by Jane A. Leavell

If these families interest you, you definitely need to contact Phyllis Hackleman for a copy of her book on the Hacklemans.

Never take anything on the Internet as a fact; consider it a good clue, and do the research to verify it. That goes for my stuff, too, because I am gullible.

Generation No. 1

1. ABRAM SAILORSwas born Abt. 1710 in Lucerne, Switzerland. He married CATHERINE SEYLERIA. She was born Abt. 1715.

The descendants claim that John Sailors, born ca. 1756, was 20 years younger than his sister Mary, born ca. 1736 in Germany. She married Michael Hechelman/Hackleman. Elijah Hackleman, a descendant, says siblings were Philip, Abram Jr., Leonard, Daniel, and several others whose names were no longer remembered, saying it was a "large family of children."

Abram is said to have come from Switzerland in 1737 to settle in Maryland. One source says he and his brothers landed at the Port of New Orleans. Another quotes Strassburger's PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN PIONEERS, page 42, where among the Palatine passengers of the ship "Pennsylvania Merchant," commanded by John Stedman, is one Abram Saler. That boat landed at Philadelphia 10 Sept 1731 from Dover, and before that from Rotterdam. Other sources says our Abram may have settled along the Susquehanna River on the border between Maryland and Pennsylvania.

According to Louis Hasbrouck Sahler's THE GENEALOGY OF THE SAHLERS OF THE USA, an Abraham Sahler of Hesse-Darmstadt settled at Perkioman, where he married Elizabeth Dubois (born 10 Sept. 1724) and had:
Issac Sahler.....married Eleanor Hartler
Abraham Sahler, Jr...... b. Sept. 1783 Montgomery, PA, married Tryntje van Wagenen
Elizabeth Sahler.....married Robert Patton
Rachel Sahler.....married John Gross
Catherine Sahler.....married Christian Gross
Daniel Sahler.....married Elizabeth van Wagenen
John Sahler.....married Ann Barlow
This Abram must have died cir. 1782, since volumes 16 & 17 of PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES (series 6) refer to many Sahlor men, with Isaac Sahlor and John Gross taxed for "Sahlor's estate."

L.H. Sahler's GENEALOGY OF THE SAHLER-GROSS FAMILIES (one volume, 38 pages) deals with Abrham Sahler (cir. 1724) of Montgomery, Lancaster, and York Co. PA

Other names that appear in the PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES in the 1780's include Conrad Sahlor, Valentine Sahlor, Matthias Sahlor, Jacob Sahlor, Henry Sailor, Jacob Sailor, Frederick Seiler, Michael Seiler, John Seiler Jr.

5274.....p. 244 Patent Book 15 Henry Heager 26 Nov. 1757 200 acres Andson Co. joining below Leonard Seallers in a fork of Killions Creek
976.....p. 158 Book 2: Jacob Sellers 23 May 1757 100 acres Duplin Co.
4860.....Abraham Sellers 13 March 1756 100 acres Duplin Co. between Hays and Clarks plantations
5697.....p. 339 Book 15: Peater Sealer 10 April 1761 240 acres Anson Co. on both sides of Middle Branch of Killyn's Creek joining Francis Beatey including his own improvements
(There are various other Sellers deeds in this book)

HACKLEMANS IN AMERICA suggests as other children:
WILLIAM SAILOR, entered land on west side of Buffalo Creek, NC, in 1774
HENRY SAILOR, resident of Stokes Co. NC in 1810
GEORGE LEONARD SAILORS/SAYLOR. A George Leonard Sailors/Saylor was administrator of Peter Saylor's estate in October 1762. George and William Armstrong provided 200 pounds security on Gasper Keener's estate. On June 6, 1774, George Leonard, of Tryon (now Lincoln) County, sold land on the middle fork of Killian's Creek which he purchased from Ulneck Crowder to Devlad Crites. On May 2, 1782, George Leonard sold to John Rudisill part of a grant to Grasper Keener. George Leonard, now of SC, sold to John Cutfreeterant land on both sides of Leopard's Creek. (Could George Leonard Sailors be Leonard Sailors?)

Are ANY of these people related to us? Is the tradition of John's father being Abram correct?

Your guess is as good as mine, at this point....

New data: from angieat 26 Jan 1999, gives Grantee data naming several Sailors/Saylors men. Also shows various spelling for the surname Sailors (Except Zach Salyers came from New Jersey, and may not be a relative at all):
file 21 Grantee Michael Heckleman, 1768 chainbearers Philip Sailor and Jacob Heckleman, on Andersons Mountain Creek.
file 272 Grantee Repentance Townsend, 1770, cb John Adam and John Saler, on Fishing Creek
file 496 Grantee John Bumgarner, 1772, cb James Martin and Phillip Sailler, on Leepers Creek of Catawba Rivr
file 680 Grantee Elias Moyer, 1771, cb Frederick Nestor and Leonard Saler, on Gay Creek
file 681 Grantee Frederick Stanker, 1771, cb Leonard Saler and Frederick Nestor, on Middle Creek
file 802 Grantee Jacob Heckleman, 1774, cb Zachariah Sayller and Petter Sailer, on Anderson Mill Creek of Catawba River
file 860 Grantee Frederick Reaper, 1768, cb Leonard Salers and Elias Moyer, on Middle Creek of Catawba River
file 1005 Grantee Jacob Stroupe, 1775, no cb listed, on Sailers Branch
file 1774 Grantee Zachariah Salyers (sic), 1783, cb Benjamin Saylers (sic) and Jonathan Salures (sic), on Hickory Creek
file 1840 Grantee Zachariah Salures (sic), 1783, cb Benjamin Salures (sic) and Jonathan Salures (sic), on Hickory Creek.

Abraham Saylors> Switzerland
Posted by: Janel Woodbury Date: July 14, 1999 at 08:41:13
In Reply to: Re: Nancy Sailors married John Tyner by JaneLeavell
In my genealogy and notes Abraham Saylors or Zoellers was born 1710 in Lucerne, Switzerland. He married Catherine Seyleria about 1731 in Switzerland. Some say that Seyleria was not her maiden name, only another variation of Saylors. Abraham came on the ship Harle to Philedelphia, PA 1 Sep 1736. I have the same children you do listed. My ancestor was Leonard Saylors who married Mary___? Their son Leonard married Amy Gant, their daughter Sarah Saylors married Elijah Hickey. Migration from MD or PA to Pendleton, SC to NC then to White Co., TN. Glad to share info.
Janel Woodbury.

Abram Sailors ..........& .....Winzan Copeland .....~ ~ ~ ~ ~

2......i......MARY ELIZABETH SAILORS, b. Abt. 1736; d. June 08, 1824, South Carolina.
.....ii......PHILIP SAILORS, b. Abt. 1738.

dear jane, i came across the article on john sailors on the lincoln co. message board. i'm very intrested in aquiring as much data on both the sailor and hackleman families that were in lincoln co.n.c. i'm decended from the earwood /yearwood families that lived next to both in lincoln co. one john yearwood of rutherford co. tn. stated in 1839 that he had known phillip sailors dec. [7-4-1818]since 1775 both in lincoln co. n.c. and in ruth. co. tn. phillips wife was mary ann, last name unknown. i'd like to know where the sailors were from maybe my yearwoods were from the same place.any information will be appreciated, also phillip and john yearwood served together in the rev.war in 1781. james smith antiochspeedway at
The Names Of Petitioners of Lincoln Co NC
19 Oct 1779
If this is your first encounter with the records of NC please be aware that the clerks spelled names in any and all ways, even within the same document. You will not be able to use the "find" key in these abstracts. You need to look at each name.
The original list is found in NC Legislature Papers, Box #27, Folder 19 Oct 1779, NC Archives. I abstracted this data in 1982. I later found the data listed in:
"Burke County, North Carolina Land Records 1779-1790 and Important Miscellaneous Records 1777-1800, Volume II." Edith Warren Huggins and published 1981. Mrs. Huggins' four-volume series of Burke Co. are still available from Southern Historical Press Inc., P.O. Box 738, Easley, South Carolina 19641-0738.
(Katherine Sullivan sully at was kind enough to furnish the following information) The first known petition was dated 25 December 1778 and presented to the General Assembly on 23 January 1779 (the one you have listed). There were three others: two dated 9 [or possibly 19] October 1779, and one dated 1782.
On 4 May 1782 the General Assembly approved the annexation of a portion of Burke Co. to Lincoln Co. A further annexation of part of Burke Co. to Lincoln Co. occurred in 1784. The area annexed in 1784 was the same area that in December 1842 became the new county of Catawba Co.
The original petitions are available at North Carolina Archives filed under the category of "General Assembly Sessions Records." To see the original petitions, email the NC Archives at
A part of Burke County was annexed to Lincoln Co, NC. The act of 1783 was amended in 1818 ... from the three cornered Island in the Catawba River to the bent of Little River in James Fox's land .. agreeable to the act of 1793 to have a portion of Burke county annexed to Lincoln county 1779 ....
Signatures on the petition are as follows: (they are not in alpha order, but in the order they appear on the original petition).
Robert Blackburn
Wm Cumberland
Danl McKesick
Wm (x) Kenner
James Martin
Miekl (x) Hackelman
John (x) Lindes
John Guice (?)
Wm Gant
Reuben (x) Guttry
Jacob (x) Heckleman
John (x) Bumgarner
Andres Chrislar
John (x) Keener
Michal (x) Miller
Isaac (x) Lollar, Sr
Isaac Lollar Jr
Jacob Lollar
Thomas Lollar
Thomas Welsh
Philip (x) Salar
John Willson
Fras. McCorkel
David McHorer
Petter (x) Linbarger
Michael (x) Houk
Niclass (x) Hellemon
James Fleming
Zachriah Saylers
Pettor (x) Saylor (Sayler?)
Iseah Saylers
Martain (x) Sayler
Wm Tuper
Wm Brison
Samuel Brison
Joseph Crankleton
James Henry
Stephen Gaskn
John Hawkins
Adam Perkins
Vincent .....
Richd Fleming
David Hodson
Cornalous Clark
Robt Barklay
John Cronkelton
Joseph Cronkleton Jr
Samuel Thompson
Samuel Fisher
James B .....
Thomas Clark
John Thompson
Hernry Thompson
Alexander Thompson
Robert McCusick
Wm Thompson
Ruben Simpson
Thomas Duncan
Elijah Sherrill
James Litten
John Robinson
Jacob Paintar
John Salling
John Paintor
Archebel Hamilton
James White
Nathan (x) Goins
Wm Hanby (?)
Samuel Hollandsworth
Moses Sherrill
James Clark
Wm Clark
Wm Simpson
James Holdsclaw
Jacob Sherrill
Wm Sherrill
Adam Sherrill
Joshua Sherrill
Thomas Orsborn
Jacob Orsborn
John McCail
James Rankin
Wm Allexander
John Alexander
James Allexander
Wm Loyd
John Loyd
Jacob Gabril
John (x) Horseberger
John Borland
Davd Robinson
Canl McKesick
Joseph Jons
Jacop Fradrick
Graff .. Yorty
Henry Hollmon
Fredricke Hoselberger
Jacob Sids (Sides?)
Conrate Mengmens
Peter ...
John Shuferd
John Shufred (two different signatures - Sr, Jr ??)
John Moll
Daniel Suferd
David Shuferd
John Shuferd
Davd Robinson
Philip Whitener
Joseph Smith
Isaac Vanhorn
........ Summey
Martin Colter
Thos. Wasdin
John Martin Shuferd
Philip Bostin
Wm Cumberland
Henry Grose
Isaac William
John (x) Horse
Wm Dosson
Richd West
Jb Weaver
Wm (x) Kiner
W Bernhard (x) Schaeiser
Henry Sumrow
Michael Sumrow
Michael Grindstaff
.....iii......ABRAM SAILORS JR., b. Abt. 1743.
3......iv......LEONARD SAILORS, b. Abt. 1748; d. Anderson, Pendleton, South Carolina.
4......v......DANIEL SAILORS, b. Abt. 1753, Maryland. SAILORS, b. Abt. 1756, Maryland; d. April 03, 1833, Lincoln County, North Carolina.

Generation No. 2

2. MARY ELIZABETH SAILORS (ABRAM) was born Abt. 1736, and died June 08, 1824 in South Carolina. She married MICHAEL HECKLEMAN March 1750/51. He was born Abt. 1720 in Germany, and died Abt. 1808 in Abbeville Co., South Carolina.

A Wabash County, IN, history article on Elijah Hackleman says the name means "little hook man," from the German "hakel," or "little hook."

According to descendant Elijah, Michael Hechleman emigrated to America at age 17 from Germany and was bound to a Maryland or Pennsylvania farmer for 3 years to cover the cost of his passage. Eventually he cleared 60 acres of land and squared his account, and married Mary Sailors in March, 1751.

One source says Michael and his brothers Abraham and Leonard landed at the Port of New Orleans.

Others quote Rupp, p. 198, and Strassberger, p. 399, who have a Michael Hackleman emigrating from the Wirtemberg, Alsace, and Zeibrucken area and landing Wednesday, Sept. 13, 1749 to Philadelphia on the ship CHRISTIAN, captained by Thomas Brady, from Rotterdam to Cowes, England.

From Elijah Hackleman's Diary (with his spelling corrected):
"Michael Hackleman was born in Germany about the year 1720. The precise time cannot now be ascertained. He emigrated to American in the 17th year of his age and was bound to a Maryland or Pennsylvania farmer for three years to pay his passage. He finally cleared 26 acres of land and squared the account. He married Mary Sailors in March 1751 and settled on the Susquehanna River near the lines between the states of Pennsylvania and Maryland. He was quite illiterate as regards an English Education, could hardly speak the English language so as to be understood. He died some time in the year 1808 in Abbeville District, South Carolina.

Note: Michael Hackleman was born probably in Nassau County, Germany, about 25 miles North West of Frankfort on the River Main and probably East of Koblenz on the Rhine. Some of my German neighbors say that there are some Haglomers still living there."

One Indiana county history says 3 brothers sailed from Germany to Mississippi and one, Jacob, with his wife Mary, moved to South Carolina. Michael did have two sons who ended up in the Lowndes County, Mississippi area.

Michael and wife Mary settled on the Susquehanna River near the line between Maryland and Pennsylvania. He spoke barely understandable English.

"Records of the Williams Township Congregation Churchbook at the Augsburg Confession in Sancon at Phillip Schlauch's, not far from the Big Lehigh and forks of the Delaware," in PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN CHURCH RECORDS, Vol. II, Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co. Inc. (1983) has the baptism of Johann Conrad and of Margaretha Catharina Hechelman, daughter of Michel and wife Elisabetha, born Nov. 25, 1753, baptized January 26, 1754, sp. Johannes Michel Lutz and wife Margaretha.

His name appears on a Burke County, South Carolina petition to have parts of Burke and Rowan formed into a new county, Lincoln. By October, 1770, he appears in Lincoln County, North Carolina deeds with wife "Elizabeth."

He had 60 acres and 9 slaves in 96th District, Abbeville, South Carolina in the 1787 tax lists.

#1705, p. 565 Michael Hackellman, 300 acres both sides Leopards Creek joining Brysons and John Bumgarners including his own improvements for complement. Entered 26 July 1779.

Brent Holcomb, TRYON-LINCOLN DEEDS, vol. I (1977) has:
p. 590-1 Oct. 1770
Michael Heckelman and wife Elizabeth of Tryon Co. to Saml. Martin of same for L10 land on both sides of Anderson Mountain Creek granted to sd. Heckelman 22 December 1768 adj. Sailors line. Wit: Isaac LeClare, Henry Lollar. (Heckelman signed with X's.)

p. 698-9 4 Oct 1784.....Michael Heckelman & wf. Elizabeth of Lincoln Co. to Valentine Little of same, for L140, land on both sides Leopard Creek adj. Thompson granted to sd. Heckelman 300 A 22 December 1768. (He signs with an M, she with a +)

1787 in census for Abbeville District, SC

Estate managed by Conrad & George Hackleman.

Climbing around on ladders in the County Recorders office in Abbeville several years, a cousin found original "Receipts and Expenditures of the Estate of Michael Hackleman." (The Will, assuming there was one, was lost when part of the Courthouse burned years ago.) One sheet listed on the payments from people who owed the estate: Cash from John Roberts $12.00, From Benjamin Ball $12.25, etc. showed 2 slaves (Lydia and Esther) valued at $475.00. There are a couple of interesting items on the disbursement side: To Reuben Brock for 3 gal, 1 quart, 1 pint of Brandy for the sale $3.37. To Archibald Reid, Whiskey for the sale $2.00. (A proven way to get the bids flowing.)

.....i......LYDIA HACKLEMAN, b. Abt. 1754, Maryland; d. Abt. 1769.
6......ii......JOHAN JACOB HACKLEMAN, b. July 16, 1752, Springfield Twp., Bucks, Pennsylvania; d. January 16, 1829, Rush County, Indiana.
.....iii......MARGARETHA CATHARINA HACKLEMAN, b. November 25, 1753, Bucks County, Pennsylvania.

"Records of the Williams Township Congregation Churchbook at the Augsburg Confession in Sancon at Phillip Schlauch's, not far from the Big Lehigh and forks of the Delaware," in PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN CHURCH RECORDS, Vol. II, Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co. Inc. (1983) has the baptism of Johann Conrad and of Margaretha Catharina Hechelman, daughter of Michel and wife Elisabetha, born Nov. 25, 1753, baptized January 26, 1754, sp. Johannes Michel Lutz and wife Margaretha.
.....iv......JOHANN CONRAD HACKLEMAN, b. April 27, 1758; d. Abt. 1833, Columbus, Lowndes, Mississippi.
"Records of the Williams Township Congregation Churchbook at the Augsburg Confession in Sancon at Phillip Schlauch's, not far from the Big Lehigh and forks of the Delaware," in PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN CHURCH RECORDS, Vol. II, Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co. Inc. (1983) has the baptism of Johann Conrad and of Margaretha Catharina Hechelman, daughter of Michel and wife Elisabetha, born Nov. 25, 1753, baptized January 26, 1754, sp. Johannes Michel Lutz and wife Margaretha.

Conrad’s godparents were Johann Conrad Dankel and his wife Catharina.

He never married. In an early time, probably 1810, he journeyed tothe state of Mississippi, and died there about 1833 or 1834.

7......v......GEORGE E. HACKLEMAN, b. Abt. 1770, Maryland; d. 1844, Columbus, Lowndes, Mississippi. HACKLEMAN, b. Abt. 1772; d. Abt. 1784, Iredell County, North Carolina. John drowned in the south fork of the Yadkin River, chasing the thief who stole two of his father's horses. At the ford was a shooting match, with most participants too drunk to warn him that recent rains flooded the river. He and a friend plunged in, and John alone drowned, 10 miles NE of Slatesville Court House, Iredell County, North Carolina.

3. LEONARD SAILORS (ABRAM) was born Abt. 1748, and died in Anderson, Pendleton, South Carolina. He married MARY ?.

The North Carolina Booklet, Vol. IX
The History of Lincoln County
By Alfred Nixon
At July Term, 1770, "Thomas Camel came into court and proved that the lower part of his ear was bit off in a fight with Steven Jones, and was not taken off by sentence of law; certified by whom it may concern." At a later term, "James Kelly comes into open Court of his own free will and in the presence of said court did acknowledge that in a quarrel between him and a certain Leonard Sailor on the evening of the 2nd day of June, 1773, he did bite off the upper part of the left ear of him, the said Leonard Sailor, who prays that the same be recorded in the minutes of the said court." This confession gave James Kelly such standing in the esteem of his Majesty's Justices that at the same term it was ordered by the Court that James Kelly serve as constable in the room of George Trout and that he swear in before Thomas Espy, Esq." From the court entries biting off ears was a popular way of fighting, but whole ears were at least an outward sign of honesty.

Posted by: Robin Saylor Davis Date: August 01, 1999 at 04:53:32
In Reply to: Re: Abraham Saylors> Switzerland by Janel Woodbury of 115
Janel, My William Alexander was born 1852 in White Co. TN. He was believed to be don of Jesse Saylors. Jesse parents were Frederick "Fed" Saylors married to Elisabeth Cameron. Fed was son of Leonrad SaylorsJr. and Amy Gant. Leonard son of Leonard Sr. Saylors and Mary ???. Leonrad Saylors son of Abraham Sayler and Catharina Seylerin. Ginger told to also to link up with you she says you have lots of info!!! Please email me I still have not been able to email you!! Thanks!!

The history below disagrees with the descendants I’ve outlined for Leonard in this version of the Sailors history (and unknown to me, my FTM’s memory gave out before the entire history was recorded…):

The Saylors of Saylors Crossroads Anderson S. C.
Posted by: Jackie Story Shaw Date: February 05, 2002 at 15:05:27
The Saylors of Saylors Crossroads, Anderson County, South Carolina
...I received this family history several weeks ago and I have reviewed this information, seen the documentation concerning the wills and testate papers. Also this information is combined from the history written by Albert Bruce Pruitt in 1976, the history of the Ashley Family written in 1986, also the research of Cheryl Ann Lowe. I have been to the Mt. Bethel Cemetery and personally seen the graves of the family members who are buried there.
...There is so much family information here and I wanted to share with others who may be researching. Maybe this will give others a starting place. I have much more concerning the families of William Jasper Sr. and William Jasper Jr. and their families. If anyone has information concerning these families I would love to hear form you.

Leonard and Mary were both born before 1755 according to census records. Albert Bruce Pruitt wrote a history of this family and their descendants in 1976 and said it was unclear where Leonard or Mary may have been born or who their parents were. However today there seems to be a lot of new documentation that Leonard and Mary lived and owned land in North Carolina before moving to South Carolina.
...Census records indicate Leonard appeared in Pendleton District South Carolina as early as 1790. Aside from census records and maybe some land records, according to the author of this history, the only South Carolina records of the couple is Leonard’s will dated October 14, 1811 and probated on October 29, 1811. The will was filed in a part of Old Pendleton District, which later became part of Anderson County.
...The Estate of Leonard Saylor, Anderson County, Estates Roll 610, South Carolina Archives: Leonard started his will with his name I Leonard Saylor Senior. Leonard signed the will "L S." After bequeathing his soul to his maker and body to dust, Leonard gave most of his belongings to his wife, Mary. She received a bay filly branded on the right shoulder with a single S; two cows and calves; all cooking and table furniture; all beds and furniture; loom and it’s furniture; house and land as long as she remains his widow; sufficient meat and bread for 1 year. Son George’s children 3 dollars each; daughter Margaret, and daughter Eve, son Abraham and son Leonard was given an equal share of the remaining estate after debts were paid.
...The personal property of the estate, which was not designated in the will of Leonard’s, were sold on the Second Day of November 1811. Notable among these possessions were Thomas and Priscilla two Negro slaves appraised at one hundred dollars for the pair. Eve Faith, Leonard’s daughter, bought both of them at a price of one hundred and twenty-two dollars from the estate sale. Also there were four books written in DUTCH, appraised at one dollar each which Abraham purchased. All the children purchased different items from the estate sale.
1. George Saylors
2. Margaret Saylors
3. Eve Saylors married James Faith
4. Abraham Saylors
5. Leonard Saylors Jr. was born 1786 died May 14, 1856 married Sarah Johnson born Feburary 7, 1793 died August 16-1881. Leonard Saylors Jr. and his descendants are buried in Mt. Bethel Church Cemetery near Saylors Cross Roads located about 12 miles south of the town of Anderson on Abbeville Highway. The location of this land is near the Abbeville county line.

Source of document Estate of Leonard Saylor, Anderson Co. Estates Roll 610, SC Archives
In the name of God I Leonard Saylor Senior of the State of South Carolina of Pendleton District, hereby make my last will as follows; that is first, my soul to God and my body to the dust. Secondly I give to my wife Mary my bay filly, three years old branded on the right shoulder with a single S. I also allow her two cows and calves, also all my cooking and table furniture, all my bed and furniture, my loom and all it furniture. I also allow her my house and land as long as she remains my widow. I allow her sufficient meat and bread for one year after my death. Secondly, I allow to my son George’s children, three dollars each. In the next place, I allow my daughter Margaret, my daughter Eva, my son Abraham, and my son Leonard to have an equal of the remainder of my estate, real and personal after paying of my just debts.
Lastly I allow Samuel Black Esquire to execute this my will. In witness where of I have placed my hand this the fourteenth day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eleven, on the thirty-six year of American Independence.
Leonard L S Saylor

Witness present and signed the will with their mark were Pivmenis Davis and John Davis

South Carolina Pendleton District by John Harris Esquire Ordinary of Pendleton District.
Personally appears before me, John Davis and being dully sworn on the Holy Evangelist of the Almighty God, make oath that day he saw Leonard Saylor sign, seal, publicly pronounce, and declare the within to contain his last will and testament that the Leonard Saylor was then of sound mind, memory, and understanding to the best of the deponents knowledge and belief. And that he John Davis did sign his name as a witness at the request of the deceased at the same time.
John Harris did appoint Samuel Black as the executor on the 29th day of October 1811. John Harris signed the document as Esquire Ordinary of Pendleton District.

Leonard Saylors Jr. was born 1786 in North Carolina according to information he gave the census taker in 1850. Leonard’s parents were Leonard Saylors Sr. and Mary (Maiden name is unknown). Leonard may have moved with his parents to South Carolina as early as 1790. Leonard died May 14, 1856, 70 years old and a consistent member of the Baptist faith as stated on his tombstone. Leonard Saylors is buried in Mt. Bethel Church Cemetery along with his wife Sara Johnson Saylors born February 7, 1793 and died August 16, 1881, age 88 years 6 months and 9 days. Sara was a consistent member of the Baptist faith as stated on her tombstone. There are two tombstone located at Mt. Bethel with the above information inscribed in the stone located with some of their children and grandchildren who were buried in the Cemetery. Lenard is how his name is spelled on his tombstone. However, on all the testate papers filed in Anderson District, South Carolina his name is spelled Leonard. The tombstone cutter must have made a mistake with the spelling. Below are picture of the tombstones. Leonard married Sarah Johnson sometime in the period 1810-1814, judging from the ages of their children. Sarah’s parents were born in Virginia and moved to South Carolina where Sara was born. Leonard and Sarah had four daughters and five sons.

1. Nimrod Saylors born about 1815 (lived out of the state of South Carolina in 1856, according to testate papers and his wife, if he had one was never listed on any of the documents.
2. Nancy Saylors born about 1817 and married William Thomas Shaw
3. John B. Saylors born Feburary 20, 1820 and died January 25, 1867, and wife, Sarah she was born June 11, 1821 and died June 30, 1895 (Tombstone Mt. Bethel).
4. Leonard Pickney Saylors born 1821 and died 1836 (death recorded in Mount Bethel History, states he was 15 years old at death.)
5. Elizabeth Saylors born October 26, 1826 and died August 10, 1906. She married John Dove. (They lived out of the state of South Carolina in 1856, according to testate papers in 1856)
6. Anna Saylors born May 1829 and married Nicholas Callaham born May 1832 and died 1911.
7. Sarah Saylors about 1831and married George Dove (lived out of the state of South
Carolina according to testate papers in 1856)
8. David Washington Saylors born December 17, 1831 and died July 18, 1865 (tombstone Mt. Bethel) wife Caroline M born 1827 who died November 3, 1905 age 78 (Tombstone Mt. Bethel for both David W and Caroline)
9. William Jasper Saylors Sr. He married Lucinda Ashley the year his father died 1856. William was born July 7, 1838 and died April 10, 1919. Lucinda was born January 24, 1835 and died November 10, 1919.
Source: The testate papers filed in Anderson, South Carolina concerning the Estate of Leonard Saylors Jr.; South Carolina Archives, Anderson County, Estates Roll 1475. Also the tombstones in Mt. Bethel Baptist Church Cemetery, Route 1, Belton, South Carolina, 29627.

Three of Leonard Saylors Jr. sons were in the civil war.
1. David Washington Saylors private Company A 12th Regiment South Carolina Infantry; enlisted May 14, 1862, captured April 3, 1865 at Amelia Court House, released June 6, 1865 at Point Lookout, Maryland.
2. John B Saylors Private Company L Orr’s Rifles South Carolina Infantry, Captain John B Moore’s Company; enlisted July 20, 1861 for one year; private Company C 1st South Carolina State Troops on roll August first – December 1863.
3. William Jasper Saylors his record can be seen in the next chapter.

Mount Bethel Baptist Church was constituted on Saturday, February 13, 1836, and the family of Leonard Saylors Jr. lived nearby and was members of the new church. The church started out with a total membership of 35. The first burial at Mt. Bethel Cemetery was Leonard Pickney Saylors, the son of Leonard Saylors and Sara. During the churches first year children were playing on the church grounds located next to the school and Leonard Pickney Saylors who was 15 years of age developed a nose bleed and he bleed to death that day and was buried in the church cemetery.
Source: Mount Bethel Baptist Church History1836 – 1982.

Leonard’s farm in the 1850 agriculture census. There were 80 acres of improved land, 100 acres unimproved with land value of $750 and $150 in implements. There were two horses, three cows, six cattle, five sheep, and 30 swine, with live stock value of $180. Fifty pounds of potatoes, three bales cotton, six bushels beans, eighty bushels sweet potatoes, one hundred four pounds of butter, twelve pounds of honey, $30 home manufacture, and $40 in slaughtered animals.

Leonard Saylors Jr. left no will. On July 14, 1856 Herbert Hammond, Esquire Ordinary of Anderson District, appointed as administrators of the estate three of Leonard Saylors sons John B. Saylors, William J. Saylors, and David W. Saylors.
...John B. Saylors (son of Leonard, the deceased) supplied a letter on July 14, 1856 to Herbert Hammond Ordinary of Anderson District requesting the estate of Leonard Saylors Jr. be sold or divided. Leonard’s estate consisted of 183 acres more or less, on the waters of Bear Creek bounded by Col. James Robinson, James Drake and others. This land was located in the Martin Township of Anderson County, which is near the Mt. Bethel Church Community. The land was appraised at $1000.00. In his letter to the court John B. Saylors list those who are entitled to receive their distributive share first Sarah Saylors, widow of the deceased, Nimrod Saylors, John Dove and his wife, Elizabeth Dove, George W. Dove and his wife, Sarah Dove. John B. Saylors, William T. Shaw and his wife, Nancy Shaw, Nicholas Callaham and his wife Anna Callaham. David W. Saylors, and William J. Saylors. The three first named live beyond the limits of this state and the remaining five reside in Anderson District.
Sara (his widow) received what was known as lot number one, containing 84 acres appraised at $376.00. The remainder known as lot number two, containing 154 acres was appraised at $752.00 and the three sons recommended the land to be sold at Anderson Court House on a credit of 12 months. Lot number 2 was bid off by John B. Armstrong, for David W. Saylors and William J. Saylors at $600.00 with that being the highest bid, on Dec. 5, 1856.
...The appraisers appointed to appraise his property were James Drake, Enock H. Drake, and James Robinson. His land was appraised for $1000.00 His personal property was appraised and sold at the deceased home on October 15th 1856. The family members bought many of the items from his home and farm. Below is a list of some of the items and who purchased them.
Two beds and furniture @ 12.00 Purchased by widow Saylors
Lot of bed cloths @ 12.00 purchased by widow Saylors
One chest and cover @2.50 Purchased by Widow Saylors
One Spinning Wheel and lot of chairs @2.50 Purchased by widow Saylors
Lot of Jars and Jugs @2.50 Purchased by Isaac Saddler
Cupboard and contents @2.50; Purchased by widow Saylors
Lot of books and looking glass @2.00 Purchased by widow Saylors
Table and water vessels @1.50 Purchased by widow Saylors
Rifle gun @7.00 Purchased by John B. Saylors
2 saddlers @ 6.00 Purchased by Wm. T. Shaw
Lot of flour @ 3.50 Purchased by Widow Saylors
Mattock @ 3.35 Wm. J. Saylors
Lot of hoes and sundries @ 1.00 Purchased by Wm. J. Saylors
Road wagon @20.00 Purchased by Edward Ashely
Lot of Hogs @ 25.00 Purchased by Wm. J. Saylors
2 Sheep @2.00 Purchased by Wm. J. Saylors
Wash pot @ 2.00 Purchased by Widow Saylors
One Sorrel horse @ 50.00 Purchased by Wm. T. Shaw
3 heard of cattle @16.00 Purchased by Wm. J. Saylors
Coffee mill @ 00.20 Purchased by Widow Saylors
....After Leonard Saylors Jr. died in 1856 Sarah survived until August 16, 1881 spending most of her time with her children and their families in the Mt. Bethel community. William Jasper their youngest son married Lucinda Ashley the same year that Leonard died and most probably they lived in the home with Sarah.

William was born July 7, 1834 the youngest of nine children and the forth son of Leonard Saylors Jr. and Sarah Johnson Saylors. In 1850 William is listed in the census as attending school during the previous year.
...William, who was 22 years old, married Lucinda C. Ashley in 1856. The same year his father Leonard died. Lucinda, 21 years old, was the daughter of Edward Ashley and Elizabeth Able. The picture is of William and Lucinda made around 1910.
...Lucinda was born on January 24, 1835. Her family, the Ashley’s lived in the same area that the Sailors lived and both families attended Mount Bethel Baptist Church. Shortly after the birth of their third child, the Civil War arrived and William was going to enlist. At the insistence of his wife, the new baby was named William Jasper Junior.

The great struggle came as a thunderbolt from the storm that had been brewing for some time. It was neither welcomed nor expected but the people of the South responded to the call to arms with earnestness and decision. It was South Carolina who took the initiative. The Confederacy was formed February 8,1861. The Confederates troops aimed their guns at Fort Sumter in South Carolina and fired the first shot that began the Civil War on an April morning in 1861.
..Never has such patriotism and such zeal to help been shown of the South. They wiped all tears away and started to work. The women of Mount Bethel Community, just like all the other women in communities all across the South, they forgot their fears and anxiety and began to make comfortable outfits for their sons and husbands. Everything was made by hand. Women were busy with their needles, men with their rifles, both preparing for a great and common cause. Young men, as much as they disliked leaving loved ones at home, were thrilled with the war spirit and longed to reach Columbia where companies and regiments were formed.
..William enlisted at the Anderson Court House, December 28, 1861. Then he was transferred to Columbia. William was placed in Company A of the 12th Regiment South Carolina Volunteers along with many of his neighbors and kinfolk from the Mount Bethel community.
..This regiment was first sent to defend Charleston Harbor, which seemed almost mandatory for South Carolina troops. In the spring of 1862, the regiment was sent to Richmond as a part of Gregg’s Brigade so named for their commander General Maxcy Gregg. This brigade participated in all the battles of the Army of Northern Virginia until the surrender. The brigade is most notable mentioned for service during the first day of the Second Manassas, where about 50% of the men were killed or wounded, and during the first day of Gettysburg. General Gregg was unintentionally killed, by his own troops, at Fredricksburg. The regiment was then commanded by General Pender until Gettysburg, at which time the boys on the other side of the line wounded General Pender. After Gettysburg, General Samuel McGowan commanded the regiment. Through all these battles, William Saylors’ record is very scarce. There is one mention that he served as guard for horses of Hampton’s Leigon during Gettysburg, along with other of his regiment. Then William was captured about a week before the surrender. This happened at the Battle of Five Forks southwest of Petersburg. The generals in command were off having fried chicken, and most of the 12th Regiment was captured. William was sent to Hart’s Island in the Harbor of New York City. He was finally released in June 1865, about two months after the surrender.
...During the war, in August 1862, William received a furlough to visit home. During his visit, his only daughter Sarah became sick with Dyptheria. Sarah died August 20, 1862 and William had to return to the war immediately after the funeral. Little Sallie, as Sarah was called, was buried in the Mount Bethel Cemetery near the graves of her Sailors grandparents because this was the only site available on such short notice. Because he was on furlough at this time, William most probably missed the Second Battle of Manassas where so many of his regiment and brigade were killed or wounded.
...Meanwhile back home in the Mount Bethel Community, families were struggling just as they were all across the south. Most families had farms to maintain and with no men folk around to help. The women and small children had to take on the responsibilities of running the farm, tending to the farm animals and equipment, working the fields to prepare for crops, and preserving food. As you can see feeding the family became a daily struggle. Also, soon after the war had began all the seaports of the Southern States were blockaded. Everything went up enormously in price and what little dry goods and groceries that were available soon sold. There was a great scarcity in cloth and sewing notions, like needles and buttons, grain, sugar, coffee, tea, salt, soda, castor oil, paper and envelops. Then commenced the lesson of thrift, make shift and invention that developed so wonderfully during the struggle. Most families wore the same cloths for four years, thread bare and patched many times also they used thorns from the wild lemon bush for pins and buttons had to be made out of persimmon seeds; Grain had to be raised and ground into flour; people substituted parched wheat and rye for coffee; sweet potatoes, cut into tiny squares and dried in the sun were used for sugar; dried leaves of blackberry, sassafras roots, spice wood, and other herbs were used for tea; to have salt Lucinda like all of her neighbors would dig up the ground in the smokehouse, where the salt had dripped from the meat, which hung above. The dirt was put into a hopper and dipped down into a vessel then boiled, getting the sediment, which was a brown salt. Soda, too, was scarce; it had to be made by burning cloth using one-half pint of castor oil. Castor Oil also was scarce and was kept in a secret hiding place. Letters were written on any kind of paper they were able to get and envelops were made out of wall paper or any paper blank on one side. Ink was made of oak balls or walnut juice.
..Then came a time when few things could be bought with Confederate money and every one bartered with everyone else. It is said that one woman swapped 30 yards of home spun cloth for one- half-pint of castor oil.
..News from the army was precious and when anyone in the community received a letter from a soldier it would be sent around to all the neighbors and read so that every one might keep up with the operation of the army.
...Mount Bethel Baptist Church was a source of hope and faith for the small community during the struggles, the adversity, and the sorrow that invaded the life of it members during these difficult times that were consequences brought about from this war.
...Lucinda, like all the other wives, lit their homes with tallow, wax candles and even pine knots during the late evening, as the family read from their Bible and prayed to God to bring their loved ones home safely.
...Lucinda’s children were just babies and she had to depend on her sisters, Millie Ashley Murdock, Lize Ashley, and Sarah Jane Ashley Mitchell to help out and occasionally they would give her food. William’s family lived nearby also, and they helped as they could. Just providing for the needs of your own family was almost all anyone could do during these difficult times.
...The War ended on April 9, 1865. William was released from prison about two months later and he walked home with two of his friends. William also had a Springfield rifle he was bringing home. When the three were a little way north of Anderson, William announced he would have to sit down and rest a while. The other two men were younger and eager to get home being so close and they left William sitting. In a little while William caught up with them, before they got home. William’s family was worried that he might have been killed, since there was little word about the people who had been captured and the people from Lee’s and Johnston’s Armies had already surrendered and most were home. The family saw William coming down the road and ran to welcome him home. But he stopped them and yelled that he had lice. He told them to put out a wash pot and some clean clothes by the barn for him to use. After he washed and dressed, they burned his uniform that Lucinda had made before the war, because it was infested with lice.
...While William was in the war he developed a childhood disease called the Mumps. For children the disease is uncomplicated with about a week of recovery. However, for an adult male the Mumps can be a serious illness, leaving the adult male sterile, unable to father children. William and Lucinda only had the three children even though they tried to have more children after he returned from the war.

...William bought the first part of the land at Saylors Crossroads, the intersection of S C highway 185 and 284, in the following way. The land was for sale at an auction. Another man outbid William. The man later met William and remarked, “You really wanted that land.” He then made a deal to trade the land to William for $400.00 and a shotgun, which William had, and the man admired. The deal was made and William owned the first part of his land. This part later went to his younger son William J. Saylors, Jr. William later bought the adjacent land across the road with the understanding that his two sons would share equally in paying for that land. This second plot was later given to William’s older son John Thomas Saylors.

...The old house is the Saylors home place located at Saylors Cross Roads in the Mount Bethel Community. Which was the site of numerous Family Reunions over the years. William built their home at Saylors Crossroads. He started with one room then built additions, as more room was needed. In the beginning the kitchen was separate with a dirt floor. William and Lucinda began with a small family of two boys; little Sallie died as a young child. However, as you can see the family soon multiplied producing twenty-three grandchildren. Many of the grandchildren lived nearby and always filled their home with laughter and childhood amusement. They referred to William as “Pap” and Lucinda as “Mam”. The photo above was their family; Pap and Mam are in the center and he has a long white beard. John Thomas and his family are on the left side and William Jasper Jr. and his family are on the right side. This photo was taken at the home of William Jasper Jr. around 1910-1911. Cheryl Ann Lowe Haguewood, the daughter of Wayne Clark Lowe graciously shared this print. The original picture belonged to Marvin Lowe, the fourth child of Bessie Saylors.

...William was a farmer and his farm was listed as following in the agriculture census for Anderson, South Carolina. 1860 William had zero acres; perhaps he used some of the acres of his brother David Washington Saylors. There was $75. in implements, one horse, two cows, three cattle, 7 swine, with livestock value of $50. Production was seventy- five bushels corn, one bale cotton, twenty bushels beans, fifty pounds of butter, one ton hay, $10. Home manufacture, and $40 in slaughter.
...By 1870, William’s farm had progressed all the way to ten whole acres improved land with value of $200 and $5 in implements. There were one horse, one cow, two cattle, four Sheep, two swine, with livestock value $114. Production fifty-two pounds of butter, $25 home manufacture, $25 in slaughter, with total value of $ 262.
...Then in 1880 William is listed with 40 acres improved land, implements, $10 in building repair, $45 spent for fertilizer, livestock value of $183, and production value $772. There were two mules, two cows, two cattle, one calf, four swine, and nine chickens. Production was fifty pounds butter, fifty-two dozen eggs, and fourteen acres corn yielding one-hundred-fifty bushels, two acres cotton yielding ten bales, twenty bushels peas, twenty-five bushels sweet potatoes, and fifteen cords of wood sold for $22.
...William died April 10, 1912 and was buried in Mt. Bethel Cemetery. He was 78 years old and had lived about 35 years longer than his brother JB. He lived in the same area all of his adult life.
...Lucinda lived long enough to receive a pension for her husband’s service in the Civil War. She received twenty-nine dollars in 1916, thirty dollars in 1917, and thirty-two dollars in 1919 or ninety-one total for the final three years of her life. Lucinda died on November 10, 1919, and was buried beside her husband in Mt. Bethel Cemetery.

The Saylors families were members of Mount Bethel Baptist Church located less than a mile from their home. The information below was recorded in the church minutes and later added to a book about the History of Mt Bethel.
...He was elected a deacon in May 1876. Deacon William J. Saylors Sr., who was a member of Mt. Bethel for 49 years and a deacon for 40 years, died in April of 1912, and resolutions of respect to his memory were drawn up in the church minutes.
Source: Recorded on page 6 and 13 of the History of Mount Bethel Baptist Church 1836-1982

From the Church Minutes of Mount Bethel Baptist Church, recorded April of 1912.
In Memory of William J Saylors Sr.
Deacon W J Saylors Sr. departed this life April 10th 1912 after an illness of several months in the 78th year of his age he leaves an aged widow, two sons and a host of relatives and friends who will miss him in his church and community.
In 1855 about 57 years ago he was married to Miss Lucinda Ashley and together they have toiled and worshipped caring each others burdens and sharing each others joys and now she weeps alone waiting for the summons to call her home.
In 1853, about 59 years ago Brother Saylors joined Mt Bethel Church and was baptized by the late David Simmons of blessed memory. And in 1872 about 40 years ago was ordained as a deacon of the church which he has filled with satisfaction to the church as long as he lived, his was a sincere pure honorab

Children of LEONARD SAILORS and MARY ? are:
8......i......GEORGE LEONARD SAILORS, b. 1778, Abbeville, Abbeville, South Carolina; d. Aft. 1850, White County, Tennessee.
.....ii......MARGARET SAILORS.
.....iii......EVE SAILORS.
.....iv......ABRAHAM SAILORS.

4. DANIEL SAILORS (ABRAM) was born Abt. 1753 in Maryland. He married SALLEE ?.

Child of DANIEL SAILORS and SALLEE ? is:
9......i......DANIEL PHILIP SAILORS, b. Abt. 1786, Abbeville District, South Carolina; d. January 19, 1857, Tippah County, Mississippi.

5. JOHN SAILORS (ABRAM) was born Abt. 1756 in Maryland, and died April 03, 1833 in Lincoln County, North Carolina. He married (1) FANNY OSBORN Abt. 1775 in Lincoln County, North Carolina, daughter of THOMAS OSBORN and ELIZABETH SIMPSON. She was born February 02, 1759 in Baltimore County, Maryland, and died Abt. 1784 in Abbeville District, South Carolina. He married (2) ? GRUBBS Abt. 1785. She died January 03, 1826 in Rush County, Indiana.

Elijah Hackleman's REMINISCENCES says:
"At the commencement of the dispute of the Colonies and Great Brittain [sic], the neighborhood in which Sailors lived from its remoteness from seaboard, and from the difficulty of obtaining news, remained tranquil and peacible [sic] for a long time. Finally people began to take sides, and controversy sprang up. It was understood that there was to be a meeting of some kind at a store at the crossroads in the neighborhood. It was generally understood that there would be difficulty at that time. Finally the day of the meeting arrived, and the whole surrounding country, by common consent, rushed together at the store at the crossroads, men, women, and children. Some came armed, others came merely through curiousity to see the crowd. Among the latter was the subject of this sketch, having no idea as he afterwards related, that there would be any trouble, and in crossing a cornfield on his way, he cut a cornstick cane, and carried it along with him, supposing it would answer every purpose as a military weapon for him on that occasion.

But mark his astonishment, when he came in sight of the store. He saw squads of men riding in all directions, some dashing up the road, some rushing a cross the fields, and presently the sharp crack of rifles from almost every fence corner before him, and also from the woods, and bushes just across the little field, came the quick response.

Then John Sailor stood a moment in amazement at the scene before him, then flashed across his mind the appaling [sic] fact, that WAR had actually commenced in the Western Pioneer Settlements of North Carolina. In this moment of consternation he cast his eye on the weapon in his hand, A CORNSTOCK CANE.

There turning on his heel, fled from the scene of carnage, making his way home as fast as possible, taking down his trusty rifle and putting it in order to defend his country.

Prior to this time, what cared the hardy Western Pioneer of North Carolina for the paltry tax on a pound of tea? Why the whole country for miles around would not use a pound of tea in six months.

True they occasionally feasted on tea, but it was made of spice brush or sassafras root.

This first contest for Liberty in the Pioneer Settlements of North Carolina has almost faded away from the memory of man. It has always since been known as the "Battle of the Old Store" fought by Whigs and Tories, friends and nieghbors [sic] of former years, and here for the first time meeting each other as enemies on the field of Battle.

Here was laid the foundation for hard capacity for self defence that afterward showed itself on the battlefield. Ramsour's Mill and King's Mountain, in both of which the subject of this sketch was a participant...."

Abt 1775 to Lincoln Co. NC

October 19, 1779 signed petition to have Burke Co. NC annexed to Lincoln Co.

About 1784, to Abbeville, South Carolina; in 1786 owned South Carolina land. In 1787, in tax list, had 60 acres for 96th District, South Carolina. They had three children in SC, moved to Kentucky, then to Indiana.

In 1810, from Scott Co. KY to Franklin Co. IN

In 1822 settled in Rush County, Indiana

Living with son Conrad when he died. Buried on South bank of Little Flat Rock Creek; bur. SE qtr. of section 7, range 11, twp 13, 6 mi. SE of Rushville

A John Sahlor is on pg. 607 of PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES (Series 6, v. 16):
John Sahlor.....1783.....2 horses, 1 cattle
However, this is most likely the John Sahler, son of Abraham, who married Ann Barlow. (Louis Hasbrouch Sahler, THE GENEALOGY OF THE SAHLERS OF THE USA). That family included Isaac, Abraham Jr., Elizabeth, Rachel, Catherine, and Daniel.

Children of JOHN SAILORS and FANNY OSBORN are:
10......i......JACOB SAILORS, b. Abt. 1776, Bruke (now Cawtaba) County, North Carolina; d. November 29, 1836, Rush County, Indiana.
11......ii......BENJAMIN SAILORS, b. 1780, Abbeville District, South Carolina; d. Fort Des Moines, Polk County, Iowa.
12......iii......THOMAS SAILORS, b. Abt. 1780, Abbeville District, South Carolina; d. November 17, 1842, Wabash County, Indiana.
13......iv......MICHAEL SAILORS, b. Abt. 1782, Abbeville District, South Carolina; d. Abt. 1838, Rush County, Indiana.
14......v......CATHERINE SAILORS, b. Abt. 1783; d. Abt. 1850, Rush County, Indiana. SAILORS, b. Abt. 1776, Lincoln County, North Carolina; d. January 25, 1846, America, Wabash, Indiana.

Child of JOHN SAILORS and ? GRUBBS is:
16......vii......ELIZABETH SAILORS, b. October 07, 1786, South Carolina; d. April 18, 1848, Rush County, Indiana.

Generation No. 3

6. JOHAN JACOB HACKLEMAN (MARY ELIZABETH SAILORS, ABRAM) was born July 16, 1752 in Springfield Twp., Bucks, Pennsylvania, and died January 16, 1829 in Rush County, Indiana. He met (1) MARY OSBORN September 23, 1773, daughter of THOMAS OSBORN and ELIZABETH SIMPSON. She was born June 25, 1754 in Maryland, and died June 08, 1824 in Rush County, Indiana. He married (2) MARY ANN ? October 10, 1824 in Fayette County, Indiana. She died November 27, 1824 in Rush County, Indiana. He married (3) REBECCA MCCARTHY November 09, 1826 in Rush County, Indiana. She died February 22, 1845 in Rush County, Indiana.

EARLY GERMAN CHURCH RECORDS has one from Springfield Lutheran Church:
Michael Heckelman, wf. Elisabetha: Johan Jacob born July 16, baptized Aug. 16, 1752. Sp. John Jacob Hasel, son of Elias Hasel & Anna Maria Seiler, dau. of Peter Seiler.

in Revolution, wounded in right arm, hired John Gant to serve his time remaining

to west side of King's Mt., Lincoln Co., NC shortly after marriage

1784 in spring, moved to Abbeville District, SC for 18 years

Joined the Turkey Creek Baptist Church, Abbeville District, SC on 8 Sep 1786. Dismissed on 11 Aug 1791 to organize the Hogskin Meeting House (later renamed Little River Meeting House. This is located near the present town of Due West.

August 26, 1803 from KY, filed for land in Indiana survey

1804 in spring, moved to banks of Ohio River in Boone Co. KY, opposite North Bend, OH

Jacob, James, and John Hackleman signed a petition 1 Oct. 1805 as unable to meet their land contracts due to crop failure. Petitioners lived in West Hamilton Co. Ohio, Dearborn and Franklin Co. IN. James Adair, Greenberry Lyons, and Moses Lyons also signed.

about 1806 to Whitewater, 3 mi. above Harrison, Indiana territory

1811 to Fayette Co., 2 mi. NW of Rush County, IN

10-22-1811, from Indiana Territory, filed for Indiana land

September 17, 1816, from Franklin County, IN, he filed again.

1821 in spring, to Rush County, IN, until his death

1829 left a will in Rush County in Book 1, page 60

Buried at Applegate Farm, six miles south of Rushville. Three wives are buried with him, in old burying ground he donated, with round unpolished stone marker

Notes for MARY OSBORN: Buried in family plot on Jacob's farm with him.

17......i......ELIZABETH HACKLEMAN, b. July 20, 1774, Lincoln Co., North Carolina; d. August 20, 1810, Fayette County, Indiana.
18......ii......ABRAHAM HACKLEMAN, b. September 25, 1775, King's Mountain, Lincoln, North Carolina; d. October 16, 1858, Cedar Grove, Wabash County, Indiana.
19......iii......SARAH HACKLEMAN, b. December 24, 1776, King's Mountain, Lincoln, North Carolina; d. September 02, 1865, Wabash, Wabash Co., Indiana.
20......iv......KATHERINE HACKLEMAN, b. August 08, 1778, King's Mountain, Lincoln, North Carolina; d. Abt. 1846.
21......v......ISAAC HACKLEMAN, b. March 26, 1780, King's Mountain, Lincoln, North Carolina; d. December 10, 1844, Harrison Twp. Fayette, Indiana. HACKLEMAN, b. November 17, 1781, King's Mountain, Lincoln, North Carolina; d. February 11, 1842, Rush County, Indiana.
23......vii......JACOB HACKLEMAN, b. January 14, 1784, Georgetown, Scott, Kentucky; d. Bef. March 16, 1854, Boone County, Indiana.
24......viii......JOHN HACKLEMAN, b. September 09, 1785, Abbeville District, South Carolina; d. February 19, 1864, Brookeville, Franklin, Indiana.
.....ix......SUSAN HACKLEMAN, b. September 09, 1787, Abbeville District, South Carolina; d. June 1871, Attica, Warren, Indiana; m. (1) SAMUEL WILLIAMS; b. Abt. 1780; d. Abt. 1839, Warren County, Indiana; m. (2) WILLIAM SMITH; m. (3) EPHRAIM CURD.
.....x......MICHAEL HACKLEMAN, b. April 12, 1789, Abbeville District, South Carolina; d. June 09, 1864, Fayette County, Indiana; m. CATHERINE WEBB, August 18, 1814, Franklin County, Indiana.

The Names Of Petitioners of Lincoln Co NC
19 Oct 1779
If this is your first encounter with the records of NC please be aware that the clerks spelled names in any and all ways, even within the same document. You will not be able to use the "find" key in these abstracts. You need to look at each name.
The original list is found in NC Legislature Papers, Box #27, Folder 19 Oct 1779, NC Archives. I abstracted this data in 1982. I later found the data listed in:
"Burke County, North Carolina Land Records 1779-1790 and Important Miscellaneous Records 1777-1800, Volume II." Edith Warren Huggins and published 1981. Mrs. Huggins' four-volume series of Burke Co. are still available from Southern Historical Press Inc., P.O. Box 738, Easley, South Carolina 19641-0738.
(Katherine Sullivan sully at was kind enough to furnish the following information) The first known petition was dated 25 December 1778 and presented to the General Assembly on 23 January 1779 (the one you have listed). There were three others: two dated 9 [or possibly 19] October 1779, and one dated 1782.
On 4 May 1782 the General Assembly approved the annexation of a portion of Burke Co. to Lincoln Co. A further annexation of part of Burke Co. to Lincoln Co. occurred in 1784. The area annexed in 1784 was the same area that in December 1842 became the new county of Catawba Co.
The original petitions are available at North Carolina Archives filed under the category of "General Assembly Sessions Records." To see the original petitions, email the NC Archives at
A part of Burke County was annexed to Lincoln Co, NC. The act of 1783 was amended in 1818 ... from the three cornered Island in the Catawba River to the bent of Little River in James Fox's land .. agreeable to the act of 1793 to have a portion of Burke county annexed to Lincoln county 1779 ....
Signatures on the petition are as follows: (they are not in alpha order, but in the order they appear on the original petition).
Robert Blackburn
Wm Cumberland
Danl McKesick
Wm (x) Kenner
James Martin
Miekl (x) Hackelman
John (x) Lindes
John Guice (?)
Wm Gant
Reuben (x) Guttry
Jacob (x) Heckleman
John (x) Bumgarner
Andres Chrislar
John (x) Keener
Michal (x) Miller
Isaac (x) Lollar, Sr
Isaac Lollar Jr
Jacob Lollar
Thomas Lollar
Thomas Welsh
Philip (x) Salar
John Willson
Fras. McCorkel
David McHorer
Petter (x) Linbarger
Michael (x) Houk
Niclass (x) Hellemon
James Fleming
Zachriah Saylers
Pettor (x) Saylor (Sayler?)
Iseah Saylers
Martain (x) Sayler
Wm Tuper
Wm Brison
Samuel Brison
Joseph Crankleton
James Henry
Stephen Gaskn
John Hawkins
Adam Perkins
Vincent .....
Richd Fleming
David Hodson
Cornalous Clark
Robt Barklay
John Cronkelton
Joseph Cronkleton Jr
Samuel Thompson
Samuel Fisher
James B .....
Thomas Clark
John Thompson
Hernry Thompson
Alexander Thompson
Robert McCusick
Wm Thompson
Ruben Simpson
Thomas Duncan
Elijah Sherrill
James Litten
John Robinson
Jacob Paintar
John Salling
John Paintor
Archebel Hamilton
James White
Nathan (x) Goins
Wm Hanby (?)
Samuel Hollandsworth
Moses Sherrill
James Clark
Wm Clark
Wm Simpson
James Holdsclaw
Jacob Sherrill
Wm Sherrill
Adam Sherrill
Joshua Sherrill
Thomas Orsborn
Jacob Orsborn
John McCail
James Rankin
Wm Allexander
John Alexander
James Allexander
Wm Loyd
John Loyd
Jacob Gabril
John (x) Horseberger
John Borland
Davd Robinson
Canl McKesick
Joseph Jons
Jacop Fradrick
Graff .. Yorty
Henry Hollmon
Fredricke Hoselberger
Jacob Sids (Sides?)
Conrate Mengmens
Peter ...
John Shuferd
John Shufred (two different signatures - Sr, Jr ??)
John Moll
Daniel Suferd
David Shuferd
John Shuferd
Davd Robinson
Philip Whitener
Joseph Smith
Isaac Vanhorn
........ Summey
Martin Colter
Thos. Wasdin
John Martin Shuferd
Philip Bostin
Wm Cumberland
Henry Grose
Isaac William
John (x) Horse
Wm Dosson
Richd West
Jb Weaver
Wm (x) Kiner
W Bernhard (x) Schaeiser
Henry Sumrow
Michael Sumrow
Michael Grindstaff

In 1829, a Michael Hackelman is on Fayette Co. IN taxpayers list

25......xi......THOMAS JEFFERSON HACKLEMAN, b. April 15, 1790, Abbeville District, South Carolina; d. Abt. 1878, Spencer Co., Indiana.
26......xii......FANNY HACKLEMAN, b. May 12, 1793, Abbeville District, South Carolina; d. March 24, 1876, Frankton, Madison County, Indiana.
.....xiii......MORILLA HACKLEMAN, b. June 11, 1799, Abbeville District, South Carolina; d. March 24, 1876, Parke County, Indiana; m. JAMES DAVIS, August 05, 1817.
27......xiv......MARY HACKLEMAN, b. December 17, 1781, King's Mountain, Lincoln, North Carolina; d. August 27, 1852, LaFontaine, Wabash, Indiana.

7. GEORGE E. HACKLEMAN (MARY ELIZABETH SAILORS, ABRAM) was born Abt. 1770 in Maryland, and died 1844 in Columbus, Lowndes, Mississippi. He married (1) ELIZABETH TAGGART. She was born Abt. 1772 in Maryland, and died Bef. 1840. He married (2) MARY HENRY.

George E. HACKLEMAN. Born ca 1770. George E. died in Lowndes County, Mississippi ca 1843; he was 73. Buried in Lebanon Cem., Lowndes County, Mississippi. Number of children not known.George Hackleman, son of Michael, lived for a while in SC. Some of his children were born there and some in Mississippi. All of his sons died prior to the Rebellion except Jesse, who went toTexas after the war. Some of George's daughters were still living in Mississippi in 1885. George died at his home two miles east of Columbus, Lowndes Co., MS.

George E. married Mary HENRY. Mary died bef 1840.

Posted by Jari Sinnwell on October 21, 1998 at 22:22:35:
In Reply to: George Hackleman posted by Jane Leavell on October 20, 1998 at 20:40:00:
I have Conrad's wife as Catherine Edmondson. I have Rachel Matilda's husband as Ambrose Eubanks, born 12 Jan 1816 in Alabama and died 2 Nov 1861 in Columbus, Mississippi

Some say George married Mary Henry, others say ELizabeth Taggart.

.....i......JAMES HACKLEMAN, b. Abt. 1805, South Carolina; d. January 12, 1865.
.....ii......ELIZABETH HACKLEMAN, b. May 08, 1806, South Carolina; d. September 11, 1871.
28......iii......CONRAD HACKLEMAN, b. Abt. 1811; d. Bef. October 06, 1857, Lowndes County, Mississippi.
29......iv......MARY M. HACKLEMAN, b. October 25, 1811, South Carolina?; d. January 16, 1871.
30......v......GEORGE BENSON HACKLEMAN, b. September 01, 1816, South Carolina; d. February 04, 1878, Sadler, Grayson County, Texas. C. HACKLEMAN, b. May 07, 1818, South Carolina; d. March 23, 1900, Millport, Lamar County, Alabama.
.....vii......CATHERINE HACKLEMAN, b. 1819, Mississippi; d. November 26, 1872, Lowndes County, Mississippi.
32......viii......RACHEL MATILDA H. HACKLEMAN, b. January 30, 1826, Mississippi; d. February 14, 1850, Columbus, Lowndes, Mississippi.

8. GEORGE LEONARD SAILORS (LEONARD, ABRAM) was born 1778 in Abbeville, Abbeville, South Carolina, and died Aft. 1850 in White County, Tennessee. He married ABIGAIL GANT Abt. 1797 in Pendleton, 96th District, South Carolina, daughter of WILLIAM GANT and ANNA WOOD. She was born Abt. 1775 in Rowan, North Carolina, and died Aft. 1798 in Pendleton County, South Carolina.

Abigail was the "...wife of Lenard Saylors..." according to the will of Cador Gantt in "A Collection of Upper South Carolina Genealogical and Family Records".

.....i......THOMAS SAILORS, b. Abt. 1798.
33......ii......FREDERICK SAILORS, b. Abt. 1799, Abbeville, South Carolina; d. October 25, 1873, White County, Tennessee.
.....iii......TABITHA SAILORS, b. Abt. 1799, Pendleton District, Anderson County, South Carolina.
.....iv......NANCY SAILORS, b. Abt. 1801.
34......v......WILLIAM M. SAILORS, b. February 08, 1802, Abbeville, South Carolina; d. September 27, 1850, Hancock County, Illinois. "CAIN" SAILORS, b. Abt. 1803. He m. LUCINDA ABLE on 05 Nov 1828 in White County, Tennessee. He m. MARY GALTON, b. abt 1827 TN. Children: John C. Sailors, b. ca. 1833; Sarah Ann Sailors, abt. 1834; David Leonard Sailors, b. 01 Aug 1834 Jackson Co., TN; William J. Sailors, b. abt. 1838; Henry H. Sailors, b. abt. 1841; Luiza J. Sailors, b. abt. 1849; Winfield Scott Sailors; Andrew P. Sailors; Charles Sailors.

1850 census; Dwelling 25, District 10, Jackson County, TN:
John Solers... 40... M ...NC
Mary Solers... 38... F ...TN
Sarah A Solers... 16... F ...TN
D ...15 ..M...TN
William J Solers... 12... M ...TN
Henry H Solers... 9... M... TN
The above is at the bottom of the page. The next page is missing.

Deceased: Luiza J. Saylors
Age: abt 84y
Birth Place: TN
Death: 18 Jul 1933
Father: Cain Saylors
Father's Birth Place: TN
Mother: Dina Lyda
Mother's Birth Place: TN
Spouse: George Saylors
Cemetery: Old Zion

.....vii......ANN SAILORS, b. September 15, 1806.
35......viii......ELIZABETH SAILORS, b. Abt. 1808, South Carolina; d. Abt. 1881, Putnam County, Tennessee.
36......ix......SARAH SAILORS, b. Abt. 1810, Abbeville District, South Carolina; d. White County, Tennessee.
.....x......CHARLOTTE SAILORS, b. Abt. 1812.
37......xi......ABRAHAM SAILORS, b. August 11, 1817, Abbeville, South Carolina; d. April 19, 1880, White County, Tennessee.

9. DANIEL PHILIP SAILORS (DANIEL, ABRAM) was born Abt. 1786 in Abbeville District, South Carolina, and died January 19, 1857 in Tippah County, Mississippi. He married (1) RACHEL HENRY Abt. 1817 in Tennessee, daughter of GEORGE HENRY and BETSY HACKLEMAN. She was born Abt. 1786 in Ireland, and died in Tennessee. He married (2) BETSY MOODY March 26, 1848 in Tennessee. She was born Abt. 1804 in North Carolina.

: Kristen says: Source:Letters from Barbara Roberts,1167 So. Peach #101, Fresno Ca. 93727. 1812 Tax List, Franklin Co., In (Oct., 1992) 1840 and 1850 Cencus, Lawrence Co., Tenn Lawrence Co., Tn Marriage Records Tippah Co., Miss Marriage Records Daniel Sailors, (b. 1786) is in the Lawrence Co., Tn. census of 1840. He also shows in this Co. in 1850. His listed children are: James b. 1820-1835 Philip b. 1820-1830 John b. 1821 On the same page of that census are listed a "Lancaster" family: Father Joseph b. 1770-1780 Joseph b. 1810-1820 Nathaniel b. 1810-1820 Our notes say that John Sailor married a Malinda Lancaster,(b. abt 1823) on the 8th of Sep. 1844, in Lawrence Co., Tn., and that Niclas Sailor, a younger son of Daniel, married a Nancy Lancaster (b. abt 1828) on the 18th of Nov. 1846.

Source Citation: Year: 1850; Census Place: District 7, Lawrence, Tennessee; Roll M432_886; Page: 362B; Image: 719.
David Sailors...64...SC...farmer...$200
Betsy Sailors...46...NC

38......i......JAMES SAILORS, b. Abt. 1818, Tennessee; d. January 19, 1857, Tippah, Mississippi.
.....ii......MARY SAILORS, b. Abt. 1819, Tennessee; m. WILLIAM WALDROUP, December 14, 1843, Tennessee.
39......iii......PHILIP SAILORS, b. Abt. 1820, Lawrenceburg, Lawrence, Tennessee.
40......iv......JOHN H. SAILORS, b. Abt. 1821, Lawrenceburg, Lawrence, Tennessee.
.....v......NICLAS SAILORS, b. Abt. 1826; m. NANCY LANCASTER, November 19, 1846, Mississippi; b. Abt. 1828, Mississippi. Tennessee State Marriages, 1780-2002 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2008. Original data: Tennessee State Marriages, 1780-2002. Nashville, TN, USA: Tennessee State Library and Archives. Microfilm. Name: Nicholas Saylors
Spouse: Nancy Lancaster
Marriage Date: 19 Nov 1846
Marriage County: Lawrence
Marriage State: Tennessee

Source Citation: Year: 1850; Census Place: , Titus, Texas; Roll: M432_915; Page: 108; Image: 198.
N Saylors...28...TN...farmer
Nancy Saylors...21...TN
John Saylors...2...TN
Added by rsalars_1 on 29 Nov 2008 (Randal Salars of New Mexico, USA)
.....Possible parents of Nicholas Saylors are Daniel Phillip Salars and Rachel Henry.
.....I really haven't been able to tie them together yet with sufficient evidence to make it a fact, so take it with a grain of salt.
.....Nicholas is the most likely father of John Calvin Salars at this point. Marriage license to Nancy Lancaster who is definitely the Mom of John Calvin and William A.Salars.
.....After marrying Nancy in November of 1846 (a few days after John Calvin was born), we find the family living in Titus County, Texas in the 1850 Census, pg 30.
.....They had another son, William A in 1851 in Arkansas .
.....Nicholas drops out of the picture somewhere between 1851 and 1854 when Nancy and George Hopkins were married in Lawrence County, Tn. (Also in the Titus county census on page 37 is John Saylors-possibly Nicholas' brother who married Malinda Lancaster-possibly Nancy Ann's sister-the families were also together in Tennessee)
.....By the 1860 Census we find Nancy Ann married to George W. Hopkins in Tipah County, Mississippi and the family is prety easy to trace up to the present time. (Nancy age 31, John Calvin age 12 and William A age 9).
.....The spelling of the last name also undergoes changes during this period, from Nicholas Sailors, to John Calvin and William A Sailers (when the boys are living with George Hopkins).
.....It remains as Sailers during the 1870 Census (Nancy age 41, John age 22 and William age 19)
.....By the 1880 Census, both John Calvin and William A (along with their families) are spelling their name as Salars.
.....(But it goes back to Saylors in the 1900 Census when Mary Emily Fry s married to Fred Lee)
.....Today, in my branch of the family, it is spelled Salars. SAILORS, b. Abt. 1828, Tennessee; d. Abt. 1830, Tennessee.
41......vii......SALLIE SAILORS, b. October 08, 1831, Tennessee; d. January 09, 1911, Tippah County, Mississippi.

10. JACOB SAILORS (JOHN, ABRAM) was born Abt. 1776 in Bruke (now Cawtaba) County, North Carolina, and died November 29, 1836 in Rush County, Indiana. He married NANCY LACY Abt. 1799 in Abbeville Co., South Carolina, daughter of JOHN LACY and ALICE SYDNOR. She was born Abt. 1780 in Hallifax County, Virginia, and died Bef. 1874.

In 1804, to Scott County, Kentucky. In 1806, to Brookville, Franklin, IN. In 1812, Gov. Jennings appointed Jacob a Capt. in 7th Reg. Indiana Militia for 5 yrs. In 1821, to Rush County, Indiana.

Property: February 06, 1841, Estate papers Rush Co., Ind batch # 7130815

Residence: Montgomery Co., Virginia

Probate book 3, 1841-3, p. 220 says Conrad Sailors was appointed administrator 19 Oct 1836 of Jacob Sailor's estate. In final settlement were widow; W.G. Sailors; M. Sailors; John Sailors; Fanny Sailors; J.L. Sailors; C. Sailors. Feb. term 1842.

Jacob's body was dug up in March 1845 from Hackleman farm cemetery and taken to Pleasant Run Cemetery 5 miles SW. The body had petrified and was hard as a rock.

Notes for NANCY LACY:
Two different parentages are offered for Nancy: Zilpha and an unknown Lacy, and John Lacy & Alice Sydnor. Who's right? Who knows?

Zilpha Lacy's will was dated 18 October 1804 Abbeville District, SC and recorded in January, 1805. Children named are Nancy, Elizabeth, Charles, Caleb, Stephen, and Fields. Fields (or Fielding) moved to Fayette Co. IN and then to Fountain Co. IN. Zilpha's husband is unknown.

Looking for descendants of Zilpah Lacy. She died in 1804 in Abbeville, SC and had six children. Most of her children settled in Franklin Co., Indiana; Hamilton Co., OH and Fountain Co., IN. The six children were 1) Nancy who married Jacob Sailors 2) Elizabeth 3) Charles who married Patsy ? 4) Stephen married Elizabeth ? 5) Caleb (I believe this is the Caleb who married Lucy Lydia Horton) 6) Fielding married Martha Glover.
Question 9759 submitted by Rochelle Riordan pj5 at on 01/11/97
.....Zilpah was the mother of our ancestor, Fielding. Zilpah means "vanishing" in Hebrew. Her husband's name is unknown at this time. Her husband was probably was Thomas and her maiden name may have been Fields with Obediah being either her brother or father. Obediah Fields' estate was administered in 1802 in the Abbeville District. His wife's name was Catherine. Douglas Burton made bond and Thomas Osborn inventoried her estate. A Thomas Lacey joined the militia in Abbeville and served under Lt. William Conaway and Captains John Lindsay and John Norwood during 1781 and 1782. He lost a horse and saddle. In addition, he supplied 150 pounds of pork for the militia. In July, 1791, Thomas Lacy and Obediah Fields were dismissed from the Turkey Creek (of Saluda) Baptist Church. (This church was constituted January 29, 1785.) In the 1800 census, Zilpah is listed at "Sils" and has with her 2 males under 10, 2 males 10-16. She is listed as being 26-45. Zilpah wrote her will October 18, 1804 and it was proved January 7, 1805 in Abbeville Co., SC. "...I dispose of in manner and form following to each of my daughters viz Nancy one shilling sterling, to my daughter Elizabeth one shilling like money, to my son Charles one shilling sterling, to my son Caleb one shilling sterling but first the property to be sold at twelve months credit and after paying the aforesaid the estate to be equally divided between my two sons Stephen and Fields and I do nominate my worthy friends John Oakley and John Cunningham to see this my last will and testament performed and fulfilled and as to my son, Fields, I leave him to the disposal of Executors to what they think best for his benefit and I do appoint these my executors to collect from B____ M_____ on account of his ______. Tom seven dollars and 37 1/2 cents from David McWhiter three dollars and 82 cents and dispose of it for to defray their expenses or otherwise as they shall think best." Witnesses were William L. Paris and Douglas Burton. Some of Zilpah's possessions included: 1 set of washing spoons, 2 chairs, bed clothes, cotton, a petticoat, 1 bedstock, 1 lot of clothes, a sifter, 6 spoons knives and forks, 2 pairs of cards, 1 basket, lumber, a quantity of corn, some leather, a spinning wheel, 4 reeds and 2 pairs of harnesses, a loom and a cow and calf. It is not known who Zilpah's daughters, Nancy and Elizabeth married however they were probably the oldest and married by 1800 for they were not listed with her in the census of that year. Fielding and his brother Charles moved to Franklin Co., Indiana by 1811. The "Franklin County History Atlas" says "at Brookville, there were Lacy's on the west fork". In 1811, Charles had one horse and was taxed $.50 on himself and 37 1/2 cents for his horse. In 1817, Charles is the only Lacy in Franklin Co., Indiana to appear on the tax list. On March 2, 1819, Charles and his wife, Patsy, sold land in the SW corner of Township 14, range 12, section 20 in Fayette County, Indiana for $2000.00. He had gotten this land in a Cincinnati land grant. The Fayette County, Indiana History has the following: "In March, 1819, Charles Lacy came to Connersville. He did not bring his family with him. He came for the purpose of building a cabin and putting out a small field of corn. The implements brought with him were carried on horses, pack-saddle fashion." Another brother, Stephen settled in Hamilton Co., OH before coming to Indiana. In the 1820 census of Hamilton Co., Stephen lists his age as 26-45. He is still residing in Hamilton County in Miami Township in 1830 and his age is listed as 40-50. The first record found for Stephen in Franklin Co., Indiana was on March 1, 1850 when be bought land in Township 11, range 13, section 15 on St. Mary's Road there. Whether Charles and Patsy remained in Franklin Co. is unknown. The only Charles Lacy listed in the 1820 census lived in Delaware County, Indiana and was 26-45 years old. This Charles lists two males under 10, 1 male 10-16, 4 females under 10, 1 female 10-16 and 1 female 26-45. In the 1830 census of Hamilton Co., OH there is a Charles listed. The whereabouts of Caleb is unknown. There was a Caleb Lacy in the 1820 census of Lincoln Co., TN and another in the 1840 census of St. Clair Co., IL. FIELDING AND MARTHA (GLOVER) LACY Fielding was born between 1790 and 1797 in South Carolina. The exact date is not known and three different references list him as different ages. Martha was born in February of 1801.
.....Fielding and his brother Charles moved to Franklin Co., Indiana by 1811. On March 13, 1813, Fielding Lacy was a private in Captain William T. Huff's Company of the 7th Regiment of the Indiana militia. This was the date he mustered in and the expiration of his service was June 13, 1813. He was paid $8.00 per month with the total pay being $25.29. On August 30, 1816 Fielding married Martha Glover at Brookville in Franklin Co., Indiana. In 1820 Fielding and his family are living in Connersville in Fayette Co., Indiana.

Children of JACOB SAILORS and NANCY LACY are:
42......i......FANNY SAILORS, b. Abt. 1799, Little River, Abbeville District, South Carolina; d. Abt. 1858.
43......ii......NANCY SAILORS, b. December 10, 1799, Little River, Horry, South Carolina; d. August 31, 1876, LaFontaine, Wabash, Indiana.
44......iii......REUBEN SAILORS, b. February 09, 1801, Little River, Abbeville District, South Carolina; d. September 09, 1870, Ashland, Wabash County, Indiana.
45......iv......DELILAH SAILORS, b. Abt. 1803, Little River, Abbeville District, South Carolina; d. April 25, 1870, Lafountaine, Wabash, Indiana.
46......v......LETTA SAILORS, b. November 08, 1804, Little River, Abbeville District, South Carolina; d. June 26, 1845, Rush County, Indiana. SAILORS, b. Abt. 1805, Abbeville District, South Carolina; d. 1879, Lafontaine, Wabash, Indiana.
48......vii......FALLACIA SAILORS, b. Abt. 1806; d. April 22, 1845, Rush County, Indiana.
49......viii......JOHN SAILORS, b. Abt. 1810; d. May 28, 1845, Rush County, Indiana.
50......ix......CHARLES HOMER SAILORS, b. Abt. October 14, 1811, Franklin (now Rush) County, Indiana; d. October 12, 1887, Wabash County, Indiana.
51......x......JACOB L. SAILORS, b. August 23, 1813, Franklin (now Rush) County, Indiana; d. June 26, 1888, Wabash County, Indiana.

11. BENJAMIN SAILORS (JOHN, ABRAM) was born 1780 in Abbeville District, South Carolina, and died in Fort Des Moines, Polk County, Iowa. He married (1) MARGARET ?. He married (2) KERVILLES EVANS July 23, 1822 in Rush County, Indiana.

Married four times. Two known children.Benjamin lived some time in Tennessee, then Kentucky, then inFranklin Co., IN. Of his children little is known

Hi, I hope one of you can help me witth the downline past Benjamin. My cousin and I disagree on the line that we are in. She shows us in your line but I don't. Do you show a John B Saylor (Sailor) who was married to Mary Howard as the son of Benjamin. IShe shows Benjamin married four times where I show two and possilby three. One of the wifes that I show has the same last name as one that she list but a different first name. The one I show is Curilla Evans and she is listed as wife on the censuses that I have, and she shows a Kervillez Evans. The Benjamin that I show in my line was a brick mason and according to her note he owned a tavern. The one I have was from a strict Presbyterian back ground and I'm inclined to think that that doesn't fit in with a tavern owner. Any help that you can give us is greatly appreciated. Her Benjamin was born 1780, in Abbeyville District SC and My Benjamin was born June 13, 1781 in Charleston SC. I don't know where Abbeyville District is. This could be the sme Benjamin and if it is I can provide a lot of information about his line. It just doesn't seem to me to match up. Help! Elaine Christensen, Oklahoma City, OK

Elijah Hackleman says, "A man of great energy " and he was a "fit speciman of Pioneer times." Married four times, once to Kervilles Evans on 23 July 1822 in Rush County, IN. Kids include Sally (married her cousin Thomas Pogue), Fanny (married Rueben Lines, died 25 March 1884), and John (a doctor, died shortly before 1878. He was a son of a later wife). Ben died in Fort Des Moines, Polk County, Iowa.
.....Phyllis Hackleman's book says "Benjamin left South Carolina to live in Tennessee for a while. From here he brought his two daughters to Kentucky, then to Franklin County, Indiana. In 1821, he moved to Rush County, Indiana. Here, in August of 1823, he was granted a license to operate a tavern. Benjamin lived in Indianapolis, Marion County, Indiana, for a while, then moved near Des Moines, Polk County, Iowa, where he died."
.....I hadn't thought of a Tavern being a hotel so I guess that works. He was a businessman and a stone mason. In some of my paper work it shows him one of the first to own land in the Saylorville area because he provided food and supplies to the military fort before the Indians were moved from their land. In every thing that I have and there are quite a few articles about John B Saylor, there was never a mention of him being a doctor. He contracted to build the first County Court House of Polk County, and I guess was pretty much the backbone of that settlement. He went as a suttler with the Civil War troops from Iowa, He was too old to serve in the war, and contracted some kind of disentery at Vickburg from living for days at a time on wild fruits, berries etc and died in Vivksburg, MS in 1863. I just can't see how Dr John and Our John B. Could be one and the same but I have a lot of information from John B. to the present to share. The wives that I show for Benjamin were Margaret ???, who he married about 1800 when he would have been only 19. Margaret after 1816. Margaret was the mother of, Elizabeth, Margaret Ann, Sarah, John B., Thomas T., Hiram H., Mary, and Benjamin S., the second wife I have is Curilla Evans, who was only 18 to Benjamin's 42 when they married and they had Jehu Perkins, Martha, Noah Noble, Emily Caroline, and I have several other names including the Fanny and Sally, but show them with this mother. . They are Conrad, Jane, Nancy, Snyder.( I Just found where I got these names of the other children). Most of my inforamtion is from family journals and Bibles etc. this list of Children were from a manual family tree from the 1960 complied by a descendent of Thomas Jefferson Saylor, grandson of Benjamin. These children were listed in the home on a census ??? and she questions that they may have been grandchildren that lived with them at that time. They are all listed with the last name of Saylor. If he married Margaret at 19 and was married 1800-1816+ and married Curilla at in 1823 and had another pascel of kids, and the 1850 Census of Polk County shows him still married to Curilla.Was there one before he was 19, the one you show as the first wife?. He might have had a period of 7 years between Margaret and Curilla for another wife.
.....In an article written by Avis Saylor McQuiston, daughter of John and grand-daughter of Benjamin Saylor, she wrote, "My grandfather Benjamin Saylor and family were the first to settle in the fall of 1845. They settled in the Fort Cory Grove area and Three Rivers County, IA. My father John B Saylor's place was a stopping place for the immigrants. He first kept the post office north of Des Moines. He was never known to charge for a nights lodging nor for favor he could confer upon them but was likely to give them a ham or a sack of seed or other things that they might need."
.....In another document it says" Benjamin Saylor, the father of John B., came to Polk County and settled near his son soon demonstrated that he was an active and public-spirited citizen. At the county election in 1846 he was chosen as one of the three county commissioners and discharged his duties too the general satisfaction of the people. The first meeting of the commissioners was held in a log cabin April 13, 1846 and one of their first orders was that the eagle side of the half dollar should be used as the County Seal. He was an active member of the Settlers Claim Club, really a law and order league, and ably performed his part in forwarding the interests of the county." Thius is from "Cityof DesMoines and Polk County" Vol 11, The S.J. Clarke Publishing Company, 1911 Pages 1073-1074
.....Benjamin's oldest son by Curilla Evans, Jehu Perkins was born in 1823 in Indiana, which matches the dates that you have for Benjamin there.
.....A letter from another "cousin" written in 1979 to my mother show Benjamin Saylor Sr. was born in South Carolina according to a 1850 County Census and was shown to be 69 years of age. He is not in the census record os 1856 in Polk County, but do not know when, where he died or was buried.
.....The notes that I have from the descendent written in the 1960 doesn't show Benjamin being the son of John, grandson of Abraham. This line goes to Benjamin's father being Henry, whose father was Jacob (1740-1800), whose father was Jacob B. (1701-1796) and back to Jacob (Seiler) b about 1680. This is very confusing because all the rest sems to correspond with minor differences after Benjamin.
.....Let me know what you think and if you need some of what I have let me know. Thanks for responding Elaine
----- Original Message -----
From: Little Calamity
To: Elaine Christensen
Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2001 6:46 PM
Subject: Re: Descendents of Abram Sailors, John Sailors, Benjamin Sailors

Elijah Hackleman says, "A man of great energy " and he was a "fit speciman of Pioneer times." Married four times, once to Kervilles Evans on 23 July 1822 in Rush County, IN. Kids include Sally (married her cousin Thomas Pogue), Fanny (married Rueben Lines, died 25 March 1884), and John (a doctor, died shortly before 1878. He was a son of a later wife). Ben died in Fort Des Moines, Polk County, Iowa.
.....Phyllis Hackleman's book says "Benjamin left South Carolina to live in Tennessee for a while. From here he brought his two daughters to Kentucky, then to Franklin County, Indiana. In 1821, he moved to Rush County, Indiana. Here, in August of 1823, he was granted a license to operate a tavern. Benjamin lived in Indianapolis, Marion County, Indiana, for a while, then moved near Des Moines, Polk County, Iowa, where he died."
.....Sounds to me like they DO match up. That John must be the one you have marrying Mary Howard. And Kervillez/Curilla are practically identical. Names get really weird spellings, especially in census and government records. I have an ancestor named Bernard Brady, and he showed in in a census as Barnhart Brady...which only makes sense if you say his name with a broad Irish drawl. Also, a tavern in those days was a place that provided a place to sleep and food to eat, as well as liquor--rather like a cheap hotel, not just a bar.
.....I'd love to see what data you have!
----- Original Message -----
From: Elaine Christensen
To: mschipbien at ; rapepper_2000 at ; fozzwad at ; nickiraell at ; level3 at ; kinfolk at ; tilston at ; LESH at ; springer at at
Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2001 6:32 PM
Subject: Descendents of Abram Sailors, John Sailors, Benjamin Sailors

Hi, I hope one of you can help me witth the downline past Benjamin. My cousin and I disagree on the line that we are in. She shows us in your line but I don't. Do you show a John B Saylor (Sailor) who was married to Mary Howard as the son of Benjamin. IShe shows Benjamin married four times where I show two and possilby three. One of the wifes that I show has the same last name as one that she list but a different first name. The one I show is Curilla Evans and she is listed as wife on the censuses that I have, and she shows a Kervillez Evans. The Benjamin that I show in my line was a brick mason and according to her note he owned a tavern. The one I have was from a strict Presbyterian back ground and I'm inclined to think that that doesn't fit in with a tavern owner. Any help that you can give us is greatly appreciated. Her Benjamin was born 1780, in Abbeyville District SC and My Benjamin was born June 13, 1781 in Charleston SC. I don't know where Abbeyville District is. This could be the sme Benjamin and if it is I can provide a lot of information about his line. It just doesn't seem to me to match up. Help! Elaine Christensen, Oklahoma City, OK

Children of BENJAMIN SAILORS and MARGARET ? are:
.....iii......SARAH SAILORS.
.....iv......JOHN B. SAILORS.
.....vii......MARY SAILORS.
.....viii......BENJAMIN SAILORS.

.....ix......SALLY SAILORS, m. THOMAS POGUE, July 25, 1819, Franklin County, Indiana.
.....x......DR. JOHN SAILORS, d. Bef. 1878. died shortly before 1878
.....xi......JEHU PERKINS SAILORS, m. MARTHA ANN BALES, November 19, 1848, Saylor Township, Polk, Iowa.
.....xii......MARTHA SAILORS.
.....xiii......NOAH NOBLE SAILORS.

12. THOMAS SAILORS (JOHN, ABRAM) was born Abt. 1780 in Abbeville District, South Carolina, and died November 17, 1842 in Wabash County, Indiana. He married (1) ? WAYNE. He married (2) SUSANNA CASE December 16, 1815 in Wayne County, Indiana, daughter of JACOB CASE and DORCAS GASPYE. She was born Abt. 1797 in Wayne, Indiana.

.....He was among the 1811 Franklin Co. IN taxpayers.
.....In 1821, he moved to Rush Co. IN, becoming one of the first Justices of the Peace there in 1824. He lost the 1838 Rush Co. election for Associate Judge.
.....In 1841, he moved to Wabash County, Indiana.
Per Elijah Hackleman: "In the fall of 1842, when deadening or girdling some land he cut a small gash above his knee, shortly after he came to Rush County on a visit. He accidentally gave his knee a slight strain when it inflamed and he died at my house on the 17th day of November 1842."

Children of THOMAS SAILORS and ? WAYNE are:
.....i......BENJAMIN HARRISON SAILORS, b. Abt. 1801; d. Abt. 1870, near bluffs of White River, Indiana; m. DARCUS CASE, Abt. 1835, Indiana.
52......ii......GEORGE WASHINGTON SAILORS, b. February 27, 1814; d. March 1854, Wabash County, Indiana.

53......iii......TOBITHA SAILORS, b. Abt. 1816, Indiana; d. Abt. 1850.

13. MICHAEL SAILORS (JOHN, ABRAM) was born Abt. 1782 in Abbeville District, South Carolina, and died Abt. 1838 in Rush County, Indiana. He married POLLY LOGAN. She was born Abt. 1795 in Vermont.

Event: Land Grant 30 AUG 1778 330 a in Rush Co., Indiana. (By 1782 he was delinquent in his taxes.)
Event: Taxpayer 1811 Franklin Co., Indiana

He was a brickmason by trade, was in several Indian fights--including Battle of Thorntown, Indiana--and the War of 1812, and had a fine singing voice, often singing pioneer songs for the neighbors. Elijah Hackleman wrote entertainingly of Michael's buffoonish behavior; see HACKLEMANS IN AMERICA 1749-1988 by Phyllis Hackleman.

.....i......JANE SAILORS, b. Abt. 1814.
54......ii......WILLIAM D. SAILORS, b. Abt. 1816, Grant County, Indiana; d. March 25, 1892.
.....iii......BETSY SAILORS, b. Abt. 1817.
55......iv......PEGGY SAILORS, b. Abt. 1819.
56......v......THOMAS SAILORS, b. Abt. 1823; d. December 01, 1884, Marion, Grant, Indiana, USA.

14. CATHERINE SAILORS (JOHN, ABRAM) was born Abt. 1783, and died Abt. 1850 in Rush County, Indiana. She married JOHN LINES 1802, son of HENRY LINES. He was born Unknown. See Lines genealogy on this website for descendants.

15. CONRAD SAILORS (JOHN, ABRAM) was born Abt. 1776 in Lincoln County, North Carolina, and died January 25, 1846 in America, Wabash, Indiana. He married KATHERINE HACKLEMAN in Abbeville District, South Carolina, daughter of JOHAN HACKLEMAN and MARY OSBORN. She was born August 08, 1778 in King's Mountain, Lincoln, North Carolina, and died Abt. 1846.

Conrad's first wife died three weeks after the marriage, possibly in Abbeville Co. SC. A Conrad Sailors married a Mary Runan 19 June 1792 in Shenandoah Co. Virginia; could this be him?

Second wife was cousin Katherine.

Conrad was a Baptist. In 1806, he was a prime mover in building Little Cedar Grove church, and first in building Little Flat Rock Creek church, Rush Co. IN.

Elijah Hackleman, in REMINISCENCES, describes his home: "...two miles below Brookville, Franklin County, Indiana Territory. This was then the border County. The great expanse of the west then remained an unbroken solitude and after the Battle of Tippiecanoe Indian depredations became frequent. In the neighborhood erected fortifactions for their defense, called Block Houses. Houses were made of large logs of trees and built to the height of fifteen or twenty feet. The logs were then projected about two or three feet over the wall of the main building and furnished with a suitable number of port holes for defense. The house was then reflected in with a wall and made of slods or logs, standing upright and sunk some three or four feet into the ground with bostins at each angel of the fort for its protection, made of same material, and to these Block Houses people often repaired for their protection and not infrequently were farm houses pickled in this manner. The house of Lewis Deweez at the mouth of Cedar Creek, and the house of Conrod Sailors one mile farther down were protected in this manner."

In 1811, he was on the 1st Franklin Co. Grand Jury. In 1816, Conrad was a major of militia in 6th Brigade 3rd Division, where Jacob Sailor was a captain. In 1817, Conrad was Justice of Peace for Franklin Co. IN, and he represented Franklin Co. in legislature 1818 and 1820.

In 1821, they to Rush County, Indiana; in the fall of 1845, to America, Wabash, IN to live with son-in-law Elijah Quick; that year at Christmas time, moved in with Judge Jesse D. Scott 1 mi. W of Ashland.

.....i......RILLER SAILORS, m. GILBERT MOORE, May 20, 1843, Rush County, Indiana.
65......ii......SUSAN SAILORS, b. 1798, Abbeville, South Carolina; d. 1847, Burlington, Desmond, Iowa, USA.
66......iii......ANNA SAILORS, b. August 20, 1799, Abbeville District, South Carolina; d. June 25, 1887, Rush County, Indiana.
67......iv......HEZEKIAH SAILORS, b. 1802, Kings Mountain, Abbeville District, South Carolina; d. August 10, 1835, Rush County, Indiana.
68......v......FRANCES SAILORS, b. 1806; d. March 08, 1879, Wabash County, Indiana. SAILORS, b. Abt. 1808, Rush County, Indiana; d. March 08, 1879, Grant County, Indiana.
70......vii......WILLIAM GIPSON SAILORS, b. April 16, 1813, Franklin County, Indiana; d. May 30, 1860, Rush County, Indiana.
71......viii......ELIZABETH SAILORS, b. October 11, 1813, Franklin County, Indiana; d. February 06, 1839, Rushville, Rush County, Indiana.
72......ix......JACOB SAILORS, b. Abt. 1815; d. July 08, 1876, Wabash County, Indiana.
.....x......PEGGY SAILORS, b. 1817, Franklin County, Indiana; m. JOHN RAY MCDANIEL, January 07, 1841, Wabash County, Indiana. Peggy Sailors had 8-9 children with John Ray, moved to Grant County, IN, after his death.
73......xi......POLLY SAILORS, b. 1804, Franklin County, Indiana; d. Abt. 1843, America, Wabash County, Indiana.

16. ELIZABETH SAILORS (JOHN, ABRAM) was born October 07, 1786 in South Carolina, and died April 18, 1848 in Rush County, Indiana. She married JEHU PERKINS, son of AUGUSTUS PERKINS and MARTHA LINES. He was born February 1785 in Lincoln Co., North Carolina, and died May 31, 1836 in Rushville, Rush County, Indiana.

Jehu Perkins settled in Franklin County IN in 1810, then in Fayette Co. IN until 1821, then to Rush Co. IN.

In 1820, he entered section 27 of Noble Township in Rush Co. and erected the first mills (water-driven and horse-powered), tavern, distillery, and store.

Baptist Church at Pleasant Run, Rush Co., IN has:
"Lord's Day Nov. 2 1823 Received by letter Delilah Alexander, Nancy Tyner, Alesey Cary, Elvera Taylor.
Brother Jehu Perkins received by letter from the church at Little Flat Rock. .....John Perkins Clerk pro tem"

17 June 1822 County Commissioners Amaziah Morgan, Jehu Perkins, and John Julian selected the site for the county seat, and April 1, 1822 at his home Jehu Perkins was named a county commissioner, per Mary Alexander's 1915 book SKETCHES OF RUSH COUNTY, INDIANA. He had a distillery and hosepower treadmill for the grinding of corn, then built a mill on Little Flat Rock, where Pleasant Run Baptist Church was later built.

Allegedly he had 21 children, but we have not identified them all. They are listed in the Perkins history on this website.

Generation No. 4

17. ELIZABETH HACKLEMAN (JOHAN JACOB, MARY ELIZABETH SAILORS, ABRAM) was born July 20, 1774 in Lincoln Co., North Carolina, and died August 20, 1810 in Fayette County, Indiana. She met WILLIAM DOVER TYNER Abt. 1793 in Lincoln County, North Carolina, son of HARRIS TYNER and NANCY ADAIR. He was born April 09, 1771 in Abbeville Co., South Carolina, and died September 18, 1855 in Decatur County, Indiana.

Elizabeth Hackleman was a Baptist. On August 2, 1810, she was bur. in Old Brick Meeting House Cemetery 2 mi. below Brookville, Franklin, IN.

William Tyner was a Baptist, buried at the Baptist Meeting House Southwest of Greensburg, IN. Some believe his middle name was Jasper, not Dover.

Elijah Hackleman, on the 4 families of Tyner, Hackleman, Osborn, and Sailors:
"On the 18th of March 1802, the families of William Tyner and Abraham Hackleman became brothers-in-law for each married the other's sister. They then started by packhorse to the new country of Kentucky, being the first of the four families to leave the neighborhood in the Abbeville District.
.....They came the immigrant route over Clinchhuts, past the crab orchards to Georgetown, Scott County, Kentucky. After a journey of five long weeks they stopped to make that country their home, but William Tyner and family soon moved to Ohio where he organized and established the first Baptist church in that state, their next move was to Brookville, Indiana. They joined the Baptist Church there, build in 1812, three miles from town.
.....They spent the remainder of their lives there and were buried in the churchyard...that cemetery was eventually abandoned and many bodies were removed to Brookville Cemetery but a monument still stands to mark the graves of William Tyner and wife. The old church has been taken over by the Indiana Historical Society."

Children of ELIZABETH HACKLEMAN and WILLIAM TYNER are on this website but in the Tyner history.

18. ABRAHAM HACKLEMAN (JOHAN JACOB, MARY ELIZABETH SAILORS, ABRAM) was born September 25, 1775 in King's Mountain, Lincoln, North Carolina, and died October 16, 1858 in Cedar Grove, Wabash, Indiana. He married MARGARET TYNER September 01, 1796 in North Carolina, daughter of HARRIS TYNER and NANCY ADAIR. She was born November 17, 1778 in Abbeville District, South Carolina, and died June 20, 1845 in Rush Co, Indiana.


March 18, 1802 stopped at Scott Co. KY by packhorse w/Wm. Tyner, their families, 4 hired men

In 1803 to Boone Co. KY on north bend of Ohio RiverJune 20, 1806 from Dearborn, IN filed on land in Indiana Survey.

Abraham Hackleman went up White River by boat in 1804 with William Tyner and Jacob Hackleman, and saw Indiana where Brookville now stands; journeyed on east to Richmond; and returned by way of Miami, Ohio.

In 1806 took family to Little Cedar Grove, Franklin, IN in spring

fought in War of 1812, 3 mons. under Capt. John Lyran in Franklin Co. IN

February, 1821 moved to Little Flat Rock Creek, Rush Co. IN

In the fall of 1835, to Morgan Co. Illinois but dissatisfied with what he found there

In 1836 to Rush County, IN.

In 1839 to Wabash County, IN.

September 21, 1848 had a stroke; died October 16th

96......i......RICHARD HACKLEMAN, b. August 17, 1797, Abbeville, South Carolina; d. September 14, 1873, Hancock County, Indiana.
97......ii......JAMES HACKLEMAN, b. August 14, 1799, Abbeville, South Carolina; d. April 27, 1869, Henry County, Indiana.
98......iii......NANCY HACKLEMAN, b. January 11, 1801, Abbeville, South Carolina; d. December 18, 1850, Huntingdon County, Indiana.
99......iv......ABRAHAM HACKLEMAN, b. October 16, 1802, Georgetown, Scott, Kentucky; d. October 30, 1846, Mount Pleasant, Des Moines County, Iowa.
100......v......JACOB TYNER HACKLEMAN, b. August 06, 1804, Boone County, Kentucky; d. September 26, 1843, Iowa. HACKLEMAN, b. January 20, 1806, Boone County, Kentucky; d. December 16, 1862, Ashland, Huntington County, Indiana.
.....vii......PRESTON HACKLEMAN, b. October 20, 1808, Franklin County, Indiana; d. December 29, 1813, Franklin County, Indiana. Abner/Abraham Hackleman was examining father's old-fashioned flint-lock when it fired a load into the chest of little Preston, who was at the table eating dinner. Abner was horribly upset.
.....viii......POLLY HACKLEMAN, b. February 11, 1810, Franklin County, Indiana; d. June 1812.
.....ix......ELIZABETH HACKLEMAN, b. July 27, 1816, Franklin County, Indiana; d. January 24, 1817, Franklin County, Indiana.
102......x......ELIJAH HACKLEMAN, b. October 18, 1817, Franklin County, Indiana; d. January 16, 1901, Wabash County, Indiana.

19. SARAH HACKLEMAN (JOHAN JACOB, MARY ELIZABETH SAILORS, ABRAM) was born December 24, 1776 in King's Mountain, Lincoln, North Carolina, and died September 02, 1865 in Wabash, Wabash Co., Indiana. She married (1) WILLIAM MILNER March 03, 1814 in Eaton, Preble, Ohio, USA. He was born 1773 in Eaton, Preble, Ohio, USA, and died September 07, 1827 in Rush County, Indiana. She married (2) AUGUSTUS PERKINS June 12, 1832 in Rush County, Indiana, son of ROBERT PERKINS and ELIZABETH LOLLAR. He was born Abt. 1763 in Mountain Creek, Lincoln, North Carolina, and died September 05, 1834 in Rush County, Indiana.

Sarah Hackleman moved in 1841 to Wabash Co. IN. She lived alternately with dau. Anna Sailors & son Jacob Milner, and died at home of son-in-law Job Sailors; plain unassuming marble slab on grave at Ashland Cemetery.

older man and Baptist minister
ConradSailors administered estate, and A. Hackleman was the guardian

He was called "Boss" Perkins in Rush County, where he died in 1836 (though Elijah Hackleman's Reminiscences say he died 5 September 1834 Rush Co. IN).

A Revolutionary War Pay Voucher in the NC State Dept. of Archives, #4214: "This certifies that the Board of Auditors have allowed Augustus Perkins nine pounds of Militia Service agreeable to an act of Gen'l Assembly Such case made & given under our Hands this 30th day of July An Dom 1784."

Lincoln Co. NC Court Minutes for July Session 1793 "Ordered by the Court that Augustin Perkins be overseer of the road leading from Lincolnton to Sherrills Ford from branch called Dry Allen until he meets the Burke Road."

Baptist Church at Pleasant Run, Rush County, Indiana has:
"The church at Pleasant Run met at the house of Brother Augustus Perkins on Sat. 1st day of Nov. 1823. After prayer proceeded to business. Brother Jacob Hackleman chosen moderator.
A door was opened for the reception of members and received Brother E. Armstrong, also Brother Beverly Ware and Sister Nelly Ware.
Agreed tthat Brother Blades and Brother Jacob Hackleman serve the church by turn as moderator.
Agreed that our next church meeting be held at Brother Hezekiah Sailors.
.....Augustus Perkins"

Baptist Church at Pleasant Run, Rush Co. IN has:
"Meeting 2nd of Dec. 1826
Brother Augustus Perkins was appointed to visit Brother Hezekiah Sailor and wife and know their reasons for not attending church meetings for months past."

North Carolina Marriage Bonds, 1741-1868 (
Bride: Jean Lollar
Groom: Peter Bodine
Bond Date: 16 Aug 1792
County: Lincoln
Record #: 01 020
Bondsman: Augustus Perkin
Witness: Joseph Steel
Bond #: 000071200

NAME -- Head of the household
1 -- Free white males of 16 years and upward, including heads of families
2 -- Free white males under 16 years
3 -- Free white females including heads of familes
4 -- All other free persons
5 -- Slaves
Order of entry -- Order in which the names were transcribed
"PERKINS, Adm" 2 0 2 0 0 1135
"PERKINS, Augutn" 1 1 2 0 0 0030
"PERKINS, Ben" 1 6 1 0 0 1096
"PERKINS, Jesse" 2 0 3 0 0 0209
"PERKINS, Jno." 5 1 3 0 12 0060
"PERKINS, R. Bigm" 3 3 3 0 0 1074
"PERKINS, Rich'd" 3 1 5 0 0 0023
"PERKINS, Wm., Jr." 2 0 1 0 0 1094
"PERKINS, Wm., Sr." 1 1 1 0 1 1095

103......i......ANNA MILNER, b. July 05, 1816, Eaton, Preble County, Ohio; d. February 27, 1876.
104......ii......JACOB MILNER, b. Abt. 1820, Eaton, Preble County, Ohio; d. January 28, 1880, Wabash County, Indiana.

20. KATHERINE HACKLEMAN (JOHAN JACOB, MARY ELIZABETH SAILORS, ABRAM) was born August 08, 1778 in King's Mountain, Lincoln, North Carolina, and died Abt. 1846. She married CONRAD SAILORS in Abbeville District, South Carolina, son of JOHN SAILORS and FANNY OSBORN. He was born Abt. 1776 in Lincoln County, North Carolina, and died January 25, 1846 in America, Wabash, Indiana.

Conrad's first wife died three weeks after the marriage, possibly in Abbeville Co. SC. A Conrad Sailors married a Mary Runan 19 June 1792 in Shenandoah Co. Virginia; could this be him?

Second wife was cousin Katherine.

Conrad was a Baptist. In 1806, he was a prime mover in building Little Cedar Grove church, and first in building Little Flat Rock Creek church, Rush Co. IN.

Elijah Hackleman, in REMINISCENCES, describes his home: "...two miles below Brookville, Franklin County, Indiana Territory. This was then the border County. The great expanse of the west then remained an unbroken solitude and after the Battle of Tippiecanoe Indian depredations became frequent. In the neighborhood erected fortifactions for their defense, called Block Houses. Houses were made of large logs of trees and built to the height of fifteen or twenty feet. The logs were then projected about two or three feet over the wall of the main building and furnished with a suitable number of port holes for defense. The house was then reflected in with a wall and made of slods or logs, standing upright and sunk some three or four feet into the ground with bostins at each angel of the fort for its protection, made of same material, and to these Block Houses people often repaired for their protection and not infrequently were farm houses pickled in this manner. The house of Lewis Deweez at the mouth of Cedar Creek, and the house of Conrod Sailors one mile farther down were protected in this manner."

In 1811, he was on the 1st Franklin Co. Grand Jury. In 1816, Conrad was a major of militia in 6th Brigade 3rd Division, where Jacob Sailor was a captain. In 1817, Conrad was Justice of Peace for Franklin Co. IN, and he represented Franklin Co. in legislature 1818 and 1820.

In 1821, they to Rush County, Indiana; in the fall of 1845, to America, Wabash, IN to live with son-in-law Elijah Quick; that year at Christmas time, moved in with Judge Jesse D. Scott 1 mi. W of Ashland.

Children are listed above under (15) Conrad Sailors.

21. ISAAC HACKLEMAN (JOHAN JACOB, MARY ELIZABETH SAILORS, ABRAM) was born March 26, 1780 in King's Mountain, Lincoln, North Carolina, and died December 10, 1844 in Harrison Twp. Fayette, Indiana. He met (1) ELIZABETH HAWKINS July 02, 1801, daughter of JOSEPH HAWKINS and ELIZABETH ?. She was born May 22, 1783, and died July 30, 1835 in Indiana. He married (2) RACHEL COTTON June 26, 1836. She was born Abt. 1800, and died October 25, 1881.

On June 30, 1814 Isaac Hackleman filed for Ohio lands from Dearborn, IN

.....i......POLLY HACKLEMAN, b. August 25, 1802; d. July 30, 1833; m. JOSEPH PUTNAM, February 10, 1823, Fayette County, Indiana.
.....ii......ANNE HACKLEMAN, b. Abt. 1805; m. HENRY BRADBURN, April 28, 1823, Fayette County, Indiana.
.....iii......ELIZA HACKLEMAN, b. Abt. 1808; m. NEWTON WEBB, April 04, 1830, Fayette County, Indiana.
105......iv......HAWKINS HACKLEMAN, b. January 06, 1810, Dearborn County, Indiana; d. October 10, 1894, Fayette County, Indiana.
.....v......PLEASANT HACKLEMAN, d. August 01, 1855. Birth listed as cir 1813 Fayette Co., or as 16 Feb. 1816 FEMALE HACKLEMAN, b. Abt. 1815, Fayette County, Indiana.
106......vii......WILLIAM HACKLEMAN, b. January 17, 1818, Harrison Township, Fayette County, Indiana; d. July 23, 1856.
.....viii......NANCY HACKLEMAN, b. April 25, 1820, Fayette County, Indiana; m. JOHN HAWKINS; b. December 03, 1794, South Carolina; d. April 16, 1882, Rising Sun, Iowa.

HACKLEMAN, HAWKINS posted by John Matrow on Tuesday, January 13, 1998
Am seeking ancestors/descedants of: John HAWKINS (b.12/3/1794-NC) & Nancy
HACKLEMAN (b.1/11/1801-SC): Children: James HAWKINS (b.12/3/1816-IN), Matilda
HAWKINS (b.c.1822-IN), Uriah HAWKINS (b.c.1827-IN), Abraham HAWKINS
(b.c.1829-IN), John HAWKINS (b.c.1833-IN), Jacob HAWKINS (b.c.1832), Margaret
A. HAWKINS (b.c.1837-IN), Rachel HAWKINS (b.c.1838-IN) Rebecca HAWKINS
(b.c.1841-IN). Residence: Franklin Co., IN; Huntington Co., IN Cathy,
Saw your post on genforum about the Hackelman and Hawkins from Rush Co IN. I am also interested in this connection. I have some information on John Hawkins b. 3 Dec 1794 in NC married Nancy Hackleman b 11 Jan 1801. They were married either 27 Sept 1815 or 7 Nov 1815. They had 15 children, I have some information on the seventh child Abraham Hackleman Hawkins b. 15 Apr 1829 in Rush Co. IN. I am looking for more information on two daughters (Elizabeth and Clarissa) along with the rest of the children. If this is the same family you are working on I would be gland to here from you.
Herb Larson
jhlarson at
.....ix......MATTHEW HACKLEMAN, b. January 19, 1823, Fayette County, Indiana; d. October 31, 1858.
.....x......JOHN HACKLEMAN, b. Abt. 1824, Fayette County, Indiana; d. 1852, Falmouth.
264a 23 HACKLEMAN John 26 Ind pg0262b.txt
264a 24 HACKLEMAN Susan 24 Ky pg0262b.txt
264a 25 HACKLEMAN Mary C. 4 Ind pg0262b.txt
264a 26 HACKLEMAN Amanda J. 1 Ind pg0262b.txt
.....xi......BENJAMIN HACKLEMAN, b. September 22, 1828, Fayette County, Indiana; d. July 17, 1872, Fayette County, Indiana; m. ? MOFFETT.
214b 30 HACKLEMAN Benjamin 22 Ia pg0204b.txt
22. MARGARET HACKLEMAN (JOHAN JACOB, MARY ELIZABETH SAILORS, ABRAM) was born November 17, 1781 in King's Mountain, Lincoln, North Carolina, and died February 11, 1842 in Rush County, Indiana. She met (1) HENRY LINES in South Carolina, son of HENRY LINES. He was born Abt. 1773 in South Carolina?, and died August 14, 1837 in Rush County, Indiana. She married (2) CORNELIUS CUMMINS July 16, 1836 in Rush County, Indiana. He died Abt. 1837.

Notes for HENRY LINES:
1807 Henry moved to White Water, Indiana. 1821 he moved to Rush County, Indiana. Early January of 1836, Henry Lines (b. 1773), reportedly drunk, went on horseback to Brookville, Indiana, but his horse was frightened as he left the mill at the crossing at Old Sommersell and threw him. Henry drowned. Will mentions Abner, Charity, Conrad, Edward, Elizabeth, Fanny, Michael, Thomas, Sarah, Riller, and Polly lines. (7201906 97 and 81)

The Probate record for Henry Lines in Rush Co. covers 5 years. It includes the remarriage of the widow, Margaret (Hackleman) Lines, the list of Lines children and their married names, and Daniel Kyger's guardianship for Lines granddaughter. The inventory and sale of the household goods, the many IOUs used for payment when banks were not available. A great picture of the time frame in Rush Co., IN.

Have a Henry Lines, born about 1773. He married a Margaret Hackleman. Only show his father, John J. Lines Jr. born around 1747 Abbeville District, North Carolina. emailing you because of dates, I am having a hard time with this linage.
Maxine Ryan
ellis at

REFERENCE: 8th Augt 1850; H. J. Lenox, Ass't Marshal; MF# 412
32.34. 34.FRAZEE.... Ephraim....36. M.... Farmer.... 500... Ky..............X
33.34. 34.FRAZEE.... Tebitha....32. F.................Ind............. X
34.34. 34.FRAZEE.... Susan.....15. F.................Ind
35.34. 34.FRAZEE.... Ellen.....13. F.................Ind
36.34. 34.FRAZEE.... Thomas.... 11. M.................Ind
37.34. 34.FRAZEE.... Nancy.....8..F.................Ind
38.34. 34.FRAZEE.... Sally Anne.. 6..F.................Ind
39.34. 34.FRAZEE.... George W....3..M.................Ind
40.34. 34.FRAZEE.... James R.... 1..M.................Ind
41.35. 35.LINES.....Henry.....33. M.... Farmer.... 500... Ind............. X
42.35. 35.LINES.....Margaret... 30. F.................Ind
1. 35. 35.LINE..... William F... 8..M.................Ind
2. 35. 35.LINE..... Marshall... 2..M.................Ind
3. 35. 35.LINE..... Anne..... 2/12 F.................Ind


Lines, Avrie T., b. 1891, d. 1918, s/w Gladys M. Lines
Lines, Barbara, b. 1833, d. 1911, s/w William Lines
Lines, Charley F., d. 1 June 1892, age 18y 9m 19d, Son of William & Barbara
Lines, Dorn T., b. 1898, d. no date, s/w Gladys M. Lines
Lines, Elizabeth A., b. 1868, d. 1944, s/w John D. Lines
Lines, Elizabeth A., b. 1871, d. 1872
Lines, Gladys M., b. 1892, d. no date, s/w Avrie T. Lines
Lines, Gladys M., b. 1902, d. 1966, s/w Dorn T. Lines
Lines, Infant, d. 23 Jul 1894, age ?m 12d, Dau of Jno D & Lizzie
Lines, Iris, b. 4 Jul 1905, d. 18 Jan 1906
Lines, John D., b. 1868, d. 1931, s/w Elizabeth A. Lines
Lines, Lorine, b. 1903, d. 1998, s/w Vane Lines
Lines, Vane, b. 1902, d. 1986, s/w Lorine Lines
Lines, William, b. 1832, d. 1903, s/w Barbara Lines

William Lines 17 Oct 1838

Children of MARGARET HACKLEMAN and HENRY LINES are covered in the Lines history at this website.

23. JACOB HACKLEMAN (JOHAN JACOB, MARY ELIZABETH SAILORS, ABRAM) was born January 14, 1784 in Georgetown, Scott, Kentucky, and died Bef. March 16, 1854 in Boone County, Indiana. He married (1) KATHERINE CORWIN. He married (2) RILLER ROBINSON June 08, 1817 in Franklin County, Indiana, daughter of ABRAHAM ROBINSON and SALLY OSBORN.

Jacob Hackleman Jr. moved in 1821 to Rush Co. IN
1835 to to Northfield, Boone County
bur. at farm of Rev. Jas. Ross in Northfield, Boone County

.....i......JEMIMA PAULINE HACKLEMAN, m. JAMES LANDER, February 04, 1830, Rush County, Indiana.
.....ii......SARAH HACKLEMAN, m. CHRISTOPHER RICHARDSON, June 30, 1839, Boone County, Indiana.
.....iii......CYRUS HACKLEMAN, m. NANCY LAWS, February 07, 1833, Rush County, Indiana.
.....iv......LEWIS HACKLEMAN.
.....v......ROBINSON HACKLEMAN, m. ELIZABETH HENDERSON, July 23, 1837, Rush County, Indiana. HACKLEMAN.
.....vii......POLLY HACKLEMAN, m. (1) PETER GOOD; m. (2) BENJAMIN W. BISHOP, October 05, 1843, Boone County, Indiana.
.....viii......CONRAD HACKLEMAN, m. ELIZABETH JANE JOHNSON, September 17, 1840, Boone County, Indiana.
.....ix......GEORGE HACKLEMAN.

24. JOHN HACKLEMAN (JOHAN JACOB, MARY ELIZABETH SAILORS, ABRAM) was born September 09, 1785 in Abbeville District, South Carolina, and died February 19, 1864 in Brookeville, Franklin, Indiana. He met SALLY ADAMS October 18, 1810. She was born March 20, 1792 in Stokes County, North Carolina, and died November 10, 1868 in Franklin County, Indiana.

John Hackleman was a Revolutionary War vet, serving from Abbeville
September 17, 1816 filed from Franklin Co. IN for land in Indiana Survey
March 14, 1864 will recorded in Will Book 1, p. 394, 397
bur. Maple Grove Cemetery, Brookville, Franklin, IN

.....i......PAULINA HACKLEMAN, b. August 1812; m. (1) HOMER Z. TOWNER, December 11, 1830, Franklin County, Indiana; d. May 23, 1831; m. (2) J.O. ST. JOHN, September 30, 1839.
119......ii......PLEASANT ADAMS HACKLEMAN, b. November 15, 1814, Franklin County, Indiana; d. October 03, 1862, Corinth, Mississippi.
120......iii......OLIVER CEPHUS HACKLEMAN, b. October 26, 1816, Franklin County, Indiana; d. July 04, 1900, Rushville, Rush County, Indiana.
.....iv......NANCY HACKLEMAN, b. June 02, 1819.
.....v......WILLIAM ROBERT HACKLEMAN, b. June 03, 1821. ANN HACKLEMAN, b. February 18, 1824.
121......vii......THOMAS SHELBY HACKLEMAN, b. February 08, 1826.

25. THOMAS JEFFERSON HACKLEMAN (JOHAN JACOB, MARY ELIZABETH SAILORS, ABRAM) was born April 15, 1790 in Abbeville District, South Carolina, and died Abt. 1878 in Spencer Co., Indiana. He met KATHERINE ALENSWORTH May 28, 1812 in Franklin County, Indiana. Thomas Jefferson Hackleman's will is dated February 26, 1873; will probated March 11, 1878

122......i......FRANCES HACKLEMAN, b. April 19, 1822, Spencer County, Indiana; d. February 01, 1900, Spencer County, Indiana.

26. FANNY HACKLEMAN (JOHAN JACOB, MARY ELIZABETH SAILORS, ABRAM) was born May 12, 1793 in Abbeville District, South Carolina, and died March 24, 1876 in Frankton, Madison, Indiana. She met JESSE WEBB March 11, 1813. He was born October 17, 1785 in Abbeville District, South Carolina, and died September 28, 1875 in Frankton, Madison County, Indiana.

Notes for JESSE WEBB:
DERNAM, HACKLEMAN, PAVA, PEAVEY, PEAVY, WEBB posted by Patricia Kantzer ( ) on Saturday, August 29, 1998
Jesse WEBB, bn 17 Oct 1785, Abbeville Dist, South Carolina, died 28 Sep 1875, Frankton, Madison County, Indiana. on 11 Mar 1813 in Franklin Co In was married to Fanny HACKLEMAN, bn 12 May 1793, Georgetown, Scott Co Ky died 24 Mar 1876, Frankton, Madison County, In. Their children were: 1. Absalom bn 8 Feb 1814 married to Hulda PEAVEY/PEAVY; 2. Mary bn 4 May 1815, married to Samule PAVA; 3. Catherine bn 31 Mar 1817, married ro Richard DERNAM; 4. Elizabeth bn 4 Jul 1819, died 8 Jan 1833; 5. Minor bn 29 Jun 1821; 6. Edward bn 1 Nov 1823; 7. Alford bn 25 apr 1826 died 22 Jun 1827; 8. Nancy bn 25 May 1828 died 1 Apr 1830; 9 & 10. Infant twins bn and died 1830. Would like to find out who Jesse's parents were and more about Absalom and Hulda. Have only one child listed for them.

123......i......ABSALOM WEBB, b. February 08, 1814.
.....ii......MARY WEBB, b. May 04, 1815; m. SAMUEL PAVA.
.....iii......CATHERINE WEBB, b. March 31, 1817; m. RICHARD DERNAM.
.....iv......ELIZABETH WEBB, b. July 04, 1819; d. January 08, 1833.
.....v......MINOR WEBB, b. June 21, 1821. WEBB, b. November 01, 1823.
.....vii......ALFORD WEBB, b. April 25, 1826; d. June 22, 1827.
.....viii......NANCY WEBB, b. May 25, 1828; d. April 01, 1830.

27. MARY HACKLEMAN (JOHAN JACOB, MARY ELIZABETH SAILORS, ABRAM) was born December 17, 1781 in King's Mountain, Lincoln, North Carolina, and died August 27, 1852 in LaFontaine, Wabash, Indiana. She met GREENBARRY LINES Abt. 1801, son of HENRY LINES. He was born Abt. 1778 in Lincolnton, Lincoln, North Carolina, and died April 13, 1838 in Rush County, Indiana.

Children of MARY HACKLEMAN and GREENBARRY LINES are in the Lines history at this website.

28. CONRAD HACKLEMAN (GEORGE E., MARY ELIZABETH SAILORS, ABRAM) was born Abt. 1811, and died Bef. October 06, 1857 in Lowndes County, Mississippi. He married CATHERINE EDMONSON Abt. 1842. She was born September 22, 1828 in Georgia, and died June 15, 1916 in Roxton, Lamar, Texas, USA.

.....i......GEORGE JAMES HACKLEMAN, b. March 02, 1843, Mississippi; m. MARY A. ?; b. Abt. 1858, Texas.

L. Randolph palorand at 2002-06-03 15:35:20
I have just come across the following info @ the Texas State Archives website: GEORGE JAMES HACKLEMAN, wife M. A. Hackleman; Confederate Soldier applied for and received a pension in Texas:Lamar County. (This is not my family, but I thought you might find it useful.)

1880 census
Name Relation Marital Status Gender Race Age Birthplace Occupation Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace
George J. HACKLEMAN...Self...M... Male...W...34...MS...Dry Goods Merchant...NC...GA
Mary A. HACKLEMAN...Wife...M...Female...W...22...TX...Keeping House...VA...TN
George B. WHIPPLE...Other...S...Male...W...29...AR...Clk. In Dry Goods Store...VA...TN
Isaac PAYTON...Other...M...Mal... B...45...MS...MS...MS
Census Place Precinct 2, Lamar, Texas
Family History Library Film 1255314 . NA Film Number T9-1314 Page Number 90D

.....ii......CATHERINE ELIZABETH MARY HACKLEMAN, b. September 07, 1844.
.....iii......ELIZABETH ANN MATILDA HACKLEMAN, b. November 13, 1846.
.....iv......LUCINDA HACKLEMAN, b. Abt. 1849.
130......v......CONRAD HACKLEMAN, b. January 1852, Lowndes County, Mississippi.

29. MARY M. HACKLEMAN (GEORGE E., MARY ELIZABETH SAILORS, ABRAM) was born October 25, 1811 in South Carolina?, and died January 16, 1871. She married AMBROSE EUBANKS October 12, 1850 in Loundes County, Mississippi. He was born January 12, 1816 in Alabama, and died November 02, 1861 in Columbus, Lowndes, Mississippi.

131......i......JOHN A. EUBANKS, b. Abt. 1852, Mississippi.
.....ii......MARY E. EUBANKS, b. December 1853, Loundes County, Mississippi.

30. GEORGE BENSON HACKLEMAN (GEORGE E., MARY ELIZABETH SAILORS, ABRAM) was born September 01, 1816 in South Carolina, and died February 04, 1878 in Sadler, Grayson, Texas, USA. He married ELVIRA B. WESTON STORY February 22, 1842, daughter of BAZDAL STORY and ELIZABETH ?. She was born September 06, 1826 in Alabama, and died February 12, 1878 in Sadler, Grayson, Texas, USA.

1880 census
Name Relation Marital Status Gender Race Age Birthplace Occupation Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace
B.S. HACKLEMAN...Self...S...Male...W...22...TX... Farming...MS...MS
John R. HACKLEMAN...Brother...S...Male...W...13...TX... Farm Laborer...MS...MS
Willie G. HACKLEMAN...Brother...S...Male... W...11...TX...Farm Laborer...MS...MS
Source Information:
Census Place Precinct 6, Grayson, Texas
Family History Library Film 1255307, NA Film Number T9-1307
Page Number 331D

.....i......JESSE W. HACKLEMAN, b. July 05, 1843, Alabama.
.....ii......CELESTRY EMILY HACKLEMAN, b. July 30, 1845, Alabama.
.....iii......NAOMI JERONA HACKLEMAN, b. November 19, 1848, Alabama.
.....iv......ELIZABETH EUPHRONA HACKLEMAN, b. April 12, 1849, Alabama.
.....v......MATILDA ANN EMELINE HACKLEMAN, b. August 31, 1851. STOREY HACKLEMAN, b. May 12, 1857, Texas.
.....vii......GEORGE BENSON HACKLEMAN, b. February 23, 1860, Texas.
.....viii......THOMAS JEFFERSON JACKSON HACKLEMAN, b. September 27, 1862, Texas.
.....ix......JOHN ROBERT HACKLEMAN, b. July 01, 1865, Texas.
.....x......WILLIAM GRAY HACKLEMAN, b. January 21, 1869, Saltillo, Hopkins, Texas, USA.

31. JESSE C. HACKLEMAN (GEORGE E., MARY ELIZABETH SAILORS, ABRAM) was born May 07, 1818 in South Carolina, and died March 23, 1900 in Millport, Lamar, Alabama, USA. He married EMILY B. WESTON STORY Abt. 1849 in Georgia, daughter of BAZDAL STORY and ELIZABETH ?. She was born May 31, 1832 in Alabama, and died June 17, 1922 in Millport, Lamar, Alabama, USA.

Bazdal Walker Story born Dec 30, 1799 in Warren Co, Ga and died Sept 17, 1851 in Pickens Co, Al married Elizabeth born Feb 22, 1797 in Ga and died May 5, 1853 in Pickens Co, Al. Their known children are D. W. Story(male) 1821; Emily B Weston Story Sept 6, 1826; Emily B Weston Story May 31, 1832; Bailey W 1834, and Victoria H E B W E Story 1841. Does anyone have info on this family. I need to bring as many Story descendents to present as possible for Story/Storey book. To me this is a very important family that would be of great interest for the book.
Bill Story, Midland, Ga

.....i......ELIZABETH HACKLEMAN, b. Abt. 1849, Alabama.
.....ii......MARY HACKLEMAN, b. May 20, 1855, Loundes County, Mississippi; d. October 10, 1946, Lamar, Alabama.
132......iii......GEORGE BASWELL HACKLEMAN, b. May 20, 1860; d. August 17, 1896, Millport, Lamar, Alabama, USA.
.....iv......JAMES CONRAD HACKLEMAN, b. June 04, 1864, Mayhew, Lowndes, Mississippi, USA; d. March 08, 1918, Columbus, Loundes, Mississippi, USA.
.....v......HENRY HACKLEMAN, b. Abt. 1865; d. Abt. 1904. HACKLEMAN, b. May 1871, Loundes County, Mississippi; d. Abt. 1903.

32. RACHEL MATILDA H. HACKLEMAN (GEORGE E., MARY ELIZABETH SAILORS, ABRAM) was born January 30, 1826 in Mississippi, and died February 14, 1850 in Columbus, Lowndes, Mississippi, USA. She married AMBROSE EUBANKS Abt. 1846. He was born January 12, 1816 in Alabama, and died November 02, 1861 in Columbus, Lowndes, Mississippi, USA.

.....i......JAMES H. EUBANKS, b. April 18, 1846.
.....ii......GEORGE WASHINGTON EUBANKS, b. December 17, 1849.

33. FREDERICK SAILORS (GEORGE LEONARD, LEONARD, ABRAM) was born Abt. 1799 in Abbeville, South Carolina, and died October 25, 1873 in White County, Tennessee. He married ELIZABETH CAMERON Abt. 1823 in White County, Tennessee. She was born Abt. 1805, and died in Sparta, White, Tennessee, USA.

Seeking info on Thomas FOWLER(American Native) m. c. Jan1867 in Sparta to Elizabeth Ann SAYLORS.Elizabeth was b.c.1833 d.c.1880. Elizabeth SAYLORS parents were Fredrick SAYLORS b.c.1798 and Elizabeth Betsy Ann WILLIAMS.Elizabeth SAYLORS is in 1879 cn.p#368 as head of household. Why were the women that married Indians named Head of house and not the Indian man? Did it have something to do with not being a citizen?
architect_90745 at
Submitted on Sun Aug 13 07:56:40 MDT 2000

.....i......WILLIAM SIMPSON SAILORS, b. Abt. 1824, White County, Tennessee; d. June 27, 1887; m. JANE GALTON, Abt. 1844, White County, Tennessee; b. February 15, 1823; d. June 23, 1905.

The Rice cemetery also includes the Howell and Saylors cemeteries, and is located just across the Putnam/White County line from Burgess Falls State Park. The following list of those buried there was compiled in 1983 by Mrs. Nancy Massa Goolsby and her daughter, Mrs. Betty Goolsby Doyle. Betty Doyle provided this compilation to the author in 1994. After much careful and painstaking research, the data was updated, and is herein presented. This cemetery record is most valuable as many of the monuments identified in 1983 are no longer there, having been removed by a vandal. It is rumored that the markers were removed "to make it easier to mow". Removing and / or destroying grave monuments is a felony. It is not known if the creature responsible for this reprehensible act was ever prosecuted. He should be - to the fullest extent of the law.
Row One.............Birth date..... Death date
Margaret Jane Saylors Steward.....October 3, 1882.....No date given
William Alton Saylors...June 24, 1902.....April 24, 1923
Malcom Monroe Saylors...June 24, 1902.....April 28, 1967
Row Two
Felix Monroe Saylors...20 Nov 1883.....10 Jun 1949
William Simpson Saylors...18 May 1881.....18 Aug 1908
Sarah Fina Saylors...13 July 1886..... 2 Apr 1904
Elizabeth (Hitchcock) Saylors .....20 June 1854..... 10 Sep 1934
(m. 4 Aug 1880)
Daniel K. Saylors...10 Jul 1855..... 25 July 1881
Jane Saylors........15 Feb 1823..... 23 June 1905
W. S. Saylors........born 1821..... 27 June 1887
Row Three
Sophronia Saylors...No date ..... "Departed 4 July 1920"
S. H. Combs........7 Feb 1866..... 23 Feb 1898
Landen Combs........18 May 1892..... 7 Dec 1898
Beecher Combs........20 Dec 1887..... 23 Mar 1888
Row Four
Unmarked graves
Nancy Jane (Saylors) Green..........18 Sep 1857..... 9 May 1938
(m. 28 Sept. 1875)
John Green........14 Mar 1855..... 6 Jan 1912
Beginning Inside Circle Drive
Row One
Celia Mae Ward ........13 Oct 1910..... 7 Dec 1975
Fannie Lou Ward........24 Apr 1944..... 8 Sept 1944
Unmarked graves
Maggie Lou Stoglin...24 Sept 1906..... 26 Sept 1954
William Homer Stoglin...6 May 1900..... 26 Sept 1973
Infant Child 1 ... .....No date.......... No date
of Mr. & Mrs. Lumford Howell
Infant Child 2........No date.......... No date
of Mr. & Mrs. Lumford Howell
Manda (Thomas) Howell...25 Aug 1895..... 11 Apr 1977
Lunford Howell........4 Apr 1894..... 23 Sept 1980
Row Two - Left to Right
Two unmarked graves
Sallie Cole Flannigan ...8 Aug 1874..... 23 Sept 1958
Silas Isaac Cole...No date.......... 27 July 1910
PVT TN 328 INF 82nd Div
Sarah Cole........1845 .......... 10 July 1912
"age about 67 years".
Matilda Cole.......... ..........1877.......... 1926
"Wife of James H. Howell"
Infant Howell........No date.......... Sept 1899
James H. Howell........1899 .......... 1939
Asher D. Howell........1904 .......... 1941
Unmarked grave
M.A.H..............No date.......... No date
Infant Child ........No date.......... No date
of J. S. Bussell & Wife
Prilla Ann Howell...27 Nov 1893..... 21 Aug 1926
Richard Hillman Bussell.....20 Jan 1907.....No date
Victoria M. Cole .....30 Oct 1881.....7 Nov 1969......"Dau. of Wm. Howell & Elvira Thomas"
Horace Greely Cole...20 Jan 1903.....29 Oct 1903
L. A. (Lola Agnes) Cole .....17 Feb 1900.....6 Sept 1900
New stone at head of old slabs
M. A. Howell........28 Sept 1879.....30 Aug 1883
W. S. Howell........6 Dec 1875.....3 Feb 1897
W. D. Howell... .....28 May 1844...30 Aug 1901...Double Marker W. D. Howell was the son of Silas Howell and Matilda C. Rice
Elvira (Thomas) Howell.....8 July 1864.....9 Feb 1942...Wife of W.D. Howell
Vera Marie Howell.....5 Mar 1917.....5 Apr 1917...Dau. of Ray & Ova Howell
Row Three
Three Unmarked graves
Twelve Unmarked graves

Row Four
Three Unmarked graves
Two of these may be the graves of Silas and Matilda (Rice)Howell

ELEANOR RICE........1792.....11 May 1865.....Born in S. C.
WILLIAM B. RICE SR. .....1794 .....Oct 1845.....Born in N.C. Grave unmarked but identified.
Martha Rice........1824.....16 Mar 1858
Mary (Rice) Tallent...1819.....1 Nov 1868
E. Jaco........ .....No date. Grave unmarked. If Eli, born 1839
Believed to be Eli Alexander Jaco .....No date. If Eli, he died after 1910
Sarah J. Jaco........1815.....Nov 1877.....Dau of John and Nancy Brewer Howell....Married (1) John A. Rice. (2) John Jaco.
John A. Rice... .....1815.....1837 ...Son of Wm B. & Eleanor Rice. Killed by a bear or wild boar about 1837. Grave unmarked but identified.
Six Unmarked graves
Stones Broken - illegible

Row Five
Unmarked grave
Charlotte (Massa) Montgomery ....6 Dec 1828.....8 Jan 1899
Sister of Dorinda C.Massa who married John Rice, son of John A. Rice and Sarah Howell. She married Leftwich Montgomery.

Two Unmarked graves
Five Unmarked graves

Row Six
Sarah Tennessee Rice.....5 May 1870.....4 June 1904
Nancy Rice...12 Sep 1851.....14 Dec 1923....Dau of Henry Gambrell and Abby Maynard
William Rice...15 Dec 1843.....9 Apr 1894.....Son of Wm Rice Jr. and Mary Massa
William H. (Henry) Rice.....7 Dec 1872.....19 Mar 1906
Row Seven
Unmarked grave
Malissa Rice Hickey.....3 Apr 1876....3 May 1915...."Wife of W. T. Hickey"
John S. Bussell... 31 Aug 1879..... 17 Aug 1952.....Monument destroyed
Amanda C. Bussell.....25 Dec 1883.....11 Feb 1946.....Monument destroyed
Alta Bussell.....13 Mar 1904.....10 May 1905.....Monument destroyed
Hooper Bussell ...10 May 1910..... 17 Apr 1917....Monument destroyed

133......ii......JESSE CARROLL SAILORS, b. Abt. 1825, White County, Tennessee; d. Abt. 1899, Cooper, Delta County, Texas.
134......iii......KISSANE SAILORS, b. Abt. 1830.
.....iv......ELIZABETH ANN SAILORS, b. Abt. 1833, White County, Tennessee; d. Abt. 1880, White County, Tennessee; m. HENRY ATKINS, Abt. 1855, White County, Tennessee; b. Abt. 1836, White County, Tennessee.
.....v......ABRAHAM SAILORS, b. Abt. 1836. SAILORS, b. Abt. 1838; m. JOHN HOWELL, February 27, 1878, White County, Tennessee; b. Abt. 1839.
.....vii......ELISHA SAILORS, b. Abt. 1840; m. LOUISA ?, Abt. 1865, Putnam County, Tennessee.
An Elisha Saylors was in unit B of TN Union 1st Mounted Infantry, as was a John C. Saylors :
Elisha Saylors
Rank: Corp
Age: 19
Enlisted: Dec 3 63 Mustered: Jan 22 64
Remarks: Jd as privt Jan 30 64A: pr to corp Mar 12 64
135......viii......THOMAS J. SAILORS, b. Abt. 1843.
136......ix......JAMES MONROE SAILORS, b. August 18, 1845, White County, Tennessee; d. February 09, 1919, White County, Tennessee.
.....x......NANCY JANE SAILORS, b. January 28, 1846, White County, Tennessee.

34. WILLIAM M. SAILORS (GEORGE LEONARD, LEONARD, ABRAM) was born February 08, 1802 in Abbeville, South Carolina, and died September 27, 1850 in Hancock County, Illinois. He married CHARLOTTE ?.

Children of WILLIAM SAILORS and CHARLOTTE ? are:
.....i......DEKALB SAILORS, b. Abt. 1831, Hancock County, Illinois.
.....ii......LOUISA SAILORS, b. Abt. 1833, Hancock County, Illinois.
.....iii......WILLIAM SAILORS, b. Abt. 1834.
.....iv......SQUIRE N. SAILORS, b. Abt. 1836.
.....v......PATSEY E. SAILORS, b. Abt. 1838, Hancock County, Illinois. J. SAILORS, b. Abt. 1840.
.....vii......SOPHRONIA SAILORS, b. Abt. 1842, Hancock County, Illinois.
.....viii......ANDREW P. SAILORS, b. Abt. 1844, Hancock County, Illinois.
137......ix......CARROLL R. SAILORS, b. December 04, 1844, Illinois; d. March 08, 1875.
.....x......HELEN V. SAILORS, b. Abt. 1849, Hancock County, Illinois.

35. ELIZABETH SAILORS (GEORGE LEONARD, LEONARD, ABRAM) was born Abt. 1808 in South Carolina, and died Abt. 1881 in Putnam County, Tennessee. She married ELAM SHERRILL, son of ABRAHAM SHERRILL and CALESTINE GRANT. He was born Abt. 1795 in North Carolina, and died Abt. 1882.

138......i......JOSHUA SHERRILL, b. Abt. 1829, White County, Tennessee; d. June 20, 1909, Putnam County, Tennessee.
139......ii......NANCY ANN SHERRILL, b. Abt. 1830, Tennessee.
140......iii......JOHN JORDEN SHERRILL, b. November 18, 1832, White County, Tennessee; d. November 05, 1921.
141......iv......AMY CAROLINE SHERRILL, b. Abt. 1834, Tennessee; d. February 26, 1900, Cushing, Payne, Oklahoma, USA.
142......v......JOSEPH CALVIN SHERRILL, b. Abt. 1836, White County, Tennessee; d. September 30, 1916. J. SHERRILL, b. Abt. 1843, White County, Tennessee; d. November 23, 1915, White County, Tennessee.
.....vii......VIOLET E. SHERRILL, b. Abt. 1848, Tennessee.

36. SARAH SAILORS (GEORGE LEONARD, LEONARD, ABRAM) was born Abt. 1810 in Abbeville District, South Carolina, and died in White County, Tennessee. She married ELIJAH HICKEY Abt. 1836 in White County, Tennessee. He was born Abt. 1814 in Tennessee, and died August 1897 in Cookeville, Putnam, Tennessee, USA

.....i......WILLIAM MORRIS HICKEY, b. March 1838, White County, Tennessee.
.....ii......ANN A. HICKEY, b. Abt. 1839, White County, Tennessee.
.....iii......SANDY A. HICKEY, b. August 09, 1843, Sparta, White, Tennessee, USA.
.....iv......LOUISA CAROLINE HICKEY, b. December 03, 1845, White County, Tennessee.
.....v......SARAH FINE HICKEY, b. March 03, 1846, Sparta, White, Tennessee, USA. CORNELIUS HICKEY, b. March 11, 1850, White County, Tennessee.
.....vii......MARGARET ELIZIRA HICKEY, b. Abt. 1852, White County, Tennessee.
.....viii......JAMES D. HICKEY, b. June 07, 1855, White County, Tennessee.
.....ix......JOSEPH ABNER HICKEY, b. May 1858, Putnam County, Tennessee.
.....x......MARGARET ELIZABETH HICKEY, b. February 06, 1861, Putnam County, Tennessee.

37. ABRAHAM SAILORS (GEORGE LEONARD, LEONARD, ABRAM) was born August 11, 1817 in Abbeville, South Carolina, and died April 19, 1880 in White County, Tennessee. He married JANE PRICE Abt. 1837 in White County, Tennessee, daughter of GEORGE PRICE and MARY COOK. She was born March 02, 1819 in White County, Tennessee, and died February 26, 1897 in White County, Tennessee.

Saylors, (Inf d/o John & S. T.) 1904
Saylors, Abram 11 Aug 1817-19 Apr 1880
Saylors, Alice 17 Dec 1849-19 Jun 1896
Saylors, Becky “Mother”.....1840-1911
Saylors, Bessie 1 Mar 1878-21 Oct 1880
Saylors, Bessie 1893-???
Saylors, Burtis W. 30 Aug 1842-10 Jan 1915
Saylors, Dempse Monroe 13 Mar 1872-5 Apr 1961
Saylors, Ernest Leo 11 Feb 1906-13 Apr 1937
Saylors, Gincy 2 Mar 1818-26 Feb 1897
Saylors, Harriet Southard (w/o Burtis) 23 Jun 1848-29 Aug 1931
Saylors, Hattie Hutson 24 Dec 1877-11 Dec 1959
Saylors, Hubert 13 Mar 1913-20 Feb 1980
Saylors, Irene E. 9 Nov 1878-22 May 1933
Saylors, James M. 1887-1913
Saylors, John 14 Sep 1871-13 Dec 1942
Saylors, Judy Gail 1946-1959
Saylors, Katherine Bilbrey (w/o Sam) 13 Feb 1908-???
Saylors, L. D. 7 Jan 1852-18 Apr 1918
Saylors, Lena 20 Feb 1893-24 Feb 1893
Saylors, Lizzer Southard 1877-1966
Saylors, Lou Southard (w.o. L. D.) 1855-1938
Saylors, Margaret Ann 5 May 1858-18 Aug 1859
Saylors, Marvin A. 3 Aug 1881-16 May 1952
Saylors, Mary L. (w/o Thurman) 10 Jun 1915-???
Saylors, Mattie (w/o Milus) 1871-1941
Saylors, Milus 1870-1955
Saylors, Notie B. (w/o Wm. Dow) 17 May 1877-19 Apr 1950
Saylors, Payala B. (w/o Hubert).....15 Apr 1920-???
Saylors, Samuel Burtis 16 apr 1904-7 Oct 1968
Saylors, Sarah Jane Bowman (w/o John) 27 Jul 1879-4 May 1939
Saylors, Thurman L. 1912-1973
Saylors, W. M. “Father”.....1838-1914
Saylors, Wm. Dow 8 Apr 1874-23 Jul 1943
Saylors, Wm. H. 1889-1940
Saylors, Wm. Henry Bryant (s/o A.L. &M. L.) 1896-1897

.....i......JAMES MARION SAILORS, b. June 11, 1838, White County, Tennessee. Died about 1864 in Civil War
.....ii......WILLIAM M. SAILORS, b. April 1840, White County, Tennessee; d. January 14, 1914, White County, Tennessee; m. REBECCA EMALINE HITCHCOCK, June 11, 1863, White County, Tennessee.

Census: 1880
Name Relation Marital Status Gender Race Age Birthplace Occupation Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace
William SAYLORS...Self...M...Male...W...40...TN...Farmer...TN...TN
Emaline SAYLORS...Wife...M...Female...W...39...TN...Keeping House...TN...TN
Bird M. SAYLORS...Son...S...Male...W...15...TN...Laborer...TN...TN
Layfaytte SAYLORS...Son...S...Male...W...13...TN......TN...TN
Sarah J. SAYLORS...Dau...S...Female...W...11...TN......TN...TN
Manda F. SAYLORS...Dau...S...Female...W...10...TN......TN...TN
Theodocia SAYLORS...Dau...S...Female...W...9...TN......TN...TN
George SAYLORS...Son...S...Male...W...2...TN......TN...TN
Census Place District 7, White, Tennessee
Family History Library Film...1255285
NA Film Number...T9-1285
Page Number...470C
143......iii......BURTIS WALKER SAILORS, b. August 30, 1842, White County, Tennessee; d. January 10, 1915, White County, Tennessee.
144......iv......FRANCES CATHERINE SAILORS, b. March 1844, White County, Tennessee; d. March 07, 1918, White County, Tennessee.
.....v......GEORGE PRICE SAILORS, b. June 1848, White County, Tennessee; d. December 19, 1919, White County, Tennessee; m. DOLLY J. MATLOCK, September 26, 1872, White County, Tennessee. LAFAYETTE SAILORS, b. December 1849, White County, Tennessee; d. Abt. 1915, White County, Tennessee; m. MARY ELIZABETH GREEN, October 14, 1878, White County, Tennessee.
.....vii......LORENZO DOW SAILORS, b. January 1852, White County, Tennessee; d. April 15, 1919, White County, Tennessee; m. ALICE CURTEE RUNNELS, December 18, 1870, White County, Tennessee.
.....viii......HENRY CLAY SAILORS, b. Abt. 1854; m. NANCY JANE COLEMAN, February 21, 1877, White County, Tennessee.
.....ix......MARY SAILORS, b. Abt. 1858, White County, Tennessee; m. EDWIN KELLEY, September 14, 1871, White County, Tennessee.
.....x......JANE SAILORS, b. May 1860, White County, Tennessee.
145......xi......AMANDA E. SAILORS, b. Abt. 1862, White County, Tennessee.

38. JAMES SAILORS (DANIEL PHILIP, DANIEL, ABRAM) was born Abt. 1818 in Tennessee, and died January 19, 1857 in Tippah, Mississippi. He married MATHILDA DAVIS June 04, 1839 in Lawrenceburg, Lawrence, Tennessee, daughter of WILLIAM DAVIS and MARTHA WAIKFIELD. She was born Abt. 1824 in Tennessee, and died in Ripley, Tippah, Mississippi, USA.

.....i......SALLIE ANN SAILORS, b. Abt. 1842, Lawrenceberg, Lawrence, Tennessee.
146......ii......JOHN CALVIN SAILORS, b. October 17, 1843, Lawrenceberg, Lawrence, Tennessee, USA; d. February 22, 1929, Chickasha, Grady, Oklahoma, USA.
.....iii......JAMES VARNER SAILORS, b. Abt. 1848, Boonville, Ripley, Mississippi, USA.
.....iv......HENRY CLAY SAILORS, b. Abt. 1851, Boonville, Ripley, Mississippi, USA.
.....v......ANDREW JACKSON SAILORS, b. Abt. 1854, Boonville, Ripley, Mississippi, USA. WASHINGTON SAILORS, b. Abt. 1858, Boonville, Ripley, Mississippi, USA.

39. PHILIP SAILORS (DANIEL PHILIP, DANIEL, ABRAM) was born Abt. 1820 in Lawrenceburg, Lawrence, Tennessee, USA. He married CAROLINE FRANKLIN Abt. 1838 in Mississippi.

Could these be the sons of Philip?
Twenty-seventh Regiment Arkansas Infantry, Company K
SAILORS, DANIEL W (Daniel W. Saylors)
Corporal—Enlisted at Yellville, Arkansas, June 28, 1862; age 22; died, February 5, 1863; formerly served in 14th (Powers’) Arkansas Infantry.

Private—Enlisted at Yellville, Arkansas, June 28, 1862; age 19; deserted, February 1, 1864; formerly served in 14th (Powers’) Arkansas Infantry.

.....i......DANIEL W. SAILORS, b. Abt. 1840, Lawrenceberg, Lawrence, Tennessee, USA.
.....ii......WILLIAM SAILORS, b. Abt. 1844, Lawrenceberg, Lawrence, Tennessee, USA.
.....iii......ELIZABETH SAILORS, b. Abt. 1846, Lawrenceberg, Lawrence, Tennessee, USA.

40. JOHN H. SAILORS (DANIEL PHILIP, DANIEL, ABRAM) was born Abt. 1821 in Lawrenceburg, Lawrence, Tennessee, USA. He married MELINDA LANCASTER September 09, 1844 in Lawrenceburg, Lawrence, Tennessee, USA. She was born Abt. 1823 in Lawrenceburg, Lawrence, Tennessee, USA.

.....i......MARVIN S. SAILORS, b. Abt. 1846.
.....ii......SALLIE ANN SAILORS, b. Abt. 1848.
.....iii......WILLIAM RILEY SAILORS, b. Abt. 1851.
.....iv......AMOS ALLEN SAILORS, b. Abt. 1855.
.....v......MARTHA SAILORS, b. Abt. 1857. W. SAILORS, b. Abt. 1860.
.....vii......JOBE SAILORS, b. Abt. 1863.

41. SALLIE SAILORS (DANIEL PHILIP, DANIEL, ABRAM) was born October 08, 1831 in Tennessee, and died January 09, 1911 in Tippah County, Mississippi. She married REV. ANDREW CROCKETT VANDIVER August 07, 1849 in Mississippi, son of ELISHA VANDIVER and LUCINDA MELTON. He was born June 10, 1831 in Wayne County, Tennessee, and died September 27, 1915 in Mitchell Community, Tippah, Mississippi, USA.

See Clint Stroupe at for descendant information.

147......i......RACHEL AVELINE VANDIVER, b. October 31, 1852, Tippah County, Mississippi; d. November 13, 1925, Tippah County, Mississippi.
.....ii......NICHOLAS VANDIVER, b. Abt. 1851.

42. FANNY SAILORS (JACOB, JOHN, ABRAM) was born Abt. 1799 in Little River, Abbeville District, South Carolina, and died Abt. 1858. She married HEZEKIAH SAILORS April 16, 1818 in Franklin County, Indiana, son of CONRAD SAILORS and KATHERINE HACKLEMAN. He was born 1802 in Kings Mountain, Abbeville District, South Carolina, and died August 10, 1835 in Rush County, Indiana.

In Wabash Co. IN by 1850.

Baptist Church at Pleasant Run, Rush Co. IN has:
"Meeting 2nd of Dec. 1826
Brother Augustus Perkins was appointed to visit Brother Hezekiah Sailor and wife and know their reasons for not attending church meetings for months past."

Cencus 1850 Indiana Wabash Co. Liberty Twp pg 338
Frances... 51... F... SC
Elijah... 21... IN
Susan A. ...18... IN
Hezikiah ...16... IN

1860 Wabash Co., Indiana
Frances... 60... F... rent Widow... is living next door to son Hezikiah

148......i......NANCY E. SAILORS, b. April 17, 1820, Rush County, Indiana; d. May 25, 1890, Wabash County, Indiana.
149......ii......MARTHA SAILORS, b. Abt. 1822.
.....iii......MARIA SAILORS, b. Abt. 1824.
150......iv......LEWIS D. SAILORS, b. Abt. 1826, Indiana.
151......v......ELIJAH SAILORS, b. Abt. 1829, Rush County, Indiana. C. SAILORS, b. Abt. 1831.
.....vii......SUSAN AMANDA SAILORS, b. Abt. 1834.
153......viii......HEZEKIAH SAILORS, b. Abt. 1836.

43. NANCY SAILORS (JACOB, JOHN, ABRAM) was born December 10, 1799 in Little River, Horry Co, South Carolina, and died August 31, 1876 in LaFontaine, Wabash, Indiana. She married JOHN N. TYNER September 08, 1818 in Brookville, Franklin, Indiana, son of WILLIAM TYNER and ELIZABETH HACKLEMAN. He was born August 18, 1800 in Little River, Abbeville, South Carolina, and died February 04, 1871 in LaFontaine, Wabash, Indiana, USA.

Notes for JOHN N. TYNER:
John Tyner served as a Colonel in the 47th Regiment Indiana Militia.

census Rush Co. IN district 97 1850 family # 590
Jno Tyner 49 yr male Farmer $ 4000 SC
Nancy 50 yr female SC

Church: First Baptist Church ever organized in Ohio
Description: Honest, industrious young man
Information 1: Biographical Memories of Wabash Co., Indiana B.F. Bowen
publisher, 1901
Information 2: Worked as a day laborer, clearing the forests, rolling logs to earn money with which he purchased 80 acres of land in Rush Co., Indiana, resided in Rush Co., until 1870
Military service: Served as a Colonel in the 47th Regiment of the Indiana Militia for many years.
Residence: Abt. 1805, Moved with parents to Franklin Co., Indiana, the long & perilous journey being made by packhorse. Here he grew to manhood, marring at an early age to Nancy Sailors, who was his faithful companion until death separated them.

Children of NANCY SAILORS and JOHN TYNER are:
154......i......JACOB TYNER, b. July 18, 1819, Brookville, Franklin, Indiana, USA; d. August 10, 1901, Wabash County, Indiana.
155......ii......WILLIAM S. TYNER, b. September 23, 1820, Brookville, Franklin, Indiana, USA; d. August 30, 1896, Curtisville, Tipton County, Indiana.
156......iii......ELIJAH TYNER, b. March 29, 1822, Brookville, Franklin, Indiana, USA; d. 1876.
157......iv......RICHARD TYNER, b. August 17, 1823, Brookville, Franklin, Indiana, USA; d. August 21, 1898, Chester Township, Wabash County, Indiana.
158......v......JOHN N. TYNER, b. December 23, 1825, Brookville, Franklin, Indiana; d. May 25, 1851. JACKSON TYNER, b. December 23, 1825, Brookville, Franklin, Indiana, USA; d. August 22, 1916, Wabash County, Indiana.
160......vii......BEVERLY WARD TYNER, b. August 15, 1827, Brookville, Franklin, Indiana, USA; d. January 08, 1906, Curtisville, Tipton, Indiana.

44. REUBEN SAILORS (JACOB, JOHN, ABRAM) was born February 09, 1801 in Little River, Abbeville District, South Carolina, and died September 09, 1870 in Ashland, Wabash, Indiana, USA. He married (1) LOUISA WYTHE May 18, 1821 in Franklin County, Indiana. She was born Abt. 1804 in South Carolina, and died Bef. 1844 in Indiana. He married (2) EUPHEMIA DAVISSON February 23, 1843 in Rush County, Indiana, daughter of AARON DAVISSON and EUPHEMIA HOLMAN. She was born May 12, 1815 in Monmouth County, New Jersey, and died October 13, 1887 in Wabash County, Indiana.

Reuben Sailors, son of Jacob and Nancy, supposedly had four children by Louisa Wythe before getting a divorce in September, 1834. Source for child by Louisa is Paula Phillips at

Census: 1850 Liberty Twp., Wabash Co., IN pg 334b
Reuben Sailors... 48 yr... male, Farmer... $800... IN,
Euphemia... 35 yr... female... NJ,
Helen M. ...6 yr... female... IN, (daughter by first marriage)
Charles E ...1 yr... male... IN

Census: 1860 LaGro Liberty Twp., Wabash Co. IN pg 141
Reuben... 58... farmer... SC
Euphema... 45... IN
Helen... 16... IN
Margaret... 13... IN
Charles... 11... IN

Census: 1870 Liberty Twp., Wabash Co., IN pg 126
Reuben... 69... farmer... SC
Euphemia... 55... NJ
Mary... 26... IN
Charles... 21... farm Labor... IN

161......i......FRANCES ALVIRA SAILORS, b. August 11, 1822, Rush County, Indiana; d. July 09, 1905, LaFontaine, Wabash County, Indiana.

.....ii......HELEN M. SAILORS, b. Abt. 1844, Wabash County, Indiana.
.....iii......MARGARET SAILORS, b. August 15, 1846, Wabash County, Indiana; d. January 24, 1871, Lafountaine, Wabash, Indiana, USA.
.....iv......CHARLES E. SAILORS, b. April 23, 1849, Lafountaine, Wabash, Indiana, USA; d. November 12, 1871, Lafountaine, Wabash, Indiana, USA.

45. DELILAH SAILORS (JACOB, JOHN, ABRAM) was born Abt. 1803 in Little River, Abbeville District, South Carolina, and died April 25, 1870 in Lafountaine, Wabash, Indiana, USA. She married THOMAS ALEXANDER February 18, 1823 in Rush County, Indiana. He was born April 13, 1803 in Charleston, Virginia, and died January 01, 1874 in Wabash County, Indiana.

162......i......REUBEN ALEXANDER, b. December 04, 1823, Noble Twp , Rush, Indiana, USA; d. April 09, 1902, Crawford County, Ohio.
163......ii......ROBERT ALEXANDER, b. December 29, 1824, Noble Twp , Rush, Indiana, USA; d. August 05, 1902, Liberty Township, Wabash County, Indiana.
164......iii......FRANKLIN ALEXANDER, b. Abt. 1829, Noble Twp , Rush, Indiana, USA.
165......iv......CHARLES ALEXANDER, b. Abt. 1830, Noble Twp , Rush, Indiana, USA; d. October 24, 1884.
166......v......JAMES ALEXANDER, b. November 11, 1832, Noble Twp , Rush, Indiana, USA; d. December 20, 1908, Wabash County, Indiana. ALEXANDER, b. February 18, 1835, Noble Twp , Rush, Indiana, USA; d. February 07, 1877, Wabash County, Indiana.

John Alexander,(Thomas-1), born 1835 Rush Co., Indiana; commited suicide Feb 7, 1877. Mrs. Milton (Sarah Robinson) Alexander became the victim of homicide by brother-in-law , John. There were no childred. Obituary Feb 8, 1877 Page 3, Column 4, Wabash Plain Dealer, Local Department, Wabash, Indiana.
167......vii......NANCY ALEXANDER, b. September 11, 1836, Rush County, Indiana; d. September 23, 1906, LaFontaine, Wabash, Indiana, USA.
.....viii......MAHALA ALEXANDER, b. November 18, 1839, Noble Twp, Rush, Indiana, USA; d. July 17, 1877, Wabash County, Indiana; m. (1) WILLIAM RICHARDS; b. Abt. 1845, Wabash County, Indiana; m. (2) ALLEN B. HAYDEN, February 07, 1867; d. August 1870.
.....ix......FALLACIA ALEXANDER, b. May 01, 1842, Indiana; d. January 02, 1915; m. WILLIAM MILNER, September 18, 1861, Wabash County, Indiana; b. June 16, 1841, Indiana; d. January 09, 1913, Liberty Township, Wabash, Indiana, USA. William was the oldest child in his family. He and Fallacia had 3 children.
168......x......MILTON ALEXANDER, b. April 11, 1844, Noble Twp, Rush County, Indiana, USA; d. February 13, 1906, Wabash County, Indiana.

46. LETTA SAILORS (JACOB, JOHN, ABRAM) was born November 08, 1804 in Little River, Abbeville District, South Carolina, and died June 26, 1845 in Rush County, Indiana. She married ELIJAH ARMSTRONG November 11, 1821 in Franklin County, Indiana. He was born 1804 in Ohio.

.....i......JOSEPH ARMSTRONG, b. Abt. 1830.
169......ii......SARAH A. ARMSTRONG, b. Abt. 1835.
.....iii......MARTHA A. ARMSTRONG, b. Abt. 1837; m. OLIVER BALL, August 12, 1852, Rush County, Indiana.
.....iv......MINERVA ARMSTRONG, b. Abt. 1839; d. March 10, 1893; m. JOHN MUSSELMAN, July 02, 1854, Rush County, Indiana.
.....v......APAULINA ARMSTRONG, b. Abt. 1841, Indiana. ARMSTRONG, b. October 09, 1849, Metamora Twp., Franklin, Indiana, USA.

47. MAHALA SAILORS (JACOB, JOHN, ABRAM) was born Abt. 1805 in Abbeville District, South Carolina, and died 1879 in Lafontaine, Wabash, Indiana, USA. She married GRANVILLE J. SIMS December 21, 1826 in Rush County, Indiana, son of LARKIN SIMS and SALLIE RICE. He was born Abt. 1806, and died 1845 in New Madrid County, Missouri.

1838 living in Fayette County, Indiana

About 1842-43, Granville and Mahala moved near New Madrid Co., Missouri, and settled close to the Mississippi River. During the winter of 1844-45, the whole family came down with Mississippi Fever (Malaria). Granville died. As soon as she could, Mahala took her children (they had several) back to Rush Co., Indiana. Nancy Sailors, a widow took them in. The children were still sick and before long an epidemic overtook the eastern part of the Co., killing about a third of its victims.

171......i......MILTON T. SIMS, b. Abt. 1833.
.....ii......STEPHEN SIMS, b. Abt. 1835, Rush County, Indiana.
172......iii......NAPOLEON BONAPARTE SIMS, b. January 15, 1832, Fayette County, Indiana; d. November 15, 1890, Jingo, Miami County, Kansas.

48. FALLACIA SAILORS (JACOB, JOHN, ABRAM) was born Abt. 1806, and died April 22, 1845 in Rush County, Indiana. She married JOHN J. LINES February 02, 1823 in Rush County, Indiana, son of GREENBARRY LINES and MARY HACKLEMAN. He was born 1804, and died May 22, 1845 in Rush County, Indiana. Fallacia died of typhoid fever after 3 wks. illness.

.....i......NANCY LINES, b. Abt. 1824; m. AARON LEWIS, April 09, 1839, Rush County, Indiana. Some trees on the Internet say Nancy married William S. Tyner.
173......ii......ELIJAH LINES, b. Abt. 1827, North Carolina.
.....iii......OLIVER LINES, b. Abt. 1826, Indiana; m. NANCY A. COWGER, July 07, 1846, Rush County, Indiana; b. Abt. 1829, Indiana. Oliver Lines was a farmer in 1850 Rush Co. 97th District census
.....iv......JACOB LINES, b. Abt. 1828; m. AMANDA JANE SUMMERS, December 11, 1848, Rush County, Indiana.
.....v......GIPSON LINES, b. Abt. 1829. LINES, b. Abt. 1830.
174......vii......SARAH ANN LINES, b. Abt. 1831, Rush County, Indiana; d. Bef. 1866.
.....viii......UNNAMED FEMALE LINES, b. Abt. 1832.

49. JOHN SAILORS (JACOB, JOHN, ABRAM) was born Abt. 1810, and died May 28, 1845 in Rush County, Indiana. He married NANCY PERKINS February 25, 1836 in Rush County, Indiana. She was born Abt. 1813 in South Carolina, and died Abt. 1847. John died of typhoid fever.

Could the Nancy Perkins who married John Sailors 25 Feb. 1836 in Rush Co. be the Nancy Sailors who married Albert Herndon on 1 Aug 1846 in Boone County Indiana and died 1847? John is believed to have died around 1844-46.

175......i......MALINDA SAILORS, b. Abt. 1836; d. October 07, 1920.
176......ii......NANCY SAILORS, b. May 18, 1839, Rush County, Indiana; d. June 29, 1922, Pine Village, Warren, IN.
177......iii......JACOB SAILORS, b. March 12, 1840, Rush County, Indiana; d. January 16, 1915.
.....iv......ROBERT SAILORS, b. Abt. 1842. Robert Sailors, son of John and Nancy, was living with the John Kersey family of Boone County, Indiana, in the 1850 census
177A.....v......WILLIAM HARVEY SAILORS, b. Abt. 1844, Indiana. Harvey Sailors, son of John and Nancy, was living with the Wilson Moore family in Boone County, IN in the 1850 census. He married MARY E. ROBINSON on 10 October 1872 in Wabash County, Indiana, USA.
50. CHARLES HOMER SAILORS (JACOB, JOHN, ABRAM) was born Abt. October 14, 1811 in Franklin (now Rush) County, Indiana, and died October 12, 1887 in Wabash County, Indiana. He married (1) ELIZABETH. He married (2) ELIZABETH BANNISTER 1832 in Rush County, Indiana, daughter of JOHN BANISTER and PATSY PERKINS. She was born Abt. 1814 in Indiana, and died December 22, 1878 in Wabash County, Indiana.

Charles moved on September 23, 1847 to Wabash Co. IN.
Census 1: 1850, Wabash Co., Liberty Twp pg 44 and 335
Census 2: 1860, Wabash Co., pg 194
Census 3: 1870, Wabash Co., Liberty Twp pg 44
Census 4: 1880, Wabash Co., pg 17 and 314

178......i......ERASTUS SAILORS, b. Abt. 1836, Rush County, Indiana; d. October 13, 1887.
179......ii......ELIAS SAILORS, b. Abt. 1839, Rush County, Indiana; d. May 13, 1875, LaFontaine, Wabash, Indiana.
180......iii......INDIANA SAILORS, b. June 16, 1842, Rush County, Indiana.
.....iv......CORNELIA EDHERLINDA SAILORS, b. Abt. 1845, Rush County, Indiana; m. WILLIAM FRANKLIN LINES, July 06, 1862, Wabash County, Indiana. They were married by Elijah Hackleman, Wabash Co. Marriages Book 6, page 48.
181......v......MARIETTA SAILORS, b. Abt. 1848. SAILORS, b. Abt. 1852, Wabash County, Indiana.

Is he the John J. Sailors born 19 JAN 1851 in Wabash County, Indiana and died in 1913, a butcher and grocer who married Sarah Elma Thorne on 12 DEC 1869 ? She was born 17 AUG 1852 in Wabash County, Indiana. According to Barbra L. Myers at their children were:

Mertie Belle Sailors b: 16 NOV 1870
Ovid Burr Sailors b: 20 MAY 1875
Clyde Poston Sailors b: 1 NOV 1877
Edith Philona Sailors b: 10 AUG 1882
John Leslie Sailors b: 8 DEC 1887
George Erasmus Sailors b: 8 DEC 1887
Given that our John had a brother named Erastus, and might've named a son after him, it seems possible.

.....vii......THELMA SAILORS, b. Abt. 1853.
.....viii......PHILURA SAILORS, b. Abt. 1856.
182......ix......EDGAR SAILORS, b. Abt. 1859, Wabash County, Indiana.

51. JACOB L. SAILORS (JACOB, JOHN, ABRAM) was born August 23, 1813 in Franklin (now Rush) County, Indiana, and died June 26, 1888 in Wabash County, Indiana. He married CATHERINE JACK April 24, 1831 in Rush County, Indiana. She was born January 30, 1811 in Bath County, Kentucky, and died January 09, 1888 in Wabash County, Indiana.

March 29, 1841 settled in Wabash Co. IN
Wabash Co. Commissioner 1857-59
--1877 in Indiana legislature
--1884 Justice of the Peace
Baptist. Republican. Owned a drygoods store.

census 1850 Wabash Co. IN Liberty Twp
Jacob Sailors...38... male... Merchant... $600 IN,
Catharine... 41 yr ...female... IN,
Lorinda D... 16 yr ...female ...IN,
Hester A ...14 yr... female... IN,
Edgar M ...11 yr ...male... IN,
Hamilton M. ...9 yr ...male... IN,
Helen F. ...6 yr ...female... IN,
Chrles M ...4 yr ...male... IN
James Lines ...18 yr ...male... Farmer ...IN
Lucinda Lines ...18 yr ...female... IN

Census 2: 1860, Wabash Co. IN, Liberty Twp LaGro pg 170
Census 3: 1870, Noble Twp, Indiana, pg 41

Census: 1880
Name Relation Marital Status Gender Race Age Birthplace Occupation Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace
Jacob SAILOR... Self...M ...Male...W...66...IN...Farmer...NC...NC
Catharine SAILOR...Wife...M...Female...W...68...KY...House Keeping...NC...SC
John LOWE...Other...M...Male...W...20...OH...Farmer...OH...OH
Viola LOWE ...Other...M ...Female...W...22..IN ..House K. ...IN... IN
Walter LOWE...Other...S...Male...W... 3...OH ...OH... IN
Harry LOWE...Other...S ..Male...W...11M ... IN..OH ... IN
Census Place Noble, Wabash, Indiana
Family History Library Film 1254315
NA Film Number T9-0315
Page Number 355D

183......i......JAMES L. SAILORS, b. Abt. 1832, Indiana.
.....ii......LORINDA JANE SAILORS, b. 21 Oct 1833, and married ELIAS JACKSON. She d. 23 Oct 1855, and buried with Sailors family. Elias remarried and moved to Toledo, Iowa, per Brad Jackson of Fishers, Indiana.
.....iii......HESTER ANN SAILORS, b. 05 Dec 1835 in Rush County, IN; d. 14 Jul 1914 Wabash County, IN; m. JOHN GOLDEN HARVEY 10 Feb 1856 Wabash County, IN. He b. 17 Feb 1826 Monroe Co., VA (later WVA), d. 17 Dec 1908 in Wabash County, Indiana. 7 children.
.....iv......EDGAR M. SAILORS, b. Abt. 1839, Indiana; d. November 25, 1856, Lafountaine, Wabash County, Indiana.
184......v......HAMILTON MILLER SAILORS, b. Abt. 1841, Wabash County, Indiana; d. Abt. 1923, Kokomo, Indiana. F. SAILORS, b. Abt. 1844; m. ? SMITH.
.....vii......CHARLES MARK SAILORS, b. July 29, 1846; m. LINA MARCY, 1879; b. Peru, Indiana.

Event: Civil War Vetern He served with the 118th &138th Volunteer Inf.
Occupation: Commercial Salesman
Event: Political Affiliation Republican
52. GEORGE WASHINGTON SAILORS (THOMAS, JOHN, ABRAM) was born February 27, 1814, and died March 1854 in Wabash County, Indiana. He married ASENATH SCOTT January 23, 1834 in Rush County, Indiana. She was born February 13, 1813 in Kentucky, and died March 29, 1899 in Palisade, Hitchcock, Nebraska, USA.

Census: 1880
Name Relation Marital Status Gender Race Age Birthplace Occupation Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace
J. W. SAYLORS...Self...M...Male...W...24...IN...Farmer...IN...KY
Henrietta SAYLORS...Wife...M...Female...W...21...IN...Keeping House...PA...OH
Essina SAYLORS...Mother...W...Female...W...66...KY...At Home...VA...PA
Census Place St. Stephens, Richardson, Nebraska
Family History Library Film...1254754
NA Film Number...T9-0754
Page Number...409C

185......i......JOHN THOMAS SAILORS, b. October 27, 1834, Rush County, Indiana; d. January 29, 1876, Nemaha, Nemaha, Nebraska, USA.
186......ii......WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON SAILORS, b. April 09, 1837, Rush County, Indiana; d. December 05, 1909, Barada, Richardson, Nebraska, USA.
187......iii......JAMES ALLAN SAILORS, b. November 03, 1839, Mobay, Rush, Indiana, USA; d. May 23, 1919, Harrison, Sioux, Nebraska, USA.
188......iv......WINFIELD SCOTT SAILORS, b. October 09, 1841, Indiana; d. July 27, 1913.
.....v......MAHALA JANE SAILORS, b. October 09, 1841; d. September 06, 1907; m. MARTIN ALLISON, January 20, 1868, Wabash County, Indiana; b. March 17, 1837. JACKSON SAILORS, b. June 30, 1846, Wabash County, Indiana; d. August 22, 1926, Palisade, Hitchcock County, Nebraska.
190......vii......LOT GEORGE SAILORS, b. September 23, 1851, Wabash County, Indiana; d. September 24, 1918.
.....viii......GEORGE WASHINGTON SAILORS, b. September 17, 1854, Wabash County, Indiana; d. November 10, 1931; m. HENRIETTA REAM, March 11, 1877.

53. TOBITHA SAILORS (THOMAS, JOHN, ABRAM) was born Abt. 1816 in Indiana, and died Abt. 1850. She married EPHRAIM FRAZEE December 08, 1831 in Rush County, Indiana, son of AARON FRAZEE and ELEANOR FINCH. He was born Abt. 1814 in Kentucky, and died Abt. 1852 in Wabash County, Indiana.

REFERENCE: 8th Augt 1850; H. J. Lenox, Ass't Marshal; MF# 412
32 34...34 FRAZEE.........Ephraim...... 36...M.........Farmer.........500...... Ky........................... X
33 34...34 FRAZEE.........Tebitha...... 32...F................................. Ind...........................X
34 34...34 FRAZEE.........Susan......... 15...F................................. Ind
35 34...34 FRAZEE.........Ellen......... 13...F................................. Ind
36 34...34 FRAZEE.........Thomas.........11...M................................. Ind
37 34...34 FRAZEE.........Nancy......... 8... F................................. Ind
38 34...34 FRAZEE.........Sally Anne... 6... F................................. Ind
39 34...34 FRAZEE.........George W.......3... M................................. Ind
40 34...34 FRAZEE.........James R....... 1... M................................. Ind
41 35...35 LINES......... Henry......... 33...M.........Farmer.........500...... Ind...........................X
42 35...35 LINES......... Margaret...... 30...F................................. Ind
1...35...35 LINE......... William F.... 8... M................................. Ind
2...35...35 LINE......... Marshall...... 2... M................................. Ind
3...35...35 LINE......... Anne......... 2/12 F................................. Ind

.....i......SUSAN FRAZEE, b. Abt. 1835.
.....ii......THOMAS FRAZEE, b. Abt. 1839.
.....iii......NANCY FRAZEE, b. Abt. 1842.
.....iv......SALLIE ANN FRAZEE, b. Abt. 1844.
.....v......GEORGE W. FRAZEE, b. Abt. 1847. R. FRAZEE, b. October 11, 1848, Marion County, Indiana.
192......vii......ELLEN FRAZEE, b. December 13, 1836, Rush County, Indiana; d. December 02, 1894, Wabash County, Indiana.

54. WILLIAM D. SAILORS (MICHAEL, JOHN, ABRAM) was born Abt. 1816 in Grant County, Indiana, and died March 25, 1892. He married (1) MARY ANN MOORE November 12, 1835 in Fayette County, Indiana. She died Bef. 1843. He married (2) JANE LINES December 20, 1843 in Rush County, Indiana, daughter of JOHN LINES and CATHERINE SAILORS. She was born Abt. 1826 in Kentucky.

Census: 1850 Grant Co., Pleasand Twp., pg 225
Census: 1870 Waltz Twp., Wabash Co., IN, pg 21

Census: 1880
Name ...Relation...Marital Status...Gender...Race...Age...Birthplace...Occupation...Father's Birthplace...Mother's Birthplace
William SAILORS ...Self ...M ...Male ...W ...67 ...IN ...Brick Mason ...KY ...KY
Jane SAILORS ...Wife ...M ...Female ...W ...60 ...IN ...Keeping House ...--- ...---
Alice SAILORS ...Dau ...S ...Female ...W ...19 ...IN ...Works At Home ...--- ...---
Jeremiah SAILORS ...Son ...S ...Male ...W ...15 ...IN ...Works At Home ...--- ...---
...Census Place...District 167, Richland, Grant, Indiana
...Family History Library Film ...1254279
...NA Film Number ...T9-0279
...Page Number ...409D

Name ...Relation...Marital Status...Gender...Race...Age...Birthplace...Occupation...Father's Birthplace...Mother's Birthplace
William SAILORS ... Self ... M ... Male ... W ... 67 ... IN ... Brick Mason ... KY ... KY
Jane SAILORS ... Wife ... M ... Female ... W ... 60 ... IN ... Keeping House ... --- ... ---
Alice SAILORS ... Dau ... S ... Female ... W ... 19 ... IN ... Works At Home ... --- ... ---
Jeremiah SAILORS ... Son ... S ... Male ... W ... 15 ... IN ... Works At Home ... --- ... ---
...Census Place...District 167, Richland, Grant, Indiana
...Family History Library Film ...1254279
...NA Film Number ...T9-0279
...Page Number ...409D

193......i......RICHARD THOMAS SAILORS, b. August 22, 1836, Fayette County, Indiana; d. June 04, 1913, Lincolnville, Wabash, Indiana, USA.
.....ii......MARY E. SAILORS, b. Abt. 1839.
194......iii......WILLIAM H. SAILORS, b. Abt. 1842; d. February 28, 1903, Grant County, Indiana.

.....iv......JOHN E. SAILORS, b. Abt. 1846.

Notes for JOHN E. SAILORS:
Further information obtained about subject: John Edgar Saylors, b. 13 July 1846 Marion IN, d.24 Aug 1902 Converse IN, "burial Vernon", "left four brothers"; first marriage Mary Ann Cooper d.1871; married Rebecca. E. [maiden name unknown]1872, b. 1850. Still hoping to learn about his family.

Dear Jean Leavell,
Thank you so much for your message board response. I would love to get any information about the Sailors and Lines ancestries. John E. was my great-grandfather, about whom my family knew nothing until I started digging, but only recently got as far as his father and mother in the 1850 census. John died in 1902 in Converse IN, apparently in unhappy circumstances, and his daughter Iva, my grandmother, died in 1904 at a young age, my mother was only about 7. John's son Ova, was a bricklayer like his grandfather, William. Thanks in advance for anything you can tell me.
Mark Garrison
161 Aldrich Avenue
Warwick RI 02889 (401)738-8010

.....v......MIRANDA SAILORS, b. Abt. 1853; m. HENRY EVENSISER. MARION SAILORS, b. June 22, 1853, Grant County, Indiana; d. June 19, 1929, Wabash County, Indiana.
.....vii......MONROE SAILORS, b. Abt. 1857.
.....viii......FRANKLIN SAILORS, b. Abt. 1858; m. MARTHA J. FLOOK, March 24, 1877.
Is this them in the 1880 census? If so, who's the divorced cousin Willis Lines?
Name ...Relation...Marital Status...Gender...Race...Age...Birthplace...Occupation...Father's Birthplace...Mother's Birthplace
Frank M. SAILORS ... Self ... M ... Male ... W ... 25 ... IN ... Huckster ... KY ... KY
Jane SAILORS ... Wife ... M ... Female ... W ... 20 ... IN ... Keeping House ... IN ... IN
Dora SAILORS ... Dau ... S ... Female ... W ... 2 ... IN ... ... IN ... IN
Willis LINES ... Cousin ... D ... Male ... W ... 30 ... IN ... Farm Hand ... KY ... KY
...Census Place...Waltz, Wabash, Indiana
...Family History Library Film ...1254315
...NA Film Number ...T9-0315
...Page Number ...341A
.....ix......AMANTHA SAILORS, b. Abt. 1862.
.....x......JEREMIAH SAILORS, b. Abt. 1866.

55. PEGGY SAILORS (MICHAEL, JOHN, ABRAM) was born Abt. 1819. She married HENRY LINES October 20, 1840 in Rush County, Indiana.

.....i......WILLIAM FRANKLIN LINES, m. CORNELIA EDHERLINDA SAILORS, July 06, 1862, Wabash County, Indiana; b. Abt. 1845, Rush County, Indiana. They were married by Elijah Hackleman, Wabash Co. Marriages Book 6, page 48.

56. THOMAS SAILORS (MICHAEL, JOHN, ABRAM) was born Abt. 1823, and died December 01, 1884 in Marion, Grant County, Indiana. He married ELIZABETH ?. She was born in Ohio.

Event: Deaf Mute
Census: 1850 Pleasand Twp., Grant Co., IN pg 225
Occupation: Shoemaker

.....i......SYLVESTER SAILORS, b. Abt. 1849.

65. SUSAN SAILORS (CONRAD, JOHN, ABRAM) was born 1798 in Abbeville, South Carolina, and died 1847 in Burlington, Desmond, Iowa, USA. She married ROBERT THOMPSON August 13, 1818 in Franklin County, Indiana.

.....ii......LEWIS THOMPSON.

66. ANNA SAILORS (CONRAD, JOHN, ABRAM) was born August 20, 1799 in Abbeville District, South Carolina, and died June 25, 1887 in Rush County, Indiana. She married WILLIAM POGUE December 23, 1821 in Fayette County, Indiana, son of GEORGE POGUE and CASSY PAYNE. He was born December 26, 1796 in South Carolina, and died July 28, 1851 in Rushville, Rush, Indiana, USA.

Anna was blind for 30 years before her death.

June 19, 1851 date of will naming son Robert, Bennet as executor, and "minor heirs"

.....i......FANNY POGUE, m. ? JORDAN.
.....ii......MELVINA POGUE, d. Aft. 1904; m. ? NOBLE.
.....iii......BENNET POGUE, b. Abt. 1823; d. August 30, 1896, Wabash County, Indiana.
.....iv......CATHERINE POGUE, b. Abt. 1825.
.....v......WILSON POGUE, b. Abt. 1827. ANN POGUE, b. Abt. 1829.
.....vii......CASSY A. POGUE, b. Abt. 1832; d. Aft. 1904; m. ? STEPHENS.
202......viii......ROBERT THOMAS POGUE, b. Abt. 1835, Indiana.
.....ix......MARGARET POGUE, b. Abt. 1836, Rush County, Indiana; d. Aft. 1904; m. ? MARSHALL.
203......x......NANCY POGUE, b. March 06, 1837, Noble Township, Rush, Indiana, USA; d. July 09, 1894.
.....xi......JULIA ANN POGUE, b. Abt. 1840.
.....xii......AMANDA POGUE, b. Abt. 1842.
.....xiii......MAYBELLE POGUE, b. Abt. 1843.

67. HEZEKIAH SAILORS (CONRAD, JOHN, ABRAM) was born 1802 in Kings Mountain, Abbeville District, South Carolina, and died August 10, 1835 in Rush County, Indiana. He married FANNY SAILORS April 16, 1818 in Franklin County, Indiana, daughter of JACOB SAILORS and NANCY LACY. She was born Abt. 1799 in Little River, Abbeville District, South Carolina, and died Abt. 1858.

Baptist Church at Pleasant Run, Rush Co. IN has:
"Meeting 2nd of Dec. 1826
Brother Augustus Perkins was appointed to visit Brother Hezekiah Sailor and wife and know their reasons for not attending church meetings for months past."

Cencus 1850 Indiana Wabash Co. Liberty Twp pg 338
Frances... 51... F... SC
Elijah... 21... IN
Susan A. ...18... IN
Hezikiah ...16... IN

1860 Wabash Co., Indiana
Frances... 60... F... rent Widow... is living next door to son Hezikiah

In Wabash Co. IN by 1850.

Children are listed above under (42) Fanny Sailors.

68. FRANCES SAILORS (CONRAD, JOHN, ABRAM) was born 1806, and died March 08, 1879 in Wabash County, Indiana. She married LEWIS SIMS September 16, 1824 in Rush County, Indiana, son of WILLIAM SIMS and AMELIA RUSSELL. He was born March 02, 1802 in Cocke, Tennessee, and died March 09, 1864 in LaFontaine, Wabash, Indiana, USA.

.....i......MARIE SIMS, m. ABNER BOUD.
.....ii......PATSY SIMS, m. JACOB SHELLEY.
.....iii......CATHERINE SIMS, m. TOM HALE.
.....iv......CLAY SIMS.

69. HARRIETT SAILORS (CONRAD, JOHN, ABRAM) was born Abt. 1808 in Rush County, Indiana, and died March 08, 1879 in Grant County, Indiana. She married JESSE D. SCOTT February 10, 1826 in Rush County, Indiana, son of CHARLES SCOTT and MARTHA WHITLOCK. He was born June 10, 1804 in Fayette County, Indiana, and died September 14, 1864 in Grant County, Indiana. Jesse was a Baptist minister.

204......i......FANNY SCOTT, b. April 20, 1826, Fayette County, Indiana; d. October 17, 1906, Wabash County, Indiana.
.....ii......HARRIET SCOTT, b. Abt. 1827; m. ELIAS B. RUSSELL, February 23, 1847, Wabash County, Indiana.
.....iii......ALICE SCOTT, b. Abt. 1828.
205......iv......MARGARET SCOTT, b. Abt. 1833, Rush County, Indiana.
.....v......ELLEN SCOTT, b. Abt. 1834. E. SCOTT, b. January 04, 1834, Wabash County, Indiana; d. November 20, 1891, Wabash County, Indiana.
.....vii......CONRAD SCOTT, b. Abt. 1837, Indiana; d. Abt. 1887, Kansas.
.....viii......POLLY ANN SCOTT, b. Abt. 1840.
.....ix......ELIJAH W. SCOTT, b. Abt. 1841, Wabash County, Indiana; d. June 05, 1863, Vicksburg, Warren, Mississippi.
.....x......JONATHAN SCOTT, b. Abt. 1842.
.....xi......JESSE D. SCOTT, b. Abt. 1844, Wabash County, Indiana; d. January 18, 1877.
.....xii......LEWIS SCOTT, b. Abt. 1846.
.....xiii......JACOB SCOTT, b. Abt. 1848.

70. WILLIAM GIPSON SAILORS (CONRAD, JOHN, ABRAM) was born April 16, 1813 in Franklin County, Indiana, and died May 30, 1860 in Rush County, Indiana. He married (1) HARRIET LINES December 12, 1831 in Rush County, Indiana, daughter of GREENBARRY LINES and MARY HACKLEMAN. She was born 1815. He married (2) JULIA FLINT March 28, 1839, daughter of SIMEON FLINT and ISMENY HUGHS. She was born 1821 in Boone County, Indiana.

.....i......RACHEL SAILORS, b. 1836, Rush County, Indiana.
.....ii......OLIVER H. SAILORS, b. 1838, Rush County, Indiana.

207......iii......SARAH C. SAILORS, b. Abt. 1842, Rush County, Indiana.
.....iv......ANNA E. SAILORS, b. Abt. 1842; m. H. J. GLASS, December 03, 1863.
208......v......WILLIAM MARSHALL SAILORS, b. November 16, 1844, Rush County, Indiana; d. September 24, 1906, Stark, Neosho, Kansas, USA. SAILORS, b. Abt. 1847.
.....vii......THEODORE SAILORS, b. Abt. 1849; d. April 12, 1864, Rush County, Indiana.
.....viii......CHARLES M. SAILORS, b. 1850; d. March 01, 1860, Rush County, Indiana.
.....ix......LAURA A. SAILORS.
.....x......JOHN A. SAILORS, b. Abt. 1854.
.....xi......VICTORIA SAILORS, b. Abt. 1854; m. WILLIAM J. GODDARD, September 04, 1873, Rush County, Indiana.
.....xii......SUSAN A. SAILORS, b. Abt. 1859.

71. ELIZABETH SAILORS (CONRAD, JOHN, ABRAM) was born October 11, 1813 in Franklin County, Indiana, and died February 06, 1839 in Rushville, Rush County, Indiana. She married THOMAS PUGH June 24, 1832 in Rushville, Rush County, Indiana. He was born April 18, 1812 in Warren County, Ohio, and died September 10, 1889 in Rantoul, Franklin County, Kansas.

Notes for THOMAS PUGH:
Was listed as a merchant in the 1850 Rush County, Indiana census. Was later listed in the History of Rush County as a "Hatter". A Thomas Pugh and Nehemiah Hayden of Indianapolis formed a bank in 1852 in Rushville, Indiana. Probate Court Book # 8, page 365, Recorders Office, Rush County Courthouse.
In the 1860 census in Rushville, Indiana he is listed living with wife Rebecca, son Rue (22) , and young Elbert Hubbard (10). Leah Pugh Hubbard died in 1854 and Asheal Hubbard was off so mewhere.
A copy of his obituary from Roberta Pugh in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma. There is a Rantoul, Kansas west of Paola. There is no date on the obituary or on his photograph in the possession of Roberta Pugh.
Thos. Pugh died at his house in Rantoul Monday, at the age of 76 years, of old age. Mr. Pugh was born in Waynesville, Ohio and has been a resident of Kansas for two years. The remains were interred in the Paola Cemetery Tuesday.
In the genealogy library in Albuquerque is a listing of pensioners from the Mexican America n War, the same one Oliver M. Pugh served in. The following listing was found: S-21383 Pugh T homas H. See Thomas H Kennady Under Thomas H. Kennady was found: S-21383 Kennady, Thomas H . KY/ "H" 3 IN Vols - 1887 Mar 18 alias - Thomas H. Pugh Translated, it means company H , 3rd Indiana Volunteers. Did he serve or was he recruited in Kentucky? What was the name Ke nnady about? If he was 60 in 1887 that would put his birth in 1827...about right for Oliver a nd Lot as brothers.
His gravestone in Paola Kansas, Oakgrove section, Lot # 280 Reads: Thomas Pugh Died Sept. 1 0 1889 (could be 1888) 77yrs 4mo 23days That would make his birth date 18 April 1812, and abo ut age 35 in 1847 when the Mexican American war started. He was married to his second wife by then with a bunch of kids. It is unlikely that the Thomas Pugh in the military records is the same. The information on his marriages came from marriage and death records in the Rush ville, Indiana library.

.....i......WILLIAM PUGH, b. 1833. William was listed as a clerk in Williamson's Store in District 97, Rush County, Indiana, in the 1850 census.
.....ii......SARAH C. PUGH, b. 1837; m. ANDREW MANES, October 08, 1872, Rush County, Indiana.

72. JACOB SAILORS (CONRAD, JOHN, ABRAM) was born Abt. 1815, and died July 08, 1876 in Wabash County, Indiana. He married ANNA MILNER March 05, 1838 in Rush County, Indiana, daughter of WILLIAM MILNER and SARAH HACKLEMAN. She was born July 05, 1816 in Eaton, Preble County, Ohio, and died February 27, 1876.

Jacob was a Baptist and a Whig, later Republican. He came by wagon to Wabash Co. IN in 1845 and entered 150 acres in Liberty Twp. and by thrift and shrewdness, owned 275 acres by his death. He died age 60y 6m.

Notes for ANNA MILNER:
Anna Milner Sailors died age 59y 7m 17d
In 1841, to Wabash Co. IN farm 2 mi. W of Ashland.

Children of JACOB SAILORS and ANNA MILNER are:
.....i......RILLER SAILORS.
209......ii......WILLIAM A. SAILORS, b. September 28, 1828, Rush County, Indiana; d. October 11, 1913, Wabash County, Indiana.
210......iii......BENNET SAILORS, b. Abt. 1841; d. August 20, 1907.
211......iv......SARAH CATHERINE SAILORS, b. March 13, 1846, three miles from Wabash, IN; d. November 29, 1910, Helena, Alfalfa County, Oklahoma.
.....v......DAVID SAILORS, b. November 28, 1848, Wabash County, Indiana; d. May 19, 1886, Lincolnville, Wabash, Indiana; m. CHARLOTTE A. JACKSON, September 06, 1868, Wabash County, Indiana. SAILORS, b. December 1860, Wabash, Wabash County, Indiana.

73. POLLY SAILORS (CONRAD, JOHN, ABRAM) was born 1804 in Franklin County, Indiana, and died Abt. 1843 in America, Wabash County, Indiana. She married ELIJAH QUICK March 01, 1821 in Franklin County, Indiana, son of JOHN QUICK and MARY EADS. He was born February 25, 1802 in Harrison County, Kentucky, and died January 12, 1853 in Liberty, Wabash, Indiana.

They moved to Rush County IN. where agriculture was his occupation. About 1837 Elijah moved to Liberty, Wabash County, IN. where he was fairly well - to - do. He joined with a Mr. Dortch to open the second general store in America, Liberty Twp. On Mar. 2, 1842 he was appointed Postmaster of America. He served until his death. Elijah was a Justice of the Peace in Liberty Twp. In Franklin County he belonged to the Little Cedar Grove Baptist Church; in Wabash County he was a member of the Little Antioch Baptist Church.

Sources include

.....i......SARAH SALLY QUICK, b. Abt. 1822, ,Rush, Indiana; d. March 23, 1844; m. (1) JOHN SPARR, March 05, 1840, Wabash County, Indiana; b. Abt. 1818; m. (2) WILLIAM DORTCH, May 23, 1844, Wabash County, Indiana; b. Abt. 1818.
.....ii......JOHN THOMPSON QUICK, b. Abt. 1824, Rush County, Indiana; d. 1848, Wabash County, Indiana.
213......iii......HEZEKIAH SAILORS QUICK, b. February 1825, Rush County, Indiana; d. November 20, 1867, Washington County, Oregon.
.....iv......ABNER QUICK, b. Abt. 1826, <, Rush, Indiana>.
.....v......DAVID OLIVER QUICK, b. Abt. 1826, Rush County, Indiana; d. 1888. QUICK, b. October 20, 1827, Rush County, Indiana; d. March 03, 1903, Tama County, Iowa.
.....vii......(INFANT) QUICK, b. Abt. 1829, ,Rush, Indiana; d. 1830.
215......viii......JACOB C. QUICK, b. October 22, 1830, Rush County, Indiana; d. June 30, 1909, St. Simon's Island, Georgia.
216......ix......CATHERINE QUICK, b. May 17, 1832, Rush County, Indiana; d. February 17, 1925, Tama County, Iowa.
217......x......HARRIET QUICK, b. October 16, 1833, Rush County, Indiana; d. December 20, 1905.
218......xi......WILLIAM GIPSON QUICK, b. August 20, 1835, Wabash County, Indiana; d. Abt. 1895, Gilmer, Upshur, Texas.
219......xii......MARGARET QUICK, b. July 17, 1838, Wabash County, Indiana; d. January 12, 1914, New Hartford, Iowa.
.....xiii......RILLER QUICK, b. Abt. 1839; d. Aft. October 1850.
220......xiv......MARY QUICK, b. September 13, 1842, Liberty Twp., Wabash, Indiana, USA; d. May 20, 1905, Cherokee County, Iowa.
.....xv......JESSE D. QUICK, b. September 29, 1843, Union, Liberty, Indiana; d. July 11, 1864, Wabash County, Indiana.

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