Because books have already been written on this family, I haven't tried to trace all lines as diligently as I might. The supreme source of info when I began was Dennis Ward, as well as Judith Lamb Rittenhouse, Jane Ikemura, Sharon, and all the other diligent members of the Tyner mailing list, accessible through ROOTSWEB.. Also, as I work, I'm trying to substitute "at" for the @ symbol, to prevent spammers' searchbots from collecting the email addies of people who've helped me in this research. Finally, in searching, be aware that the name is variously spelled as Tinor, Tiner, or Tyner. The Tynes family is completely separate.
1. NICHOLAS TYNER was born Abt. 1637, and died Abt. 1708 in Isle of Wight County, Virginia. He married MARGARET OLIVER. Well, okay, we don't know his DOB or his wife--someone posted those on their family tree, and we've all copied them. All we know for sure is the date of his will.
Sources: the number one source for all Tyner history is Dennis Ward, who oversees the Tyner mailing list at Another major source is Don Mitchell. Check out the mailing list and the Rootsweb message boards for many other vastly important Tyner researchers who located most of the data in this database.
On Dec 9, 1693 Nicholas Tiner served on the Grand Jury of the Isle of Wight County, Virginia.
Listed in 1704 Rent Roll of Virginia for 300 acres in Isle of Wight.
Will dated 28 Sept. 1708 Virginia Mag. of History ,Vol. 29 P. 342.
Joseph Tyner of WARWICKSHIRE, ENGLAND sentenced to transport 1766.
SIMON TINER apprenticed 1663 BRISTOL, ENGLAND for 4 years nevis to Steven Watts.
JOHN TWYNER of MDDLESEX, ENGLAND sentenced to transport Jan. 1776 aboard the Scarsdale .
A commercial search claims that Tyner/Tiner means: "One who comes from Tinnen, Germany."
Matheson’s Special Report on Surnames of Ireland shows surnames with five or more entries in the birth indexes of 1890, and the main counties in which they were found. The birth rate was 1:44 at that time so you can estimate the number of people of the name at that time. The great value of Matheson's report is that it indicates how common a particular surname is countrywide, provincially and also in a county. The distribution of surnames has not changed significantly since the publication of the Report--so it is reasonable to presume the same pattern prior to 1890. TYNER is listed 6 times; 4 in Leinster and 2 in Munster provinces.
However, there were Tiners and Tyners in England in the 1690's and later; some say the name was applied to families who lived along the river Tyne. A book on English surnames says it means "one who tined or mended hedges." Another surname book claims it comes from the Dutch "Tuyn" and means twine-maker. A book on family names of he Irish /English /Scottish says it means "ten," hence, an agent, or person of ten years experience.
Date: Wed, 27 Jan 1999 11:41:28 -0800
ThatBeBob at AOL.COM wrote:
thanks for all your help on this genealogy project. best regards DENNIS WARD thinks this Nicholas was born in England abt 1637, and his wife's name was something Oliver, possibly Margaret Oliver.
In the"Court Orders, Isle of Wight Co., Va., 9 Dec. 1693" we find among others,
Nicholas had various transactions in the buying and selling of land, such as:
Nicholas left a will dated 28 September 1708, which was probated 9 February 1708-9. He was listed in the Isle of Wight Will and Deed Book 2, page 489.
Imprimis: I give unto my son Nich's. Tyner & bequeath my plantation where I now dwell containing one hundred & thirty acres of Land, more or less, with all housing & Orchards & all other appertenances thereunto belonging; after my decease I also give unto my loving Sound Nicholas --- of a Tract of Land
Impr. I give unto my daughter Margaret two Cowes & Calves & ye plantation where shee now lives in Rockahock, being ye remainder of part of ye Land before given to her & her heirs.
Impr: I give unto my daughter Mary five Cowes & Calves & also two hundred acres of Land on Curroughway Swamp being ye plantation that formerly was Tho. Manns with one Iron pott with hooks, pott Racks, One feather Bed & Bolster & pair of Sheets & Blanketts.
Impr: I give unto my daughter Margaret (---?) One Iron pott with Hooks and pott Racks & one Ould Bedd & one pr. of Blanketts & one Sheet.
Imp: I give unto my Daughter Elenor Five Cows & Calves & one young Mare called Shabby, One small pott with pott hooks & pott Racks with one feather bedd wch. I now lye on, my ---?, one Rugg & pr. of Blanketts & one pr. of Sheets.
Impr: I give unto my Daughter Sarah one Cow & Calf, if shee will have it and noo more.
Impr: I give unto my Sound Nicholas my own Riding Horse called ---------?
Impr: I give unto my Daughter Mary one young Mare called Bonney.
Impr: I give unto my Sound in law Edward Packett one bald faced Mare.
Impr: I give unto my two Daughters Eleanor & Mary one mare called Fanny & her increase, and my Sound Nicholas to divide ye increase between them.
Impr: I give unto my Sound Nicholas Tenn sides of Tanned Leather, I also give unto my Sound Nicholas three Iron wedges & all my Carpenters Tools.
Impr: I give unto my three Daughters Margarett, Mary & Eleanor my Household Stuff yt is not already given Excepting one great Bason & one small Bason & Each of them one Stack of Bees, and two Stacks of Bees unto my Sound Rich'd Tyner & all ye rest of my Estate I give & desire it may be equally divided
Imp: I give unto my daughter Eleanor one hundred & fifty acres of land wch. I formerly bought of James Curlee, more or less I say to her & her heirs.
Impr: I doo hereby Consistute, authorize & appoint my loving Sound Nicholas Tyner of Isle of Wight County my whole & sole Exec. of this my last will & Testament & to fullfill this my last will & Testament, and I do hereby utterly disallow, revoak & disanull all & every other former Wells & Legacys, Re---? & Execs. by me made in any way or before this by me named, willed & bequeathed. Rattifeing & Constituting this & none other to be my last well & Testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand & fixed my Seal ye day & year before mentioned.
Signed & sealed in ye presence of us
2. NICHOLAS TYNER (NICHOLAS) was born Abt. 1662, and died December 12, 1752 in North Carolina. He married ELIZABETH ?.
I believe some of the data below refers to the son of this Nicholas Tyner, and that son married Elizabeth Dew.
Book F. page 49 - 7 Feb 1739 - Deed of Gift NICHOLAS TYNER & WIFE ELIZABETH to WILLIAM TYNER 300 Acrs "for the value & Liberty & Tollaration therein & thereon during my natural life" Land on Sou. Side Maherrin River & Sou Side Little Swamp. Wit. J. Dew, jurat; Richard Barley. Feb. Ct 1739
Book F. page 50 - 7 Feb 1739 - Deed of Gift from NICHOLAS TYNER, Sr. to NICHOLAS TYNER, Jr. 400 Acrs "...for the value & respect that I bear to my son Nicholas Tyner, Jr." Land on SW side Little Swamp adj. John Barnes. Wit: J. Dew, Richard Barley Feb Ct 1739
Book G. Page 218 - 10 Mar 1748 - Joshua Stevans to WILLIAM TYNER 200 lbs for 190 Acres on N side of Chinkapin Swamp adj Richard Homes. Wit: John Freemann, John Davison, Sr. Nov. Ct. 1749
Bertie Co. NC Court Minutes 1740 - 1743 & 1758 - 1762 Book II
Page 461 - 23 Jan 1759, William Tyner appointed Overseer in the Room of John Smith.
Page 502 - 23 Jan 1760, John Burress appt. Overseer in Room of Wm. Tyner
Page 534 - 14 Oct 1760 - The Last Will & Testament of WILLIAM TYNER, decd. was exhibited into Court by WILLIAM TYNER, Exor & c. and proved by the oaths of Thomas Mewborn & Richard Sowell, subscribing witnsses thereto and at the same time the said Exor. was Qualified. An Inventory of the Goods & c. which were of the Estate of William Tyner, decd. was Exhibited into Court by William Tyner, Exor.
Page 573 - 7 - Apr 1762 - On Motion of William CURL Attny at Law in behalf of William Tyner for the Division of Ye Estate of Willm Tyner, decd. Granted & Ordered that John Smith, John Freman & Josua Burs be or any two of them appointed to divide the same & Ordered Yt the same be Sold?
Deed Book L-2 9 Feb 1771 Wm. TYNER of Granville Co. SC sells to Francis Johnston and John Ramsey of Bertie Co. for 30 lb Proclamination Money 190 acres on North side of Chinkapin Swamp joining Richard Homes. Witness Henry Ortland, Rebecca Tyner, Mar. Ct. 1771.
Deed Book M 1772 - 1775 20 Jul 1772 John Ramsey of Bertie Co. to John Campbell, merchant of said Co. for 20 lb. Proclaimation Money, my half of 190 acres which I purchased from William
Deed Book M 1772- 1775 17 Jul 1773 Francis Johnston Minister of the Gospel of Bertie Co. to John Campbell, merchant of Lazy Hill for 20 lb. Proclamation Money 190 acres which WILLIAM TYNER had purchased from Joshua Stephens 10 Oct 1748 and by Will from Said Tyner to his only son & heir William Tyner who sold it to me & John Ramsey 9 Feb. 1771 & said John Ramsey sold his right to said John Campbell on North side of Chinkapin Swamp joining Richard Homes former corner. Wit. James Campbell, Jno Ramsey Aug Ct. 1774.
Bertie Co. NC Court Records
Will Book C, pg 324 10 Aug 1725 Nicholas Tiner witnessed deed.
Will Book B, pg. 26 Nov. 9, 1725 John Chesire sells to Nicholas Tyner 460 acres on SS Little Swamp for 48 Barrels of Tar. Wit: John Sutton, John Smith. Recorded Nov. Court 1725. (Note. This is the property given to son Nicholas on 7 Feb. 1739 - JWR)
Will Book b, pg. 296 Aug 1, 1726 William Simms deeds to Nicholas Tyner 300 acres on S S Meherrin River on Little Swamp for 15 Lbs. Wit: Robert Simms, Wm. Boon (Note. This is the property given to son William on 7 Feb. 1739 - JWR)
Book F. page 49 - 7 Feb 1739 - Deed of Gift NICHOLAS TYNER & WIFE ELIZABETH to WILLIAM TYNER 300 Acrs "for the value and respect ... unto my son ... excepting my Liberty & Tollaration therein & thereon during my natural life" Land on Sou. Side Maherrin River & Sou Side Little Swamp. Wit. J. Dew, jurat; Richard Barley. Feb. Ct 1739 (Note. Does this indicate William was to take care of Nicholas in his old age?)
Will Book D, pg. 5 21 Apr. 1733 John Taylor sells 100 acres in Moherring Woods adj. Kirby's Creek to John Tyner for 10 Lb. Patent dated April 1, 1723 to Thomas Mandew. Wit: John Tyner, Nicholas Tyner, Nathaniel Cooper. Recorded August Court 1733.
Bertie Co., August 1734 James Tyner, John Tyner & Nicholas Tyner, inhabitants on Kirby Creek signd a petition.
Will Book E, Pg 19 Aug 7, 1735 Thomas Mandew sells to James Tiner 620 acres on SS Kirby Creek on Branch Carony. This 620 acres was granted to Thomas Mandew on Apr. 1, 1723. Wit: Wm Bunn, H. Tudar Recorded Aug. Court 1736.
Will Book F. pg. 61, Feb. 6, 1739 John Dew & Nicholas Tyner witnessed deed of Richard Bailey to George Burten.
Page 333 , 11 Aug 1741 Deed of sale from James Tyner to Sam'l Strickland acknowledged and read.
Will Book G, pg. 372 Dec 1750 William Tyner witnessed deed from Calet Stephens of Mill Neck to William Stephens. Recorded Aug. Ct. 1751.
Will Book H, pg. 65 June 30 1753 Burweell Bell & wife Sarah to Richard Reyner (Tyner?). 20 lbs for 200 acrs on E S Chinkapin Swamp adj. William Tyner. ( If anyone has access to these original records it would be good to check to see if the above is Richard Tyner - JWR)
Page 955,4th Tues in Mar. 1771 Deed from Wm. Tyner to Frances Johnson & John Ramsey proved by the oath of Rebecca Tyner. Evidence thereto Let it be Registered.
Bertie Co. NC Marriages
n VA, he was classified as a Yeoman (owner of a small amount of land.)
Name. Will Book. Page.
Isle of Wight Co., Va., Wills and Administrations, Book A, p. 264. Will of Edward Perkins - 9 Dcc. 1686.
Children of NICHOLAS TYNER and ELIZABETH ? are:
Notes for SARAH TYNER:
2. She named one of her sons John Harris Tyner and the name Harris was given to children for generations hence.
3. In his will, Nicholas Tyner rather clearly stated his displeasure with Sarah. "I give unto my daughter Sarah one cow & a calf, if shee will have it and no more."
4. Edward Padgett and Mary Tyner witnessed the will of John Harris. Now these people are very unlikely to be anyone else but Nicholas's daughter Mary and Nicholas's son-in-law Edward Padgett who married Margaret Tyner, providing another link back to Nicholas. Again, from Nicholas's will
Date: Sun, 1 Feb 2004
Notes for JOHN HARRIS:
#130, p. 64: John Harris of ye precinct of Chowan for the Love and Effection I bare my sister Jane Jones and her husband Richard Jones Aug. 1705 my plantation known as ye Holes on the west side of the Matocomack Creek for and during their natural lives and they are to settle there next fall or the said Plantation to revert and return to me the said Harris I bind myself in the penall sum of 40 L sterling.
#170, p. 81 John Harris of Chowan Precinct to William Ffallow of the same place Dec. 6 1707 for a valuable consideration plantation called Cypress Neck joining Homestead Branch all housing and fencing etc. bind myself in the penall sum of 20 L sterling.
#131, p. 65 Thomas Marks and Rebecca my wife to John Harris 14 Sept. 1704 for a valuable consideration all our right and title to the within mentioned sale. We bind ourselves in the sum of 40 L sterling.
John Harris appears as a witness in #169; in 196 (Thomas Marks deed); in 723 Deed Book B1; 760; 1166; 1517 Deed C1; 1205; 1443 Deed Book C
9 Oct 1693- Gave evidence against Martin DENNETT, appearing before court comprised by Col. Arthur SMITH, Henry BAKER, Capt. Henry APPLEWHAITE, Thomas GILES, Lt. Col. Samuel BRIDGER, & Capt. John GOODRICH.
23 Nov 1693- Paid by the court for said appearance
1702- Witness w/ bro-n-law William HARRIS to the will of Robert STURDY, Isle of Wight Co., VA
Could this line be connected?
Date: Wed, 18 Nov 1998 08:48:11 EST
Children of SARAH TYNER and JOHN HARRIS are:
4. MARGARET TYNER (NICHOLAS) was born Abt. 1685. She married EDWARD PADGETT. He was born Abt. 1668 in Essex County, Virginia.
Early Records of North Carolina - Vol. 5: Wills 1723-1736 - Dr. Stephen E. Bradley, Jr.
p. 67 - 362. EDWARD PAGET 28 Feb 1727/8 876/137 18 Apr 1728 (before Richard Everhard) of Chowan Precinct. "very Sick and weak in Body"
Edward Padgett also witnessed a deed on 7 Oct. 1716 where Nicholas Tiner of Isle of Wright County, Virginia was selling 300 acres to David Ambross of Chowan Prect. This being 300 acres of the 640 acres given to me by my father Nicholas Tiner.
Marriage Notes for MARGARET TYNER and EDWARD PARKETT: On March 31, 1720 Edward and Margaret Tyner Patchett of Chowan Prect. sold to David Ambrose of Albemarle County 300 acres at the head of Myere Branch.
5. NICHOLAS TYNER (NICHOLAS, NICHOLAS) was born Abt. 1715 in Northampton County, North Carolina, and died about 1753 in Northhampton County, North Carolina; his will was written Dec. 12, 1752 and probated Nov. 1753 in Northampton County. He married ELIZABETH DEW, daughter of JOHN DEW and ELIZABETH BRYANT. She was born Abt. 1720 in Edgecomebe County, North Carolina.
Elizabeth Dew was born to John Dew III and Elizabeth Bryant. around 1720/1725 in Edgecombe co., NC or possibly Bertie Co. before Edgecombe was formed from Bertie. John Dew III moved from Bertie Co. to Edgecome Co. and finally settled in Northampton Co., where he died. His will was probated in Northampton in 1760. Elizabeth Dew was a widow at the time of her father's death. says Elizabeth Dew married William Tyner, Senior. says he was "Nicholas Oliver Tyner III."
WilliamKerr at gives this family another daughter, Sarah, and traces a line from her, but I haven't heard of her before. She marries a John Harris Tyner, whom I haven't heard of before, either. See
Is this him?
The will of Nicholas Tyner written Dec. 12, 1752 and probated Nov. 1753 in Northampton County named wife Elizabeth, son William (extr.), grandson James (father not given), Nicholas and John the children of James Tyner dec'd., Sarah Woodward, Elizabeth Johnson, and Ann Corbett.
A better transcription from Shane Tyner:
Signed and sealed in the preasents of ----
Abstract of North Carolina wills
6. WILLIAM TYNER (NICHOLAS, NICHOLAS) was born Bet. 1719 - 1723, and died Abt. December 02, 1778 in NorthHampton County, North Carolina. He married ELIZABETH ?, daughter of JOHN DEW. She was born in Northampton County, North Carolina, and died Aft. 1781. (That’s one family tree version. See above, where she’s listed as marrying Nicholas Tyner. Did he marry someone named Elizabeth, last name unknown? Did Elizabeth Dew marry both brothers?)
Noampton County March Court 1779.
Goldroot's Paternal tree at claims William's daughter Elizabeth married John Davis (1769--22 JUL 1832 Northampton Co. NC), and gives descendants.
From: "Jerry Cranford"
Children of WILLIAM TYNER and ELIZABETH ? are:
Northampton County March Court 1782. This will of Arthur Tyner was proven by the oath of James Davis one of the witnesses and Nicholas Tyner qualified executor to the same. Ordered to be certified and recorded.
Northampton County March Court 1823. This Will was proved in open Court in due form by the Oath of James m. Lowerly, one of the subscribing witnesses thereto, and ordered to be certified and reissued
7. ANN TYNER (NICHOLAS, NICHOLAS) was born Bet. 1720 - 1722 in Isle of Wight County, Virginia. She married WILLIAM CORBETT. He was born Abt. 1720 in Isle of Wight County, Virginia.
See also:
1771-DB6, P 1076 (123) Joseph Woodward of N/H, NC to Henry Barnes of Hertford Co., NC, 160 AC , which was part of patent to Carolus Anderson, 4/11/1745, sold to Nicholas Tyner, 4/31/1745. on a small br on Kerby's cr. Wit William Mabry, William Corbitt Dec Ct., 1771
Census 1790: Edgecombe Co, NC: William CORBITT ( 4 free white males 16 & over) (2 free white females 16 & over)
8. JOHN TYNER (NICHOLAS, NICHOLAS) b. Abt. 1720, died 15 Nov 1780 Smithville, Johnston, North Carolina, USA. allaroundus 2008-01-5 at ties this line to Nicholas Tyner and "Elizabeth Dew." That website claims he married FANNIE ?, then ELIZABETH MAHON, then a third time to an unknown woman. She claims that John had a son, Jesse, by Elizabeth Mahon. Unfortunately, that son is already attached to John Tyner, John of John Harris Tyner, son of Sarah Tyner, in this family tree, so I'm going to leave it that way until DNA evidence shows a descendant of this line doesn't match the Harris family DNA. has a John William Tyner (May 1743--1785) and Elizabeth Mahon (1745--1769) having a daughter, Elizabeth, born 1769 Darlington County, South Carolina, and dying there 13 May 1845. She married David Kelly (1763--1 Jan 1838 Darlington County, SC). Is that supposed to be this fellow? lists 10 children, gives her a birth date of 1769 and parents as John William Tyner and Elizabeth Mahon.
Johnston County, NC
Child of JOHN TYNER and FANNIE ?:
Child of JOHN TYNER and unknown wife:
9. JOHN HARRIS TYNER (SARAH , NICHOLAS) was born Abt. 1693 in Little River, Laurent County, South Carolina, and died Abt. 1767 in Johnson County, North Carolina.
John Harris Tyner probably died in Johnson County, North Carolina.
"Jul 1767 Ordered that HARRIS TYNER SR be recommended as a poor aged person incapable of performing public duties & paying taxes.
Children of JOHN HARRIS TYNER are:
1811-1812 Tax List For St. Tammany Parish, Louisiana lists a Caleb Tyner; him?
10. WILLIAM TYNER (SARAH, NICHOLAS) was born Bet. 1698 - 1704, and died Abt. 1760 in Bertie County, North Carolina. He married REBECCA ?.
Pp.358 Wilson, George Box 100, Pack 2472
Child of WILLIAM TYNER and REBECCA ? is:
11. SARAH TYNER (SARAH, NICHOLAS) was born Abt. 1705 in Lancaster County, South Carolina. She married JOHN ROBERSON Abt. 1713.
12. WILLIAM PADGETT (MARGARET TYNER, NICHOLAS) was born Abt. 1720 in Chowan County, North Carolina, and died April 20, 1768 in St. Bartholomew, Colleton, South Carolina. He married SARAH BLITCHENDEN Abt. 1739 in Bladen County, North Carolina, daughter of THOMAS BLICHENDEN and MARY NORCOM. She was born January 14, 1715/16 in Perquimans Precinct, North Carolina, and died 1790 in Winton County, South Carolina.
William Padget, Sr. was born in Chowan County, North Carolina on Rocky Hock Creek at their plantation. This location may still be found on present day North Carolina maps, north of Edenton. Before 1740, William married Sarah Blitchenden whose brothers came with them to South Carolina. The Blitchenden family was from Perquimans County, NC, where they also owned a plantation. William and Sarah came to Colleton County, SC, before 1768 with their seven sons: William, Samuel, Elijah, Josiah, Job, Joel, and Jacob. William Padget's will is dated 1768 and lists only three sons: Elijah as administrator and William and Samuel who received nothing from their father's estate. William, Jr., Joel, and Jacob stayed in this area while the others departed. Samuel died in Winton County, SC while the other three lived in Edgefield County before Elijah departed for Georgia for the new land of the Georgia land lottery.
13. BENJAMIN TYNER (NICHOLAS, NICHOLAS, NICHOLAS) was born Abt. 1743 in Wayne County, North Carolina, USA, and died Aft. 1833 in Robeson County, North Carolina, USA.
tynerlist at sent:
Benjamin Tyner, Robison Co, NC #16062
Given the age span between the youngest and oldest child, Benjamin probably was married more than once.
Children of BENJAMIN TYNER are:
13. NICHOLAS TYNER (NICHOLAS, NICHOLAS, NICHOLAS) was born August 10, 1752 in NorthHampton, North Carolina and died about 1850. He married REBECCA MORRIS.
Nicholas Tyner in Northampton Co, N.C. #S7773
Is this him? :
Source: Dr. Bruce PRUITT, North Carolina State Archives
Names of pensioners for revolutionary or military services, including ages and names of heads of families with whom pensioners resided June 1, 1840.
15. ELIZABETH TYNER (WILLIAM, NICHOLAS, NICHOLAS) was born Abt. 1760 in Northampton County, North Carolina, and died Aft. 1832. She married JOHN DAVIS. He was born Abt. 1759 in Northampton County, North Carolina, and died Abt. 1832 in Northampton County, North Carolina.
The 1850 Census shows Elizabeth Davis (Maiden name Sikes) age 90 who was married to John Davis Sr. living in household 698 with daughters Mary age 57 and Sarah age 48 who appear to not have married, also daughter Lucy Taylor age 50 who was married to Caleb Taylor who must have already died, Lucy's daughter Annie Taylor age 10, son William age 52 who appears not to have been married
16. NICHOLAS TYNER (WILLIAM, NICHOLAS, NICHOLAS) He married ?. She died September 29, 1824.
Mrs. Dr. Freeman is the sister of Thomas D. Boone, the Clerk of the Superior Court of Hertford. Dr. Freeman and wife have only one child living. He is George King Freeman, the efficient railroad agent at Conway, N. C. Mrs. Dr. Freeman is regarded as one of the best read and most scholarly women
Dr. Freeman's brother, James P. Freeman, lives at Union and has for a number of years been one of the county's principal officers. For years after the war he and his brother-in-law George W. Beverly, conducted successfully a mercantile business at Union under the firm name of Beverly & Freeman.
NOTE.-Nicholas Tyner on April 1, 1707, conveyed to William Williams 300 acres of land on which Sarah Sowells lived.
Children of NICHOLAS TYNER and ? are:
17. JOHN CORBITT (ANN TYNER, NICHOLAS, NICHOLAS) was born Abt. 1745 in Edgecombe County, North Carolina, and died Abt. 1807 in Edgecombe County, North Carolina. He married WINNIFRED GAY. She was born Abt. 1745.
18. JOHN TYNER (JOHN HARRIS, SARAH, NICHOLAS) was born Bet. 1735 - 1738, and died November 15, 1780 in Smithville, Johnston, North Carolina. He married ABBY ?.
Notes for JOHN TYNER:
Tyner, Faulkner, Taylor, and Other Connections - Mayme Tyner - 1981
DB K-1 p. 64 - John Tyner of Dobbs Co., N.C., to Thomas Hoskins (Sr), planter of Chowan County - consideration: 60 pounds - 20 acres on East side of main “Cuntry” road to Edenton, between Tott(e)ring Bridge and the Bridge Swamp, adj. John Halsey, Esqr., & Edward Halsey - the sd. 20 acres being a part of a tract given the aforesaid John Tynor by Deed of Gift, 1/12/1759 for 245 acres. Signed by mark. Witnesses: Thom. Hoskins, Jr., John Hansford,
DB K-1 p. 66 - Recorded 1/21/1759. Bond - Whereas above bounded John Tyner sold to Thos. Hoskins 20 acres being a part of the land formerly belonging to John Harris Tynor (father of above bounded John Tynor) & by him granted to sd. John H. Tynor by Deed of Gift, 1/12/1759. Signed by mark. Witnesses: Thomas Hoskins, Jr., John Hansford, John Hoskins.
DB M-1 p 88 - Recorded 10/4/1764. John Tiner of Johnston Co., N.C., to Shadrack Bunch - consideration. 50 pounds - 220 acres on Rockahock Creek, to main road near Tittering Bridge, adj. Hoskins, Halsey’s Swamp, which formerly belonged to my father, Jno. Harris Tiner. Signed by mark: witnesses Henry, Thos., & Thos Bonner.
Johnston County North Carolina Court Minutes 1759 thro 1766 - Weynette Parks Haun - 1974
84-45 Ordered that Richd. Tyners Mark be recorded which is a Crop & a slit in the right Ear & a Swalow fork on the left & a half moon under it. (note: This seems to show to me that Richard Tyner was the son of Harris Tyner and grandson of John Harris. See John Harris’s Will)
DB D-1, p 181 1764 John Tiner of Johnston Co. to Jesse Tiner. Consideration 15 pounds - 200 acres, north side of Neuse River.
DB D-1, p 223 1764 John Tiner of Johnston Co. to Jesse Tiner.
DB E-1, p.62 1766. Samuel (his mark) Strickland to John Tyner - Consid. 2 pounds, 5 shillings - acerage not given - being part of a grant to Samuel Strickland, 10/30/1765, land on north side of Neuse River. Jesse Tiner a witness.
DB I #1 p 264 - 5/31/1779, John Tyner of Johnston Co., planter to Wm. Davis consid.: 10 pounds - (acerage not given) a tract granted to Samuel Strickling 10/20/1765, north side of Neuse River, between John Whitley & Joseph Sims, on south side Bawdy (Baudy) Swamp, adj. Thos. Chaimbers. Signed by mark. Witnesses: John Whitley, Davis his X mark Strickling Pr. May 1779.
Miscellaneous Records That Might Be Useful To Other Researchers - p 24
Will of John Tyner recorded in Smithfield, NC, Johnston Co. Book 1,
Jesse Tyner's will is recorded in Johnston County, N.C. Book 1, page 288, 1818. Wife Sallie, sons James, Lewis, Willis, John, William, and daughters Eliza, and Polly; heirs of daughter Sally,
Children of JOHN TYNER and ABBY ? are:
19. HARRIS TYNER (JOHN HARRIS, SARAH, NICHOLAS) was born August 04, 1740 in Lancaster, South Carolina, and died Abt. 1778. He married NANCY ADAIR Abt. 1768, daughter of JAMES ADAIR and ESTHER MCBRIDE. She was born January 28, 1745/46 in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, and died July 28, 1835 in Harrisburg, Fayette, Indiana, USA.
South Carolina
We and Each of us for our Selves do unanamasly agree and into Strick Compack Enter as one man with hart and hand to Defend this Contrey as far as in us lays, and that the Seam may be Effected in the most Salatory way at the lest Cost to this provense or america in General We Do hearby Ingeage to furnish our Selves with Good arams and acouterments and allso to hold our Selves in Rediness as a trup of Horse to martch at twenty four Hours notis under the Command of our proper officers Cometneed by the Honorable the Counsel of Safety and
And we also furder agree that Soon as thirty men or more well Equiped have Entered and Subcribed there names hear unto then we hold it most proper to Chouse our officers by a majoraty of the vots of the volunteers So Entered to which be Ingeag to preform truly
David Hunter Garrard Thomas Jas Liddell
Willm Black Thommas Lesey
An article by Robert Scott Davis, "Failure and the King's Cause on the Southern Revoilutionary War Frointier," posted at, says that Harris Tyner was a prominent Loyaist who started the war as a Whig or rebel. It claims that in 1775 Whigs had Tyner arrested as a Loyalist, adding "He frequently moved between the Cherokee villages and the frontier settlements, when not guiding groups of men to East Florida. [19] Harris Tyner most likely counted as a "free person of color," a person of some category of Indian and/or African racial identity. He and his kinsmen were among the South Carolina frontiersmen who signed an oath to bear arms to defend the rebellion in 1775. Subsequently, he changed his loyalties and moved to east Florida [20]." Harris Tyner was a captain-lieutenant of the South Carolina Royalist Provincial Battalion under Colonel Alexander Innes (a former British military officer) formed July 20, 1778. "A family story has Harris Tyner dying in 1778 but he still served as a lieutenant in a restored colonial militia company in 1782. Murtie June Clark, Loyalists in the Southern Campaign, 3 vol., (Baltimore, Md., 1979), 1:344."
Notes for NANCY ADAIR:
Children of HARRIS TYNER and NANCY ADAIR are:
Date: Mon, 29 Mar 1999 12:10:57 EST
Child of WILLIAM TYNER is:
21. WILLIAM TYNER (WILLIAM, SARAH, NICHOLAS) was born Abt. 1735, and died Abt. 1778. He married ELIZABETH ?.
We and Each of us for our Selves do unanamasly agree and into Strick Compack Enter as one man with hart and hand to Defend this Contrey as far as in us lays, and that the Seam may be Effected in the most Salatory way at the lest Cost to this provense or america in General We Do hearby Ingeage to furnish our Selves with Good arams and acouterments and allso to hold our Selves in Rediness as a trup of Horse to martch at twenty four Hours notis under the Command of our proper officers Cometneed by the Honorable the Counsel of Safety and
And we also furder agree that Soon as thirty men or more well Equiped have Entered and Subcribed there names hear unto then we hold it most proper to Chouse our officers by a majoraty of the vots of the volunteers So Entered to which be Ingeag to preform truly
David Hunter Garrard Thomas Jas Liddell
Willm Black Thommas Lesey
22. SAMUEL PADGETT (WILLIAM, MARGARET TYNER, NICHOLAS) was born 1741. He married SARAH ?. She was born Abt. 1741 in Winton County, South Carolina.
Children of SAMUEL PADGETT and SARAH ? are:
23. ELIJAH PADGETT (WILLIAM, MARGARET TYNER, NICHOLAS) was born 1742 in North Carolina, and died Abt. 1807 in Louisville, Jefferson County, Georgia. He married SUSAN WARREN. She was born 1742 in Jefferson County, Georgia.
24. JOSIAH PADGETT (WILLIAM, MARGARET TYNER, NICHOLAS) was born 1750 in North Carolina, and died Abt. December 1811 in Edgefield County, South Carolina. He married (1) MILLY WARREN. She was born Abt. 1760 in Edgefield County, South Carolina. He married (2) MILLY EIDSON. She was born 1755 in Edgefield County, South Carolina.
25. JOB PADGETT (WILLIAM, MARGARET TYNER, NICHOLAS) was born Abt. 1750 in North Carolina, and died January 1837 in Edgefield County, South Carolina. He married MARY C. BODIE. She was born Abt. 1765 in North Carolina, and died Abt. 1822.
Notes for JOB PADGETT:
Children of JOB PADGETT and MARY BODIE are:
26. JOEL PADGETT (WILLIAM, MARGARET TYNER, NICHOLAS) was born 1751 in North Carolina, and died Abt. 1830 in Colleton County, South Carolina. He married SAVORY ?.
Children of JOEL PADGETT and SAVORY ? are:
27. ARTHUR PEARCE TYNER (BENJAMIN, NICHOLAS, NICHOLAS, NICHOLAS) was born 1760 in Johnson County, North Carolina, USA, and died February 27, 1845. He married ELIZABETH RICHARDSON Abt. 1789. She died February 27, 1845.
Notes for ARTHUR PEARCE TYNER: in the Database: North Carolina Revolutionary War Soldiers. It states that in PIERCE'S REGISTER, vol. x, p. 300
Pierce Tyner, between ages 50-60 and one female, between 70-80 appear on p. 114, Marion Co., MS Federal Census. 1830
28. FRANCES TYNER (BENJAMIN, NICHOLAS, NICHOLAS, NICHOLAS) was born Abt. 1768 in South Carolina, and died July 15, 1853 in DeWitt County, Texas. She married GABRIEL BLACKBURN Bef. 1790 in Georgetown District, South Carolina. He was born Abt. 1769 in Sampson County, North Carolina, and died 1848 in Sabine County, Texas.
Benjamin Tyner found in:
1860 - North Division, Robeson, North Carolina
Children of BENJAMIN J. TYNER are:
30. ELIZABETH DEW TYNER (NICHOLAS, NICHOLAS, NICHOLAS, NICHOLAS) was born May 08, 1798 in Northhampton County, North Carolina, USA, and died April 01, 1873 in Fayette County, Tennessee, USA. She married (1) JAMES H. SOWERBY August 08, 1817 in Northhampton County, North Carolina. She married (2) REDDICK CROSS March 15, 1827, son of CYPRIAN CROSS and CHRISTIAN REDDICK. He was born Abt. 1774 in Nansemond County, Virginia, USA, and died Abt. 1847 in Fayette County, Tennessee, USA.
"According to her obituary that appeared in the NASHVILLE CHRISTIAN ADVOCATE, a Methodist publication, April 19, 1873, written by John W. Shelton, her son-in-law, Elizabeth Cross was born in Northampton County, North Carolina, May 8, 1796, a daughter of Nicholas Tyner, a "soldier of the Revolution." She died in Fayette Co., April 1, 1873. (In the WHIG-TRIBUNE, Jackson, April 12, 1873, "At her late residence in Fayette county, Tenn., on the 4th inst., Mrs. E. D. Cross, in the seventy-fifth year of her age." Note April 4 not 1st.)
"Elizabeth D. Tyner was married to James H. "Sowersberry" August 8, 1817 (bond) in Northampton County. In the 1820 U.S. Census of that county, James H. "Somerley" appears with a male, aged 16-26; a female, aged 16-26 and a female, aged to ten years old. Evidently, Sowersby died and as a widow, Elizabeth "Sowerly" was married to Reddick Cross of Hertford Co., N.C. March 15, 1827 (bond). The RALEIGH REGISTER, April 6, 1827 announced the marriage of Maj. Reddick Cross of Hertford Co to Miss Elizabeth "Sowerby" of Northampton Co. March 15, 1827.
"In the land settlement, Elizabeth D. Cross received the homestead and land; of her children, receiving portions of the real estate of the late Major Cross were (their order of birth suggested by their ages listed in the 1850 U.S. Census, October 23, Fayette Co., Civil District 9, household of Elizabeth Cross): Martha, born about 1829; Rebecca E., born July 1834; Thomas C., born about 1831; Susan, born about 1836; Cornelia A., born April 1839; William, born about 1840.
"Major Cross' will-testament was presented for probate May 2, 1847, soon after his demise (Fayette Co. Court Minute Book C, page 377); as his wife, Elizabeth D. Cross and a son, David C. Cross, whom he had designated as co-executors, failed to act, Joel Jones was appointed estate administrator,
"Oct. 2, 1848. (IBID. Book D, page 12) After Jones' death, Madison Parker was appointed to act in this capacity, January 4, 1854. (IBID., Book E, page 248)
"There appears to have been some contention among his heirs over the disposition of Major Cross' estate and the case, John W. Shelton v Susan V. Cross and others was heard in Fayette County Chancery Court, the results of which were recorded in Chancery Minute Book K, page 321, but that record was destroyed when the courthouse burned in 1925.
"In her will-testament, Oct. 16, 1869, Elizabeth D. Cross bequeathed $15 to her daughter, Sarah R. Fain (evidently the surviving child of her first marriage); daughters Frances C. Parker, Martha A. Shelton, Rebecca E. Bartlett, each were left $25; daughter, Susan Cross, a bedstead and bedding; son, Thomas C. Cross, a loungestead; daughter Cornelia A. Cross, rest of her personalty except William Cross' bed. Her son, William Cross, was to receive "the homestead on which I now reside, the same willed to us by my late husband Maj. Reddick Cross." If he died without children, the homeplace was to be inherited by Cornelia A. Cross. Son William, executor. Witnesses G. M. Bartlett and N. Blackwell (Fayette Co. Will Book B, pages 327-328) As the witnesses to her will lived in Shelby Co., Tenn. the court ruled Oct. 9, 1873 that the probate would be postponed on this will until it could be proven appropriately. (Fayette Co. Court Minute Book M, page 485) Finally, on April 7, 1875, Dr. Nicholas Blackwell of Shelby Co., Tenn., one of the witnesses, deposed that he saw Elizabeth D. Cross execute the document as her will; that he was familiar with G. M. Bartlett, the other witness, etc. The will was admitted to probate on this date. (IBID. Book N, page 542)"
30A. GEORGE WASHINGTON TYNER (NICHOLAS, NICHOLAS, NICHOLAS, NICHOLAS), born about 1834 North Carolina, married SUSAN MORGAN 26 Nov 1855 per tree "allaroundus 2008-01-05" by Tammy New.
Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: District 12, Northampton, North Carolina; Roll: M653_908; Page: 0; Image: 97.
Source Citation: Year: 1870; Census Place: Kirby, Northampton, North Carolina; Roll: M593_1152; Page: 557A; Image: 97; Family History Library Film: 552651
.....i.....MARTHA TYNER, born about 1854 Northampton County, North Carolina, USA.
31. JOHN DAVIS (ELIZABETH TYNER, WILLIAM, NICHOLAS, NICHOLAS) was born Abt. 1779 in Northampton County, North Carolina, and died March 22, 1852 in Northampton County, North Carolina. He married (2) NANCY SIKES January 06, 1823. She was born Abt. 1790.
Children of JOHN DAVIS are:
Children of JOHN DAVIS and NANCY SIKES are:
32. JOSHUA DAVIS (ELIZABETH TYNER, WILLIAM, NICHOLAS, NICHOLAS) was born Abt. 1785 in Northampton County, North Carolina. He married ELIZABETH ?. She was born Abt. 1798.
Children of JOSHUA DAVIS and ELIZABETH ? are:
33. RHODA DAVIS (ELIZABETH TYNER, WILLIAM, NICHOLAS, NICHOLAS) was born Abt. 1798 in Northampton County, North Carolina. She married BARNABAS POPE September 06, 1817 in Northampton County, North Carolina. He was born Abt. 1775.
Children of RHODA DAVIS and BARNABAS POPE are:
34. ARTHUR DAVIS (ELIZABETH TYNER, WILLIAM, NICHOLAS, NICHOLAS) was born August 03, 1799 in Northampton County, North Carolina, and died Abt. 1879 in Northampton County, North Carolina. He married (1) FEREBY POWELL March 21, 1826 in Northampton County, North Carolina, daughter of ELIAS POWELL and HELEN JOHNSON. She was born January 01, 1798 in Northampton County, North Carolina. He married (2) LOUISA ODOM September 04, 1878 in Northampton County, North Carolina. She was born October 18, 1836 in Northampton County, North Carolina, and died January 19, 1886 in Northampton County, North Carolina.
35. LUCY DAVIS (ELIZABETH TYNER, WILLIAM, NICHOLAS, NICHOLAS) was born Abt. 1800 in Northampton County, North Carolina. She married CALEB TAYLOR January 02, 1833 in Northampton County, North Carolina.
37. WILLIAM CORBITT (JOHN, ANN TYNER, NICHOLAS, NICHOLAS) was born Abt. 1754 in North Carolina, and died Abt. 1810 in Davidson County, Tennessee. William was a farmer who lived in Pitt and Edgecombe counties, North Carolina and in Davidson Co. TN. In 1775 he was a member of the "Safety Committee for Pitt County," and that year signed a document protesting the taxing of colonists by Great Britain.
Children of WILLIAM CORBITT are:
38. MEREDITH CORBITT (JOHN, ANN TYNER, NICHOLAS, NICHOLAS) was born Abt. 1765 in North Carolina, and died Abt. 1830. He married (1) BARBARY BARTHOLOMEW. She was born Abt. 1780. He married (2) ELIZABETH SMITH. She was born Abt. 1770 in Pitt County, North Carolina, and died in Benton County, Tennessee, USA.
Sources include (but not limited to):
39. JESSE TYNER (JOHN, JOHN HARRIS, SARAH, NICHOLAS) was born Bet. 1755 - 1762 in Cape Hatteras, Currituck County, North Carolina, and died May 26, 1818 in Johnston County, North Carolina, USA. He married (1) SALLIE ? September 27 in Itawamba County, North Carolina, USA. He married (2) SARAH BROOKS November 26, 1812 in Johnston County, North Carolina, USA, daughter of STEPHEN BROOKS and MARY FARROW. She was born Abt. 1766 in Cape Hatteras, Currituck, North Carolina, and died Abt. 1837 in Madison County, Tennessee, USA.
Notes for JESSE TYNER:
Per Jim Arnold's WorldConnect tree at
Who Jesse married and when is a mystery. Some trees give him two Sallies and a Sarah, which is flat out incredible. Sarah Brooks couldn't possibly be the mother of Jesse and John--she'd be well past 50 when they were born.
Johnston county marriage records reveal widow Sarah Midyett, marrying Jesse Tiner on November 26, 1812 and the 1813 Johnston county court minutes orders that Josiah Meddyatt, "an orphan child of Sarah Tiner, be bound and apprenticed to Jacob Brooks until he arrives to the age of 21, he now being about 11 years old, to be taught the business of carpentering".
Sally (Brooks) Midyett Tiner remained in Johnston county at least until the taking of the 1820 census where she is listed as Sally Tyner over the age of 45 with 2 male slaves and 1 foreigner (not naturalized) in her household. The next record of evidence is recorded in Haywood Co., Tennessee where she made her will on January 12, 1826 as "Sally Tyner of Madison County, Tennessee" leaving negro, Tamer, to her daughter Ann Wellings and her Bible to son Micajah. The remainder, after the debts were paid, went to her son Josiah Midyett.
Children of JESSE TYNER and SALLIE ? are:
Children of JESSE TYNER and SARAH BROOKS are:
40. RICHARD TYNER (HARRIS, JOHN HARRIS, SARAH, NICHOLAS) was born August 04, 1770 in Abbeville District, South Carolina, and died January 01, 1836 in Shelbyville, Shelby, Indiana, USA. He married ELIZABETH OSBORNE Abt. 1792 in Abbeville District, South Carolina, USA, daughter of THOMAS OSBORN and ELIZABETH SIMPSON. She was born August 14, 1769, and died October 14, 1846 in Shelby County, Indiana, USA.
41. WILLIAM JASPER TYNER (HARRIS, JOHN HARRIS, SARAH, NICHOLAS) was born April 09, 1771 in Abbeville County, South Carolina, and died September 18, 1855 in Decatur County, Indiana, USA. He married (1) ELIZABETH HACKLEMAN Abt. 1793 in Lincoln County, North Carolina, USA, daughter of JOHAN HACKLEMAN and MARY OSBORN. She was born July 20, 1774 in Lincoln County, North Carolina, and died August 20, 1810 in Fayette County, Indiana, USA. He married (2) MARTHA JANE HAMILTON Abt. 1811 in Scott County, Kentucky, USA. She was born 1775 in Virginia, and died June 01, 1840 in Decatur County, Indiana, USA. He married (3) NANCY JANE CALLAHAN August 28, 1842 in Decatur County, Indiana. She was born Abt. 1798 in Kentucky, USA.
1850 - Sand Creek, Decatur, Indiana
Elijah Hackleman, on the 4 families of Tyner, Hackleman, Osborn, and Sailors:
(The following is from a booklet dated September 8, 1963, commemorating the Restoration and Dedication of Indian Creek Pioneer Burial Ground and Church.):
MEMOIR OBITUARY, March 29, 1890, pg 6., THE GREENSBURG SATURDAY REVIEW, Greensburg, Decatur Co., Indiana**
Quoted From THE ATLAS OF FRANKLIN COUNTY INDIANA 1882 (reprinted 1976), Pg 12-14
"Mr. William Tyner, a Baptist minister- -William Tyner settled on the next farm near Brown's Hill." (farm above)
"William Tyner settled on the next farm above John Hall on the Mense Farm".
"In the spring of 1805, Mr. William Tyner, a Baptist minister settled about one and one half miles below Brookville".
Pg 14 - William Tyner performed the first marriage on record in the county:
Tax form 1811 - William Tyner - 3 horses 37 1/2 C, John Tyner - 2 horses 37 1/2 C, James Tyner - 1 horse 37 1/2 C
Pg 52 - "The church on Little Cedar Creek was favored with the ministry of two men of rare worth, whose names were long as ointment poured forth, Rev. William DeWeese and Rev. William Tyner." This is a quote from Rev. T. A. Good win in his recollections. Members of Little Cedar Grove Creek Church - John Tyner, wife Fannie and James Tyner.
Pg 61 - 1810 - Rec. into the church, Minnie Tyner - Soloman Tyner.
"A committee to devise a plan to build a meeting house on land William Tyner owned. They precluded and made choice of the place on the bank of the river, at the ford which crosses to go over to John Hall's and also agree to build a meeting house with hewed logs, and the size we have agreed upon is twenty two by forty, and also high enough for galleries.."
New members of Little Cedar Church - July 4, 1812 - Apr. 3 1830 - Malinda Tyner - John Tyner.
A tombstone found in the old cemetery of the church was Elizabeth, beloved wife of William Tyner ......
Pg 99 - Williams Tyner made 2nd entry of land...Sept. 28, 1804.
Pg 113 - Pioneer Settlement .....Brookville township was the east half of Section 4, township 9, range 2, and that it was entered by Robert Templeton on September 24, 1804. the second entry was made four days later (September 28, 1804) by William Tyner, who claimed the southwest quarter of Section 33,
Pg 138 - James H. Morgan and James M. Tyner March 1849 left to find gold in California.
Lefforge, John (Estate Probate)
Scanned Indiana American dated 13 Oct 1854 posted on memorial page at
42. SUSANNAH TYNER (HARRIS, JOHN HARRIS, SARAH, NICHOLAS) was born Abt. 1772 in Abbeville, South Carolina, and died March 01, 1813 in Jackson Co., Georgia. She married JONATHAN KOLB Abt. 1790, son of JACOB KOLB. He was born Abt. 1770 in Abbeville District, South Carolina, and died Abt. 1812 in Jackson County, Georgia.
On August 1, 1814, James Kolb, 12 years old, orphan son of Jonathan Kolb deceased was bound to Abraham Scott; Susannah Kolb, ditto, three years, was bound to David Witt.
2 Sept 1870 Vineyard Township, Lawrence County, Missouri
1880 - Washington, Webster, Missouri
Notes for JAMES TYNER:
Sources include Don T. Mitchell,
45. JOHN TYNER (HARRIS, JOHN HARRIS, SARAH, NICHOLAS) was born August 17, 1776 in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, and died January 09, 1822 in Harrison Township, Fayette, Indiana, USA. He married FANNY TAYLOR MARTIN November 17, 1799, daughter of GILES MARTIN and LURLEEN MOORE. She was born August 04, 1779 in South Carolina, and died August 10, 1845 in Harrison Township, Fayette, Indiana, USA.
Notes for JOHN TYNER:
Children of JOHN TYNER and FANNY MARTIN are:
1850 - Washington, Rush, Indiana
1860 census Rush/Rushville #182/182
1860 Pipe Creek Twp, Madison Co, IN Census, pg 342, 10 Jul 1860, line 13, dwelling/family 830/830-
47. DEMPSEY TYNER (WILLIAM, WILLIAM, SARAH, NICHOLAS) was born August 04, 1755 in Chowan County, North Carolina, USA, and died October 13, 1842 in Meriwether County, Georgia, USA. He married OBEDIENCE HILLARD SEVIER. She was born September 04, 1755 in South Carolina, USA, and died October 13, 1842 in Meriwether County, Georgia, USA.
To: jrittenhouse at
--1755 Chowan Co, NC -- Birth per Rev War Papers ***August***
From Judith Rittenhouse:
Dempsey Tyner Land Grant 14 Jul 1807 Jackson County, GA
The following is transcribed from Demsey Tyner's Rev. War Pension Application. The transcriber wrote "My copy is so dim that it would not reproduce but by very careful examination it is readable in most of the cases." The application was approved and a pension of $80.00 per annum was granted.
State of Georgia } Meriwether County )
Department Revolutionary Claim
Given at the War Office of the United States this 28th day of September one eight hundred and thirty three.
--1840 Census for Meriweather Co., GA lists Jackson Tyner's household with one male and one female from 80-90 years old in addition to Jackson age 60-70, his wife age 40-50 and five children. Judith Rittenhouse believes this older couple to be Demsey and Obedience Tyner.
--13 Oct 1842 Dempsey died in Meriweather Co., GA, according to Obedience's application for his Rev. War Pension. Tyner-Huddleston Bible gives "Demsey Tyner departed this life on Tuesday night the 13th of October A.D., 1843, aged 87 years." Bible record from Tap Roots magazine sent by Robert S. Davis to Judith Rittenhouse. Soldiers of the Revolutionary War of 1812 - The History of Hamilton County and Chattanooga, Tn, Vol. 1, by Zella Armstrong. "Demsey [Dempsey] Tyner, soldier of the Revolution, born in Chowan, County, N.C. Aug 4, 1755, died in Hamilton County, Oct 13, 1842. He is buried in the neighborhood which is now called Tyner's Station."
--1842 Obedience, Demsey's wife, applies for his pension in 1842 from Meriweather Co., GA. A Mary Tyner signed the papers as a witness for the wife Obedience. Obedience filed for the rest of Demsey's pension on 30 June 1845 and probably died before 1850. Research by Judith Rittenhouse.
(James Russell has Dempsey's pension data in full at )
--2 Dec 1842 Jacksn Tyner, Sr., Departed this life on the 2nd Dec. A.D. 1843, aged 66 years, according to Tyner- Huddleston Bible from Tap Roots.***
EARLY HAMILTON SETTLERS, printed by Sheridan Books, Inc., copyright 2001 by John Wilson, pg. 310-312:
From: Jerry Cranford [mailto:jerry_cranford at]
From: "Jerry Cranford"
Other sources include
48. ELIJAH PADGETT (ELIJAH, WILLIAM, MARGARET TYNER, NICHOLAS) was born February 16, 1791. He married SUSANNAH EUBANKS. She was born June 22, 1798.
49. GRACE PADGETT (JOSIAH , WILLIAM , MARGARET TYNER, NICHOLAS) was born Abt. 1779 in Edgefield County, South Carolina. She married (1) HARDY HOWARD. She married (2) ABSOLUM WATSON.
50. HENRY PADGETT (JOSIAH, WILLIAM, MARGARET TYNER, NICHOLAS) was born Abt. 1780 in Edgefield County, South Carolina, and died January 1830 in Edgefield County, South Carolina. He married PENELOPE EIDSON Abt. 1799. She was born 1785 in Edgefield County, South Carolina.
51. MARK PADGETT (JOSIAH, WILLIAM, MARGARET TYNER, NICHOLAS) was born Abt. 1782 in Edgefield County, South Carolina, and died June 1837 in Edgefield County, South Carolina. He married MARY WATSON. She was born Abt. 1784.
Children of MARK PADGETT and MARY WATSON are:
52. JOSIAH PADGETT (JOSIAH, WILLIAM, MARGARET TYNER, NICHOLAS) was born Abt. 1788 in Edgefield County, South Carolina, and died December 21, 1844 in Edgefield County, South Carolina. He married SARAH WATSON. She was born Abt. 1790.
53. SAMUEL PADGETT (JOSIAH, WILLIAM, MARGARET TYNER, NICHOLAS) was born Abt. 1790 in Edgefield County, South Carolina, and died February 05, 1860. He married MARY EIDSON. She was born Abt. 1800.
54. ARTHUR JEFFERSON PADGETT (JOSIAH, WILLIAM, MARGARET TYNER, NICHOLAS) was born Abt. 1798 in Edgefield County, South Carolina, and died September 06, 1853 in Edgefield County, South Carolina. He married WINIFRED WHITTLE Abt. 1814 in Edgefield County, South Carolina. She was born Abt. 1800 in Edgefield County, South Carolina.
55. SARAH PADGETT (JOB, WILLIAM, MARGARET TYNER, NICHOLAS) was born Abt. 1785 in Edgefield County, South Carolina. She married WILLIAM JONES.
56. JOB PADGETT (JOB, WILLIAM, MARGARET TYNER, NICHOLAS) was born Abt. 1787 in Edgefield County, South Carolina, and died Abt. 1875 in Randolph County, Alabama, USA. He married (1) ELIZABETH BODIE. She was born Aft. 1790 in Edgefield County, South Carolina. He married (2) ?. He married (3) MARIAH DARDEN March 11, 1833. She was born Abt. 1802 in Warren County, Georgia, USA.
Children of JOB PADGETT and MARIAH DARDEN are:
57. MARGARET PADGETT (JOB, WILLIAM, MARGARET TYNER, NICHOLAS) was born April 19, 1795 in Edgefield County, South Carolina, and died March 01, 1884. She married JAMES C. WHITTLE.
58. JANE PADGETT (JOB, WILLIAM, MARGARET TYNER, NICHOLAS) was born January 10, 1800 in Edgefield County, South Carolina. She married WILLIAM MCGEE Abt. 1824 in Edgefield County, South Carolina. He was born 1797 in Edgefield County, South Carolina.
59. CHESLEY PADGETT (JOB, WILLIAM, MARGARET TYNER, NICHOLAS) was born Abt. 1803 in Edgefield County, South Carolina, and died September 19, 1857 in Sand Flats, Van Sant County, Texas. He married ELIZABETH A. ? Abt. 1827 in Edgefield County, South Carolina. She was born May 20, 1810 in South Carolina, and died May 16, 1881 in Van Zandt County, Texas.
Children of CHESLEY PADGETT and ELIZABETH ? are:
60. WILLIAM PADGETT (JOB, WILLIAM, MARGARET TYNER, NICHOLAS) was born April 09, 1804 in Edgefield County, South Carolina, and died December 03, 1884 in Edgefield County, South Carolina. He married (1) MARGARET DENNY Abt. 1821 in Edgefield County, South Carolina. She was born December 03, 1804 in Edgefield County, South Carolina. He married (2) NANCY ? Abt. 1858 in Edgefield County, South Carolina. She was born 1837 in Edgefield County, South Carolina.
Children of WILLIAM PADGETT and NANCY ? are:
From: "Bill Tyner"
Hi Mary,
Try Tinner, Tinnen which is the claimed origin according to one of the commercial coat of arms outfits and from a gazateer notation. I think the Tiner/Tyner we know is several spellings removed from the original. What do you think? I plunked Tinnen into the Alta Vista search engine and got a lot of German hits, both people and the places.
Bill Tyner
> From: Mary Anne Kbel
> To: tynerlist at
> Date: Wednesday, January 27, 1999 12:10 PM
> Neither Tyner or Tiner are to be found in: the German Who's Who (Wer ist Wer) nor in the largest German encyclopedia (Brockhaus) nor in the telephone directories of our region.
> Tyner Cousin Mary Anne in Germany
> Hi,
> I looked through my Tyner file and I believe the book that Norm referred to is:
> The Tyner Family - The Descendents of Elijah Tyner of Effingham County 1760 - 1840 Thomas Heflin Compton 10380 East Pike Drive, Inverness, FL 32650
> He cites some other references:
> The Tyner Family and Some Other Relatives - Max R. Tyner (Max is or was on the List. Hi, Max.)
> The Tyner Family - Peggy Townsend Tyner - Route # 2, Box 555, Springs, N.C. 28377
> Tyner, Tymes, Then, Today - Judith Lamb LaForge - 2434 East Contessa, Mesa, AZ 85203
> +++++(Note from Judith Lamb LaForge Rittenhouse Carpenter) Copies of this book are available at the following places: Mesa Family History Library, Mesa, AZ; Wallace State Community College, Hanceville, AL; DAR, Washington, D.C.; Washington Memorial Library, Macon, GA; Salt Lake City Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT; Tennessee State Library & Archives, Nashville, TN.+++++
> The Tyner Family - Earl and Velma Tyner - 4619 Fremont, Boise, Idaho 83704
> The Tyner Family - Olive Lewis Kolb - 4343 North 100 West, West Lafayette, INd. 47906
> Tyner, Faulkner, Taylor and Other Connections - Mayme Tyner - Route # 1, Box 16, Laurel Hill, FL 32567 (I came across this one years ago in Wilmington, NC library. It has lots of abstracted sources, some of which I used in my John Tyner post about a week ago.)
> I have another title page which may be one of the above:
> The Tyner Family 1699-1978 - published by Milton Ray Lawthorn , Route 2, 301 Trail of Merlin, Garner, NC 27529.
HUSBAND Nicholas Oliver TYNER
BIRTH: Abt 1637 PLACE: England
DEATH: Will Dated 28 Sep 1708 PLACE: Isle of Wight,Virginia,"North Carolina"
1) Sir Robert Lord of TYNER MANOR-7810 - [Not proven] Biological
NOTES: Nicholas Tyner was supposed to have immigrated from Liverpool in 1679 with 5 children and no wife. He purchased property in 1681 and again in 1692. Will dated 28 Sep 1708
Virginia Mag. of History Vol. 29 P342
A list of her Majesty Qt Rents in the Isle of Wight Co., Virginia for 1704 list - Nicholas Tyner - 300.
On Dec 9 1693 Nicholas Tiner served on the Grand Jury of the Isle of Wight County, Virginia. says Margaret Oliver, too.
"Nicho. Tiner,.... being summoned on the grand jury and not appearing, sheriff is ordered to summon them to next court to show cause (if any) for their default."
"Nicholas Tyner, to William Williams, 300 acres northwest of ye branch, where Sarah Sowells alias Thomas now lives; April 1, 1707, For 500 lbs. of tobacco."
In the name of God Amen. Ye twenty eighth day of Sept. in ye year of our God one Thousand Seuven Hundred & Eight I Nich's. Tyner in ye Isle of Wight County in Virg'a, being very sick & weak in Body but of sound mind & memory, thanks be given unto God, Therefore, Calling to mind ye mortallity of my Body and knowing it was appointed for all men--to dye, doo make this my last will & testament (that is to say) principally & first of all, I give and commend my soul into ye hands of God that gave it, and for my Body I remand it to ye Earth to be buried in a Christian like & decent manner at the discretion of my Exec., nothing doubting but at ye General Resurrection I shall recover ye same again by mighty power of God. And as touching such worldly Estate wherewith it hath pleased God to possess me in this life I give and devise & dispose of the same in ye following manner and form:
in ---? in ye upper part of sd. Tract containing three hundred acres & also three hundred & forty acres on ye portion where Robert Thomas doth live, & also forty head of cattle on another, & also three Heifers, one two year Ould Mare Running in ye Woods, & two Mares & Colts more & all my Stock of Hoggs & all my debts due to me after my decease eighter by Bills or accts. that Justly is due to me to him & his heirs.
among ye rest of my children Excepting my Daughter Sarah, & my will is that Shee shall have noo more than is already given to her.
mark & seal
James his (E) mark Johnson
Francis his (F) mark Corbett
Francis his (FS) mark Seagrave
Proved in open Court held for Isle of Wight County this 9th of Feb'ey 1708/9 to be the last will & Testament of Nich. Tyner by the oaths of all the witnesses and probate ordered to his Sound Nich. Tyner, Exec. therein named.
Teste: Chas. Chapman, Clerk
.....i.....ELEANOR TYNER, b. Abt. 1667; m. WILLIAM ASHLEY. On Feb. 25, 1711 William Ashley and wife, Eleanor; then living in Albemarle County, North Carolina; sold 100 acres in the lower parish of Isle of Wright County, Virginia to Nicholas Tiner.
.....ii.....MARY TYNER. On Feb. 25, 1711 Mary Tiner; then living in Chowan, Albemarle County, North Carolina; sold 200 acres in the loer parish of Isle of Wight County, Virginia on Corowaugh Swamp to Nicholas Tiner.
.....iii.....RICHARD TYNER.
2.....iv.....NICHOLAS TYNER, b. Abt. 1662;
3.....v.....SARAH TYNER, b. Abt. 1668; d. Aft. 1710, Chowan Precinct, Albemarle County, North Carolina. TYNER, b. Abt. 1685.Generation No. 2 Claims wife was Elizabeth Mahon
I am submitting the following records for distribution. I think they will complement the "Loose Papers" from Jeanne Spain. Bertie Countie is the parent county of Northhampton Co. I think it is significant that William Tyner (son of Nicholas ??) died in Bertie Co. in 1760 and his only son William was in Granville Dist. SC shortly after. Is this son William the one who died in 1780 in Northhampton Co? I would appreciate any feedback.--James Russell
Colonial Bertie County North Carolina Deed Books A - H 1720- 1757
Tyner, held in joint Tenancy with the Rev. Francis Johnston. Wit. F. Johnston, James Campbell Dec. Ct. 1772. ( Note attached to deed indicates the deed of Tyner to Johnston & Ramsey located on pages 235 & 236 of Deed Bk. L-2.)
Tyner, Elizabeth to James Hall 23 Sep. 1780
Tyner, Amelia to Wright Hogard 23 May 1793
Tyner, Temperance to Wm. H. Wilkins 14 Dec 1802
Tiner, Salley to Meedy White 22 Aug 1801
Tiner, Winefred to Jethro Butler 16 Aug 1791
Tyner, Nicholas 1750-1758 195
In the name of God, Amen
.....I Edward Perkins being weak in body but in sound and perfect memory praised be to God do constitute and ordain this my last will and testament in manner and form as followetli. lmprimis. I give and bequeath my soul to God who gave it me and to Jesus Christ my only Savior and redeemer, my body to Christian burial. As for my worldly estate l dispose of it as followeth.
.....Ittm I give and bequeath unto William Murphry Sen my plantation whereon I live together with all the land I now possess during his natural life and after his death to his sonne William Murphry Jun to him and his heyres forever.
.....Ittm 1 give and bequeath to William Murphy Sen all my stock of cattle and hoggs he paying to John Lawrence and John Jordan: two cowes apcece.
.....ltm I give and bequeath unto James Tyner the sonne of Nicholas Tyner three cowes fouer calves one heiffer which his father hath in possession to-gather with the one halfe of their increase when he shall come to age.
.....Ittm 1 give and bequeath to Nicholas Tyner the other half of the increase of the above mentioned cattle.
.....Ittm 1 give unto Margaret Murphry daughter to William Murphry one feather bed one rugge one pr of blankets one pair of curtians and vallence one paire of sheets one boulster one pillow & pillow case.
.....It~~ I give unto Margarett Murfry all my pewter one greate iron pott one small iron potl one greate table and two formes. [Note: Formes were shoe patterns.]
.....ittm 1 give unto Mikill Murphry my horse.
.....Ittm I doe ordaine and appointe William Murphry Sen to be my sole and whole executor of this my last will and testament revokeing all other wills and testaments by me formerly made, as in witness whereof 1 have here unto set hand and scale this 22nd day of August 1686. (Signed) Edward Perkins
COUNTY Col A Col B Col C
1790H-03 75 Tyner, John Halifax
Northampton 4 2 3
1790H-03 75 Tyner, Mary Halifax
Northampton 0 0 4
1790H-03 75 Tyner, Nicholas Halifax
Northampton 1 2 2
1790H-03 75 Tyner, William Halifax
Northampton 1 0 4
Col A: Number of Free white Males of 16 years and upward, including heads of families.
Col B: Number of white Males under 16 years.
Col C: Number of Free white Females including heads of families.
5.....i.....NICHOLAS TYNER, b. Abt. 1715, Northampton County, North Carolina; wrote a will 12 December 1752, which was probated in November 1753 in Northhampton County, North Carolina.
6.....ii.....WILLIAM TYNER, b. Bet. 1719 - 1723; d. Abt. December 02, 1778, NorthHampton County, North Carolina.
.....iii.....JAMES ALLEN TYNER, b. Abt. 1717, Northampton County, North Carolina; d. Bef. 1752. The son James Tyner who was deceased by 1752 appeared on several records involving the sons of Oliver Woodward, Sr.,
7.....iv.....ANN TYNER, b. Bet. 1720 - 1722, Isle of Wight County, Virginia.
.....v.....ELIZABETH TYNER, m. ? JOHNSON. TYNER, m. ? WOODWARD. Or did she? See the will of Nicholas Tyner Jr. in 1752, which lists the children of Sarah Woodward, deceased, as heirs, and she appears to be listed as one of his children, not his aunt.
Notes for SARAH TYNER:
8.....vii.....JOHN TYNER, b. Abt. 1720, died 15 Nov 1780 Smithville, Johnston, North Carolina, USA. allaroundus 2008-01-5 at ties this line to Nicholas Tyner and Elizabeth Dew, meaning this couple.
..... Nicholas Tyner's daughter Sarah Tyner was the wife of one of the Woodwards in the Oliver Woodward family, but not Oliver himself. This site suggests Joseph Woodward.
Johnston County, NC
3. SARAH TYNER (NICHOLAS) was born Abt. 1668, and died Aft. 1710 in Chowan Precinct, Albemarle County, North Carolina. She never married JOHN HARRIS, son of THOMAS HARRIS and ANN MARTIN, but had children by him. He was born 1665 in Isle of Wight, Chowan County, VIrginia, and died Aft. December 16, 1711 in Chowan Pct., Albemarle County, North Carolina, with a legal wife, Mildred, surviving him. By Mildred he allegedly had Mary Ann Harris, abt. 1702, and Elizabeth Harris, abt. 1709, but they aren't in his will so if they ever existed, they must have died young. DNA tests show that DEMPSEY TYNER is a descendant of this couple (as is EDMUND L. TINER, b. 1817 TN, married LUCINDA BLEVINS), but we don't know exactly how. Contact me for info on Edmund Tiner's descendants, who aren't posted here.
Will of John Tiner (abstracted)
15 Nov. 1780
Prob. Feb. Ct. 1780
Son Jesse- Tract of land where I now live; one other tract of land; all my personal estate
Son John- 1 hard Spanish Dollar
Millie Hood- household furnishings; 1 wheel; cotton & flax
Exec: None named
Wit: Ben Williams, Jr, Hesther Ballard, Barbara Capps
ThatBeBob at AOL.COM 9/7/99
.....Tying Richard back to John Harris and Sarah Tyner is one of my main Tyner projects. Lacking anything but circumstantial evidence, I "feel" certain that Richard Tyner of Elbert was the same man as Richard of Johnston and the son of John Harris Tyner, who was the natural son of Sarah Tyner and John Harris. People have gone through all kinds of mental calisthenics to legitimize that relationship and, to me, none of them fly. When I was first beginning my Tyner research, I came upon the will of John Harris, and after reading it I read it again, and thought "Wow, this woman was his mistress." Nothing I've seen since has made me change my opinion.
.....I don't see how anyone who read John's will ever drew this conclusion. If this is the case, why didn't he say so? John Harris, in naming Sarah executor, also very clearly designates her "trusty friend." If that's not enough, I know that John Harris Tyner was of age by 1725. John Harris was born ca 1665. If he had a daughter born ca 1785, it's possible that she had a child born by 1705, but a bare 20 years between generations is somewhat of a tight fit.
.....This is the theory of Lewis A. Wood, 215 Le Grand Blvd., Greenville, S.C. 29607, and I will quote it:
....."A lot of "TYNER" researchers, including Max TYNER, one of the original TYNER historians, have stated that NICHOLAS TYNER (Isle of Wight, VA) was the father of SARAH TYNER, mistress of JOHN HARRIS and that JOHN HARRIS was the father of JOHN & WILLIAM TYNER, sons of SARAH TYNER, his mistress. I (LAW) have never seen any proof that SARAH TYNER, mistress of JOHN HARRIS, was the daughter of NICHOLAS TYNER I (Isle of Wight) NICHOLAS TYNER I did have a daughter, SARAH TYNER, that he left 1 Cow & 1 Calf to if she would have it.
.....There is another possibility that no one seems to have taken into account. Consider this - NICHOLAS TYNER (Isle of Wight) had a son who was already dead when he made his Will in 1708. This dead son's wife, SARAH, had 3 small children by him, JOHN. WILLIAM, & SARAH TYNER. But, at the time of his Will in 1708, this daughter-in-law, SARAH, wife of his dead son, was living with JOHN HARRIS as his "Mistress" JOHN HARRIS had a wife, Mildren, living with him at the same time. So, NICHOLAS TYNER I, so disapproved of her behavior, that he left her out of his Will completely. This would account for SARAH'S children using the surname, "TYNER". If JOHN HARRIS had actually been their father, I feel sure he would have wonted them to use his surname "HARRIS". SARAH TYNER'S, (mistress of JOHN HARRIS), son JOHN TYNER, later, used the name JOHN HARRIS TYNER and many more of her descendants also used "HARRIS" in their name, but, not as their surname - that was always "TYNER"."
.....My only real comment about this, is that, it makes even less sense for John Harris to leave the bulk of his estate to the children of his mistress by another man, and why is one of them named Harris?
This is still the winner, as far as I'm concerned.
1. I know of no evidence of any Sarah Tyner in that time and vicinity other than the daughter of Nicholas (d. 1709.)
.....This has been a method of expressing parental displeasure from the grave since time immemorial and we still see it in movies and TV every day (i. e. "Rain Man".) It would be unusual for her to be cut out of her share of the household goods if he were not displeased with her and the phrase "all ye rest of my children Excepting my daughter Sarah, and my will is that Shee shall have no more than is already given her." is to me a sure sign that he didn't like a marriage she had entered or something she was doing and being someone's mistress seems like a logical reason.
"I give unto Margaret two cows & calves & ye plantation where she now lives in Rockahock Neck, being ye remainder of ye land before given to her & her heirs." making her and her husband Edward neighbors to John Harris.
.....Let me know what you think.
Bob [Bob Erwin]
From: "Richard Long"
To: TYNER-L at
.....I have read various speculations about Sarah Tyner, dau of Nicholas and her relationship to John Harris.
.....Has anyone entertained the thought that I have, that she might have been part American Indian?
.....We find her in 1708 living about 300 miles inland on the Catawba River on what would later be the North Carolina and South Carolina border, although at that time it was all called just Carolina. As far as I know, at this time, this was Indian country, an area where white traders would journey to trade with the Indians but not yet settled by white men.
.....Also, Sarah was apparently cohabitating with John Harris who had a wife in the eastern part of the state in the Chowan Precinct, which he gave as his home when he made out his will. It is not unheard of for a man to have a mistress. It would improve their relations with the Indians if a trader took an Indian or mixed-breed as a wife or mistress. In some cases, the Indians required the traders to take an Indian wife in order to do business with them.
.....The mixed-breeds were usually somewhat of outcasts by both the whites and the Indians. If their skin was light enough they would pass as whites, but more often they were considered Indians.
.....Sarah's birth date is critical to this theory. We know that Nicholas came to America in 1679 with no wife and 5 children. Was Sarah one of the five? I have seen 6 or 7 children listed. Does anyone have proof of when Sarah was born? I have seen several different dates for her birth , some of which are after Nicholas arrived here. If she were born after his arrival, then it would be not only possible that Nicholas had Sarah by an Indian woman but it would be most likely as there were very few white women here at that time.
.....Margaret Oliver is given as Nicholas wife's name. Was this his wife in England? That is certainly an Anglo name, however, Indians took Anglo names very often, especially the women who married white men. I have even seen men who had been married to women in England who took Indians wives who took the name of the English wife.
.....I have seen Oliver given as Nicholas' middle name, which seems curious to me. How many people at that time in history used middle names? And what are the odds that he would have the same middle name as his wife's surname by chance. This might be explained if he was married to an Indian woman. The Indians in that area were matriarchal and their name was the dominant one. Although I have not before seen the husband taking the wife's Indian name. Nevertheless, it was the Indian mother's surname that was given to the children, not the father's. This would explain why Sarah and John Harris's children were named Tyner instead of Harris.
.....Also, consider the many connections Sarah's descendents had with Indians - marrying and living with them. And also , her father's slighting her in his will. It was not uncommon for white men to totally disinherit their mixed-breed children.
.....I would love to have your thoughts and input.
Sue Long
Just thought you would like to know that the John Harris/Sarah Tyner relationship did in fact bear natural children. The children were not adopted by John Harris as some speculate. The DNA results just came in 2 days ago, and a living Tyner is confirmed to have the same Y-Chromosome DNA markers as a living Harris. The common ancestor is Thomas Harris 1636 IOW.
Further up the direct male line are included the powerful Heriz knights of Nottingham. Even further back, these are Normans that were with William the Conqueror during the Battle of Hastings. The Heriz knights were feudatory to William Pevrel, the natural son of William the Conqueror. Evidence suggests that the Heriz family either fought alongside Pevrel or Robert de Beaumont during the Battle of Hastings.
Michael Harris
p. 42 Thomas Clark of Chowan Precinct to John Harris of Chowan Prec. Oct. 1, 1703 assignment of a deed.J. Bryan Grimes, NORTH CAROLINA WILLS AND INVENTORIES (1912)
"In the Name of God Amen. I, Jno Harris, in ye County of Albemarle, in ye precinct of Chowan, in ye province of North Carolina, planter, being sick & weak in body, but of perfect sound mind & memory, Doe make this my last will & Testimony, revoking all other wills, verbal or writeing, made before by me, I Committ my Soul To almighty God that Gave itt me; & my body to ye Dust from whence itt came, to be Decently buried according to ye rules of ye Christian burial, in full & certain hopes of ye Glorious resurrection att ye last day; & as for all my personal and real Estate wch itt hath pleased God to Endew me withall I bequith & bestowe as followeth, after my Debts is paid & my funeral Expences is Discharged.
.....I Give and bequeith unto Harris, ye Son of Sarah Tiner, ye plantation wheron I now Dwell & all ye land belonging to itt, after my wifes Decease, when he shall Come to ye Age of twenty one years, to him ye sd. Harris, & to ye heirs of his Body lawfully begotten for ever, not to Sell any part or parcel w'tsoever, Likewise, I Give unto Harris, ye Son of Sarah Tiner, my Gunn & also my proper marke after my Decease, which is a crope and Slite in ye right year and a swallow forke in ye left yeare.
.....I give & bequiett unto William, ye son of Sarah Tiner, two plantations leying on ye head of Machacomack Creek, call by ye name of ye holes, with all ye land thereunto belonging, to ye sd. William, & the heirs of his body lawfully begotten for ever, to be possessed when he shall Come to ye Age of twenty one years, not to Sell no pt. nor parcel of it w'tsoever; & if any one of these Sons of Sarah Tiner, Either Harris or William, Dye before they Come to ye Age of twenty one years without heirs of their Body lawfully begotten, then it is my Desire ye land of him that Dyes Shall to Sarah, ye Daughter of Sarah Tiner, for a legace to ye said Sarah & to ye heirs of her body lawfully begotten for ever; & if ye said Sarah, ye Daughter of Sarah Tiner, Dye without heirs lawfully begotten, then ye land to fall to ye son that's living & to ye heirs of his body lawfully begotten for Ever. Likewise, I Give unto Sarah, ye Daughter of Sarah Tiner, one young Gray mare runing in ye rockahock neck, with all her Increase, to ye sd. Sarah & her heirs for Ever.
.....I Give & bequeith unto Sarah Tiner one plantation & all ye tract of land belonging to itt, lying in Rockahock neck, is nowne by ye name of Jno. fryers, to ye sd. Sarah Tiner & her heirs for Ever; & as for my personal Estate, my stock & housall Goods I bestow as followeth:
.....I Give & bequeith unto my loving wife, Mildred Harris, ye one half of my Estate During her life; & all ye rest of my Estate moveables & Immoveables, I Give & bequeith as legace unto Harris & William, ye sons of Sarah Tiner, to be equally & farely devided between them ye sd. Harris & William when they Shall arrive to ye age of Eighteen years.
.....& I Doe here Impute Constitute & appoint my true & Trusty friends, Jno. Mixon & Sarah Tiner, to be my whole & Sole Exect. & Extrx. of this my last will & Testamt.
.....As wittness hereof, I have fixed my hand & Seal this 16th (:) Day of December, 1711.
John X Harris
Signed Sealed & Delivered in ye p'escence of us:
Edward E. Patchet
John X Wells
Mary M. Tiner
Recorded in Will Book 2, page 48."
Posted by Lance Bretsnyder on July 11, 1998 at 00:13:11:
In Reply to: Re: Isham Harris b. 1741 questions. posted by Keith Merck on July 02, 1998 at 23:08:34:
The Isham Harris who m. Martha Mable Green was the son of Maj. West Harris who was born in the Isle of Wight Co. Virginia. in 1714 and who early on moved to Granville Co., NC. and later to Salisbury Co., NC, if my memory serves me right. The Civil War era governor of Tennessee is descended from that particular line. West in turn was the son of Edward Harris of the Isle of wight who was the son of Thomas(Jr.) of the Isle of Wight and in turn was the son of Thomas Harris & Alice West. Thomas, b. ca. 1614, was the son of John Harrys & Dorothy (Lymbrey or Calcott). John, b. ca. 1585, was the son of Sir William Harrys & Alice Smythe of Crixse in Essex, Eng. & the brother of Capt. Thomas Harrys of Henrico Co., Va. See Boddie, Historical Southern Families re the Harris family of Charles City Co. & Isle of Wight Co., Va.
From: Glubber001 at
This Harris genealogy is confusing since there are so many Harris. I hope this information is right but together maybe we can figure it out. I show a John Harris married Mildred with a sister Jane. I list their parents as Thomas Harris and Ann Martin. I show Thomas Harris as being born 1636 in Charles City County, Virginia dying 1688 in Isle of Wight, Virginia. I have no other information of Ann Martin. I do show that they had the following children. Edward Harris married Mary Turner, Jane Harris marring Jones, John Harris married Mildred, Thomas married Judith Edwards, Robert married Ann Fulgham, George married Martha, Martin, William married Rebecca, Ann. The interesting thing I show is that John Harris married second Sarah Tyner the daughter of Micholas Tyner. I show no children with Mildred but 3 with Sarah Tyner. I show them listed as John Harris, William Tyner Harris and Sarah Tyner Harris. Please let me know what you think. I show no spouses and just birth years of John and William. I don't even know where I picked this up at so could be all messed up.
Thank You
Sherry Turner Casey
8.....i.....JOHN HARRIS TYNER, b. Abt. 1693, Little River, Laurent County, South Carolina; d. Abt. 1767, Johnson County, North Carolina.
9.....ii.....WILLIAM TYNER, b. Bet. 1698 - 1704; d. Abt. 1760, Bertie County, North Carolina.
10.....iii......SARAH TYNER, b. Abt. 1705, Lancaster County, South Carolina.
Source for William's siblings and Padgett descendants, mostly: Bob Suddath's "Suddath and Freeman Families" WorldTree at Robert Suddath, 10405 Red Mtn W, Littleton CO 80127, USA, rasuddath at
Wife MARGARET - the manor plantation, all the household goods, all stock; also 130 acres joining HALSEY; also 350 acres on Bear Swamp.
Ex. Wife, brother SAMUEL PAGET
Notes for EDWARD PARKETT: Edward Padgett witnessed a deed on 8 Oct. 1715 where Nicholas Tiner of Va. was giving John Nairne of Albemarle County power of attorney to recover debts for him.
11.....i.....WILLIAM PADGETT, b. Abt. 1720, Chowan County, North Carolina; d. April 20, 1768, St. Bartholomew, Colleton County, South Carolina.
.....ii.....SAMUEL PADGETT.
.....iv.....MARY PADGETT.Generation No. 3
Nicholas Tyner and Elizabeth Dew were living in the Chowan District at the time of Dempsey Tyner's birth. Also, Elizabeth Dew had a sister named Sarah. Sarah's husband was named Dempsey Barnes. Maybe Dempsey Tyner was named after Dempsey Barnes?
"Land Grants (1784-1788) in Abbeville County," a collection of clippings from an unknown newspaper located in the Memphis TN Public Library and donated by Rev. E. M. Sharpe:
see Vol II, page 10 from series of two volumes in Abbeville Judge of Probate Office:
"William Wardlaw as a citizen 250 Acres of land situate below the line on Parks Creek Waters of Savannah River [Little River?] Bounding so. on Harris Tyner line, N. on Widow Miller's line the other sides on vacant land when surveyed by John Martin D. S. on the 18th of Sept. last.
Recorded this 21st day of July 1785. R. Anderson C.L."
per (Page no longer exists.)
In the Name of God Amen
I Nicholas Tyner --- of the County of Northampton Being --- and Much Striction in years but being att this preasent time In perfect Sound Mind and Memory Thanks Be Given to Almighty God Tharefore and Calling to mind the Mortallity of Mans Boady Doe think itt proper to Settle my affairs in Mannor as followeth
first and principally my Soul to Almighty God that Gave itt and My Boady to Be Buried att the --- of My Executors as I shall hear after Mention : and as for What Worldly Goods itt hath pleased God to --- on me I give and --- as followeth first my --- Debts Being Truly payed ---I give and Bequeath to my Grand Son James Tyner the Son of Nicholas Tyner one hundread Acres of Land Lying on --- in the County above said and one feather Bead and furnitur and one Iron pott and one frying pan and Two cows and --- and puterdish and one --- to be Delivered to him Imediately after my Death and the Death of my Wife Elizabeth Tyner
And the Remaining parts of my Estate Both Real and personall I Leave to be Equally Devided Amongst All my Children after my --- and the Death of my Wife Elizabeth (to wit) Nicholas Tyner and John Tyner and the Children of James Tyner Dead and William Tyner and the Children of Sarah Woodard Dead and Elizzabeth Johnson and Ann Corbett : and I Constitute and Appointe My Trusty and Well Beloved Sone William Tyner to be my full and whole Exec.of this Which allow to Be My Last Will and Testament in
Testamoney Whare of I have hearunto Sett my hand and seal this 12th Day of December - 1752 - Nicholas Tyner his marke
Tyner, William Page 385 (2)
Northampton County.
December 12, 1752. November Court, 1753. Grandson: JAMES TYNER (lands on Gaulberry). Other children: NICHOLAS and JOHN TYNER (the children of JAMES TYNER, decd.), WILLIAM TYNER, SARAH WOODARD, ELIZABETH JOHNSON and ANN CORBETT. Executor: WILLIAM TYNER (son). Wife: ELIZABETH. All estate divided among children above-named. Witnesses: J. DEW, WILLIAM CORBETT. Clerk of the Court: I. Edwards.
13.....i.....BENJAMIN TYNER, b. Abt. 1743, Wayne County, North Carolina, USA; d. Aft. 1833, Robeson County, North Carolina, USA.
.....ii.....WILLIAM TYNER, b. Abt. 1745.
.....iii.....JAMES ALAN TYNER, b. Abt. 1747.
14.....iv.....NICHOLAS TYNER, b. August 10, 1752, NorthHampton, North Carolina.
Wm. Tyners Will
In the name of God amen. I William Tyner of the County of Noampton in the province of North Carolina being of perfect mind and menory thanks given to Almighty God for the came calling to mind the mortality that attend my body & it is appointed for all men once to die do make and ordain and constitute this to be my last will and testament in manner & form following viz. First of all I summon my sons into the hands of Almighty God that gave it hoping through the merits do other & sessions of my saviour Jesus Christ to have full and free pardon and ____of my sins and my body I commit to the Earth to be buried decent and Christian like manner at the disaction of my executors hereafter named & as to such worldly estate as it hath pleased Almighty God to grant upon me I do give and bequeath in a manner and form following vis.
.....Item. First of all my will and desire and that all my debts and funeral charges shall be paid and discharged.
..... Item. I give and bequeath unto Essa Tyner four shillings cash money.
.....Item. I give unto my daughter Martha Carter four shillings money.
.....Item. I give unto my son John Tyner five shillings Virginia money.
.....Item. I give unto my daughter Elizabeth Davis five shillings Virginia money.
.....Item. I give unto my beloved wife Elizbeth Tyner the third tract of still also the third of my negro fellow named Nero also the third of my land. Also the third of all the rest of my estte during her widowhood and if she should marry then to have but a childs tract, and after my wife decease or in case she should marry, I then give unto my son Due Tyner my Negro named Niass and if my wife should marry, I then give unto my daughters Sarah Tyner, Justine Tyner and Milla Tyner my still.
.....Item. I give unto my three sons to wit Arthur Tyner, Wm. Tyner, and Due Tyner that tract of land called the Trinawood containing six hundred forty acres more or less, to be equally divided among my three sons Arthur, William and Due the upper forty called the Brush Pond, to Arthur Tyner the lower forty called Sterlins Oldfield, to Wm. Tyner another joining tract to the land I now live on called Bittles to Due Tyner and if either of my said sons Arthur, Wm., or Due should die without issue the said tract of land to be equally divided between the other two and likewise if two should die without issue one to have the hole and if they all should die without issue, I leave the said tract of land to be equaly divided between my four daughters to wit Mary Tyner, Sarah Tyner, Justine Tyner and Milly Tyner and if either of them should die without issue to be equally divided among the rest of my said daughters here mentioned and all the rest of my estate to be equally divided amongst the rest of my children to wit Wm. Tyner, Mary Tyner, Arthur Tyner, Nicholas Tyner, Due Tyner, Sarah Tymer, Presly Tyner, Milla Tyner, and my will and desire is that Arthur Williams, Jesse Williams and Joel Sheard should divide up my estate amongst my children according to my will.
.....Item. I do hereby constitute and appoint my friend William Sheard and Richd Figunes and John Tyner full and hole and sole executors of my last will and testament.
..... Item. I do hereby make disavowal and void all other wills and testaments by me heretofore made and acknowledged this to be my last. Witness whereof I have here unto set my hand and seal this 28th day of Dec. 1778
William Tyner (Seal)
Signed, Sealed and Delivered in the presence of us
William Carter
Benj. Morrell
Mary Tyner
The preceding will of Wm. Tyner was exhibited in court proved by the oath of William Carter, Benj. Morrel, Mary Tyner of the subscribing witnesses thereto ordered to be certified and recorded.
Test. Joseph Atherton. Clk.
To: TYNER-L at
Message-ID: <007b01c403ea$27e7f4c0$6400a8c0 at RehabCuv4x>
Subject: [TYNER] William Tyner/Dempsey Tyner
I am confused (what's new about that!). Perhaps a Tyner researcher can straighten me out.
.....In my research Dempsey Tyner b. 4 Aug 1755 d. 13 Oct 1842 is the son of Nicholas Tyner whose mother would be Elizabeth Dew. (That is, Dempsey's mother was Elizabeth Dew).
.....There is a reference to an Elizabeth as the wife of William Tyner (in his Last Will and Testament) This William being the brother of Nicholas and the uncle of Dempsey Tyner. A researcher has asserted that this Elizabeth is the same Elizabeth Dew.
.....My question is this. Is Elizabeth, wife of William Tyner just an Elizabeth (lineage unknown) or is she indeed a Dew and if she is a Dew and is it possible she is the same Elizabeth Dew that was married to Nicholas Tyner the father of Dempsey Tyner?
.....I know someone has the answer. The William Dew will, is quite clear, that his wife was an Elizabeth but of course there is no last name listed in the will. William also lists his children and there is no mention of Dempsey Tyner so it would seem he is is not a son to William.
.....Thanks for any help.
Jerry Cranford
.....i.....ARTHUR TYNER, d. Abt. December 23, 1781, NorthHampton County, North Carolina.
.....ii.....DEW TYNER, d. Abt. 1823, Northhampton County, North Carolina.
Is this him?
Muster rolls for NC militia in War of 1812
Arthur Tyner
James W. Davis
.....In the name of God Amen, I Arthur Tyner of Northampton County in the province of North Carolina being of perfect mind and memory thanks be to God for it Do make, constitute and ordain this to be my last will and testament in manner and form following viz.
.....Item. First of all my will and desire is that all my debts and furneral charges shall be paid and discharged.
..... Item. I give unto my mother Elizabeth Tyner two hundred acres of land at the place called Brushie Pond during her natural life.
..... Item. I give unto my brother Nicholas Tyner forty five head of hogs, one cow and yearling, one jacket___, and two yards of broadcloth, two aces and one hoe, five dollars in small silver, one linen shirt, one pair of shoes, four ___one gallon and half of Brandy, note of hand of Benj. Futrell and one note of hand of David Johnston, and two ___ ____.
..... Item. I give unto my brother Drew Tyner one sow and pig, one young horse, one saddle and bridle, one grubing hoe, two axes and one weeding hoe, one___ & two jars of brushes, and one________.
.....Item. I give unto my mother Elizabeth one silver dollar, sixteen ____, one ewe and one lamb.
.....Item. I give unto my sister Prisilla Tyner one black silk handkerchief, one ewe and one silver dollar.
.....Item. I give unto my sister Sarah Tymer one lamb, and one linnen band.
.....Item. I give unto my sister Millis one feather bed and furniture.
..... Item. I give unto my brother Drew Tyner one riding coat and ten barrels of corn.
.....Item. I give unto my brother Nicholas Tyner fifteen barrels of corn, all the remainder of my corn at the place called Brushie Pond to be equally divided among the two Blade stacks to Nicholas at the same place, two to Drew Tyner at the same place, I give also to Drew Tyner six hogs.
..... Item. I give unto my mother Elizabeth Tymer sixteen ____ hogs, and all the rest of my estate I leave to be equally divided between my mother, brothers and sisters except John Tyner and Jefferson Tyner and I hereby constitute and appoint my brother Nicholas Tymer, william Sherwood full and wholesale executors of my last will and testament. I do hereby make disavowal and void all other wills and testaments by me heretofore made and acknowledge this to be my last. In witness whereunto I hae herein unto set my hand this 23rd of December in the year of our Lord 1781.
Arthur X Tyner & Seal
Signed sealed and delivered in the presence of
James Davis
William Carter
Test. Joseph Atherton CC
Notes for DEW TYNER:
.....iii.....EISA TYNER.
In the name of God, Amen. I, Dew Tyner of the County of Northampton and State of North Carolina being in a debilitated state of body but in perfect sound sense and disposing memory, do make and ordain this my last will and Testament in manner and form following (Neiz??)
.....First, I commit my body to the Earth from when it came to be buried after my death in a Christian-like manner at the discretion of my Executor hereafter to be named, and as to what worldly Estate it has pleased God to bless me with, I give and dispose it in the following manner
.....Item 2d. I give and bequeath to my nephew Arthur Tyner my two Negro boys Tom and Abram to him and his Heirs forever.
.....Item 3d. It is my will and desire that after my decese my Negro Woman Jemima have the use of my bay mare, one spinning wheel, one Iron pot, all my corn and fodder, all my meat which I have in possession, at my death, and the pork which my brother Nicholas Tyner bought for me and which he has now in possession, all my Hogs, my feather bed and furniture, and the balance of my Household and Kitchen furniture and after her decease said property (except the corn fodder and meat) be equally divided between my brother Nicholas Tyner and nephew Arthur Tyner at their own discretion.
.....Item 4th. I give and bequeath unto my brother Nicholas Tyner my grey mare (which old Moses has now in possession) to him and his Heirs forever----
.....Item 5th. It is my will and desire that from and after my decease my Negro Woman Jemima Have the use of my plantation together with all my farming utensils and after her death that said plantation and farming utensils be the property of my Nephew Arthur tyner, his Heirs, etc.
.....Item 6th. In case that my Negro Woman Jemima has any increase from and after this date then it is my will and desire that such increase be the property of my Nephew Arthur Tyner and his Heirs forever.
.....Item 7th. I give and bequeath unto my brother Nicholas Tyner my Gun, my Dish plates and spoon-moulds to him and his Heirs forever.
.....Item 8th. I give and bequeath to my brother Nicholas Tyner and nephew Arthur Tyner all my Bee Hives at Dorcas Barnes' to be equally divided between them, at their own discretion, to them and their Heirs forever.
....Item 9th. In case that any just debts should come against me after my decease then in that case all the property, papers, etc. not named in the foregoing will be appropriated for the settlement thereof and often said satisfaction then I give the balance to my negro woman Jemima to be paid to her by my Executor.
.....Item 10th. I constitute and appoint my Nephew Arthur Tyner Guardian to my Negro woman Jemima during her natural life and also constitute and appoint him, said Arthur Tyner my whole and sole Executor to this my last Will and Testament revoking all former Wills Heretofore made by me and declaring this to be my last Will, etc.
.....In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this 20th day of January 1823.
Dew Tyner, his mark
Signed, sealed and pronounced in presence of Jas. H. Lowerly and Mary Watson (her mark)
Teste James C. Harrison, ???
.....iv.....JOHN TYNER.
.....vii.....MARY TYNER.
.....viii.....MILDRED TYNER.
.....ix.....PRISCILLA TYNER.
.....x.....SARAH TYNER.
15.....xi.....ELIZABETH TYNER, b. Abt. 1760, Northampton County, North Carolina; d. Aft. 1832.
16.....xii.....NICHOLAS TYNER.
Subject: [NCROOTS-L] Corbet/Corbett/Corbit/Corbitt
Date: Mon, 7 Jun 1999
Hello North Carolina Researchers,
....I have posted this information before and am hoping that someone new to the list will recognize this information as part of their heritage also. For those of you who have read this before I apologize, but us Corbitt's tend to be just a tad stubborn.
…..I am trying to locate anyone who can fill me in on our branch of the Corbitt's that moved from Isle of Wight County, Va. to North Carolina in the early 1700's. Thus far I have the following information.
…1726 - Francis Corbitt bought land in Bertie Co., NC
…1739 - Johnson Corbitt sold land in Bertie Co. NC that Francis had bought in 1726
…1748 - William Corbitt bought land in Northampton Co., NC {220 acres}
…1755 - William Corbitt of Northampton Co. NC sold 100 acres in Isle of Wight Co., Va
…1757 - Johnson Corbitt bought land in Northampton Co., NC
....William Corbitt married Ann Tyner (Tynes) according to Isle of Wight Co., Va. Records. She was the daughter of Nicholas Tyner who died 1753 and wife Elizabeth. William later moved to Northampton Co., NC where he had bought land in 1748. They had the following children {that we know of} Josiah, Richard, Meredith.
....In searching the early census for North Carolina, I have found numerous entries for the surnames Corbit/Corbitt/ Corbet/Corbett, all variations of the Corbitt surname.
....Can anyone out there shed some light on our branch of the Corbitt's that moved to NC. We know that they are connected to our Corbitt's of Isle of Wight and Southampton Counties in Virginia, because we know that this branch of our line did migrate to North Carolina. We suspect they are siblings to our Samuel Corbitt Sr. who died and his will was probated in 1789, we just need the proof.
....H E L P us connect our missing ancestors.
Thank you
Pat Corbitt Johns
17.....i.....JOHN CORBITT, b. Abt. 1745, Edgecombe County, North Carolina; d. Abt. 1807, Edgecombe County, North Carolina.
Will of John Tiner (abstracted)
15 Nov. 1780
Prob. Feb. Ct. 1780
Son Jesse- Tract of land where I now live; one other tract of land; all my personal estate
Son John- 1 hard Spanish Dollar
Millie Hood- household furnishings; 1 wheel; cotton & flax
Exec: None named
Wit: Ben Williams, Jr, Hesther Ballard, Barbara Capps
.....i.....JOHN TYNER, b. abt. 1735 South Carolina.
.....ii.....JESSE TYNER, born about 1750 in Cape Hatteras, Currituck, North Carolina, USA, died 26 May 1818 in Johnston County, North Carolina, married SARAH BROOKS. However, this is a problem, since this couple is also assigned in this history to JOHN TYNER, son of JOHN HARRIS TYNER, son of SARAH TYNER. See #39 below.
.....iii.....MILDRED TYNER, married a man named ? HOOD.
Oct 1741 HARRIS TYNER on jury list. Chowan Co, NC P&QS 1730-45,_
John Harris Tyner, legatee of John Harris, gave in 1759 by deed of gift to his son John Tyner the 235 or 245 acres he owned in Chowan County. By this time his family were in Johnston County. John Tyner sold off the remainder of this Chowan land in 1764. In 1767 Haris Tyner Sr. was referred to in Johnston Court Minutes as an "aged person," incapable of business. He must have died soon after this. Richard disappeared from Johnston records then, and Harris was in South Carolina by 1770. John remained in Johston and left a will there in 1780, naming children Jesse and John Tyner and Millie Hood. Jessee Tyner left a will in Johston County in 1818.
Johnston Co, NC Minutes Bk--, p22."
18.....i.....JOHN TYNER, b. Bet. 1735 - 1738; d. November 15, 1780, Smithville, Johnston, North Carolina.
19.....ii.....RICHARD TYNER, b. Bet. 1735 - 1740, South Carolina, USA; d. November 10, 1824, Elbert County, Georgia, USA.
20.....iii.....HARRIS TYNER, b. August 04, 1740, Lancaster, South Carolina; d. Abt. 1778.
.....iv.....CALEB TYNER, b. Abt. 1744, Abbeville District, South Carolina.
Notes for CALEB TYNER:
21.....v.....WILLIAM TYNER.
Edgefield County, South Carolina: Deed Books 27,28 and 29 - Abstracted by Carol Wells - Heritage Books, Inc.
Book 28 - p. 147 Phinehas Sutton to Stephen Frederick, Deed, 26 March 1804, Twenty Dollars, fifteen acres situate on B__ (word blotted)Mills Creek of South Edisto River . . .
Wit: Calep Tyner, . . .
Rec 8 May 1807.
William Tyner bought land in Bertie County, North Carolina in 1748. Records show that the Will of William Tyner Sr, was probated 14 October 1760 Bertie County, North Carolina. He had a son William Tyner JR. who was exec. A deed to his property stated that William Jr. was an only son.
Pp 259 Pratt, William Box 76 Pack 1865
Est. Admnr Mar. 28, 1797. WM TYNER as one of the Witnesses
Est. Admnr June 9, 1795 by Anne Wilson, widow. WM TYNER listed as a buyer.
21.....i.....WILLIAM TYNER, b. Abt. 1735; d. Abt. 1778.
.....i......JOHN ROBERSON.
William Padget, Sr. was born in Chowan County, North Carolina, on Rocky Hock Creek at their plantation. This location can still be found on present-day North Carolina maps, north of Edenton. Before 1740, William married Sarah Blitchenden whose brothers came with them to South Carolina. The Blitchenden family was from Perquimans County, North Carolina. They also owned a plantation. William and Sarah came to Colleton County, South Carolina before 1768 with their seven sons. William Padget lived in St. Bartholomew Parish of Colleton County, S.C. and died there in 1768 leaving his will dated 1768 and proved Nov. 20, 1768 which was witnessed by his wife's Blitchenden relatives. He named only three sons in this will: Elijah (his administrator), William and Samuel, the last two being "cut out" of his will. His children were most likely born in North Carolina. Elijah inherited his father's plantation which he sold and moved his family to Edgefield County before 1780. William, Jr., Joel, and Jacob stayed in this area while the others departed. Samuel died in Winston County, South Carolina, while the other three lived in Edgefield County before Elijah departed for Georgia for the new land of Georgia land lottery. Elijah died there, and many of his descendants still live in Georgia, though some moved to Florida. Job and Josiah lived near each other as indicated on the 1790 South Carolina census and must have attended the Clouds Creek Baptist Church.
• PROP: 1737 Chowan Co., NC; deed, William Padget to Luke White
• Will: 20 November 1768 Colleton Co., S.C.
Elijah died there and many of his descendants still live in Georgia though some moved to Florida. Job and Josiah lived near each other as indicated on the 1790 SC census and must have attended the Clouds Creek Baptist Church
.....i......WILLIAM PADGETT, b. 1740.
22.....ii......SAMUEL PADGETT, b. 1741.
23.....iii.....ELIJAH PADGETT, b. 1742, North Carolina; d. Abt. 1807, Louisville, Jefferson, Georgia.
24.....iv.....JOSIAH PADGETT, b. 1750, North Carolina; d. Abt. December 1811, Edgefield County, South Carolina.
25.....v.....JOB PADGETT, b. Abt. 1750, North Carolina; d. January 1837, Edgefield County, South Carolina. PADGETT, b. 1751, North Carolina; d. Abt. 1830, Colleton County, South Carolina.
.....vii.....JACOB PADGETT, b. 1756.Generation No. 4
Benjamin is listed on the Johnston County Tax List for 1784.
The 1810 Census of Robeson list Benjamin as being over 45 yrs., and his wife as over 45 yrs. One son is listed as being between 16-25.
Served in Rev. War see page 454 Roster of NC Soldiers, published by NC DAR in 1932. Pension started 4 Mar. 1831.
Revolutionary War Pension Application No. S7722.
North Carolina USGenWeb Archieve - Military - Pension Rolls
Benjamin Tyner
Robeson County
Private Cavalry and Infantry
North Carolina Miliita
$32.50 Annual Allowance
$97.50 Amount Received June 25, 1833 Pension Started
Age 91
Direct Descendants of Nicholas Tyner
Carl Joe Tyner > Carl Vann Tyner > Lewis Edward Tyner > William Tyner > Benjamin Tyner, Jr. > Benjamin Tyner, Sr. > Nicholas Tyner > Nicholas Tyner > Nicholas Tyner > ???
.....Affidavit Robison Co, NC. 2/26/1833. Aged about 90 yrs old. Entered service when about 30 years old for about 6 months when he resided in Wayne Co, NC. Served under Col. Sowell. Went home then enlisted again under Capt Joseph Boon, lighthorseman in light dragoons in Wayne Co.
.....Affidavit from Jacob Thompson and Wm Townsend are acquainted with Benjamin Tyner.
.....Questions to Benjamin: 90 years old. LIving in Wayne Co NC. For about 7 years Lived in the counties of Montgomery and Richmond and lived in Robison Co for 28 years. Didn't serve in regular army or under regular officers.
.....Affidavit by John Wooddill, knew him as a boy, they lived within 3 miles of each other, Tyner in Wayne co and he in Johnson County, both near the dividing line.
27.....i.....ARTHUR PEARCE TYNER, b. 1760, Johnson County, North Carolina, USA; d. February 27, 1845.
28.....ii.....FRANCES TYNER, b. Abt. 1768, South Carolina; d. July 15, 1853, DeWitt County, Texas.
29.....iii.....BENJAMIN J. TYNER, b. Abt. 1790, Johnson County, North Carolina, USA; d. Abt. 1883, Robeson County, North Carolina, USA.
In 1770 Nicholas Tyner deeds to Benjamin, his son, land in Johnston County. Nicholas states he is from Dobbs County. Dobbs created from Johnston but discontinued in 1791. 1769 tax list of Dobbs lists Nicholas, Jr., John, William and James.
Affidavit 9/1832
.....Born 8/18/1752 in Northampton Co, NC. Enlisted 5/14/1776 under William Barrett for 3 years. He again entered the service in a few weeks, as a substitute for one John Tyner for 12 months. He continued service as a substitute for several persons, to wit Ransome Savage, 6 months, Benjamin Prapler?, 6 months. Served a total of 6 years.
.....Secretary of State affidavit states Nicholas Tyner was a corpral in Capt Taylor Co and in service 1/1779 having enlisted for 2 1/2 years the date of discharge was 4/1779, date of enlistment not on rolls. #707 warrant for 35 months service.
.....A neighbor's affidate states the he is a neighbor of mine, wealthy, respectable and I truly believe served as he states. Jno Wheeler. 8/8/1835
State of North Carolina
Hertford County
Personally appeared before me Samuel WELLS one of the Justices of the Peace for the County aforesaid, Nicholas TYNER? who maketh Oath on the Holy Evangilist of Almighty God, that in the year 1776 or 1777 George ROCHEL and Stokes ROCHEL inlisted in the North Carolian Continental service that Captain Nicholas EDMUNDS inlisted them for three years, and that this Deponant was then a Soldier and in the same company commanded by Capt. Nicholas EDMUNDS in the third Regiment with both the aforesaid ROCHELS, and that George ROCHEL died in South Carolina in the service of the United States, and Stokes ROCHEL died in North Carolina in the service of the United States, and further this Deponent saith not.
Signed, Nicholas TYNER?
Sworn to before me
This 4th Dec. 1806
Sam’l. WELLS, J.P.
N.C. General Assembly Session Records: 1806
Petitions of Rev. War, Box 2
Stokes ROCHEL & George ROCHEL were son of William ROCHELLE & Laurel STOKES of Albermarle Parish District of Virginia.
Northhampton County, North Carolina
Nicholas Tyner, 90
.....i.....BENJAMIN TYNER.
30.....ii.....ELIZABETH DEW TYNER, b. May 08, 1798, Northhampton County, North Carolina, USA; d. April 01, 1873, Fayette County, Tennessee, USA.
30A.....iii.....GEORGE WASHINGTON TYNER, born about 1834 North Carolina, married SUSAN MORGAN 26 Nov 1855 per tree "allaroundus 2008-01-05" by Tammy New. (Age-wise, this makes no sense. Is he a son of Elizabeth, maybe? This needs research.)
.....i.....ENOS DAVIS.
31.....ii.....JOHN DAVIS, b. Abt. 1779, Northampton County, North Carolina; d. March 22, 1852, Northampton County, North Carolina.
.....iii.....LEWIS DAVIS, b. Abt. 1781, Northampton County, North Carolina; m. MARTHA DELOATCH.
.....iv.....JONATHAN DAVIS, b. Abt. 1783.
.....v.....EDWARD DAVIS, b. Abt. 1784. DAVIS, b. Abt. 1785, Northampton County, North Carolina.
.....vii.....ENOCH DAVIS, b. Abt. 1786, Northampton County, North Carolina; d. Abt. 1853, Northampton County, North Carolina.
.....viii.....SAMUEL DAVIS, b. Abt. 1788, Northampton County, North Carolina.
.....ix.....DOLLY DAVIS, b. Abt. 1789, Northampton County, North Carolina; m. NATHANIEL SMITH.
.....x.....ELIZABETH DAVIS, b. Abt. 1790, Northampton County, North Carolina; m. WILLIAM PARKER, January 25, 1817, Northampton County, North Carolina.
.....xi.....MARY DAVIS, b. Abt. 1793.
33.....xii.....RHODA DAVIS, b. Abt. 1798, Northampton County, North Carolina.
.....xiii.....WILLIAM DAVIS, b. Abt. 1798.
34.....xiv.....ARTHUR DAVIS, b. August 03, 1799, Northampton County, North Carolina; d. Abt. 1879, Northampton County, North Carolina.
35.....xv.....LUCY DAVIS, b. Abt. 1800, Northampton County, North Carolina.
.....xvi.....SARAH DAVIS, b. Abt. 1802.
.....xvii.....SUZY DAVIS, b. Abt. 1803.
pages 296-7
Capt. Thos. D. Boone, the intelligent and capable Clerk of our Superior Court, is one of the heroes of 1861-'65. We have before written of this worthy man and his charming wife, Willie Vann, daughter of Tilman D. Vann, of Maney's Neck. Captain Boone's father was William Boone, of Northampton, and his wife, Judith Boone, nee Deanes, the daughter of the old Sheriff, Thomas Deanes, of Hertford. His grandmother on his paternal side was Lucy Tyner, of Nicholas Tyner II, of Northampton. Sheriff Thomas Deanes' daughter Susan married Rev. Reuben Jones, and his daughter Malissa Anne married John E. Maget, of Northampton. The old Sheriff was married twice. By his first marriage he reared two sons, Mike and Thomas Deanes, Jr. The mother of his daughters was Susan Perry, a daughter of Capt. Abner Perry, of revolutionary fame, and who died in 1810.
THE Colonial and State Political History
of Hertford County, N. C. BY BENJ. B. WINBORNE.
Colonial and state political history of Hertford County, N. C
pages 266-267
the father of William Boone and the mother of Judge Faircloth, were half brother and sister. Dr. Freeman's son, George, married Carrie Hart, of Emporia, Va., the granddaughter of Dred Hart, of Southampton County, Va., who married a Suitor, of Northampton. Mrs. Dr. Freeman's paternal grandmother was Lucy Tyner, daughter of Nicholas Tyner, Jr., of Northampton County, by his first marriage. We cannot ascertain his wife's maiden name, but we learn from O'Dwyer's diary of 1824 that Nicholas Tyner's wife died September 29, 1824. Mr. Tyner was the son of William Tyner and grandson of Nicholas Tyner, Sr., of Dobbs County, who took out a patent for a large tract of land on the Meherrin River, from the Lords Proprietors in 1724. He conveyed 640 acres of this land January 12, 1761, to his son, William Tyner, of Northampton County. William Tyner's other children were Drew, Mary, Sarah, Priscilla, Mildred, Arthur, and William. Lucy Tyner's sister, Lucretia, married Etheldred Peebles, an ancestor of Judge R. B. Peebles. O'Dwyer also tells that in September, 1824, Turner Peebles' daughter
married a Stancell.
in the State.
He was one of the County Commissioners for several years and later served the county as her Register of Deeds, an office which he resigned in 1905.
page 36
During the colonial times, the Assembly, selected a list of persons, in each county, qualified for jury service, and only freeholders were selected. In 1740 the following persons were selected for Bertie, some of whom were cut off in 1759 into Hertford, and became ancestors of many of our citizens, viz.: Thomas Jenkins, John Worrell, Benj. Hill, Daniel Dickinson, Edw. Harrell, Abner Harrell, William Hines, Thomas Barfield, John Taylor, Nich. Tyner, Jr., John Brown, Samuel Harrell, Patrick Carter, Isaac Parker, Edw. Harrell, Jr., William Barfield, John Bird, Edward Bird, William Rosberry, William Jordan, William Boon, James Rutland, Sr., Peter West, Thomas Hayes, James Barfield, Benj. Wynne, Richard Barfield, Thomas Banks, John Griffin, John Beverly, Henry Jones, James Maney, Joseph Bridgers,
Nathan Joyner, John Vanpelt, Daniel Vanpelt, Robert Lawrence, James Jones, Benj. Bridges, William Whitley, James Dukes, Josiah Liverman, David Legatt, John Harrell, Sr., and John Harrell, Jr. In Chowan County there were on the jury list of same date, John Vann, William Vann, Edw. Hare, Moses Hare, Henry Baker, and Michael Slaughter. The last four became citizens of Hertford County. Most of these names are familiar names in Hertford County to-day.
page 106-107
Capt. James C. Harrison, Stephen Winborne, Lemuel Winborne, Winborne Futrell, David Boone, William Boone, Arthur Tyner, Micajah Futrell, Lemuel Vaughan, Goodwin Daniel, James Vaughan, Benj. Vaughan, Nehemiah Vinson, Jiles Lewter, Benj. Griffin, Gilbert Griffin, James Griffin, Brittain Lassiter, John Jenkins, Benj. Jenkins, Benj. Lawrence, Nathan Pope, Samuel Warren, Edwin Liles.
.....i.....LUCINDA TYNER.
36.....ii.....LUCRETIA TYNER.
37.....i.....WILLIAM CORBITT, b. Abt. 1754, North Carolina; d. Abt. 1810, Davidson County, Tennessee.
38.....ii.....MEREDITH CORBITT, b. Abt. 1765, North Carolina; d. Abt. 1830.
My own belief is that this guy was just John Tyner, not John Harris Tyner Jr. and that he, Richard Tyner of GA and Harris Tyner of SC were the sons of John Harris Tyner of Chowan and Dobbs/Johnston Cos. John Tyner was probably the eldest since he sold the land in Chowan left to his father in the will of John Harris (1711) and remained in Johnston after John Harris Tyner's death (ca 1765? I can't lay my hand on it but there was a 1760's Johnston Co. court entry exempting Harris Tyner from taxes because of his infirmity.) and Richard and Harris moved on to SC and GA.
Bob [Bob Erwin]
John Hoskins.
Consideration 15 pounds - 100 acres being part of a grant to John Tiner 12/23/1763
page 790 Dated 11/15/1780: names sons Jesse and John Tyner. Son Jesse- Tract of land where I now live; one other tract of land; all my personal estate
Son John- 1 hard Spanish Dollar
Millie Hood- household furnishings; 1 wheel; cotton & flax (what follows is a list of household goods)
Eliza and Jesse, Polly, John and Beulah Farron.
39.....i......JESSE TYNER, b. Bet. 1755 - 1762, Cape Hatteras, Currituck, North Carolina; d. May 26, 1818, Johnston County, North Carolina, USA.
.....ii.....JOHN TYNER.
.....iii.....MILLIE TYNER, m. ? HOOD.
At an early age Harris Tyner was appointed captain of a militia in the colony of SC under the British government, which was finally attached to the regular British Army, and he was detained as a British subject. Tradition says he died in the summer of 1778 while serving in the army, either in the Tory/Whig skirmishes or in the Indian wars.
Jan. 6, 2007 from James Wilkinson:
...Just a little history that you all may know already.
...Kings Mountain Battle field is in South Carolina near North Carolina border West of the Catawba River near the Tyner family home place at start of the Revolution. Several of our Tyners were soldiers in the War, some on English side, notably Capt. Harris Tyner of the Royal British Army who received his
commission from General Cornwallis at Turkey Creek, South Carolina July 20, 1778.
I, by Murtie June Clark, Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc, 1981
(Captain-Lieutenant Harris Tyner, commissioned by Lord Cornwallis, page 48). Also on page 344, lists him as member (Lieutenant) of the South Carolina Colony Militia prior to Revolution with four or five other Tyners named.
..."Catawba" a Native American people formerly inhabiting territory along the (now named) Catawba River in North/South Carolina and that now located in western South Carolina.
James Wilkinson
tnecjim at
from Dawn Brown (crickethunter at
.....Harris Tyner at an early age was appointed Captain of a militia in the colony of S. Carolina under the British Government, which was finally attached to the regular British Army, and he was detained as a British subject (which gave him much trouble). It was a kind of Whig and Tory (British loyalists) fight and hardly any of the pioneers knew which side they were on and cared less and long family quarrels were then settled by one family member murdering another and then revenged again for these murders. His final fate was never known to his family, but tradition says he was killed in 1778 in the army, but whether by the Whig/Tory struggle, or the Indians, we cannot now ascertain.
.....Another account says he died about 1778 of malaria in the swamps near the mouth of the Savannah River.
.....The exact place of his death is not known, but at the time of the breaking out of the Revolutionary War, the Tyner family live on the Great Pedee River near the line between North and South Carolina.
Court Records: Johnston Co., NC Court Minutes
TARVER & ROGERS ~ 1759-1766
Transcribed below are records from the Court Minutes of Johnston County, North Carolina.
17 Jan 1764
172--Petit Jury, Drury ROERS, Aron ROGERS, etc. 174--John ROGERS, Math. LOWERY, Isaac, Nathaniel and Daniel HILL, etc. ordered to clear a road from near Harris TYNER's to cross NEWSE at Tim. RICHES' thence to Crabtree at John BELKS ford.
Enrollment dated Sept 1775. Declaration of Independence July 4, 1775. These guys were signing up as militia members to control Indian problems. Revolution didn't start in South for several years. Even then most folks didn't know which side they were on. Harris Tyner retained as Captain Lieutenant for Brits. Dempsy Tyner, his cousin, was a spy for Americans. John Adair may have been a brother to
Nancy Adair Tyner. Don't know.
Ninety Six District } to wit
We the under writen Subcribers being Deeply afected at this time on account of the present Inovation that of late have tacken place and Still Sem Continioned between Great Briten and the american CoLonies and allso being well Convinsed that great pracation(PRECAUTION) ought to be ussed by Every person in Suporting and mantaning our Rights and priveleges which we are Intitlied to as being free Born acording to knowen laws of nature and nations And furder Being So Siteuated that an Exended tract of land within the limeats of this Provence lays much Exposed to the Executions of an Indan Enemy, Should the present Seeming Ill Disposed person who Wisheth Ill to the Human race and tranquility of the British Impaier, and being fully minded to do Every thing in our powr Consistent with the oblagations that we lay under to our Countrey in general to our Selves as free men and to our Posteraty
that the worald may be fully Satisfyed of our loyal Intension, We propose to Defend our Contrey in her libertys from any Invasion what So Ever one (AND)alloas Redy free volanteers unless when we may be Calld upon Dutty and there we Expect acording to the pay of the other trupse Commitneed and payed by the government
Given under our hands this 12th Day of Septem'r 1775
John Calhoun Demesey Tyner James Moon
John Norwood Samuel Hopkens Moses Liddell
Michael Blaisy
Samuel Miller Junr Lewis Falaw
William Miller Senr Gideon Holms
Samuel (his X mark) Miller Senr Jas. Harrell
John (his X mark) McAvoy Jno. Stevenson
Luther Henderson Alex'r Stevenson
James Henderson Hugh Stevenson
Allan Nagrit Herman Hall
Samuel Black Wm Kowiel
Benjamin Hays Jos. Kowiel
James Brimingham Wm. Wallace
James (his X mark) Miorey Jno. Adair
Jared Liddell Thos. Batey
James Weems Jas. Jones
David Miller Jno. McKadam
Robert Bone Jas. Anderson
Rob't. Black Wm. Wallace
Thomas Turner
William Boys
Thomas Wilson
??? ??? in
Harris Tyner 96 District
James Stevenson
And'w Miller
John Miller
Robert Miller
Stephin Stephons
William Ros
Caleb Tyner
John Johnson
[20] Petition of September 12, 1775, in Robert W. Gibbes Collection, S213089, South Carolina Department of Archives and History, Columbia; Robert S. Davis, “The Mysteries of Tyner, Tennessee,”Chattanooga Regional Historical Journal 9 (July 2006): 33-44.
According to grandson Elijah Hackleman, Harris Tyner was "raised on the Pedee River and there married Nancy Adair (an aunt of General Adair, a future Governor of Kentucky) and...most of the relatives have it that they immediately after marriage moved to Abbeville District, South Carolina...."
No evidence has been found linking her to General Adair. Could she be a child or close relative of James Adair, Indian trader and historian?
L.E. Jones, LOUIS EDWARD JONES (1976), which is LDS film 0928097, item 10, has a William Adair, born 1719 in Co. Antrim, Ireland, who died in Mercer Co. Kentucky. He possibly married Mary Moore, b. 1729. His daughter Mary (born Jan. 9, 1784 in North Carolina, died 7-28-1835 in Fayette Co. IN) married Harris Tyner, another of my ancestors. PROBLEMS: The birthdate is way off date, and the Christian name of the daughter is wrong, but Jones has the death date correct. So how much faith can we put in his identification of the father of Nancy/ Mary?
ADAIR, John (Box 2, Pack 30) estate administered 5 May 1784
ADAIR, William (Box 2, Pack 32) estate administered 5 May 1784.
Notes from Dawn Brown crickethunter at
Nancy Adair was a near relative of General John Adair, Governor of Kentucky. General Adair was born in Chester Co., S. C. in 1759. He fought in the Battle of New Orleans, Jan 8, 1815; commanded Kentucky Militia and was a member of Congress from Kentucky. He died in 1840. Sometime after the death of Harris Tyner, Nancy Adair Tyner married Burrel Stevens and her children by him were: Shadrick, Susan, Elial, Ezekiel, and Betsa. Elial and Ezekiel moved to Indiana, but the others stayed in Carolina and Georgia. Elial died in Wabash County, Indiana.
40.....i.....RICHARD TYNER, b. August 04, 1770, Abbeville District, South Carolina; d. January 01, 1836, Shelbyville, Shelby, Indiana, USA.
41.....ii.....WILLIAM JASPER TYNER, b. April 09, 1771, Abbeville County, South Carolina; d. September 18, 1855, Decatur County, Indiana, USA.
42.....iii.....SUSANNAH TYNER, b. Abt. 1772, Abbeville, South Carolina; d. March 01, 1813, Jackson Co., Georgia.
43.....iv.....MEHITABEL TYNER, b. March 19, 1774, Abbeville District, South Carolina; d. February 23, 1848, Fayette County, Indiana, USA.
44.....v.....JAMES TYNER, b. August 17, 1776, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, USA; d. December 08, 1823, Harrison Twp., Fayette, Indiana, USA. TYNER, b. August 17, 1776, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina; d. January 09, 1822, Harrison Township, Fayette, Indiana, USA.
46.....vii.....MARGARET TYNER, b. November 17, 1778, Abbeville District, South Carolina, USA; d. June 20, 1845, Rush County, Indiana, USA.
Could this be this William?
Northampton County, NC - WILLS - Tyner, William - 28 Dec 1778
Contributed by Linda Green LGreen at
Wm. Tyners Will
..... In the name of God amen. I William Tyner of the County of Noampton in the province of North Carolina being of perfect mind and menory thanks given to Almighty God for the came calling to mind the mortality that attend my body & it is appointed for all men once to die do make and ordain and constitute this to be my last will and testament in manner & form following viz.
First of all I summon my sons into the hands of Almighty God that gave it hoping through the merits do other & sessions of my saviour Jesus Christ to have full and free pardon and ____of my sins and my body I commit to the Earth to be buried decent and Christian like manner at the disaction of my executors hereafter named & as to such worldly estate as it hath pleased Almighty God to grant upon me I do give and bequeath in a manner and form following
..... Item. First of all my will and desire and that all my debts and funeral charges shall be paid and discharged.
..... Item. I give and bequeath unto Essa Tyner four shillings cash money.
..... Item. I give unto my daughter Martha Carter four shillings money.
..... Item. I give unto my son John Tyner five shillings Virginia money.
..... I give unto my daughter Elizabeth Davis five shillings Virginia money.
.... Item. I give unto my beloved wife Elizbeth Tyner the third tract of still also the third of my negro fellow named Nero also the third of my land. Also the third of all the rest of my estte during her widowhood and if she should marry then to have but a childs tract, and after my wife decease or in case she should marry, I then give unto my son Due Tyner my Negro named Niass and if my wife should marry, I then give unto my daughters Sarah Tyner, Justine Tyner and Milla Tyner my still.
..... Item. I give unto my three sons to wit Arthur Tyner, Wm. Tyner, and Due Tyner that tract of land called the Trinawood containing six hundred forty acres more or less, to be equally divided among my three sons Arthur, William and Due the upper forty called the Brush Pond, to Arthur Tyner the lower forty called Sterlins Oldfield, to Wm. Tyner another joining tract to the land I now live on called Bittles to Due Tyner and if either of my said sons Arthur, Wm., or Due should die without issue the said tract of land to be equally divided between the other two and likewise if two should die without issue one to have the hole and if they all should die without issue, I leave the said tract of land to be equaly divided between my four daughters to wit Mary Tyner, Sarah Tyner, Justine Tyner and Milly Tyner and if either of them should die without issue to be equally divided among the rest of my said daughters here mentioned and all the rest of my estate to be equally divided amongst the rest of my children to wit Wm. Tyner, Mary Tyner, Arthur Tyner, Nicholas Tyner, Due Tyner, Sarah Tymer, Presly Tyner, Milla Tyner, and my will and desire is that Arthur Williams, Jesse Williams and Joel Sheard should divide up my estate amongst my children according to my will.
..... Item. I do hereby constitute and appoint my friend William Sheard and Richd Figunes and John Tyner full and hole and sole executors of my last will and testament.
..... Item. I do hereby make disavowal and void all other wills and testaments by me heretofore made and acknowledged this to be my last. Witness whereof I have here unto set my hand and seal this 28th day of Dec. 1778
William Tyner (Seal)
Signed, Sealed and Delivered in the presence of us Wlliam Carter, Benj. Morrell, Mary Tyner.
Noampton County March Court 1779.
The preceding will of Wm. Tyner was exhibited in court proved by the oath of William Carter, Benj. Morrel, Mary Tyner of the subscribing witnesses thereto ordered to be certified and recorded. Test. Joseph Atherton. Clk.
From: ThatBeBob at AOL.COM
To: tynerlist at
I think what needs to be done is to look for the "Dempsey" surname in the early records of Isle of Wight Co., VA and Chowan and Bertie Co., NC. I have come across more than one family there ca 1750 who had children with given names Dempsey. One that comes to mind is Dempsey Wood who was on the 1757 tax list of Bertie County. There has been one theory that Dempsey Tyner was the son of William Tyner Jr., who was the son of William Tyner Sr., who was the illegitimate son of Sarah Tyner and John Harris. William Tyner Sr. moved from Chowan to Bertie Co. about 1750 and left a will there in 1762. His son William Jr. may have stayed in Chowan but by 1771 had moved to South Carolina when he sold his father's land in Bertie from Craven Co., SC. William Jr. is probably one of the decendents of William and John Harris Tyner (Caleb, Harris, Richard etc) who show up in and around Abbevile District in the 1770's, along with Dempsey.
Bob Erwin
.....i.....WILLIAM TYNER.
South Carolina
Ninety Six District } to wit
We the under writen Subcribers being Deeply afected at this time on account of the present Inovation that of late have tacken place and Still Sem Continioned between Great Briten and the american CoLonies and allso being well Convinsed that great pracation(PRECAUTION) ought to be ussed by Every person in Suporting and mantaning our Rights and priveleges which we are Intitlied to as being free Born acording to knowen laws of nature and nations And furder Being So Siteuated that an Exended tract of land within the limeats of this Provence lays much Exposed to the Executions of an Indan Enemy, Should the present Seeming Ill Disposed person who Wisheth Ill to the Human race and tranquility of the British Impaier, and being fully minded to do Every thing in our powr Consistent with the oblagations that we lay under to our Countrey in general to our Selves as free men and to our Posteraty
that the worald may be fully Satisfyed of our loyal Intension, We propose to Defend our Contrey in her libertys from any Invasion what So Ever one (AND)alloas Redy free volanteers unless when we may be Calld upon Dutty and there we Expect acording to the pay of the other trupse Commitneed and payed by the government
Given under our hands this 12th Day of Septem'r 1775
John Calhoun Demesey Tyner James Moon
John Norwood Samuel Hopkens Moses Liddell
Michael Blaisy
Samuel Miller Junr Lewis Falaw
William Miller Senr Gideon Holms
Samuel (his X mark) Miller Senr Jas. Harrell
John (his X mark) McAvoy Jno. Stevenson
Luther Henderson Alex'r Stevenson
James Henderson Hugh Stevenson
Allan Nagrit Herman Hall
Samuel Black Wm Kowiel
Benjamin Hays Jos. Kowiel
James Brimingham Wm. Wallace
James (his X mark) Miorey Jno. Adair
Jared Liddell Thos. Batey
James Weems Jas. Jones
David Miller Jno. McKadam
Robert Bone Jas. Anderson
Rob't. Black Wm. Wallace
Thomas Turner
William Boys
Thomas Wilson
??? ??? in
Harris Tyner 96 District
James Stevenson
And'w Miller
John Miller
Robert Miller
Stephin Stephons
William Ros
Caleb Tyner
John Johnson
47.....i.....DEMPSEY TYNER, b. August 04, 1755, Chowan County, North Carolina, USA; d. October 13, 1842, Meriwether County, Georgia, USA. We have NO PROOF whatsover that he's their son, just an assumption. says DNA test results show that Dempsey is a descendant of Sarah Tyner/John Harris. Since he's a descendant of Sarah and John, he is NOT Indian. Follow his descendants on this website; some apply for Indian membership claiming he was a full-blooded Cherokee, some say their Tyner ancestors were NOT Indian and their membership comes through their mother. Bear in mind that many tribes didn't care about bloodlines; if you lived with the tribe, took part in tribal activities, and had family members who married in, you were a full member of the tribe. Very likely, when Dempsey rightly called himself a full Cherokee, his descendants heard "full-blooded" and completely misunderstood.
.....i.....JAMES PADGETT.
.....ii.....ERVIN PADGETT.
.....iii.....SELAH PADGETT.
.....iv.....LYDIA PADGETT.
.....v.....SARAH PADGETT. PADGETT, b. Abt. 1770.
48.....i.....ELIJAH PADGETT, b. February 16, 1791.
.....ii.....MOSES PADGETT, b. Abt. 1783.
.....iii.....WARREN PADGETT, b. Abt. 1786.
.....iv......SUSANNAH PADGETT, b. Abt. 1788.
Josiah's will was probated in Edgefield Co. SC in 1812.
.....i.....MILLY PADGETT, b. Abt. 1778, Edgefield County, South Carolina.
49.....ii.....GRACE PADGETT, b. Abt. 1779, Edgefield County, South Carolina.
50.....iii.....HENRY PADGETT, b. Abt. 1780, Edgefield County, South Carolina; d. January 1830, Edgefield County, South Carolina.
51.....iv.....MARK PADGETT, b. Abt. 1782, Edgefield County, South Carolina; d. June 1837, Edgefield County, South Carolina.
.....v.....LUKE PADGETT, b. Abt. 1784, Edgefield County, South Carolina. PADGETT, b. Abt. 1788, Edgefield County, South Carolina; d. December 21, 1844, Edgefield County, South Carolina.
53.....vii......SAMUEL PADGETT, b. Abt. 1790, Edgefield County, South Carolina; d. February 05, 1860.
.....viii.....SAFFEY PADGETT, b. Abt. 1794, Edgefield County, South Carolina.
.....ix.....ALITHEA PADGETT, b. Abt. 1796, Edgefield County, South Carolina.
54.....x.....ARTHUR JEFFERSON PADGETT, b. Abt. 1798, Edgefield County, South Carolina; d. September 06, 1853, Edgefield County, South Carolina.
Job served 183 days in Capt. Michael Watson's Volunteers on Horseback. Fought at the Battle of Cloud's Creek with his brother Josiah during Revolutionary War. Pay received by Elijah Padget, his brother who departed for Georgia after 1790. Since Job Padgett did not leave a will and he had a large plantation at he time of his death in 1837 in Edgefield County, his probate was being fought over in equity court for a great many years.
.....i.....NANCY PADGETT, b. Edgefield County, South Carolina.
.....ii.....MELINDA PADGETT, b. Abt. 1782, Edgefield County, South Carolina.
55.....iii.....SARAH PADGETT, b. Abt. 1785, Edgefield County, South Carolina.
56.....iv......JOB PADGETT, b. Abt. 1787, Edgefield County, South Carolina; d. Abt. 1875, Randolph County, Alabama, USA.
57.....v.....MARGARET PADGETT, b. April 19, 1795, Edgefield County, South Carolina; d. March 01, 1884. ANN PADGETT, b. Abt. 1797, Edgefield County, South Carolina; d. April 21, 1853, Crawford, Georgia.
58.....vii.....JANE PADGETT, b. January 10, 1800, Edgefield County, South Carolina.
.....viii.....DEBRA PADGETT, b. Abt. 1801, Edgefield County, South Carolina.
59.....ix......CHESLEY PADGETT, b. Abt. 1803, Edgefield County, South Carolina; d. September 19, 1857, Sand Flats, Van Sant County, Texas.
60.....x.....WILLIAM PADGETT, b. April 09, 1804, Edgefield County, South Carolina; d. December 03, 1884, Edgefield County, South Carolina.
.....i.....JOB PADGETT, b. Abt. 1780, Colleton County, South Carolina.
.....ii.....JOEL PADGETT, b. Abt. 1783, Colleton County, South Carolina.
.....iii.....ISHAM PADGETT, b. Abt. 1784, Colleton County, South Carolina.Generation No. 5
Muster rolls for NC militia in War of 1812
Arthur Tyner
James W. Davis
Arthur was an enlisted man, no rank was shown.
"No: 3401 To whom granted and rank: Nicholas Tyner the heir of Arthur Pearce Tyner, Pri. desd. No. acres: 640 Service in months: 84"
Pierce Tyner, bet. ages 60-70 and one female bet. 80-90 on the 1840, Marion Co., MS census, p. 116.
This 1840 record is listed three lines above the listing for John Tyner [John Pierce Tyner, Sr.].
61.....i.....JOHN PEARCE TYNER, b. Abt. 1792, Georgetown District, South Carolina, USA; d. Aft. 1860, Marion County, Mississippi, USA.
62.....ii.....JAMES TYNER, b. Abt. 1804, South Carolina.
Rev. Gabriel Blackburn was born in North Carolina and lived in the Florida Parishes from 1798-1815. He was a Methodist minister.
63.....i.....ELIZABETH BLACKBURN, b. Abt. 1794, Feliciana Parish, Louisiana; d. Aft. 1860, Perry County, Mississippi.
64.....ii.....ALEXANDER S. BLACKBURN, b. Abt. 1796, Feliciana Parish, Louisiana; d. April 18, 1889, Sabine County, Texas.
.....iii.....HARRIET BLACKBURN, b. Abt. 1798, Feliciana Parish, Louisiana; d. Sabine County, Texas; m. JOHN M. FREELAND, Abt. 1820.
.....iv.....ARMSTRONG JOEL BLACKBURN, b. October 11, 1801, Feliciana Parish, Louisiana; d. September 19, 1867, Marion County, Mississippi; m. SUSANNAH ?.
65.....v......FELICIANA BLACKBURN, b. September 05, 1803, Feliciana Parish, Louisiana; d. July 15, 1876, Lawrence County, Mississippi.
Usually found as A.J. Blackburn, Armstrong was also a Methodist minister. A.J. was preaching in Washington Parish Louisiana in 1867. He went to Columbia Mississippi for court and got sick and died there. He was also a medical doctor. A.J. Blackburn m. Susannah Bostick, a widow whose line is also entangled with Blackburns in NC. BAPTIST AND METHODIST RECORDS OF THE FLORIDA PARISHES OF LOUISIANA by Donna Burge Adams, Vol 3, 1989 is the source of most of the above info. from letters from Mrs. Max V. Sanford of Pasadena TX in June 1985 and Mary Fisher of jackson, MS in Aug, 1986, from M. Blackburn, BOON BLACKBURN, b. Abt. 1806, Feliciana Parish, Louisiana, USA; d. Aft. 1883, Covington County, Mississippi, USA.
.....vii.....FRANCES AMELIA BLACKBURN, b. April 10, 1812, Marion County, Mississippi; d. 1875, Meansville, San Patricio County, Texas; m. WILLIAM MARSHALL MEANS, March 08, 1830, Marion County, Mississippi; b. December 14, 1809, Georgia; d. January 31, 1876, Meansville, San Patricio County, Texas.
29. BENJAMIN J. TYNER (BENJAMIN, NICHOLAS, NICHOLAS, NICHOLAS) was born Abt. 1790 in Johnson County, North Carolina, USA, and died Abt. 1883 in Robeson County, North Carolina, USA.
MEANS, WILLIAM (1809-1876). William (William A., William Marshall) Means, soldier, legislator, and public official, was born in Georgia on December 14, 1809. He married Frances Amelia Blackburn around 1831, and in 1832 the couple moved from Louisiana to what is now Sabine County, Texas. Means was in the Texas army from January 21 until April 21, 1836, and was a baggage guard during the battle of San Jacinto.qv After his army service he returned to Sabine County, where he served as the county's first sheriff. From 1843 until 1845 he represented Sabine County in the House of the Eighth and Ninth congresses. Shortly after his last term in Congress, Means and his family moved to DeWitt County; there they lived until the late 1850s, when they moved to San Patricio County. Means helped to establish the community of Meansville in 1874, when he and his son Napoleon, with fourteen others, built the combination church and school building that served as the focus of the settlement. On January 31, 1876, Means was killed while confronting a posse that had come to his house to arrest three of his sons for disturbing the peace in Bee County. His death precipitated the Means-Garner Feud.qv
BIBLIOGRAPHY: Keith Guthrie, History of San Patricio County (Austin: Nortex, 1986). Texas House of Representatives, Biographical Directory of the Texan Conventions and Congresses, 1832-1845 (Austin: Book Exchange, 1941).
Cecil Harper, Jr.
Col. William Marshall Means, a veteran of the Battle of San Jacinto, came to San Patricio County with his family in the 1850s and settled southeast of present Odem. Means was county sheriff from 1862 to 1867. The center of the community was a two-story building erected by the Methodist congregation in 1874. It also served as a schoolhouse, ecumenical church and community center. By January 1876, the community was thriving and headed for a promising future when three of Col. Means' sons went on a shooting spree in Papalote in Bee County. A posse which included San Patricio County Sheriff Ed Garner tracked them to their father's ranch, where Col. Means was killed. In August, Ed Garner was shot as he attended church services. Alley Means was convicted of murder, but later pardoned by Gov. John Ireland. The townspeople lived in fear until the Texas Rangers ordered the Means families to leave the area. By the early 1880s they had sold their San Patricio County holdings.
Is this him?
Source: 1850 Census, Robeson County, North Carolina
Southern Division
Census Taken July 31, 1850
House: 114...Family : 114
Benjamin Tyner Sr. ...60... Male... Farmer... Real Estate worth $100... Born Johnson Co, NC... Cannot read or write
Margaret...20... Female...Born Robeson Co, NC...
Eli Pravatt...15... Male... Student...Born Robeson Co, NC
Benjamin Tyner Jr. ...21... Male... Laborer...Born Robeson Co, NC
Census Microfilm Records: North Carolina, 1860
Age: 69
Gender: M
Race: W
Birthplace: NC
State: North Carolina
Series: M653
Roll: 911
Part: 1
Page: 436B
Tyner, Benjamin...69...farmer...NC...$60 personal
Daughtry, G. A. ...9...male...NC
67.....i.....NICHOLAS TYNER, b. Abt. 1816, Robeson County, North Carolina, USA; d. Abt. 1900, Robeson County, North Carolina, USA.
68.....ii.....ELIZABETH TYNER, b. Abt. 1819.
69.....iii.....JAMES TYNER, b. Abt. 1825, Robeson County, North Carolina, USA; d. March 13, 1865, Elmira Prison, Elmira, Chemung County, New York, USA.
70.....iv.....WILLIAM TYNER, b. Abt. 1823, Robeson County, North Carolina, USA; d. July 18, 1864, Elmira Prison, Elmira, Chemung County, New York, USA.
71.....v.....BENJAMIN J. TYNER, b. November 19, 1828, Robeson County, North Carolina, USA; d. August 20, 1862, Richmond, Virginia, USA. TYNER, b. Abt. 1830, North Carolina; d. Bef. 1852; m. HENRY PREVATTE, August 21, 1850, Robeson County, North Carolina; b. January 24, 1825, Robeson County, North Carolina; d. June 20, 1895.
Riddick [Reddick] Cross ca 1775 -1847 Fayette Co, TN
married Penelope "Pennie" Lewis - d bef. 1827
a. Priscilla Cross
b. Nancy Cross
c. David Cross
d. John Cross
e. Betsie Cross
f. Mary Cross
[ N. Carolina Chronicle, Murfreesboro, NC Mar 23 1827 -- Married - Married on Thursday the 15th instant by Collin W Barnes, Esq. Maj. Reddick Cross of Hertford to Mrs. Elizabeth Sowerby of Northampton.]
married 2nd 15 Mar 1827 Elizabeth Dew Tyner [Sowerby] ca 1798-1875 TN
daughter of Nicholas Tyner of Northampton Co NC
Dew was the maiden name of her grandmother Tyner
- " Elizabeth Sowerby was the widow of James H. Sowerby of Northampton County. (She was also the sister of my 2nd great grandmother.) By James Sowerby she had two daughters -- Lucy and Sarah. After her marriage to Reddick Cross they lived in Winton and had at least two daughters. In the late 1830's Reddick Cross, his new wife and at least one son, David, moved to Fayette County Tennessee and there became very distinguished members of the community. After their move to Tennessee they had a number of additional children."
- e-mail from Betsy Boone Crowder 11/14/01
a. Frances Christine Cross 1 March 1828, Winton -
b. Martha Amanda Cross 11 July 1829, Winton -
c. Thomas C. Cross ca 1832, NC -
d. Rebecca E. Cross Jan 1834, NC -
family removed to TN in 1836
e. Susan A. Cross ca 1837, TN -
f. Cornelia Ann Cross 1839 - Fayette Co, TN -
g. William Cross ca 1840, TN -
"Madison Parker and Frances C. Cross were married in Fayette Co., Tenn., December 30, 1847. She was a daughter of Major Reddick Cross (177?-1847) and Elizabeth D. (Tyner) Cross, whose plantation (some 1009 acres), Elysian Grove, was located in western Fayette County; the red-brick house thereon is now a forlorn derelict compared to its former splendor. It is described by Bernice Cargill in an article that appeared in the "Fayette County Historical Society Bulletin," volume one, number seventeen (July 1987), pages 67-70. The Crosses had come there from North Carolina about 1836.
By Jonathan Kennon Thompson Smith
Copyright, Jonathan K. T. Smith, 1997
April 19, 1873
ELIZABETH D. CROSS died Fayette Co., Tenn. April 1, 1873; d/o Nicholas Tyner, a veteran of the Revolutionary War; born Northampton Co., N.C. May 8, 1798; a widow for 25 years.
.....i.....SARAH R. SOWERBY, m. ? FAIN.
.....ii.....LUCY SOWERBY.
72.....iii......FRANCES CHRISTINE CROSS, b. March 01, 1828; d. March 15, 1909.
73.....iv.....MARTHA AMANDA CROSS, b. July 11, 1829.
74.....v.....REBECCA E. CROSS, b. July 1834. C. CROSS, b. Abt. 1831.
.....vii.....SUSAN V. CROSS, b. Abt. 1836.
Notes for SUSAN V. CROSS:
.....viii.....CORNELIA ANN CROSS, b. April 1839; d. December 18, 1914, Nashville, Tennessee; m. CHARLES LYNN, January 07, 1886.
Susan V. Cross, who was never married, became emotionally ill and was institutionalized for years before her death. A jury appointed to determine her mental condition declared that she was "at this time /March 6, 1883/ the subject of insanity and is a lunatic and probably incurable and that she has been a lunatic since 1873"; was hospitalized at the "Lunatic Asylum" at Louisville, Ky. Incapable of handling her own affairs, her: brother, Thomas C. Cross was appointed her guardian. (Fayette Co. Court Minute Book R, pages 285-286). Her 118 acres of the Cross real estate was acquired by Cornelia A. (Cross) Lynn and by her sold in 1905.
.....ix.....WILLIAM CROSS, b. Abt. 1840; d. Abt. 1879.
Geo W Tyner...26...NC...farmer...$8000 real estate...$8000 personal
Susan Tyner...25...NC
Martha Tyner...6...NC
Nickelas Tyner...3...NC
Laura B Tyner...1...NC
M Blythe...19...NC
George laborer...$100
Susan Tiner...34...NC
Nicholas Tiner...14...NC
Laura Tiner...11...NC
Elizabeth Tiner...8...NC
Dorelila Tiner...5...NC
Nancy Tiner...3...NC
Mary Tiner...3/12...NC
Drew home
30AA.....ii.....WILLIAM NICHOLAS TYNER, born about Dec 1857 Northampton County, North Carolina, USA; died 18 October 1922 Northampton County, North Carolina. He married RUTH F. ? and SUSAN P. PARKS.
.....iii.....LAURA B. TYNER, born about 1859 Northampton County, North Carolina, USA.
.....iv.....ELIZABETH TYNER, born about 1862 Northampton County, North Carolina, USA.
.....v.....DORELILA TYNER, born about 1865 Northampton County, North Carolina, USA. TYNER, born about 1867 Northampton County, North Carolina, USA.
.....viii.....MARY TYNER, born about 1870 Northampton County, North Carolina, USA.
.....i.....TURNER DAVIS, b. Abt. 1806, Northampton County, North Carolina; d. Abt. 1885, Northampton County, North Carolina; m. (1) SARAH SIMPSON; b. Abt. 1820; m. (2) MARTHA BARNES, September 26, 1828.
75.....ii......MARTHA DAVIS, b. Abt. 1814, Northampton County, North Carolina.
76.....iii.....JESSE DAVIS, b. Abt. 1818.
77.....iv.....ELIZABETH G. DAVIS, b. Abt. 1819, Northampton County, North Carolina; d. Abt. 1866, Northampton County, North Carolina.
.....v.....SARAH DAVIS, b. Abt. 1826. DAVIS, b. Abt. 1829; m. (1) JULIA A. POWELL; m. (2) BETTY WESTER.
.....i.....MARY DAVIS, b. Abt. 1826.
.....ii.....WILLIAM A. DAVIS, b. Abt. 1841.
September 1850, applied for bounty under Act of 28, Sept 1850.
May 15, 1852, appeared bef. Odom, Clerk & Wm Barrow, chrm, Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions.
August 04, 1852, issued 40 acres BLWt 68498.
April 18, 1855, age 80 applied for add'l bounty lands under Act of 1855.
December 20, 1855, issued 120 acres under Act of 1855 BLWt44725.
Military service: 1812, Served under John F. Walker 1st Regiment N.C.
.....i.....NANCY POPE.
79.....ii.....RIDDICK POPE, b. Abt. 1819, Northampton County, North Carolina; d. January 28, 1896, Northampton County, North Carolina.
80.....iii.....EMMA POPE, b. Abt. 1828, Northampton County, North Carolina.
.....iv.....SALLIE B. POPE, b. Abt. 1830.
.....v.....ARENA ELIZABETH POPE, b. Abt. 1830.
80.....i.....REBECCA J. DAVIS, b. February 22, 1827, Northampton County, North Carolina; d. February 14, 1913, Northampton County, North Carolina.
81.....ii.....ELIZABETH JANE DAVIS, b. Abt. 1832, Northampton County, North Carolina; d. July 24, 1873, Northampton County, North Carolina.
.....iii.....KINCHEN DAVIS, b. January 22, 1834, Northampton County, North Carolina; d. August 04, 1908, Northampton County, North Carolina; m. THERESA ADELIA SIKES, October 03, 1854, Northampton County, North Carolina.
.....iv.....DRURY T. DAVIS, b. Abt. 1840; d. March 27, 1865, Elmira Prison, New York; m. LAVENIA ANN MILENNA SUSAN FLYTHE, Abt. 1862, North Carolina; b. Abt. 1844, North Carolina.
Notes for DRURY T. DAVIS: PVT Company F 1st North Carolina.
.....v.....WINBORN C. DAVIS, b. Abt. 1840; d. 1865, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.
.....i......ANNIE TAYLOR, b. Abt. 1840.
Source for children: WorldConnect tree of Dallas LeRoy Phelps at
.....ii.....ETHELRED J. PEEBLES.
82.....i.....JOHN CORBITT, b. October 20, 1790, Davidson County, Tennessee; d. November 08, 1862, Nashville, Davidson County, Tennessee.
83.....ii.....CHRISTINE CORBITT, b. April 24, 1793, Davidson County, Tennessee.
Meredith served in the Revolutionary War. The family migrated to Richmond County, then Davidson County, TN, settling on Mill Creek abt. 1815. Later they moved to the Rushing Creek area of Benton County, Tennessee.
per Amos Lawrence Corbitt (shrlock30 at and CORBITT DESCENDANCY PAGEat
.....i.....BRYANT CORBITT, b. Abt. 1798.
.....ii.....DEMPSEY CORBITT, b. Abt. 1800.
.....iii.....JOHN CORBITT, b. Abt. 1802.
.....iv.....NANCY CORBITT, b. Abt. 1804.
.....v......HARDEE CORBITT, b. 1806.
vi. AMOS SMITH CORBITT, b. Abt. 1792.
Notes for AMOS SMITH CORBITT: Born out of wedlock, Amos is technically a Smith, but he changed his name.
84.....vii.....WILLIAM CORBITT, b. Abt. 1794, Pitt County, North Carolina; d. October 30, 1884.
September Term 1847
Issued Sept. 9th.
On Motion it is ordered by the Court that William Holmes be appointed overseer of the stage road to work from the Tennessee River to the 4 Mile post Paris road, hands as follows; Wilie Arnold, Wm. A.T. Cate, James Sykes, Eli Holmes, John Arnold, William Durdin, Thomas Durdin, James Cuff, Pinking Cuff, F.R. Cuff, Asbury Cuff, John Penick, the hands of Eligah Penick, James Ross, Hyram Johnson, A.T. Corbitt, Amos Corbitt and all other hands in the bounds shall work under said Holmes on said road which is established in the 1st Class.
85.....viii.....JAMES CORBITT, b. Abt. 1798.
86.....ix.....NANCY CORBITT, b. Abt. 1802.
.....x.....MARTHA CORBITT, b. Abt. 1805.
.....xi.....DEMPSEY CORBITT, b. Abt. 1807; d. Aft. 1853.
87.....xii.....MEREDITH SMITH CORBITT, b. May 10, 1814, Richmond, North Carolina, USA; d. May 20, 1880, Benton County, Tennessee, USA.
88.....xiii.....ALLEN T. CORBITT, b. May 13, 1817, Camden, Benton County, Tennessee, USA; d. March 17, 1889, Plant, Humphreys County, Tennessee, USA.
Will of Jesse Tiner (abstracted)
26 May 1818
Prob. Aug. Ct. 1818
Wife Sallie- 1 Negro girl Tamer & household furnishings forever. Land; 1 Negro man Caleb
Son James- 1 silver dollar
Son Willis- 1 silver dollar
Son John- 1 silver dollar
Son William- 1 silver dollar
Son Lewis- Negro boys Issac & Abram; Negro Caleb after death of wife
Heirs of daughter Sally Farrow- $ 1.00 each: Eliza, Polly, John & Benjamin Farrow
Exec: Sallie Tiner, Lewis Tiner son, Needham Green Bryan friend
Wit: John Whitley Jr, Thomas Edwards Sr, Ann Midgett
….."Johnston county marriage records reveal widow Sarah Midyett, marrying Jesse Tiner on November 26, 1812 and the 1813 Johnston county court minutes orders that Josiah Meddyatt, "an orphan child of Sarah Tiner, be bound and apprenticed to Jacob Brooks until he arrives to the age of 21, he now being about 11 years old, to be taught the business of carpentering". Jesse Tiner's Johnston county will was probated in August 1818, and makes, among other bequeaths, negros Tamer & Caleb to his wife Sally.
...Sally (Brooks) Midyett Tiner remained in Johnston county at least until the taking of the 1820 census where she is listed as Sally Tyner over the age of 45 with 2 male slaves and 1 foreigner (not naturalized) in her household. The next record of evidence is recorded in Haywood Co., Tennessee where she made her will on January 12, 1826 as "Sally Tyner of Madison County, Tennessee" leaving negro, Tamer, to her daughter Ann Wellings and her Bible to son Micajah. The remainder, after the debts were paid, went to her son Josiah Midyett."
All the following is from :
Sarah moved from Hyde county sometime before the taking of the 1810 census where she is found in Johnston Co., N.C. as Sally Midget with 1 male 0-10, 1 male 10-16, 1 male 16-26, 1 female 0-10, 2 females 10-16, 1 female 16-26, 1 female over 45, 1 slave and 1 free black. She, "Sarah Midyett, widow and relict of the late Jesse Midyett of Hyde Co., N.C.", releases a quit claim to Benjamin Hall on May 14, 1811 for the 3 1/2 acres that was originally sold to Christopher O'Neal in Feb. 1803.
.....i.....WILLIS TYNER, b. Bet. 1764 - 1774, North Carolina; m. PARTHENIA JERNIGAN, August 12, 1799, Johnston County, North Carolina, USA.
89.....ii.....SARAH TYNER, b. Abt. 1775; d. Abt. 1816.
1850 - Northern District, Sampson, North Carolina
Source Citation: Year: 1850; Census Place: Northern District, Sampson, North Carolina; Roll: M432_644; Page: 412; Image: 367.
Guilford Bradshaw...55...NC
Edith Bradshaw...40...NC
Theiney Bradshaw...16...NC
Sion Bradshaw...14...NC...male
Elizabeth Bradhsaw...11...NC
Silsey Bradshaw...9...NC...female
Theiney Tyner...75...NC
Susan Oates...55...NC
90.....iii.....LEWIS TYNER.
91.....v.....WILLIAM ARCH TYNER, b. Bet. 1789 - 1794, Johnston County, North Carolina, USA; d. Aft. 1880, Itawamba County, Mississippi, USA.
.....v.....ELIZA TYNER. TYNER.
.....vii.....JESSE TYNER.
.....viii......JAMES TYNER, b. Abt. 1813.
92.....ix.....JOHN TYNER b. about 1818 NC and died about 1880 Johnston County, North Carolina. He married ELIZABETH MUNDEN, born abt. 1816 NC, died after 1880 in NC.(Bear in mind that the allaroundus family tree on attaches John to different parents; see 7A above.)
> Information on this family member was provided by Sue Barnes
> Broderbund FTM CD #228 Marriage Index: IL, Indiana, 1790-1850-
> Tyner, James Spouse: Reed, Zillah
> Marriage Date: March 10 1817
> Wayne County, Indiana
> Broderbund FTM Census microfilm indiana 1850 CD #302
> [copies of actual census pages]
> 1850 Census Fayette Co IN - Harrison Twp
> 79-82
> James TYNER 54 Farmer $2500 KY
> Druzilla 56 Female SC
> Amanda 20 IN
> James 15 Farmer IN
> Alexander 12 IN
> Theodore 8 IN
> Broderbund FTM CD #304 Census Indiana 1860
> [transcribed census]
> 1860 Census Wabash Co, IN - Liberty Twp - Largo PO - page 435
> 1454 - 1454
> James TYNER 25 Farmer $1200 - $400 born IN
> Elizabeth 21 Housewife PA
> George 6/12 IN
> John CLUPEPPER 23 Laborer born PA
> Same page - two houses away
> 1456 - 1456
> James TYNER 64 $2000 - $3000 born KY
> Hillae 67 Housewife born SC
> Theodore 19 Laborer IN
> "Someone else read and transcribed this 1860 Census. Bet the female is `Zilla' instead of Hillae but would want to see the actual handwriting. THis certainly appears to be the James Tyner that married Elizabeth CLUPPER and probably is parents living nearby.
> CHILD 4 Mary "Polly" T TYNER-8960
> CHILD 5 Mehitabel "Hetty" TYNER-8962
> CHILD 6 Thomas T TYNER-8964
> Information on the above family member was provided by
> Margaret DeForeest mdefor at
> My source for the family of Thomas and Ezilpha:
> Tyner Bible Record;
> Shelby Co, Indianan Marriages;
> Federal Census Reocrds;
> Marshall Co. Genealogical Society, Plymouth, Indiana.
> Information on Thomas T Tyner and family was from a copy of pages in the bible that was in the possession of my grandmother, who was the daughter of Thomas' son William W. Tyner.
> I am a descendant of Thomas Tyner, one of the founders of Tyner City, Marshall Co, Indiana.
> CHILD 7 Elizabeth T TYNER-8966
> CHILD 8 Abarilla "Biller" TYNER-13716
> CHILD 9 Susan TYNER-8968
> CHILD 10 Harrison TYNER-13718
>Records of: Dennis Ward 4608 NE Euclid Avenue Lawton OK 73507-6109
Buried one mile north of Morristown, Shelby Co. IN, as is Richard.
93.....i.....NANCY TYNER, b. Abt. 1793, Abbeville District, South Carolina?; d. Abt. 1835.
94.....ii.....WILLIAM TYNER, b. February 02, 1795, Abbeville District, South Carolina, USA; d. Bef. 1827, Blue River Twp., Hancock, Indiana, USA.
95.....iii.....JAMES T. TYNER, b. April 25, 1796, Kentucky, USA; d. March 28, 1880, Liberty Township, LaFountain, Wabash, Indiana, USA.
96.....iv.....MARY T. TYNER, b. April 08, 1797, Kentucky; d. October 12, 1891, Blue River Twp., Hominy Ridge, Greenfield, Hancock, IN.
97.....v.....MEHITABEL TYNER, b. September 1798; d. February 06, 1877, Noblesville, Hamilton, Indiana, USA. T. TYNER, b. June 08, 1800, Abbeville District, South Carolina, USA; d. October 18, 1880, Tyner City, Marshall, Indiana, USA.
99.....vii.....ELIZABETH T. TYNER, b. February 02, 1802, Abbeville District, South Carolina; d. May 22, 1890, Hancock County, Indiana.
100.....viii.....ABARILLA TYNER, b. January 01, 1804, Scott County, Kentucky, USA; d. October 05, 1879.
101.....ix.....SUSAN TYNER, b. 1807; d. August 07, 1890, Greenfield, Hancock, Indiana.
102.....x......HARRISON TYNER, b. June 08, 1814, Scott County, Kentucky, USA; d. November 22, 1903, Mason, Effingham, Illinois, USA.
William Tyner was a Baptist, buried at the Baptist Meeting House Southwest of Greensburg, IN. (Or is he? There's a photo at of William and Martha sharing a gravesite at Horseshoe Bend Cemetery, Decatur County, Indiana. It calls him Elder William Tyner, gives a death date of 18 September 1854, and says he died aged 83 years 5 months.) His nickname was "Dover," which I think is a religious reference.
Source Citation: Year: 1850; Census Place: Sand Creek, Decatur, Indiana; Roll: M432_142; Page: 154; Image: 311.
Tyner, William...79...SC...farmer...$3000
...William W. ...15...KY
Lakington, William...18...KY...laborer
DeWeese, Emily...15...IN
"On the 18th of March 1802, the families of William Tyner and Abraham Hackleman became brothers-in-law for each married the other's sister. They then started by packhorse to the new country of Kentucky, being the first of the four families to leave the neighborhood in the Abbeville District.
.....They came the immigrant route over Clinchhuts, past the crab orchards to Georgetown, Scott County, Kentucky. After a journey of five long weeks they stopped to make that country their home, but William Tyner and family soon moved to Ohio where he organized and established the first Baptist church in that state, their next move was to Brookville, Indiana. They joined the Baptist Church there, build in 1812, three miles from town.
.....They spent the remainder of their lives there and were buried in the churchyard...that cemetery was eventually abandoned and many bodies were removed to Brookville Cemetery but a monument still stands to mark the graves of William Tyner and wife. The old church has been taken over by the Indiana Historical Society."
"The Regular Baptist Church of Christ" on Indian Creek was "constituted on July 28, 1810; by Elders Joshua Palmore, Moses Frazy, and William Tyner; number of members 22 . . ."
...Two itinerant Baptist preachers, famous for their work in the early days of the North West Territory served this church well. Elder William Tyner of Brookville, Indiana, a man "of rare worth and a natural born orator" moderated the first meeting of the Church in the cabin of John Morris. That July day Elder Tyner rode horse-back through the dense forest up along the White Water River to the mouth of Big Cedar Creek up that creek, across a divide to Indian Creek. While Elder Tyner was watering his horse in Big Cedar Creek, he saw an Indian with drawn bow on opposite bank, with arrow pointed at Tyner's heart. Elder Tyner stared "for an eternity" before the Indian lowered his bow andmelted into the forest.
"...The new settlers met in cabins fro their first church services. The Regular Baptists as early as 1809 had invited Elder William Tyner of Brookville, Indiana to preach to them on Saturdays and Sundays. He had come into the White Water Valley in 1800 and by 1805 had a church started on the Little Cedar Creek, south of Brookville. This became the Mother Church of the White Water Association. On July 28, 1810, he moderated the meeting at which was organized The Indian Creek Church in the cabin of John Morris (great grandfather of Mrs. Ellis Abbot of Reilly).”
...From Elder Tyner’s own account of his trip to Reilly, we learn that he rode through the forest, following the White Water River to the mouth of the Big Cedar Creek and followed that creek until he arrived just west of his destination on Indian Creek. Stopping to let his horse drink in Big Cedar creek, he saw an Indian standing motionless on the opposite bank with drawn bow, the arrow pointed at his heart. Unarmed, as there were so few Indians in this area in 1810, the Elder stared at the Indian, trying not to show his fright, but he said it seemed an eternity before the Indian lowered his bow and melted away into the forest.
...Arriving at the cabin of John Morris, he found many members of the Baptist faith. From the original minute books, we have the following account written in ink by Abraham Lee, surveyor, charter member and the first writing clerk: “The Regulars Baptist Church of Christ on Indian Creek was constituted on the
28th day of July 1810 by Elders Joshua Palmore, Moses Frazy, and William Tyner, number of members, 22."
The following obituary, as seen from the dates, represents the circumstances under which men preached the Gospel a half century ago and refers to the father of Mrs. Abner Stout his residence in Decatur County, Indiana, September the 18th, 1854, in the 84th year of his ministry, Elder William Tyner.....born in Abbeyville District, S.C, the 9th day of April 1796 was licensed to preach the 1802, he....removed to Scott County, Ky...On the 31st day of March 1805, he arrived...on the Little Cedar Grove....nearly two miles below Brookville.
" A man by name of Brown settled on the farm where the widow Ray burn now lives, from which originated he name Brown's Hill."
Jan. 7, 1811 - William McDonald and Ruth Gregg by William Tyner."
Pg 52 - William Tyner, preacher at Little Cedar -(Little Cedar Church located 3 mile south of Brookville on the Little Cedar Creek.)
township 9, range 2. then came the following land entries: William Arnett, ......... Solomon Tyner, November 30.....all in the year 1804.
1805 - James Adair
1806 - Abraham Hackleman
1807 - Solomon Tyner , an additional tract.
Franklin Co. Indiana Probate Order Book 21, pg 171
...John Rayburn and William Tyner were granted letters testamentary on the estate of John Lefforge, deceased, and filed a bond of $1000, with Richard Tyner as their security April 28, 1834.
...The Will was dated April 4, 1834 and witnessed by John M. Johnston, Nathaniel Hammond, and G. A. Moriarty. John mentions his wife Mary (Smith*), all of his children, his sons Lewis and Charles, minors. No other heirs were mentioned.
...An inventory and appraisement of the personal property was brought into court May 13, 1834 valued at $771, and included two peacock plows, a windmill and the usual other farm and household items of that time. A sale bill of the personal property was also filed with John Hedley, clerk at the sale.
...William, Jacob, Mary and John Lefforge, Jesse Winship, Thomas Shank’s wife (Sarah J. "Sary" Lefforge*), Reuben Hankins (Haukins*) and J. M. Johnston as guardians received sums in the final settlement of this estate. Feb. 1836.
.....Died at his residence near Westport Decatur county Ind., Sept. 1854, Rev. William Tyner.
.....The deceased was born in Abbeville district South Carolina, April 9, 1773, so that on the day of his death he had completed the ripe age of 83 years 5 months and 9 days.
.....He resided in his native district till he was far advanced in his thirty-first year when he removed to Scott county Kentucky, and settled at a point a few miles distant from Georgetown in March 1803. This was his residence for the three years succeeding, during which two of his children (Solomon and Melinda) were born. In August 1804 he came to Indian Territory in search of a place for his future residence, and found a location to suit him--came in February following and built a cabin on it, the site being on what is now known as the Tyner farm, situated about a mile and a half below Brookville. Returning about the first of the next month to Kentucky for his family, with them he took his final departure for their new home and reached his cabin march 31st, 1805.
.....At that infant period, in the history of our Republic, the duties of the chief magistrates, and heads of departments were not so onerous, nor had the unprecedented increase of our population with the consequent emigration to the West and rapid settlement of new lands, rendered the signing of patents and businesses so gigantic so to prevent the president and heads of the cabinet from doing what for years past had been the work of subordinats. Accordingly the patient which invested Mr. Tyner with the title to the quarter section on which he had built his cabin and settled (dated three years afterward, Jly1st,1805) bears the familiar signature of Th. Jefferson with the attest in his own genuine handwriting of James Madison Secretary of State.
.....On the homestead thus acquired he continued to live till the year 1837, when once more and for the last time he changed his residence, going on his last removal to the farm in Decatur county on which he died.
.....He was married three times and was the father of fifteen children, nine being the children of his first, and the remained of his second wife. The oldest of the first children is Harris Tyner who resides in Marion county of this state and is in the sixtieth year of his age and the youngest was Silas Tyner deceased in April 1852 aged 44. With his exceptions and that of Mel... who died in 1852, the first children are still living, Richard Tyner of this placde being the fourth of the family.
.....Mr. Tyner was one of the pioneer ministers of the North-west, being a preacher of the Baptist persuasion. He was well known to the old settlers of the White water Valley and to many on Indian Creek and on the borders of the neighboring State of Ohio. The venerable survivors of that early race, as well as hundreds of their immediate descendants, living in the Valley and scattered over the north and west of Indiana and through Illinois and Iowa will remember him as a kind and hospitable neighbor, ever ready to welcome the traveller and emigrant of that early period to his humble shelter, as an honest, upright man in all his conduct, and dealings with his fellow men, and as a true Christian.
Elizabeth Hackleman was a Baptist. On August 2, 1810, she was bur. in Old Brick Meeting House Cemetery 2 mi. below Brookville, Franklin, IN.R.I.P. Rest In Pieces
Notes for NANCY JANE CALLAHAN: Other researchers say her name was Nancy Jane Black.
Grandma Goes To Court
.....A very pregnant Elizabeth “Betsy” Hackleman Tyner, our ancestor, climbed aboard a packhorse in Abbeville, SC in 1802 and set out for Kentucky and the Indiana Territory. Tagging along were five children under age eight . The sixth baby would arrive two days after arrival in Kentucky. In 1810, at age 36, and after bearing nine children, she was the first to be buried in what would become Little Cedar Grove Baptist cemetery and one of the early burials in Franklin County. A fieldstone at the far end of the grave yard, with the carved initials 'ET', is believed to mark the actual grave. Sometime after 1820, members of the family commissioned a more elaborate memorial marker which, as of this writing, now leans against a wall inside the old Little Cedar Grove Baptist church. It reads 'Sacred to the memory of Elizabeth, wife of William Tyner, who departed this life August 2nd, 1810 Aged 30 years and 3 days.' (Actually she was 36). The relief carving, about four feet high may be the work of Abraham Voris, a noted stone carver of the day. This account describes the part Betsy’s grave marker played in the murder of Monica Lemen in 1987 .
.....On Valentines Day, 1987, two young boys decided to explore the creek just below Little Cedar Baptist Church while the grown-ups attended to last minute preparations for a romantic wedding to be held in the historic old church.
.....While wandering along the creek bed the boys came upon two freshly severed legs stuck into a pair of fancy cowgirl boots laced with fringe.
.....Meanwhile, inside the old church, last minute preparations were made. Items of odd character had to be cleared from the minister's pulpit before the ceremony could begin They must have been left behind by youthful pranksters. Discovery of the severed legs surely dampened the festivities.
.....The Connersville Barracks of the State Police began by checking for missing persons in the area. It became obvious the legs belonged to a "big girl," so many missing girls were eliminated. A Cincinnati father had reported his daughter missing on February 10. The police traced the boots to the shop where they were sold and the name of the buyer matched the missing girl.
.....Monica Denise Lemen, age 21, had been a member of a satanic cult of devil worshippers. The police collected information and narrowed the suspects to John Lee Fryman, age 24, known as a satanic priest. He was living in a trailer at Fairfield, Ohio with Beverly Cox of Dearborn County Indiana.
.....Fryman was a satanic priest. Monica had been a follower but had left his group for another. By one account she was "bad mouthing" Fryman and his ability as a priest. Another account said she had romantic inclinations and Fryman was tired of being “pestered”. Besides he already had a trailer-mate, Beverly Cox.
.....Fryman decided to solve his pest problem. He lured Monica to his trailer and, with his girl friend present, shot Monica in the back of the head as she knelt at the 'altar'. This happened about February 9, 1987. He drained the body of blood and left it in the trailer for several days until he decided how to dispose of it.
.....Monica's body was too large for the back of his small Pinto, so he sawed off her legs about eight inches below the body. He disposed of the torso in a dumpster somewhere east of Fairfield. He intended to dispose of the legs in the dumpster at the IGA in Brookville, but decided to throw them over the bank behind the old church "to desecrate the church." Had he put the legs in the dumpster at the IGA store, Monica would probably have been a missing person and her murder might not have been known. According to classmate, Donovan Blose, a retired police captain in Richmond Indiana, “they dug up half the Rumpke Waste landfill in Cincinnati and never did find her top half”. In this instance, half a body was better than none.
.....Fryman became aware that the police were looking for him and left home for Richmond, to borrow money from relatives. While fleeing Richmond, he was stopped up by the State Police west of Centerville, IN on U.S. 40 on a parole violation and carrying a handgun with no permit.
.....In searching Fryman's trailer for evidence, the police and Cincinnati investigators,found Grandma Betsy’s tombstone had been used as an altar. Everything in the room was painted black. Remains of sacrificed animals were found on the altar along with a shell casing from the murder weapon.
.....The group had used the inside of the old church for its devil worship. Traces of blood were found but it’s uncertain whether it was human or animal. At least on one occasion, passersby reported dim lights inside. Investigation might not have been prudent.
.....Mick Wilz, a member of the Franklin County Historical Association, learned that the police in Hamilton Ohio had Betsy’s gravestone stone and needed help to trace it back to the old brick church. Jenny and Mick Wilz had been married in that same church and had their picture taken next to the stone on their wedding day in June, 1980. He called the Police in Hamilton Ohio and told them of his picture that might help. Within an hour the Indiana police were ringing his doorbell. Since the murder actually took place across the state line in Ohio, the trial would be held in Butler County.
.....Mr. Wilz was called to testify in Hamilton and sat in the court house hallway for three days. It took less than a minute to connect the church, the legs and Elizabeth Hackleman Tyner’s grave marker to the Monica’s murder. The black wax symbols on the gravestone proved to be vital evidence.
.....Fryman’s girl friend was given immunity and added information which led to a murder conviction He was sentenced to the penitentiary near Lebanon, Ohio. During a prison riot some years later, he was badly beaten by black Muslims who hate satanic priests. The girl friend was sent to England to avoid threats by members of the satanic cult.
.....Two years after the trial, Grandma Betsy’s gravestone was released from custody and allowed to go home and rest in peace. Monica was not so fortunate.
.....And Mick Wilz never got back his wedding pictures.
103.....i.....HARRIS TYNER, b. December 26, 1795, Little River, Abbeville County, South Carolina, USA; d. January 21, 1881, Brightwood, Marion County, Indiana, USA.
104.....ii.....MARY ANNE TYNER, b. January 13, 1796, Abbeville District, South Carolina; d. January 07, 1864, Fayette County, Indiana, USA.
105.....iii.....ELIJAH TYNER, b. March 21, 1797, Abbeville District, South Carolina, USA; d. February 01, 1872, Hancock County, Indiana, USA.
106.....iv......RICHARD TYNER, b. November 03, 1798, Abbeville District, South Carolina, USA; d. April 02, 1868, Brookville, Franklin, Indiana, USA.
107.....v.....JOHN N. TYNER, b. August 18, 1800, Little River, Abbeville District, South Carolina, USA; d. February 04, 1871, LaFontaine, Wabash, Indiana, USA. TYNER, b. March 21, 1802, Georgetown, Scott County, Kentucky, USA; d. October 17, 1879, Decatur County, Indiana, USA.
109.....vii.....SOLOMON TYNER, b. January 13, 1805, Georgetown, Scott, Kentucky, USA; d. October 08, 1830, Franklin County, Indiana, USA.
110.....viii.....EZEKIEL TYNER, b. December 04, 1806, Cedar Grove, Highland Township, Franklin, Indiana, USA; d. January 21, 1879, Morristown, Hancock, Indiana, USA.
111.....ix.....SILAS TYNER, b. April 01, 1808, Brookville, Franklin, Indiana, USA; d. April 06, 1853, Cincinnati, Hamilton, Ohio, USA.
112.....x.....JANE TYNER, b. April 21, 1813, Brookville, Franklin County, Indiana; d. August 15, 1861.
113.....xi.....NANCY TYNER, b. March 30, 1815, Brookville, Franklin, Indiana; d. August 15, 1861, Clinton County, Indiana.
.....xii.....MARTHA TYNER, b. May 04, 1817, Brookville, Franklin, Indiana; d. 1840.
114.....xiii.....ELIZABETH TYNER, b. June 08, 1819, Brookville, Franklin, Indiana, USA; d. September 27, 1864, Decatur County, Indiana, USA.
115.....xiv.....WILLIAM JASPER TYNER, b. January 12, 1822, Brookville, Franklin, Indiana, USA; d. July 04, 1900, Tipton County, Indiana, USA.
Jonathan's Will Dated 17 NOV 1811
Event: Will Proved 2 MAR 1812
Will was signed Nov. 17, 1811 and probated March 2,1812. It names wife and children.
WILL: A deciphered Photostat copy of a will of Jonathan KOLB, and the probated record attached hereto, are recorded in the Office of the Ordinary in Jefferson County, Seat of Jackson County, Georgia,
.....In the name of God, Amen, the seventeenth of November, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and eleven, I, Jonathan Kolb of Jackson County, State of Georgia, being under my disposition of body, but sound memory and senses and disposing mind and memory, thanks to this life and that it is appointed for all men once to die, do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following:
....(viz) I will that all of my just debts and funeral charges be paid by my executor, hereafter named.
....(item) I will to my beloved wife, Susannah Kolb, shall have her living of the land and premises whereon I now reside, during her life or widowhood, with her part of all the rest of my estate, including her bed and it furniture, with her wearing clothes, and also I bequeath a horse saddle and bridle. The horse by the name of Dick and her third part of the rest of my estate, excepting my land, which she was to have her living of, as above described, is to devolve to the rest of heirs, after her decease.
....(item) To my first child, Harris Kolb, I will a horse, bridle and saddle, the horse, named Jack.
....(item) The rest of my children, which is Nancy, Sophia, Rebeccah, Harmon, James, Mary Ann, Jonathan, Richard I(I), and Susannah all shear (sp.) alike with that part of the property that is to be sold, all but the land that is to be equally divided between the five sons above mentioned. Harris KOLB is included with the five sons above mentioned.
....I do appoint James Cash and Susannah Kolb whole and sol executors of this my last will and testament, hereby revoking all other will by me made prior to the date of this.
....In Witness, I have hereunto set my hand and seal, the day and date above written, signed: Jonathan Kolb (seal)
....Signed and dated in presence of, as my last will and testament,
Ephraim Lindsey
James Cash
Jackson County
Personally came into open Court Ephriam Lindsey and Patrick Cash, who being duly sworn saith that they were present and saw Jonathan Kolb sign, seal and acknowledge the within Will that they were subscribing witnesses to the same. Sworn to in open court this 2nd day of March, 1812. Edw. Adams, Clk,
Ephraim Lindsey
Patrick C. Cash (his mark)
Deciphered by Erby R. Kolb, 1964
FOOTNOTES: Sept. 2, 1816 David Witt & William Potts appointed guardian of Harmon, James, Jonathan and Richard Kolb, orphan children of Jonathan Kolb, deceased.
.....i.....NANCY AGNES KOLB, b. Abt. 1794; m. JAMES CASH, September 03, 1810, Jackson County, Georgia.
117.....ii.....POR RICHARD HARRIS KOLB, b. Abt. 1795; d. Aft. 1870, lived in Lebanon, Sevier, Arkansas.
118.....iii.....SOPHIA KOLB, b. October 24, 1796, North Carolina; d. August 14, 1847, Heard County, Georgia.
118.....iv.....REBECCA KOLB, b. Abt. 1798, South Carolina.
119.....v.....HARMON KOLB, b. December 09, 1799; d. July 22, 1841. CARL KOLB, b. January 04, 1802, Georgia; d. May 07, 1885, Rainbow, Riverside, California; m. REBECCA BOREN.
.....vii.....MARY ANN KOLB, b. Abt. 1805, Georgia; m. WILLIAM BATEY, Abt. 1846.
Census: 1860 Lampasas Co., Texas
120.....viii.....JONATHAN L. KOLB, b. July 12, 1807, Jackson County, Georgia; d. December 18, 1872, Ellis County, Texas.
121.....ix.....RICHARD HARRISON KOLB, b. Abt. 1809.
.....x.....SUSANNAH KOLB, b. Abt. 1811, Jackson County, Georgia.
. 43. MEHITABEL TYNER (HARRIS, JOHN HARRIS, SARAH, NICHOLAS) was born March 19, 1774 in Abbeville District, South Carolina, and died February 23, 1848 in Fayette County, Indiana, USA. She married RICHARD JONES KOLB Abt. 1798 in Abbeville District, South Carolina, son of HARMON KOLB. He was born October 03, 1775 in Abbeville District, South Carolina, and died August 18, 1842 in Fayette County, Indiana, USA.
On August 1, 1814, James Kolb, 12 years old, orphan son of Jonathan Kolb deceased was bound to Abraham Scott; Susannah Kolb, ditto, three years, was bound to David Witt.
Date: Sat, 9 May 1998
From: Lisa Jadwin
Sometime before 1809, the family moved to Georgia. In 1809, moved to area near Connersville, Franklin, Indiana. In 1812, moved to Fayette County, Indiana. In 1814 he was a founding member of the Lick Creek Baptist Church (founding date 14 May 1814). He received a homestead from the US government in Fayette County.
See her webpage at
122.....i......TILMAN KOLB, b. November 30, 1800, Georgia; d. August 19, 1849, Fayette County, Indiana.
123.....ii.....SUSANNA KOLB, b. February 20, 1802, Georgia; d. 1880, Fayette County, Indiana.
.....iii.....SILAS KOLB, b. April 28, 1803, Georgia; d. January 14, 1831, Fayette County, Indiana; m. CHRISTINA PENWELL, November 24, 1824, Fayette County, Indiana; b. Abt. 1814, New Jersey.
124.....iv.....WILLIAM KOLB, b. June 07, 1805, Georgia; d. July 29, 1898, Oxford, Benton, Indiana.
125.....v.....MARGARET KOLB, b. July 03, 1807, Ohio; d. October 10, 1879, Rush County, Indiana. KOLB, b. March 13, 1809, Franklin County, Indiana; m. JONATHAN GORDON, May 03, 1854, Fayette County, Indiana.
126.....vii.....ELIZABETH KOLB, b. December 24, 1810, Franklin County, Indiana, USA.
Any relation to the Jonathan Gordon who in 1828 married Matilda Tyner?
Fayette Co. In Marriage Records:
GORDEN, Isaac THARP, Polly 15 Oct. 1829
GORDEN, Jonathan TYNER, Matilda 9 Oct. 1828
GORDEN, William (State of Ohio) KOLB, Elizabeth 28 Dec. 1829
GORDON, David TYNER, Emily 30 May 1827 Lic. issued
GORDON, Jonathon KOLB, Jemima 5 March 1854
GORDON, Marvin H. KLUM, Katharine 29 December 1853
127.....viii.....CHRISTIANA KOLB, b. Abt. 1813.
.....ix.....RICHARD KOLB, b. September 04, 1812, Franklin County, Indiana; d. Abt. 1842, Fayette County, Indiana; m. MARY HOOVER, October 18, 1838, Fayette County, Indiana.
.....x.....LEANNER KOLB, b. February 24, 1817, Fayette County, Indiana, USA; d. December 18, 1890, Carroll County, Indiana, USA; m. DAVID HOOVER, March 02, 1837, Fayette County, Indiana, USA; b. Abt. 1814, Pennsylvania, USA.
.....xi.....NANCY ADAIR KOLB, b. June 28, 1821, Fayette County, Indiana, USA; d. November 28, 1889, Carroll County, Indiana, USA. Nancy never married.
1850 Prairie, Henry, Indiana
Hoover, David...29...farmer...$700...PA
...Mary Ann...5...IN
Hoover, David...55...$900 personal...PA...farmer
...William F. on farm
...Barbrie A. ...8...IN
Frank Hoover ...26...farmer...IN...PA...IN
Rachael Hoover...24...Missouri...Missouri...Missouri
Elmer Hoover ...1...Missouri...Missouri...Missouri
Leanner Hoover...63...mother...Indiana...MO...MO
Nancy Kolb...58...aunt...Indiana...MO...MO
Barbary Kolb ...18...sister...Indiana...MO...MO
1880 - Washington, Webster, Missouri
44. JAMES TYNER (HARRIS, JOHN HARRIS, SARAH, NICHOLAS) was born August 17, 1776 in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, USA, and died December 08, 1823 in Harrison Twp., Fayette, Indiana, USA. He married MARGARET GIVENS January 19, 1799 in Abbeville District, South Carolina, USA. She was born Abt. 1776 in Harrison Twp., Fayette, Indiana, USA, and died August 28, 1838 in Harrison Twp., Fayette, Indiana, USA.
Frank Hoover ...26...farmer...IN...PA...IN
Rachael Hoover...24...Missouri...Missouri...Missouri
Elmer Hoover ...1...Missouri...Missouri...Missouri
Leanner Hoover...63...mother...Indiana...MO...MO
Nancy Kolb...58...aunt...Indiana...MO...MO
Barbary Kolb ...18...sister...Indiana...MO...MO
1820 Fayette Co., Indiana (no twp listed) (p. 23 or 31)
James was killed by a tree he was felling.
Census: 1830 Widow in Harrison Twp., Fayette Co., Indiana (p.36)
128.....i.....LUCINDA TYNER, b. May 1799, Abbeville District, South Carolina, USA; d. September 20, 1851, Connersville, Fayette, Indiana, USA.
129.....ii.....MALINDA TYNER, b. November 19, 1802, Abbeville District, South Carolina, USA; d. November 14, 1869, Fayette, Indiana, USA.
130.....iii.....JOHN TYNER, b. Abt. 1804, Abbeville District, South Carolina, USA; d. Abt. 1836, Fayette County, Indiana, USA.
131.....iv.....RICHARD TYNER, b. October 03, 1806, Abbeville District, South Carolina, USA; d. April 28, 1893, Loganspot, Cass, Indiana, USA. There is a suspiciously modern tombstone in St. Johns Cemetery, Logansport, Cass County, Indiana.
132.....v......MATILDA TYNER, b. 1809, Dearborn County (now Franklin), Indiana, USA; d. Bef. 1850. GIVENS TYNER, b. December 29, 1811, Franklin County (now Fayette), Indiana, USA; d. June 03, 1883, Fayette County, Indiana, USA.
.....vii......JAMES TYNER, b. August 14, 1814, Fayette County, Indiana; d. December 05, 1831, Fayette County, Indiana.
134.....viii.....WILLIAM TYNER, b. Abt. 1816; d. August 30, 1896.
135.....ix.....DANIEL HARRIS TYNER, b. Abt. 1817, Fayette County, Indiana, USA; d. December 1875, Medicine Lodge, Barber, Kansas, USA.
From Earl and Velma Tyner:
Fanny and John migrated to Kentucky (with brother Wm.). They followed Boone's last trip from S. Carolina over Clinch mountains, through the Cumberland Gap. to Scott County where Georgetown now stands. At that time it took about 5 weeks tomake the trip. The journey to Kentucky was made by the party on foot and horseback. The men came on foot, the women and children who could not walk, took turns walking or riding. Their baggage and goods were carried on pack saddles.
.....i.....MARTHA TYNER, b. Abt. 1815, Fayette County, Indiana; d. Bef. 1830, Fayette County, Indiana.
137.....ii.....DRURY DRUMMOND TYNER, b. December 17, 1800, Abbeville District, South Carolina, USA; d. December 17, 1882, Lagro, Wabash, Indiana, USA.
138.....iii.....SERENA TYNER, b. November 05, 1802, Abbeville District, South Carolina; d. October 17, 1853, Fayette County, Indiana. She married TILMAN KOLB June 10, 1824 in Fayette County, Indiana, son of RICHARD KOLB and MEHITABEL TYNER. Children are listed under (176) Tilman Kolb.
.....iv.....NANCY TYNER, b. Abt. 1805, Abbeville District, South Carolina; d. May 29, 1865, Washington Township, Rush, Indiana, USA; m. JOASH A. COOK, December 11, 1823, Fayette County, Indiana, USA.
Notes for NANCY TYNER:
139.....v.....JAMES A. TYNER, b. September 19, 1807, Abbeville District, South Carolina, USA; d. November 03, 1897, Brandywine Township, Hancock, Indiana, USA.
Genealogical Sources: Dorothy L Riker Indiana Historical Society 1971
Fayette County Marriages
Cook, Joash & Mary Tynes (Tyner?) 12/11/1823
Nancy Cook...44...SC...$1,200
John T. Cook...23...IN
Joash M. Cook...20...IN
John M Cook...30...farmer...IN ...3000/700
Nancy Cook...55...OH
Nancy Dyer...12...IN
John F Dyer...33...farmer...IN
Amanda Dyer...23...IN
James W Dyer...3...IN
Samuel Dyer... 1...IN
Nancy age 50, seamstress b. NC
Louisa age 30 b. NC
James age 21, laborer, b. IN
Dan’l age 19, laborer, b. IN
Jane age 11, b. IN
Henry ETCHISON age 2 b. IL? TYNER, b. August 11, 1809, Franklin County, Indiana; d. November 08, 1873, Fayette County, Indiana.
141.....vii.....STEPHEN TYNER, b. June 11, 1811, Franklin County, Indiana, USA; d. April 25, 1880, Tipton County, Indiana, USA.
142.....viii.....ANNA TYNER, b. March 03, 1813, Brookville, Franklin, Indiana, USA; d. March 02, 1869.
.....ix.....MILTON TYNER, b. May 05, 1817, Fayette County, Indiana; d. November 05, 1839, Harrison Township, Fayette, Indiana.
.....x.....JOHN HARRIS TYNER, b. October 03, 1821, Harrison Twp., Fayette, Indiana; d. January 26, 1900, Fayette County, Indiana; m. MARY CARVER, April 26, 1840, Fayette County, Indiana; b. October 14, 1820, New Jersey.
46. MARGARET TYNER (HARRIS, JOHN HARRIS, SARAH, NICHOLAS) was born November 17, 1778 in Abbeville District, South Carolina, USA, and died June 20, 1845 in Rush County, Indiana, USA. She married ABRAHAM HACKLEMAN September 01, 1796 in North Carolina, USA, son of JOHAN HACKLEMAN and MARY OSBORN. He was born September 25, 1775 in King's Mountain, Lincoln, North Carolina, and died October 16, 1858 in Cedar Grove, Wabash, Indiana, USA.
by Lewis Publishing Company
John H. Tyner.
.....An energetic and progressive farmer and honored citizen of Posey Township is John H. Tyner, who has spent his entire life in Fayette County, his birth occurring in Harrison Township, October 3, 1821. His parents, John and Fanny (Martin) Tyner, were born, reared and married in South Carolina. The family was one of prominence in that state, its representatives being mostly planters. The paternal grandfather was killed in the Revolutionary War. Three of his sons, William, and John and James (twins), came to Indiana in 1816 and located in Fayette County, where they entered land from the government and improved farms.
.....John Tyner, the father of our subject, entered three hundred and twenty acres in Harrison Township, and from the wild land developed a fine farm, on which he spent the remainder of his life. He was one of the most prominent and influential farmers and stock raisers of his day, and in his undertakings met with well-deserved success. He was broad-minded and liberal, public spirited and enterprising, and was a genial and entertaining companion. By his ballot he supported the Democratic Party. He always refused to become a candidate for office, though often solicited by his friends to accept that of County Commissioner. He was an earnest and faithful member of the Primitive Baptist Church, and served as deacon in the same. His wife's brothers were Stephen Martin, William Martin and George Martin; Stephen lived in Franklin County, and William and George in Fayette County. Our subject is the youngest of a family of ten children, the others being Drury, who died in Wabash County, Indiana; Mrs. Serena Kolb; Nancy, wife of J. A. Cook; James, who died in Hancock County; Emily, wife of Dr. Gordon; Stephen, who died in Tipton County; Anna, wife of F. Taylor; Mehitable, who died young; Milton, who died in Harrison Township, Fayette County.
.....John H. Tyner, whose name introduces this sketch, passed his early life upon his father's farm, attending the subscription schools taught in an old log schoolhouse for three months during the winter and assisting his father during the remainder of the year. The latter died when John H. was small, but he continued with his mother until she too was called to her final rest, and as soon as large enough he took charge of the homestead. In 1840 he was married, and about two years later the mother died, at which time the heirs amicably divided the estate. Soon afterward Mr. Tyner purchased eighty acres of heavily timbered land, and after erecting a cabin thereon he commenced to clear and improve the place, which required much hard labor. As his financial resources increased he bought more land, and now has a fine farm, where on he has successfully engaged in general farming and stock raising.
.....Mr. Tyner was married in 1840 to Miss Mary Carver, a daughter of Lewis and Mehitable (Castiline) Carver, natives of New Jersey, where they were married. In 1822 they removed to Steuben County, New York, where the father engaged in farming for ten years, and then came to Fayette County, Indiana. Purchasing a farm near Bentonville, he engaged in agricultural pursuits here for several years, and on selling out moved to Madison County, where he purchased another farm, on a portion of which the town of Orestes now stands. There his death occurred. His occupation through life was farming, and he met with a fair degree of success. He was a strong Democrat and was well posted on the leading issues of the day. He wielded considerable influence in his party, but would never accept office. He was a loving husband and an indulgent father, and lived amicably with all men, never suing nor having been sued by anyone. Both he and his estimable wife were faithful members of the Primitive Baptist Church. To this worthy couple were born eleven children, namely: Mary, wife of our subject; Rebecca, wife of S. Wickston; Charlotte, who first married Thomas Stanley and second W. Willitts; Orin, a resident of Kansas; Rachel, wife of J. Harris; Sarah, who died when a young lady; Hulda; Calvin, a resident of Kansas; Lloyd, a railroad man; Zilla, wife of I. Ellis; and Byron, a farmer of Fayette County, Indiana.
.....Mr. and Mrs. Tyner were living at their beautiful country home, in the full enjoyment of well spent lives, surrounded by a host of warm and admiring friends, when on the 1st day of October 1899, Mrs. Tyner passed away in death. Religiously she held membership in the Primitive Baptist Church, as does also her husband. Mr. Tyner is a leader in all social and political maters of his township, and although a strong Democrat he votes at local elections for the ones whom he considers the best men, regardless of party ties. He has been chosen to fill several positions of honor and trust, and for fourteen years served as Township Trustee, with credit to himself and to the perfect satisfaction of his constituents. During that time he saved for the township considerable in the building of schoolhouses and on all public works.
March 18, 1802 stopped at Scott Co. KY by packhorse w/Wm. Tyner, their families, 4 hired men
In 1803 to Boone Co. KY on north bend of Ohio RiverJune 20, 1806 from Dearborn, IN filed on land in Indiana Survey.
Abraham Hackleman went up White River by boat in 1804 with William Tyner and Jacob Hackleman, and saw Indiana where Brookville now stands; journeyed on east to Richmond; and returned by way of Miami, Ohio.
In 1806 took family to Little Cedar Grove, Franklin, IN in spring
He fought in War of 1812, 3 mons. under Capt. John Lyran in Franklin Co. IN
February, 1821 moved to Little Flat Rock Creek, Rush Co. IN
In the fall of 1835, to Morgan Co. Illinois but dissatisfied with what he found there
In 1836 to Rush County, IN.
In 1839 to Wabash County, IN.
September 21, 1848 had a stroke; died October 16th
143.....i.....RICHARD HACKLEMAN, b. August 17, 1797, Abbeville, South Carolina, USA; d. September 14, 1873, Hancock County, Indiana, USA.
144.....ii.....JAMES HACKLEMAN, b. August 14, 1799, Abbeville, South Carolina, USA; d. April 27, 1869, Henry County, Indiana, USA.
145.....iii.....NANCY HACKLEMAN, b. January 11, 1801, Abbeville, South Carolina; d. December 18, 1850, Huntingdon County, Indiana.
146.....iv.....ABRAHAM HACKLEMAN, b. October 16, 1802, Georgetown, Scott, Kentucky; d. October 30, 1846, Mount Pleasant, Des Moines County, Iowa.
147.....v.....JACOB TYNER HACKLEMAN, b. August 06, 1804, Boone County, Kentucky, USA; d. September 26, 1843, Iowa, USA. HACKLEMAN, b. January 20, 1806, Boone County, Kentucky; d. December 16, 1862, Ashland, Huntington County, Indiana.
.....vii.....PRESTON HACKLEMAN, b. October 20, 1808, Franklin County, Indiana; d. December 29, 1813, Franklin County, Indiana. Abner/Abraham Hackleman was examining father's old-fashioned flint-lock when it fired a load into the chest of little Preston, who was at the table eating dinner. Abner was horribly upset.
.....viii.....POLLY HACKLEMAN, b. February 11, 1810, Franklin County, Indiana; d. June 1812.
.....ix.....ELIZABETH HACKLEMAN, b. July 27, 1816, Franklin County, Indiana; d. January 24, 1817, Franklin County, Indiana.
149.....x…ELIJAH HACKLEMAN, b. October 18, 1817, Franklin County, Indiana; d. January 16, 1901, Wabash County, Indiana. says DNA test results show that Dempsey is a descendant of Sarah Tyner/John Harris. There's no evidence whatsoever who his parents were, though. Since he's a descendant of Sarah and John, he is NOT a full-blooded Cherokee. To be "full-blooded," both his parents would have to be Cherokee, meaning he would not be a Tyner at all. Follow his descendants on this website; some apply for Indian membership claiming he was a full-blooded Cherokee, some say their Tyner ancestors were NOT Indian and their membership comes through their mother. Also, bear in mind that many tribes didn't care about bloodlines; if you lived with the tribe, took part in tribal activities, and had family members who married in, you were a full member of the tribe. Very likely, when Dempsey rightly called himself a full Cherokee, his descendants remembered it as "full-blooded" and completely misunderstood.
Subject: Dempsey Tyner Heritage
Date: Thu, 2 May 2013 05:19:42 -0500
Hi Judith,
I posted the opinion below to the old Tyner list but it seems most researchers are using message boards. I tried posting to the Tyner message board but couldn't get my password to work. Would you please forward the information below to any of the Tyner researchers who are interested in Dempsey & Obedience.
Lee Hartley
I have been researching Tyner's for almost 20 years. Whenever I see Dempsey's children listed on census records they are shown as white. Therefore I'm sure that Dempsey and Obedience were not full blood Cherokee. Dempsey Tyner was a descendant of Nicholas Tyner who came to America from England in the 1600s. Research shows that Obedience Sevier was a member of the same family as John Sevier who was the first Governor of Tennessee. John Sevier was mostly English and French. My great grandfather, Jesse Lewis Tyner, was the son of Lewis Tyner (son of Dempsey Tyner) and MaryAnn Frances Johnson. I have a photograph of Jesse Tyner and he is very British looking. Jesse Tyner's wife, my great grandmother Lucinda Thompson, was of Cherokee heritage. My grandmother, MaryAnn Desdemona Tyner and her brothers were Cherokee looking, spoke Cherokee, and went to Cherokee schools. They were much more Indian looking than their Dad, Jesse Tyner, and had received most of their Indian heritage from their mother, Lucinda Thompson. My opinion is that many of Dempsey Tyner's descendants get their Indian heritage from the Indians that married into the family. Dempsey may have been as much as half Indian because he has been described in court depositions as "looking Indian" but I don't think that Obedience Sevier had much, if any, Indian blood.
Lee Hartley
Hamilton County Pioneers - the Tyners
Tuesday, March 11, 2008 - by John Wilson
"Dempsey Tyner was born in Chowan County on Aug. 4, 1755, and was the son of William and Elizabeth Tyner. " (He gives no proof of any kind for birthdate or parents' identities, and he goes on at length about a John S. Tyner he claims is Dempsey's grandson but doesn't know the DOB or the parents of this alleged grandson.)
--1776 Abbeville Co, SC -- Rev War per Rev War Papers
--1776: His first child Jackson Tyner, Sr., was born in 1776. Judith Rittenhouse Carpenter points out that "JACKSON TYNER'S TYNER-HUDDLESTON BIBLE LISTS DEMPSEY AND OBEDIENCE TYNER SO WOULD SEEM THAT OBEDIENCE WAS HIS MOTHER IN 1776." (Look under Obedience Sevier for the Bible; these notes are already too long for my computer program to add it!) Jackson married Mary Spivey in 1826. Mary took care of Dempsey and Obedience at least by 1840 when an older couple show up in their household. They record Dempsey's death. Mary helps Obedience with her application for support from Dempsey's Rev. War Pension.
--1780 Mary A. Tyner was born to Dempsey [On 18 Aug 1871, she was 91 years old].
--1780 Obedience Rhoda Tyner born. Married Jeremiah Hibbs abt. 1805 in Hamilton CO., TN.
---Revolutionary War Audited Accounts
Rev. War Audited Account of Dr. Timothy Russell (6692-B), South Carolina Department of Archives and History.
Genl. Cunningham:
To D. Timothy Russell
12 Novm ? Decr, 1780
In attendance medicine and lodgings for the different wounded men under nam?d:
Jno. (?) Murrey . . . . . . . . . . . . )
Joshua Wallace . . . . . . . . . . . . )
Dems Tiner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . )
Dan E. Wellch . . . . . . . . . . . . . )
John Willard . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) Amot
and five others of his Brigade . . . . . . ) L. 89~5~
Ninety six District )) Doctr Timothy Russell duly made doth that the above amt of Eighy (sic) nine pounds 5f sterling is just & true. That Genl Robt Cummingham, affirmed payment of the same, but never paid any part thereof. Sworn to the 17th July 1783.
before me 5RR Pat: C. A. Houston or Calhoun
--1785 (a) Reuben J. Tyner born to Dempsey according to Frances Yager/John Strange. Does anyone know where?
(b) 1790 Reuben J. Tyner born in Cherokee Nation East to Dempsey. Is this the same one born in 1785 or another child? Zella Armstrong in her book on Hamilton Co., TN, says Reuben Jackson Tyner who served in Mexican War was a child of Dempsey.***
--1786 Land Court Records 1786-1792 for Wilkes Co. for Jan. 2, 1786, p. 296 of Early Records of Georgia lists "Warrant to Thos. McCall for 2300 acres on ten Continental Bounties on reserve in the names of ...Demcey Tuner. (Could this be Demsey Tyner?) Research by Judith Rittenhouse.
--1785-1792 Jesse Tyner born to Dempsey, according to Frances Yager/John Strange.
--1790 Edgefield Co, SC -- Residence = Census Records
--1790: Reuben Jackson Tyner was born in the Cherokee Nation about 1790 (That could put Dempsey in South Carolina,Tennessee, or Georgia, per Judith Rittenhouse Carpenter)
--1790-1800 A William Tyner is born according to Censuses of 1840 Tishomingo Co., MS, and 1830 McNairy Co., TN. He would have been born to Dempsey and Obedience when they were between 35 - 45 years of age. Family tradition states that our Tyners came from Tyner, Tennessee, which was named after their ancestors. (Judith Rittenhouse's line.)
--1792 Sevier Tyner born to Dempsey. Date from Frances Yager/John Strange.
--1794 Nathan Tyner born to Dempsey. Date from Frances Yager/John Strange.
--1794 Edgefield Co, SC -- Witness for Land Sale
The book is "Edgefield County, South Carolina Abstracts of Deed Books 1-12--1786-1796, Volume One".
Deed Book 11: 1794-1795 Edgefield County, SC
Pp. 278-280 15 May 1794: Richard Pond, Cooper to William Morgan, Planter, both of Edgefield Co., SC for 12 pounds, sold 49 acres being part of a 274 acres granted 5 Nov 1792 to Richard Pond on Foxes Creek of Savannah River. S/ Richrd Pond. Wit: DEMSEY TINER, Christopher Shaw, who swore by oath 4 Oct 1794 before Joseph Hightower, J.P. Rcd. 13 Oct. 1794
--1798 Leroy Tyner born to Dempsey. Date from Frances Yager/John Strange.
--1800 A John Tyner born. He and wife Rachael Ryder had children named Evaline, b. Rhea Co., TN; Seviere; Ivory; and Biddy listed on application of Henry Burkett, sone of Evaline to the Guion Miller Commission; Claim denied. Information from James W. Russell.***
--1800+/- Jackson Co, GA -- Residence = Rev War Papers
--1800 Census for South Carolina lists Demsey Tyner with one male over 16 and five females in 96th District.-
--1800 Lewis B. Tyner born in Cherokee Nation East to Dempsey. From Ruby Cranor and DAR#729659.
--1800 Fannie Tyner born. Listed as child of Dempsey and Obedience in James B. Tyner's Land Allotment Appl. #3918 in Cherokee Nation.
--1800: By his first wife, Rachel Youngblood, Jackson Tyner had a daughter Sara Rachel, born Apr 1800. Judith Rittenhouse adds, "I wish I knew when Rachel died, because Obedience raised her child Sara Rachel. This would make Obedience the wife of Dempsey at that date."
--1802 Hiram Tyner born to Dempsey according to Frances Yager/John Strange and Ruby Cranor as 1802/1806.
--1802 Dempsey moved to Jackson Co., GA, from Edgefield Co., S.C. according to Rev. War papers, and resided there about 7 years.
--1803 Defaulters in Jackson Co., GA, land lottery included Dempsey Tyner. Info sent to Judith Rittenhouse by Marguarite Byram Hicks in 1976.
--1804 Frances Tyner born to Dempsey.
--1805 Demsey Tyner listed in Georgia Land Lottery with a draw from Jackson Co., GA. Listed as married.
--1806 Dempsey Tyner worked and was overseer of James Vann's plantation at Springfield, GA. Frances Yager/John Strange note that Reuben J. Tyner is mentioned in the diaries of the Cherokees as working for Clement Vann on his plantation at Springplace, GA, in 1806 and 1821. Judith Rittenhouse made a visit to that area and found Lewis Tyner listed as a student at the Moravian School about 1802 or so/
--1807 Georgia's Land Lottery finds Dempsey granted 700 acres in Jackson Co., Grant Book G-5, p. 55.
--1808 Obediance or Biddy Tyner born to Dempsey according to Frances Yager/John Strange. Robert Scott Davis, Jr., suggests an Obedience Burton might be a daughter of Obedience and Dempsey Tyner. Samuel and Obedience Burton would have possibly married in 1835 from birth of their oldest child Indiana Eveline Burton who was born 3 April 1836 in Georgia according to her Confederate Widow's Pension in Hall County Files, microfilm reel 174/7.
--1809 Moved to Roane Co., TN, from Georgia where he lived for five years according to Rev. War
pension application S1599.
--25 Nov 1809 Mary A. Tyner and George Smith took out marriage license in Roane Co., TN.
--3 Dec 1811 Reuben Tiner and Jinney Carter took out marriage license in Roane Co., TN. Bond missing and no return ever made. Research by Judith Rittenhouse. According to Cherokee Pioneers by James Manford Carselowery, Ruben Tyner and Jane Carter were married in the Cherokee Nation in 1811.
"A Reuben Tyner and his Cherokee family emigrated to the Indian territory shortly after 1819," states Emmet Starr in Old Cherokee Families.***
--1812 A Nancy Tyner proposed as daughter to Demsey and Obedience by Ruby Cranor. Same year of birth given by Frances Yager/John Strange. This would make Demsey and Obedience about 56 years old each.
--1814 Dempsey Tyner moved to Hamilton Co., TN, from Roane Co., long before Hamilton was a county. Rev. War Pension Appl. (It was Rhea Co. at the time)***
--1817 Dempsey lives in Rhea Co., TN, for less than a year possibly. Most of Roane, Rhea, and Hamilton were still in Cherokee country at this date. When Rhea County was first formed, "about half of the county and all of the county on the left back of the Tenn. River lay within the territory of the Cherokee Nation," Austin P. Foster in COUNTIES OF TENNESSEE
--1818 A William Tyner is born when Demsey and Obedience would both be about 62 years of age. He died 5 May 1861 near Rock Spring, GA. Probably a grandson, although some trees tack him on as a son.***
--1821 Dempsey witnesses a deed for William Brown of the Cherokee Nation, according to Deed Book A, 1796-1838, Hamilton Co., TN, on 30 Aug 1821 for an Indent between William Brown, Cherokee Nation, and John Cornett, Hamilton Co., TN. Lewis Tyner was also a witness. Research by Judith Rittenhouse.
--1823 Frederick McGuire purchased 700 acres from Dempsey and Obedience Tiner of Hamilton Co., TN. Probably fraudulent on part of Frederick because Dempsey Tiner sold same property to Thompson McGuire on 2 June 1828. There's more to this story if anyone cares. Contributed by Robert S. Davis, Jr.
--1830 Hamilton Co, TN -- Residence = Census Records
--27 Nov 1832 Rev. War Pension Paper No. S1599 filed for Demsey Tyner, Service in S.C. Papers filed in Hamilton Co., TN, when Demsey aged 77 years.
Dempsey Tyner : Revolutionary War Timeline
"Entered service in Abbeville, SC, in 1776. Served about 42 days with Capt. Smith & Capt. Anderson. Next served three months as a spy with Capt. Miller and two months as a private with Capt. Miller. Volunteered under Captain Thomas Kaelin Smith in Abbeville Co., SC, attached to command of Gen. Andrew Williamson and Col. Robert Anderson, this applicant was marched by the above named officers against the Cherokee Indians to Brasstown on Tugalo River, now in SC but then in possession of the Cherokees- where we had some skirmishing from there we were marched to Tomassa another Indian Town where we had an engagement with the Indians in which several of our party were killed and wounded among which was Capt. Hargrove killed and wounded. This applicant returned with the wounded from the last mentioned place to Seneca where some of our troops were forted, at what was called Seneca Fort." (Demsey Tyner #1)
"At Seneca Fort - this applicant was sent for by Capt. Andrew Miller who commanded a Company of rangers on the frontiers of South Carolina under whom this applicant served as a spy-three months-being about six weeks under Capt. Smith as before stated, making this tour about four months and a half. This tour was served in the year 1776 in the latter part of the summer and fall as well as he recollects." (Demsey Tyner #1)
1 Aug 1776 At Senecca, SC, ambushed by Cherokees, Patriot forces saved by a mounted charge. (Dr. Christine Swager #2 and Revolutionary War Timeline #3)
10 Aug 1776 Tugeloo River, SC. Cherokees defeated by Andrew Pickens (Dr. Christine Swager #2 and Revolutionary War Timeline #3)
2 Aug 1776 Tamassy, SC. Col. Williamson and Andew Pickens defeated large Cherokee war party
Aug 1776 Ring Fight, SC?. This is not mentioned by Demsey; however it happened in August when he was serving with Andrew Pickens. Two hundred Cherokees attacked Andrew Pickens and 25 militia. From a circle, firing in turn, the patriots held off attackers until a rescue force arrived."
State of Georgia
By His Excellency Jared Irwin
Governor and Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of this State and of the Militia thereof.
To all to whom these presents shall come, GREETING:
Know ye, that in pursuance of the act for opening the Land Office and by virtue of the powers in me vested; I have given and granted, and by these presents, in the name and behalf of the said state, DO give and grant unto Dempsey Tyner, his heirs and assigns forever; all the tract, lot or parcel of land, containing seven hundred acres, situate, lying and being in the County of Jackson, in the said State, and butting and bounding northeast by Pates land, southeastwardly by warrant land, and southwestwardly by Creswells land, and northwestwardly by Pike's land, having such shape, form and marks as appear by a plat of the same hereunto annexed; Together with all and singular the rights, members and appurtenances thereof whatsoever to the said tract or parcel of land belonging, or in any wise appertaining; and also all the estate, right, title, interest, claim and demand of the state aforesaid, of, in, to, or out of the same: TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said tract or parcel of land, and all and singular the
premises aforesaid, their and every of their rights, members and appurtances, unto the said Dempsey Tyner, his heirs and assigns to his and their own proper use and Behoof forever, in Fee Simple.
Given under my Hand, and the Great
Seal of said State this Fourteenth Day of
July in the year eighteen hundred seven and
of the Independence of America the thirty
Signed by his Excellency the Governor the 14th day of July
1807. Jared Irwin
James Boseman, S. E. D.
Registered the 14th day of July 1807
State of Tennessee)
Hamilton County )
.....On this 27th day of November 1832 personally appeared in this court before the Worshipful Justices of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions for Hamilton County aforesaid now sitting, Demsey Tyner resident of the County and State aforesaid aged seventy seven years and who being first duly sworn according to law doth on his oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the Act of Congress passed June 7th 1832. That he entered the service of the United States under the following named officers and served as herein stated that is to say that he volunteered under Captain Thomas Keelin Smith in Abbeville County South Carolina who was attached to the command of General Andrew Williamson and Colonel Robert Anderson. This applicant was marched by the above named officers against the Cherokee Indians to Brass Town on the Tugulo river now in South Carolina but then in possession of the Cherokees - where he saw some skirmishing from there we were marched to Tamossa another Indian Town where he had an engagement with the Indians in which seventeen of our party were killed and wounded among which was Captain Hargrove killed. This applicant returned with the wounded from the last mentioned place to Seneca where some of our troops were forted at what was called Seneca Fort. This applicant was sent for by Captain Andrew Miller who commanded a Company of Rangers on the frontier of South Carolina under whom this applicant served as a Spy- three months- being about six weeks under Capt Smith as before stated this tour about four months and a half. This tour was served in the year 1776 in the latter part of the summer and fall as well as he recollects. This applicant immediately after serving as a spy was called on to go to Snow Camps under Captain Miller against the Tories and served better than two months against them and returned without effecting anything except taking a number of Tories as prisoners.
.....This applicant in the spring of '77 volunteered under Captain Miller, Col Anderson and Gen'l Williamson in the County of Abbeville and State of South Carolina and left home the 7th day of April and was marched by the before named officers on what was called the Florida Expedition to St. Mary's river to a place called Fort Tonen where the Army remained two or three weeks and was marched back by the same officers to XXXXXXXXXXX and was dismissed at Cherokee Hills- in Georgia and was five days getting from there home. got home the 15th of August- having served about four months this tour. Some time in the fall after this applicant returned home he again volunteered and was marched by Lieutenant Norrid, a Lieutenant of Captain Millers Company under Gen Williamson and Major Middleton (who was an acting major in the Florida Campaign) to the siege of Savanna and was at the siege about two weeks - the Company to which this applicant belonged was marched from there to Parker's Ferry on Stone River to oppose the Tories who were collecting there. Gen Marion had dispersed them before our company reached there. Our Company was dismissed at said Ferry to return home and did return - having served this tour ten weeks or more. Soon after this applicant returned from the siege at Savannah he was again called on by his Captain (Miller) and marched to McGowens blockhouse against the Tories where Capt Millers and Captain Baskin's Companies had an engagement with the Tories, and Capt Miller was shot through the knee and he and Capt Baskins taken prisoners by the Tories. This applicant and several others who were in the engagement made their escape without being taken and joined Major Pickens at the Cherokee Ford and marched against the Tories to Kittle Creek under him where we had another engagement with them and defeated them and took three hundred prisoners. This applicant was ordered on the guard to guard the prisoners to Ninety-Six. After guarding them to Ninety-Six this applicant was frequently engaged as a scout against the tories for a considerable length of time and was much embarrassed by them until Gen. Greene sent word to South Carolina that he would relieve the countrys - and General Clark then Col Clark from the State of Georgia came into South Carolina and took command of about three hundred troops - among the number this applicant entered the service again as a volunteer and was marched to Keeley branch of Long Cane Creek and had several engagements with the British and Tories under Kouger and Allen in which engagement this applicant was wounded in the arm and was taken prisoner until after the Entam battle when this applicant was exchanged at Orangeburg - or Sullivan Island, and returned home having been in service and a prisoner upwards of nine months this tour. This applicant then removed to Edgefield County S. Carolina and volunteered under Captain Thomas Lewis who was commanded by Col LeRoy Hammond and was marched to Dorchester twenty five miles from Charleston but was in no engagement this expedition. After lying there some time this applicant was discharged which discharge has long since been lost. This applicant not knowing that it would ever benefit him he knows not what has become of it. The applicant considered himself at all times ready to obey the calls of his officers and has given the best account of his actual services he is able to give from his recollection. He knows he served more than he can recall the particulars about. This applicant don't recollect the names of any regular officers of the American Troops with whom he served except the Count De Estang - General Sampler, General Marion and Gen. Pulaski - with all of whom this applicant served at different times. He states that he has no documentary evidence of the services. That if he received more than one written discharge he has forgotten it. He does not know of any living witness he can procure as to his services during the Revolution. He states that he was born in the year 1755 in North Carolina Chowan County on the 4th day of August. He has no record of his age-his father left a Bible to him that had a record of his age in it with the ages of three of his children which Bible among other property was taken or destroyed by the Tories in the Revolution.
.....He was living in Abbeville County South Carolina when he first entered the service and removed as he has stated before the revolution ended. After the revolution he removed from Edgefield S C to Jackson County State of Georgia where he lived about seven years he does not recollect how long he lived in Edgefield S.C.before he moved to Georgia. He removed from Georgia to the State of Tennessee, Roane County, where he resided about five years from where he removed to Hamilton County where he has resided about eighteen years - being a resident here before the county was organized and still resides there. He has stated how he was called into service and the several circumstances of his service as well as he can recollect. He has stated all he recollects about his discharges
.....He states that he is known in his present neighborhood to David Henderson, Esq and James Russell who can testify as to his character for veracity and good behavior and their belief of his services as a soldier of the revolution but not to any clergyman whom he can obtain.
.....He hereby relinquishes every claim whatever to a pension or annuity except the present and he declares that his name is not on the pension role of the agency of any state.
Sworn to and subscribed to ) Signed Demsey Tiner
this day and place aforesaid )
in open Court
Attest Asabel Rawlings
I Davis C. Grisham, Clerk of the Inferior Court of said County in said State do hereby certify that it was proved in Open Court that Demsey Tyner who formerly lived in Hamilton County State of Tennessee, departed this life in the County of Meriwether and State of Georgia on the Thirteenth of October Eighteen hundred and forty two, and that Obedience Tyner the applicant for arrears of pension is the widow of the said Demsey Tyner who was the identical person named in an original Certificate in the possession of the said Obedience Tyner of which (I certify) the following is a true copy:
I certify that in conformity with the laws of the United States of the 7th June 1832 Demsey Tyner of the State of Tennessee who was a private in the Army of the Revolution is entitled to receive Eighty dollars and --- cents per annum during his natural life commincing on the 4th of March 1831 and payable semi-annually on the 4th of March and 4th of September in every year.
John Robb Acting Secretary of War
Examined and Countersigned I. L. Edwards Commissioner of Pensions Georgia Meriwether County
The testamony advanced was satisfactory to the Court. Given under my hand and Seal of Office this 28th Oct. 1844
signed Davis C. Grisham Clk Infer. Court
Natioal Archives M804-2433, S. 1599 GEORGIA ) )
MERRIWEATHER COUNTY ) Enclosed I send you the claim of Obedience Tyner for arrears of Pension from the 4th of September 1838 until the 13th of October 1842. I applied at Knoxville to the Pension Agent, annd was informed that I would have to apply at the City of Washington in consequence of which I have taken a new Power of Attorney to receive it where ever the money may be ordered paid at. I have also enclosed the Original Warrant.
This 7th July 1845
John W. Shepherd
(Justice of Peace)
Know all men by these presents that I, Obedience Tyner of Merriweather County and State of Georgia, the widow of Dempsey Tyner, dec'd, a Revolutionary Pensioner of the United States, do hereby constitute and appoint John W. Shephard my true and lawful Attorney for me and in my name to receive from the agent of the United States for paying pensions, the arrears of Pensions due said Dempsey Tyner from fourth day of September Eighteen hundred and thirty Eight until his death October 13th 1842.
Witness my hand annd Seal this 30th of June 1845 )
Sealed and delivered in the) Obedience X Tyner
presence of )
Mary Tyner
John W. Shephard
-- 1843 Meriwether Co, GA -- Death
....."Dempsey Tyner was one of Hamilton County's earliest settlers. John S. Tyner, the founder of Tynersville, formed a company to fight for the Confederacy. But the Tyners had disappeared from the county by the end of the Civil War.
.....The Tyners are said to go back to England, where they lived near the Tyne River. In the early days in America, the name was sometimes spelled Tynes. A descendant said they were known in England as "shipbuilders and boisterous beer drinkers." Nicholas Tynes (Tyner) was in Isle of Wight County, Va., and Chowan County, N.C. In 1669 he sold 400 acres that he "lately purchased of Thomas Hoskinse" on the Chowan River. Nicholas Tyner Jr., of Isle of Wight County, received several hundred acres in Chowan County from his father, Nicholas Tyner, Sr. In 1716, he sold 450 acres of this property, including "all the houses, gardens, orchards, etc."
.....Dempsey Tyner ws born in Chowan County on Aug. 4, 1755, and was the son of William and Elizabeth Tyner. Dempsey moved to Edgefield District, S.C., along with some of his relatives. Harris Tyner died at Abbeville in 1844. William Tyner also moved to this section of South Carolina. He died in 1778. Dempsey Tyner joined the Patriot army while at Abbeville. After his Revolutionary War service, he moved to Jackson County, Ga., then he pushed on to Roane County, Tenn. He then moved to Hamilton County.
.....Dempsey Tyner's wife was Obedience "Biddy" Sevier. His sons apparently included John, Hiram, Reuben Jackson, Jackson, Jesse, Nathan, Lewis, Sevier and William H. John was born in 1789 and married Rachel Rider, who was born in 1793 in South Carolina. A daughter, Emaline was born in Rhea County in 1821. She married Isaac K. Burkhart, who was also from Rhea County. John Tyner died in 1850. Sevier and William Tyner of Hamilton County served in the fighting against the Seminole Indians in Florida in 1837-38. Reuben Jackson Tyner was in the Mexican War. He had married Jenny Carter at Roane County in 1811. Jackson Tyner married Mary Spivey at Putnam County, Ga., in 1826. William Tyner lived from about 1818 to 1861. His first wife was Lucy Ann. His second wife was Catherine Brigmon, whom he married at Walker County, Ga., in 1846.
.....Reuben Jackson Tyner helped build the little log schoolhouse in Chattanooga at Fifth and Lookout Streets. A daughter was Martha Tyner Papineau. Her daughter, Mrs. Minnie E. Fanning, lived on Battery Place.
.....Some of the Tyners married into the Indian tribes, and the wife of Dempsey Tyner was apparently from the Cherokees. A number of Tyner descendants later filed claims with the government for funds going to those with Indian ancestors. Dempsey and Lewis Tyner in 1821 in Hamilton County witnessed a deed from William Brown of the Cherokee Nation to John Cornett for property about a mile below the mouth of North Chickamauga Creek.
.....Dempsey Tyner died Oct. 13, 1842. Obedience Sevier Tyner lived her last days with Jackson and Mary Tyner in Meriweather County, Va."
Sent: Sunday, March 28, 2004 7:37 PM
.....In looking at the 1830 US census for Hamilton County, Tennessee, page 85 shows a Damsey Tyner age 70-79 and a female (Obedience?) age 70-79. Yet, I show them as both being deceased by Oct 1842 in Merriwether, Georgia.
.....Any comments? Did Dempsey and Obedience go back to Georgia?
.....A Lewis Tyner with six children and a wife are shown on page 84 of the same census. No other Tyners were listed.
"I have been trying to discover the origins of Obedience Tyner (Dempsey's wife) with little success. I did find her name in the book "History of the Lauderdales in America: 1714-1850 by Clint Lauderdale published by Heritage Books, Bowie Maryland, 1998. It references Frances Tyner and Robert Lauderdale, my 3g grandparents by saying that Frances was one half Cherokee, the daughter of Dempsey and Obedience Tyner (a Cherokee)...
Date: Thu, 12 Jan 2006 02:05:46 -0500 (EST)
From: Keri Ann Webster
To: TYNER-L at
I am on a trail of finding the history of Obedience. John Sevier who signed her marriage certificate as Obedience being indentured to, was Gov John Sevier. He was constantly in battle with Cherokee's, and met his match in Chief Dragging Canoe. It is quite clear after reading the history of John Sevier, that he
killed MANY Cherokees at times wiping out entire villages. It is most likely he abducted Obedience renamed her and used her as a slave. Dempsey Tyner was likely HIS Cherokee interpreter. Thus being given Obedience as a gift perhaps? I am talking to decsendants of Dragging Canoe, and hope they have more info for me. i will keep you all posted.
Keri Ann
Contributor: Mrs. Laurazeta Lewis Smith
Column 1 Page 1
John T. Owens & Eliza Ann Tyner were married on Sunday night the 21st of March A. D. 1830.
Willis Tyner and S. C. Greer were married the 20th of December A. D. 1838
Jackson Tyner and Eugenia C. Ligon were married on Tuesday morning the 27th of October 1863.
Column 2
Jackson Tyner, Sr. and Mary Spivey were married the 5th day of March A. D. 1826
William Eugene Huddleston and Hattie Knowles were married the 26th day of November A. D. 1893
Thomas Blanton Winton and Myrtle Beatrice Huddleston were married April 22nd, 1914
Carry Leon Yarbrough and Willie Lee Huddleston were married April 11, 1918
Page 2 Column 1
Jackson Tyner, Jr. was born February 21st A. D., 1816
Eugenia C. Ligon was born February the 14th 1821
Column 2
Willis Tyner was born May 1st A. D. 1810
Frances Tyner was born July 12th A. D. 1811
Eliza Ann Tyner was born April 17th, A. D. 1814
Harriet Tyner was born February 8, A. D. 1818
Matilda Tyner was born 2nd August A. D., 1821
Elizabeth Tyner was born January 29th, A. D. 1827
Sarah Jane Tyner was born December 26th A. D. 1829
Lucy Frances Tyner was born December 11th A. D., 1831
Josiah Jackson Sterling was born February 11th A. D., 1841
Page 3 Column 1
Joseph Tyner was born November 5th, 1829
W. E. Huddleston was born Sept. 18, 1874
Hattie Knowles Huddleston, wife of W. E. Huddleston was born March 11th A. D. 1874.
Velma Ruth Huddleston was born Oct. 20th, 1899
William Eugene Huddleston was born May12th A.D.,1905
Hattie Knowles Huddleston was born Nov. 24, A.D., 1907
Infant daughter of W. E. & Hattie Huddleston was born Nov. 24 A. D., 1907
Column 2
Charlie Huddleston was born May 2, 1870
Lizzie Slaughter, wife of Charlie Huddleston was born Sept. 27, 1872
Herman Perry Huddleston was born Nov. 15, 1893
Myrtle Beatrice Huddleston was born August 13, 1895
Leonard Gaines Huddleston was born April 25, 1897
Willie Lee Huddleston was born Aug. 29, 1899
Charlie Allen Huddleston was born Aug 23, 1901
Minnie Rebecca Huddleston was born Sept. 22, 1902
Thos. Oslin Huddleston was born July 12, 1905
Page 4, Column 1
Matilda Tyner departed this life on Tuesday night the 16th of April A.D., 1839
Demsey Tyner departed this life 13th of October A. D. 1842, aged 87 years
Jackson Tyner, Sr. departed this life on the 2nd December A.D., 1842, aged 66 years
Joseph Tyner departed this life 1840 May 31st, Aged 6months and 20 days
Dudley Youngblood departed this life on the 25th of September 1840, aged 32 years
Column 2
Willis Tyner departed this life on Wednesday night the 2nd of April A.D., 1863. His age fifty three years and eleven months and twenty one days.
John U. Brown departed this life in March
On the Apocrypha of Chapter 1 Esdras
Barbara A. Brown daughter of Ella Brown was born March 13, 1881
John W. Brownson son of Clarah Brown was born Aug. 11th, 1880
150.....i.....JACKSON TYNER, b. Abt. 1776, Abbeville District, South Carolina, USA; d. December 03, 1842, Meriwether County, Georgia, USA.
151.....ii......MARY ANN TYNER, b. August 18, 1780, Georgia, USA; d. Aft. 1871, Cave Springs, Jackson County, Georgia, USA.
.....iii.....WILLIAM TYNER, b. Abt. 1782, North Carolina.
152.....iv.....JESSE TYNER, b. Abt. 1789, Hamilton County, Tennessee, USA; d. Abt. 1854, Chickasaw Nation, Indian Territory (Oklahoma).
153.....v.....JOHN S. TYNER, b. Abt. 1789, North Carolina, USA; d. March 03, 1837, Rhea County, Tennessee, USA. RHODA TYNER, b. Abt. 1790, Cherokee Territory, North Carolina.
155.....vii.....REUBEN JACKSON TYNER, b. Abt. 1790, North Carolina, USA; d. March 01, 1867, Indian Territory, Oklahoma, USA.
156.....viii......SEVIER BERLIN TYNER, b. Abt. 1792, Ross Landing, Hamilton County, Tennessee; d. Ross Landing, Chataanooga, Hamilton Co., Tennessee.
.....ix.....NATHAN TYNER, b. Abt. 1794, Georgia; m. ELIZABETH ?; b. Abt. 1787.
.....x.....LEROY TYNER, b. Abt. 1798.
157.....xi.....FANNIE TYNER, b. Abt. 1800, Georgia; d. Bef. 1860, McDonald County, Missouri.
158.....xii.....LEWIS B. TYNER, b. Abt. 1800, Hamilton County, Tennessee, USA; d. May 13, 1876, Wauhillau, Adair, Oklahoma, USA.
.....i.....WILLIAM W. PADGETT, b. June 16, 1828.
.....ii.....MARY PADGETT, b. November 20, 1830.
.....i.....TURNER WATSON, b. 1800, Edgefield County, South Carolina.
159.....i.....SAMUEL PADGETT, b. 1800, Edgefield County, South Carolina.
.....ii.....MARGARET PADGETT, b. 1800, Edgefield County, South Carolina; d. Abt. 1844, Barbour, Alabama.
160.....iii......EZEKIAL PADGETT, b. 1805, Edgefield County, South Carolina; d. Abt. 1878, Edgefield County, North Carolina.
.....iv.....HENRY PADGETT, b. Abt. 1812, Edgefield County, South Carolina; d. Barbour, Alabama.
.....v.....LUCINDA PADGETT, b. 1822, Edgefield County, South Carolina; d. March 14, 1859, Barbour, Alabama; m. HENRY SMITH, March 14, 1859; b. Abt. 1818. PADGETT, b. 1823, Edgefield County, South Carolina; m. JAMES STEWART, October 31, 1852, Barbour, Alabama; b. Abt. 1821, Edgefield County, North Carolina.
.....vii.....PERMELIA PADGETT, b. 1825, Edgefield County, South Carolina; m. JAMES STEWART, March 29, 1860, Edgefield County, South Carolina; b. Abt. 1821, Edgefield County, North Carolina.
.....viii.....JOSIAH PADGETT, b. March 19, 1826, Edgefield County, South Carolina; d. April 19, 1874.
Some people put this Josiah here; others put him as the son of Josiah Padgett and Sarah Ann Watson. Who's right?
.....ix.....WESTLEY PADGETT, b. 1828, Edgefield County, South Carolina.
.....i.....MEGGY PADGETT.
162.....ii......RANEY PADGETT, b. Edgefield County, South Carolina.
.....iii.....ALPHA PADGETT.
.....iv.....RILEY PADGETT.
162.....v.....LEWIS PADGETT, b. Abt. 1820, Edgefield County, South Carolina. PADGETT, b. Abt. 1821, Edgefield County, South Carolina.
While hunting fo stray hogs, Josiah suddenly became ill and died a few hours later, per Bob Suddath's WorldTree "Suddath and Freeman Families" at
.....i.....JOSIAH PADGETT, b. March 19, 1826, Edgefield County, South Carolina; d. April 19, 1874, Edgefield County, North Carolina; m. (1) MARY ANN GLASS; m. (2) JEMIMA CORLEY; m. (3) MARTHA ANN ELLEN SUDDATH, October 26, 1855, Edgefield County, North Carolina; b. May 05, 1836, Edgefield County, North Carolina.
.....ii.....SION PADGETT, b. Edgefield County, North Carolina; d. January 05, 1849, Edgefield County, North Carolina.
.....iii.....WILLIAM PADGETT, b. Abt. 1820, Edgefield County, North Carolina; d. March 11, 1844.
Per Bob Suddath's WorldTree at, he was killed by a falling tree while clearing new ground.
.....iv.....MANCHESTER PADGETT, b. May 14, 1822, Edgefield County, North Carolina; d. July 28, 1885, Edgefield County, North Carolina; m. (1) SARAH ANN CORLEY; b. Abt. 1835, Edgefield County, North Carolina; m. (2) SUSAN CORLEY, November 10, 1842, Edgefield County, North Carolina; b. Abt. 1822.
.....v.....MILLY PADGETT, b. Abt. 1823, Edgefield County, North Carolina. ANN PADGETT, b. April 20, 1828, Edgefield County, North Carolina; d. April 16, 1892, Edgefield County, North Carolina.
164.....i.....RUSSELL PADGETT, b. Abt. 1819, Edgefield County, South Carolina; d. Abt. 1880.
165.....ii.....WILSON PADGETT, b. 1820, Edgefield County, South Carolina.
.....iii.....MILLEY PADGETT, b. Abt. 1821.
.....iv.....EIDSON PADGETT, b. Abt. 1826.
.....v.....DELILAH PADGETT, b. Abt. 1827. PADGETT, b. Abt. 1827.
166.....vii.....SAMUEL PADGETT, b. Abt. 1829.
.....viii.....WILBERT PADGETT, b. May 23, 1840.
167.....i.....EMRIGHT R. PADGETT, b. 1815, Edgefield County, South Carolina; d. 1862, Fayetteville, North Carolina.
.....ii.....WILLIAM BLUITT PADGETT, b. March 1819, Edgefield County, South Carolina.
.....iii.....INFRED PADGETT, b. 1820, Edgefield County, South Carolina.
.....iv.....ANANIAS PADGETT, b. 1828, Edgefield County, South Carolina.
.....v.....MANFRED A. PADGETT, b. 1832. R. PADGETT, b. 1834.
.....vii.....ARENTON PADGETT, b. 1845.
.....viii.....TABITHA PADGETT, b. 1847.
.....ix.....ESBENTON PADGETT, b. 1838.
.....x.....EMANUEL MANLEY PADGETT, b. 1840, Edgefield County, South Carolina.
.....i.....SEABORN JONES.
.....ii.....SIMPSON JONES.
169.....iii.....EZEKIEL JONES, b. Abt. 1810; d. Macon County, Georgia.
.....iv.....JOHN JONES.
169.....v......ALEXANDER POPE JONES, b. February 23, 1823, South Carolina; d. July 18, 1909, Taylor County, Georgia. JONES.
.....i.....EZEKIEL PADGETT, b. Abt. 1810.
.....ii.....MAHLON MOUSAN PADGETT, b. March 22, 1813, Batesburg, Moore's Creek, Edgefield County, South Carolina.
.....iii.....DANIEL J. PADGETT.
.....v.....MELISSA PADGETT. C. PADGETT, b. Abt. 1841; d. February 21, 1914.
171.....vii.....GEORGE WASHINGTON PADGETT, b. July 05, 1841; d. January 16, 1922, Randolph County, Alabama, USA.
172.....i.....MARY ANN WHITTLE, b. November 27, 1827, Clouds Creek, Edgefield County, SC; d. March 29, 1917, Springfield, Orangeburg County, South Carolina.
.....ii.....SAMPSON WHITTLE.
173.....i.....WESLEY MCGEE, b. Abt. 1825, Edgefield County, South Carolina.
174.....ii......ELIZABETH MCGEE, b. February 22, 1822, Edgefield County, South Carolina; d. September 14, 1900, Orangeburg, South Carolina.
.....iii.....READY MCGEE, b. Abt. 1831, Edgefield County, South Carolina.
.....iv.....JANE MCGEE, b. Abt. 1833.
.....v.....ELBERT MCGEE, b. Abt. 1835, Edgefield County, South Carolina. MCGEE, b. Abt. 1838, Edgefield County, South Carolina.
.....vii......ESBIN MCGEE, b. Abt. 1840, Edgefield County, South Carolina.
.....i......AMANDA PADGETT, b. Abt. 1828, Edgefield County, South Carolina.
.....ii.....NATHAN A. PADGETT, b. December 1829, Edgefield County, South Carolina.
176. iii.....JAMES M. PADGETT, b. September 29, 1832, Edgefield County, South Carolina; d. September 29, 1862, Little Rock, Arkansas.
.....iv.....MARY ANN PADGETT, b. Abt. 1835, Edgefield County, South Carolina.
176.....v.....WILLIAM J. PADGETT, b. February 11, 1837; d. July 10, 1912, Texas. PADGETT, b. Abt. 1838, Edgefield County, South Carolina.
177.....vii.....CICERO PIXLEY PADGETT, b. Abt. 1840, Edgefield County, South Carolina; d. Abt. 1920, Rusk County, Texas.
.....viii.....SARAH ANN PADGETT, b. Abt. 1842, Alabama.
.....ix.....EMMA ELIZA PADGETT, b. Abt. 1844, Alabama.
178.....x.....CHESLEY A. PADGETT, b. July 05, 1848, Alabama; d. March 18, 1899, Grand Saline, Van Zandt County, Texas.
.....xi.....ANDREW PADGETT, b. Abt. 1850, Alabama.
179.....xii.....TEXAS ELLEN PADGETT, b. Abt. 1852, Texas; d. Aft. 1900, Van Zandt County, Texas.
.....xiii.....MARTHA ELIZABETH PADGETT, b. July 02, 1854, Van Zandt County, Texas.
According to Bela Herlong, William Padgett left Edgefield County at the age of just 19 years old after requesting and receiving part of his inheritance from his father to make his fortune in Hamburg near Augusta due to being the youngest son and not in line to receive an inheritance. He bought ten acres and a little store that he enlarged. He ran it for three years and was very successful. By 1850, he had returned to Edgefield County and gained control of his father's estate which forced his brothers; Job, Jr, and Chesley to depart for Georgia and Alabama where they remained. William owned several plantations including one at Mt. Willing near Sardis Baptist Church (where he is buried) and owned many slaves whose descendants still live near Saluda. These slaves started Mt. Moses Baptist Church which is still active today.
In the 1860 South Carolina census for Edgefield Co., William has $30,000 real estate, $44,000 personal estate.
His will was administered in 1884 by Dr. John E. Padgett.
.....i.....JAMES D. PADGETT, b. Abt. 1821.
180.....ii.....MARY ANN PADGETT, b. April 17, 1825, Edgefield County, South Carolina; d. February 27, 1889, Newton, Georgia.
181.....iii.....JOHN ETHELBERT PADGETT, b. January 26, 1824, Edgefield County, South Carolina; d. April 03, 1875, Edgefield County, South Carolina.
182.....iv.....TILLMAN DAVIS PADGETT, b. August 14, 1826, Edgefield County, South Carolina; d. June 04, 1881, Edgefield County, South Carolina.
.....v.....MARGARET ELEANOR PADGETT, b. February 03, 1835. WILLIAM PADGETT, b. September 13, 1836, Edgefield County, South Carolina; d. March 31, 1913, Saluda County, South Carolina.
184.....vii.....MAHLON DEMARCUS PADGETT, b. January 26, 1838, Edgefield County, South Carolina; d. August 30, 1908, Batesburg, South Carolina.
.....viii.....ELIZA PADGETT, b. Abt. 1859.
.....ix.....WILLIAM B. PADGETT, b. 1860.
.....x.....DAVIS JACKSON PADGETT, b. April 24, 1861.
.....xi.....EUGENIA PADGETT, b. 1863.
.....xii.....JOSEPH JOB PADGETT, b. July 18, 1868.
.....xiii......CLYDE P. PADGETT, b. December 05, 1877.
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