several times, meaning many of those ancestors are repeats; nevertheless, it's a bit daunting to consider tracking down ALL of your ancestors. Still, what say we work together and try to do it?
search engine by freefind |
Leavell branches that apparently sprang from JEAN LAVELLE (or at least his father), many through EDWARD and MARY LEAVELL, including Alabama, Indiana, West Virginia, Missouri, Mississippi, Georgia, Texas, and Garrard Co. KY branches. It's now about 1680 pages long if you print it all. (I surely don't.) Partially updated in 2016 (except that I generally deleted anyone I thought might be living.).
Generations 1 through 4EDWARD & ELIZABETH LEAVELL OF PAGE CO. VA includes the Holmes and Rothgeb families. Posted 9/19/02; updated 5/19/2013
Some descendants of JAMES LEVELL AND AGNES COX of Gallatin County, Kentucky.Posted 1/12/2002; updated 3/15/2014.
JOHN LEVEL & NANCY SCOTT, born about 1790 in Virginia and Pennsylvania, birthed a family of mostly Indiana and Iowa descendants, most going by "Levell" or "LeVelle." Posted 3/16/2012; updated 3/30/2014.
JOHN LEVELL & NANCY HUGENS of Greene Co. PA spawned a small family of Levell/Goodnight descendants in West Virginia. Posted 10/29/2000, updated 5/23/2013.
Some descendants of JOHN LEVELS/LEAVELL & WIFE MARGARET; John was born about 1810 in South Carolina. Updated5/24/2013.
Descendants of JOSEPH LEAVELL & WIFE MOLLY SNYDER of Virginia. He was born about 1790. Posted 2/17/03. Updated 4/22/2015.
Descendants of MARY LEVEL AND DAVID KIBLER of Page County, Virginia in the 1800's. Posted 1/14/2002; updated 2/4/12.
Some descendants of MARY LEVEL AND WILLIAM PIERCE PERRY of Orange County, Virginia in the mid-1700's. Posted 1/12/2002; updated 5/21/2013.
Descendants of African-Americans TOM LEAVELL and JULIA LOGAN. (See MISCELLANEOUS AFRICAN-AMERICAN LEAVELL DATA below for other African-American families.) Posted 10/29/2000. Updated 4/22/2015. See also DESCENDANTS OF EPHRAIM LEAVELL; he may be Tom's father. Posted 2/26/2008.
WILLIAM LEVEL was born in KY in 1810; descendants were born in Missouri, Nebraska, and Texas. Updated5/23/2013.
Some descendants of WILLIAM LEAVELL AND ELIZABETH RUTTER of Kirtling, Cambridgeshire, England. Updated 12/9/2001; updated 3/12/2014.
A few mentions of LEAVELLS FROM IRELAND, including James Leavell of Greenbrier County, West Virginia. Partially updated 3/15/2014.
Assorted bits and pieces of MISCELLANEOUS AFRICAN-AMERICAN LEAVELL DATA. Posted 1/28/2003; 3/10/14.
MISCELLANEOUS LEAVELL FAMILIES A - J that so far haven't been connected to a specific family. Maybe you can help? Updated 3/11/2014.
MISCELLANEOUS LEAVELL FAMILIES K - Z that so far haven't been connected to a specific family. Maybe you can help? Updated 4/25/2013.
MISCELLANEOUS LEAVELL DATA like military, cemetery, and marriage records, with some census records, too. Some of it I can't identify with a specific line; much of it I can. States A through Illinois.Posted 2/18/03. Updated 5/26/2013.
MISCELLANEOUS LEAVELL DATA 2 has states Indiana through Louisiana.
MISCELLANEOUS LEAVELL DATA 3 has states Michigan through Tennessee.
MISCELLANEOUS LEAVELL DATA 4 has states Texas through Washington, plus some extra databases.
Generations 1 through 5
Generation 6, part 1
Generation 6, part 2
Generation 7, part 1
Generation 7, part 2
Generation 7, part 3
Generation 7, part 4
Generation 8, part 1
Generation 8, part 2
Generation 9
You might try visiting the Tyner/Tiner DNA project connection, which isn't mine but could give you some leads. On the other hand, the most recent entry on the "What's New" page is 2009, so they may not be currently active.
Visit my home page (which includes links to other Leavell pages and to general genealogy databases you can search), or enjoy some funny aphorisms, wisecracks, and quotations or some poetry, neither written by me.
copyright @1999-2017, Jame A. Leavell. All rights reserved.