1. ROBERT PERKINS died 1668 in Charles County, Maryland. He married ANN ?.
THE BULLETIN OF THE ORIGINAL WILKES COUNTY, vol. 3, #3, November 1909 claims Robert Perkins, who died in Charles County, Maryland in 1668, was the father of a Robert Perkins and of Richard Sr. of Baltimore County, Maryland.
Other amateur genealogists (for instance, http://www.vienici.com/descendants/perkins/perkins1.html) name a Chauncey Perkins as the father of Richard Perkins of Baltimore County, Maryland. This is given credence by the fact that there's no mention of Richard in Robert's will. From "Kinsfolk of the Perkins Family" by Clarence A. Perkins publ 1953:
Perkins Ancestry-Origin England
.....The four sons of Chauncey Perkins, who were born in England and emigrated to this country in the early years of the 17th Century were Ebenezer, William, Valentine and Richard. While they were farmers, they were ambitious to become tradesmen and mechanics - one of the reasons they came - and succeeded to some extent, as it seems one became a wagon-maker, one a blacksmith, one a wood-worker, and Valentine continued as a farmer. (This book does not cite sources, so must be taken with a grain of salt.)
From : LaRae Free Kerr
LaRae Free Kerr, 12/12/07, rootsweb Perkins mailing list:
Children of ROBERT PERKINS and ANN ? are:
2. RICHARD PERKINS (ROBERT) was born Abt. 1663 in Plymouth, Devonshire, England, and died Abt. 1705 in Swan Creek, Maryland. He married MARY (not "Mary Utie") Abt. 1688. She was born Abt. 1667 in Harford County, Maryland, and died in Swan Creek, Maryland. See http://desertsaintsmagazine.com/2008/08/01/mary-utie-perkins-does-not-exist-internet-pedigrees-are-erroneous/
THE BULLETIN OF THE ORIGINAL WILKES COUNTY (vol. 3, #3) for November, 1909, claims Robert Perkins who died in Charles Co. MD in 1668 was the father of a Robert Perkins and of Richard Perkins Sr. of Baltimore CO. MD.
A Richard Perkins was transported in Maryland in 1674.
Richard may have had siblings. There was a William Perkins who married Martha Miles on 3 February 1703/4 in Baltimore Co. MD; a William Perkins named in the will of James Ines of Baltimore County 4 March 1703/4; and a William Perkins who was buried 8 January 1708. There is also Joseph Perkins and his wife Mary who had children Rachel (6 January 1725), Mary (20 December 1728), and Hannah (24 May 1731).
Our Richard surveyed 100 acres called "Parkinson" at the head of Musketo Creek in Spesutia Hundred in 1683; by 1700 that land was known as "Parkington." An early post road from Alexandria, Virginia, to Philadelphia, PA had a link running through this county by 1670, to Bush River, by ferry to Chilbury Point, near St. George's Church at Michaelsville, on to the head of Swan Creek and to a ferry. A spur extended a short distance north along the Susquehanna toward Lapidum. Another branch began near the head of Mosquito Creek, ran to the ferry at Spesutia Narrows. The Perkinses were in the area of this major road.
The only known wife (although a first wife is rumored to have mothered his first child) is Mary, who married as her second husband John Belcher.
On 28 August 1697, Richard Perkins and William Lofton survyed 100 acres on the south side of the Susquehanna River in the woods above the head of Swan Creek called "Brotherly Love," which was later held by Lofton's orphans; later, Lofton conveyed 180 acres of "Eightrupp" or "Eitrop" to Perkins.
In 1696, Richard Perkins administered the estate of Richard Drisdale, and in June of 1699 he was one of the appraisers of the estate of Francis Chatham.
In 1700, all but 32 of the original 500 acres of Eitrop were in Richard's possession.
Dated 2 Mar 1702 indenture between Richard Perkins of Baltimore Co,MD cooper and Mary his wife of the one part and Daniel Johnson other part. Ref: Deed. Baltimore Co,MD HW#2-Folio 217,218,219,220
In June of 1704, Thomas Gash named Perkins as one of his executors. (Is this a typo? Does it refer to Thomas Gish, below?)
GISH WILL: Item: I give and bequeath to my son Thomas Gish now in the Custody of Lawrence Draper one cow and calfe and the halfe of the increase to be delivered by my Executor when he shall come to the age of twenty-one years.
Mary's wedding banns with John Belcher were posted in February 1706.
Richard's administration bond was posted 16 April 1706 by his widow Mary with William Perkins and John Mills; this William may be a sibling, as his son Will would be only 14. His estate was inventoried on 28 May 1706 by Thomas Brown and Henry Wright and valued at L67.14.6 plus 5128 lbs. of tobacco.
Inventory of the Goods and Chattels of Richd Perkins late of Balt County decd
Tobe md on the plantation 5024
We the Appr have hereunto Set our Hands and Seals
Richard's estate was administered by Mary wife of John Belcher on 1 July 1708 (and she also administered the estate of Thomas Gash on 6 October 1709). Richard's personal effects included two feather beds, a bed and covering, a hand mill, two Bibles, a brass kettle, 11 glass bottles, a flesh fork, two rasors, and other property. Richard Jr. received 175 acres in the northern part; Williams got 121 acres extending south from Herring Run; and Elisha got 127 acres of the western portions. The brothers settled there in 1733, after the property was resurveyed.
The goods and chattels of Rich'd Perkins were taken and appraised 28 May 1706 by Tho Brown and Henry Wright. The appraised value was 67 pounds, 14 schillings, 6 pence.
Mary Perkins makes oath and asks for settlement of the estate of Thomas Gish 6 Oct 1707.
John Belcher to Perkins Orph: Know all men by these presents that we John Belcher Richard Perkins and Richard Smithers of Balt Coty do owe and stand firmly indebted unto Richard Perkins Wm Perkins Elisha Perkins Mary Perkns Martha Perkins orphans of Richard Perkins late of this County dec'd for the sum of 108 pounds 15 shillings and 8 pence dated 9 Nov 1710 but the condition of the above obligation is such that if John Belcher Richard Perkins and Richard Smithers or either of them or all of them shall pay the Orphans 64 pounds 7 shillings and 10 pence so much being the balance of the above Richard Perkins estate then the above obligation will be void. Date d 9 Nov 1710. Signed John Belcher (his X mark) Richard Perkins (his R mark) Rich'd Smithers
Even after her marriage (to John Belcher) she settled the estate of Thomas Gish giving the " Account of Mary Perkins Adm'r of Ric'd Perkins who was Exer of the Last Will and testam't of Tho's Gish late of Baltimore County dec'd ..chargeth herselfe with the Inv'y of ye sd Geish Estate". In a document found in Baltimore County Court Proceedings John Belcher, Richard Perkins, Richard Smithers do owe and stand firmly indebted unto Richard Perkins, Wm Perkins, Elisha Perkins, Mary Perkins, Martha Perkins, Orphans of Richard Perkins late of this county dec'd in the full and just sum of 108 pounds 15 shillings and 8 pence to which payment well and truly will be done...1710 Nov 9. And in Baltimore County Court Proceedings 1721 April
In 1657, Nathaniel Utie jointly located land with Philip Calvert and Henry Meese on the western side of Susquehanna. In 1658, George Utie took up 300 acres in Utie's Rumnye Tract (or Rumley Creek). In the same year, Nathaniel also took up Dale Town Tract of 300 acres. Later this passed to Capt. Thomas Howell.
July 25, 1658, Nathaniel Utie with his London partner, Henry Meese, having brought in three score persons, the manor of Spesutie Island consisting of 2300 acres was surveyed for him and patent granted August 9, 1661. This island lies near the head of the Chesapeake Bay in Baltimore County (now Harford County), Maryland. It was previously called Bear Island.
Nathaniel died in 1675/1676 and, as his only son John had died young, the manor descended to his nephew George Utie; thence to Susanna Utie, sole heiress and daughter of George, who married Francis Holland of Baltimore County. Their grandson, Francis Holland III, sold the entire manor to Samuel Hughes, ironmaster of Washington County.
When the Church of England became the established church of the Palatinate of Maryland, the first Vestry House was erected at Spesutie Parish on the property which belonged by grant to Col. Nathaniel Utie. And it is in Spesutie Parish (now St. George's and St. John's of Harford and Baltimore Counties) that the first Episcopalian Church was established. The second church house built there still stands today. Here is also some of the earliest and best preserved records, and a burial ground consisting of five acres of land which went with the church.
Richard Perkins I
Richard Perkins II
Among the Spesutie Parish records, we find also the birth of their son, Richard III, 18 Dec. 1713. It was once supposed by some that he was born in the mountains of Virginia, but more probably he lived there, having been born in Maryland...as his father still owned land with his brothers William and Elisha in Baltimore County on the south side of Susquehanna as late as
Richard Perkins III
The great valley of Virginia, drained by the waters of the Shenandoah River, bounded on the east by the Blue Ridge Mountains and on the west by the Alleghenies; stretching from the Potomac on the north to the Tennessee border on the South, and including the smaller valley of Shenandoah, has been called the most beautiful valley in all the world. And here it was in this scenic country that our ancestors become lost themselves in the tangle of the forests and mountains. However, we are not left without a few important landmarks. Among Quaker records we find the will of Elisha Perkins, the brother of our Richard II who came from Maryland. In this will he mentions his friend Mary Swearingen and his children: Ute, John, Elisha, Elizabeth, Phillis, and Margaret. This will was made in Sept. 1741. Other Perkins names are found here also, who may or may not have been relatives.
In Henrico, Albemarle, and other counties we find land records of various Richard Perkins, but there may have been many by now, and we must obtain more proof on these.
Ute Perkins I
Notes for MARY ?
Descendants of John Belcher
Notes for MARY:
Child of JOHN BELCHER and MARY is:
Generation No. 2
The following are two articles by ROBERT BARNES who is considered one of the best genealogists for Maryland research. They have been contributed by CARL ALBERT of McAlester, OK. One article deals with one WILLIAM LOFTON of Balt. Co., MD and the second article is about WILLIAM LOGSDON of Balt. Co., MD.
a. THOMAS LOFTON, son of WILLIAM, was born 25 Nov 1691, and is probably the THOMAS who married ELEANOR (?) , by whom he had the following children, all born in St. Georges Parish:
LOGSDON The Amazing Family
Page 2
Page 3
__Notes on James Ives
Chapter 2 Liber R.M. No. H.S. 1659-1725. Page 54 in Davis' book:
Same reference, page 61 in Davis' book:
Chapter 3 Liber I.R. No. P.P. 1663-1705, page 83 in Davis' book:
(It appears that James Ives was able to read and write. He was in much demand to serve as witness and power of attorney. I am providing only a sampling of such actions here. --DMP)
Chapter 4 Liber I.S. No. I.K. 1665-1737, page 104 in Davis' book:
Same reference, page 115 in Davis' book:
Chapter 5, Liber G No. J. 1672-1675, page 129 in Davis' book:
Same reference, page 132 in Davis' book:
Chapter 6, Liber T.R. No. R.A. 1672-1718, page 143 in Davis' book:
Same reference, page 157 in Davis' book:
Chapter 8, Liber H.W. No. 2 1700-1704, page 199 in Davis' book:
Page 83: It looks as though James Ives lived near Mosquito Creek, where Richard 1 started out. I base that theory on the observation that he was given power of attorney for someone who lived near Mosquito Creek, implying (to me) that he not only knew how to write but was known well enough in that are that they felt he could be trusted with power of attorney.
Page 115: According to Mel's book, it appears that in 1662-09-10, 150 acres of land were surveyed for John Johnson at the head of Swan Creek and called "Johnson's Rest". 100 acres of that land were "in possession of" Richard Perkins and William Loftin (but "rent" is mentioned) at some point, and the 100 acre part appears to have been called "Brotherly Love". (Thomas Freborne was in possession of the other 50 acres.) Then, p. 115 above says Richard II and Thomas Loftin inherited the 100 acres from their fathers (so it must have been purchased at some point), who had bought it from John Johnson, and in 1737, they sold it to John Poloke. There was also a 100-acre "Brotherly Love" on the "south side of the Susquehanna", owned by Perkins and Loftin. I'm not sure if "head of Swan Creek" and "south side of Susquehanna" are the same place. I'm still confused about the where the Perkins lands were at what times, called by what names, etc. It may be that I'm just confused by the details and my lack of a map, and there's nothing new here. It may also be that we're finding evidence of "Richard" being in two places at once, which might indicate a father and son.
Page 129 & 143: Nathaniel Utie is witness to two land transactions involving James Ives.
Other: Henry Hazlewood (Haslewood) shows up in at least four of James Ives's transactions, for what it's worth.
Children of RICHARD PERKINS and MARY are:
3. RICHARD PERKINS (RICHARD, ROBERT) was born July 09, 1689 in Mosquito Creek, Baltimore, Maryland, and died August 05, 1772 in Rowan County, North Carolina. He married MARY SHERRILL Abt. 1712, daughter of WILLIAM SHERRILL and MARGARET RUDISIL. She was born Abt. 1693 in Cecil County, Maryland.
Richard Perkins was a planter.
4. WILLIAM PERKINS (RICHARD, ROBERT) was born March 15, 1691/92 in Mosquito Creek, Baltimore, Maryland, and died Abt. 1760 in Susquehenna, Maryland. He married ELIZABETH COTTRELL Abt. 1717, daughter of JOHN COTTRELL and ELIZABETH ?. She was born August 08, 1698 in Mosquito Creek, Baltimore, MD, and died Abt. 1760 in Pennsylvania.
In March, 1721, William indicted for neglecting to register his marriage or the birth of a child in St. George's Parish.
Around 1735, was on banks of the Susquehanna River. In 1737, ran a ferry on Susquehanna, until his death in 1760. The ferry he owned would become known as Smith's Ferry in 1772.
In 1750, he owned 121 acres, part of "Eightrupp."
5. MARY PERKINS (RICHARD, ROBERT) was born April 02, 1695 in head of Swan Creek, St. George's Parish, Baltimore, Maryland, and died Abt. 1740. She married JOHN HUTCHINSON June 27, 1716 in St. Stevens Parish, Cecil Co. Maryland. He was born Abt. 1696.
6. ELISHA PERKINS (RICHARD, ROBERT) was born June 09, 1697 in head of Swan Creek, St. George's Parish, Baltimore, Maryland, and died September 10, 1741 in Orange County, Virginia. He married MARGERY SHERRILL December 01, 1718 in St George Parish, Baltimore, Maryland, daughter of WILLIAM SHERRILL and MARGARET RUDISIL. She was born Abt. 1701 in St. George Parish, Fredrick, Virginia, and died Aft. March 28, 1745 in Virginia.
In 1719, Elisha and Margery Sherrill (whom he apparently married 1 December 1718), obtained a deed to Lapidum, 50 acres in York County PA, but they seem to have traveled back and forth between there and Baltimore.
The 1720 March Court of Baltimore County indicted him for stealing a grey horse from the widow Mcnemarra of Annapolis; he was found guilty and sentenced to the pillory for one hour and to the whipping post for 25 lashes. Mary Belcher, his mother, petitioned the court in April 1721 to remit the corporal punishments, contending her son was so well assured of his innocence that he took little care to obtain proper counsel and that evidence was unjustly sworn against him. The punishment was remitted.
In 1729, Elisha gave Power of Attorney to Margery to collect monies owed him in Pennsylvania. She issued that power to her brother-in-law William Perkins and said she was living in Spotsylvania County, Virginia. Certainly Elisha and Margery bought land there in St. Mark's Parish 6 April 1731, but they sold it 17 October 1737.
His brother-in-law Adam Sherrill in 1735 brought charges against Elisha for trespass; presumably Margery was with Adam at that time.
Elisha sold two slaves 6 August 1736 in Baltimore Co. MD.
In July, 1737, he bought land in Orange Co. VA from Cornelius Coherine and appears to have remained there until his death.
In November, 1737, in Orange County, the grand jury ruled that Christopher Hoomes/Holmes "doth live in adultery with the wife of Elisha Perkins, in the Parish of St. Marks." Up until 1746, she was charged--and sometimes Christopher was--with various "crimes of the flesh."
In April 1738 Elisha was brought to court for "barbarously using his wife Margery." In June, she sued for separate alimony, but inexplicably claimed she never married Elisha, and the suit was dropped.
Elisha's will was written in September of 1740 and probated in May, 1742. He left nothing to Margarey; a shilling to son Joshua; his pacing horse to a "loving friend" Mary Swearingen; 400 acres to son Gentlemen John Perkins; the manor place to son Elisha Perkins Jr.--and he named Christopher Hoomes as executor! Christopher refused to do it, so Elisha's daughter Elizabeth was appointed. Margery sued for dower rights.
In 1789, Christopher Holmes died, leaving as an heir William Sherrill, his reputed son by Margaret Sherrill, alias Margery Perkins.
.....KNOW all men by these presents that We ELIZA. PERKINS, Richd Morgan & Wm Roberts of Orange County are held and firmly Bound to Robert Eastham Morgan Morgan (sic), George Taylor & James Ward Gent. Justices of Orange County their Heirs & Sucessors in ye penal sum of one hundred pounds Curt Money to the which will and truly be made We bind our selves and each of us, our, and each of our Heirs, Exrs and Admons jointly and Severally firmly by these presents Sealed with out seals dated this XXVII day of May MDCCXLII (27 May 1742)
At a Court held for Orange County on Thursday the 27th day of May 1842
In 1756, wife Elizabeth denied their marriage, although she was calling herself "Elizabeth Perkins" in 1752 when she was bound to peace towards Adam Carr along with two sons, George and William.
Kenneth Scott's 1975 book, ABSTRACTS FROM BEN FRANKLIN'S PENNSYLVANIA GAZETTE, 1728-1748, on page 602, has:
Karen Mauer Green's 1989 book MARYLAND GAZETTE 1727-1761 on p. 31:
Frederick Co. VA Records, Order Book 1, p. 497, has:
Maurice E. Perkins, "Genealogical Problems in Light of Contemporary Society," NATIONAL GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY QUARTERLY, v. 7, pp. 64-5, says Ute was arrested February 1747/8 in Augusta Co. VA and his appeal was turned down March 16th; on March 17th, Patrick Finley was punished for letting him escape. While he was in Augusta Co. jail, Robert Cunningham entered a complaint that Samuel Gay had "indulged him several things" following his arrest. On March 17th, the same day Ute escaped, a horse was delivered to the sheriff which supposedly had been stolen by Ute, and the following day Samuel Gay was acquitted of the charge made against him. Two years later, property supposedly belonging to the Perkins gang was turned over to the sheriff. In 1751/2, John and Reuben Harrison claimed a reward for killing two persons under Ute Perkins.
The WILLIAMSBURG VIRGINIA GAZETTE indicated, in a story from Annapolis, Maryland, that on Friday May 21st, 1752, "James Powell was executed at the gallows near this city for a burglary and robbery committed some time ago in Somerset County...before his conviction he appeared bold and unconcerned...at the place of execution when death stared him in the face, he seemed concerned, owned the fact for which he was to die, and said, it had been rumor'd about that he was one of Perkin's Gang; but he denied that ever to his knowledge he had seen the man, or been without a hundred miles of his Haunts."
In the National Genealogical Society Quarterly appears a very good account of Ute Perkins aka John Anderson and James Anderson. The article is by Marvin E. Perkins in Vol 47.
The following information appeared in Chronicles of the Scotch-Irish Settlement in Virginia, Volume 1:
Volume 1, page 140 (ORDER BOOK NO. XI, November 17, 1767) (340) James Anderson and wife, Elizabeth, bound to peace towards Wm. Robertson.
Volume 1, page 152 (ORDER BOOK NO. XII, November 15, 1768) (474) James Anderson, Jr., (son of James Anderson, deaf) be summoned for not supporting his children in Christian like manner.
Volume 1, page 153 (ORDER BOOK NO. XIII, November 21, 1768) (31) Wm. Stewart vs. James Anderson - Abates by plaintiff's death.
Volume 1, page 163 (ORDER BOOK NO. XIV, March 21, 1771) (217) Elizabeth, wife of James Anderson, relinquished dower in 100 acres - deed to Joseph Reaburn.
Volume 1, page 270 (ORDER BOOK NO. XXII, October 16, 1792) (189) Admn. of estate of George Peerson granted James Anderson.
Volume 1, page 301 (COUNTY COURT JUDGEMENT, February and May, 1747) John Tillory vs. James Anderson and Elizabeth, his wife, late Elizabeth Skillern - Debt on note given by Elizabeth when single. Writ dated 28th January, 1747. Note dated 27th November, 1747.
Volume 1, page 302 (COUNTY COURT JUDGEMENT, August, 1749) James Patton, qui tam, vs. Rev. John Hindman. - In 1747 defendant married James Anderson (Alias Ute Perkins) and Elizabeth Skeleron, widow and relict of William Skeleron, late of Augusta, without license.
Volume 1, page 335 (COUNTY COURT JUDGEMENTS, February, 1763) Givens vs. Frame. - Signatures: James Anderson and Jesse Jackson, David Frame and John Botkin.
Volume 1, page 343 (COUNTY COURT JUDGEMENTS, August, 1766) Anderson vs. Russell. - James Anderson and Elizabeth, his wife. 1766.
Volume 1, page 347 (COUNTY COURT JUDGEMENTS, August, 1768) Anderson vs. Watterson. - James Anderson, blacksmith, 1765.
Volume 1, page 359 (COUNTY COURT JUDGEMENTS, June, 1769) Rex vs. James Anderson. - James Anderson, indicted 1768, for poisoning Wm. Robertson's hogs, &c. On October, 1768, James Meeks was about to leave the Colony.
Volume 1, page 360 (COUNTY COURT JUDGEMENTS, August, 1769) Thomas Miller vs. James Anderson, son of Deaf James.
Volume 1, page 361 (COUNTY COURT JUDGEMENTS, November, 1770) William Robertson vs. James Anderson, of Long Meadow.
Volume 1, page 364 (COUNTY COURT JUDGEMENTS, March, 1771) William Robertson vs. James Anderson (Long Meadow). - Trespass. James killed Robertson's fowls and hogs with ratsbane in 1767. James Meek's deposition, November 1, 1768. He was at James Anderson's house on Long Meadow. James wife Elizabeth, and they had a daughter Jean. William Robertson's wife was Lettice. Elizabeth was sister of William Skillem and Gearge Skillem (?). Verdict for plaintiff.
Volume 1, page 372 (COUNTY COURT JUDGEMENTS, May, 1779) James Anderson vs. John Erwin. - Petition. Writ, 24th August, 1774. "The defendent is gone out on the expedition."
Volume 1, page 383 (COUNTY COURT JUDGEMENTS, March, April and May,1785) John Burnsides vs. Samuel Anderson (son to James). - Writ, 11th May, 1784.
Volume 3, page 508 (DEED BOOK NO. XVII) Page 172. - 27th December, 1770. James Anderson and Elizabeth ( ) to Joseph Reaburn, 125 pounds, 100 acres on Long Meadow, corner land formerly belonging to William Skillern and now Isaac White's, William Robertson's. Teste: Samuel McKee. Delivered Jos. Reaburn, 20th May, 1771.
These and numerous other Anderson entries that may or not be related to Ute are at http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~marcie/american/anderson1.html and there is a great deal on the Andersons and Skillerns at http://www.mindspring.com/~jogt/surnames/skillern.htm
The Augusta Co. VA Feb. 18, 1747 court records have "Elizabeth Anderson, late Elizabeth Skillern, and Robert Black, Jr., bound to the peace towards Thomas Turk." and also "(page 345) Ro. Cunningham complains that Samuel Gay has indulged Utis Perkins in several things after he had apprehended him; ordered under bond; John and Wm. Anderson securities."
The February and May 1747 records report "John Tillory vs. James Anderson and Elizabeth, his wife, late Elizabeth Skillern.--Debt on note given by Elizabeth when single. Writ dated 28th January, 1747. Note dated 27th November, 1747."
Augusta County court records for MAY 21, 1748, say "(page 32) Erwin Patterson to deliver up a horse supposed to have been stolen by Ute Perkins."
November 28, 1750: "Ute Perkins and his followers--property supposed to belong to them to be delivered up to the offices." In August 1756 in Augusta Co. "Pleasants vs. Skillem.--Thomas Pleasants complains of Eliza Skillem (August, 1752), otherwise called Eliza Perkins, otherwise called Eliza Anderson. Plea: Plaintiff ought not to recover, because at time of making bond and at time of issuing process in this suit she was married to one John Anderson, alias Ute Perkins. Bond dated 1750. Replication states she was known as Eliza Skillem and denied being married. "
On May 20, 1752 when she was bound to peace towards James Carr along with two sons, George and William Skillern.
7. RICHARD PERKINS (RICHARD, RICHARD, ROBERT) was born December 18, 1713 in St. George Parish, Baltimore, Maryland, and died July 09, 1787 in Lincolntown, Lincoln, North Carolina. He married ELIZABETH CUTCHEN January 05, 1734/35 in St. George Parish, Baltimore Co., Maryland, daughter of ROBERT CUTCHEN and DOROTHY GROOM. She was born 1710 in Whitemarsh County, North Carolina.
Patent Book 18, p. 144, 6 April 1765 says Richard Perkins has 300 acres in Mecklenburgh on the S. fork called Andersons Fork of Mountain Creek near Andersons line.
Rowan County NC Deeds include one for 28 Nov. 1769 in which Richard Perkins gave son William Perkins power of attorney to recover from Rubin Perkins and Jacob Giles of Baltimore Co. MD for a tract of 32 acres-75 acres.
Rowan Co. NC Court Minutes for the August Session 1774 has "King vs. William Perkins, Thomas Whitson, Robert Biggin Perkins, Henry Lollar, Isaac Lollor, and others, Recog. Bond--condition that Richard Perkins be of good behavior toward Jan Work and all others this Majesty's subjects for 1 year and 1 day."
In Burke County, North Carolina:
Brigham Young Perkins, a descendent, says: "He lived in the mountains of old Virginia. He was a large powerful man. He burned pitch and charcoal, and often carried a tomahawk in his belt, by which he earned the name 'Tomahawk Dick.' His ancestors came from England. He had some trouble with the Irish. He whipped thirteen of them one morning before breakfast, and afterwards a good many of them, in a drunken state, threw him out of an upstairs window in a large building and killed him."
He was about 76 years old at his death. He was buried in Old White Church Cemetery, but the church history has him down as "Thomas Perkins," and the court clerk has him as "Thomas Hawkditch," suggesting both misunderstood his nickname.
Lincoln County, NC records have:
In the same year, in the Jan/Feb/March issue, is an article on Old White Church (now Emanuel's Church) in Lincolnton, saying, "The first person ever buried there was killed by a fall from the old Court House window. A rude stone still marks the grave, but there seems to be some discrepency in the memory of parties as to his name. Mr. Casler thinks it was Thomas Perkins, while others say it was Thomas Hawkditch."
Charles E. Sterling at http://www.legendseekers.com/Legends/WrittenDetail.aspx?LegendID=115 puts it this way:
In Rowan County NC Court Minutes Book 4, page 127, Richard Perkins Jr. sells livestock and signed with "R" as his mark in his name.
Lincoln County Deed Book 3, pages 53-4, for 10 July 1785, has Richard Perkins and wife Martha, planter, to Henry Lollar 490 acres; and to John Bordine 150 acres.
He is in the 1820 Lincoln County census with one male over 45, one female 16-25, and one female over 45.
By 1840, there were no Richard Perkinses listed in the Lincoln County census, although there were two living side by side in 1820, and two in 1800.
8. ISAAC PERKINS (RICHARD, RICHARD, ROBERT) was born Abt. 1718 in St. George Parish, Baltimore, Maryland, and died Aft. 1780. He married MARY LEE May 1739 in St. George's Parish, Baltimore, Maryland.
In Deed Book 4, page 852, 21 December 1761 the Earl of Granville to Moses Perkins 695 acres on Mtn. Creek--west side of Catawba.
Rowan Co. NC Book 5, page 121, has "Earl of Granville to Francis Beatey for 10 shillings proclamation money 594a on both sides of Mountain Creek adju Moses Perkins and Abram Collett Mar 10, 1762." Book 7 page 304 has "13 December Francis Beaty of Mecklenburg Co. NC to Joseph Cronkleton for 34 pds. 254a on West side of Catawba on Mt. creek, adj. Moses Perkins & Fleming."
In Deed Book 4, page 382, 11 July 1763, Moses Perkins & Sebert his wife to Benjamin Perkins on W. side of Catawba 347 acres. Lease & release.
Deed Book 7, p. 195, for 20 Dec 1769, Moses Perkins & Seibert his wife to John Little, 347 acres.
In Rowan County, North Carolina Deed Book 5, page 121, Francis Beatey buys 594 acres on both sides of Mountain Creek adj. Moses Perkins and Abram Collett. Book 7 page 304 has "13 December Francis Beaty of Mecklenburg Co. NC to Joseph Cronkleton for 34 pds. 254a on West side of Catawba on Mt. creek, adj. Moses Perkins & Fleming." There follow a series of deeds involving Beaty and Joseph Cronkleton and Moses.
There is a Revolutionary War pension application (S3677) for a Moses Perkins who was born 1758 Lincoln Co. NC and residing in Washington, Wilkes Co. GA when he enlisted under Col. Elijah Clarke's Company. Some years after the war he moved to Pendleton District, South Carolina, until 1804, and had lived in Warren Co. Tennessee except for ten years in Alabama. Could this be connected to this Moses?
Children of MOSES PERKINS and SABRET ? are:
10. AVERILLA PERKINS (RICHARD, RICHARD, ROBERT) was born October 30, 1726 in Baltimore, Harford, Maryland, and died Abt. 1790. She married WILLIAM SIMPSON August 18, 1742 in Baltimore County, Maryland, son of WILLIAM SIMPSON and ELIZABETH PREBLE. He was born March 31, 1721 in Baltimore, Harford, Maryland, and died October 08, 1825. He was provided security in Jan 1768 at Rowan Co., North Carolina. He appeared on the census of 1790 at Generostee Creek, Pendleton, South Carolina; later this area was Anderson Co. South Carolina. Some say he died in Logan Co. KY.
11. JOSHUA PERKINS (RICHARD, RICHARD, ROBERT) was born Abt. 1730 in Baltimore County, Maryland, and died Abt. 1801 in Washington County, Tennessee. He married MARY BLACK. She was born Abt. 1734 in Scotland.
1840 Lee Co. Iowa, Van Buren Twp.
Was Joshua Perkins, husband of Mary Black, a mulatto? See http://www.murrah.com/gen/perkins.htm and http://jctcuzins.com/pam/perkins/defendant.html and http://jctcuzins.com/pam/perkins/plaintiff.html
Children of JOSHUA PERKINS and MARY BLACK are:
12. WILLIAM PERKINS (RICHARD, RICHARD, ROBERT) was born Abt. 1731 in Maryland, and died Aft. 1805 in Wilkes County, Georgia. He married SARAH ? Abt. 1750.
He was allowed a Revolutionary War Voucher #5407 "State of North Carolina Salisbury District...This may certify that William Purkens was allowed three pounds twelve shilling specie by the upper board of auditors for public claims the 25th day of September 1784."
In Deed Book __pages 93-95 for Livingston County, Kentucky; "This Indenture made on the Second day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and five between William Pirkins Senr. of the County of Livingston and state of Kentucky on the one part and William Pirkins Jnr son of William Pirkins and Sarah Perkins of the County of Livingston and State Aforesaid on the other part Witnesseth that the said William Pirkins Senr as well for and in consideration of the natural Love and affection which the said William Senr hath and bearth to the said William Pirkins Jnr son of William Pirkins and Sarah Pirkins as for his Better maintainance and support hath given granted aliened enforced and confirmed and by these presents doth give grant alien enferss and confirmed onto the said William Pirkins son of William Pirkins and Sarah Pirkins as aforesaid property as follows, to wit, one negroe woman called Lucky and one Negroe woman called Lucy and one negroe girl called Airy and one negroe woman called Aggy and one negroe called Jack and one negro girl called Dicy which said negroes were William Perkins and Sarah Perkins do hereby warrant and defend sd negroes to the said William Pirkins Jnr and Katy Perkins wife wife forever and to their and their heirs use and benefit forever from all & every person and persons whatsoever But it is to be understood that the aforesaid Negroes is not to be delivered out of possession of William Pirkins Senr untill after the Death of said William and then the said Negroes and their increase to be delivered to said William Senr as his right and property Butin case Sarah Perkins wife of said William Senr should live or succeed said William and in that case the said Negroe Woman Airy to remaine in the possession of said Sarah during her lifetime and then her and her issue to Revert to the sd William Perkins Junr. In witness thereof we William Pirkins Snr and Sarah Perkins have here unto set our hands and seals this 2nd day of April 1805." (William sealed, Sarah made a mark.)
The inventory of William Perkins Jr., who died 1812 in Missouri, included a negroe slave boy named Jack, by the way.
Is this the same man as William Perkins born 1715, married to Sarah Lawrence about 1752? He died about 1804 in Livingston, Kentucky. Many family trees give the 1731 William a wife named Mary or Polly Black.
Children of WILLIAM PERKINS and SARAH ? are:
From : Ann Fourt
26 Feb 2003 Ann Fourt:
Joshua Perkins
13. BENJAMIN PERKINS (RICHARD, RICHARD, ROBERT) was born January 06, 1732/33 in St. George Parish, Baltimore, Maryland, and died Aft. 1786 in probably Wilkes County, Georgia. He married ELIZABETH MOORE Abt. 1759. She was born 1740.
Note: lived in Wilkes Co. GA with Aventen, Moses and Joshua. Lived Burkes Co. NC and Wilkes Co. Georgia.
Three daughters born 1764-70.
14. AVENTIN PERKINS (RICHARD, RICHARD, ROBERT) was born March 23, 1741/42 in St. George Parish, Baltimore, Maryland, and died Aft. March 04, 1786 in Wilkes County,Georgia. He married ELIZABETH ?.
In the February Sessions 1772 of Rowan Co. NC, the King vs. Abington Perkins, he was charged with Petty Larceny, evidence by William Baldwin, Jas. Rodey, Peter Ford, Jno. Baldwin, Joshua Baldwin--put off.
He granted ceded lands in Wilkes Co. Georgia 10-12-1773, 100 acres on Savannah River; at that ime, he was from North Carolina, with a son and two girls, ages 7 to 3.
Elisha was banished from Wilkes Co. Georgia in 1782 (as was Rueben Sherrell, his heirs, devisces, or Assigns), with a public notice that if he remained in Georgia sixty days after that notice or returned to the state, he would be transported "beyond the Seas to some part of the British Kings dominions."
Deed 4 March 1786 of gift of cattle to daughter Averilla Perkins.
4 March 1786 "Avington Perkins to son Jesse Perkins all that plantation on which I live containing 100 a. being the upper part of a tract formerly run for Wm. Kilgore on Savannah River."
Children of AVENTIN PERKINS and ELIZABETH ? are:
15. MARY PERKINS (WILLIAM, RICHARD, ROBERT) was born June 17, 1720 in St. George Parish, Baltimore, Maryland, and died Abt. 1760 in Rowan County, North Carolina. She married JOHN LOWRANCE, son of JOHANES LORENTZ and ANNA HEILIGER. He was born February 16, 1715/16 in Peapack, Somerset, New Jersey, and died April 23, 1781 in Erect, Randolph, North Carolina.
1716 - Johannes (or John), son of Johannes LORENTZ, was bap. 15 Feb 1716, godfather being Johannes PETER (or John PEDELTER). He married Mary PERKINS (1719-1760) and died, 23 April 1781, in Rowan County, North Carolina. His will dated 1781 is found in Rowan County wills, B, 128. Johannes was buried in the Thyatira Presbyterian Church Cemetery. Henry Z. Jones, Jr., THE PALATINE FAMILIES OF NEW YORK (1985).
1716 - Johannes LORENTZ and Anna Margretha with 6 children were "auf dem Rarendantz," ca.1716/17. Henry Z. Jones, Jr., THE PALATINE FAMILIES OF NEW YORK (1985).
16. RUBEN PERKINS (WILLIAM, RICHARD, ROBERT) was born February 12, 1721/22 in St. George Parish, Baltimore, Maryland. He married (1) SARAH ?. He married (2) AVARILLA DURBIN November 05, 1748 in St. George Parish, Baltimore, Maryland, daughter of JOHN DURBIN and AVARILLA SCOTT. She was born August 22, 1733 in St. George Parish, Baltimore, Maryland.
The following from Kinfolk of the Perkins Family by A.F. Clarence found in the library in Salt Lake City:
St. George's Parish Register Record 1681-1799, pgs 186-205
Dated 24 July 1760 now on 23 Aug 1760. Thos White formerly of Baltimore Co.,
Dated 2 Oct 1765 Reuben Perkins-his patent - 157 acres 'Perkins's Vallies'.
Dated 2 Sept 1767; recorded 28 Sept 1767
Dated 10 Feb 1768
In Rowan County, NC on Nov 28, 1769, Richard Perkins gave power of attorney to his son William to recover from Rubin Perkins and Jacob Giles of Baltimore County, MD regarding tracts of 32 acres and 75 acres. Ref: More Marylanders to Carolina by Henry C. Peden Jr., pg100
Dated 1770
Dated 1770
Dated 26 Mar 1770 recorded 12 May 1773
Dated 25 Aug 1770
Dated 24 Dec 1770
Dated 24 Dec 1770
Dated 24 Dec 1770
Dated 26 Jan 1771, recorded 28 Jan 1771
Dated 30 Dec 1771, recorded 17 Jan 1772
30 Dec 1771, record proven by Amos Garrett and John Harris and at same time Sarah, wife of Reubin Perkins appeared; she acquit her right of dower. Ref: Deed. AL#D-Folio 252,253,254
Dated 30 Dec 1771, recorded 26 Feb 1772
30 Dec 1771. Deed of Gift. Land part of 'Perkin's Valley' to Richard Soward 'For and in consideration of the natural affection and fatherly Love which he bears unto his son-in-law, 5 shillings
10 May 1772
29 June 1772
30 June 1772, recorded 21 Oct 1772
8 Jul 1772
7 Mar 1773
9 Apr 1773
20 May 1774
21 May 1774
27 July 1774
Dated 25 Aug 1779
"John Durbin, age 28, clock maker by trade, absconded from his bail from Reuben Perkins at his ferry on Susquehanna." Ref: Nov 11, 1771 - Genealogical Data from Pennsylvania Chronicle (1767-1771)
"A return of part of the 2,3,4 and 5 classes of my company ordered on duty, under an expedition under General Irwine, John Gary, Robert Timmens, Jacob Rush, Reuben Ross, Paul Brown, Berry Jennings, Ebenezer Brown, James Morris, Joe Veach, Elijah Stites, William Hartly, Silas Crain, REUBEN PERKINS, Samuel House, Joe Ross, Joe Martin, Lewan Timmons, Joe McKenny, James Gerber, Elisha PERKINS.
Washington Co., PA Tax Lists by Raymond Martin Bell and Katherine K. Zinssler
1783 Washington Co., Morgan Twp, p63
1790 - heads of families - Washington Co., East Bethlehem Twp., PA
Children of RUBEN PERKINS and SARAH ? are:
17. ISOBEL RACHEL PERKINS (WILLIAM, RICHARD, ROBERT) was born March 13, 1734/35 in Perkins Ferry, Baltimore County, Maryland, and died August 1820 in Baltimore County, Maryland. She married HENRY STUMP Abt. 1755 in Baltimore County, Maryland, son of JOHN STUMP and MARY CAKERIN. He was born September 01, 1731 in Cecil County, Maryland, and died August 1814 in Baltimore County, Maryland.
Notes for HENRY STUMP:
http://www.rootsweb.com/~wvhardy/stpionee.htm has:
18. ISABELLA HUTCHESON (MARY PERKINS, RICHARD, ROBERT) was born Abt. 1741, and died Aft. 1800. She married EPHRAIM WILSON 1758 in Augusta County, Virginia, son of SAMUEL WILSON and ELIZABETH ?. He was born Abt. 1740 in Cecil County, Maryland, and died Aft. 1800 in Robertson County, Tennessee.
Children of John b. 1760 Agusta co. Va. Died: Jackson co. TN. 1837.
John Wilson m. Elizabeth Wilson Aug 11,1782 at Botetourt co. Va. Elizabeth b. 1764, dau. of Richard Wilson and Mary Hutcheson.
Solomon Wilson 1791
My line is Solomon. He had a son, Jonathan Brooks Wilson. Jonathan's son was, Henry Hustin Wilson. His son was James Buchannan Wilson. His son, Arvil Lee Wilson (my father). I have more family information. I would be very happy to share and learn more about my family. Thanks."
19. MARY HUTCHESON (MARY PERKINS, RICHARD, ROBERT) was born in Augusta County, Virginia, and died Aft. 1780. She married RICHARD WILSON 1762 in Augusta County, Virginia, son of SAMUEL WILSON and ELIZABETH ?. He was born Abt. 1742 in Cecil County, Maryland, and died 1779 in Botetourt County, Virginia.
20. MARGARET PERKINS (ELISHA, RICHARD, ROBERT) was born Abt. 1720 in Lincoln County, North Carolina, and died October 05, 1802 in Lincoln County, North Carolina. She married JOHN BRIDGES Abt. 1740, son of WILLIAM BRIDGES and JENNIE LYONS. He was born Abt. 1719 in Balls Creek, Catawba, North Carolina, and died Bef. April 1791 in Lincoln County, North Carolina.
"At a Superior Court of Justice held for the District of Salisbury at the Court House in Salisbury on the twenty second day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and sixty five before the honorable Maurice Moore, Equire assistance Justice for the District aforesaid. The Juriors for our Soverign Lord the King upon their Oath present that John Bridges late of the County of Rowan in the Province of North Carlina planter and Richard Perkins late of the same Planter on the twentieth day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and sixty four with force and arms at rowan County aforesaid one Stone Horse of a bay colour and one Stone Horse of a gray Colour of the price of forty shillings lawful money of Great Britain each the proerty of a person unknown then and there being found did take and lead away against the peace of our soverign Lord the King his Crown and Dignity." This escapade nearly led to a re-enactment of the earlier Indian Wars. North Carolina State Records show that they were turned over to the Indians for reprisal.
On 11 January 1765, Justices Alexander Osborn, Jno. Oliphant, and Andrew Allison reported: "Information being made in open Court upon the Oath of John Oliphant Esq. that he has just cause to suspect that John Bridges Jr., Richard Perkins Jr. & Robert Biggam Perkins have feloniously taken & kead away two Stone Horses & one Gelding of the price of L5 each of the property of Persons unknown supposed to belong to some of our Indian Allies the Cherokees it is therefore ordered on motion of Emd. Fanning Esq. Attorney for the King, that a Warrant be issued out signed by Colo. Alexr Osborn Charman of the Court for the apprehending of the afd John Bridges, Richard Perkins & Robt. Biggam Perkins that they may be brought before him or some other of his Majestys Justices of the Peace for sd County & be dealt with." And then: "George the Third, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, etc. To the Sheriff of the County of Rowan Greeting. We command you to summon a John Lowrance, Isaac Lolar, Robert Bigham Perkins, Richard Perkins, Thomas Bridges, John Bridges Senr., David Bridges, Rubin Simson, Peter Lowrance, Margaret Bridges, Matthew Bridges, Eliz. Lorance personally to be and appear before our Chief Justice and his associate Justice of our Superior Court of Justice to be held for the District of Salisbury at the Court House in Salisbury on the 22nd day of Septr. next; then and there to testify, and thet ruth to say, on Behalf of Williamson & John Bridges in a certain matter of controversary in our said Court depending, and then and there to be tried, between us--plantiff--and Willm Simpson and John Bridges Defendant; and this they shall in no wise omit, under the penalty of Twenty Pounds Proclamation Money, Witness James Hasell, Esqr; Chief Justice of our said Province, the 22nd Day of Mar in the VIth year of our Reign, Anno Dom. 1766."
Apparently John Bridges didn't learn a lesson, for in Salisbury District NC: "At a Superior Court held for the District of Salisbury at the Town of Salisbury on twenty second day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and sixty six before the honorable the Justices of the said Court. The jurors for our Soverign Lord the King upon their oath present that John Bridges late of the County of Rowan labourer being a man of evil name and dishonest conversation on the first Day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and sixty six at the Parish of Saint Luke in the County of Rowan aforesaid one grey gelding of the price of five pounds lawful money of Great Britain of the goods and chattels of one Robert Reed then and there being found feloniously did steal take and lead away against the Peace of our Lord the King his Crown and Dignity."
Vol 3 pg 280-Wills of Tyron & Lincoln Cos., N. C. 1769-1824-abstract of will of John Bridges: Bridges, John of Lincoln Co.-will dated 16 Aug 1788- wife Marget-children: David, John (and each of his sons), Elizabeth, (wife of Henry Hill), Phillis, (wife of Charles Walker), Ann (wife of Balser Cale), Martha (wife of Richard Perkins), Catharine (wife of James Walker), William, five grandchildren, sons of Wm Bridges: John William, Soloman, Jessy, Benjamin & Ephraim. Two grandchildren, sons of David Bridges: David & -------, Son Elisha. Executor:wife Marget & son Elisha. Signed by mark. Wit. Ephraim Perkins, Jno
John Bridges Will 16 Aug 1788
LINCOLN CO. NC marriages include:
21. ELISHA PERKINS (ELISHA, RICHARD, ROBERT) was born 1721 in St. George Parish, Baltimore, Maryland, and died Bef. 1759 in Burke County, North Carolina.
ELisha died on the old Perkins "manor" place inherited from his father in Frederick County. He was not yet thirty and a widower. "Gentleman" John Perkins, his brother, was guardian for his only child. Elisha's will was probated 7 August 1759 Frederick County, VA in Book 2, p. 358; the area is now Berkeley County, West Virginia.
Will Book 2, page 358, Frederick County, Virginia, Courthouse, Berkeley County, Martinsburg, West Virginia.
Signed Sealed Published Pronounced by the said Elisha Perkins as His Last Will and Testiment in the presence of the Subscribers.
At a Court Held for Frederick County on Tuesday, the 7th day of August 1759 - This Last Will and Testament of Elisha Perkins Deecd Was Presented into Court by John Perkins the Executor therein named Who made Oath thereto According to Law and the said Will being Proved by the Oaths of John Flemming and John Poor Witnesses thereto is Admited to Record.
22. JOSHUA PERKINS (ELISHA, RICHARD, ROBERT) was born Abt. 1728 in St. George Parish, Baltimore, Maryland, and died Abt. 1814 in Rutherford County, Tennessee. He married MARY ANN SHERRILL 1765 in Virginia, daughter of WILLIAM SHERRILL and AGNES WHITE. She was born March 25, 1744 in Augusta County, Virginia, and died 1803 in Rutherford County, Tennessee.
In 1761 Joshua Perkins paid tithes in Rowan Co. NC.
On 22 March 1765, David Black, Peter Lorance, William Baldin, Moses Perkins, and Joshua Perkins were summoned before the Superior Court at Salisbury on 22 September to testify in a matter between between the Crown and an unnamed Defendant. The prospective Defendent appeared to be named when on 13 April 1765 in Rowan Co. NC there was an entry in Court Minutes: Ute Sherrill, Jacob Sherill, Bostian Cline, Aquila Sherrill, and William Sherrill were summoned to the District of Salisburn 22 Sept. 1765 to testify for Joshua Perkins. Apparently other testimony before then arose clearing Joshua, for by 5 Sept. 1765 the Salisbury Court summoned Peter Lorance, John Bridges, William Bauldin, David Black, Issac Perkins & Margaret his wife, and Joshua Perkins for the hearing on 22 Sept. 1765 to testify on behalf of the King against the Sherrills, defendent. On 23 Sept. 1765 at the at the Superior Court in Salisbury, "The Jurors for our Soverign Lord the King upon their oath present that Jacob Sherrill, Senr. late of the County of Rowan in the District of Salisbury in the Province of North Carolina, Planter, Aquila Sherrill, late of the same Planter; Moses Sherill, late of the same Planter and Samuel Sherril late of the same Planter on the tenth day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and sixty with force and arms at Rowan County aforesaid two Hoggs of the price of five pence lawful money of Great Britain each of the Goods and Chattels of one John Bridges then and there found felonious did Steal, Kill, take, and carry away against the peace of our Soverign Lord the King his crown and Dignity." (Heaven only knows how all this turned out!)
On 27 Sept. 1773 in Wilkes County, Georgia, Joshua Perkins of Rowan County NC and wife and three sons and two daughters (ages 13-3) got 100 acres of land.
17 Feb 1775 in Wrightsborough, Georgia, Joshua changes this 100 acres for another set of land.
In 1778 in Burkes County, NC, Johua got 150 acres and Elisha Perkins got 80 acres.
24 December 1778 in Burkes Co., Joshua found a mare in the mountains and sold it without advertising, so damages were sought by William Deleany Sr.
Burke County North Carolina Minutes for 7 January 1779 have Joshua Perkins obtaining 300 acres on Howards Creek.
Between 1784 and 1787, Joshua was not in the NC state census; where was he?
16 May 1787 Joshua Perkins, Constable
On 7 August 1787, in Morganton, Burke Co. NC, Joshua and Elisha Perkins were appointed Grand Jurors.
23 Oct 1788 Joshua Perkins had land adjacent to William Pane.
4 June 1796 in the Lincoln County NC Deed Book 20, p. 37a, Joshua Perkins of Burke Co. NC and Thomas Fisher of Lincoln Co. NC dealw ith 80 acres patented to Joshua on 16 Nov. 1790. In the same deed book, p. 368, on 10 February 1797, Joshua Perkins Sr. of Burke Co. and Thomas Fisher of Lincoln Co. deal with 50 acres the state granted to Joshua on 7 August 1787.
10 February 1797, in Lincoln Co. NC Deed Book 20, p. 368, Joshua Perkins Sr. of Burk County NC sells land.
In 1806, he signed a petition in Rutherford Co. TN
In April of 1806 in Rutherford Co., in Minutes Vol. A, 1804, Humphrey Warren vs. Joshua Perkins. In April 1806 he paid taxes on forty acres on Stones River in Rutherford, Co., Tn. His son-in-law Absalom Pennington bought the adjoining 109 acres on the stones river.
BUT these same folks are listed as another William Perkins' children elsewhere in this history. Anyone have proof, one way or another?
23. GENTLEMAN JOHN PERKINS (ELISHA, RICHARD, ROBERT) was born September 15, 1733 in St. Mark Parish, Spotsylvania County, Virginia, and died April 13, 1804 in Catawba County, North Carolina. He married CATHERINE LOWRANCE 1760, daughter of ALEXANDER LOWRANCE and MARY EVELAN. She was born August 13, 1742 in Rowan County, Kentucky, and died October 06, 1819 in Catawba County, North Carolina.
In 1756, John was apparently accused of killing a Catawban Indian; when Governor Arthur Dobbs recommended turning him over to the Indians, he left for North Carolina.
Some of his children were born at Island Ford, Lincoln Co. NC, in a tent erected on the site where a cabin was burned by Indians.
Eventually, he owned 10,000 to 15,000 acres of land in western North Carolina, with 12 slaves in 1780, and 24 slaves by 1790; he devoted much of his time to his plantation, race horses, and handling his niece's property in Virginia for her until he purchased it for himself. His farms produced an apple known for several years as "Perkins Red."
He did serve in the state legislature for a time and was frequently called to be executor of estates of various relatives. His loyalty was questioned by the Committee of Safety in September of 1775, but he passed inspection.
In Lincoln Co. NC Deed Book 16, pp. 258-262, for 21 Nov. 1791 is a Lease & Release for Axquila Sherrill and Lucresy his wife of Green Co. NC to John Perkins 400 acres.
"In the name of God: Amen I John Perkins of the County of Lincoln and State of North Carolina, being in a low state of health though in perfect mind and memory, Blessed by God, Therefore do this seventh day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and four make and publish this my Last Will and Testament in manner and form Following (That is to say) Imprimis, I commend my soul into the hands of God Almight who gave it me and my body to the Earth from whence it came, to be buried in a Christian like manner at the discretion of my Executors herein after named in hopes of a joyfull resurrection through the merrits of my Blessed Savior Jesus Christ and for that worldly estate wherewith it has been pleased God to Bless me with, I dispose of in the following manner (to wit) That all my just debts be first paid. Then I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife Catherine Perkins one negro woman slave named Feby and my pilgram mair, her feather bead and furniture three cows and calves and all the spinning wheals, to her and her assigns for ever, and likewise all my household furniture...
Witnesses to the will were Jacob Sherrill, Isaac Lawrence, and Alex Lowrance.
John died at 7:05 on 13 April 1804, aged 70 years and 7 months (lacking two days) in Burke Co. NC. He and his wife were buried in the Perkins Cemetery on their own land in what is now Catawba County, but descendants moved their graves to the Kent family plot in Belleview Cemetery, Lenoir, North Carolina.
Biographical Sketches from Burke County, NC from articles published in Newspaper in 1894
Catherine Lowrance Perkins' will:
She added a schedule that any estate remaining be applied to the fencing or walling in of the graveyard. The will was proved in January Sessions 1820.
Sent : Saturday, July 28, 2007 3:37 PM
Hi Jane,
...The Robert Perkins who drew up a will 30 Dec 1668 in Portobaccom, Charles, Maryland did not claim a single child in his will.He said his wife was named Anne. She had a son named Patrick Forrest (Norrest?) by her first husband. But Robert Perkins had no children of his own. So that Robert Perkins cannot be the head of this family.
...He is probably the Robert Perkins who immigrated 1635 to Virginia at age 25, so born 1610.
...Another Robert Perkins immigrated to Virginia in 1642. If he were of legal age, he would be born by or before 1621. It is more likely he is the ancestor of this Perkins family. Robert Perkins arrived in America in 1642 on ship with William Durant to Virginia. His age is not given. If he were of legal age, the latest his birth could be is 1621. That would make him 42 when his alleged son, Richard, was born. That is certainly possible. Records for Robert Perkins can be found in Harford Co MD; Lancaster Co PA; Mosquito Creek, Baltimore Co MD between 1663 and 1665 and Cooper, Plymouth, England. So he would be born by or before 1621, his wife's name is not known; he had at least three sons: Richard, William and Robert. His death or burial is not known.
2....i....RICHARD PERKINS, b. Abt. 1663, Plymouth, Devonshire, England; d. Abt. 1705, Swan Creek, Maryland.
...ii....ROBERT PERKINS.Generation No. 2
Reputedly born in Plymouth, Devonshire, England to Robert & Ann Perkins, and christened ca. 1665. Richard was a cooper. He and wife settled in 1683 on 100 acres of land on the head of Mosquito Creek in Baltimore Co. MD. Their annual rent was four shillings.
..... Item: I gave Devise and bequeath unto my well beloved friend Rich'd Perkins of the county and province afs'd Cooper whome I likewise constitute make and ordain my only and Sole Executor of this my last will and Testament all and Singular my goods and Chattles Debts rights and marks? of what makes or kind the Same? Shall or may be of or found in any parts of this County af'd or else where and ? My Land Ex? possessed and freely Enjoyed for hereafter and I do hereby wholy Disallow revoke and Disannull all and Every other former Testaments wills and legacies ? and Executed by me in any wayes before this time named willed and bequeathed satisfing? and confirming this and noe other to be my last will and Testament In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal ye day and year above written dated 4 Apr 1704..Thos Gish
Ref: Wills. Liber 3-Folio 252,253
app 18th May 1706
2 Steres four years old
3 Cows wz calf
One Do and Calf
One 2 yr old Bull
3 Heifers 2 yr old
4 yrlings
l mare and colt about 1 year old
6 old hogs
17 Ditto abt 7 p years old
13 Do abt 9 months old
2 old Feather Beds one old Bed
and some covering
one Hand Mill
2 Old Guns
3 Old Iron potts, 2 old Bibles
3 Horse Bells
One Brass Kettle abt 17 gallns
? Coopers tools
? Carpenters ?
2 old Chests
One Brass Morter and ?
One tin cullender and candlestick
One old powering tubl, 3 old Bars
11 glass Bottles, one Flesh fork one ladl
One cow 2 piggins 2 pales l churn
One pr pott racks 2 pr pott hooks
One spitt
One Grind Irone one new ?
2 Geldings
a small hand vice
One Cross Cutt Saw, One Sett wedges
2old frying pans
One Spade, one Smoothing Iron, curry comb
A pile Old Hoes and axes
3 old saddles and bridles
One new Brush, 2 old
3 old saddles and bridles
3 ?undlets One Old Hoe 2 Old Razors
6 old Iron, 2 new pad locks
3 Bbls 2 Bushell Corn
1 h Bbl Burley ? Bbl meal
A PileOld Lumber
? old 500 5728
? old 204
Thos Brown and Henry Wright
Film #13655 in Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah
Submitted by: Sarah Golda Sitz
Ref: Inventories and Accounts, Baltimore Co., MD Liber 25-Folio 310, 311
Richard Perkins, cooper, named Executor of Thomas Gish's will but before the estate was settled Richard Perkins passed away; Mary Perkins, wife of Richard made the settlement of the estate. Witnesses were Dan'll Johnson and Francis Johnson, her 0 mark. Ref: Inventories and Accounts, Baltimore Co., MD Liber 27-Folio 104 =BD
Ref: Baltimore County, MD Court Proceedings IS#A-Folio 203.(MdHR 5007)
Ok I think this will work. This is excerpt from a paper written by the Jesse N. Perkins Sr. Family Organization in March of 1956. I believe Jesse is descended from Ute through Rueben, but I'm not sure because I haven't worried to much about the family lines that I am not directly descended from. If you see some wierd symbols on this, it was originally typed on Wordstar 6.0, then converted to Wordperfect 6.0 and then to Wordperfect 6.1, and along the way I've picked up some strange little characters and symbols. More to come...Kathy
About five miles below the city of Havre de grace, Maryland, and belonging to Baltimore County (now Harford County), lies Spesutie Island. It's name being derived from that of Col. Nathaniel Utie, it's first owner. It is probable that Col. Utie made his first settlement on Spesutie Island soon after the Indian treaty of 1652. It is also probable that Nathaniel was a Virginian and a relative of John Utie who was prominent in the affairs of that colony from 1623 until 1635.
It is in Spesutie Parish among the old records we have found our first known family group on our direct Perkins line. Richard and Mary Perkins and the names of their children are given and the dates of the births: Richard II, born 9 July 1689; William, born 15 March 1692; Mary, born 2 April 1695; Elisha, born 9 June 1697; Sarah, born 15 Dec. 1699 - died 28 Dec. 1699; Martha, born 31 March 1701. The mother's last name is not mentioned. Through tracing descendants of these three sons, however, we have found that each of them named either a son or a grandson Ute or Utie. It remains yet to be proven, but it is not improbable that the mother's maiden name was Utie.
ð7 3
ŠRichard I was a cooper (a craftsman who makes or repairs barrels or casks) from Plymouth, England. Early Maryland transportation records show that Richard I had arrived in Maryland in 1676. Whether he was transported there from England or from another colony is unknown. He and Mary had settled in 1683 on 100 acres of land on the head of Mosquito Creek in Baltimore County, Maryland. Their annual rent was four shillings. All of his property, on his death in 1705, went to his three sons.
The eldest son, Richard II, and his wife, Mary Sherrill (Sherwill), settled on 175 acres of land on the west side of the Susquehanna River in Baltimore County.
1732, while Virginia was as yet only an unsettled wilderness. Also listed are other children: William, John, Benjamin, Mary, and Aventeen. There may have been others, but they have not been proven. (Richard II died in 1772, possibly in North Carolina.)
In the late 1700's, land was being opened up in western Virginia. Among the Scotch-Irish settlers were the McCutchen family. Now Richard III married a girl from the frontier, Elizabeth McCutchen or Cutchen as it was often cut to (no record of mother, brothers or sisters). We have only the names of three children, there may have been others: Robert Biggan, born 16 March 1736 in Maryland, Richard, and Reuben. And so a new life began in the west, probably for most of the family. (Richard III died in 1789 in North Carolina.)
ð7 3
...Robert Biggan Perkins
From North Carolina records, especially from Catawba territory, we find an abundance of family names...many of which we have been able to identify as relatives. In this country of North Carolina, there are living today thousands of the descendants of Gentleman John Perkins and the Sherrills who settled there and stayed. It was from here in North Carolina that we find the Revolutionary
War record of Robert Biggan Perkins. His marriage record is also among those of Lincoln County. He married Elizabeth (Betty) Lollar, a daughter of Isaac Lollar, who was a Justice of the Peace, and the Lollar relatives are also in records there. Robert and Betty were parents of eleven children, all born in North Carolina. Their eldest son, Ute (Ute I for our purposes) was born July 15, 1761, followed by Augustus, Elizabeth, Robert Biggan, Reuben, Hannah, Martha, Sarah, Jesse, Levi, and Dempsey Edward. Robert Biggan died about 1820, possibly in North Carolina.
...In 1778, Ute Perkins I was drafted at Lincoln, North Carolina and served as a private in Captain John McDowell's company and later in Captain David McFall's company in the Revolutionary War.
.....Among early settlers of Maryland is the Gant family from Yorkshire, England. There seems to be more material on Gants there in that state than is found anywhere else at that period of history. They must also have come along in migrations with the Perkins family, for wherever the one is, we find the other. The Perkins' neighbors on Mountain Creek in North Carolina were William and Anna Woods Gant. The Gant's eldest daughter, Sarah, married Ute I in 1782.
.....So in 1789 from the Catawba region, on into South Carolina, we follow the family. Here, just across the line (and at that time there was none), we find Ute I and Sarah living in Abbeville, where most of their twelve children were born: Reuben, Lavina, Levi, Robert Biggan, Ephraim, Dicey, Sarah Gant, Elizabeth, Absalom, born November 22, 1797, Anna and William (twins), and Hannah. Once again, the Gant family followed, as William Gant made his will and left it in Abbeville. His wife must have died previous to this time, as she is not mentioned in his will.
.....Sarah's brother Cader Gant, was a minister of the Little River Church in it's earliest days. We find mention of him in the minutes of that congregation which are preserved among early Abbeville records. Also Cader and his wife are buried there in Abbeville.
.....About 1805, Ute I and Sarah moved with their children to White County, Tennessee. There were relatives still joining them at this date and later, from their mother-state, Maryland. They resided in this location for almost a quarter of a century before leaving for Illinois about 1828, by oxen team, with all of their children and grandchildren except for their son Levi and his wife, Lucy Rhee, who remained in Tennessee, according to family records.
ð7 3
...Ute Perkins I was the first white man in what is now Fort Green Township in Illinois. He was an outstanding pioneer, and was instrumental in laying out cities and farms where there had been only wilderness. He became a prominent leader in various political, civic, and religious affairs around Carthage and Nauvoo and helped establish the town of Macedonia (now Webster) where he joined the church. He had the distinction of having the earliest birth date of any member of the church at that time...the oldest convert. The Perkins family were among those who were persecuted by folks who had heretofore been friends and neighbors, and like other faithful members of the much-hated and despised church, they too found themselves in the great exodus of the Mormons from Nauvoo. Ute I and Sarah, who had heard the Gospel preached by their grandson, Andrew Huston Perkins who had labored as a missionary with an Elder Miller in the south and was a close friend and body-guard of the Prophet, were some of the loved ones left behind. Both had been baptized in their old age, about the time the Prophet was killed, and mercifully saved from making the long, arduous journey which lay ahead for their loved ones. Ute I died March 11, 1844 in Nauvoo and is buried in the old Webster Cemetery eight miles from Carthage, Illinois. Perhaps Sarah, who died in June of 1845, is nearby also, as there are a few other Perkins graves at this resting place.
2/2000 e-mail to Perkins mailing list:
.....You all know that Richard Perkins I owned pretty much all of the land that he owned jointly with William Lofton for most of his adult life. In fact, the two of them named their land "Brotherly Love," which has always implied the possibility of some sort of a brother-in-law connection. The two apparently took care of each others' children, and the children left together after their fathers died and moved down to VA, and from there to NC, where the Perkinses, Loftins, and Sherrills all intermarried.
.....Lofton was either the son or grandson of Leonard Loftin of Henrico Co. VA. Lofton and Perkins seem to have moved to Swan Creek, MD, at about the same time. It's not unreasonable to think that maybe Richard Perkins himself moved up from Henrico Co. with Loftin, which would probably make our Richard one of the Nicholas Perkins clan.
......In any event, Lofton was married to an Elizabeth Ives. Elizabeth was probably the daughter of James Ives, (either Sr. or Jr., I can't tell yet) of Baltimore Co., whom people seem to always call "James Ines." James Ives mentioned William Perkins in his will dated 1703-03-04 (Mar. 4, in other words). Since there was a father and son, both named James Ives, there might have been two wills.
.....I began to suspect that the reason that a Perkins was mentioned in the will of Loftin's father-in-law, was because James Ives was leaving his goods to the families of his daughters. I'm thinking that the Perkinses and William Loftin married Ives sisters, making them brothers-in-law-in-law, so to speak.
.....As soon as I began to suspect this, I found a descendant of William Loftin who had the same theory. She emailed me, saying that she thought she had seen a will (in a MD records book in a library in Texas) for a James Ives that mentioned both Perkins and Loftin, maybe more than one of each, and that she had concluded by looking at that that Richard Perkins and William Loftin were married to Ives sisters. Since she had no real interest in researching Perkinses at the time, she just made a mental note that the two must have been brothers in law and left it at that. Her family is sick right now, and I think she's told us all she knows, so finding the will(s) of James Ives is something we should try to do for ourselves.
.....(I couldn't help being a little amazed at the thought that here I, a descendant of Richard Perkins, was actually talking to a descendant of William Loftin.)
.....From this, I'm leaning toward the theory that Richard's wife Mary was Mary Ives, not Mary Utie. She (the Loftin descendant) believes that the Ives family may have come down from New England. Well, there are Perkinses in New England at that time, of course....
....Also, there was apparently a Ute Sherrill the same age as Richard II (he was Richard II's wife's brother), and it's hard to imagine that he would have been named after his sister's mother-in-law. It looks to me as though the Sherrills picked up the name "Ute" from someone other than Richard's Mary, so I'm still leaning toward the Mary Ives idea. (I'd be interested in any Mary Utie evidence you might have, of course.)
.....Then there's the idea that the Sherrills came from Devonshire, England. There seem to be some pretty good records of that. Well, Plymouth is in Devonshire, so the Perkinses really may have come from Plymouth, as is so often rumored. They may have joined up with the Sherrills before they ever reached MD. They certainly stuck together for generations afterward, along with the Loftins.
.....Also, I noticed you posted a question about a John Parkins. That caught my attention. There was a Richard Perkins who married an Elizabeth James in Bristol England. There is a record of a Richard Perkins sailing from Bristol to Barbados. There is a record of a John Perkins being born to Richard and Elizabeth Perkins in Barbados in 1678. Two years later, they were not mentioned in a list of Barbados land owners. Five years later, our Richard Perkins was in MD. Maybe Elizabeth died, but if he was the Richard Perkins in Barbados, where was John Perkins? I had never heard of any John Perkins in MD at that time until your message.
.....Now that is food for Richard Perkins thought!
IF Richard was born in 1663 which Richard was this referring to?
500 acres, rent 10 schillings. Atrop surveyed 29 Dec 1664 for Thomas Griffith on west side of Susquehanah river. Sold, 468 acres in possession of Rich'd Parkines and 32 acres in possession of Dan'l Johnson.
Ref: Rent Rolls. Liber 2-Folio 329
500 acres - 10 schillings -'Atrop' surveyed 29 Dec 1664 for Tho Griffith on ye side of Susquehannan river at a Mark'd Spanish Oak standing at a low point by a Small brook possessors 468 acres Rich'd Parkins - 32 acres Dan Johnson
Ref: The Rent Roll of Ann Arundel Co., MD - Herring Creek Hundred
There is no evidence for Mary being a Ute, other than the recurrence of the name Ute in the Perkins descendants. Some now suggest the name came from a cousin, Ute Sherrill. Colonel John Utie’s daughter, Mary, married Governor Richard Bennett ca 1641. Richard Bennett died ca 1675?? Mary Utie’s birth would have been approx 20 years prior to her marriage to Richard. A bit old to be having our Richard’s children.
.....For all the descendants of Richard I from MD, I finally found an email I had saved that sheds a little light on things. I came across an old query on the USGENWEB page for Harford Co MD reference Perkins & Utie. I emailed that I was interested as my family had always suspected Richard I's wife to be Mary Utie because of all the Ute descendants. This was his reply:
....."Received your email and just wanted to post a short reply tonight. Spesutie Island is still there by the same name. It is a part of Aberdeen Proving Ground (2200 acres). So is most of the property once held by the Perkins Family. The island was settled first by the uncle of Mary Utie. Finally, when she was supposidly married to Richard Perkins, she was in fact married to one Anthony Drew and having his children from the early 1690's until he died about 1720. I have quite a bit of detail on all of the above and am in the process of writing it all up for someone else. Will send you a copy in a couple of weeks when I have it all togather. Thanks for your answer to my Query."
.....So John, if you're on this list, don't forget to share this with us.
Kathy Womack
Generation No. 1
1. JOHN1 BELCHER He married MARY March 1706 in St. George's Parish, Baltimore Co., MD. She was born 1667 in Mosquito Creek, Baltimore, MD, and died February 20, 1735 in St George Parish, Baltimore Co., MD.
St. George's Parish Register 1689-1793 by Bill and Martha Reamy
call #975.274-K28r in Family History Library, Salt Lake City
Page 10 - John Belcher and the widow Perkins published February and March 16, 1706
Page 16 - Ruth Belcher b: 6 Oct 1708
Page 49 - February 20, 1735 then d: Mary Belcher wife of John Belcher.
Page 59 - April 7th 1740 then was Stephen Scarlet m to Ruth Belcher
Page 63 - Thomas Scarlet s/o Stephen Scarlet and Ruth his wife b 13 February 1741
Page 68 - James Scarlet s/o Stephen Scarlet and Ruth his wife b 7 December 1742
Page 71 - Mary Scalet d/o Stephen Scarlet and Ruth his wife b 20 March 1744
Submitted by Sarah Golda Sitz
Surname UTE - Ref: Sonya Perkins Lynch
Surname: Belcher - Ref: Dan Moore
Marriage to John Belcher: Marriage bans - St. George's Parish Registers 1689-1793
Marriage date July 1, 1708
Ref: Harford Historical Society
Even after her marriage (to John Belcher) she settled the estate of Thomas Gish giving the " Account of Mary Perkins Adm'r of Ric'd Perkins who was Exer of the Last Will and testam't of Tho's Gish late of Baltimore County dec'd ...chargeth herselfe with the Inv'y of ye sd Geish Estate". In a document
found in Baltimore County Court Proceedings John Belcher, Richard Perkins, Richard Smithers do owe and stand firmly indebted unto Richard Perkins, Wm Perkins, Elisha Perkins, Mary Perkins, Martha Perkins, Orphans of Richard Perkins late of this county dec'd in the full and just sum of 108 pounds 15
shillings and 8 pence to which payment well and truly will be done...1710 Nov 9. And in Baltimore County Court Proceedings 1721 April 8...The humble petition of Mary Belcher appears asking for clemency for her son Elisha Perkins who has been accused of stealing a horse from John Baldwin of Ann Arrundell Co., MD and taking it out of the county.
2. i. RUTH2 BELCHER, b. October 06, 1708.
2. RUTH2 BELCHER (JOHN1) was born October 06, 1708. She married STEPHEN SCARLET April 07, 1740 in St. George's Parish. Ref: IGI File in Riley Co., Gen Soc. Library<
i. THOMAS3 SCARLET, b. February 13, 1740, Harford, St. George's Parish.
ii. JAMES SCARLET, b. December 07, 1742, Harford, St. George's Parish.
iii. MARY SCARLET, b. March 20, 1744, Harford, St. George's Parish.
Sonya Perkins Lynch
I'm new to the list & trying to find information on James Ives who lived in Baltimore Co MD in the late 1600's. He had a son named James & a daughter named Elizabeth who married William Loftin. I'm trying to determine if he also had a daughter named Mary who married Richard Perkins & if he had a daughter or granddaughter who married Richard Smithers. (These Perkins, Loftin, Smithers & Ives families are all connected somehow.) Any help would be appreciated.
WILLIAM LOFTON was in Baltimore Co. by 1691, and died there on 13 Apr 1704, being buried the same day he died. He married ELIZABETH (?) who died 20 Dec 1703/4 (St. Georges Parish Reg., Orig. Reg., p 18) On 28 Aug 1697 he surveyed 100 ac. Brotherly Love, with RICHARD PERKINS on the south side of Susquehanna. This land was later held by LOFTON’S orphans (MD Rent Rolls, p 27). LOFTON and PERKINS also came to possess 100 ac of a 150 acre tract called "Johnson’s Rest, and later the 100 acres were held by LOFTON’S Orphans (Ibed.,p28) WILLIAM LOFTON "and heirs" were mentioned in the will of JAMES INES or IVES of Balt. Co.; will dated 4 Mar 1703/4, proved 13 Mar 1703/4 (MD. Cal. Wills,
III, 20). Although LOFTON seems to have had a will (Hall was called executor), it has not been found. LOFTON’S estate was inventoried by HENRY JACKSON and SAMUEL BOND on 3 Jul 1704, and valued at L42.7.0, plus 9853 lbs. Tobacco. The estate was administered by JOHN HALL on 13 Feb 1706 and one other time (Balt. Co. Inventories, 7:27; Admin. Accts., 2:176,218). WILLIAM LOFTON and ELIZABETH were the parents of:
a. THOMAS b 25 Nov 1691 (St. Geo. Orig. Reg.p4)
b. ISABELLA b 19 Dec 1693 (Ibed.,p4)
c. ANN b 10 Aug 1696 (Ibed.,p4)
d. WILLIAM b 12 Dec 1699 (Ibed.,p8)
e. ELIZABETH b 12 Jul 1702 (Ibed.,p13). She may be the ELIZABETH LOFTON
indicted for bastardy in Mar 1731 (Balt. Co. Court Proc., HS #7, p115).
1. ELIZABETH b 1 Jan 1714 (St. Geo. Par., Orig Reg p39)
2. SARAH b last of Oct 1716 (Ibid.)
3. Mary b 10 Nov 1718 (Ibid.)
RACHEL b 1 Oct 1720 (Ibid.)
By Clarence C. Logsdon (written in 1996)
Page 11
On March 3, 1742 Liber TB-C, page 183, we find a deed from William Logsdon, John Logsdon and Edward Logsdon, planters of Prince George County, who convey to George Counts of Little Conewage, a tract called "Brotherly Love"…300 acres. Logsdon the mother; Ann, Sarah, and Margaret, wives of said William, John and Edward release their dower rights." This deed would indicate that William Logsdon had died, since three of his sons conveyed his property. (Note: At the time of these transactions Frederick County was not formed, and Prince George County extended to the Pennsylvania line.)
In 1692-1693 the Church of England established the following Parishes and Churches in Maryland:
1. Potapsco Church (St. Paul’s) Baltimore County
2. St. John’s Church (Copley) Baltimore County
3. St. George’s Church, Baltimore County
The Logsdon family By F. C. Welch
Baltimore County was formed in 1659 and was an Original County. Prince Georges County was formed in 1695 and until 1740 extended from Charles County on the south to the state line on the north, and that was indefinite until Mason and Dixon. Baltimore County bounded it on the east and its western boundary was roughly the Monogany(sp?) River, which at present flows approximately north and south through the center of present Frederick County. Frederick County was formed in 1789 from Washington while Carroll County as lopped off Baltimore in 1836. Garrett County was not formed until 1872.
(Annapolis, Lieber Am-1, page 148)
May 22, 1730
"Phillip Jones, Sr., Deputy Surveyor under Charles Calvert, esq., Surveyor General, has surveyed for WILLIAM LOGSDON a parcel of land called BROTHERLY LOVE, bounded by a white oak standing in the fork of a branch which descends into Conewago about 20 perches from a road leading from LOGSDONS to Conestago Road, etc…..300 acres, more or less, and to be holder to the Manor of Baltimore."
.....The above tract has been reffered to in connection with the Rent Rolls of Baltimore County, and that it is a Re-Survey, rather than an original entry is confirmed in the Maryland Historical Magazine, Vol. 15, page 390, which says:
....."Referring to WILLIAM LOGSDON’S RE-SURVEY OF BROTHERLY LOVE, laid out May 22, 1730, which mentioned Conewago and Conestoga. The Creek here mentioned is CONEWAGO CREEK on which the town of Hanover, York County, Pennsylvania is situated. Capt. Thos. Cresan opened the Conestoga Road here several years later. As near as we can estimate, this tract is located near the boundary
line between York and Adams Counties in Pennsylvania, just north of Westminster and before the settlement of the boundary dispute with William Penn, was in Maryland, as indicated by "Beholden to the Manor of Baltimore."
......In connection with the RE-SURVEY, we are inclined to accept as fact, that the Rent Rolls in Baltimore County, already referred to, are inaccurate as to date, and that, in addition the name LOGSDEN was misspelled LOFTIN.
Source: _Baltimore County, Maryland, Deed Records_, Volume One: 1659-1737, by John Davis, Heritage Books, Inc. ("Dedicated to my friend, Don Perkins.")
1 Mar 1708, Richard Smithers, gentleman, of Baltimore Co., Maryland, to Archibald Buchanan, Taylor, ... 100 acres...Cathole creek...patented 1672, by James Ives, planter, late of Baltimore Co., Maryland, who willed to his son, James Ives, planter, late of Baltimore Co., Maryland, who willed to said Richard Smithers. Signed Richard Smithers. Wit: Aquila Paca and William Talbot.
5 Jun 1676, James & Martha Ives, of Baltimore Co., Maryland, to Arthur Taylor, planter, ... 150 acres, Foster s creek. Signed James Ives and Martha (x) Ives. Wit: John Ireland and Peter Ellis.
3 May 1670, Sarah Tillard of Baltimore Co., Maryland, power of attorney to James Ives ... to confirm sale of 100 acres on Muskeeto creek to John Mascord, of Baltimore Co., Maryland. Signed Sarah (x) Tillard. Wit: Miles Gibson and Eusebins Beade.
15 Nov 1697, James Ives, planter, of Baltimore Co., Maryland, to John Shields, planter, of same, 50 acres. Signed James (x) Ives. Wit: Francis Smith, Gilbert (x) Porrin and Frncis Robinson, sheriff. (From the date and the fact that this James Ives could not sign his own name, this would appear to be the son. --DMP)
15 Jun 1737, Thomas Loftin and Richard Perkins, (heirs at law of William Loftin and Richard Perkins, formerly of Baltimore Co., Maryland) to John Poloke, planter, of Baltimore Co., Maryland, for 3000 pounds of tobacco, 100 acres ... called Brotherly Love...formerly purchased from John Johnson, by
said William Loftin and Richard Perkins. Signed Thomas (x) Loftin and Richard (x) Perkins. Wit: Blanch Hall and Zak Hall.
9 Mar 1673, Rowland Williams, of Baltimore Co., maryland, through John Walstone, of same, to James Ives, of same, 300 acres. Signed Rowland Williams. Wit: _Nathaniel Utie_ and Henry Haslewood.
9 Mar 1674, James and Martha Ives, merchant, of Baltimore Co., Maryland, to William Palmer, gentleman, of same, 100 acres...Cathole creek...patented 1 May 1672. Signed James Ives and Martha (x) Ives. Wit: George Wells and Henry Haslewood.
4 Nov 1673, Robert Williams, planter, of Baltimore Co., Maryland, to James Ives, of same, ... 300 acres ... Spesutra creek. Signed Rowland Williams. Wit _Nathaniel Utie_ and Henry Hazlewood.
17 Mar 1717, John and Susannah Stokes, of Baltimore Co., Maryland, to John Clark, of same, ... 102 acres...Muskeeto creek...patented 28 Mar 1663 by John Collett...James Ives devised to the said Susannah Stokes. Signed John Stokes and Susannah (x) Stokes. Wit: Francis Holland and Roger Mathews.
8 Aug 1703, James Ives, planter, of Baltimore Co., Maryland, to Thomas Greenfield, planter, of same, 50 acres...line of John Collett...patented by Henry Haslewood. Sighned James (x) Ives. Wit: James (x) Drumford and Charles Prebbett____________________________The first ("page 54") has James Ives Sr. willing land to James Ives Jr. who then *willed* it to Richard Smithers. Maybe Richard Smithers was yet another son-in-law of James Ives, as Richard Perkins and William Loftin were. That would make him an uncle of Richard 1's children, and could explain how he came to have some of their property.
3....i....RICHARD PERKINS, b. July 09, 1689, Mosquito Creek, Baltimore, Maryland; d. August 05, 1772, Rowan County, North Carolina.
4....ii....WILLIAM PERKINS, b. March 15, 1691/92, Mosquito Creek, Baltimore, Maryland; d. Abt. 1760, Susquehenna, Maryland.
5....iii....MARY PERKINS, b. April 02, 1695, head of Swan Creek, St. George's Parish, Baltimore, Maryland; d. Abt. 1740.
6....iv....ELISHA PERKINS, b. June 09, 1697, head of Swan Creek, St. George's Parish, Baltimore, Maryland; d. September 10, 1741, Orange County, Virginia.
...v....SARAH PERKINS, b. December 15, 1699, head of Swan Creek, St. George's Parish, Baltimore, Maryland; d. December 23, 1699, head of Swan Creek, St. George's Parish, Baltimore, Maryland.
...vi....MARTHA PERKINS, b. March 31, 1701, head of Swan Creek, St. George's Parish, Baltimore, Maryland.Generation No. 3
Glen C Perkins makes a long and well-documented argument regarding the probable parents of this Richard Perkins, found at http://glencperkins.com/history/perkins/index.html , summarized as:
• We’ve known since the 1800s that the Richard Perkins who appeared in Baltimore County in 1683 was our ancestor.
• We have overwhelming evidence that he was transported to Maryland by Charles County merchants in 1674 as an indentured servant, finished his indenture, and lived among those merchants until the previous year, 1682. He and two of the other transportees, Richard Askew and Christopher Foster, subsequently moved to Baltimore County.
• We have overwhelming evidence that everyone transported with Richard Perkins in 1674 and some of the merchants involved in the transportation deal were from Halifax Parish, West Riding of Yorkshire.
• A Richard Parkin who was baptized in Halifax Parish in 1654 perfectly matches our Richard Perkins I, and no one else does.
• Therefore, our ancestor Richard Perkins I was Richard Parkin, son of John Parkin, baptized in 1654 in Halifax Parish, West Riding of Yorkshire.
Sonya Perkins Lynch
Perkins List Owner
7....i....RICHARD PERKINS, b. December 18, 1713, St. George Parish, Baltimore, Maryland; d. July 09, 1787, Lincolntown, Lincoln, North Carolina.
8....ii....ISAAC PERKINS, b. Abt. 1718, St. George Parish, Baltimore, Maryland; d. Aft. 1780.
...iii....ADAM PERKINS, b. Abt. 1720, St. George Parish, Baltimore, Maryland; d. Burke County, Georgia; m. MARY WALTERS, May 23, 1743, St George Parish, Baltimore, Maryland.
...iv....JOHN J. PERKINS, b. Abt. 1725, St. George Parish, Baltimore, Maryland; d. Aft. 1788, Burke County, North Carolina.
Appears in Deed Book 4, page 380-381, on 11 July 1763 Rowan County, North Carolina, as "son of Richard Perkins Sr." in making a land deed with William Perkins.
9....v....MOSES PERKINS, b. Abt. 1726, St. George Parish, Baltimore, Maryland; d. Abt. 1778, Wilkes County, Georgia.
10....vi....AVERILLA PERKINS, b. October 30, 1726, Baltimore, Harford, Maryland; d. Abt. 1790.
11....vii....JOSHUA PERKINS, b. Abt. 1730, Baltimore County, Maryland; d. Abt. 1801, Washington County, Tennessee.
12....viii....WILLIAM PERKINS, b. Abt. 1731, Maryland; d. Aft. 1805, Wilkes County, Georgia.
13....ix....BENJAMIN PERKINS, b. January 06, 1732/33, St. George Parish, Baltimore, Maryland; d. Aft. 1786, probably Wilkes County, Georgia.
...x....MARY PERKINS, b. December 01, 1739.
14....xi....AVENTIN PERKINS, b. March 23, 1741/42, St. George Parish, Baltimore, Maryland; d. Aft. March 04, 1786, Wilkes County,Georgia.
William Perkins went to Lapidum, York Co. PA with his brother Elisha. It was on the Susquehanna at the northermost point which was navigable for large boats, and several patentees bought up land along the river nearby, including "Paradise" and "Eitrop", which was bought by Thomas Griffith and would later be sold to the Perkins family. During the Revolution, Lapidum would become a center of trade and a shipping point. After the war, a land boom developed.
John Cottrell's will was dated 22 January 1721 and mentioned his daughter and his grand-daughter Mary Perkins.
...i....JOHN COTTRELL PERKINS, b. February 13, 1716/17, St. George Parish, Baltimore, Maryland; m. MARY WATTS.
15....ii....MARY PERKINS, b. June 17, 1720, St. George Parish, Baltimore, Maryland; d. Abt. 1760, Rowan County, North Carolina.
John appears in Rowan Co. NC Court minutes for April Sessions 1758 and January Sessions 1759 on the grand jury, and January Sessions 1764 as Constable in Room of Joshua Perkins.
Name: Thomas PERKINS
Birth: 1742 in Prince George County, MD
Death: 9 FEB 1837 in Kirkwood Twp, Belmont County, OH
Burial: Salem Church Cemetery
Father: John PERKINS
Mother: Ann ???
Marriage 1 Cassandra CASTEEL b: 8 JAN 1740/41 in St John's Parish, Prince George County, MD; died 15 OCT 1816 in Kirkwood Twp, Belmont County, OH
Married: 1774 in St John's Parish, Prince George County, MD
Francis PERKINS b: 1782 in St. John's Parish, Prince George County, MD
Rebecca PERKINS b: ABT. 1784 in Prince George County, MD
John PERKINS b: ABT. 1785 in Prince George County, MD
Samuel PERKINS b: 9 FEB 1788 in Prince George County, MD
16....iii....RUBEN PERKINS, b. February 12, 1721/22, St. George Parish, Baltimore, Maryland.
...iv....ELIZABETH PERKINS, b. September 30, 1726, St. George Parish, Baltimore, Maryland; m. WILLIAM PERRY.
...v....ISOBEL PERKINS, b. October 30, 1728, St. George Parish, Baltimore, Maryland; m. WILLIAM PERRY, December 04, 1752.
Rootsweb Perkins mailing list, 10/2003:
I am looking for the father of Elizabeth Perkins b 1726 Charles City VA. She married William Parish 3 Nov 1743 Charles City VA.
Thanks, Denell Burks
...vi....STEPHEN JOHN PERKINS, b. January 09, 1729/30, St. George Parish, Baltimore, Maryland; d. February 18, 1734/35.
17....vii....ISOBEL RACHEL PERKINS, b. March 13, 1734/35, Perkins Ferry, Baltimore, Maryland; d. August 1820, Baltimore County, Maryland.
...viii....MARGARET PERKINS, b. December 14, 1739, St. George Parish, Baltimore, Maryland; d. December 14, 1739, St. George Parish, Baltimore, Maryland.
...ix....WILLIAM PERKINS, b. St. George Parish, Baltimore, Maryland; d. September 1739.
18....i....ISABELLA HUTCHESON, b. Abt. 1741; d. Aft. 1800.
19....ii....MARY HUTCHESON, b. Augusta County, Virginia; d. Aft. 1780.
Elisha was cited by the court for failing to record his marriage and the birth of a child in St. George's Parish.
.....IN THE NAME OF GOD, AMEN This tenth day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand Seven hundred Forty and one I ELISHA PERKINS of Orange County and the Colony of Virginia Yeoman being very Sick and weak of body but of perfect mind understanding and memoory thanks be given to God, Therefore calling to Mind the Mortality of my body and knowing that it is Appointed for all men Once to die, Do make & ordain this my last Will and Testament in ye Manner and Form following that...........my Soul into the hands of Almighty God that it (sic) And my body to the Earth to be Buried in a Christian like and decent Manner as the Discretion of my Exr--- hereafter Named, And as for such goods and Chattels wherewith it hath pleased God to bless in this life I Leave and bequeath as followith (after my Debts and Funeral Charges is paid And discharged).........
.....IMPREMES I Leave and bequeath to my well beloved Son JNO PERKINS four Hundred Acres of Entry Land lying and being in this County with my Plantation Called the Swan Pond.....in sd....County containing one hundred and fifty acres which plantation one George Williams of prince Georges County and province of Maryland Blacksmith is obliged to make a firm title to.
.....ITEM I give and bequeath to my Son ELISHA PERKINS my home Manner plantation.
.....ITEM I give and bequeath to my loving friend Mary Swearingen Daughter to Van Swearingen one pacing Stone Coult to be by her freely possesed (sic) and Injoined, And the Residue and Remainder of my goods & Chattels after my Debts be & is paid Discharged to be Equally Divided betwixt my six children (Vizt) UTE, JNO, ELISHA, ELIZA, PHILLIS MARGARET
.....ITEM I give and bequeath to my Son JOSHUA PERKINS the sum of one Shilling to be levied and Raised out of my Esttate and also Do Constitute and Appoint CHRISTOPHER HOLMS of Orange County and Colony of Virginia gent my Sole and whole Exr of that (sic) Last Will and Testament in Testament whereof I have hereunto Set my hand and Seal this day and year Above Written
SIGNED Sealed Published and procured by ELISHA PERKINS as his last Will & Testament in presence of..............Peter Van Bebber, Jno. Williams, Charles Hyatt............At a Court held for Orange County on Thursday the 27th day of May 1742
This last Will and Testament of ELISHA PERKINS dec'd being presented into Court and proved by the oath of Peter Van Bebber one of the evidences thereto CHRISTOPHER HOOMES the Sole Exr therein named being Called appeared and refused to take upon him, the burden of the Executorship and the widow & Relict of the sd ELISHA PERKINS refusing to Stand and abide by the sd Will for anything therein devised to her but insisted on and claimed her Thirds at Law ELIZABETH PERKINS the daughter of sd deced prayed that admon with the Will Annexed might be granted to her. Certificate therefore for Obtaining Letters of admon of the Estate of the sd ELISHA PERKINS deced with the Will Annexed is granted to the sd ELIZA. PERKINS she having taken the admon oath and entered into bond according to Law with Richard Morgan and Wm Roberts her Securities the said Will is admitted to Record
Test---Jonathn Gibson CLCor
.....THE CONDITION OF this Obligation is such that if the abound ELIZA. PERKINS ADMx with the Will Annexed of ELISHA PERKINS deced do make or cause to be made a true and perfect Inventory of all and Singular the goods & Chattels, rights and Credits of the sd deced which have & Shall come to the Hands possession or knowledge of ye sd ELIZA. or into the hands or possession of any other person or persons for her and the same so made to Exhibit or Cause to be exhibited into the County Court of Orange at such time as she shall be thereunto required by this Court and the same goods Chattels and Credits and other the goods Chattels and Credits of the deced at the time of his death which at any time after shall come to the hands possessions or knowledge of the sd ELIZA. or into the hands and possession of any other person or persons for her do well and truly administer according to Law And further do make a just and true Account of her Actings and doings therein when thereto required by the said Court and also do well and truly pay and deliver all the Legacies Contained and Specified in the sd Testament as far as the sd goods Chattels and Credits will thereunto extend according to the value thereof and the Law Shall charge her then this obligation to be void and of none effect or else to remain in full force and Virtue.
Sealed and Delivered)
ELIZA. PERKINS (her mark)
in the presence of)
Richd Morgan
John Willis
William Roberts
ELIZABETH PERKINS Admx with the Will Annexed Richd Morgan and Wm Roberts her Securities Acknowledged this teir Bonds for the said ELIZA. PERKINS faithful and true Admon of the Estate of ELISHA PERKINS deced which is Admitted to Record
Test Jonathn Gibson CLCor
These documents are to be found in the Virginia State Library, Orange Co. Will, etc., No. 1 1735-1743, pp. 207-210
...i....ELIZABETH PERKINS, b. November 18, 1719, St. George Parish, Baltimore, Maryland; d. Bef. April 16, 1706; m. ? PHILLIPS.
20....ii....MARGARET PERKINS, b. Abt. 1720, Lincoln County, North Carolina; d. October 05, 1802, Lincoln County, North Carolina.
21....iii....ELISHA PERKINS, b. 1721, St. George Parish, Baltimore, Maryland; d. Bef. 1759, Burke County, North Carolina.
...iv....PHILLIS PERKINS, b. 1725, Baltimore County, Maryland; d. Aft. April 09, 1749.
22....v....JOSHUA PERKINS, b. Abt. 1728, St. George Parish, Baltimore, Maryland; d. Abt. 1814, Rutherford County, Tennessee.
...vi....UTE PERKINS, b. 1729, St. George Parish, Baltimore, Maryland; d. Augusta County, Virginia; m. ELIZABETH SKILLERN, 1747.
Notes for UTE PERKINS:
...vii....WILLIAM SHERRILL PERKINS, b. Abt. 1730, Orange County, Virginia; d. Abt. 1814, Kentucky.
Ute was the head of the notorious Perkins gang widely known in Virginia and Maryland, and used the aliases of John Bland, John Anderson, and James Anderson.
BLAND, John (alias of Uttie Perkins), age c. 24--was committed to Phila. Gaol on suspicion of having two stone two horses and a Negro boy named Peter, age c. 10, from one Gistin, living at Poff Pon, S.C.; Nicholas, Scull, Sheriff of Phila. Co., stated that Bland is said to have been a noted horse-stealer in Virginia and South Carolina. (3 February)"
"Tuesday, 17 February 1747, No. 95....Nicholas Scull, Sheriff at Philadelphia, has arrested a man called John Bland on suspicion of having stolen a Negro boy named Peter, property of a Mr. Giffen at Pon Pon in South Carolina. John Bland has confessed that his true name is Uttie Perkins and that sometime in May of 1743 he escaped from the sheriff of Baltimore County."
"Adam Sherail being brought before the Court as a harbourer of Ute Perkins, a horse theif, and it appearing that the said Sheril is guilty of the same, it is Ordered that the Sheriff take the said Sheril into his custody until he enters into recognizance in the sum of One Hundred Pounds Sterling with good securities in the sum of fifty pounds sterling each, in case the said Sherrill shald not be of good behavior for a twelve month."
Volume 1, page 44 (ORDER BOOK NO. II, May 28, 1751) (574) Road ordered from John Davis's mill to Wood's New Cleared Gap, and John King, with Andrew Erwin, John McGill, Wm. McGill, ...James Anderson, ...,Gabriel Pickens, keep it in repair.
FEBRUARY 17, 1747/8.
(344) Patrick Finley convicted of aiding Utis Perkins and George Steel to escape.
FEBRUARY 18, 1747/8.
(345) Ro. Cunningham complains that Samuel Gay has indulged Utis Perkins in several things after he had apprehended him; ordered under bond; John and Wm. Anderson securities.
MARCH 16, 1747/8
(357) Petition of Ute Perkins is rejected.
MARCH 17, 1747/8.
(362) Patrick Finla convicted for allowing Ute Perkins to escape.
(363) A horse, supposed to be stolen by Utes Perkins, delivered to Sheriff.
MARCH 18, 1747/8.
(364) Saml. Gay acquitted of charge above concerning Ute Perkins.
In 1747 Ute Perkins/James Anderson married Elizabeth Skeleron, widow of William Skeleron late of Augusta Co. VA; they were wed by a minister, Reverend John Hindman, but without a license, and in 1756 she denied the marriage, although she was calling herself "Elizabeth Perkins."
23....viii....GENTLEMAN JOHN PERKINS, b. September 15, 1733, St. Mark Parish, Spotsylvania, Virginia; d. April 13, 1804, Catawba County, North Carolina.
"At a Superior Court of Justice held for the District of Salisbury at the Court House in Salisbury on the twenty second day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and sixty five before the honorable Maurice Moore, Equire assistance Justice for the District aforesaid. The Juriors for our Soverign Lord the King upon their Oath present that John Bridges late of the County of Rowan in the Province of North Carlina planter and Richard Perkins late of the same Planter on the twentieth day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and sixty four with force and arms at rowan County aforesaid one Stone Horse of a bay colour and one Stone Horse of a gray Colour of the price of forty shillings lawful money of Great Britain each the proerty of a person unknown then and there being found did take and lead away against the peace of our soverign Lord the King his Crown and Dignity." This escapade nearly led to a re-enactment of the earlier Indian Wars. North Carolina State Records show that they were turned over to the Indians for reprisal.
"Whereas Joseph Cronkdton Informs me as one of the Justices to Keep the peace that Richard Pirkins, Senr did speak defafacted words against the Independence of This State and against the peace and Dignity thereof. This are therefor authorizing--to command you to take the Body of Richard Pirkins, Senr and him bring before me or some other Justice of the Peace to answer sd complaint and all other objections and matters which shall be laid against him fall not at your perril given under my hand and seal This 23rd day of July 1778. To James Martain Constable, Give Joseph Cronelton, Warning."
"Inquision Indented Taken this eleventh day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty nine at the Court House of the County of Lincoln before me John Moore, Esq'r one of the Justices of the peace for sd county upon view of and upon the oath of Robert Blackburn, David Falls, Robert Luckey, Henry Dellinger, Francis Cunningham, Arthur Graham, John McGanhey, James Bryson, Absolom Bonham, Andrew Hedrick, Michael Sommrow & William Ramsey, good and Lawful men of sd. County who being chaired and sworn to inquire How and in what manner the said Richard Perkins by his death came upon their oathes do say that on the night of the ninth instant in the year aforesaid & at the Court House aforesaid a certain Ezekial Polk, Junr. of the County of Mecklenburg & State aforesaid and John Hunter son of Edward Hunter late of Lincoln County aforesaid by force and arms did assult the sd Richard Perkins being then and there in the peace of God & under the protection of sd state, and that the said Ezekiel Polk & John Hunter with force and violence did thrown down sd Perkins on the floor of the second story of said Court Hourse and afterward throwed said Perkins out of the window of the second story of said Court house being seventeen foot nine inches high of which fall said Perkins died and so they said Ezekiel Polk & John Hunter him the sd Richard Perkins then & there feloniously killed & wilfully murdered contrary to the Laws & Peace of sd state and further adjourers on their oaths do say that sd Ezekiel Polk, Junr and John Hunter at the time of the murder committed how no goods or chattles lands or tenenants in the said County of Lincoln aforsd. In Testimony whereof I the said John Moor Esqr Justice of the Peace for said County as the juniors aforesaid. To this Inquision have severally put their hands and seals this day and year first above mentioned." (This document appears in the July/August/September 1980 issue of BITS AND PIECES, published by the Lincoln County Historial Association.)
".....Richard’s ancestors had migrated to the Colonies from England and he was very proud of his English heritage. His fierce pride in his heritage often led to trouble with the Irish. Nothing made him happier than going to town, getting drunk and beating up on Irishmen. It is said that on a good night, he would beat up a dozen or more.
".....On a hot summer day in 1789, the 76-year-old Richard went into town looking to have a little fun. After a few drinks at the local tavern, he wandered over to the county court house. Ezekiel Polk, Jr. and John Hunter, also looking for a little fun, began making uncomplimentary remarks about Richard’s heritage. Richard replied in kind. Tempers flared and hot words turned into physical action. Ezekiel and John somehow managed to wrestle Richard to the floor. Not satisfied with their victory over the old Englishman, they proceeded to toss him out of the second story window. The 17 foot 9 inch fall killed the once powerful man.
".....A Grand Jury was convened to look into the circumstances surrounding Richards’s death. They declared that Richard’s death was caused by the fall. They stated that Ezekiel Polk Junior and John Hunter “then and there feloniously killed and willfully murdered” Richard Perkins. For reasons the records fail to explain the villains in this incident went unpunished. One of the murderers went on to become the sheriff of Mecklenburg County, North Carolina."
One FTM source says Elizabeth McCutchen was born 1717 in Maryland, Hartford Co., St. George P.E. Ch. but her parents are unknown.
24....i....ROBERT BIGGEN PERKINS, b. March 16, 1735/36, St. George Parish, Baltimore, Maryland; d. April 06, 1832, Lincoln Co., North Carolina.
...ii....RICHARD PERKINS, b. Abt. 1738, Whitemarsh, North Carolina; d. Aft. 1791; m. MARTHA BRIDGES, Bef. 1775, Lincoln County, North Carolina; b. Abt. 1769. See her entry below.
...iii....REUBEN PERKINS, b. Abt. 1742, Lincoln County, North Carolina.
Richard's wife's family was closely tied to the Perkins' family, as the entry on his father notes.
25....iv....ELIZABETH PERKINS, b. November 12, 1757, Lincoln County, North Carolina.
In Salisbury District Supreme Court for March, 1767, Ruben Perkens vs. John Clark--Slander. In Burke Co. NC, 15 January 1779, John Clark has 300 acres with improvements where Reuben Perkins now lives.
An ACT to invest Isaac Perkins with an exclusive privilege of making and selling a machine for threshing of wheat, on a model by him invented. PR.
---Maryland State Archives, Volume 203, Page 48, the year 1770
...i....WILLIAM PERKINS, b. October 23, 1741, Baltimore, Maryland.
9. MOSES PERKINS (RICHARD, RICHARD, ROBERT) was born Abt. 1726 in St. George Parish, Baltimore, Maryland, and died Abt. 1778 in Wilkes County, Georgia. He married SABRET ? Abt. 1760. She was born Abt. 1740, and died Bet. 1816 - 1820 in Pendleton County, South Carolina.
Title: Parish Register (transcript): Saint George's Parish, Baltimore County, Maryland
Call Number:
Media: Book
Page: Pg 330
Moses Perkins was of age before 1761, when he was constable for Rowan County, North Carolina. He signed a deed in 1769. He was later in Wilkes Co. GA.
...i....MOSES PERKINS, b. Abt. 1768.
26....ii....WILLIAM PERKINS, b. 1770, Rowan County, North Carolina; d. Abt. 1827, Anderson District, South Carolina.
27....iii....ELIZABETH PERKINS, b. 1775; d. Aft. 1850, St. Clair County, Alabama.
28....ii....REUBEN SIMPSON, b. October 06, 1743, Baltimore County, Maryland; d. Bef. 1835, Wayne County, Kentucky.
Perhaps he was the William Simpson researched by Don Simpson in The Simspon Clan, Vol. X Issue 4, Spring 1995: "Jacob Mileham and William Simpson were co-owners of a tract of 5,000 acres of land in Bedford Co., Tennessee. The deed of purchase was witnessed by Archibald Simpson (William's son?). On 10 August 1810 Joseph and Nicholas Branch of Bedford Co., TN sold to Jacob Mileham and William Simpson a tract of 5,000 acres for which they paid $4,000. Witnesses were Benjamin Bradford, Archibald Simpson and Barkly Martin. The land was located on the branch of Duck River and near the present day boundary of Coffee County.
.....On 23 August 1810 Jacob sold 455 acres of this land to Robert Bags and the deed was witnessed by Archibald Simpson, Walter Mileham and William Simpson.
.....In Wilson Co., Tennessee court records include a power of attorney (FHL film 430419) page 21 records a power of attorney made 3 Sept. 1810, recorded March 1815 by which "Jacob Mileham living in the county of Bedford, Tennessee appointed "my trusty friend" Archibald Simspon in the same county, his attorney to receive from the estate of Joseph Branch of Halifax Co., NC, the sum of $4000. Witnesses were John Curry and William Simpson. It was proven before the Court by John Curry and the probate does not mention William Simpson.
.....On the following page of the same book is another Power of Attorney, this by Jacob Mileham and William Simspon of Bedford Co., Tennessee appointing William Scott of Wilson Co., Tennessee their attorney to sue Joseph Branch of Halifax Co., NC and Nicholas Branch of Bedford Co., Tennessee for $4000 plus interest "for the failure of not making a sufficient title to a 5000 acre tract of land." Archibald Simpson, William Simpson and Jacob Mileham signed. Witnesses were Robert Alexander and Ephraim Sherrill. It was dated 1 March 1811 and was presented at the March term of 1815 of Wilson County Court and proven by the oaths of the two witnesses. Apparently the Simpsons and Jacob Mileham had left the area.
.....Abstracts of Wilson County deeds show that John Irvin sold to Archibald Simspon 140 acres on Round Lick on 24 March 1801. On the same day John Irvin sold to John Curry 250 acres on Round Lick. On 30 April 1801 Archibald Simpson sold 23 acres on Round Lick to John Harod and on 4 May 1801, John Curry sold 18 acres on Round Lick to Archibald Simpson.
.....The earliest surviving tax list of Wilson Co., TN is 1803 and lists both William and Archibald Simpson in Capt. Wood's District; William with no land, Archibald with 135 acres. Lists survive for the years 1804, 1806 and 1807 and both men are listed on each, always in the same district. William was always listed without land and Archibald with the 135 acres on Round Lick.
.....In 1806 the Round Lick Creek area was contained in Capt. Robert Branch's District and included William and Archibald, John and James Curry, and the William Scott who was named in the second Power of Attorney. The adjoining Spring Creek area was in Capt. Roseborough's District and his list included John Herrod who held lands on Spring Creek, Round Lick and Fall Creek, six Alexanders including Robert, five Sherell families including Ephraim Sherrell, and in this company was Peter Simpson. By 1807 Capt. Roseborough's District included in addition to those just mentioned, Peter Simpson's brother-in-law, Daniel Gough, who had been married to Sarah, daughter of Thomas Simpson ca. 1798 probably in Rockingham Co., NC.
.....Archibald Simpson sold his remaining 135 acres on Round Lick to John Alexander in February 1807 and the witnesses were James Curry and Robert Alexander. It seems likely that William and Archibald moved to Bedford Co., Tennessee about that time but they probably did not remain there beyond about 1810 or 1812. Neither was listed on the 1820 census of Tennessee.
.....The 1820 census of Gibson County, Indiana includes a William Simpson and an Archibald Simpson family, a Peter R. Simpson family and two of Peter's married sons, John and William, with their families. On the 1850 census of Gibson County in Patoka Twp. was the family of Samuel (age 42 born Tennessee) and Evelene (age 32 born Tennessee) Simpson with three children; Sarah 7, Alexander 3 and Edward G. 3, all born Indiana.
.....Goodspeed's History of Tennessee has under Humphreys County, a biographical sketch of Alex D. Simpson. It states he was born April 28, 1847 in Gibson Co., Indiana, the son of Samuel and Evalina (Colwell) Simpson. It further states that his father, Samuel Simpson, was born April 9, 1808, in Wilson Co., Tennessee, and his mother, Evalina Colwell, was born April 24, 1818 in Bedford Co., Tennessee. Alex was brought by his parents to Tennessee when he was 8 years old, where they resided at first in Dickson County then after only 18 months there, moved to Humphreys County.
.....Archibald Simpson had a male age 10-16 on the 1820 Gibson Co., Indiana census (William had no males other than himself) so it seems likely that Samuel was the son of Archibald and was probably born on Lick Fork Creek in Wilson Co., Tennessee. Both William and Archibald were listed on the 1820 census as 45 or older.
.....The identities of William and Archibald Simpson can't be proven but the presence of Ephraim Sherrill and Robert Alexander's names on the Simpson documents in Wilson County are probable clues. Published material on the Sherrill family suggests that Jacob Sherrill Sr. moved from the Sherrills Ford area on the Catawba River to Wilson County, Tennessee Ca. 1804 and with him went most of his children's families, excepting that of his son Jacob Junior who remained on Catawba River. Among those who moved to Wilson County with him was his son Ephraim Sherrill, presumably the same who witnessed the power of attorney.
.....The Alexander families of Capt. Roseborough's District, Wilson County, were probably part of the numerous Alexanders of old Rowan and Mecklenburg Counties, NC who settled on the east side of Catawba River at an early date. The fact that Robert Alexander and Ephraim Sherrill were the witnesses to the second Power of Attorney suggest that they might have been part of the Sherrills Ford Simpsons from the Catawba River area of North Carolina. This would suggest that the Sherrill's Ford Simpsons and the Haw River Simpsons continued to be in contact with each other for a long time after moving to North Carolina.
.....The next question is how were William and Archibald related to each other? The records don't provide an answer but if they were Sherrill's Ford Simpsons then they could have been brothers and grandsons of William and Avarilla (Perkins) Simpson or Archibald may have been a son of William and William may have been that son of William and Avarilla known to us for his animosity toward his Loyalist brother, Reuben Simpson.
29....iii....RACHEL SIMPSON, b. Abt. 1744.
30....iv....SARAH SIMPSON, b. January 16, 1747/48, Lincoln County, North Carolina; d. August 05, 1831, Lincoln County, North Carolina.
31....v....JAMES SIMPSON, b. Abt. 1750.
32....vi....JOHN SIMPSON, b. Abt. 1752, North Carolina; d. Abt. 1809, Wayne County, Kentucky.
33....vii....ELISHA SIMPSON, b. February 27, 1758, Northhampton County, North Carolina; d. September 04, 1835, Wayne, Washington, Alabama.
1840 Lee Co. Iowa census
George Perkins 89, Revolutionary Soldier is living in Lee Co. with one female 70-80
Perkins, John W. has one male up to five, one male 30-40, one female up to five, one female 20-30
1840 Lee Co. Iowa one of several townships
Perkins, G.W. has one male 30-40, 2 females up to five, one female 15-20, one female 30-40
Based on the evidence, I'd have to say Joshua is probably NOT a member of this Baltimore line of Perkinses...
34....i....GEORGE PERKINS, b. November 12, 1754, Bladen County, North Carolina; d. November 15, 1840, Lee County, Iowa.
35....ii....JACOB PERKINS, b. Abt. 1756, Bladen County, North Carolina; d. April 04, 1819, Carter County, Tennessee.
...iii....JOSHUA PERKINS, b. Abt. 1758; m. MARY MIXOM.
...iv....ISAAC PERKINS, b. Abt. 1760, Bladen County, North Carolina; d. Abt. 1795, Pendleton, South Carolina; m. HANNAH SWEAT.
...v....LEWIS PERKINS, b. Abt. 1762, Bladen County, North Carolina; d. February 12, 1783, Camden, South Carolina.
...vi....MARY PERKINS, b. Abt. 1762, Liberty, De Kalb, Tennessee.
By power of attorney tried to recover land for father in Maryland on 28 November 1769 Rowan Co. NC from Ruben Perkins and Jacob Giles of the County of Baltimore.
36....i....BENJAMIN PERKINS, b. Abt. 1753, Rowan County, North Carolina; d. Abt. 1806, Livingston County, Kentucky.
37....ii....RICHARD PERKINS, b. Abt. 1755, Rowan County, North Carolina; d. Oregon County, Missouri.
...iii....THOMAS PERKINS, b. Abt. 1757, Rowan County, North Carolina.
...iv....SOLOMON PERKINS, b. Abt. 1760. Family trees at Ancestry.com variously list his death place as South Carolina or Illinois, usually in October 1809. Some say he married an Elizabeth Miller; some say she was Elizabeth Reece Hicks.
...v....JOSEPH PERKINS, b. Abt. 1762, Rowan County, North Carolina.
American Genealogical-Biographical Index in "Roster of soldiers from N.C. in the Amer. Rev." Comp. By D.A.R. of NC. Durham, NC. 1932. (12,709p.):498 volume 134, page 406 has a Solomon Perkins born about 1750 North Carolina serving in the Revolution. However, this is very likely the son of Henry Perkins of Currituck, not the Maryland line's Solomon.
Subject : Solomon Perkins son of William
Date : Mon, 27 May 2002 23:10:24 -0400
Hi Jane,
.....First of all, kudos to you for the huge amount of work you've done on the Richard Perkins of MD line and putting it all online ... a tremendous effort! Very much appreciated.
.....I am a Perkins researcher trying to trace a Perkins family who left KY in 1808 for Illinois. Parents unknown but believe the mother's name was Elizabeth. Seven children, son Isaac born 1795, Daniel Reese Perkins born 1797 (my ancestor), son Elisha born 1799, son Isaac born 1801, and three daughters, probably born est. 1803, 1805 and 1807 if they kept up the pattern.
.....I'm intrigued with the Solomon Perkins you list as son of William Perkins. His siblings Stephen, Benjamin and William Jr. as well as his father Wm Sr. all were in Livingston county KY. I have found mention of a Solomon Perkins in Livingston county KY also, appearing before the county court in 1804 to complain that his right ear was bit off.
.....There is a Solomon Perkins who then shows up across the river at Cave-in-Rock in 1807 filing for squatters' rights to 320 acres of land. He is granted permission to remain but doesn't show up on the list of grantees of land under preemption rights in 1814 in the Shawnee Town land office records. The mother of our Perkins brood, Elizabeth, remarries in July 1811 to Nathaniel Armstrong (I found a letter to a newspaper in the 1880s from a Perkins descendant that mentions a half-brother John Armstrong). I presume that our Papa Perkins (name unknown) was killed sometime between 1808 and 1811, perhaps by Indians. Might he be Solomon? Elisha and Daniel Reese both named their oldest sons Solomon.
.....Lewis Barker, who operated a ferry at Cave-in-Rock across the Ohio River to KY, was the father of Jane Barker, who married Isaac Perkins, the oldest brother. Lewis Barker was in the state legislature in 1818 and was also a justice of the peace for Pope County IL. Lewis Barker and Isaac Casey were closely associated and had children who intermarried, and one of Isaac Casey's sons, Solomon Casey, married one of the Perkins sisters (don't know her name yet). Supposedly Isaac Casey's father, Randolph Casey, came from South Carolina and his mother was a Perkins. I also believe that one of Isaac Casey's daughters married Elisha Perkins, son #3. Many of Elisha Perkins's descendants have "Casey" names, and Elisha is found living near Caseys for decades thereafter. Another Perkins sister (name unknown) married Joel Hargroves, who had a close association with Isaac Perkins the oldest brother later in Warren county, Illinois and Iowa.
.....Our four Perkins brothers, along with the sisters and brothers-in-law, migrated from the area of ShawneeTown IL to Tazewell county, Madison county, Jefferson county, Franklin county, St. Clair county, then to Warren county Illinois where they congregate again. Later they moved on to Iowa. Descendants went to Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado and from there all over. These people really liked to relocate! A newspaper account of Solomon Perkins (born 1801) shortly before his death in 1886 stated that he had improved 25 different farms during his lifetime.
.....So you can see why I'm interested in your Solomon Perkins. Our Perkins line has the names Solomon, Isaac, Elisha, Daniel Reese, Ephraim, Benjamin, and others used repeatedly. I have three Daniel Reese Perkinses in my direct line, down to my grandfather. My grandfather Daniel Reese also had a brother named Solomon ("Uncle Sol").
.....The other item of interest is that my 2X great-grandfather Daniel Reese Perkins,Jr. married a Mariah Lieurance. His brother Solomon Perkins (son of Daniel Reese #1) married a Mary Lieurance. The two Lieurance girls were first cousins, daughters of Elijah Lieurance and Abijah Lieurance respecively. Their family came from Clinton county, Ohio. The Lieurances came to Clinton County OH in 1806 after a stopover in Tennessee for several years and originally were in Ashe County NC, where the name was spelled Lowrance. (aha!) I am intrigued by the extensive intermarrying between Perkinses and Lowrances going back to the 1600s in Maryland.
.....If we can tie in your Solomon Perkins, son of William, to our line, I have a great deal of information about the descendants. There are several of us, descendants of the four brothers, who are looking hard for the mystery parents. Only thing that bothers me is that our information is that our Perkinses are of Welsh ancestry, and Richard & Robert Perkins are of English ancestry. Also, supposedly our Perkinses came from Virginia to Kentucky, no mention of North Carolina.
.....Would welcome any information.
Ann Fourt
.....I believe now that Isaac C. Perkins (and possibly also Joshua Perkins who married Sarah Guest) are sons of Henry Perkins of Currituck Co./Halifax Co. NC, NOT the Perkinses of Lincoln Co. NC.
.....This is based on Bible records of Henry Perkins that clearly list Isaac Cooper Perkins, b. 1790, as a son.
.....So it appears that in Wilkes Co. GA from 1770-1800 we have two different PERKINS groups, one from Henry Perkins of Curritcuk Co. and one from the Richard Perkins of MD group who migrated to Rowan Co. NC.
.....To make things more confusing, Henry Perkins had a son Solomon Perkins who served as a colonel in the Revolutionary War, and also a son Moses. Both of these names are also found in the Richard Perkins line of Baltimore Co. MD.
.....The GUEST/GIST connection is still most intriguing, however since both PERKINS groups have a connection. The GUEST/GISTs are also mentioned back in Baltimore Co. MD in the late 1600s and early 1700s in connection with Richard Perkins.
.....I found mention of a Solomon Perkins in Wilkes Co. GA in the 1810s; I believe he may be a son of Thomas Perkins, of the Richard Perkins of Baltimore Co. MD line and a brother to my ancestor Solomon Perkins. Does anyone know this Solomon Perkins?
.....I am trying to determine where my Solomon Perkins was during the 1780s; my information is that he would have been in his twenties at that time. One source says he married after 1784 (and it would have been prior to 1790 where he is listed on the Census at Pendleton district SC as married with one daughter).
.....Solomon had brothers named William Jr., Adam, Richard, Thomas, Benjamin and others; I am beginning to suspect that his father, William Perkins Sr., may have been a son of Isaac Perkins, son of Richard Perkins I of Baltimore Co. MD.
.....Solomon's brother Benjamin had a son Isaac and Solomon himself named his eldest son Isaac as well. This is just a suspicion at this point, however. The birth of William Perkins, son of Isaac, is listed in the St. George's Parish records in Baltimore Co. and gives the year as 1740. This date works better for him to be the Wm Perkins Sr. in Livingston Co. KY who dies in the early 1800s, than the Wm Perkins son of Richard Perkins II born about 1730.
38....vi....WILLIAM PERKINS, b. Abt. 1765, Burke County, North Carolina; d. October 12, 1812, Cape Girardeau County, Missouri.
...vii....ADAM PERKINS, b. Abt. 1767, Burke County, North Carolina; d. April 17, 1824, Crider, Caldwell, Kentucky; m. MARY WATERS, May 23, 1743, Baltimore, Maryland.
...viii....STEPHEN PERKINS, b. Abt. 1769, Rowan County, North Carolina; d. Livingston County, Kentucky.
39....ix....JOHN H. PERKINS, b. Abt. 1770, Lincoln County, North Carolina; d. January 1841, Cape Girardieu, Missouri.
1810 Livingston Co. KY census
http://www.rootsweb.com/~usgenweb/ky/livingston/census/1810/152.jpgStephen Perkins
Around 1760 he married in Rowan Co. NC, where he had a son born 1760 and three daughters born 1764-1770. Recognized by the DAR as a Private in the GA Troops during the Rev. War.
40....i....JESSE PERKINS, b. 1762; d. December 13, 1847.
Was paid for two wolf scalps in the Rowan County NC Court Docket for the 1764 session.
...i....JESSE C. PERKINS, b. Abt. 1768; d. 1847, Greene County, Georgia; m. SARAH GUEST. Notes for JESSE C. PERKINS: Listed in 1790 Wilkes County Georgia tax digest.
Deed of Gift 23 Apr 1742 William Perkins for the tender and valuable love which I bear unto my daughter Mary Perkins, have granted given?.1 sorrel mare branded on the near shoulder thus W and on near buttock thus P; l red pied cow both ears cropt and a slit in the near ? ear and under Kool in the right; a red pied calf with the same mark; red Steer with the same mark; 2 breeding Ews; 1 Cow with same mark as other with all their increase and l feather bed with a new tick.
Witnesses: Talbot Resteau and Keyes
Signed William Perkins
Received and Recorded 25 Apr 1742
Ref: Deed. Baltimore Co,MD TB#A-Folio 130-131
John and Mary had 10 children, and he married secondly to Anne Nicholas in 1762 and had seven children by her, then died 23 April 1781 Millbridge near Salisbury, NC, and was buried at Thyatirm Presbyterian Church Cemetery. This information from Johanes Lowrans Bible purchases 1744; will of Johanes Lowrance dated 12 July 1745 Pepack, East Jersey and proved Somerset Co. 3 December 1745; will of John Lowrance Jr. of Rowan Co. NC dated 20 April 1781; family Bible of John Lowrance Jr.; and Gayford Rader Lowrance's 1986 book FROM THE EUROPEAN CONTINENT TO AMERICAN COLONIST AND CITIZEN: THE 275 YEAR HISTORY OF THE LOWRENCE FAMILY IN AMERICA.
...i....DANIEL LOWRANCE, b. February 28, 1738/39.
...ii....MARGARET LOWRANCE, b. September 28, 1742.
...iii....JOSEPH LOWRANCE, b. November 18, 1742.
...iv....ABRAHAM LOWRANCE, b. July 18, 1746.
42....v....ANDREW LOWRANCE, b. August 25, 1748, Peapack, New Jersey; d. May 22, 1812, Rowan County, North Carolina.
...vi....MARY LOWRANCE, b. November 11, 1750; m. MATTHEW WOODS.
...vii....ELIZABETH LOWRANCE, b. January 24, 1753; m. DAVID CRAWFORD.
...viii....CATHERINE LOWRANCE, b. August 25, 1756; m. JOHN NEWTON.
...ix....JACOB LOWRANCE, b. August 17, 1759; m. REBECCA BEARD.
After his father's death, William ran the Perkins Ferry near Lapidum. He erected a stone grist mill on Herring Run, Lapidum, York Co. PA in 1760 and sold it ten years later.
Reuben Perkins operated "Perkin's Ferry" on the Susquehanna river which his father had operated before him. He built and operated a grist mill at Herring Run near Lapidum, MD. He had the land resurveyed and called "Perkins Vallies'. From this land his mother, Elizabeth and he sold 2 acre lots in the 1770's. Shortly after that time he move to Ten Mile Country, Washington Co., PA. Reuben Perkins, Sr. is listed as head of household 1784, Morgan Twp Greene Co., PA. Also listed as head of household is Elisha Perkins, Richard Perkins while Reuben Perkins Jr. is listed as a single man. On the 1784 Tax list, Greene Twp., Washington Co., PA is William Perkins. In 1788 the "Purkins Estate" is listed on the Assessment Roll, Cumberland Twp., Washinton Co., PA.
November the 5th, 1748 - Then was Ruben Perkins married to Avarilla Durbin
December the 6th, 1749 - Then was born Hannah Perkins daughter of Ruben Perkins and Arvilla his wife
July 10, 1752 -Then was born William Perkins Son of Ruben Perkins and Avarilla his wife
March 26, 1755 - Then was born Rachel Perkins Daughter of Ruben Perkins and Avarilla his wife
April 12, 1757 - Then was born Elizabeth Perkins Daughter of Ruben Perkins and Avarilla his wife.
August 14, 1759 - Then was born Richard Perkins Son of Reuben Perkins and Avarilla his wife
MD, but now of City of Philadelphia to Rubin Perkins of Baltimore Co., D..Perkins paid 25 pounds for 10 acres, lyin as 10 acres part of Eightrup…the westward side of the Susquehanna River..this is the beginning of the part of Eightrup which belonged to William Perkins father of the said Reuben Perkins and now in the possession of same Perkins…and also the part of Eightrup which belonged to Richard Perkins and now in possession of Thomas White, Herring Run mentioned in description of land, a mill on the run.
Wit'ss: Aquila Hall and Amos Garret; Justices
Mrs. Esther White acknowledged her dower rights.
Ref: Abstracts of Deeds. Baltimore Co., MD (now Harford Co). All film #'s in Family History Library, SLC - #13332, Book B-H, Pages 321,322,32
Reubin Perkins of Baltimore Co.,MD petition for resurvey. He was seized in fee of and in 122 acres part of 'Eytryp' originally on 13 Nov 1732 granted William Perkins and Elisha Perkins for 423 acres…wants to add vacant land..special warrant to resurvey his part of aforesaid Tract warrant 2 Nov 1764 but said warrant not executed within the time therein limited, it was on 29 Apr 1765 renewed and continued in force six months longer..original 136 acres plus 21 acres surplus granted 26 Aug 1766 'Perkins Vallies' in Baltimore Co,, on west side of Susquehanna river,157 acres bearing date 2 Oct 1765..(A long description of this acreage is given in this document - Golda Sitz)
Ref: Patents. BC&CS#31-Folio 435,436,437
Robert Bryarly of Baltimore Co, MD to Reuben Perkins of Baltimore Co., MD, planter for 75 pounds paid by Perkins for land called Trap or Eighass?, part of tract resurveyed by virtue of a special warrant to Edward Harris for 115 acres the 25 May 1721; description of land given...57 ½ acres..which part of land or resurvey of 115 acres was by Daniel Sullivan and wife Winifred conveyed to Robert Brierly on 13 Oct 1752…
Jane, wife of Robert Bryarly acknowledged her dower rights.
Ref: Abstracts of Deeds, Baltimore Co, MD (now Harford Co) All film #'s in Family History Library, SLC - #13335 Book B-Q, pages 50, 51, 52, 53
Thomas Durbin of Baltimore Co, MD to Reuben Perkins of Baltimore Co., MD.. Durbin received 100 pounds for 10 acres of land called Eyetrupp..up Susquehanna River intersects the Division Line between Ruben Perkins and Thomas Durbin.
Wit'ss: William Cox and John Cox
Signed Thos Durbin
Margaret, wife of Thomas Durbin acknowledged her dower rights.
Ref: Abstracts of Deeds, Baltimore Co, MD (now Harford Co) All film #'s in Family History Library, SLC - #13335. Book B-Q, pages 440,441,442,443
'Eightrap'. Rubin Perkins built a grist mill. Ref: Deed AL#B-Folio 642,643,644
'Perkins Valley' 1 acre….Reuben Perkins. Ref: Deed.AL#B-Folio 731
Reuben Perkins to Samuel Harris 'Eyetrop'.. on 7th Apr 1770 came Reuben Perkins and Samuel Harris. Ref: Deed AL#G-Folio 257,258,259,260
Reuben Perkins of Baltimore Co. to Thos Durbin a part of 'Eyetrap'. Ref: Deed AL#B-Folio 426,427,428
Rubin Perkins of Baltimore Co to Nath Giles..'Eightrap'..rock stone with RP Hering Run…or Perkins Mill Run Edifices, Houses, out houses, gardens, orchards, meadows, mines, minerals, mounds, fences, woods. Ref: Deed AL#B-Folio 639,640,641
Ruben Perkins of Baltimore Co, MD recd 512 pounds from Nathaniel Giles of Baltimore Co.,MD for part of land called Eightrap Herring Run or other wise called Perkins Mill Run 1 acre and 95 perches..Sarah, wife of Rubin Perkins appears and acknowledged her dower rights.
Wit'ss: John Harris and Jeremiah ?honedine
Recd 5 Jan 1771 of Nathaniel Giles 3 shillings alienation fine
Ref: Family History Library, SLC, Film #13335, pages 639,640,641
Rubin Perkins of Baltimore Co, MD rec'd 220 pounds PA currency from Nathaniel Giles for land that Rubin Perkins bought of Thomas White 10 acres..Rubin Perkins bought this land 24 July 1760 part of tract called Eightrap on Herring Run..Perkins built a grist mill and 2 acres
Sarah, wife of Reuben Perkins acknowledged her dower rights..
Ref: Family History Library, SLC Film #13335, pages 642,643,644
Reuben Perkins of Baltimore Co., MD, yeoman, to George Johnson of Cecil Co., MD, yeoman. Reuben Perkins recd 5 pounds 10 shillings money of PA part of Tract originally called Eightrap plus some added by resurvey on said Tract and now called Perkins Valley 1 acre of land On 28 Jan 1771, George Johnson paid 47 pounds 10 shillings. Ref: Family History Library, SLC, Film #13335, pages 734,735,736
Reubin Perkins of Baltimore Co, MD farmer and Elizabeth Perkins his mother to Aquila Hall, Baltimore Co, MD, merchant rec'd 52 pounds 10 shillings..Half acre of land being part of Tract where Reubin Perkins now lives in Baltimore Co, adjoining west side of Susquehanna river origenally called 'Eightrap' but now called 'Perkins's Valley' Reubin and Elizabeth Perkins sold ½ acre lot to Ebenezer Mackie..
Witnesses: Amos Garret and John Harris..
Conveyance Lot part of 'Perkins's Valley'..Reubin Perkins of Baltimore Co, planter and Elizabeth Perkins, mother of Reubin to Benjamin Ramsey, attorney-at-law, rec'd 52 pounds 10 shillings for ½ acre of land being part of the land where Reubin Perkins now lives in Baltimore Co, west side of Susquehanna river originally called 'Eightrup' now called 'Perkins Valley'..Reubin Perkins sold to George Johnson 30 Dec 1771. Record proven by Amos Garrett and John Harris at same time came Sarah, wife of Reubin...examined and acquit her right of dower
Ref: Land Record. AL#D-Folio 372,373,374,375
Ref: Deed. AL#D-Folio 657,658,659,660
Reuben Perkins to Henry Stump. .and west side of Susquehanna River Appeared Sarah wife of Reuben..
Ref: Deed. AL#E-Folio 1,2,3,4
Reubin Perkins to Richard Sword(Seward) son-in-law appeared Sarah wife of Reubin
Ref: Deed AL#E-Folio 397,398,399
Reubin Perkins of Baltimore Co to Edward Mitchell of same county..part of 'Eightrupp' beginning at a stone 'RP' lying on the west side of the Susquehanna river and running south..by the side of Perkin's ferry road..Sarah wife of Reuben Perkins appeared. Ref: Deed AL#F-Folio 147,148,149,150
Reuben Perkins to Benj Fleetwood, natural love and affection for son-in-law and dau Hannah part of 'Perkins Valley'. Ref: Deed AL#E-Folio 320,321,322,323
Reuben Perkins and Wm Perkins to Nath Giles, land on Susquehanna, 157 acres 'Perkins Vallies' signed by both. Ref: Deed AL#G-Folio 282,2283,284,285
Thos Miller and John Hughs to Rubin Perkins
Ref: Deed AL#G-Folio 262,263,264,265
Lease Agreement: Reubin Perkins of Ten Mile Creek and James Horner, Harford Co,MD lease all that Tract of Land now belonging to him, Reubin Perkins purchased from Thomas Miller whereon Robert Boner now livith..ease for 12 years commencing April next which will be 1775, 20 pounds to be paid to Perkins every year until the said 12 years shall be expired..Horner to plant apple trees to number 100 at the expiration of 12 years..Plantation to be delivered up to Perkins at the end of 12 years in as good shape as it was delivered to Horner..Horner to have the bargain til such times as said PIRKINS son Ruben comes of full age of 21 if he is not of age at the end of the 12 years.
Witnesses: Sam'l Kimble and Sam'l M Fader. Recorded 21 May 1774
Ref: Land Record, Harford Co., MD AL#1-Folio 39,40
Rubin Perkins late of Harford Co,MD on part and John Hughes, son of William of Harford Co, other part..Rubin Perkins received 162 pounds 10 shillings paid by John Hughes..Perkins purchased the tract from Thomas Miller, whereon the tavern stands..Miller kept part of the tract..by Henry Stump's land..and purchased of Thomas Miller..to Edward Mitchell's corner also purchased from Thomas Miller..Kent Mitchell purchased of Thomas Miller..laid out for 81 ¼ acres.
Witnesses: Sam'l Kimble, Ja's Horner, John Ellis. Proven 21 May 1774. Reuben Perkins examined..and Sarah wife of Reuben released dower rights..
Ref: Land Record-Harford Co, MD, AL#!-Folio 27,28,29,30
Conveyance of 198 ¾ acres, part of Harmon's Addition. Reubin Perkins late of Harford Co, MD the first part and James Horner of Harford Co second part..Reubin rec'd 450 pounds for land in Harford Co wheron the Tavern now stands that Thomas Miller formerly did keep which Reuben Perkins did lately purchase of said Miller..land Perkins sold to John Hughs and land he now sells to James Horner. Kent Mitchell purchased of Thomas Miller laid out to be 198 ¾ acres..
Witnesses: Sam'l Kimble and Robert Boner. Proven 27 Jul 1774 rec'd 450 pounds pensilvania currency came Sarah Perkins wife of said Rubin surrendered her Right of Dower
Ref: Land Record - Harford Co, MD AL#!-Folio 69,70,71,72
Ruben Perkins of Baltimore Co, MD recd 90 pounds from Thomas Durbin of Baltimore Co, MD part of Tract of land called Eyetrap dividing line between Thomas Millum? and Tract formerly belonging to Miles? Fry bequeathed by Fry to Daniel Sulliven..Sullivan sold to Robert Bryarly Senr on Jun Bryarly Junr sold to Kent Mitchell and Edward Mitchell Mitchell sold to James Barnes who sold to the aforesaid Reuben Perkins 41 acres..
Wit'ss" Danl Henly(or Kenly) and Jos? Carson
5 Sept 1770 an Alienation fine was paid
Ref: Family History Library, SLC, Film #13335, pages 426,427,428
Given under my hand this 25th day of September, 1782
Benjamin Stites, Captain
1781 Washington Co., Morgan Twp, p 264
Rubin Perkins 1 horse value 3$
p 265
Rubin Perkin l horse value 6$
Reuben Perkins 100 acres-2 horse-2 cow-value64$
Ruben Perkins 100 acres - 2 horse - 2 cow value 64$
1 free white male of 16 years and upward, including heads of families
3 free white females
0 slaves
Note: Everhard Hopp lives on one side of him and Michael Moore on the other side. Joseph Hutton, William Wilson, Alexander Moody, Richard Atkeson all live in the same township.
43....i....REUBEN PERKINS, b. March 03, 1767, Baltimore County, Maryland; d. April 08, 1816, Captina, Belmont, Ohio.
44....ii....ROSANNA PERKINS, b. Abt. 1779, Harford County, Maryland.
45....iii....HANNA PERKINS, b. December 06, 1749, St. George Parish, Baltimore, Maryland.
46....iv....WILLIAM PERKINS, b. July 10, 1752, St. George Parish, Baltimore, Maryland; d. August 29, 1825, Fayette County, Pennsylvania.
47....v....RACHEL PERKINS, b. March 26, 1756, St. George Parish, Baltimore, Maryland; d. Abt. 1815.
...vi....ELIZABETH PERKINS, b. April 13, 1757, St. George Parish, Baltimore, Maryland.
...vii....RICHARD PERKINS, b. August 14, 1759, St. George Parish, Baltimore, Maryland. Could he be the Richard Purkins, 16, living with John (age 31) and Mary (34) Mitchelle in the Census of 1776, Susquehanna Hundred, Harford County, Maryland?
1776 census for Harford County, Maryland
Henry Stmp, age 48
Rachel, 40
Mary, 16
John, 22
Henry, 15
Rubin, 10
William, 8
Elisabeth, 6
Hannah, 3
Esther, 2
8 negroes
Another record shows that a John Stump settled at Perryville, Maryland, in the year 1700. There it is claimed he died in 1747. A son of his named Henry Stump about the same time moved to Deer Creek in Harford County, Maryland, where he married a Rachel Perkins. to this union were born several children among whom were many notables in the early history of Baltimore and the state of Maryland. Henry was the ancestor of the Hon. John H. Price, once judge of the judicial circuit of Baltimore, Cecil, & Harford Counties; of Hon. Henry Stump, judge of Criminal Court of Baltimore city; and of the latter's nephew, Hon. Frederick Stump, judge of the Second Judicial Circuit. One of these men was Herman Stump who was admitted to practice law, and rose to fame in that field. He was elected to the Maryland State Senate. In 1888, he was sent to Congress, and became the Father of our first strict immigration laws, and for several years served as Commissioner General of Immigration. He held this position until 1896 when he resigned, and retired to his home known as "Waverly" in Harford County Maryland. In 1903 he married a lady named Mary Fernandez De Velasco, descendant of an illustrious Spanish family. Herman was a member of the Episcopal Church of England, and was affiliated with the Masonic Fraternity.
See page 217 of Walter W. Preston's HISTORY OF HARFORD COUNTY.
48....i....JOHN STUMP, b. Abt. 1755; d. November 18, 1828.
49....ii....MARY STUMP, b. Abt. 1760; d. November 19, 1845, Harford County, Maryland.
...iii....HENRY STUMP, b. Abt. 1761; d. October 1814; m. HANNAH WILSON, October 1798.
...iv....RUBIN STUMP, b. Abt. 1766.
...v....WILLIAM STUMP, b. Abt. 1768.
...vi....ELIZABETH STUMP, b. Abt. 1770.
50....vii....HANNAH STUMP, b. Abt. 1773, Perkins Ferry, Harford County, Maryland; d. Abt. 1812.
51....viii....ESTHER STUMP, b. September 09, 1774, Harford County, Maryland; d. March 21, 1861.
...ix....SAMUEL STUMP, b. September 07, 1779; m. (1) MARTHA BURROUGHS; m. (2) MARIA RINGGOLD, June 14, 1846, Baltimore, Baltimore County, Maryland.
Per Geneva Sweet on www.genforum.com:
Ephraim Wilson b. abt 1738; d. abt 1800 at Robinsion co.TN.
Ephriam Wilson M. Isabella Hutcheson in Agusta Co Va. 1758. Isabella, dau. of John Hutcheson andd Mary?, born in 1741, Agusta co. Va.
John Wilson b. 1760-1837
Elizabeth Wilson 1763
Catherine Wilson 1764-1834
Margaret Wilson 1765-1840
Richard Wilson 1773-1860
Nancy Wilson 1776-1834
Samuel Wilson 1774
Ephraim G. Wilson 1780
Thomas G. Wilson 1803
Ephraim S. Wilson 1796
Levi E. Wilson 1808
Miss Wilson 1807
Jefferson Wilson 1807
John Wilson 1810
52....i....CATHERINE WILSON, b. 1767, Green County, Tennessee.
...ii....JOHN WILSON.
...vii....NANCY WILSON.
...viii....EPHRAIM G. WILSON.
Richard Wilson d. 1779 Botetourt Co. VA, left his land in residue to his sons, William and Thomas.
...i....THOMAS WILSON, m. MARGARET SHERRILL, February 09, 1795, Greene County, Tennessee; b. 1776.
53....iii....MARY WILSON, b. Bef. 1774; d. Aft. 1840, Jackson County, Tennessee.
54....iv....WILLIAM WILSON.
John Bridges received a land grant of 405 acres on both sides of Balls Creek in 1762; at that time, the land was in Rowan County, North Carolina.
Perkins, Daniel Laurance-probated April 1791
.....In the Name of God, Amen, I JOHN BRIDGES of Lincoln County in the State of North Carolina being in good health and perfect mind and memory blessed be God therefore, Do this sixteenth day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty eight, make and publish this my Last Will and testament in manner and form following that is to say Imprimus: I commend my sole to God Almighty Who gave it and my body to the Earth from Whencest Came to be buried in a Christian Like manner at the Discretion of my Exectuors herein after Named in hopes of a Joyfull Resurrection through the merits of my Blessed Savior Jesus Christ.
.....And for that worldy Estate wherewith it has been pleased God to Beless me I dispose of in the following manner (to wit) that all my just debts be first paid. I give and bequeath unto my Beloved wife, MARGRET BRIDGES my Jemis? Mair and Colt and her saddle, hew own bed and furniture and one half of all the rest and residue of my estate both rail and personal to her and her assigns forever, Likewise I give and bequeath unto my Beloved Sone DAVID BRIDGES the sum of one shilling sterling, I give and bequeath unto my Beloved sone JOHN BRIDGES and each of his sons one Shillling Sterling Each; I give and Bequesth unto my Beloved Daughter ELIZABETH HILL, wife of HENRY HILL one Shilling Sterling; I give and Bequeath unto my Beloved Daughter PHILLIS WALKER wife of CHARLES WALKER, the sum of one Shilling Sterling; I give and Bequeathe unto my Beloved Daughter ANN CALE wife of BALSER CALE the sum of one Shilling Sterling; I give and Bequeath unto my Beloved Daughter MARTHA PERKINS wife of RICHARD PERKINS the sum of one Shilling Sterling; I give and Bequeath unto my Beloved Daughter CATHERINE WALKER wif of JAMES WALKER the sum of one Shilling Sterling; I give and Bequeath unto my Beloved sone WILLIAM BRIDGES one Shilling Sterling; I give and Bequeath unto my five Gran Children, sons of WILLIAM BRIDGES, to wit, JOHN WILLIAM SOLLOMON JESSY BENJAMIN and PHRAIM one Shilling each. I give and Bequeath unto my two Gran Children, sons of DAVID BRIDGES, to wit, DAVID (here there is a blank followed by an up arrow, apparently pointing to Ephraim) the sum of one shilling Sterling each; I give and Bequeath unto my Beloved sone ELISHA BRIDGES all the rest and residue of my estate both rail (sic) and personal to his heirs and assigns and to the only proper use and gehaoof of him the said ELISHA BRIDGES his Heirs and Assigns forever and do make constitute and appoint the afforesaid MARGRET BRIDGES my Well and Beloved Wife and my well Beloved Sone ELISHA BRIDGES to be my Executors of this my Last will and testament Desollving and Disclaiming and making void all other will and wills by me heretofore maid Ratifying and Confirming this my Last will and testament In Witness whereof I the Said JOHN BRIDGES have hereunto set my hand and Seal this Day and year above Written.
Signed, Seald and delivered by the testators as ?
for his Last Will and testament in the presence of us who ware present
John Bridges
His Mark
B632 BRIDGES, Benjamin...G420 ...GILES, Bearshaba...19 Jun 1794
B632 BRIDGES, Braswell... S345 ...STALLINGS, Elizabeth... 01 Oct 1814
B632 BRIDGES, Ransome...B616 ...BARBER, Adaline...23 Oct 1849
B632 BRIDGES, William...S530... SMITH, Jane...16 Apr 1788
55....i....ELIZABETH BRIDGES, b. Abt. 1740, Lincoln County, North Carolina.
...ii....CATHERINE BRIDGES, b. Abt. 1749; m. JAMES WALKER; b. Abt. 1763, Abbeville District, South Carolina.
56....iii....NANCY ANN BRIDGES, b. Abt. 1755; d. Abt. 1825, Lincoln County, North Carolina.
57....iv....DAVID BRIDGES, b. Abt. 1757; d. April 1807, Lincoln County, North Carolina.
...v....JOHN BRIDGES, b. Abt. 1759.
...vi....PHILLIS BRIDGES, b. Abt. 1760; m. CHARLES WALKER; b. Bef. 1755; d. Bef. 1810, Lincoln County, North Carolina.
58....vii....WILLIAM BRIDGES, b. Abt. 1761.
59....viii....ELISHA BRIDGES, b. Abt. 1763, North Carolina; d. Abt. 1803, Lincoln County, North Carolina.
...ix....MARTHA BRIDGES, b. Abt. 1769; m. RICHARD PERKINS, Bef. 1775, Lincoln County, North Carolina; b. Abt. 1738, Whitemarsh, North Carolina; d. Aft. 1791. See his entry (24) above; descendants listed with him.
Aalthough entered in the St. George's Parish books on 31 August 1734, ELisha was probably born in 1721, before his father went to jail as a horse thief; Elisha Sr. was cited for not registering the birth of a child--this is probably him. He entered legislature 1755.
In the Name of God, Amen.
.....The 9th day of April, 1759, I, Elisha Perkins of the County of Frederick in the Colony of Virginia, being very sick and Weak in Body but in Perfect mind and Memory, thanks be Given unto God therefore Calling unto Mind the Mortality of my Body and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to Die, do make and Ordain this my Last Will and Testament that is to say Principally and first of all I Give and Recommend my Soul into the Hands of Almighty God that Gave it and my Body I recommend it to the Earth to be Buried in Decent Christian Burial at the Discretion of My Executors Nothing Doubting But at the General Resurrection I shall Receive the Same again by the Mighty Power of God and Touching Such Worldly Estate Wherewith it Hath Pleased God to Bless in this Life I Give Devise and Dispose of the same in the Following Manner and From Imprimis I give and Bequeath to my Beloved Brother John My Roand Horse and Bay Horse and my Rifle Gund and Wearing Cloase.
.....Item I Give to my Well Beloved Daughter ELIZABETH PERKINS all and Singular my Lands and Mesuages and Tentement & all my other Goods and Chattells and all my Cash By Her Freely to be Possessed and Enjoyed.
.....Item and I likewise Constitute Make and Ordain My Brother John Perkins my sole Executor of this my Last Will and Testiment and I do Hereby utterly Disallow Revoke and Disannull all and Every other Former Wills Testaments Legacies and Bequests and Executors by me in any Ways before Named Willed and Bequeathed Ratifying and Confirming this and no other to be my Last Will and Testament. In Witness whereof I Have Hereunto Set my Hand and Seal the Day and year above written.
Elisha Perkins (Seal)
John (His Mark)Poor
John Spurgin
John Fleming
Testee: J. Woodee
60....i....ELIZABETH ADELAIDE PERKINS, b. Abt. 1758, Frederick County, Virginia; d. January 1834, Independence County, Arkansas Territory.
The Joshua Perkins family is regarded to have been the first Caldwell County, NC, settlers. His grant was from the Earl of Granville when Caldwell County was still a part of Rowan County. Joshua was a brother of Gentleman John Perkins, and either came with his uncle Adam Sherrill or soon after. Some of Joshua's land was the most beautiful in the county, part of this tract being in Alexander County on the Catawba River in a triangle formed by the inter- section of Caldwell, Alexander, and Catawba Counties. This land was later owned by Abner Payne and still later by Dr. Cyrus Flowers and his wife, the daughter of Abner Payne.
Allegedly he enlisted in the Isle of Wright co. on Feb 6 1777 in Capt Brown's First reg. and was in Valley Forge in May, 1788. Joshua enlisted in the Isle of Wight, Virginia, 6 February 1777 in Captain Brown's First Virginia State Regiment for the Revolutionary War. He served almost three years, until November 1779. He was sick for much of his military term.
He continues to appear in tax records and such in Rutherford County TN through 1810.
61....i....MARJORIE PERKINS, b. 1758, Orange County, Virginia; d. 1825.
62....ii....SARAH PERKINS, b. 1759, Orange County, Virginia; d. 1857.
...iii....POLLY PERKINS, b. 1763, Rowan County, North Carolina; d. 1765.
...iv....JESSE PERKINS, b. Abt. 1764, Rowan County, North Carolina; d. Abt. 1774.
63....v....JOSHUA PERKINS, b. 1765, Rowan County, North Carolina; d. October 06, 1839, Bond County, Illinois.
...vi....JANE SHERRILL PERKINS, b. 1767, Rowan County, North Carolina; m. ? EDWARDS.
...vii....WILLIAM SHERRILL PERKINS, b. 1769, Rowan County, North Carolina; m. ELIZABETH ?.
...viii....BENJAMIN PERKINS, b. 1771, Rowan County, North Carolina; m. ELIZABETH OWENS.
Pat Clemons suggests this could be the William Perkins who was born circa 1770 NC and died in April 1827 in Anderson District, SC, where he left a will. His wife Mary was born ca. 1774-84 and died ca. 1835-40 in Pickens District, SC. Children of that couple include:
SARAH, born ca. 1790-4 Pendleton 96th District SC, m. Shadrack Harrison and lived in Pickens District, SC
RUTHA, born 1795 Pendleton, married Aaron Phillips
MOSES, born 26 Feb. 1797 Pendleton and died Fayette Co. AL
JOSIAH, born 1805, went to Lauderdale Co. AL
JOSHUA, born 1812 Pendleton, died 1856.
...ix....LEROY PERKINS, b. Abt. 1780, Rutherford County, Tennessee; m. ELIZABETH PERKINS.
...x....JOHN PERKINS, b. Abt. 1783; m. NANCY REED.
In 1752, Gentleman John Perkins' father-in-law emigrated as a guide to Bishop Spangenberg of the Moravian faith, with Adam Sherrill (whose son married Elizabeth Lowrance, John Perkins' sister-in-law). The Bishop said, "I especially recommend John Perkins as a diligent and trustworthy man and a friend of the brethern."
Item--I give and bequeath unto my beloved son Ephriam Perkins one hundred acres of land adjoining his own and Jacob Fulbrights lines, one negro boy named Henry and my Diamede Colt....
Item--I give and bequeath unto my beloved son John Perkins one negro boy named Bassel and likewise one negro girl named Ary and my Nebuchadnezzar mair one feather bead and furniture, pony race wagon...
Item--I give and bequeath unto my beloved son Joseph Pirkins one negro boy named David....
Item--I give and bequeath unto my beloved son Alexander Pirkins five negros (to wit) Primas, Judy, Sesar, Lewis & Fan and my Paymaster Stud, one feather bead and furniture...BR>
Item I guve and bequeath unto my beloved daughter Sarah Snody one tract of land four hundred acres that I bought of Samuel Brown...
Item--I give and bequeath unto my beloved son Eli Perkins one tract of land that I now live on and rest and residue of my land that lays in the County of Lincoln except what is bequeathed to my son Ephriam, and five negroes, to wit, James, Easter, Eililah, Jacob & Dinah, one still and still tubs, one plantation wagon & two work horses...
Item, I give and bequeath unto my beloved granddaughter Sally Emly Miller, one negro girl named Eliza...
Item--I give and bequeath unto my five grandchildren (to wit) Polly Pirkins, Alfred Perkins, John Pirkins, Elizabeth Perkins & Matilda Pirkins the sum of five shillings sterling each
...And my further will is that all the rest residue of my stock of cattle, hogs & sheep, plantation tools to be equally divided between my three sons (to wit) John Perkins, Alexander Perkins and Eli Perkins
...And my further will is that all the Land I hold in Anson County and in South Carolina be sold at the descretion of my executors and to be equally divided between my beloved wife Catherine Perkins, Mary Miller, Ephriam Pirkins, Joseph Perkins, John Perkins, Alexander Perkins, Sarah Soody and Eli Perkins. And I do make constitute and appoint my beloved son Ephriam Perkins and Eli Perkins to be my hole and sole executor of this my Last Will and Testament...."
These sketches were originally written by Col Thomas George Walton (1815-1905). 1st published in the old Morganton Herald in 1894
.....The PERKINS family, of Johns River, descended from a native of England, who came to the Colonies in 1732. Landing in Pennsylvania, he removed to Lincoln County, North Carolina (then Tryon), founded in 1779. By way of pre-eminence, he was known as "Gentleman John Perkins." Accompanying an exploring party led by a Moravian Bishop (from Salem, now Stokes County, the "United Brethren" having built a church there in 1763), before any grants had been issued for the rich alluvial lands of John's River and Lower Creek, which were then still untilled and unoccupied. Availing himself of this fact, he obtained grants from the State for large bodies of the best land in Western North Carolina, devising the same to his six sons, EPHRAIM PERKINS, JOSEPH PERKINS, JOHN PERKINS, ALEXANDER PERKINS, ELI PERKINS and ELISHA PERKINS, and a daughter, MARY PERKINS, whose offspring still own and live on them. (in 1894). The broad lowlands, having been cultivated in the various cereals for more than a century, without the use of fertilizers, show but little, if any, loss from the original productiveness. The name John's River was derived from "Gentleman John", perpetuating his name as long as the river flows the limpid water of this beautiful stream, from it's source near the eastern base of Grandfather Mountain, (said by distinguished geologists to be the oldest, visible, earthly formation as yet discovered.) (in 1894)
.....JOSEPH PERKINS married MELISSA LAVENDER, a niece of Mrs. AVERY and protege of Col. WAIGHTSTILL AVERY, SR. She was of French descent, probably Huguenot. (the name La'Vender has possibly been anglicized FROM LA'VENDEE, a maritime department in the west of France), by whom JOSEPH had three sons, Dr. JAMES HERVEY PERKINS, OSBORNE PERKINS, and WILLIAM PERKINS; and five daughters, ELIZABETH who married ALLEN CONNELLY, MYRA, who married DAVID CORPENING. LEAH married WILLIAM LOCKE BAIRD and SALENA, wife of LEVI LAXTON. JAMES HERVY and WILLIAM died unmarried.
.....JOHN PERKINS, JR. married NANCY ABERNETHY, who was a niece of the wife of General PETER FORNEY of Lincoln County, a soldier of the Revolution. The maiden name of his (Peter Forney's) wife was also NANCY ABERNETHY, Mrs. PERKINS being probably her name-sake. Mr. PERKINS died, leaving but one child, SUSAN PERKINS, heiress to a large fortune in land and slaves. She married R.V. MICHAUX , a lawyer, who came to Burke in 1834 from Virginia. He was a relative of the distinguished North Carolinian, NATHANIEL MACON.
....."ALEXANDER PERKINS married a Miss REBECCA MOORE (a connection of Dr. BOUCHELLE). By her he had three children, two sons, THEODORE PERKINS and THADDEUS PERKINS, and a daughter, CLARISSA PERKINS. The only surviving member of this branch of the PERKINS family is THADDEUS, JR. and his family, who are the sole owners of the splendid domain on Wilson's Creek and John's River. ALEXANDER and his brother JOHN were the first to introduce horses of good pedigree and blood in Burke County, breeding from celebrated stock in Virginia, belonging to WILLIAM AMIS and Col. JOHNSON. They took great pains in training them, and delighted in showing their superiority in fleetness and bottom at long distances on the Quaker Meadows and other race courses, over the scrubs of the country."
....."ELISHA PERKINS, the eldest son of "Gentleman John" inherited from his father the fine alluvial lowlands on the west side of John's River, about three miles from it's mouth. He died at an early age, leaving a widow and two sons, ALFRED and JOHN, also three daughters. The widow married Major HIGHLAND who had distinguished himself during the war of the Revolution, in battles fought against the British and Tories, and was wounded at the Battle of Ramsour's Mill."
....."ALFRED PERKINS, a man highly esteemed for his probity, was a leading elder in the Presbyterian church. His death in the meridian of life was deeply regretted by all who knew him. He, like all the older members of the PERKINS family, was of the bone and sinew of the land. He married MARY, the youngest daughter of ROBERT CALDWELL, SR., leaving at his death, three children, ELISHA ALEXANDER PERKINS, ROBERT C. PERKINS, and JANE ELIZABETH PERKINS. Alexander reminds me very much of his father in character, form and face."
............"So near approach we their celestial kind,
............By justice, truth, add probity of mind."
Ms. Leavelle,
...I don't know if I have ever corresponded with you. I am semi-retired, and my wife and I live in Greer, SC. I am originally from Rutherford County, NC, just north of here.
...I am researching some members of the Perkins family. Among those I am researching are Joshua F. Perkins of Tennessee (the Perkins Trial), Joshua Perkins (of the Cranberry Iron Mine) and Gentleman John Perkins and family of Catawba and Burke Counties, NC.
...I have never been able to connect by genealogy, Gentleman John Perkins, with either of the two Joshua Perkins above. Would you have any information on a connection?
...Also, William Powell, in his North Carolina Gazetteer, states that the Johns River in NC was named after a local Negro landowner-- John Perkins. I think someone along the way confused the term mulatto or free person of color with "Negro." I believe Gentleman John Perkins, however, was termed mulatto and connected to the other Perkins. Would you have any documentation of Gentleman John Perkins beging referred to as "mulatto" or "free person of color."
...Thanks for any help you can offer,
Scott Withrow
swithrow R earthlink.net
Kim Meza
"In the name of God, Amen. I Catherine Perkins, Senr. of the County of Lincoln & State of North Carolina, Revoking all others do make and constitute and appoint this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following, that is, I first give and bequeath to each of my sons, viz: ephriam, John, Joseph, Alexander, and Eli the sum of one hundred Dollars each. And 2nd I give & bequeath to my daughter Mary Miller the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars, and one father bed and furniture. And 3rd I give and bequeath to Alexander Lowrance in trust and for the use and in behoof of my daughter Sarah Snoddy and her heirs the sum of two hundred fifty dollars to be held in his hands and by him to be put out at interest on good security for her benefit, untill such time as he and my two sons Ephriam & Eli shall deem it necessary to pay to her such part thereof as her necessities may from time to time in their opinion require & finnally that they may have authority to pay the whole to her or her heirs when they deem it safe and necessary to do so; and also at my death I give to my daughter Sarah one father bed and furniture--& 4th I give and bequeath to my son Eli all the remainder of the household furniture & my man Cate--and all my wearing apparrell to be divided between my daughter Mary and Sarah agreeable to their disoration. And lastly I appoint and constitute my sons Ephriam & Eli Executors....this 25th day of November 1818."
64....i....ELISHA PERKINS, b. October 18, 1760, North Carolina; d. 1794, Pleasant Valley, Burke, North Carolina.
65....ii....MARY PERKINS, b. October 06, 1762; d. Abt. 1795.
66....iii....EPHRAIM PERKINS, b. November 06, 1764, North Carolina; d. Abt. 1843.
67....iv....JOHN PERKINS, b. February 11, 1767, Burke County, North Carolina; d. January 28, 1838, Morganton, Burke, Noth Carolina.
...v....BURWELL PERKINS, b. May 21, 1771, South Carolina; d. January 20, 1773, North Carolina.
68....vi....JOSEPH PERKINS, b. December 02, 1772, North Carolina.
69....vii....ALEXANDER PERKINS, b. December 06, 1773, Island Ford, Rowan, North Carolina; d. November 11, 1856, Caldwell County, North Carolina.
70....viii....SARAH PERKINS, b. January 08, 1776, Island Ford, Rowan, North Carolina; d. Abt. 1850, Franklin County, Arkansas.
...ix....ELI PERKINS, b. December 27, 1777, Island Ford, Burke, North Carolina; d. Abt. 1832, Habersham, Georgia. Unmarried and a heavy drinker. Lengthy court records were filed as his siblings sued Alexander Perkins, his executor, for their shares.
...x....ANN PERKINS, b. December 27, 1780, Island Ford, Rowan County, North Carolina. Died in infancy.
Return to the family listing page. (Maybe use the search engine there to locate the right Perkins?)
On to the next generation of Perkinses.
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